Types of theaters in kindergarten and attributes for theatrical games. Theatrical activity in kindergarten

We bring to your attention an excerpt from the book “ Theatrical activity in kindergarten. For classes with children 4-5 years old” Shchetkin A. V. / Ed. O. F. Gorbunova. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007. - 128 p.

Creative activity and development of human creative abilities is an integral part of the socio-economic and spiritual directions of the modern social order. The word "creativity" in the social sense means to look for, to depict something that has not been encountered in past experience, individual and social. Creative activity is an activity that gives birth to something new; free art of creating a new product that reflects the personal "I". Creativity is not only the creation of something new in material and spiritual culture, but also the improvement of oneself by a person, primarily in the spiritual sphere.

Children's creativity- one of the urgent problems of preschool pedagogy and child psychology. It was studied by L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, JI. I. Wenger, N. A. Vetlugina, B. M. Teplov, O. M. Dyachenko, A. I. Volkov and many others.

Theatrical activity- This is the most common type of children's creativity. It is close and understandable to the child, lies deep in his nature and is reflected spontaneously, because it is connected with the game. The child wants to translate any of his inventions, impressions from the life around him into living images and actions. Entering the character, he plays any role, trying to imitate what he saw and what interested him, and getting great emotional pleasure.

Theatrical activities help develop the interests and abilities of the child; contribute to the overall development; the manifestation of curiosity, the desire for new knowledge, the assimilation of new information and new ways of action, the development of associative thinking; perseverance, determination, the manifestation of general intelligence, emotions when playing roles. In addition, theatrical activities require the child to be decisive, systematic in work, hard work, which contributes to the formation of strong-willed character traits. The child develops the ability to combine images, intuition, ingenuity and ingenuity, the ability to improvise. Theatrical activities and frequent performances on stage in front of the audience contribute to the realization of the creative forces and spiritual needs of the child, emancipation and self-esteem.

The alternation of the functions of performer and spectator, which the child constantly assumes, helps him to demonstrate to his comrades his position, skills, knowledge, and imagination.

Exercises for the development of speech, breathing and voice improve the speech apparatus of the child. Performing game tasks in the images of animals and characters from fairy tales helps to better master one's body, to realize the plastic possibilities of movements. Theatrical games and performances allow children to immerse themselves in the world of fantasy with great interest and ease, teach them to notice and evaluate their own and other people's mistakes. Children become more liberated, sociable; they learn to clearly formulate their thoughts and express them publicly, to feel and cognize the world around them more subtly.

Theatrical activities should provide children with the opportunity not only to study and learn about the world around them through the comprehension of fairy tales, but to live in harmony with it, to receive satisfaction from classes, a variety of activities, and the successful completion of a task.

Main areas of work with children

Theatrical play

Theatrical play is a historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity inherent in man.


Rhythmoplasty includes complex rhythmic, musical, plastic games and exercises designed to ensure the development of natural psychomotor abilities of preschoolers, freedom and expressiveness of body movements, gaining a sense of harmony of one's body with the outside world.

Culture and technique of speech

This section of the work combines games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus.

Fundamentals of theatrical culture

This section of the work is intended to acquaint children with elementary concepts, professional terminology of theatrical art (features of theatrical art; types of theatrical art, the basics of acting; the culture of the viewer).

Work on the play

Program tasks

Activate the cognitive interest of children.

To develop visual and auditory attention, memory, observation, resourcefulness, fantasy, imagination, imaginative thinking.

Remove tightness and stiffness.

Develop the ability to arbitrarily respond to a command or a musical signal.

Learn to coordinate your actions with other children.

Cultivate kindness and contact in relationships with peers.

Learn to improvise dramatization games on the themes of familiar fairy tales.

Develop a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements.

Develop plastic expressiveness and musicality.

Develop the ability to evenly place and move around the stage without colliding with each other.

Develop speech breathing and correct articulation.

Develop diction on the material of tongue twisters and poems.

Practice clear pronunciation of consonants at the end of a word.

Replenish vocabulary.

Learn to select words that correspond to given essential features.

Learn to use intonations that express basic feelings.

Meet the creators of the play.

Familiarize yourself with theater terminology.

To acquaint with the device of the auditorium and the stage.

Cultivate a culture of behavior in the theater.

Estimated skills and abilities of children

They are able to act in concert.

They are able to relieve tension from certain muscle groups.

Remember the given poses.

Remember and describe the appearance of any child.

Know 5-8 articulation exercises.

They are able to make a long exhalation with an imperceptible short sigh.

They are able to pronounce tongue twisters at different tempos.

They are able to pronounce tongue twisters with different intonations.

They know how to build a simple dialogue.

They are able to make sentences with the given words.

Senior group


Lesson 1. Our favorite hall is again very happy to meet the guys

Lesson 2. Let's try to change

Lesson 3. One, two, three, four, five - do you want to play?

Lesson 4, Game lesson

Lesson 1. We want to show one simple fairy tale

Lesson 2. Playing with fingers

Lesson 3. Let's knock on the tower

Lesson 4. A woodpecker hollowed out a hollow, it is dry, warm

Lesson 1. The house served many, who only lived in the house

Lesson 2. The clubfoot came, the little house collapsed

Lesson 3. Learning to speak differently

Session 4, Learning to speak clearly

Lesson 1. One, two, three, four, five - we will compose styles

Lesson 2. We read funny poems and add a rhyme word

Lesson 3. We talk about our favorite games and fairy tales

Lesson 4. Handsome Petya was born; in front of everyone he was proud

Lesson 1. Petenka is proud of her beauty, she can’t feel her legs under her

Lesson 2. Petya boasted, laughed, Lisa almost got him

Lesson 3. Composing a new fairy tale

Lesson 4. We compose fairy tales ourselves, and then we play them

Lesson 1. Our emotions

Lesson 2. Depiction of different emotions

Lesson 3. We recognize emotions by facial expressions and intonations of the voice

Lesson 4. An evil, evil, bad snake bit a young sparrow

Lesson 1. The poor sparrow would have disappeared if there were no friends

Lesson 2. A friend will always come to the rescue

Lesson 3. Glory, glory to Aibolit, glory, glory to all friends!

Lesson 4. When, scary, you see something that is not there

Lesson 1. Fear seems big to everyone

Lesson 2. Overcome fear

Lesson 3. Fear has big eyes

Lesson 4. If you quarreled with a friend ...

Lesson 1. Like the Moon and the Sun, they cannot resolve a quarrel!

Lesson 2. The God of Lightning and Thunder was in a hurry. The dispute between the moon and the sun, quickly resolved

Lesson 3. How the Sun and the Moon quarreled

Lesson 4. Quiz "We love fairy tales"

There are many forms of education and upbringing as a process of all-round development of children, but theatrical activity stands apart in this series. This is the kind of activity where the game, education and training are inextricably linked. Every child is a magician by nature. The inclinations of creativity are inherent in any child. You need to be able to discover and develop them. The joint task of the kindergarten and parents is to help not to lose the creative abilities of whom they appear, as well as to develop who they sleep in.

It can be argued that theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep feelings and discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual values. This is a concrete visible result. But it is no less important that theatrical classes develop the emotional sphere of the child, make him sympathize with the characters, empathize with the events being played out.

All theatrical games can be divided into two main groups: dramatization and directorial. In games - dramatizations, the child, playing the role as an "artist", independently creates an image with the help of a complex of means of expression.

The types of dramatization are: games - imitations of images of animals, people, literary characters. Dramatization games are role-playing dialogues based on text. But in the director's game, "artists" are toys or their deputies, and the child, organizing activities as a "screenwriter and director", controls the "artists". "Voicing" the characters and commenting on the plot, he uses different means of expression.

The types of director's games are determined in accordance with the variety of theaters used in kindergarten: tabletop, flat and three-dimensional, shadow puppet, finger, etc. In order to develop the creative abilities of children in the process of theatrical activities, it is necessary to highlight multiple conditions:

  • The first condition is the enrichment of the environment with the attributes of theatrical activities and the free development of this environment by children (a mini theater, which is periodically replenished with new attributes and decorations);
  • The second condition is meaningful communication between the teacher and children.
  • The third condition is teaching children the expressive means of theatrical activity:

facial expressions- tells us without words about certain feelings and moods of a person, that is, when a person expresses any emotions.

Gestures– dynamic movement of the body: arms, legs, head, etc., as well as posture.

Pantomime- facial expressions combined with gestures.

Classification of theatrical games

In children younger preschool age the primary development of the director's theatrical game is noted through:

  • tabletop toy theatre;
  • table plane theater;
  • planar theater on flannelgraph;
  • finger theatre.

AT age 4-5 years the child masters different types of table theater:

  • soft toys;
  • wooden theater;
  • cone theatre;
  • theater of folk toys;
  • planar figures;
  • theater of spoons;
  • theater of riding puppets (without a screen, and by the end of the academic year - with a screen), etc.

AT senior and preparatory age groups , children can be introduced to puppets, the theater of the "living hand", the shawl theater, people - puppets.

Walking theater

shadow theater

Advice for parents

"Theatrical activity in kindergarten"

The educational possibilities of theatrical activity are wide. By participating in it, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions make them think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. Improving speech is closely related to mental development. In the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters' replicas, their own statements, the child's vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of speech and its intonational structure are improved.

We can say that theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep feelings and discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual values. But it is no less important that theatrical classes develop the emotional sphere of the child, make him sympathize with the characters, empathize with the events being played out.

Thus, theatrical activity is the most important means of developing empathy in children, that is, the ability to recognize a person’s emotional state by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, the ability to put oneself in his place in various situations, and find adequate ways to help.

“In order to have fun with someone else’s fun and sympathize with someone else’s grief, you need to be able, with the help of your imagination, to transfer yourself to the position of another person, to mentally take his place.”

Of course, the educator plays a huge role in theatrical activities. It should be emphasized that theatrical classes should simultaneously perform cognitive, educational and developmental functions and in no case be reduced to the preparation of performances.

  1. Watching puppet shows and talking about them;
  2. Playing a variety of fairy tales and dramatizations;
  3. Exercises for the formation of expressiveness of performance (verbal and non-verbal);
  4. Exercises for the socio-emotional development of preschool children;

Therefore, the content of such classes is not only acquaintance with the text of any literary work or fairy tale, but also gestures, facial expressions, movement, costumes.

Building an environment for theatrical activities.

The environment is one of the main means of development of the child's personality, the source of his individual knowledge and social experience. The object-spatial environment should not only ensure the joint theatrical activities of children, but also be the basis for the independent creativity of each child, a peculiar form of his self-education. Therefore, when designing a subject-spatial environment that provides theatrical activities for children, it should be taken into account.

  1. Individual socio-psychological characteristics of the child;
  2. Features of his emotional and personal development;
  3. Interests, inclinations, preferences and needs;
  4. Curiosity, research interest and creativity;
  5. Age and sex-role features;

Theater and parents?!

The development of theatrical activity in preschool educational institutions and the accumulation of emotional and sensory experience in children is a long-term work that requires the participation of parents. It is important that parents participate in themed evenings in which parents and children are equal participants.

It is important that parents participate in such evenings as role performers, authors of the text, makers of scenery, costumes, etc. In any case, the joint work of teachers and parents contributes to the intellectual, emotional and aesthetic development of children.

Participation of parents in theatrical activities is necessary. This causes a lot of emotions in children, exacerbates feelings of pride in parents who participate in theatrical performances.

Parent meeting: "The theater is our friend and helper"

Goals : to help improve the pedagogical culture of parents, replenish their knowledge of the theatrical activities of the child in the family and kindergarten; to promote the rallying of the parent team, the involvement of fathers and mothers in the life of the group community; development of creative abilities of parents.

Conduct form: round table.

Plan of the event:

1. Development of children in theatrical activities.

2. Questioning of parents.

3. We play like children.

A) Magical means of understanding.

B) Games with tongue twisters

C) Finger games with words.

D) Pantomimic studies and exercises.

4. Our theater corner.

5. Summing up the results of the meeting. Decision-making.

Preparatory stage:

1. Script development.

2. Preparation of the necessary equipment and material for the round table.

3.Decoration of a group room.

4. Preparation of a memo for parents.

5.Design quotes:

Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky "The theater begins with a hanger."

Nikolai Gogol "The theater is such a department from which you can say a lot of good to the world."

Voltaire. "The theater teaches in a way that a thick book cannot do."

Alexander Herzen. "The theater is the highest authority for solving life's issues."

The development of children in theatrical activities

From time immemorial, the theater has always fascinated the audience. Theatrical game is a historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity inherent in man.

Theatrical activity in kindergarten has its own characteristics. "This is a magical land where the child enjoys playing, and in the game he learns the world."

At first, the teacher takes on the main role in theatrical activities, telling and showing various fairy tales and nursery rhymes. But already starting from the age of 3-4, children, imitating adults, independently beat fragments of literary works in free activity.

Theatrical activity is the most common type of children's creativity.

During the spectacle, imagination allows the child to endow the heroes of the play with human properties, to perceive what is happening as a reality, to sympathize, experience and rejoice for the heroes of the play. Children learn to notice good and bad deeds, to show curiosity, they become more liberated and sociable, they learn to clearly formulate their thoughts and express them publicly, to feel and learn more about the world around them.

The importance of theatrical activity cannot be overestimated. Theatrical games contribute to the comprehensive development of children: speech, memory, determination, perseverance develop, physical skills are worked out (imitation of the movements of various animals). In addition, theatrical activities require determination, diligence, and ingenuity. Today, when the emotional underdevelopment of children is acutely felt against the background of excessive information, abundant various impressions, the significance of the theatrical genre lies also in the fact that it emotionally develops the personality. After all, parents often have no time to read a book to their child. And how the eyes of a baby light up when an adult reads aloud, intonation highlighting the character of each hero of the work!

Parents were interviewed first. The results of the survey were announced at the parent meeting.

Questionnaire for parents

1. How old is your child?

2. How long does he attend preschool?

3. In what forms does the child show creativity?

4. Does he share his impressions about theatrical performances, classes, holidays held in kindergarten?

5. Do puppet shows evoke an emotional response from him?

6. Are there children's cassettes, discs with fairy tales in the house?

7. Do you arrange theatrical performances at home?

8. Have you been to the theater with your child?

9. Your wishes and suggestions for theatrical activities in our garden.

Thanks a lot!

Dear parents! Now let's play with you the way we play with children in theatrical activities. But first, answer the questions.

*If all people could not speak, but knew the words, how would they understand each other? (With the help of gestures, facial expressions, body postures).

* Can we know about a person's mood without seeing his face? How? (By posture, gestures.)

* Can we call intonation, facial expressions, pantomime (gestures, human posture) "magic" means of understanding?

*Remember what gestures you know and use when communicating? (greeting, farewell, etc.)

Leading in the center of the circle with closed eyes. Everyone moves in a circle with the words:

We played a little

Now we are in a circle.

You solve the riddle.

Who called you - find out!

The driver calls by the name of the one who told him: “Find out who I am?”

Game "Foreigner"

You are in another country whose language you do not know. Ask with gestures how to find a cinema, a cafe, a post office.


1. Using facial expressions, express grief, joy, pain, fear, surprise.

2. Show how you are sitting at the TV (an exciting film), at a chessboard, fishing (bites).

Games with tongue twisters

The tongue twister must be worked out through very slow, exaggeratedly clear speech. Tongue twisters are first pronounced silently with active lip articulation; then in a whisper, then aloud and quickly (several times). Tongue twisters help children learn to pronounce difficult words and phrases quickly and clearly.

Saying options:

Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt.

The king is an eagle, the eagle is a king.

Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.

Broken phone

The first player receives a card with a tongue twister, passes it along the chain, and the last participant says it out loud. (two teams play)

Finger games with words

Finger games help to prepare the hand for writing, developing fine motor skills of hands, attention, imagination and memory.

Two puppies, Fists of the right and left hands alternately stand on the table with an edge

Cheek to cheek, fists rubbing against each other.

Pinch the brush The right palm grabs the fingertips of the left, and vice versa.

In the corner

Pantomimic studies and exercises

Give children tasks at home: observe, remember, repeat the behavior of people and animals, household items in the simplest situations. It is better to start with objects, because children remember them visually well and this does not require special observations.

Show how:

The goalkeeper catches the ball;

The zoologist catches a butterfly;

The fisherman catches a big fish;

The child catches a fly.

Try to picture:





Our theater corner


Many thanks to all the parents who responded to our request and helped financially replenish the base of the theatrical activity corner!

Now we have several types of theater: picture theater, table theater, mask theater, tactile theater, finger theater, mitten theater, magnetic theater, origami theater, yogurt theater, pom-pom theater, theater on strings, on sticks. And what beautiful riding puppets we have on the gapite, both cardboard and sewn, made of soft toys, and of different sizes. We also have screens and various houses. In addition to types of theater made by one's own hands, there is also a factory-made theater, which is also in demand by children. All this contributes to the theatrical activity of children, the ability to transform, the ability to improvise, communicate and expand vocabulary.

Place a memo for parents in the parent's corner.

home theater

Of great importance for the child is the theater, theatrical activity. Family theater is a special environment for the development of children's creative abilities.

This is the key to the moral development of the child, which opens up a new facet of activity, introduces not only the art of facial expressions and gestures, but also the culture of communication. The value of theatrical activity is that it helps children to visually see the content of a literary work, develops imagination, without which a full perception of fiction is not possible. After all, the ability to vividly imagine what you read or hear about is developed on the basis of external vision, from the experience of real ideas. Theatrical activity is actively used in kindergarten, but how much joy a child gets when his dad suddenly becomes a wolf, his mother a fox, and his grandfather a bear!

Dramatization serves for the child as a means of displaying artistic abilities, developing speech, and moral experience. Playing theater is very close to a child who strives to express all his experiences and impressions in action.

Parent meeting solution:

1. Use the information obtained at the parent meeting as part of the development of children in theatrical activities.

2. Maintain children's interest in theatrical activities in kindergarten and at home.

3. Take care of parents about technical means (discs, cassettes) that contribute to the development of the creative potential of children.

4. Pay serious attention to the choice of fiction for reading to children.

Psychologists have proven that play activity is an integral component of the harmonious all-round development of preschool children. This is due to the age-related features of the development of mental processes in children. With the help of this, preschoolers learn about the world around them, learn to communicate and interact with peers, and adapt in society. One of the most effective types of play activity in kindergarten is theater. In such activities, preschoolers show creative activity, realize their potential, develop abilities. Therefore, it is so important to hold theatrical games in preschool educational institutions. Such activities are organized in a preschool institution in a variety of forms. About what types of theaters are in kindergarten and how to organize them correctly, we will consider in this material. In addition, we will share interesting ideas for making attributes and equipment for such work.

The influence of theatrical play on the development of a preschooler

It is impossible to overestimate the beneficial effect of theatrical games on. This activity contributes to:

  • assimilation and consolidation of educational material by children;
  • development of speech and fine motor skills;
  • the formation of communication skills;
  • development of creative abilities, identification of talents of kids;
  • the formation of the ability to interact with others;
  • the formation of a sensitive-emotional sphere;
  • the emergence of a steady interest in fiction, books;
  • education of aesthetic taste;
  • development of such personal qualities as purposefulness, will, initiative and others.

Types of theaters in preschool

Thus, the organization of theatrical activities in preschool education solves a number of educational and educational goals. In addition, it contributes to the implementation of the requirements of the state standard, because thanks to this form of pedagogical work, children learn to independently put forward ideas, argue, show initiative and creativity.

What types of theaters in kindergarten can be organized? In the pedagogical literature, it is proposed to carry out such activities with preschoolers as:

  • table theater;
  • bench;
  • riding;
  • wrist;
  • floor;
  • live puppet theatre.

In turn, each of these species is divided into subspecies. We will discuss each of them in more detail below.

stand theater

A poster theater is a surface on which figures-characters and scenery are attached. This type includes:

  1. Theater on a flannelograph (a board covered with fabric). To organize this, you will need an industrial or self-made flannelograph and figurines-characters of the selected artwork, on which you need to attach Velcro on the back. Thus, as the plot develops, the child is invited to attach the necessary figures to the flannelgraph.
  2. Magnetic is, in fact, the same as the previous view, only a metal board is used, and magnetic strips are attached to the figures instead of Velcro. The basis and, accordingly, the characters of such a theater are of very different sizes: from a small table version to a full-fledged screen for an auditorium or music hall.
  3. in gardens - the most mysterious and unusual for the perception of children, preschoolers enthusiastically participate in such a game. To organize this type of theater, you will need a screen (vertically stretched white fabric), a lantern or table lamp (depending on the size of the screen), and black cardboard figures. Instead of toy characters, shadows can be created directly with the hand and fingers. This view is called "theater of living shadows."

table theater

The name of this type of theater speaks for itself - gaming activities are carried out on the table. Its peculiarity is that the scenery and characters should be small in order to be able to place all the necessary attributes of the game on the surface. What is a table theater in kindergarten:

  1. Paper (cardboard). Often such a finished theater can be found in some children's magazine - you just need to cut and collect all the necessary details and you can start the performance.
  2. Magnetic is a metal board with magnets - the characters of a fairy tale.
  3. Theater made of natural materials, such as cones, chestnuts, acorns, etc. It is convenient to place such characters in a box of sand.

"Wrist" theater

This type includes theatrical activities, which require attributes such as finger puppets or toys - "gloves". There are the following "wrist" types of theaters in kindergarten:

  • finger;
  • glove.

What is needed in order to organize such a theatrical activity? First of all, you need a screen. Its size depends directly on the size of the characters. In turn, dolls are most often made independently by the teacher. But pupils can also take an active part in the creation of characters. For example, finger puppets can be made from cardboard cones, fabric, tennis balls, and other materials.

“Glove puppets” can be made, for example, from a mitten or a sock, sewing the necessary elements to the base (face, hands, clothes, etc.).

It is important to note that the finger theater, in addition to other advantages, effectively develops fine motor skills of preschoolers, which, in turn, directly affects the formation of children's speech.

horse theater

What is a horse theatre? This term was introduced by Russian puppeteers in the 16th century. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the dolls are taller than the person who controls them. There are the following types:

  1. In the cane theater, puppets are used, which, accordingly, are fixed on a high cane, and the person who controls the characters is hidden behind a screen.
  2. The theater "Bee-ba-bo" is gaining great popularity. In principle, this is the same “glove” one, since the dolls are put on the hand. The only difference is that a high screen is used and, thus, the characters are shown to the audience at a level higher than the puppeteer's height.
  3. No less interesting is the theater of spoons in kindergarten. Attributes for such gaming activities are very easy to make on your own. For this you need a wooden spoon. On its convex part, the face of the character is drawn, and the clothes of a fairy-tale hero are put on the handle. During the staging of the children's play, the puppeteers hold the characters from the spoons by the handle.

floor theater

The floor theater uses puppets. Making them yourself is quite difficult, so most often they are purchased in specialized stores. Due to this feature, this type of theatrical activity is held in kindergartens infrequently. But it is the puppet theater that causes a storm of emotions and delight in preschoolers. Since the kids do not yet understand the mechanism of action of such dolls, the children imagine that the toys "came to life" themselves. It is this element of "miracle", "fairy tale" that contributes to the emergence of positive emotions in preschoolers.

Live Puppet Theater

But more often than others, a “live” puppet theater is organized in kindergarten. Such activities can be carried out as a lesson on the development of speech, the world around, learning a foreign language, as well as during leisure. In addition, a live theater production can be dedicated to some holiday, for example, Maslenitsa or the New Year.

There are the following types of gaming activities described:

  • masque;
  • giant puppet theatre.

The latter is carried out most often as a leisure activity in a preschool educational institution. The roles of giant dolls are performed either by adults or older preschoolers. Younger children can only act as spectators.

Then, as a mask theater is suitable for children of any age. Even the smallest pupils have the opportunity to "reincarnate" in the hero of a fairy tale. The teacher can invite the children to retell the story that the kids love in such an unusual way or prepare a full-fledged performance for the parents.

Preschoolers can make masks for the upcoming performance on their own under the guidance of a teacher, for example, in classes for artistic and aesthetic development or during leisure activities.

How to independently make a screen for a theater in a preschool educational institution?

In order to organize a theatrical activity with preschoolers, various attributes will be required, including masks, puppets, and scenery. Of course, the necessary equipment can be purchased in specialized stores. But, by offering the kids to make the necessary equipment for theatricalization of a fairy tale, it is possible not only to diversify the educational process of preschoolers, increase motivation for work, but also to realize the main educational and educational goals.

What can you make a theater for preschoolers from? For most types of such creative activity, a theater screen is needed. Kindergarten usually has the specified inventory either in the playroom or in the music room. But in the absence of a screen of the required size, you can make it yourself.

The easiest way to make such an attribute for a theatrical game is to stretch a dense fabric in the doorway. Depending on what type of activity is supposed to be carried out, a “window” is cut out in the material, or an indent is made from above to accommodate the characters.

Finger theater screen

To organize a finger theater, you need a small screen. Therefore, this attribute can be made from cardboard boxes, at the bottom of which it is necessary to cut a hole. Such a screen then needs to be aesthetically designed. It is recommended to decorate the box with universal decorations so that you do not have to make a new screen for each fairy tale separately. So, you can arrange it in the form of a forest clearing, place a “house on the edge”.

Dolls for the theater in the preschool educational institution from improvised materials

Preschoolers really like to make puppet characters for theatrical games on their own from unusual materials. From what can such attributes be made? A teacher who practices a creative approach to work is able to make figures from the most unexpected materials. For example, paper theater is the easiest and fastest way to make your own characters.

You can also use wooden ice cream sticks by pasting them with felt, foil, colored self-adhesive film. Photos of such characters for theatrical activities can be seen below.

Materials for crafting characters

What else can you make characters from:

  • cardboard, making two holes for the fingers at the bottom;
  • matchboxes;
  • tennis balls;
  • inflatable balls;
  • disposable tableware: plates, cups, spoons;
  • socks, mittens, gloves;
  • plastic bottles;
  • natural material, etc.

Thus, it is possible to organize different types of theaters in kindergarten. When planning such activities, it is important for the teacher to take into account the age and individual characteristics of pupils, their interests. In addition, it is necessary not only to correctly conduct a theatrical game, but also methodically correctly think over the preparatory and final stages of work with children. The effectiveness of pedagogical work with preschoolers as a whole depends on these factors.

Do the kids really like it? After all, they love to play most of the time. Every kid always wants to fulfill his mission. And how to train him to fulfill his role and act? Who will help him gain life experience? Of course, theater and artists!

After all, what is theatrical activity in kindergarten? This is a great way of aesthetic-emotional education of kids, which allows you to create the experience of a social skill of behavior with the help of fairy tales and literary works for preschool age. Such literature is always distinguished by a moral orientation (kindness, courage, friendship, and so on).

Everyone knows that thanks to the theater, the baby learns the world around him both with his heart and mind. Thus he tries to express his own attitude towards evil and good.

In general, theatrical activities in kindergarten help kids overcome shyness, timidity and self-doubt. The theater teaches young artists to see the beauty in people and in life, awakens in them the desire to bring good and plausible into the world. As a rule, the theater comprehensively develops children.

What is the purpose of theatrical activities in kindergarten? Educators strive to implement the tasks set through all types of children's initiatives aimed at developing creativity and personal qualities in kids.

Work on theatrical activities in kindergarten pursues the following missions:

  • Creation of a special environment in which the creative activity of the younger generation can develop in theatrical activities. Educators encourage performing creativity, develop the ability to be at ease and freely in performances, encourage improvisation by means of facial expressions, expressive movements, intonation, and so on.
  • Introducing kids to theatrical culture. Teachers acquaint them with theatrical genres, the device of the theater, with various types of puppet performances.
  • Providing conditions for the relationship of theatrical with other types of activity in a single teaching process. This task is carried out with the help of music lessons, sports activities, excursions, and so on.
  • Creating conditions for children and adults to study theater lessons together. This item is carried out by staging joint performances in which kids, parents, and employees participate. In addition, teachers organize performances in which older groups speak to younger groups.
  • Educators want every preschooler to be able to realize himself. To do this, they create a favorable microclimate in the group. Here the personality of the little man is respected.

Theater in kindergarten

What is called creative activity and the development of creative talent? This is an integral part of the spiritual and socio-economic directions of the current social order.

In general, the word "creativity" in the people means to look for, to show something that was not in the past experience, social and individual. Creative activity usually gives birth to something unprecedented. It is an independent art of creating new products that reflect the personal self.

It is known that creativity is not only creation in spiritual and material culture. This is a kind of process of human modernization, primarily in the spiritual sphere.

Today, children's creativity is a very urgent problem of child psychology and preschool pedagogy. It was studied by N. A. Vetlupina, A. N. Leontiev, A. I. Volkov, L. S. Vygotsky, B. M. Teplov and many others.

It should be noted that theatrical activities in kindergarten are considered the most common type of creativity for kids. It is close and understandable to the children, it occupies a large part of their nature, spontaneously displayed in them, as it has a connection with the game. Any impression from the surrounding life, every invention, the kids want to turn into actions and living images. They play whatever roles they want, entering into the image, imitating what interested them or what they saw. After all, they get enormous emotional pleasure from this.


It is noteworthy that theatrical practice helps to develop the abilities and interests of kids. In general, they have a positive effect on overall development, show curiosity, help to assimilate fresh information and methods of action, activate the desire to learn new things, and develop associative thinking.

And theatrical activities in the younger group of the kindergarten help the kids become more persistent and purposeful, show their general intelligence and emotions at rehearsals. In addition, theater classes require children to be systematic in their work, hard work, determination, which perfectly forms strong-willed lines of character.

The children develop ingenuity, the ability to combine images, intuition and ingenuity, the ability to improvise. The theater and frequent performances in front of the audience on the stage realize the creative powers and spiritual needs of the kids, liberate and increase self-esteem.

In the classroom, the child constantly alternates between the functions of the performer and the spectator. This helps him to demonstrate to his comrades his position, skills, imagination and knowledge.


Did you know that exercises for the development of speech, voice and breathing modernize the baby's speech apparatus. If he performs a game task in the form of an animal or a fairy-tale character, he will be able to better control his body, study the plasticity of movements. It should be noted that performances and theatrical games enable children to immerse themselves in the world of fantasy, teach them to evaluate and notice their own and other people's mistakes. And they do it with great interest and ease.

The children are liberated and become more sociable. Now they clearly formulate their own thoughts and narrate them publicly, they feel and cognize the universe more subtly.

As a rule, theater practice should give kids a chance not only to learn and explore the surrounding space through the study of fairy tales, but also to live in accordance with it, enjoy every successfully completed lesson, from classes, and a variety of activities.

Basic directions of work with kids

It is known that a historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity inherent in a person, is called a theatrical game.

What is rhythmoplasty? It consists of complex musical, rhythmic, plastic games and exercises necessary to ensure the development of children's innate psychomotor talents, expressiveness and freedom of body movements, discovering a sense of harmony between one's body and the environment.

But the technique of speech and culture are a special section that combines exercises and games that develop breathing and freedom of the speech mechanism.

What is the basic theatrical culture? This is a section that introduces kids to simple concepts, the qualification terminology of artists (characteristic features and types of theatrical art, the culture of the viewer, the basics of the acting profession).

Program tasks

The program for theatrical activities in kindergarten includes the creation of performances. The work on the works is based on the author's plays that introduce the children to the fairy tale.

The program performs the following tasks:

  • Activates the cognitive interest of kids.
  • Develops visual and auditory attention, observation, memory, resourcefulness, imagination, fantasy, imaginative thinking.
  • Eliminates stiffness and stiffness.
  • Forms the ability to freely respond to a command or a musical signal.
  • Teaches you to coordinate your actions with other kids.
  • Fosters contact and friendliness in relationships with peers.
  • Teaches to improvise on the themes of familiar fairy tales dramatization-games.
  • Improves coordination of movements and sense of rhythm.
  • Develops musicality and plasticity.
  • Develops the ability to evenly place on the stage and move along it without pushing each other.
  • Develops speech breathing and correct articulation.
  • Develops diction on the material of poems and tongue twisters.
  • Obliges to clearly pronounce consonants at the end of the word.
  • Replenishes vocabulary.
  • Teaches you to find words that match the given features.
  • Teaches to own intonations that reflect the most important feelings.
  • Introduces the creators of the play.
  • Introduces theatrical terminology.
  • Introduces the device of the stage and the auditorium.
  • Cultivates a culture of behavior in the theater.

As a result of such training, children acquire the following skills and abilities:

  • Toddlers learn to act in concert.
  • They are able to relieve tension from certain muscle groups.
  • Remember the necessary postures.
  • Describe and remember the appearance of any baby.
  • They know about eight articulation lessons.
  • They are able to take a long breath at the same time as an imperceptible short breath.
  • They speak tongue twisters at different paces.
  • They are able to pronounce tongue twisters with different intonations.
  • Able to build a simple dialogue.
  • They are able to form sentences with given words.

kids and theater

Theatrical activity in the younger group of the kindergarten introduces the child to the world of the theater, and he recognizes what fairy-tale magic is. Speech is the basis of the mental education of children, therefore, the development of speech is called the most important task of the educational process. As a rule, theatrical performances are used to develop speech.

In general, the possibilities of theatrical activity are endless. Taking part in it, kids study the world around them through colors, images, sounds, and skillfully asked questions force them to analyze, think, make generalizations and conclusions.

With the formation of the mind, the improvement of speech is very closely connected. In the process of working on their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is gradually activated by the expressiveness of the characters’ replicas, the intonational structure of speech and its sound culture are being modernized.

Why is theatrical activity in kindergarten so interesting? Scenarios of fairy tales put children in front of the need to clearly, clearly and clearly express their thoughts. The role being played, as a rule, and entering into a dialogue with another character improve the grammatical structure of dialogic speech. In this case, the educational opportunities are colossal: kids learn to empathize with the heroes of the productions and at the same time begin to feel the mood of the audience. Humane feelings wake up in them - the ability to show kindness, protest against falsehood, participation.

Development in kindergarten

Of course, the educator plays a huge role in theatrical activity. It should be noted that theatrical classes should simultaneously fulfill a developing, educational and cognitive mission. They should not be limited to the preparation of speeches.

In general, theater classes consist of:

  • Watch puppet shows and discuss them.
  • Acting out various fairy tales and dramatizations.
  • Exercises on the formation of expressiveness of performance (non-verbal and verbal).
  • Exercises for the social and emotional development of babies.

That is why the content of such classes not only introduces the text of a fairy tale and any literary creation, but also gestures, movement, facial expressions, costumes.

It is interesting that the development of theatrical activity in kindergartens and the accumulation of sensory-emotional experience in children is a long-term work in which parents should take part. As a rule, in theme evenings, parents and children participate on an equal footing.

It is important that parents play an executive role, be the authors of the text, make scenery, costumes, and so on. In any case, the collective work of teachers, mothers and fathers contributes to the emotional, intellectual and aesthetic development of babies.

Parents must be involved in theatrical activities. This causes a colossal amount of emotions in the kids, they have a heightened sense of pride in their father and mother, who are performing with them on the stage of the theater.

Communication skills

Have you ever studied a report on theatrical activities in kindergarten? No? It contains a lot of useful information. For example, from such documents one can learn that today the most relevant is the formation of communicative prestige, which is the main indicator of the development of a child's personal qualities.

In general, communicative prestige consists of a set of skills that determine the desire of a preschooler to contact people. This also includes the ability to create a dialogue, the ability to communicate to plan joint activities, the ability to contact using non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions), and the manifestation of goodwill towards partners.

On this moment The issue of developing communication skills in children is very acute. After all, the speed of his development, his attitude towards people, his self-awareness depend on the ease of communication of a baby with people.

Self-education in theatrical activities in kindergarten provides for the development of communication skills in children. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to create an environment in which each child could convey their emotions, desires, feelings and views, both publicly and in a simple conversation. Here the kids should not be shy of the listeners.

The theater provides tremendous assistance in this, which unites the kids with a common idea, experiences. There is a rallying of children on the basis of interesting actions, allowing each participant to show their activity, creativity and individuality.

In the process of theatrical activity and preparation for it, the kids begin to cooperate with each other, strive to communicate with their peers, and develop communication skills.

fairy tale therapy

What else is interesting about theatrical activities in kindergarten? Scenarios of fairy tales are distinguished here by a certain magic and eccentricity. In general, fairy tale therapy is called one of the ways that form creative abilities. It is famous for its centuries-old history, but this name was given to it quite recently.

Fairy tale therapy uses fairy parameters to develop creative abilities, integrate personality, modernize relationships with the outside world, and expand consciousness.

With the help of this method, they develop creative initiative, overcome children's fears, reduce anxiety and aggressiveness, and accumulate positive experience of communication in a group of peers.

The relevance of the use of fairy tale therapy lies in the fact that fairy tales are a natural component of the daily life of kids.

Tasks of fairy tale therapy

If you look at the report on theatrical activities in kindergarten, you can read a lot of interesting things there. For example, the tasks of fairy tale therapy:

  1. They develop children's speech with the help of: telling fairy tales from a third person, retelling them, group storytelling of legends, telling them in a circle, staging fairy tales with the help of puppets, analyzing fairy tales, writing fairy tales.
  2. Develop and support creativity.
  3. Reduce the level of anxiety and aggressiveness.
  4. Develop the ability to overcome fears and obstacles.
  5. Develop skills for effective expression of emotions.

Theatrical activities of children in kindergarten begin with a magical physical education. This is followed by magical porridge for breakfast. Educators with kids tend to spend the whole day in a good fairy-tale climate.

Various heroes of fairy tales come to classes for children, who tell them entertaining stories about our planet, play with them, read fairy tales and teach kindness.

Listening to a fairy tale, the kid learns the philosophical meaning, behavior patterns and styles of relationships. Moreover, all processes of comprehension proceed at the symbolic-unconscious level.

The kid learns to tell, think creatively, retell, and then makes an impressive leap in development, which will influence the formation of personality.

Types of fairy tales

It is known that the following types of fairy tales are used in fairy tale therapy:

  1. Artistic or folk tale. This species provides moral and spiritual education, cultivates a sense of duty, mutual assistance, empathy, sympathy, and so on. For example, the fairy tale "Turnip" vividly reflects the support and help among people, without which it is impossible for one person to achieve a high goal.
  2. A developing and educational fairy tale expands the baby's knowledge about our planet, the principles of behavior in different life situations. Basically, these are fairy tales in which numbers and letters are animated.
  3. Diagnostic narratives help to determine the character of the baby, reveal his attitude to the world. For example, if a girl likes fairy tales where the main character is a cowardly bunny, then you might think that she is very calm, shy and, possibly, shy.
  4. Psychological legends teach the kid to deal with his fears and failures. Together with the hero, he gains confidence in his abilities.
  5. Meditative fairy tales create an atmosphere of positive, comfort, tranquility, relaxation, excitement and stress relief. This category of fairy tales does not have evil heroes, conflict situations and the eternal struggle against evil.

Organization of children's fairy tale therapy

The organization of theatrical activities in kindergarten includes an incredible number of points. First, the kids are introduced to the fairy tale, they look at the pictures with them. In the process of reading, they analyze the actions of the characters together with the children. The analysis of the behavior of the characters should not be allowed to look like teachings and demands. The teacher must captivate the kids so that they speak, and he only controls the course of their thoughts.

There is such a famous writer Antipina. Theatrical activity in kindergarten is her favorite topic. She has written a book covering many issues in this area. In fact, this is a methodological manual intended for teachers of educational preschool institutions. It contains games and exercises that develop plasticity and facial expressions, elements of logorhythmics and articulatory gymnastics. The book also presents the development of games, fairy tales and holidays.

What else does theatrical activity in kindergarten teach kids? Circle work in this area is very difficult, but interesting. Teachers make sure that the content of fairy tales is understandable to kids, so that it matches their age. Together with the children, they act out what they have read, make an assessment, and express their opinion with the help of intonation.

It should be noted that fairy tale therapy is called a wonderful fascinating way that helps our children solve age-related problems.

Work on theatrical activities in kindergarten involves observing the kids during the game, on walks, in the classroom, in free activities. Teachers notice that where it is necessary to mobilize attention and memory at an unconscious level, children become liberated, easily transform into congenial and beloved heroes of fairy tales, fantasize with pleasure, vividly and figuratively express their thoughts. Reincarnating, kids easily solve fairy-tale questions, showing private creativity.

Subject environment

What else can theatrical activities in kindergarten give kids? Scenarios with magical adventures, theatrical corners, table theaters and enchanted castles - this set of attributes has long been familiar to educators. They are needed to create a developing subject environment.

What are theater corners? Here they select a very diverse material on the theatrical theme. Teachers create some items with their own hands, some are purchased, and some are given to the kindergarten by parents.

Musical and theatrical activities in kindergarten also affect the development of babies. Music always accompanies performances in which children dramatize and stage Russian folk tales "Turnip", "Kolobok" and others with the help of masks. Performances are created with the help of table, mitten and puppet theater. Children always with great pleasure, emotionally rehearse their roles.

Kids in games use finger, planar and magnetic theater, staging fairy tales, improving dialogic speech, developing the ability to carefully observe the process. The younger generation develops imagination and creative thinking.

Kindergartens have magic castles where kind heroes live and flying carpets, on which teachers and pupils travel through fairy tales. It should be noted that kids really like to fantasize and compose stories of fairy-tale games.

We hope this article will help you understand that the theater is a mandatory component of the upbringing of the younger generation.
