The media were told why Borodina broke up with Kurban Omarov. Ksenia Borodina's husband spoke about the causes of conflicts in the family Kurban Omarov now

Not long ago, fans Ksenia Borodina(33) were seriously worried: at first the TV presenter stopped posting joint photos with her husband on Instagram Kurban Omarov(35) and did not appear with him at social events. Rumors spread across the Internet that the couple, who had recently seemed ideal, had broken up. Everything got worse when Borodina’s subscribers realized that it was all about Omarov’s other woman. The secret was quickly revealed. It turned out that Kurban went to Spain with the star “ Univer» Nastasya Samburskaya (29)!

In Samburskaya’s photo on her Instagram, a phone with a case is clearly visible ZIMA- and that’s what his friends call Omarov. And the mocking video about cardio training on Nastasya’s social network would have gone unnoticed if the ZIMA logo had not appeared again at the end. True, journalists conducted an investigation and claim that the meeting between Samburskaya and Kurban was related to their new project.

I took the side of Ksenia Borodina Isa(31). She published a long post without naming names. But from the phrases “actress of 15-second roles”, “woman who doesn’t know that black socks with white sneakers are generally not very good”, her subscribers realized that we were talking about Samburskaya.

Borodina immediately followed with an official statement, in which she announced that she was divorcing her husband because of his constant infidelities. Naturally, everyone immediately began to blame Samburskaya for all mortal sins. But Nastasya did not remain silent and published the following post on Instagram: “I am very glad that I did not get out into the public eye due to the fame of my ex-husband. Dear, I’ll divorce you, tell everyone what an asshole you are, and I’ll become, for example, a fashionable social weed smoker, then I’ll come to my senses and become a diligent, super stylish mother-shit businessman. She began to abandon dubious projects quite a long time ago, although one or two are still present in her filmography. I'm glad I don't sell fake Chanel to people. I have the conscience to carefully approach the issue of advertising and not turn the page into a market.”

Everyone remembers the conflict between Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov, because of which they almost broke up. Then Ksenia herself spoke about her husband’s infidelities, telling subscribers about her husband’s bad deeds. The divorce never took place - the couple reconciled, and Ksenia stated that Kurban passed a lie detector test, the results completely satisfied her, since it turned out that he had not cheated on her at all. Now the presenter’s husband has told new details of that story.

Ksenia Borodina's husband Kurban Omarov enjoys authority among his subscribers. They turn to a man for advice when they believe that he can suggest something good. For example, one of the subscribers wanted to know from Omarov how many times it is worth forgiving a man’s betrayal.

Omarov cited his case as an example and noted that they managed to make peace after a simple conversation, and since he did not cheat, they quickly found out who was spreading the bad rumors and why. Unfortunately, Ksenia believed the stories about the betrayal, because at that time they were in conflict.

Kurban advised to look into the situation and reminded that although men are polygamous by nature, now they are still more responsible for their choices and understand perfectly well that they are not inseminating bulls, but must take the issue of children and family more seriously.

Kurban Omarov // Photo: Instagram

“As I understand it, Borodina was lying when she spoke about the detector,” “The easiest way to say is that evil tongues said it. They also slandered Tarasov,” “And I’m glad that they made peace,” users discuss the situation.

As for the number of betrayals that can be forgiven, Kurban advised looking at the situation. if a man is caught for the first time and sincerely repents, and the woman still loves him, then you can give him a second chance. But if he was caught a second time, then it is already clear that this is a chronic illness and there is no point in forgiving.

Thus, the TV presenter, who has been working at the post of “House-2” for 13 years, admitted that she was a little tired from work, but still happy that her life turned out this way.

I'm... tired of "House-2". Any person, one way or another, gets tired of his work. This is fine. But I can’t say that I would like to get up and leave now. I like my job, I am a presenter on the federal channel, on one of the highest rated projects: why should I complain about life? I'm happy with everything.

Over the years of her public life, Ksenia Borodina noticed how people around her changed due to her publicity. But star fever did not affect the TV presenter herself.

Star fever... passed me by, I can say that honestly. In front of my eyes, people I know lose their heads after they become popular, I see how such a transformation occurs. I even asked my friends: has this happened to me? Everyone unanimously told me no. Indeed, I don’t have security guards, I don’t ask the rider to furnish my room with white roses, I don’t have a thousand PR people. I go to stores, buy groceries, stand in line just like everyone else. I don’t want my public life to affect my ordinary life. As soon as I finish filming, I am an ordinary person: mother, wife, girlfriend, cool friend and good conversationalist.

My husband... great job, because it’s still quite difficult to live with a public person. He is patient in this regard: Kurban does not interfere with my work. Never ever. If I want some advice, I will calmly ask. Recently, our relationship has changed a lot: we have turned into friends. There are relationships between father and daughter, there are those where the woman is the head of the family and the man is under her, and there are friendships. We chose the third, it suits us best. No one is in charge here, you know? It’s cool that we consult, that he asks me for advice on work, and I ask him - we’ve learned to talk. Of course, we, like all normal people, swear, everything happens, but we have learned to somehow react calmer to each other. We have probably gone through this period of grinding in and have now calmed down. We can, of course, shout, and slam doors, and turn our butts in bed. Teika smooths out our conflict the most; she runs into our room and begins to say something to both me and him, and begins to bring us closer together. Now we have become married adults and do everything consciously. After everything we experienced, we realized: we have something to lose, and this is the most important thing. Kurban and I decided not to comment on that situation in any way.

Fans appreciated this sincerity of TV presenter Ksenia Borodina. Let us remind you that recently

The news that not everything is so rosy in the relationship between the famous TV presenter Ksenia Borodina and her husband Kurban Omarov appeared about a month ago. The star then openly admitted to StarHit that they were in a quarrel, which is why her husband forbids her to communicate with his son Omar, whom Ksenia managed to love with all her heart.

However, at the end of last week, all fans of this couple began to hope that Ksenia and Kurban still managed to survive the difficult period, and the conflict between them was settled.

The day before, Kurban Omarov shared his version of the reasons for the discord in the family, publishing a long post on the microblog about how lovers risk destroying their strongest feelings by finding fault with each other over trifles. Ksenia Borodina’s husband did not name any names, warning with a hashtag that these were just his thoughts out loud. But it is logical to assume that the man analyzes his life experience. Kurban warns couples against such a model of communication, when one spouse begins to constantly lecture the other.

“Two people met, stood, chatted, smiled at each other. There are no negative thoughts in their heads, each of them sees a positive character in their interlocutor, they begin to be friends. After some time, one of them makes a remark to the other: “It’s correct to say turn, not turn around...”. In general, a complaint was made, perhaps small and harmless, but it turns on a certain process in the opponent’s head... I have often thought about how sometimes two friends, two girlfriends or a couple who were very friendly or in love slide into strong quarrels over little things. It seems to me that the answer is simple - a claim begets a claim. If you have an opinion about someone, keep it to yourself. Sometimes, by speaking out without thinking, you can unwittingly force others to look for flaws in you. After all, by making a remark, you extol yourself; who would like that? Just look at it from the point of view I propose, maybe it will help someone,” wrote Ksenia Borodina’s husband.

It is worth noting that not all of Kurban Omarov’s subscribers agree with his position. In the comments to his post, they expressed their opinion on his analysis of family relationships.

“As long as there are people ready to correct you and give you advice, you should be happy about it. Criticism should be taken normally, without offense,” some say. “Kurban is right, silence is golden, especially in the family. A smart woman removes the salt from what a man says, leaving only sugar. It wouldn’t hurt for men either,” “Remarks should not be immediately regarded as criticism or exaltation of someone over you. There’s nothing wrong if a loved one corrects you on something,” Omarov’s other followers argue with them.

Let us remind you that the conflict in the star family lasted almost a month. In July, Ksenia Borodina made a shocking admission that she was going to divorce her husband. The situation was aggravated by the fact that Omarov was spotted on vacation in Barcelona with actress Nastasya Samburskaya.

However, the couple denied the existence of a romantic relationship, emphasizing that the trip was purely business in nature.

The media found out why Ksenia Borodina broke up with her husband Kurban Omarov. According to the press, this happened due to the rudeness of the TV presenter’s husband. Allegedly, the husband roughly pushed Ksenia. Journalists suggested that the presenter left her husband precisely because of the “assault.”

Rumor that Ksenia Borodina broke up with Kurban Omarov, appeared recently. The paparazzi noticed that she came alone to the wedding of her friend Katya Zhuzha. At her daughter’s birthday party, Ksenia was also alone and without a wedding ring. Kurban Omarov congratulated Marusya on Instagram, but did not come to the holiday itself.

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov more They don’t publish photos together and have stopped appearing in public together. Recently, the presenter posted a photo with Marusya and Teona. “Everything that is done is for the better,” she captioned the photo.

Ksenia Borodina married a businessman from Dagestan Kurban Omarov July 3, 2015. At first the wedding was planned for early autumn, but then it was postponed due to the bride’s pregnancy. The presenter of “House-2” began dating Kurban Omarov after breaking up with Mikhail Terekhin in mid-2014. For a long time, the TV presenter hid the name of her lover, and the photos she published on Instagram did not help to find out. Ksenia claimed that her beloved is a non-public person.

In December 2015, Ksenia Borodina gave birth Kurban Omarov's daughter. The girl, who was born on December 22 at the Moscow perinatal medical center, was named Teona. Borodina herself spoke about the birth of her daughter on her Instagram.
