The Orlando attack was the deadliest mass murder in US history. Details and reaction

The shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando was the most mass murder in the entire history of the United States, 50 people were killed and 53 were injured. The attacker was well prepared and took hostages; the ISIS organization banned in Russia took responsibility for the terrorist attack. The incident gave rise to heated discussions about the rights of minorities and terrorism on religious grounds, including in Russia.

Gay nightclub shooting

Around 2 a.m. local time in night club Pulse in Orlando, Florida. The club was hosting a Latin American dance evening and there were 320 guests. He shot and killed a police officer who happened to be at the scene.

The shooter was obviously well prepared and organized everything. The shooter was well armed. He had a rapid-fire rifle, a pistol and some kind of device with him.- John Mina Orlando Police Chief

The man fired from a pistol and a machine gun, the police suspected that he had an explosive device with him, FoxNews reports. Some of the club's guests managed to escape through the back door, while the rest were taken hostage.

It was decided to seize the building; during the seizure, with the help of a special forces unit, the attacker was shot dead by security officers. At first it was reported that there were 20 victims, but later the mayor of Orlando said that there were 50 dead.

With regret I must say that we have not 20, but 50 dead, except for the shooter himself. And another 53 people were hospitalized. The entire floor was covered in blood.- Buddy Dyer, Mayor of Orlando

Omar Mateen and connection with Islamic terrorists

The shooter turned out to be 29-year-old Omar Mateen, who was born in New York in a family of immigrants from Afghanistan. The Daily Beast reports that he came to the attention of intelligence agencies in 2013 and 2014 in connection with the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon. The Federal Bureau of Investigation began an investigation against him, which was soon closed.

Mateen had a Florida gun license and worked for a private security company. Omar's father told NBC that his son practiced Islam, but believes his crime was homophobic rather than religious.

We recently walked around Miami, music was playing. He saw two men kissing right in front of his wife and children. The son was very angry. We apologize for what happened. We didn't know our son would do this. We are in shock, like the whole country.- Mir Seddiqi, father of the killer

But NBC journalists report that Mateen called 911 directly from the seized club and swore allegiance to the Islamic State (an organization banned in Russia). RIA Novosti, citing Reuters, reported that IS claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack in Orlando.

An armed attack on a gay nightclub in the city of Orlando in the US state of Florida, as a result of which more than 100 people were killed or injured, was carried out by an Islamic State fighter (banned in Russia).

A member of the US Congress and Intelligence Committee explained that Islamic terrorist leaders called for attacks during the holy month of Ramadan.

The fact that this shooting took place during Ramadan and that the ISIS leadership in Raqqa was calling for attacks during this time, and that the target was an LGBT nightclub during Pride and - to be precise - that, according to local law enforcement, The shooter swore allegiance to ISIS, indicating that the Islamic State inspired the attack.- Adam Shift intelligence committee member

The media compare the shooting at the Pulse club with the September 11 terrorist attack and say that this is the second largest terrorist attack in the history of the country. US President Barack Obama issued a statement calling the incident a terrorist attack motivated by hate.

While the investigation is ongoing, we can already say that this was an act of terror and an act of hatred. We are still studying all the circumstances. We do not yet have a final judgment regarding the specific motivation of the killer.- Barack Obama

US presidential candidate in the upcoming fall elections, Donald Trump, was outraged by the fact that the current president did not say anything about Islamic terrorism and the fight against it.

Is President Obama even going to mention radical Islamic terrorism? If not, he must resign immediately!

Reaction in Russia

The Russian blogosphere has actively responded to the high-profile terrorist attack in Florida; the name of the American city has been in the top of Russian-language Twitter all day.

The number of victims in the Orlando shooting surpassed that of March, when 34 people were killed as a result of explosions at the airport and metro stations. Bloggers are discussing the connection between the terrorist from Orlando and ISIS (an organization banned in Russia).

A loud scandal erupted in Nizhny Novgorod after a young man and a girl had sex in the middle of a party in one of the city nightclubs. Eyewitnesses posted a video of the incident on social networks, and law enforcement officers began an investigation.

It became known that everything happened on the night of October 21-22 at the Milo nightclub, where an event called “Mega Bachelorette Party” was held. One of the eyewitnesses told ProGorodNN the details of what happened.

The club was packed that night. Because of large quantity After two o'clock people were no longer allowed in. A young girl, 17-20 years old, was drinking at the boys’ expense. In the end, I settled on who, it seemed to me, bought her the most alcohol. And, apparently, sexual intercourse on the dance floor is a kind of payment for drinks. They were not shy about anyone or anything. The administration and security didn't seem to care about what was happening. Several visitors were outraged, but the rest just laughed, filmed and helped with advice.

In contact with

Later, the media learned the identities of the young people who became the main characters of the party, although due to heated discussion of the situation on social networks, the young man and his partner deleted their accounts.

The young man turned out to be a cadet at the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. According to available information, from educational institution After the scandal, the young man has already been expelled.

In contact with

The girl, in turn, is studying in the 1st year of the NSPU named after Minin to become a teacher of Russian language and literature. She faces a disciplinary commission, which will take place in early November.

In one of the nightclubs in Nizhny Novgorod there was flagrant incident. A drunk girl had sex with a guy right on the dance floor. The case is being actively discussed in in social networks Federal and regional media are writing about him, and they are already predicting glory for Nizhny Novgorod itself, calling it the new Diana Shurygina.

A video of the spicy incident went viral online. The footage shows that everything happens right on the dance floor during a party in front of dozens of eyewitnesses. Some of them smile embarrassedly, others laugh and film what is happening on their mobile phone cameras.

After some time, the couple began to actively kiss, and then continued to dance as if nothing had happened.

A student at the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was expelled from the educational institution after a sex video with his participation appeared on the Internet. RIA Novosti reports this with reference to a representative of the academy.

In turn, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that the department began an investigation into what happened in the Nizhny Novgorod club MILO. The materials will be sent to the recruiting body to make a decision on their further service in the internal affairs bodies. The young man’s partner will also have to answer for her behavior: a first-year student at the State Pedagogical University. Kozma Minina will appear before the disciplinary commission.

A student who had sex in the Milo nightclub in Nizhny Novgorod went live on the Periscope application to answer all the questions of Internet users.

According to the girl, she would not go on television shows for any amount of money, and this format will allow her to reduce the information noise around public sex among students as quickly as possible. The girl notes that she regrets what happened and calls herself a fool.

After users identified the “main characters” of the scandalous plot, they both deleted their VKontakte pages. However, later the student decided to explain her behavior, for which she went live on one of the applications. Without much embarrassment, she answered all the questions from Internet users.

At the same time, the girl immediately clarified that “she will not go to television shows for any money.”

“I’ll film this live broadcast, and then I’ll just stop answering everyone, so that all this will quickly be forgotten,” said the student. - I’m not high, I’ve just calmed down. My friends and family calmed me down.

“I know that I’m a fool,” admits the heroine of the video. - This happened on the initiative of both, I think. I was too drunk.

Users are divided into two camps: some condemn the behavior of the student, others accuse the guy of rape. Meanwhile, during the online broadcast, the girl said that she did not intend to contact the police.

Friends of the “victim” began searching for the hero-lover, distributing directions on social networks. According to available data, the young man is hiding, and nothing is known about his whereabouts until now. Users claim that they intend to find the guy and hand him over to law enforcement agencies.

Social media users were outraged by the reaction of eyewitnesses, who looked indifferently on the sidelines, chuckled, recorded what was happening on video, and even gave advice to the couple. Many were surprised by the inaction of the administration and security of the night establishment

Some Internet users who condemned the couple's immoral behavior are puzzled why the nightclub security did not intervene in the situation. People outraged by hooliganism believe that investigative authorities should conduct an investigation.

A completely wild incident occurred last weekend at the Nizhny Novgorod nightclub “Milo”: there, in the midst of a party, a young couple had sex on the dance floor right at the bar, in front of dozens of visitors to the establishment.

Eyewitnesses filmed this entire action, and the very next day the “18+” videos spread across social networks. The footage shows that the girl - the heroine of the video - is clearly not herself: most likely, she is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, this did not bother her partner at all. However, like the crowd of people nearby. By the way, about people. None of those present tried to stop what was happening - basically everyone was in a hurry to film public sex on a mobile camera, and those who were braver came closer and filmed “close-up”. At the same time, the crowd booed and squealed in approval, and some even applauded the moral decline of two young people, who later became “famous” throughout the country.

It’s obvious that she’s under something, poor girl, she was just taken dirty advantage of! – wrote Tatyana Korobova.

Horror, because it's someone's future wife... - noted Igor Markin.

Despite the extreme degree of indignation of many Internet users who saw the video, the blatant actions of the young people are qualified only as petty hooliganism - Art. 20.1 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Petty hooliganism, that is, a violation of public order that expresses clear disrespect for society, entails an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days, says the administrative code.

However, so far no one is going to punish the depraved couple - there is no reason.

To resolve the issue of bringing young people to administrative responsibility, it is necessary to make statements from citizens who witnessed this incident about insult moral standards. Since we have not received such statements, we are not conducting an inspection,” they told “KP” - NN” in the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Nizhny Novgorod.

According to unofficial information, the heroes of the 18+ video from the Milo nightclub are students of Nizhny Novgorod universities - Minin University and the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. " TVNZ"in Nizhny Novgorod" sent editorial inquiries to these universities to find out whether the management would somehow react to what happened.


A young man who had public sex in the Milo nightclub was expelled from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The scandalous incident that occurred last weekend at the Nizhny Novgorod nightclub “Milo” is gaining momentum. On Monday it became known that the guy who committed debauchery in front of dozens of visitors has seriously paid for his trick - and perhaps this is just the beginning of his troubles ().

The heroine of the sex video from the Nizhny Novgorod club, Ksenia Smirnova, has fans

Contrary to her promises, the girl still went to the show ().

"So what? Happens to everyone!”

The young man lay low after the fuss, but his “dirty dancing” partner Ksenia Smirnova, on the waves of “fame,” staged a twenty-minute live broadcast on the Instagram social network, where she talked about how it all happened and what she plans to do now () .

The star of a sex orgy in a nightclub, Ksenia Smirnova, will go on another talk show

Nizhny Novgorod resident Ksenia Smirnova, who “became famous” after hot sex in the midst of people on the dance floor at the Milo nightclub, will participate in the next television talk show ().

Student Ksenia Smirnova, who gave herself to a guy on the dance floor of the Milo nightclub in Nizhny Novgorod, conducted her own broadcast on Periscope. There the girl told the details of the incident and clarified her position on this matter.

According to the site, 18-year-old Minin State Pedagogical University student Ksyusha Smirnova decided to personally conduct a video broadcast to explain the details of the scandalous incident in the nightclub. There, in front of astonished eyewitnesses, the girl gave herself up young man right on the dance floor. In her broadcast, Smirnova looked quite pleased, smiling and joking with her audience. However, the girl admitted that after she found out what happened, she felt very bad, but she was reassured by friends and family, and she came to her senses, trying not to think about the bad. From the broadcast it became finally known that Smirnova views the sexual incident from the point of view mutual consent participants, and will not write a statement to the police even for money. It is worth noting that the video from the club clearly shows a girl happily kissing a guy.

According to the student, they drank too much alcohol at the club. Now she will never go to this establishment because she is too shy. The girl is fully aware of her guilt, and considers both herself and young cadet. At the same time, she does not believe that she ruined the young man’s life, because they are both to blame. The heroine of the broadcast understands that the video got onto the Internet and was widely publicized, and nothing can be removed from there. The student can only admit that she made a mistake “like a fool.” The girl also noted that she is currently not dating anyone. Smirnova’s parents want to move with her to another city from Nizhny Novgorod.

Previously, the site wrote that the guy was expelled from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after he was identified in a scandalous sex video. The cadet deleted all his social media accounts to avoid online bullying. A sexual incident in a club can be considered “minor hooliganism” and the participants face administrative punishment.
