How many days is Easter. When to Celebrate Catholic and Orthodox Easter

    Every year, Holy Sunday of Christ is celebrated out of the number. This means that this holiday is more tied to the day of the week (Sunday) closest to the calculated date. Orthodox Easter is usually celebrated a week after the celebration of Catholic Easter.

    Orthodox Easter will be celebrated -

    • May 1, 2016
    • in 2017 April 16,
    • in 2018 April 8,
    • April 28, 2019.

    Catholic Easter will be celebrated -

    • March 27, 2016
    • in 2017 April 16,
    • April 1, 2018
    • April 21, 2019.
  • The holiday, of course, is very bright, and especially it stumbles from an early age, because children absorb all the kindness and all the pleasant events that happen, and when they grow up they will do even more good deeds.

    The date of Easter in 2016 falls on May 1st, and before that, Great Lent will take place from March 14th to April 30th.

    Since Easter, both Catholic and Orthodox, does not have a fixed calendar date, the dates of Easter change every year.

    Easter is a movable Orthodox holiday and is celebrated on a different day each year.

    Here you can watch all the moving Orthodox holidays until 2099.

    To determine the date of the celebration of Easter and other transitional Orthodox holidays, the so-called Paschal, i.e. calculation system. Taking into account the fact that Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring full moon, Easter, according to these calculations, falls between April 4 and May 8 according to the new style (old style from March 22 to April 25). Specifically, by year and by new style, we get the following dates for the next 5 years:

    I am not a theologian and I somehow do not understand why it is impossible to establish a specific date for the Resurrection of Christ. After all, there is an exact date for Christmas. Although it’s even interesting. For me personally, Easter is my favorite church holiday from childhood to this day. I remember how in the 50s, where our family lived, it was impossible to celebrate Easter. Therefore, my mother secretly dyed eggs, and before throwing away the colored shells, they wrapped them in a newspaper so that no one would see.

    According to the lunisolar calendar, Bright Sunday is celebrated every year according to rolling numbers, and the main celebration falls in April. 2016 is an exception, Orthodox Bright Sunday will be a late holiday - May 1. In 2017, the Catholic and Orthodox Church will celebrate Easter on the 16th. In the next two years, the Catholic Church will celebrate Easter a week earlier than the Orthodox - 2018 - April 1 and 2019 - April 21.

    Orthodox Easter happens on different dates every year.

    Orthodox Easter is preceded by 7 weeks of Lent.

History of Easter

On Easter, the entire baptized world celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is why the traditional Easter greeting is “Christ is Risen!”. The history of the holiday, according to historians, is rooted in ancient Egypt.

The name of the holiday comes from the Hebrew verb "Pesach", which in translation means "to pass." This refers to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. To protect their children from the tenth plague, on the last night in all the houses where there were children, the lintels of the doors were smeared with the blood of lambs. The lamb itself had to be eaten without breaking the bones. This sacrifice has become a symbol of the Jewish Passover.

According to the Bible, the Last Supper was held on Easter. Instead of the lamb described in Exodus, Jesus sacrificed himself "the Passover of the new Lamb, slain for the cleansing of people once and for all." Three days after the crucifixion, Jesus was resurrected and this event is celebrated every year.

Christian Easter in 2017

Christian Easter 2017 is celebrated on Sunday April 16. All night before the holiday, the doors of the church will be open for attending worship, lighting eggs and Easter cakes. Cottage cheese Easter is also a traditional Easter treat. According to the ritual, those who kept a strict fast until Easter must first taste the consecrated egg, then Easter cake, and then proceed to the rest of the dishes.

The favorite tradition of children and adults is the battle of eggs. The winner is the one whose egg survived, while the loser can safely enjoy the treat. According to tradition, you need to paint eggs on Maundy Thursday.

Today for decoration use:

  • various thermal stickers
  • hand painted
  • colorful crayons
  • decorative elements

Catholic Easter in 2017

In 2017, Catholic Easter falls on April 16. This is a rare case when both Catholic and Orthodox Easter are celebrated on the same day. Traditional symbols are Easter eggs and the Easter bunny, which is not found in the traditions of the Orthodox Church. It is believed that the Easter Bunny visits houses secretly and arranges treats in baskets.

Church services begin on Thursday and are held until the Great Resurrection. The evening of Great Saturday is illuminated by the Liturgy of Light, the priest lights the Paschal candle from a fire lit near the temple. Then the priest brings the candle into the dark temple and the rest of the candles are lit from it.

Another tradition is called the Liturgy of Baptism, adults are baptized on the night before the holiday.

Jewish Passover 2017

Jewish Passover is celebrated for 7 days, it starts this year April 11 and will last until 18. Its second name is Passover.

Pesach is celebrated in memory of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, and on this day it is necessary to tell the children about these events. The first and last days of Pesach are officially public holidays in Israel. It is necessary to prepare for the celebration in advance, clean the apartment or house and get rid of any fermentation products. Some families even set the table with special dishes for this holiday.

Holy Week before Easter

The name "passionate" symbolizes the suffering of Jesus Christ, and the whole week is devoted to preparing for the great holiday.

  • All preparations begin at Monday, you can already start cleaning the house in order to have time to manage before Thursday. Fasting during Holy Week is the toughest, you can not eat eggs, meat, dairy products and fish.
  • Tuesday can be dedicated to reconciliation with relatives and friends, as well as preparing and sewing seven new clothes for Easter.
  • AT Wednesday are engaged in the manufacture of branches and straw of the symbol of Easter - this decoration is hung in the middle of the room.
  • AT Thursday it is necessary to complete all the preparations at home for the holiday, prepare the Thursday salt and paint the eggs.
  • Friday dedicated to prayer, any housework is prohibited.
  • AT Saturday it is necessary to prepare for the all-night service, arrange Easter cakes and eggs in baskets.
  • AT Sunday We celebrate the holiday of Easter with joy and joy. Be sure to meet with parents and relatives, christen and beat eggs.

What do they do on Pure Thursday before Easter?

On Clean Thursday, the main preparations for Easter begin. Be sure to clean up the house or apartment and wash yourself. On Thursday they also arrange a big wash, change bed linen, curtains, tablecloths, prepare the house for a bright and clean holiday. When washing windows, they put coins in a basin of water so that there is always money in the house. It is important to note that cleaning the rest of the days before Easter is considered bad luck.

One of the signs says that money, counted three times on Clean Thursday, will bring prosperity to the family. Housewives can start cooking Easter cakes, Easter and paint eggs. Believers visit Temples for prayer and Communion.

Rites on Pure Thursday before Easter

According to the precepts of our ancestors, the observance of all rituals and customs foreshadowed a prosperous year, peace and harmony will reign in the family, and unmarried girls will meet their betrothed.

The most common ceremonies:

  1. Rite of Ablution, it is important to get up before dawn and wash before the first rays.
  2. The rite of washing with silver, then the evil spirits will not even come close.
  3. Love spell of a loved one, if your life lacks a man, then during tidying up, allocate a place for him, for his future toothbrush, razor, clothes.
  4. In Rus', the ritual of “sowing money” was often carried out, coins were folded into a sieve and on the street, while no one was watching, it was necessary to scatter them.
  5. The ceremony of preparing Thursday salt, which cures diseases and brings happiness and good luck into the house.

Folk signs for Easter 2017

By the way Easter passes, they used to predict the future, for example:

  • The one who comes home from the church before everyone else will be very lucky.
  • A married couple should be christened in private so as not to attract quarrels into the house
  • Hear the sound of a woodpecker - to find your home
  • Wash yourself with water from under a red painted egg - preserve beauty and youth for a long time
  • Thunderstorm on Easter to late and dry autumn
  • Frost on Easter for a fruitful summer
  • To see the first man in the window on Good Friday - by three months of happiness and luck

When is Maslenitsa and Easter in 2017?

Maslenitsa is celebrated on the last week before Lent, in 2017 it falls on the period from 20 to 26 February. Maslenitsa is celebrated 7 weeks before Easter, and the countdown goes in the opposite direction from the church holiday of the Resurrection of Christ. Maslenitsa, unlike Easter, has pagan roots and glorifies the god of the Sun - Yarila, and pancakes, which are necessarily baked all week, symbolize the solar disk.

Why is Easter celebrated on a different day each year?

Easter is celebrated on the first spring full moon and, depending on the solar-lunar calendar, this date falls between April 4 and May 8. The holiday will mark the end of the 48 day Great Lent.

When is Parents' Day after Easter?

Radonitsa or parental day is celebrated on the second Tuesday after Easter or on the ninth day after it. In 2017, Radonitsa falls on April 25th. On the day of special commemoration of the dead, it is customary to visit the graves of departed relatives, bring them colored eggs and Easter cakes, sharing a meal and the celebration of Easter with them.

What do they do on Good Friday before Easter?

According to the Bible, on Friday after the Jewish Passover, Jesus Christ was crucified on Golgotha. Believers must attend church on this day. The temples serve morning and evening services, the doors are open to everyone.

On Good Friday you cannot:

  • clean the house
  • prepare
  • wash
  • have fun
  • work with the earth
  • listen to loud music
  • overeat

The whole day should be devoted to spiritual perfection and prayer.

Compliance with all signs and rituals, the exact execution of the prescriptions of the church always remains at your discretion. May this holiday be bright and bring peace, harmony and prosperity to your family! Christ is risen!

Video: What to do for Easter, signs

Every year, all Orthodox people look forward to the feast of the Resurrection of Christ. Easter is one of the most important, bright and kind church holidays. On this day, it is customary to organize festivities, prepare delicious treats and greet everyone you meet with the phrase "Christ is risen." Even those of us who do not attend church feel special joy and good mood on this day. When will Easter 2017 come, what date will we celebrate this holiday in the coming year?

We all know that on this day we celebrate an event that has become a turning point in the history of mankind. The ascension of Jesus Christ marked the victory over betrayal and malice, over darkness and death. Special symbols of the holiday are the blessed fire, holy water, Easter cakes and painted eggs, which must be consecrated in the church and treated to all your relatives and friends.

Where does Easter begin? Already on the eve of the holiday in churches, you can see thousands of people lining up in huge queues waiting for the night service. It is the night before Easter that the real holiday begins. The church is especially beautiful on this day. Elegant decorations, festive robes of priests and hundreds of candles give a special atmosphere.

Everyone on this night feels the grace that descends on everyone present in the temple.

According to legend, the blessed fire on this night, from which every candle is lit, is able to heal physical and mental ailments, and holy water becomes miraculous. Consecrated foods also have miraculous properties. People believe that they can cure even a seriously ill person.

Orthodox Easter is a celebration of the continuation of life, even after death.

When is celebrated

The Orthodox feast of the Resurrection of Christ is celebrated every year on different dates. However, there is one rule - the holiday always comes on Sunday. The date of Orthodox Easter is calculated according to the solar-lunar calendar and comes immediately after the Passion Saturday of Great Lent. Orthodox Easter in 2017 will come on April 16. On this day, Orthodox people will finish fasting and celebrate one of the greatest and most revered Orthodox holidays.

What date is Easter celebrated in 2017? The Catholic calendar of church holidays usually does not coincide with the Orthodox. This is due to the fact that Catholics use a different calendar system to calculate church dates. However, Easter in 2017 for Catholics falls on the same date as for the Orthodox. This is truly a wonderful day. This phenomenon is very rare, and therefore especially revered by representatives of both faiths.

Rites and traditions

So, the church calendar says that Easter in 2017 will come on Sunday, April 16th. For many centuries, Orthodox believers have formed special traditions associated with the celebration of Easter. One of our favorites is the obligatory presence of colored eggs on the Easter table, which symbolize life.

It is the painted eggs that you need to taste first of all, sitting down at the festive table. After the eggs, you need to eat Easter cake, and only then you can taste the rest of the dishes. This date is especially joyful for those who held Great Lent before Easter.

Children and adults on this day arrange real battles with colored eggs. Of course, it is not customary for them to throw each other, the essence of the battle lies elsewhere. Two wrestlers pick up one colored egg each. One opponent knocks his egg into the cue ball of another fighter. The winner is the one whose egg survived, he must also take the broken treat for himself. Some people manage to win dozens of eggs at Easter, which are then customarily distributed to everyone they meet.

Residents of Russia especially love the tradition of kissing on Easter. According to this rite, all people meeting each other must kiss three times and say "Christ is risen" - "Truly risen."

Also for the inhabitants of Russia, and sometimes even for those who consider themselves an atheist, the tradition that forbids working on Easter is very important. On this day, you rarely see someone at work, because folk wisdom says that even household chores should be postponed until the next day.

Calendar of folk signs

The celebration of Easter is not complete without folk signs that have come to us from time immemorial and accompany us to this day.

How to attract money for Easter? Very simple! There is a belief that if you put your gold jewelry in a bowl of water and an Easter egg (necessarily consecrated) on this great Orthodox holiday, you will have money throughout the year.

Also, Easter in 2017 can be an excellent occasion to protect your children from the evil eye and damage. To do this, you need to take an egg brought from the church and roll it over the baby's face. This amulet was often used by witches in villages to protect children from evil people.

And in order to attract good luck in business, the folk calendar will say that you need to be the first to enter the house after visiting the church. It is to the first one who enters the door that fortune will smile all year, and any undertakings will be successful and profitable.

Easter bans

Many people, out of ignorance of Easter traditions, go to cemeteries on this great day to commemorate dead relatives and friends. According to the church, it is absolutely impossible to do this. To visit the deceased relatives in the church calendar, a special day is determined, this date comes immediately when Easter ends. In the people this day is called Parental.

For example, if you work in shifts, and your shift falls just on Easter, it's okay, you don't need to redo your work calendar, especially when you benefit people and society with your work.

You can not get married or get married on Easter. The Orthodox Church explains this prohibition by the fact that Easter is a holiday of purification of the soul and body, and not a day of carnal pleasures. Weddings are also prohibited in Great Lent before Easter, weddings in the church are resumed after Parents' Day.

What you need to know before going to the temple

Many, going to church for the first time on Easter, regard this trip as an excursion. However, the laws of the church are somewhat strict and do not allow certain liberties. Of course, today the church is more loyal than before. However, when going to the temple, you need to know the basic rules, without which you can offend the feelings of other believers. So, women need to cover their heads with a scarf. You can not go to the temple in defiant and open clothes. Shoulders and arms should be covered.

You can not go to church in a state of intoxication or drink alcohol during the service. You can not make noise and behave defiantly. If you have been reprimanded, there is no need to quarrel; on this day, you cannot swear and use foul language.

All of us, buying a calendar for the new year, immediately look at the holidays. Easter in the coming year will be in the month of April, on the 16th. In order to celebrate this date, it is not necessary to be a believer and live according to church laws. You can just enjoy life, give each other a good mood and believe in the best. And for those who have never celebrated Easter according to the church calendar, this is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the great centuries-old Orthodox traditions.

Easter is not just a holiday for the Christian world. This is the main article of faith, since it is the events that are remembered on this day that show that salvation awaits each of us.

The twelfth holiday of Easter in 2017, as at any other time, is most expected. Do not forget that the Great Lent preceding Easter is necessary for each of us in order to make our inner world free from filth, sin and everything that prevents us from knowing the Divine Essence, His great plan.

The meaning of the holiday

Easter is the triumph of faith, the triumph of life, its victory over death. We need this holiday in order to understand the essence of being, to find a way to save the soul. The Resurrection of Christ is the culmination of the events described in the Bible.

Jesus Christ endured bullying, torment and persecution for us. It was his personal choice, which was described in the prophecy that the Son of God would come to earth and save people from original sin, sacrificing his life for us. His life path was short, but rich and very symbolic. He gave us faith, warmth, love and taught us how to behave in difficult times - you need to believe in God and stay true to His principles.

Easter in 2017

Great Lent always begins at different times. It lasts the same number of days, and the end of the fast is the Sunday of the last week - Holy Week. They say that with the first stars you can already start breaking the fast, drinking milk and eating Easter cakes.

In 2017, the Resurrection of Christ will be on April 16. On this day, from the very morning, all people will meet each other with the phrase "Christ is Risen - truly Risen." Someone will attend church, someone will stay at home with their family. Whatever choice you make will be correct.

The celebration of Easter is not limited to one day - it is a week-long holiday, although solemn services in churches take place only 38 days from the day of the Resurrection of Christ. This year the rules will be the same as always.

April 16, but not with sadness, but with joy. Thank God that you were able to once again feel the surge of goodness and light in your life. May Easter be a source of only the brightest emotions for you. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.03.2017 04:48

Lent is a time dedicated to the purification of the soul and body before the bright holiday of Easter. To the post...

Maundy Thursday is the Thursday of the last Holy Week of Great Lent. She is one of the most...

Easter in 2017, what date? For the Orthodox, the Bright Resurrection of Christ is one of the great holidays, according to the Orthodox calendar 2017, April 16 is the date of Easter. On this day, all Christians of the Orthodox faith celebrate the most important church holiday - Easter. The number of the church holiday changes every year, the date of the celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ in 2017 for the Orthodox falls on April 16, but the number of Easter is transient and not permanent.

The holiday was established by the church in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. As follows from the Easter chant, this is a holiday and a celebration of celebrations that require special preparation from believing Christians, therefore, before Easter, Christians go through Great Lent.

Easter is the most important celebration for believers, the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ continues for forty days, exactly as long as the Resurrected Jesus Christ stayed on earth. By the length of the celebration of this great holiday, Easter differs from the rest and surpasses other church celebrations in significance.

With the end of the Easter week, the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ does not end. With the words of greeting "Christ is Risen!" and "Truly Risen!" you should greet each other for forty days before the Ascension of Christ.
The Resurrection of Christ is associated with the salvation of people, the Christian holiday symbolizes the triumph of the spirit over the flesh, the victory of life over death. Easter is a church holiday, but believers and atheists alone celebrate this day with Easter cakes and painted eggs in the church, and non-believers at home eat traditional dishes prepared for the Easter meal.

When is Easter celebrated

Christian Easter is celebrated in the spring, when nature awakens, the celebration always falls on a Sunday. On Sunday, according to the date set in the annual church calendar, Christians begin to celebrate the celebration, but every year the date of Easter changes.

The date of the holiday changes, but Sunday is considered a permanent day, on Sunday Christ was resurrected, martyred, being crucified on the cross. The dates of the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ in Orthodoxy and Catholicism differ, Orthodox and Catholics celebrate an important event at different times, but every few years the number in the calendar coincides.

Orthodox Easter 2017 – date and traditions

Why is Easter celebrated on different dates? What date is Easter in 2017? Why does the number change and how to determine the date of Easter? It is difficult to determine the exact date on your own, the number of the holiday is calculated according to the lunar calendar, Easter does not come before the spring equinox.

In 2017 Orthodox Easter is celebrated on April 16. The holiday has centuries-old traditions, rituals and signs that are significant for many Christian families. A great holiday with established traditions is preceded by Great Lent, during which it is recommended to fast, help others, and lead a righteous life. The last week is especially strict, during strict Great Lent, many products are prohibited during Passion Week, Saturday is considered the last day of Great Lent.

On Sunday, Easter comes, the Orthodox christen, kiss each other, while congratulating with joyful greetings “Christ is Risen!” and in response to congratulations they say “Truly Risen!”

Easter is a celebration of life and renewal, the symbols of the solemn day, which are obligatory Easter dishes, are Easter cakes and colored eggs. The egg represents the Holy Sepulcher, the red color in which the eggs are painted symbolizes the shed blood of Jesus Christ crucified for human sins.

Believing Christians, observing church traditions, paint eggs and bake Easter cakes on Maundy Thursday, the last week before the Great Feast. On the eve of Easter, on Saturday, Easter cakes, curd Easter, painted eggs are consecrated in the church.

In the morning, on Sunday, after the nightly Easter service in the church, candles are lit in the church; it is customary for believing Christians to break the fast at home. According to tradition, families set the table with festive dishes that were forbidden in Lent, the meal begins with an egg, after which they taste Easter cake and move on to the rest of the festive treats.

What not to do on Easter

Do's and Don'ts for Easter The Easter holiday is a bright, pure and great event, the meaning of the celebration is to purify the human soul and body. On this day, you can not do household chores: wash, wash, clean the home.

You can clean up the house on the eve of the celebration, usually housewives clean up houses and apartments on Maundy Thursday - they wash windows, wash linen, and distribute extra things to the poor.

On Easter, many people commemorate the dead, go to the cemetery, but according to church canons, this cannot be done. You can and should rejoice, on this day you should visit living relatives and friends, get together at the family table, make plans for the future.

Before the celebration and during the celebration, the church does not hold memorial services for the dead; on Easter days, you can’t get married in the church or be baptized. Each hostess traditionally bakes Easter cakes on the eve of the holiday week, paints eggs, and prepares traditional Easter from cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese Easter, classic recipe

According to the classic recipe, curd Easter is prepared without baking, the dish is obtained by infusing the curd mass in molds. Easter is made custard, raw or boiled, Royal; cottage cheese Easter without baking is considered to be a classic Easter dish, we offer a classic way to prepare an obligatory Easter dish.

Ingredients: cottage cheese - 1.5 kg; chicken eggs - 8 pcs.; sour cream or cream 30% - 500 g; butter - 300 g; sugar - 600 g; seedless raisins - 300 g; nuts (any) - 200 g; vanillin - a bag.

How to cook:

  1. Grind the eggs with sugar, vanilla and three tablespoons of sour cream. Heat the cream, do not bring to a boil, cool.
  2. Pass the dry cottage cheese through a meat grinder, add the cooled cream, mix.
  3. Add washed and dried raisins, fried nut kernels, softened butter, the remaining sour cream or cream to the cottage cheese. Stir until smooth.
  4. To form an Easter, you will need a collapsible mold made of wood or plastic. Instead of a mold, you can buy a flower pot with a hole in the bottom.
  5. Lay wet gauze inside the mold so that the ends hang out, put the curd mass into it, tamp and close the ends of the gauze on top. Substitute a plate under the form, on which the whey will drain.
  6. From above, Easter must be crushed with a load and placed in the refrigerator overnight.
  7. After that, take out the dessert, turn it over and decorate with fudge and sprinkles, and you can put it in an Easter basket and go to church to bless.

How to paint eggs for Easter in onion skins

The Easter egg is painted in various colors, but Easter eggs dyed in onion skins, which are red, have been and remain traditional as a reminder to people of the shed blood of the Almighty.

Eggs are dyed with natural dyes, housewives buy whole sets for coloring eggs, but the most persistent, indelible red color is obtained by dyeing in onion skins. The rules for coloring with husks are simple, but not all housewives know how to paint eggs for Easter so that one of the main symbols of the holiday turns out to be beautiful.

Before dyeing, the eggs must be removed from the refrigerator, check for cracks in the shell. Cracked ones should be set aside, they can be used later in the preparation of the dough, and whole ones with a strong shell should be washed so that the paint lies on them more uniformly.

Rinse the onion peel, pour hot water - the amount of water and peel is taken at random, but in such a way that the eggs are completely in the water during dyeing, they are not visible from under the peel. Boil the peel in a saucepan over low heat for 5 minutes, cool the broth. Place the eggs in a saucepan in one row, placing them under the leaves.

You need to paint eggs in onion peel for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling, with a slight boil of water in a saucepan. After that, the red eggs are taken out one by one, transferred to cold water for several minutes, cooled. The cooled dyed eggs are wiped dry and smeared with vegetable oil so that the red paint on the testicles shines.

On April 16, 2017, all Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Holy Resurrection of Christ. Congratulations to all readers on the holiday, we wish peace and prosperity. Christ is Risen!
