Childhood school friend. Friendship comes from childhood

I want to talk about my childhood friend, you could say about my first girlfriend.
I started first grade at the age of 6, all my other classmates were already a year older than me. I was a cowardly girl, I was not the first to make contact with the guys. But, fortunately, my mother is sociable and at the first assembly dedicated to September 1st, she immediately met the mother of another girl. And our mothers decided to make us friends. Moreover, as it turned out later, it was right for us to walk home.

Our first lessons and homework arrived, we looked at our teacher like a second mother, we wanted to be praised, we were afraid to make a mistake. My friend always tried to draw the teacher’s attention only to herself, and was jealous of others. In principle, I did not envy this, although I also liked it when I was praised. We played with her at recess and went home together. In friendship, as I was taught, I tried to be faithful and knew that friends should always be helped. Our elementary school was not big, the toilet was outside. We often asked to go to the toilet in the middle of classes, but since it was boring to run to it alone, we always asked to go to the toilet together. And then one day, as usual, we asked our teacher to go to the toilet together. She let us go. We ran playfully into the street. And when we ran to the toilet, we saw that the builders had dug a huge hole near the toilet. The school was planning to build a new toilet. So, we got interested. We approached the pit and looked into it with interest.
\"Wow, what a huge hole, is this all for the toilet?\" I asked.
“Oh, what, it’s not a big hole yet, even if I climb into it, I can get out,” the friend answered.
“Why are you lying, just try to climb in,” I said.
“Oh, it’s easy,” she replied. And she jumped into the hole.
I looked at her in the hole in amazement. \"And how will you get out now?\"
“Well, look,” said the friend and began to cling with her fingers to the pebbles sticking out from the walls of the hole. But she still couldn’t get out, the pebbles fell out, her fingers slipped. Looking at this picture, I got scared and told her that I would quickly run to class and tell the teacher, she would help.
\"Nooo!\" my friend screamed. \"No, if you leave, you are no longer my friend!\"
“But I can’t pull you out, you’re heavy,” I said.
\"Then, you jump here and give me a lift. “Oh, I’ll get out, I’ll pull you out, I’m strong,” said the friend.
Without hesitation, I jumped into the hole. I gave my friend a lift and she got out. She began to pull my hand, but she couldn’t pull me out either.
\"What are we going to do?\" I asked, looking out of the hole.
“I’ll call for help now, sit down, I’ll be quick,” she answered sharply and rushed off without even allowing me to shout anything.
Well, what do you think happened next... The teacher came running, and it was just our class. Everyone looked and laughed. The teacher, swearing, pulled me out of the hole, it was a terrible shame. But the girlfriend was in the role of the savior of a careless comrade who had climbed into a hole, just like an October child, not a girlfriend.

My friendship with Sveta began even before kindergarten. It so happened that my parents got an apartment in the very building where her family already lived. That’s how we met. Well, of course, we met, that’s how it is said - it’s just that our parents together us We walked in the yard. We were still little.
And that’s how we grew up together. First kindergarten. Together in the same group. Toys, dolls, games. As the years passed, we grew further. And now 1st grade. School. And again we are together in the same class. At our desks, of course, separately Then they were seated in pairs - a boy and a girl.
After some time, we got a different apartment because... We were on the waiting list for an apartment. She was in another area of ​​the city. Another block. And if we used to go to school right away together, this time I was just waiting for her when she came up to go further together. I came to visit her. We went for a walk together. And even in the evenings we just walked around the city.
This is how we made it to the end of school. 9th grade. Exams. Graduation. Reflections on the future. Where to go next.
We were not excellent students to enter universities, so we decided to go to school. But, having passed a medical examination upon admission, for health reasons it turns out that I cannot be accepted into the chosen profession. Out of solidarity, my friend also refuses to enroll. So we decided continue studying at school in grades 10 and 11.
In the process of studying, we understand that we will not cope (the class there was with a mathematical bias), and we also both dropped out of school. We received a scolding from our parents and then our paths diverged. She still decided to go where we were going and from the new school year I went to school. I was a little capricious, I didn’t want to study, I wanted to work right away. It didn’t work out either and I spent the lost year at home. I saw my friend, but not as often as before. She was busy with her studies. Me too then I went to school, but it was different.
My friend and I didn’t see each other often, we called each other more often. She could always help me. Even when I was quarreling with a guy, she tried to make peace between us.
Upon completion of her studies at the school, she gets married and moves to another region. Our communication shifts to writing. Immediately after her marriage, she had a child, a boy. She came to visit her parents at home. She came to me with the baby. We walked around the city, I carried the stroller with him. It was as good as before in my school years.
She often came to her parents then. The boy was still small. Such a good child. I played with him.
I will always remember the last time I saw them. She was so cheerful, joked, smiled. My son was already in elementary school. It was summer..
And in the fall they tell me that her family died... All of them. She, her husband and son. Such a terrible fate. Gas. They were burned by gas in their own apartment. At night, when they were sleeping, the individual heating boiler began leaking gas. The husband and son immediately. They were closer to the hearth. She immediately fell into a coma. I don’t remember how long she spent in this state, but when she came out of the coma, it was only a few minutes. She saw her mother, father and everything... How terrible. What grief.
They buried her in her homeland. They brought her to where we spent our entire adult lives together. I saw her off on her last journey..

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1. Let in sunbeams. 2. Watch the seeds germinate. 3. Slide down a high icy mountain together. 4. Bring a branch from the frost and put it in water. 5. Cut jaws from orange peels. 6. Look at the stars. 7. Shade coins and leaves hidden under the paper. 8. Shake the pencil until it appears to be flexible. 9. Punch holes in ice under running water. 10. Prepare burnt sugar in a spoon. 11. Cut out garlands of paper people. 12. Show shadow theater. 13. Let...

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About absurdities in children's books. I’ll say right away - As a child, I was sure that Reading Pinocchio - the song “The Bird Danced a Polka” contains the phrase “A toad is blowing into it, she put steel armor on it and said, as soon as you take it down, come to my house on the outskirts of the forest.

It’s just that she’s preventing me from separating my mother’s emotional overload from the real problem?). Question: WHO chose this kindergarten for the child? We live on the outskirts and don’t seem to complain about the kindergarten. Everyone is happy, especially the teachers.

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As a child, I was restless and caused my parents a lot of trouble. Recently, my mother and I recalled interesting incidents from my childhood. Here are some funny episodes:

One day, while walking in kindergarten, my friend and I came up with the idea of ​​whether we should quietly go home and watch cartoons, because it was so boring in kindergarten. And so she and I sneaked unnoticed to the exit; to our joy, the gate was not closed. And finally - freedom!!! We felt like adults and were truly happy. We knew the way home perfectly, since it was located three blocks from the kindergarten. We had almost reached the house, when suddenly our neighbor, Uncle Misha, who was going to the bakery, blocked our way. He asked us where we were going and why we were alone, turned us around and led us back to the kindergarten. This is how our first independent trip ended sadly for us, because we didn’t manage to watch cartoons that day, because... we were punished.

And this story happened to me when I was taken to my grandmother for the summer, I was a little over 3 years old. I played in the house with toys while my grandmother was busy in the garden, and then, tired, I crawled under my grandmother’s bed and fell asleep safely there. My grandmother came into the house and began looking for me, first in the house, then in the yard, then all the neighboring children were raised to help, who explored the surrounding areas. They searched behind the garden, near the river and even in the well... More than two hours passed, and adults already joined the search. What was going on in my grandmother’s head then, only God knows. But then, to everyone’s amazement, I appear on the threshold of the house, yawning and sleepily rubbing my eyes. Later, my grandmother and I often recalled this incident, but with a smile.

And another case when I was already going to school. I was 7-8 years old then. I must say that I really loved tinkering with my mother’s box of beads, trying on her high-heeled shoes and various beautiful blouses, but most of all I was partial to my mother’s cosmetic bag. And so, once again, I decided to conduct an audit in my mother’s cosmetic bag and discovered a bottle of new perfume (as I later found out, my dad got this French perfume “Klima” with great difficulty, like everything in short supply at that time, and gave it to my mother for birthday). Naturally, I decided to open them right away. But it was not so easy to open them, I tried my best and finally opened them, but at the same time the bottle slipped out of my hands, fell first on the sofa, then rolled onto the carpet. Naturally, there was almost nothing left in the bottle. Mom was very upset then, and a wonderful aroma of perfume hung in the house for a long time.

I conducted a small survey among my friends on the topic of children's pranks and almost everyone had 2-3 interesting stories. A friend told me that she decided to cut flowers out of her mother’s new dress and make an appliqué out of them for a labor lesson. The employee shared the story of how she and her brother threw tomatoes at each other, which my mother bought the day before for a wedding, but the most interesting thing is that they threw them in the room , which has recently been renovated. And he talked about the reaction of his mother, who came home from work and saw this art.

Surely you also have funny stories from your childhood, I would be interested to hear them and laugh with you.
