The eldest son is a summary of the brief. Brief analysis: Vampilov, “Elder son

Late spring evening. Yard in the suburbs. Gates. One of the entrances of the stone house. Nearby is a small wooden house, with a porch and a window into the courtyard. Poplar and bench. Laughter and voices are heard in the street.

Busygin, Silva and two girls appear. Silva deftly, as if by the way, plays the guitar. Busygin leads one of the girls by the arm. All four are visibly cold.

SILVA (humming).

We rode in a troika - you can’t catch up,

And in the distance flashed - you will not understand ...

FIRST GIRL. Well, boys, we're almost home.

BUSYGIN. Almost doesn't count.

FIRST GIRL (to Busygin). Allow your hand. (Frees his hand.) Thanks for seeing me off. We'll get here on our own.

SILVA (stops playing). yourself? How to understand this? .. You are here (shows), and we, then, back? ..


SILVA (to Busygin). Listen, friend, how do you like it?

BUSYGIN (to the first girl). Are you leaving us on the street?

FIRST GIRL. What did you think?

SILVIA. Thought? .. Yes, I was sure that we were going to visit you.

FIRST GIRL. Visiting? At night?

BUSYGIN. What's special?

FIRST GIRL. So you are wrong. We don't have guests at night.

SILVA (to Busygin). What do you say to that?

BUSYGIN. Goodnight.

GIRLS (together). Good night!

SILVA (stops them). Think girls! Where to hurry? Now you will howl with anguish! Be smart, invite you!

SECOND GIRL. Visit! Look how fast! .. We danced, treated us to wine and immediately - to visit! They weren't attacked!

SILVIA. Tell me what a trick! (Delays the second girl.) Give me at least a kiss for the coming dream!

The second girl breaks free and both leave quickly.

Girls, girls, stop!

Busygin and Silva follow the girls. Sarafanov appears with a clarinet in his hands. A neighbor, an elderly man, comes out to meet him from the entrance. He is dressed warmly, looking sickly. By manners - an employee of the middle hand, a purveyor.

NEIGHBOUR. Hello Andrey Grigorievich.

SARAFANOV. Good evening.

NEIGHBOR (sarcastically). From work?

SARAFANOV. What? .. (hurriedly.) Yes, yes ... From work.

NEIGHBOR (with a sneer). From work?.. (Reproachfully.) Eh, Andrey Grigoryevich, I don't like your new profession.

SARAFANOV (hurriedly). What are you, neighbor, where are you going to spend the night looking?

NEIGHBOUR. How - where? Nowhere. My blood pressure jumps, I went out into the air.

SARAFANOV. Yes, yes ... Take a walk, take a walk ... This is useful, useful ... Good night. (Wants to leave.)


Sarafanov stops.

(Pointing to the clarinet.) Who was being escorted out?


NEIGHBOUR. Who died, I ask.

SARAFANOV (frightened). Shh!.. Hush!

The neighbor covers his mouth with his hand, quickly nods.

(Reproachfully.) Well, what about you, after all, I asked you. God forbid, mine will hear ...

NEIGHBOUR. Okay, okay ... (Whispering.) Who was buried?

SARAFANOV (in a whisper). Human.

NEIGHBOR (in a whisper). Young?.. Old?

SARAFANOV. Middle-aged…

The neighbor shook his head long and ruefully.

Excuse me, I'll go home. I got something...

NEIGHBOUR. No, Andrey Grigoryevich, I don't like your new profession.

Disperse. One disappears into the entrance, the other goes out into the street.

Vasenka appears from the street, stops at the gate. There is a lot of anxiety and uncertainty in his behavior, he is waiting for something. Footsteps were heard in the street. Vasenka rushes to the entrance - Makarska appears at the gate. Vasenka calmly, feigning an unexpected meeting, goes to the gate.

Vasenka. Oh who do I see!

MAKARSKAYA. And this is you.

Vasenka. Hello!

MAKARSKAYA. Hi, kiryushechka, hello. What are you doing here? (Goes to the wooden house.)

Vasenka. Yes, I decided to take a little walk. Shall we walk together?

MAKARSKAYA. What are you, what a walk - cold dog. (Pulls out a key.)

VASENKA (standing between her and the door, detaining her on the porch). I won't let you.

MAKARSKAYA (indifferently). Here you go. Begins.

Vasenka. You rarely get out into the air.

MAKARSKAYA. Vasenka, go home.

Vasenka. Wait... Let's chat a little... Tell me something.

MAKARSKAYA. Goodnight.

Vasenka. Say that tomorrow you will go to the cinema with me.

MAKARSKAYA. We'll see tomorrow. Now go to sleep. Well, let it go!

Vasenka. I won't let you.

MAKARSKAYA. I'll complain to yours, you get through!

Vasenka. Why are you screaming?

MAKARSKAYA. No, this is some kind of punishment!

Vasenka. Well, scream. I might even like it.

MAKARSKAYA. What do you like?

Vasenka. When you scream

MAKARSKAYA. Vasenka, do you love me?

Vasenka. I AM?!

MAKARSKAYA. Love. Something bad you love me. I’m standing here in a sweater, I’m cold, tired, and you? .. Well, let it go, let it go ...

Vasenka (surrenders). Are you cold?

MAKARSKAYA (opening the door with the key). Well… smart one. If you fall in love, you must obey. (On the threshold.) And in general: I want you to no longer wait for me, do not follow me, do not follow me. Because nothing will come of it... Now go to sleep. (Entering the house.)

Vasenka (approaches the door, the door closes). Open! Open! (Knocks.) Open for a minute! I need to tell you. Do you hear? Open!

MAKARSKAYA (in the window). Don't yell! Wake up the whole city!

Vasenka. To hell with it, with the city! .. (Sits on the porch.) Let them get up and listen, what a fool I am!

MAKARSKAYA Just think how interesting... Vassenka, let's talk seriously. Understand you, please, we can't have anything with you. Apart from the scandal, of course. Think, stupid, I'm ten years older than you! After all, we have different ideals and all that - didn’t they explain this to you at school? You should be friends with girls. Now at school, it seems, and love is allowed - that's wonderful. Here is and love whom relies.

Vasenka. Do not be silly.

MAKARSKAYA. Well enough! Good words you, apparently, do not understand. I'm fed up with you. Tired, you understand? Go away, and I don't want to see you here again!

Vasenka (goes to the window). Okay... You won't see me again. (Mournfully.) You'll never see.

MAKARSKAYA. The boy is completely insane!

Vasenka. Will see you tomorrow! Once! For half an hour! Goodbye! .. Well, what are you worth!

MAKARSKAYA. Well, yes! You won't get rid of it later. I know you very well.

Vasenka (suddenly). Rubbish! Rubbish!

MAKARSKAYA. What?!. What's happened?!. Well, order! Every punk can offend you!.. No, without a husband, apparently, you can't live in this world!.. Get out of here. Well!


Vasenka. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to.

MAKARSKAYA. Leave! Bainki! Tailless puppy! (Slams the window.)

Vasenka wanders into his entrance. Busygin and Silva appear.

SILVIA. How are they us, tell me? ..

BUSYGIN. Let's smoke.

SILVIA. And that blond one, nothing...

BUSYGIN. Small in stature.

SILVIA. Listen! She liked you.

Vampilov is a writer to whom fame came after his death. It was after the ridiculous death that happened to him on Lake Baikal that his posthumous fame began to gain momentum. Everyone reads his works, books are printed, although only one came out during his lifetime. Plays began to be staged in theaters, films were made based on his works. In a word, they started talking about Vampilov and we study his works to this day. So in literature we got acquainted with the work of Vampilov the Elder Son.

Vampilov Eldest son

The eldest son is a play by Vampilov, which came out in two versions. At first it was a work called The World in the House of Sarafanov and was written in 1964. In 1970, Alexander Vampilov finalizes his play and gives it a new name, Elder Son.

Vampilov's book The Elder Son is a wonderful work of the author. It shows us how important it is in life to be able to listen, understand another, come to the rescue in difficult times, be responsive, and how important support is. It is shown that even in spirit it is possible to be closer than any kindred.

In the work, we get acquainted with such heroes as Sarafanov - an elderly man, his children Nina and Vasya, and the named eldest son Busygin. The whole plot of the play is comedic and begins with a joke. So, finding themselves at night in an unfamiliar area, two young guys Silva and Busygin Vova are looking for an overnight stay. That's just no one wants to shelter strangers. And then Silva goes to the trick. Seeing how a man enters the house, they rush to where they played the show. Silva, realizing that they will now be kicked out and will not be given shelter for the night, introduces Busygin as the named older brother. The guys, listening to the conversation between father and son, shook everything on their heads. As a result, they answer all the questions of Sarafanov Sr. Busygin enters into confidence. Vova himself was so imbued with the old man, his life, that he himself began to consider himself the eldest son.

Busygin, at the right time, appeared in the life of Sarafanov, whose daughter is going to get married and wants to leave her father's house. Vasya, who is unlucky in love, tries to escape into the taiga. And now Busygin, like that magic wand, appears in order to change everything. Volodya himself enjoyed the role of a son, because he never had a father. He completely immersed himself in his role, and really became like an older brother, like an older son who wants to help, instruct his named brother and sister on the true path, and his old life brightens up his old father.

The eldest son Vladimir brings harmony to the house from which everyone wanted to escape. Nina wants to leave for Sakhalin, hoping to escape from the duties assigned to her. Vasya could not find answers to life's questions in any way, he could not find himself in life, and therefore he wanted to go to a construction site in the taiga. Yes, and Sarafanov himself would be glad to run away from home and nowhere. Busygin changes everything. Now no one wants to run anywhere. Sarafanov has an older son to rely on, Nina has found love, Vasya has overcome his attachment to a girl. Busygin showed Nina and Vasya how much their father means to them. However, conscience makes itself felt, and then there are the feelings that arose for Nina. Busygin admits to everything, but nothing changes from this, because, as it turned out, spiritual kinship is even stronger than blood.

The main characters of the play

One of the main characters of the play The Elder Son is Sarafanov. His life failed: his wife left, the children also want to leave home. Not getting along at work, I had to leave my profession. As Sarafanov said, he did not turn out to be a serious musician and he was forced to start playing in a funeral orchestra.

Vasya is the son of Sarafanov, a tenth grader, in love with a girl ten years older than him.
Nina is the daughter of Sarafanov. She took care of the family. It is difficult for her, she even looks older than her years. Wants to leave by getting married.

"Elder Son", released on screens in 1975, in which many of the most popular actors participated. It turns out that this film was based on the famous work. Author of the comedy "Elder Son" and Vampilov. A summary will help the reader not only get acquainted with the writer's narrative, but also remember fragments of his favorite movie.

The beginning of the work, or getting to know the characters

How does Vampilov begin his comedy "Elder Son"? The summary introduces the reader to two One named Semyon. He was and the nickname was given to him Silva. The second young man, Busygin, studied to be a doctor. That evening they met two pretty girls and volunteered to walk them home. Of course, secretly hoping that the evening will continue.

But the girls did not let them in, and the guys stayed outside. Moreover, they discovered that they were late for the train. So you need to figure out where to spend the night. It's cold, dark and uncomfortable outside. The young guys, who up to this point were barely familiar, are noticeably closer. Both have a great sense of humor, neither has a habit of losing heart. So, Vampilov's play "The Elder Son" describes two cheerful guys. By hook or by crook, with humor and play, they are looking for any ways to find a night shelter.

A student in love, or the search for an overnight stay

Further in the work "The Elder Son" Vampilov continues to talk about the adventures of two perky guys and their prank. Without losing hope of finding a place to sleep, they saw the house of thirty-year-old Makarska. Watching the scene, how she sent the boy in love Vasya, a student of the tenth grade, they also decided to try their luck in turn. But the woman kicked them out too.

The guys are completely exhausted and do not know where to go. And then they noticed how Andrey Grigoryevich Sarafanov, who lived in a neighboring house, went to Makarskaia. The guys thought it was a date. Finally, a convenient opportunity to use the dwelling of Andrei Grigorievich in order to at least have a little rest and warm up.

But when they come to his house, they see the same Vasenka. The boy was rather wary of such a visit. And then in his comedy "The Elder Son" Vampilov - a summary of the actions will try to convey these events as accurately as possible - came up with a rather unusual plot twist.

I'm your brother, or the Frozen Guys Prank

Busygin reproaches Vasya for distrusting people, and Silva has already realized that his friend has come up with a cunning plan in order to deceive the boy. And, of course, he begins to play along. He tries to convince Vasenka that Busygin is his half-brother, who finally decided to find his father. Surprised not only Vasya, but also a newly-made relative. He wasn't in the mood to play the boy like that.

But Silva has already begun to develop the success of his plan and persuades Vasya that such an event should be celebrated. And he sends the boy to check the household supplies. The table is laid in the kitchen and the celebration begins. And then the father of the Sarafanov family returns, who went to Makarska only to ask to be a little softer with his son.

And then Andrei Grigorievich finds out that he had an eldest son. Vampilov (a summary of the comedy will continue to acquaint the reader with further events) draws all his characters into this prank.

When was it, or Memoirs of Sarafanov

When the drunken Vasenka told his father about his new brother, naturally, Sarafanov was not only surprised, at first he did not believe in it at all. He begins to remember when it was, and comes to the conclusion that such a situation is quite possible. At a time when the war had just ended, he met a girl named Galina. And this child could have been from her.

Busygin heard all these arguments of Sarafanov. Now the guy feels absolutely confident. Andrei Grigoryevich, asking his new son about the details of his life, gradually convinced himself that this young man was his offspring. Moreover, a loving father. And Sarafanov at that moment really needed the love of this guy, who introduced himself as his eldest son. Vampilov continues to revolve around this fictional story in his comedy.

Family troubles and the prank continues

It was at this moment that everything in the family went upside down. Vasya is inflamed with feelings for an adult woman and becomes uncontrollable, daughter Nina is getting married and will leave soon. Yes, my father has problems at work. I quit playing in the orchestra. Now he plays music at funerals or dance floors. But he carefully hides it from his children. But they already knew about it, they just didn’t want to upset their father.

The daughter of Andrei Grigorievich wakes up and also learns about a new relative. The girl reacted very incredulously to such a statement. But Busygin plays this comedy so skillfully that Nina also gradually leans towards him. All night Sarafanov and his son, who appeared so unexpectedly, spend endless conversations. The man told him about his life. About how his wife left him, and about his musical career.

It's time to go home, or an unexpected gift

Further in the comedy "Elder Son" Vampilov continues to talk about his gullible characters and the guys who played them. Sarafanov went to bed, while Busygin and his friend wanted to quietly leave their hospitable hosts. But Andrei Grigorievich wakes up and is visibly upset because of their unexpected departure.

Busygin promised to return, and then Sarafanov announced that he had to give him a present. He gives the guy a snuffbox made of silver, which, according to him, in their family always goes to the eldest son. The young man was touched and decides to stay one more day. There is another reason for this - he liked Sarafanov's daughter.

An incomprehensible relationship begins to arise between Nina and Busygin. On the one hand, they seem to be like relatives, and on the other, their mutual interest began to be felt. How will events develop further in the work "The Elder Son"? Vampilov (the summary of the comedy continues to follow his narrative) finally confused all his characters in their seething emotions.

A new explosion of emotions, or the Appearance of the groom

Makarskaya, after talking with Andrei Grigorievich, decides to go to the cinema with Vasya. But he learns that after that she will have a meeting with Silva. The boy is indignant, and the woman says that she agreed to go with him only because Sarafanov asked her. Vasya is upset again and is going to leave his home. Finally, the denouement of the comedy "Elder Son" should come.

Vampilov (a brief summary follows the course of the author's presentation) introduces the reader to Nina's fiancé. An ordinary guy is pilot Kudimov. Kind and straightforward. Busygin and his friend constantly make fun of Nina's future husband. The whole company gathered at the table to celebrate the acquaintance. And here Kudimov recalls where he is so familiar with the face of Andrei Grigorievich. He met him at the funeral. Sarafanov confesses everything to his children.

"Elder son", Vampilov. Summary of chapters, or how it all ends

Busygin tries to calm Sarafanov. The pilot leaves, it's time for him to return to the barracks. Vasenka still runs away from home. Nina reproaches Busygin for treating her fiancé incorrectly. And then the guy breaks down, tells her not only about his feelings, but that he is not her brother. Silva unexpectedly returns in half-burned clothes, and with him Makarska and Vasya.

It turns out that the boy set fire to the woman's house during her date with a new boyfriend. Silva is outraged. The guy demands new clothes and soon, having gathered, leaves the Sarafanovs' house. But already at the door he announces that Busygin is no relative of them. Andrei Grigoryevich is upset and does not want to believe it.

He knows it's his son. Moreover, Sarafanov has already managed to fall in love with the guy and invites him to move into their house. Nina tries to object. And Busygin, having reassured everyone with a promise to constantly visit them, discovered that he was again late for the last train. Thus ends the comedy "Elder Son".

Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov

"Oldest Son"

Two young people - a medical student Busygin and sales agent Semyon, nicknamed Silva - hit on unfamiliar girls. After seeing them home, but not meeting with the further hospitality they expected, they discover that they missed the train. The time is late, it is cold outside, and they are forced to seek shelter in a strange area. Young people themselves hardly know each other, but misfortune brings them together. Both of them are guys with humor, they have a lot of enthusiasm and game, they do not lose heart and are ready to take advantage of any opportunity to warm up.

They knock on the house of a lonely thirty-year-old woman, Makarskaya, who has just driven away Vassenka, a tenth grader who is in love with her, but she sends them off too. Soon, the guys who do not know where to go see how an elderly man from a neighboring house calls out to her, calling himself Andrei Grigoryevich Sarafanov. They think that this is a date, and decide to take advantage of the opportunity to visit him in the absence of Sarafanov and warm up a little. At home, they find the upset Vasenka, the son of Sarafanov, who is experiencing his love failure. Busygin pretends to know his father for a long time. Vasenka is very wary, and Busygin tries to reassure him, saying that all people are brothers and we must trust each other. This leads the cunning Silva to the idea that Busygin wants to play a trick on the boy, introducing himself as the son of Sarafanov, Vasenka's half-brother. Inspired by this idea, he immediately plays along with his friend, and the dumbfounded Busygin, who did not mean this at all, appears to Vasenka as his unknown older brother, who finally decided to find his father. Silva is not averse to developing success and inclines Vasenka to celebrate the event - to find something from alcohol in the bins at home and drink on the occasion of finding a brother.

While they are celebrating in the kitchen, Sarafanov suddenly appears, having gone to Makarskaya to ask for his son, who is drying with love. Drunk Vasenka stuns him with stunning news. The confused Sarafanov does not believe at first, but, remembering the past, he nevertheless admits such a possibility - then the war had just ended, he "was a soldier, not a vegetarian." So his son could have been twenty-one years old, and his mother's name was--her name was Galina. These details are heard by Busygin peering out of the kitchen. Now he is more confident in himself when meeting with an imaginary father. Sarafanov, while questioning the newly-born son, is more and more convinced that he really is his offspring, who sincerely loves his father. And Sarafanov now really needs such love: the youngest son has fallen in love and strives to get out of hand, his daughter is getting married and going to Sakhalin. He himself left the symphony orchestra and plays at dances and at funerals, which he proudly hides from the children, who, nevertheless, are in the know and only pretend that they know nothing. Busygin plays his role well, so that even Sarafanov's adult daughter Nina, who at first met her brother very incredulously, is ready to believe.

Sarafanov and Busygin spend the night in a confidential conversation. Sarafanov tells him all his life, opens his soul: his wife left him because it seemed to her that he played the clarinet for too long in the evenings. But Sarafanov is proud of himself: he did not allow himself to dissolve in the bustle, he composes music.

In the morning, Busygin and Silva make an attempt to slip away unnoticed, but collide with Sarafanov. Upon learning of their departure, he is discouraged and upset, he gives Busygin a silver snuffbox as a keepsake, since, according to him, in their family it always belonged to the eldest son. The touched impostor announces his decision to stay a day. He helps Nina tidy up the apartment. A strange relationship develops between him and Nina. It seems that they are brother and sister, but their mutual interest and sympathy for each other clearly do not fit into the family framework. Busygin asks Nina about the groom, involuntarily releasing jealous barbs at him, so that something like a quarrel occurs between them. A little later, Nina will also react jealously to Busygin's interest in Makarska. In addition, they constantly turn to the conversation about Sarafanov. Busygin reproaches Nina for the fact that she is going to leave her father alone. They are also worried about their brother Vasenka, who now and then makes attempts to run away from home, believing that no one needs him here.

Meanwhile, Vassenka, encouraged by the unexpected attention of Makarska, who agreed to go to the cinema with him (after talking with Sarafanov), comes to life and now is not going to go anywhere. However, his joy does not last long. Makarska has an appointment at ten o'clock with Silva, whom she likes. Having learned that Vassenka bought a ticket for the same time, she refuses to go, and Vasenka's naive persistence indignantly admits that the boy owes her unexpected kindness to his dad. In desperation, Vassenka packs his backpack, and the sensitive Busygin, who had just intended to leave, is again forced to stay.

In the evening, Nina's fiancé pilot Kudimov appears with two bottles of champagne. He is a simple and open guy, good-natured and perceives everything too straightforwardly, which he is even proud of. Busygin and Silva now and then make fun of him, to which he only smiles good-naturedly and offers a drink so as not to waste time. He's short of it, he, a cadet, doesn't want to be late, because he made a promise to himself never to be late, and his own word is law for him. Soon Sarafanov and Nina appear. The whole company drinks for acquaintance. Kudimov suddenly begins to remember where he saw Sarafanov, although Busygin and Nina

they try to prevent him, convincing him that he could not see him anywhere or saw him at the Philharmonic. Nevertheless, the pilot, with his inherent integrity, persists and eventually remembers: he saw Sarafanov at the funeral. Sarafanov bitterly forced to admit this.

Busygin reassures him: people need music both when they are having fun and when they are sad. At this time, Vasenka with a backpack, despite attempts to stop him, leaves his home. Nina's fiancé, despite her persuasion, also rushes away, afraid of being late for the barracks. When he leaves, Nina reproaches the malicious brother that he treated her fiancé badly. In the end, Busygin cannot stand it and admits that he is not Nina's brother at all. Moreover, he seems to be in love with her. Meanwhile, the offended Sarafanov is packing his suitcase to go with his eldest son. Suddenly, Vassenka runs in with a frightened, solemn look, followed by Silva in half-burned clothes, with a face stained with soot, accompanied by Makarska. It turns out that Vasenka set fire to her apartment. The indignant Silva demands pants and, before leaving, vindictively informs at the door that Busygin is not Sarafan's son at all. This makes a great impression on everyone, but Sarafanov firmly declares that he does not believe. He does not want to know anything: Busygin is his son, and, moreover, his beloved. He invites Busygin to move out of the hostel to them, although this meets Nina's objection. Busygin reassures him: he will visit them. And then he discovers that he was late for the train again.

Two young guys - one Busygin, and the other Semyon Silva, met two girls. After seeing them home, the guys did not achieve reciprocity. Suddenly they remembered that they missed the last train and decided to spend the night in one of the random houses. The guys began to knock on the windows of the house of one woman, by the name of Makarskaya, but she did not let them in.

Soon they found shelter in the neighboring house of Andrei Grigoryevich Sarafanov. Here they saw Vasya, who had recently endured the bitterness of separation from his neighbor Makarska. They begin to play Vasenka, introducing themselves as relatives. Silva, who introduced himself as Vasenka's half-brother, asks to find some alcohol in the house. The opportunity presented itself excellent, because Vasya found his brother.

While the guys are comfortably settled in the kitchen, celebrating the meeting, Vasenka's father appears, who was at first dumbfounded by his newfound son. However, starting to remember his past, he increasingly believes that Busygin is really his son. Sarfanov, remembered the post-war years, when he really could be with Busygin's mother. He asks him about his mother, who should be called Galina. Busygin got used to his role so well that the daughter of Sarafanov, who came, also began to believe that her brother had been found.

At night, the guys listen to a sincere story from Sarafanov that his wife left him for a long absence from home. He played the clarinet in the evenings. But Sarafanov remained proud of himself, as he began to compose music.

The next morning, Busygin and Silva try to quietly leave the house, but Sarafanov, who saw them, was upset, and the guys decided to stay. Sarafanov presented the impostor - son with a silver snuffbox, which, according to him, should belong to his eldest son. Busygin stays for one more day. He helps his new sister clean up the apartment, and they develop an incomprehensible relationship. Busygin tries to confess his love to Nina, but he cannot, because he must play the role of a brother. Nina also feels drawn to Busygin. She begins to be jealous of him in Makarska, in which Busygin began to show interest. In addition, they constantly talk about their father and about Vasenka, who is trying to run away from home. Busygin says that Nina must not leave her father.

In the evening, Nina's fiancé appeared. He was a cadet in a flight school. Busygin and Silva begin to make fun of him, but Kudimov, ignoring the barbs, offers them a drink. Soon Nina and Sarafanov appear. Kudimov recalls seeing Sarafanov playing at the funeral. He is embarrassed that his secret work was revealed. Sarafanov leaves to pack his suitcase to leave home.

After collecting his things, Vasya leaves the house, followed by Kudimov, who should not be late for classes. Busygin confesses to Nina that he is not her brother at all. In addition, he is in love with Nina.

Meanwhile, Sarafanov packed his suitcase to leave with his eldest son. But it turns out that Busygin is not Sarafanov's son at all. This news shocked Sarafanov. The latter does not want to believe this, and Busygin promises to visit him. At the same time, Busygin realizes that he was late for the train again.


A.V. Vampilov and his play "Elder Son" Moral problems in A. Vampilov's play "Elder Son"

Current page: 1 (total book has 4 pages)

Alexander Vampilov
eldest son
Comedy in two acts







Picture one

Late spring evening. Yard in the suburbs. Gates. One of the entrances of the stone house. Nearby is a small wooden house, with a porch and a window into the courtyard. Poplar and bench. Laughter and voices are heard in the street.

Busygin, Silva and two girls appear. Silva deftly, as if by the way, plays the guitar. Busygin leads one of the girls by the arm. All four are visibly cold.

SILVA (humming).

We rode in a troika - you can’t catch up,
And in the distance flashed - you will not understand ...

FIRST GIRL. Well, boys, we're almost home.

BUSYGIN. Almost doesn't count.

FIRST GIRL (to Busygin). Allow your hand. (Frees his hand.) Thanks for seeing me off. We'll get here on our own.

SILVA (stops playing). yourself? How to understand this? .. You are here (shows), and we, then, back? ..


SILVA (to Busygin). Listen, friend, how do you like it?

BUSYGIN (to the first girl). Are you leaving us on the street?

FIRST GIRL. What did you think?

SILVIA. Thought? .. Yes, I was sure that we were going to visit you.

FIRST GIRL. Visiting? At night?

BUSYGIN. What's special?

FIRST GIRL. So you are wrong. We don't have guests at night.

SILVA (to Busygin). What do you say to that?

BUSYGIN. Goodnight.

GIRLS (together). Good night!

SILVA (stops them). Think girls! Where to hurry? Now you will howl with anguish! Be smart, invite you!

SECOND GIRL. Visit! Look how fast! .. We danced, treated us to wine and immediately - to visit! They weren't attacked!

SILVIA. Tell me what a trick! (Delays the second girl.) Give me at least a kiss for the coming dream!

The second girl breaks free and both leave quickly.

Girls, girls, stop!

Busygin and Silva follow the girls. Sarafanov appears with a clarinet in his hands. A neighbor, an elderly man, comes out to meet him from the entrance. He is dressed warmly, looking sickly. By manners - an employee of the middle hand, a purveyor.

NEIGHBOUR. Hello Andrey Grigorievich.

SARAFANOV. Good evening.

NEIGHBOR (sarcastically). From work?

SARAFANOV. What? .. (hurriedly.) Yes, yes ... From work.

NEIGHBOR (with a sneer). From work?.. (Reproachfully.) Eh, Andrey Grigoryevich, I don't like your new profession.

SARAFANOV (hurriedly). What are you, neighbor, where are you going to spend the night looking?

NEIGHBOUR. How - where? Nowhere. My blood pressure jumps, I went out into the air.

SARAFANOV. Yes, yes ... Take a walk, take a walk ... This is useful, useful ... Good night. (Wants to leave.)


Sarafanov stops.

(Pointing to the clarinet.) Who was being escorted out?


NEIGHBOUR. Who died, I ask.

SARAFANOV (frightened). Shh!.. Hush!

The neighbor covers his mouth with his hand, quickly nods.

(Reproachfully.) Well, what about you, after all, I asked you. God forbid, mine will hear ...

NEIGHBOUR. Okay, okay ... (Whispering.) Who was buried?

SARAFANOV (in a whisper). Human.

NEIGHBOR (in a whisper). Young?.. Old?

SARAFANOV. Middle-aged…

The neighbor shook his head long and ruefully.

Excuse me, I'll go home. I got something...

NEIGHBOUR. No, Andrey Grigoryevich, I don't like your new profession.

Disperse. One disappears into the entrance, the other goes out into the street.

Vasenka appears from the street, stops at the gate. There is a lot of anxiety and uncertainty in his behavior, he is waiting for something. Footsteps were heard in the street. Vasenka rushes to the entrance - Makarska appears at the gate. Vasenka calmly, feigning an unexpected meeting, goes to the gate.

Vasenka. Oh who do I see!

MAKARSKAYA. And this is you.

Vasenka. Hello!

MAKARSKAYA. Hi, kiryushechka, hello. What are you doing here? (Goes to the wooden house.)

Vasenka. Yes, I decided to take a little walk. Shall we walk together?

MAKARSKAYA. What are you, what a walk - cold dog. (Pulls out a key.)

VASENKA (standing between her and the door, detaining her on the porch). I won't let you.

MAKARSKAYA (indifferently). Here you go. Begins.

Vasenka. You rarely get out into the air.

MAKARSKAYA. Vasenka, go home.

Vasenka. Wait... Let's chat a little... Tell me something.

MAKARSKAYA. Goodnight.

Vasenka. Say that tomorrow you will go to the cinema with me.

MAKARSKAYA. We'll see tomorrow. Now go to sleep. Well, let it go!

Vasenka. I won't let you.

MAKARSKAYA. I'll complain to yours, you get through!

Vasenka. Why are you screaming?

MAKARSKAYA. No, this is some kind of punishment!

Vasenka. Well, scream. I might even like it.

MAKARSKAYA. What do you like?

Vasenka. When you scream

MAKARSKAYA. Vasenka, do you love me?

Vasenka. I AM?!

MAKARSKAYA. Love. Something bad you love me. I’m standing here in a sweater, I’m cold, tired, and you? .. Well, let it go, let it go ...

Vasenka (surrenders). Are you cold?

MAKARSKAYA (opening the door with the key). Well… smart one. If you fall in love, you must obey. (On the threshold.) And in general: I want you to no longer wait for me, do not follow me, do not follow me. Because nothing will come of it... Now go to sleep. (Entering the house.)

Vasenka (approaches the door, the door closes). Open! Open! (Knocks.) Open for a minute! I need to tell you. Do you hear? Open!

MAKARSKAYA (in the window). Don't yell! Wake up the whole city!

Vasenka. To hell with it, with the city! .. (Sits on the porch.) Let them get up and listen, what a fool I am!

MAKARSKAYA Just think how interesting... Vassenka, let's talk seriously. Understand you, please, we can't have anything with you. Apart from the scandal, of course. Think, stupid, I'm ten years older than you! After all, we have different ideals and all that - didn’t they explain this to you at school? You should be friends with girls. Now at school, it seems, and love is allowed - that's wonderful. Here is and love whom relies.

Vasenka. Do not be silly.

MAKARSKAYA. Well enough! Good words you, apparently, do not understand. I'm fed up with you. Tired, you understand? Go away, and I don't want to see you here again!

Vasenka (goes to the window). Okay... You won't see me again. (Mournfully.) You'll never see.

MAKARSKAYA. The boy is completely insane!

Vasenka. Will see you tomorrow! Once! For half an hour! Goodbye! .. Well, what are you worth!

MAKARSKAYA. Well, yes! You won't get rid of it later. I know you very well.

Vasenka (suddenly). Rubbish! Rubbish!

MAKARSKAYA. What?!. What's happened?!. Well, order! Every punk can offend you!.. No, without a husband, apparently, you can't live in this world!.. Get out of here. Well!


Vasenka. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to.

MAKARSKAYA. Leave! Bainki! Tailless puppy! (Slams the window.)

Vasenka wanders into his entrance. Busygin and Silva appear.

SILVIA. How are they us, tell me? ..

BUSYGIN. Let's smoke.

SILVIA. And that blond one, nothing...

BUSYGIN. Small in stature.

SILVIA. Listen! She liked you.

BUSYGIN. I don't like it anymore.

SILVA (looks at his watch, whistles). Listen, what time is it?

BUSYGIN (looks at his watch). Half past twelve.

SILVIA. How much?.. Heartily congratulations, we missed the train.

BUSYGIN. Seriously?

SILVIA. Everybody! The next one is at six in the morning.

Busygin whistled.

(Freezes.) Brr ... Gentlemen! .. Seeing off arranged! gibberish!

BUSYGIN. Far from home?

SILVIA. Twenty kilometers, no less!.. And all these prudes! What the hell are we doing with them!

BUSYGIN. What is this area, I've never been here.

SILVIA. Novo-Mylnikovo. Wilderness!

BUSYGIN. No acquaintances?

SILVIA. Nobody! No family, no police.

BUSYGIN. It's clear. Where are the bystanders?

SILVIA. Village! Everybody is sleeping already. They're still laying down here.

BUSYGIN. What shall we do?

SILVIA. Listen, what's your name? Sorry, there, in the cafe, I didn’t really hear.

BUSYGIN. I didn't hear it either.

SILVIA. Let's do it again, shall we...

They shake each other's hands.

BUSYGIN. Busygin. Vladimir.

SILVIA. Sevostyanov. Semyon. In common parlance - Silva.

BUSYGIN. Why Silva?

SILVIA. And the devil knows. Boys - nicknamed nicknamed, but did not explain.

BUSYGIN. I saw you somehow. On the main street.

SILVIA. But how! I receive there from eight to eleven. Every evening.

BUSYGIN. Do you work somewhere?

SILVIA. Necessarily. While trading. agent.

BUSYGIN. What kind of work is this?

SILVIA. Normal. Accounting and control. And you? Are you working hard?

BUSYGIN. Student.

SILVIA. We'll be friends, you'll see!

BUSYGIN. Wait. Someone is coming.

SILVA (freezing). But it's cold, tell me!

The neighbor returns from a walk.

BUSYGIN. Good evening!

NEIGHBOUR. Greetings.

SILVIA. Where is the nightclub here? Oh, sweetheart?

BUSYGIN (to Silva). Wait. (To a neighbor.) Where is the bus, please tell me.

NEIGHBOUR. Bus?.. It's on the other side, behind the line.

BUSYGIN. Can we catch the bus?

NEIGHBOUR. You can. In general, you won't be able to. (Intends to go.)

BUSYGIN. Listen. Can you tell me where we can stay for the night? We were visiting, we missed the train.

NEIGHBOR (looks at them with apprehension and suspicion). It happens.

SILVIA. We would only have to skim until the morning, and there ...

NEIGHBOUR. It's understandable.

SILVIA. Somewhere behind the stove. Modest, huh?

NEIGHBOUR. No, no, guys! I can't, guys, I can't!

BUSYGIN. Why, uncle?

NEIGHBOUR. I would love to, but I do not live alone, you know, in society. My wife, mother-in-law...

BUSYGIN. It's clear.

NEIGHBOUR. And personally I - with great pleasure.

BUSYGIN. Oh, uncle, uncle...

SILVIA. Valenok you full of holes!

The neighbor moves away silently and timidly.

Damn wind! Where did he break from? Such was the day and - on you!

BUSYGIN. It will be raining.

SILVIA. It just wasn't enough!

BUSYGIN. Or maybe snow.

SILVIA. Eh! I'd rather be at home. Warm at least. And fun too. My dad is a big joker. You won't get bored with him. No, no, yes, and something will give out. Yesterday, for example. I, he says, are tired of your ugliness. At work, he says, I experience these ... awkwardness because of you. Here, he says, you have the last twenty rubles, go to a tavern, get drunk, arrange a brawl, but such a brawl that I won’t see you for a year or two! .. Nothing, huh?

BUSYGIN. Yes, dear parent.

SILVIA. And you have?

BUSYGIN. What do I have?

SILVIA. Well, with my father. Is it the same - disagreements?

BUSYGIN. No controversy.

SILVIA. Seriously? How do you do it?

BUSYGIN. Very simple. I do not have a father.

SILVIA. Ah. Another thing. Where do you live?

BUSYGIN. In the campus. On the Red Revolt.

SILVIA. What about medical school?

BUSYGIN. Himself... Yes, the climate here is unimportant.

SILVIA. Spring is called! .. Brrr ... Besides, I don’t get enough sleep for a whole month ...

BUSYGIN. OK then. You go to this entrance, knock on someone's door. And I'll try in the private sector. (He heads towards Makarska's house.)

Silva goes to the entrance.

(Knocking at Makarska.) Hello, master! Hello! (He pauses and knocks again.) Master!

The window opens.

MAKARSKAYA (from the window). Who is this?..

BUSYGIN. Good evening, girl. Listen, I missed the train, I'm freezing.

MAKARSKAYA. I won't let go. Don't even think!

BUSYGIN. Why so categorically?

MAKARSKAYA. I live alone.

BUSYGIN. All the better.

MAKARSKAYA. I'm alone, you understand?

BUSYGIN. Wonderful! So you have a place.

MAKARSKAYA. You are crazy! How can I let you in if I don't know you!

BUSYGIN. Great trouble! Please! Busygin Vladimir Petrovich Student.

MAKARSKAYA. Well, so what?

BUSYGIN. Nothing. Now you know me.

MAKARSKAYA. Do you think this is enough?

BUSYGIN. What else? Oh yeah... Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, but I already like you.

MAKARSKAYA. impudent.

BUSYGIN. Why so rude? .. Tell me better how you feel there, in your empty ...


BUSYGIN. ...cold...


BUSYGIN. ... a dark house. Are you not scared alone?

MAKARSKAYA. No, don't be scared!

BUSYGIN. And suddenly you get sick at night. After all, there is no one to give water. You can't do that, girl.

MAKARSKAYA. Don't worry, I won't get sick! And let's not! We'll speak another time.

BUSYGIN. And when? Tomorrow?.. To visit you tomorrow?


BUSYGIN. And I won't live until tomorrow. I'll freeze.

MAKARSKAYA. Nothing will be done to you.

BUSYGIN. And yet, girl, I think you will save us.

MAKARSKAYA. You? Aren't you alone?

BUSYGIN. In fact of the matter. A friend is with me.

MAKARSKAYA. Also a friend?.. Impossible impudent ones! (Slams the window.)

BUSYGIN. Well, we talked. (Walks around the yard; goes out into the street, looks around.)

Silva appears.

SILVIA. Empty chores. I called three apartments.

BUSYGIN. So what?

SILVIA. Nobody opens. Afraid.

BUSYGIN. Dark forest... For Christ's sake, nothing will come of it.

SILVIA. Let's bend down. Half an hour more and I'll be dead. I feel.

BUSYGIN. How about in the hallway?

SILVIA. Do you think it's warm? Hell no. They don't heat up anymore. Most importantly, no one wants to talk. They will only ask who is knocking, and that's all, no more words ... We will die.

BUSYGIN. Hmm ... And there are so many warm apartments around ...

SILVIA. What flats! And how many drinks, how many snacks ... Again, how many single women! Rrr! It always pisses me off. Let's go! We will knock on every apartment.

BUSYGIN. Wait, what are you going to tell them?

SILVIA. What can I say? .. We missed the train ...

BUSYGIN. They won't believe.

SILVIA. Let's say we freeze.

BUSYGIN. So what? Who are you, what do they care about you? It's not winter now, you'll be patient until the morning.

SILVIA. We will say that we are behind this ... from the fast train.

BUSYGIN. Nonsense. This way you won't break them. We need to come up with something like this...

SILVIA. Let's say that bandits are chasing us.

Busygin laughs.

Are they not allowed to?

BUSYGIN. You don't know people well.

SILVIA. And you?

BUSYGIN. And I know. A little. In addition, sometimes I attend lectures, study physiology, psychoanalysis and other useful things. And you know what I understood?


BUSYGIN. Humans have thick skin and it's not easy to pierce it. It is necessary to lie properly, only then will they believe and sympathize with you. They need to be scared or appeased.

SILVIA. Brrr... You're right. First, we'll wake them up. (Moves to keep warm, then sings and stamps.)

When the lanterns swing at night
And you can't walk the streets anymore...

BUSYGIN. Stop doing that.

SILVA (continues).

I'm coming from the pub
I'm not waiting for anyone
I can't love anyone anymore...

SILVIA (raised his head). You do not like?

The sound of a slamming window is heard.

SILVIA. Heard? .. The same uncle. Look how transformed.

BUSYGIN. Yeah...

SILVIA. So trust people after that. (Chills) Rrr...

BUSYGIN. We went to the entrance. At least there is no wind.

They go to the entrance. At this time, a light flashes in one of the windows. Friends stop and watch.

Did you call there?

SILVIA. No. Look, someone is getting dressed.

BUSYGIN. It seems to be two.

SILVIA. They're coming. Let's get this thing over with.

Busygin and Silva step aside. Sarafanov comes out of the entrance. He looks around and heads for Makarska's house. Busygin and Silva are watching.

SARAFANOV (knocking at Makarska). Natasha! .. Natasha! .. Natasha! ..

MAKARSKAYA (opening the window). Well, night! Enraged, and only! Who else is this?!

SARAFANOV. Natasha! Forgive me, for God's sake! This is Sarafanov.

MAKARSKAYA. Andrey Grigoryevich?.. I didn't recognize you.

BUSYGIN (quietly). It's funny... She doesn't know us, but, therefore, she knows him...

SARAFANOV. Natasha, dear, I'm sorry it's so late, but I need you right now.

MAKARSKAYA. Now. I open. (Disappears, then lets Sarafanov in.)

SILVIA. What is being done! She is twenty-five, no more.

BUSYGIN. He is sixty, no less.

SILVIA. Well done.

BUSYGIN. So, so ... Curious ... Has anyone stayed at his house? .. Wife, in any case, should not be ...

SILVIA. Looks like the guy was still there.

BUSYGIN (thoughtfully). Boy, you say...

SILVIA. Looks like a young one.


SILVIA. I think he has many.

BUSYGIN (thinking). Maybe, maybe... You know what? Let's go get to know him.

SILVIA. With whom?

BUSYGIN. Yes, with my son.

SILVIA. With what son?

BUSYGIN. With this. With the son of Sarafanov. Andrei Grigorievich.

SILVIA. What do you want?

BUSYGIN. Get warm... Let's go! Let's go warm up, and we'll see.

SILVIA. I don't understand anything!

BUSYGIN. Let's go!

SILVIA. This night will end at the police station. I feel.

Disappear in the entrance.

Picture two

Sarafanov's apartment. Among the things and furniture is an old sofa and a battered dressing table. Entrance door, door to the kitchen, door to another room. Curtained window to the courtyard. On the table is a rucksack. Vasenka is writing a letter at the table.

VASENKA (reads what has been written aloud). “... I love you in a way that no one will ever love you. Someday you will understand it. Now be calm. You got your way: I hate you. Goodbye. S.V.”

Nina appears from another room. She is in a dressing gown and slippers. Vasenka hides the letter in his pocket.

NINA. Dashed off?

Vasenka. What's your business?

NINA. Now go give her your message, come back and go to bed. Where is the father?

Vasenka. How do I know!

NINA. Where did he go at night? .. (Takes a backpack from the table.) And what is this?

Vasenka tries to take away Nina's backpack. Struggle.

Vasenka (yielding). I'll take it when you fall asleep.

NINA (throws out the contents of her backpack on the table). What does this mean?.. Where are you going?

Vasenka. On a hike.

NINA. And what is this? .. Why do you need a passport?

Vasenka. None of your business.

NINA. What did you think? .. Don't you know that I'm leaving?

Vasenka. I'm leaving too.

NINA. What?

Vasenka. I'm leaving.

NINA. Are the dates completely crazy?

Vasenka. I'm leaving.

NINA (crouching). Listen, Vaska... You're a bastard, and no one else. I would take you and kill you.

Vasenka. I don't touch you, and you don't touch me.

NINA. You don't care about me, okay. But you have to think about your father.

Vasenka. You don't think about him, why should I think about him?

NINA. Oh my God! (Rises.) If you only knew how tired I am of you! (He collects the things that have been poured out on the table into a backpack, takes it to his room; stops at the threshold.) Tell your father not to wake me in the morning. Let me sleep. (Exits.)

Vasenka takes a letter out of his pocket, puts it in an envelope, and signs the envelope. Knock on the door.

Vasenka (mechanically). Yes, sign in.

Busygin and Silva enter.

BUSYGIN. Good evening.

Vasenka. Hello.

BUSYGIN. May we see Andrey Grigoryevich Sarafanov?

Vasenka (gets up). He's not home.

BUSYGIN. When will he return?

Vasenka. He just went out. When he returns, I don't know.

SILVIA. And where did he go, if not a secret?

Vasenka I don't know. (With concern.) And what is it?

BUSYGIN. Well… how is his health?

Vasenka. Father?.. Nothing... Hypertension.

BUSYGIN. Hypertension? Wow! .. And how long has he had hypertension?

Vasenka. For a long time.

BUSYGIN. But in general, how is he? .. How are the successes? .. Mood?

SILVIA. Yes, how is he here ... Nothing?

Vasenka. And what, exactly, is the point?

BUSYGIN. Let's get acquainted. Vladimir.

Vasenka. Vasily ... (to Silva.) Vasily.

SILVIA. Semyon ... In the common people - Silva.

Vasenka (with suspicion). Silvia?

SILVIA. Silvia. The guys are still in this ... they called it in the boarding school, for being addicted to this ...

BUSYGIN. To music.

SILVIA. Exactly.

Vasenka. It's clear. Well, why do you need a father?

SILVIA. What for? In general, we came to this ... to see.

Vasenka. Have you not seen him for a long time?

BUSYGIN. How to say to you? The saddest thing is that we never saw him.

Vasenka (cautiously). Unclear…

SILVIA. Just don't be surprised...

Vasenka. I'm not surprised... How do you know him?

BUSYGIN. And this is already a secret.

Vasenka. Secret?

SILVA A terrible secret. But don't be surprised.

BUSYGIN (in a different tone). OK. (Vasenka.) We went in to warm ourselves. Do you mind if we warm up here?

Vasenka is silent, he is rather alarmed.

We missed the train. We read your father's name on the mailbox. (Not immediately.) Don't you believe?

Vasenka (anxiously). Why? I believe, but...

BUSYGIN. What? (He takes a step or two towards Vassenka. Vassenka backs away. Silva.) He is afraid.

Vasenka. Why did you come?

BUSYGIN. He doesn't believe us.

Vasenka. If anything, I'll scream.

BUSYGIN (to Silva). What did I say? (He plays for time, warms himself.) At night it's always like this: if one, then a thief, if two, then bandits. (Vasenka.) Not good. People have to trust each other, you know that? No?.. In vain. You are being raised badly.

SILVIA. Yeah...

BUSYGIN. Well, your father, for example, once ...

Vasenka (interrupts). Why are you a father? What do you want from him?

BUSYGIN. What do we need? Trust. All in all. Man is brother to man, I hope you heard about it. Or is that news to you too? (to Silva) Just look at him. A suffering, hungry, cold brother stands at the threshold, and he does not even offer him to sit down.

SILVA (he has been listening to Busygin with bewilderment until now, suddenly becomes inspired - it dawned on him). Really!

Vasenka. Why did you come?

BUSYGIN. You did not understand anything?

Vasenka. Of course not.

SILVA (astonished). Didn't you understand?

BUSYGIN (to Vasenka). You see…

SILVA (interrupts). What is there! I will tell him! I'll be honest! He's a man, he'll understand. (Vasenka, solemnly.) Complete calm, I reveal the secret. The thing is that he (points to Busygin) is your own brother!


Vasenka. What-oh?

SILVA (impudently). What?

A small pause.

Yes, Vasily! Andrey Grigoryevich Sarafanov is his father. Haven't you understood this yet?

Busygin and Vasenka are equally surprised.

BUSYGIN (to Silva). Listen…

SILVA (interrupts, Vasenka). Not expected? Yes, like this. Your dad is his own father, oddly enough ...

BUSYGIN. What happened to you? What are you talking about?

SILVIA. The brothers have met! What's the case, huh? Which moment?

Vasenka (confused). Yes, indeed...

SILVIA. What a case, you think! Drink up guys, drink up!

BUSYGIN (to Silva). Idiot. (Vasenka.) Don't listen to him.

SILVIA. No! I think it's better to say right away! Honestly and frankly! (Vasenka.) Right, Vasily? What is there to darken when everything is already clear? Nothing to darken, just need to drink for the meeting. Do you have a drink?

Vasenka (in the same perplexity). Have a drink?.. Of course... Now... (Looking back at Busygin, he goes into the kitchen.)

SILVA (he is delighted). Force!

BUSYGIN. What, are you crazy?

SILVIA. Well, you drove up to him!

BUSYGIN. Fool, how did you get this nonsense into your head?

SILVIA. Me? .. She took it to you! You are just a genius!

BUSYGIN. Cretin! Do you understand what you're doing here?

SILVIA. "Suffering brother!" Force! I would never have thought of!

BUSYGIN. Well, cudgel ... Think, cudgel, what will happen if dad comes in here now. Imagine this!

SILVIA. So… Presented. (She runs to the exit, but stops and returns.) No, we'll have time to drink. Dad will be back in an hour, not before. (Fusses before drinking.) Well, dad! (Mimics.) "I need you right now!" Goose! They are all geese. Yours, you see, was the same, tell me?

BUSYGIN. None of your business. (Goes to the door.)

SILVIA. Wait, why doesn't this one suffer a little for that one. Everything is fair here, in my opinion.

BUSYGIN. Let's go.

SILVA (stubbornly). Well, I do not! Let's have a drink, then we'll go. I don't understand you, didn't you really deserve a glass of vodka for your idea?.. Shh! Here it is, our drink. Goes. Approaching. (Whispering) Hug him, pat him on the head. Kindred.

BUSYGIN. Damn it! I need to contact this idiot!

Vasenka enters with a bottle of vodka and glasses. Puts everything on the table. He is confused and confused.

SILVA (pours). Don't get upset! If you look at it, we all have much more relatives than we should ... To your meeting!

Drink. Vasenka drinks with difficulty, but he drinks.

Life, Vasya, is a dark forest, so don't be surprised. (He pours again.) We're off the train now. He just tortured me and got tired of himself: to call in - not to call in? And you need to see. You know what time we live in.

BUSYGIN (to Vasenka). How old are you?

Vasenka. To me? Seventeenth.

SILVIA. Healthy boy!

BUSYGIN (to Vasenka). Well ... your health.

SILVIA. Stop! We don't drink like that. Unintelligent. Is there something to eat?

Vasenka. Have a bite?.. Of course, of course! Let's go to the kitchen!

SILVA (stops Vasenka). Maybe he shouldn't show his father today, what do you think? You can't do it all at once, unexpectedly. We'll sit for a while and... we'll come back tomorrow.

Vasenka (to Busygin). Don't you want to see him?

BUSYGIN. How can I tell you... I want to, but it's risky. I'm afraid for his nerves. Because he knows nothing about me.

Vasenka. Well, what are you! If you have found it, then you have found it.

All three go into the kitchen. Sarafanov appears. He goes to the door to the next room, opens it, then closes it carefully. At this time, Vasenka leaves the kitchen and also closes the door behind him. Vassenka became visibly intoxicated, he was overcome by bitter irony.

SARAFANOV (notices Vassenka). You are here ... And I walked along the street. It started raining there. I remembered my youth.

Vasenka (cheekly). And very handy.

SARAFANOV. When I was young, I used to do stupid things, but I never got hysterical.

Vasenka. Listen to what I tell you.

SARAFANOV (interrupts). Vasenka, only weak people do this. Also, don't forget, there's only a month left before the exams. You still need to finish school.

Vasenka. Dad, sleds walked in the rain ...

SARAFANOV (interrupts). And in the end, you can’t do it right away - both you and Nina. You can't do that... No, no, you're not going anywhere. I won't let you.

Vasenka. Dad, we have guests, and unusual guests ... Or rather, like this: a guest and another one ...

SARAFANOV. Vasenka, a guest and another one are two guests. Who came to us, speak plainly.

Vasenka. Your son. Your eldest son.

SARAFANOV (not immediately). You said... Whose son?

Vasenka. Your. Don't worry... For example, I understand all this, I don't judge, and I'm not even surprised. I'm not surprised by anything...

SARAFANOV (not immediately). And do you have such jokes? And do you like them?

Vasenka. What jokes? He is in the kitchen. Dinner.

SARAFANOV (looks attentively at Vassenka). Someone is having dinner there. Perhaps ... But you know, dear, I don’t like you ... (I saw it.) Wait! Yes, you're drunk, in my opinion!

Vasenka. Yes, I drank! On such an occasion.

SARAFANOV (threateningly). Who gave you permission to drink?!

Vasenka. Dad, what are you talking about? Here is such a case! I never thought I had a brother, but here you are. Go take a look at him, you're not that drunk yet.

SARAFANOV. Are you kidding me, rogue?

Vasenka. No, I'm being serious. He is passing through here, he missed you very much, he ...

SARAFANOV. Who is he?

Vasenka. Your son.

SARAFANOV. Then who are you?

Vasenka. AND! Talk to him yourself!

SARAFANOV (goes towards the kitchen; hearing voices, stops at the door, returns to Vassenka). How many are there?

Vasenka. Two. I told you.

SARAFANOV. And second? Does he want me to adopt him too?

Vasenka. Dad, they're adults. Think about it, why do adults need parents?

SARAFANOV. Do you think it's not needed?

Vasenka. Ah, I'm sorry, please. I wanted to say that an adult does not need someone else's parents.


SARAFANOV (listening). Incredible. My children are running away - I can still understand this. But so that strangers and even adults come to me! How old is he?

Vasenka. Years twenty.

SARAFANOV. The devil knows what! .. You said twenty years? .. Some kind of nonsense! .. Twenty years!

Vasenka. Don't be upset, dad. Life is a dark forest...

Busygin and Silva were about to come out of the kitchen, but, seeing Sarafanov, they step back and, opening the door ajar, listen to his conversation with Vasenka.

SARAFANOV. Twenty years old... The war is over... Twenty years old... I was thirty-four years old... (Gets up.)

Busygin opens the door.

Vasenka. I understand dad...

SARAFANOV (suddenly angry). What to remember! I was a soldier! Soldier, not a vegetarian! (Walks around the room.)

Busygin, whenever possible, opens the door from the kitchen and listens.

Vasenka. I understand you.

SARAFANOV. What?.. Something too much you understand! With your mother, we have not yet met, keep in mind!

Vasenka. I thought so, dad. Yes, do not be upset if you figure it out ...

SARAFANOV (interrupts). No no! Nonsense… God knows what…

Sarafanov is located between the kitchen and the door to the hallway. Thus, Silva and Busygin have no way to escape.

Vasenka. Do you think he's lying? What for?

SARAFANOV. He messed up something! You will see that he messed up! Think! Think! To be my son, he needs to be like me! This is the first.

Vasenka. Dad, he looks like you.

SARAFANOV. What?.. Nonsense! Nonsense! You just thought... Nonsense! I have only to ask how old he is, and you will immediately understand that all this is pure nonsense! Nonsense! .. And if it comes to that, now he should be ... Must be ...

Busygin leans out from behind the door.

Twenty… twenty-one years! Yes! Twenty one! Here you see! Not twenty or twenty-two! .. (Turns to the door.)

Busygin disappears.

Vasenka. What if he's twenty-one?

SARAFANOV. It can't be!

Vasenka. But what if?

SARAFANOV. Do you mean coincidence? Coincidence, right?.. Well, this is not impossible... Then... Then... (Thinks.) Don't bother me, don't bother me... His mother should be called... she should be called...

Busygin leans out.

(It dawned on him.) Galina!

Busygin disappears.

SARAFANOV. What do you say now? Galina! And not Tatyana and not Tamara!

Vasenka. And the surname? And the patronymic?

Busygin leans out.

SARAFANOV Her patronymic? .. (Uncertainly.) In my opinion, Alexandrovna ...

Busygin disappears.

Vasenka. So. And the surname?

SARAFANOV. Last name, last name ... Enough name ... Quite enough.

Vasenka. Of course of course. After all, so many years have passed...

SARAFANOV. That's it! Where was he before? Grew up and now looking for a father? What for? I will bring him to clean water, you will see ... What is his name?

Vasenka. Volodya. Take it easy, dad. He loves you.

SARAFANOV. Loves? .. But ... For what?

Vasenka. I don't know, dad... Native blood.

SARAFANOV. Blood?.. No, no, don't make me laugh... (Sits down.) They, you say, from the train?.. Have you found something to eat?

Vasenka. Yes. And drink. Drink and eat.

Busygin and Silva try to slip away. They take two or three silent steps towards the exit. But at that moment Sarafanov turned in his chair, and they immediately return to their original position.

SARAFANOV (rises). Maybe I should drink too?

Vasenka. Don't be shy, dad.

Busygin and Silva reappear.

SARAFANOV. Wait, I'll… zip up. (Turns to Busygin and Silva.)

Busygin and Silva instantly pretend that they have just left the kitchen. Silence.

BUSYGIN. Good evening!

SARAFANOV. Good evening…


Vasenka. Well, so you met ... (to Busygin.) I told him everything ... (to Sarafanov.) Don't worry, dad ...

SARAFANOV. You ... sit down ... Sit down! .. (Looks closely at both.)

Busygin and Silva sit down.

(Stands.) Have you... just got off the train?

BUSYGIN. We… in fact, a long time ago. Three hours ago.


SARAFANOV (Silva). So… you mean passing through?..

BUSYGIN. Yes. I'm returning from the competition. Here ... I decided to see ...

SARAFANOV (all attention to Busygin). O! So you are an athlete! It's good... Sports at your age, you know... And now? Back to competition? (Sits down.)

BUSYGIN. No. Now I'm going back to college.

SARAFANOV. O! So are you a student?

SILVIA. Yes, we are doctors. Future doctors.

SARAFANOV. That's right! Sport is sport and science is science. Very right… I beg your pardon, I'll change seats. (He moves closer to Busygin.) At twenty, there is enough time for everything - both for study and for sports; yes, yes, a wonderful age ... (He decided.) You are twenty years old, aren't you?
