The word vision in a broad sense. The meaning of the word "vision

Sentences with the word VISION

  • It seemed to me that a vision arose next to him.
  • Pious thoughts and visions were instantly dispelled.
  • The sun brightly illuminated her, and she was like a radiant vision against the black background of the rock.
  • Whitened eyes stopped, as before a vision of horror.
  • In his vision are the achievements of technological progress.
  • As if in response, the vision instantly changed.
  • And at such moments visions arose before him.
  • The king owes their influence to the correct vision of his role.
  • She was a bright spirit, a heavenly vision.
  • And again in my memory, in the vision of the past - a stain.
  • To drive away this vision from me, I closed my eyes.
  • A nun appeared to the court, who had visions.
  • I felt unable to move and, mesmerized, only held out my hands to the vision that appeared in front of me.
  • The next vision in my nightmare was the silent street of the dead.
  • Adza told the people about the vision, so that instead of weeping, he would expect the end of the day in joy.
  • He mentioned the devil, but the strange vision did not disappear.
  • Now in his sleep he was visited by painful visions.
  • The shop seemed to her a palace, and the doll - a fabulous vision.
  • Although this was still not the most striking thing in this strange vision.
  • Each new vision seduces her more and more.
  • I asked for visions, and they told me what to do.
  • They stood all the time before his eyes as a vision of dreaming wealth.
  • Of course, it was about a fairly simple vision of the role of the state, which boiled down to two tasks.
  • One evening he had a strange vision.
  • The fact that my visions came true seemed to me a miracle.
  • And in this silence, the schooner seems like a vision, and the crew - ghosts.
  • Such was the vision in fleeting flashes of lightning.
  • The vision's teeth gleamed, and its eyelashes cast a purple shadow on its cheeks.
  • The faces of the girl and her father moved away, becoming a vague vision, covered with a transparent fog.
  • But only for a moment this bright vision flickers before me.

One of the traits of all successful people is to have their own idea of ​​how the future should turn out. An idea about their career or family, company or product, vacation or wedding. It's called in and denie. It doesn't matter how big the goal you set for yourself. The important thing is how detailed you represent the result and the way to achieve it. Of course, on the way to the goal, your vision may change, but it’s worth taking the first steps when you know where you are going.

Let's figure out how to form a vision so that it doesn't work out like this rat from a comic book.

Highlight areas. It's good when you have an idea about your life in general. Only here on the way from the general to the particular it is very difficult to achieve complete detail. Therefore, it is worth dividing the overall picture of the vision into blocks, and these, in turn, into blocks of desires and hopes. For example, imagine first your perfect job then what it looks like your home and life in it, what your family, finish your achievements. The order does not matter, it is important to highlight the components of your vision, to detail it.

Agree. Your vision of the future may conflict with the vision of the people around you. To prevent this from happening, companies create a corporate vision and a mission. It is important that different people be united by one idea of ​​the goal and the way to achieve it. But more importantly, your vision should be internally consistent. Therefore, regularly carry out both “synchronization” of ideas with other people and revision of your vision, coordinate its parts with each other.

Be aware of your fears and desires. The driving force behind creativity is our desires. When they are realized, simple and understandable, then we do not need external stimulation. To make it easier to write a list of actions to implement your vision, it is worth understanding what this snippet is: your desire (with a micro-target, this is the best option), necessity to turn a vision into reality or protection from your fear failures.

Shape the vision systematically. In any case, regularity is needed. Of course, vision has more to do with creativity than with logic. But in forming a picture of the future, one or another method can be used. Here are the methods I use:

  • Telling the future like the past . For example, if we are talking about the vision of the product, then you can tell on behalf of the consumer how he uses it, how he bought it and what he likes about the product.
  • Checklist , positive answers to which will show that the vision has become a reality. For example, when buying an apartment, it can be both keys, documents in your hands, and the first general cleaning.
  • Collage of photos of desires . Such a kind of wish-list helps both to group your desires into areas and to develop a sequence for their implementation.
  • Timeline of your future achievements . A simple list of approximate dates won't be as colorful as a collage or story, but the framework it sets can help you act more than dream.
  • List of mistakes you don't want to make . No matter how psychologists glorify otpimism, we are all pessimists in one way or another. Instead of trying to change this in yourself, it's worth making a list of "places where you don't want to end up." Such kind of anti-beacons.

Dare to give up the vision. The main reason for the lack of vision is the fear of being disappointed. Where is he coming from? From our past. It is very painful to admit that our vision will never become a reality. But one must be able to erase dreams from the board, pick up fresh paints and draw one's future anew. Do not redraw, do not erase individual strokes, namely, erase everything and draw again. God bless you so you don't have to.

Good luck and let the vision be your beacon.

The most frequently occurring vision definition- it mental picture of the future, or, in other words, vision of the future. This definition is inherently universal, that is, it is applicable both in a secular environment and in a Christian one. However, universal things sometimes suffer from excessive breadth, so I prefer a definition that emphasizes the role of God's revelation:

Vision is a belief-based idea of
what God wants to see in our situation in the future. one

The knowledge and fulfillment of God's will is an integral part of the life of a believer, therefore, when defining a vision in a Christian context, it is extremely important to know the opinion of God.

How the vision of the organization is different from the mission of the organization? Let's look at this difference with an example.
Mission Christian camp "Anapa" - the camp acts as a center:
to educate and prepare leaders for effective ministry in Christian camps;
to develop programs and program materials for adolescents and youth;
organization and conduct of an exemplary Christian camp.
Vision Christian camp "Anapa": To have Christian camps in all the republics of the former Soviet Union, in which teenagers and young people would find a close relationship with God.

From the above example, it can be concluded that the mission of the camp explains its purpose, answering the question: "Why does your camp exist?". The vision determines the direction of the camp, answering the question: “What do we want to achieve as a result of our ministry?” 2

It is equally important to understand the difference between the functions of goals, mission and vision. Let's look at an example again.
Goals camps for the summer of 1999:
1. Qualitatively conduct a program of teenage and youth camps.
2. Master a new type of program - training employees of other camps during the work of their own camp.
3. Launch a program of work with pupils after the camp "The Way of Truth and Life".
Goals are set for a specific period of time to concretize activities, streamline and effectively use human and other resources. It is very important that the goals are consistent with the mission and fit within the scope of the vision.

What is determined first? Purpose, vision or mission? It is logical to assume that first of all it is necessary to find a vision, then formulate a mission, and only then take on goals. At the same time, the vision and mission can change places, and the sequence is not fundamental here.
The mission of an organization may remain the same throughout its history, while the vision changes as it is fulfilled.

There are two main types of vision: a vision for the organization and a vision for one's own life(become a youth pastor, become a lawyer, open your own business, etc.).

The vision is born. Despite different backgrounds, each leader, with God's help, can learn to develop a vision. To do this, you need to understand the process of "working out".

Vision touches the soul. Where to begin? How to develop a vision that is most suitable for me and my situation? You need to start by examining your own heart. At the moment of birth, God puts in a person certain gifts and abilities for the performance of good deeds. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph. 2:9).
Therefore, in order to develop a vision that fits into the overall picture of God's design, first of all, we need to evaluate what we have at our disposal and then we can understand where in this life God would like to see us.

The term "good works" in Ephesians 2:9 has a broad meaning. There is no detailed instruction on what every Christian should do. Jesus in the parable of the talents showed that a person is free to choose his life path and occupation; the main thing is that our life and the results of our activity should be pleasing to God. On this basis, it can be concluded that the choice of vision is not a guessing of what is prepared for us, but a creative process, implying the participation of man and God.

A good illustration is the life of Nehemiah. The Bible tells that friends came to Nehemiah and told about the plight of Jerusalem. The eyewitness account touched Nehemiah's heart, and he could not rest. “Hearing these words, I sat down and wept, and was sad for several days…” (1:4 a). At that moment, a vision was born in Nehemiah's heart - to restore the former glory of Jerusalem.

"A vision is born in the soul of a man who cannot find peace
between what is and what could be.

Vision answers the demands of time. We need to be attentive to what is happening around us. The Gospel of John says that in this world God works both in the hearts of believers and unbelievers. If we understand reasons for the changes taking place around us we will be able to define God's vision for our ministry. Our job is to see where God is at work and join in His work.

Note that in Nehemiah's case, the vision was not the result of revelation or vision. The impetus for the birth of the vision was information about what was happening in Jerusalem. Nehemiah, understanding the Character of God and His faithfulness to his people, as well as knowing the prophecies of Daniel, was able to acquire a vision in accordance with God's will. This is where the third important point comes from, the process of developing a vision.
Vision requires the study and knowledge of God's disposition. This can be done through the study of Scripture, the application of biblical truths, and prayerful fellowship with our Creator. Nehemiah "fasted and prayed before the God of heaven" (1:4b). His vision developed in close fellowship with God. Nehemiah prayed for several days, although this period may be different for everyone. Moses prepared for the ministry for forty years, the Apostle Paul had three years from the moment of his calling to the start of his missionary service. Christian Camping International, which has brought hope to millions of young people, began with a seven-year prayer by three people.

A vision does not necessarily require immediate action. When it becomes clear to us what God wants from us, or when we have a strong conviction that our vision is correct, we want to get down to business immediately. This is not always correct.
The birth of a vision does not mean that you will always have a green light. No, there will often be many obstacles. In most cases, seeing requires patience and faith rather than quick action.

"When you live in the light of eternity, your values ​​become different." 4

Andy Stanley, Visioneering. Oregon: Multnomah Publisher, 1995.
Burt Nanus, Visionary Leadership, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1992.
Gary R. Collins, Leading with Vision – Even if You Aren't a Visionary, CCI USA Journal January/February 2002.
George Barna, Leaders on Leadership, California: A Division of Gospel Light, 1997.
Larry Johnston, Seeing Is Believing, CCI USA Journal January/February 2002.
Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life, Michigan: Grand Rapids, 2002.

1 Gary R. Collins, Leading with Vision – Even if You Aren't a Visionary, CCI USA Journal January/February 2002.
2 Larry Johnston, Seeing Is Believing, CCI USA Journal January/February 2002.
3 Andy Stanley, Visioneering. (Oregon: Multnomah Publisher, 1995), p. 17.
4 Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life (Michigan: Grand Rapids, 2002), p.38.

Dictionary Ushakov



vision, visions, pl. No, cf. (books.). The ability or ability to see. Vision at a distance.


vision, visions, cf. (books.). An image, a phenomenon from the world of fantasy, imagination; ghost, apparition. "He had one vision, incomprehensible to the mind." Pushkin. "You appeared before me like a fleeting vision." Pushkin.

Beginnings of Modern Natural Science. Thesaurus


(from lat. visio - contemplation)

1) in the narrow sense, an optical hallucination;

2) in the religious-philosophical sense, “inner vision”, which is associated with remote or spatial or temporal events (clairvoyance in parapsychology) or is taken as a revelation from the “other” world.

Bible encyclopedia arch. Nicephorus


(Numbers 24:4). In ancient times, it was pleasing to the Lord to reveal and communicate His will to believers in the so-called visions, which occurred either during the night in an ordinary dream (Dan 7:1), or during the day (Acts 26:13). The Scriptures are as follows: Abraham (Gen 15:1), Jacob (Gen 46:2), Moses (Ex 3:2,3), Samuel (1 Sam 3:2-15), Nathan (2 Sam 7:4, 17), Eliphaz (Job 4:12-16), Isaiah 6:1-8, Ezekiel 1:4-14, Nebuchadnezzar (Dan 2:28), Daniel 2:19, 7, 8, 10, Amos 7:1 -9, righteous Joseph (Matthew 1:20), Zechariah (1:8, 3:1), Paul (Acts 9:3-12), Ananias (Acts 9:10-12), Cornelius (Acts 10:3) , app. Peter (Acts 10:9-17), St. John the Theologian the Seer (Ot 1:12).

Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language


Gasparov. Entries and extracts


History of the genre from Thespesius to Captain Stormfield.

Encyclopedia of Judaism



The word "chazon" - "prophetic vision" - comes from the root "chaza" - saw. This word denotes Divine visions, which are revealed to the inner gaze of the prophets as a visual or sound image; hence the expression: "the word which he saw." "X." means prophetic vision, as well as the word "Torah" - "Divine Teaching". Torah and X. come from the same source, called Divine Revelation.

Revelation brings the prophet into an extraordinary agitation that shakes his soul. He is completely captured by the tremendous power of the image or voice, which penetrates his whole being and sometimes leads to the loss of sensory perception and rational consciousness.

Bible Dictionary to the Russian Canonical Bible


vision - the manifestation of the glory or will of God in images, which often occurs at night, but not in a dream (1 Sam.3: 9 -15; Dan.2:19; Dan.7:2; Acts.12:7,9; Acts 18:9), as well as during the day ( ·Dan. eight; Dan.10:7-8; Luke 1:22; Acts 9:3-7; Acts 10:17). Although in Scripture there are the following references to visions in a dream: Gen.15:12-16; Gen.20:6; Num.12:6; Judges 7:13-14; Jer. 31:26; Dan.2:25-47; Mat.27:19, all of them (with the exception of Judges 7:13-14), upon closer examination, are not a dream in the sense known to us, but the word of God (speech), perceived as a dream ( cf. 1 Samuel 3:1,9,10,15,21; Zech.4:1-2) (in Dan.2:25-47 - reflections, cm. Art. 29.31). Jacob's dream in Genesis 28:12-16 is not called a vision, but in Joel 2:28 and Micah 3:6 sleep and visions are separated. As for collective visions, they, of course, can only be seen during the day, "in reality" (Mat.17:1-8; Luke.2:8-15; Acts.22:9). It should be added that visions (like miracles) often brought exhaustion and suffering to those who saw them (through whom they were given) (Dan.8:27; Dan.10:8; Acts.9:8; Acts.10:10 ). In 2 Chronicles 9:29; 2 Chronicles 32:32 this word refers to the historical records of the prophets. Not to be confused with vision (emphasis on the first syllable) (Ecc. 11:9; 2 Cor. 5:7)! ( cm., The Word of God , )

Orthodox Encyclopedia


In ancient times, the Lord communicated His will to the prophets in special, prophetic dreams, which were called visions. The most significant visions were sent by God to the Old Testament patriarchs Abraham and Jacob, Moses, the prophets Nathan, Samuel, Eliphaz, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, as well as to King Nebuchadnezzar, the righteous Joseph, Zechariah, Ananias, the Apostle Peter and others.

Demons can appear not only in the form of an animal, but also as clots of darkness that absorb light from the surrounding space. Sometimes they appear in the form of ridiculous creatures that might seem funny if they were not so dangerous. In principle, their appearance is a cipher that reveals the inner essence of this non-material, and therefore incapable of having a certain form of being. But the attacking demon always manifests itself as darkness.

Some people may be "hearing". The ability to hear the words of otherworldly beings is, apparently, an innate gift. Many have it. But if a person does not have such a gift, then it cannot be developed. One who has this ability, in a state of trance, can communicate and talk with demonic forces. This in itself is not dangerous. The only danger in this case is to be afraid. The one you fear cannot be dealt with. If you are really afraid, then it is best to stop the trance state.

Of course, ending the trance state does not solve the problem. The demon is a karmic force that controls your destiny. Because you refused to see him, he will not disappear and will not lose his influence. On the contrary, attempts to ignore such a creature give him additional power over you. But still, only those who are not afraid of him can fight him.

See trait- most often to trouble. Sometimes a swamp appears in visions with devils splashing merrily in it. This vision is analogous to a mass of green. It indicates the presence of certain diseases and troubles. Devils are often seen by alcoholics, the occurrence of a disease in which is a consequence of the manifestation of a curse, perceived in the form of a swamp. But the devil is a real being, the vision of which means that it is attached to you and can significantly affect your fate. This influence is so standard that it seems that this creature is more than real.

Devils can appear singly. It is believed that this is a sexual symbol, and its impact is often associated with just such an influence on our destiny. For a woman, this can be a rich lover, for a man - a shameful relationship. Seeing yourself in the image of a devil is considered a symbol of looming wealth, when money itself goes to a person.

Planet. If this is not a specific planet (for example, the Moon or Saturn), but simply a ball visible in the sky, then we can assume that someone's soul visited you. A white ball, similar to a ball, may indicate that this is the soul of a dead creature. It doesn't have to be human, it can be an animal. People associated with magic admit that the dead sometimes interfere in our lives. Here are some examples:
steamer. A white steamer on calm water means that the intervention from the underworld is of a positive nature. Sailing on such a ship is good luck sent from outside. True, the presence of pure water may mean that such luck relates mainly to love relationships.

Travel by car may have the same meaning, but in a financial aspect (unless, of course, you are driven by a driver). To be driving yourself is to deal with difficulties. And here the color of the car determines the nature of the external interference. White color has always been associated with the underworld.

Portrait- negative interference, failures, frustration in business. In this form, a person may appear. Sometimes it can be a dead person who harbors a grudge against the family or personally against you. The best thing to do when such a vision appears is to ask his forgiveness. If the request is accepted, the image in the painting will disappear.

Bat is considered one of the most sinister signs, especially white, which is considered to be a sign of imminent death. Such a vision does not need special explanations - this is a vampire.

Hands without bodies- an ominous vision, indicating failure or someone's witchcraft. Legs are about the same value.

see your own mouth- see your home. The upper teeth are older relatives, the lower teeth are younger. The left half of the mouth is relatives from the mother's side, the right half is relatives from the father's side. Loss of teeth is the loss of a relative. True, if they are removed without pain, then sleep can have a good meaning.

Police- always a nuisance. This vision can be evidence of both the invasion of the real police into your life, and the influence of karmic forces that create obstacles to achieving your goals. Such visions always mean obstacles.

Crow- one of the images in which death can appear. Like a demon, he can be surrounded by a black cloud.

Pit- unpleasant events, illness, death (sometimes violent).

Almost all visions can be controlled. Oddly enough, they often take direct orders. Our direct intervention may have some effect on the intended events. However, this influence is superficial, and the path itself does not fundamentally change.
