Vitamin E for face use in pure form. Nourishing and exfoliating


What pharmacological properties does the oil solution of vitamin E have? What effect does it have on the body?

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a vital element for the body that improves blood flow, the condition of blood vessels, and optimizes the functioning of muscle tissue and internal organs. One of the forms in which vitamin E is produced is an oil solution. Instructions for use of the drug are discussed below.

Form and composition

The drug "Alpha-tocopherol acetate" has the form of an oil solution and is intended for oral administration.

  • Vitamin E - 0.05 g, 0.1 or 0.3 mg(5, 10 and 30 percent respectively).
  • Auxiliary elements - sunflower oil (refined, deodorized or refined).

Description and pharmacological properties

Vitamin E is an oily liquid that is odorless and has a light yellow (sometimes greenish) tint.

Tocopherol is a fat-soluble substance, the functionality of which and its effect on the body have not been fully determined. It has been proven that vitamin E (solution in oil) - powerful antioxidant, preventing the formation of peroxides that damage the membranes of cells in the human body. The substance has a positive effect on the muscular and nervous system. In combination with selenium, tocopherol suppresses the oxidation of non-oxidized fatty acids and eliminates the risk of hemolysis of red blood cells. The element is also a cofactor of a number of enzyme systems.

After taking vitamin E orally, the substance is absorbed from the duodenum. The process occurs with the participation of fats, salts and bile acids. For complete absorption of vitamin E, normal functioning of the pancreas is required. Depending on the state of the body, the level of digestibility is 50-80% from the volume entered into the body.

Subsequently, tocopherol binds to lipoproteins in the blood plasma and spreads throughout the body. If protein metabolism is disrupted, the transfer of fat-soluble substances is disrupted. The highest concentration after administration is achieved after four hours. The peculiarity of the vitamin is its ability to accumulate in adipose tissue, tissues and organs. During the period of bearing a child 20-30 percent tocopherol enters the blood of the fetus. In addition, vitamin E is contained in breast milk, which eliminates the deficiency of the substance in the child during feeding (if the mother receives a sufficient portion of tocopherol).

The substance is processed in the liver to derivatives that carry vitamin activity. After this, the substance is excreted along with bile and through the kidneys (90 and 6 percent, respectively). The remaining part is reabsorbed with subsequent enterohepatic circulation. The process of tocopherol elimination is long, and it takes the longest in newborns.

Effect on the body

After entering the body, vitamin E ( 10, 5 and 30 percent) has a diverse effect:

  • Makes blood vessels more flexible.
  • Protects muscle fibers (including the heart) from dystrophic changes.
  • Prevents premature oxidative processes.
  • It has a positive effect on reproductive function and increases the likelihood of conception.
  • Increases libido and activates the functioning of sperm.
  • The production of hemoglobin and blood cells is triggered, which contributes to the renewal of blood plasma.

Indications for use

Vitamin E is prescribed with increased need for a substance:

  • low birth weight or prematurity;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • abetalipoproteinemia;
  • necrotizing myopathy;
  • celiac disease;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • biliary atresia;
  • chronic cholestasis;
  • malabsorption;
  • parenteral nutrition;
  • pregnancy;
  • addiction;
  • nicotine addiction;
  • lactation period;
  • diets high in polyunsaturated acids;
  • taking mineral oils, colestipol and cholestyramine.

A drug prescribed to newborns with low body weight in order to prevent the following diseases:

  • retrolental fibroplasia;
  • bronchopulmonary dysplasia;
  • hemolytic anemia.


In the process of receiving contraindications must be taken into account vitamin E. Instructions for use do not recommend taking the drug in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to tocopherol;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • violation of blood clotting processes;
  • risk of thromboembolism;
  • cardiosclerosis.

It should be taken with caution in case of hypoprothrombinemia. In case of a lack of vitamin K, the problem may worsen (provided the dosage of tocopherol is exceeded by more than 300 mg).

Directions for use and dosage

Before taking the course, you should figure out how to take liquid vitamin E orally and what the dosage should be.

Alpha-tocopherol acetate is prescribed in liquid form with different percentages of the active substance (5, 10 and 30 percent). Moreover, 1 ml of liquid contains 50, 100 and 300 mg of tocopherol, respectively. In terms of volume, 1 ml of the substance corresponds to 30 drops made from an eye dropper.

Minimum daily dosage - 10 mg.

Therapeutic norm for prevention and treatment:

  • Prevention of hypovitaminosis - 10 mg per day (5 percent solution).
  • Treatment of hypovitaminosis - 10-40 mg per day (10% solution).
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, muscular dystrophies, central nervous system diseases - 50-100 mg per day (10% solution). The course of treatment is 1-2 months, after which a break is taken for 60-90 days.
  • Violation of male potency, spermatogenesis - 100-300 mg(30 percent solution). The drug is prescribed in combination with hormonal therapy.
  • Threat of miscarriage - 100-150 mg(30 percent solution). Course - 1-2 weeks.
  • For problems during fetal development or after an abortion - 100-150 mg. A 30% solution is taken every day for 1-2 weeks or once every two days for the first 60-90 days of pregnancy.
  • For skin diseases - 50-100 ml(a 10 percent solution is used). Frequency of administration: 1-2 times a day. Course duration is 20-40 days.
  • Atherosclerosis, peripheral vascular disease, myocardial dystrophy. Injected with retinol 100 mg each(vitamin E 30 percent - ten drops, for a 10 percent solution - 30 drops). Treatment lasts 20-40 days, after which a break of 3-6 months is taken.
  • Decreased capillary resistance, malnutrition of infants - 5-10 mg(5 percent solution). For prevention - 10 mg. Frequency of administration - once a day, course 7-21 days.
  • Therapy of heart and eye diseases - 50-100 ml(10% solution). Frequency of administration: 1-2 times a day. Reception lasts 7-21 days.

Side effects and overdose

During use, you may experience allergic reactions on active substances. An overdose is possible if you take 330-660 mg per day. Symptoms:

  • blurred vision;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • fatigue;
  • diarrhea;
  • asthenia.

In case of admission more than 660 mg Over a long period of time, the following problems are possible:

  • the appearance of bleeding (manifests against the background of vitamin K deficiency);
  • problems in the sexual sphere;
  • disturbance of metabolic processes in thyroid hormones;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • thromboembolism.

Interaction with other drugs

How to take liquid vitamin E in combination with other medications? Here The following recommendations apply:

  • When taken together with retinol, absorption increases and the toxicity of the latter decreases.
  • Increased intake of tocopherol over a long period can lead to a lack of vitamin A in the body.
  • When used together, tocopherol reduces the toxicity of vitamin D.
  • The combined use of vitamin E in a dosage exceeding 330 mg per day with indanedione and coumarin derivatives leads to an increased risk of bleeding and hypoprothrombinemia.
  • Increased doses of iron accelerate oxidation processes in cells, which leads to tocopherol deficiency.
  • The presence of mineral oils, colestipol and cholestyramine in the body impairs the absorption of vitamin E.
  • Concomitant use with silver preparations and alkaline-reactive agents is prohibited.
  • Tocopherol has an antagonistic effect on vitamin K.
  • In the case of taking vitamin E and anti-inflammatory drugs (steroidal and non-steroidal types), the effect of the latter is enhanced.
  • Alpha-tocopherol acetate oil solution reduces the toxicity of digoxin and digitoxin.
  • Vitamin E increases the effectiveness of drugs prescribed to combat epilepsy.

Specific instructions

Instructions for use of vitamin E (in oil) describe all requirements regarding dosage and administration of the substance. At the same time, it is worth considering a number of points:

  • Tocopherol is found in green plants (cereal sprouts) and oils (soybean, peanut, corn and others). There is also a small amount of vitamin E present in milk, eggs, fat and meat.
  • In newborns, tocopherol hypovitaminosis is possible due to low placental permeability.
  • During diets with increased consumption of amino acids and selenium, a decrease in the daily intake is allowed.

To date, it has been proven that treatment with vitamin E ineffective in the following cases:

  • oncological diseases;
  • hair loss;
  • heart disease;
  • burns;
  • diaper dermatitis;
  • infertility;
  • leptic ulcer and other diseases.

Taking tocopherol is also ineffective for increasing sexual activity.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Liquid alpha-tocopherol acetate is stored for 2 years. Storage conditions:

  • temperature - 15-25 degrees Celsius;
  • lack of light and high humidity;
  • protection from children;
  • Contents in original packaging.

Liquid vitamin E in cosmetology

Tocopherol in oil form is used in cosmetology to eliminate problems with the skin of the face and body, remove wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Vitamin E solution is used internally and externally, as a common element of face masks. Its action:

  • Slowing down the aging processes that are activated after reaching 25 year old age.
  • Smoothes existing wrinkles and protects against new signs of aging.
  • Acceleration of cell regeneration processes.
  • Activation of the production of elastin fibers and collagen.
  • Restoration of cells of the respiratory organs.
  • Tightening effect.

In addition, tocopherol also has a number of protective functions, among which:

  • Removing dangerous toxins from the skin.
  • Elimination of foci of inflammation.
  • Strengthening cell membranes.
  • Destroys dangerous free radicals.

Internal intake of vitamin E in combination with masks is often prescribed for:

  • Prevention of aging.
  • Acne treatment.
  • Neutralization of dangerous pigmentation due to UV rays or hormonal imbalance.
  • Toning the epidermis.
  • Elimination of sagging, atony of the skin, wrinkles.

Vitamin E is a savior for women and men who dream of good health and preservation of youth. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the instructions for use, take into account contraindications and not exceed the prescribed dosages.

Facial beauty depends on the condition of the skin.

Over time, the body's resources are depleted, and the skin requires special care to maintain excellent condition: protection, additional nutrition, hydration, renewal.

One way to maintain beauty and youth on your own is to use vitamins for your facial skin.

What vitamins do facial skin need?

Disruption of the natural biochemical processes that occur in skin cells leads to problems such as sagging of the face, the formation of skin creases (wrinkles), the appearance of acne and pimples, and peeling. Problematic or sagging skin really needs vitamins - special coenzyme substances - to restore its functions.

They enter the human body with food, but this is not enough to satisfy all the body’s needs. That is why it is possible and necessary to nourish the skin from the outside, with the help of aqueous and oil solutions of the most important vitamins.

What vitamins are needed for facial skin? Most discovered by man:

Vitamin A, or retinol;

Vitamin E, or tocopherol;

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid;

B vitamins;

Vitamin H, or biotin;

Vitamin F (several substances are hidden under this name).

Depending on your health and skin needs, you should definitely take good vitamin and mineral complexes at least twice a year. In February, you need to start taking beauty vitamins so that by spring your hair will shine with health, your face will be beautiful, and your nails will be strong and strong.

But beauty vitamins can and should be used externally all year round. Inexpensive pharmacy solutions can solve almost any skin problem.

Biologically active complexes for skin

Taking care of your skin from the inside is very important. For example, using IMEDIN® complexes, which include the exclusive Biomarine Complex®. It is rich in proteins similar in composition to the components of human skin, and biologically active substances that stimulate the production of collagen, the main protein that maintains skin elasticity.

What are the benefits of vitamin A for the face?

Retinol, or vitamin A, is essential for mature or problematic skin. It is the content of this vitamin that determines the condition of skin cells. The most important properties of retinol are:

The ability to stimulate the production of your own collagen, thereby increasing the elasticity and smoothness of the dermis (it’s not for nothing that this wonderful substance is called the beauty vitamin);

The ability to restore the production of your own hyaluronic acid, that is, literally fill the skin from the inside with freshness, elasticity, health and restore the structure of the dermis;

The ability to protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, thereby slowing down the aging process. It is thanks to the antioxidant properties of retinol that skin elasticity is maintained for a long time.

If the body has enough vitamin A, you can forget about fine wrinkles, dry skin, sagging and sagging. If there is a deficiency of retinol, then the face will age early, the skin will become dry, comedones and pimples will appear on it. The diet must include seafood, meat, beef liver, egg yolks, orange fruits and vegetables, and herbs. All of these foods are sources of natural vitamin A.

Retinol perfectly protects the dermis from the aggressive effects of solar ultraviolet radiation, strong wind, frost, and high humidity on the face. It prevents the destruction of collagen fibers, preventing the formation of fine and deep wrinkles. Cosmetics with retinol perfectly even out skin color, relieve inflammation, and erase fine wrinkles from the face.

Vitamin A for the face works most effectively on mature skin. For a young face, it may be too heavy, since in the young dermis the processes of active production of collagen and hyaluronic acid are already going well. But for rapid rejuvenation, regeneration of skin tissue, restoration of normal levels of moisture and collagen reserves, this vitamin is simply irreplaceable.

Retinol creams need to be used correctly. The following conditions must be taken into account:

It makes sense to start using cosmetics with vitamin A after 35 years. These can be creams, masks, serums, lipsticks;

The cold season is best for using products with retinol;

It is best to apply oil formulations to the skin in the evening so that the vitamin component works overnight. In addition, when exposed to sunlight, the vitamin oxidizes.

It is very important to understand, that an excess of vitamin A is dangerous for the face, especially when it comes to young skin. Therefore, you need to use creams with retinol in courses, no longer than two months. Then the skin needs to be given time to rest by stopping using products with vitamin A for three months.

What are the benefits of vitamin E for the face?

If we talk about what vitamins are necessary for facial skin, then it is simply impossible to forget about tocopherol. Vitamin E is also called beauty vitamins, referring to its powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, regenerating properties. The main cosmetic role of tocopherol is to strengthen cell membranes. External use of tocopherol restores youth to the face, makes the skin elastic and smooth.

Deep nutrition, hydration and prevention of skin problems are the main tasks of vitamin E for the face, used for cosmetic purposes. The vitamin works on the skin as follows:

Heals external damage to the skin;

Has a powerful lifting effect;

Perfectly cures pimples and blackheads;

Protects against ultraviolet radiation;

Slows down skin aging at any age;

Prevents tissue degeneration;

Completely eliminates dryness and flaking, restoring the water and fat balance of the dermis;

Relieves skin from puffiness;

Gradually erases traces of acne, scars, and freckles from the face.

Vitamin E for the face usually becomes a component of anti-inflammatory cosmetic products. In addition, it is also included in anti-aging creams, as it copes well with the problem of sagging and dryness.

How to use vitamin A for facial skin

Using vitamins A and E for facial skin is very simple:

Firstly, just add 2-3 drops to your day or night cream;

Secondly, you can simply apply the oil solution to the skin in the form of a mask, removing the remaining oil after half an hour with a dry cloth;

Thirdly, using a solution of retinol or vitamin A, you can prepare wonderful homemade masks by mixing them with suitable ingredients (cottage cheese, eggs, etc.).

Retinol belongs to the group of fat-soluble substances, so it must be mixed with oils. Since this wonderful vitamin has a low melting point, you cannot add it to homemade masks, which are prepared in a water bath and generally exposed to heat.

You need to be very careful when using pure vitamin A solution. “Naked” application without mixing with oil or cream can cause a strong negative skin reaction (burning, tingling, redness), and after a while - peeling.

Here are the recipes for the simplest and most effective masks with retinol:

To combat wrinkles, you can mix one capsule of the oil solution with a spoon of olive oil. Apply to face as a regular mask, pat dry after 20 minutes;

To restore dry skin, you can mix a capsule of vitamin A and E with an egg yolk and a spoon of olive oil;

If the skin is sensitive, mix a retinol capsule, a spoonful of olive oil and cottage cheese;

To rejuvenate and relieve dryness, mix a spoonful of sour cream with aloe extract and 5-7 drops of retinol;

To nourish the skin, you need to mix one capsule of vitamins A and E with a small amount of any skin care cream and a teaspoon of aloe juice or extract.

Don't forget about the anti-aging effect of retinol on facial skin. You can use masks and creams with active vitamins only after 35 years.

How to use vitamin E for facial skin

Vitamin E goes very well with vegetable or cosmetic oils. It can be mixed, for example, with olive oil, rose oil, almond oil, wheat germ oil, peach oil, etc. Add 1-2 capsules of tocopherol to a spoonful of base oil and distribute the life-giving composition over your face in the form of a mask.

There are also more complex recipes for homemade cosmetics. So, to deeply moisturize and nourish the skin, you can prepare the following mixture: half a teaspoon of pharmaceutical glycerin, a teaspoon of camphor oil, the same amount of castor oil, 20 drops of tocopherol oil solution and two large spoons of chamomile flower infusion. Leftover mask can be kept in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

An excellent effect is obtained by mixing vitamin E with cottage cheese, aloe juice or extract, chicken egg, and sea buckthorn oil. The mixture is applied to the skin like a regular mask and washed off after 25 minutes.

How to use masks from a mixture of vitamins “Aevit”

The absorption of retinol together with vitamin E is more effective. It is no coincidence that on pharmacy shelves you can find Aevit - a solution of two vitamins that are important for the beauty and youth of the face. In combination, the effect of vitamins A and E is enhanced, and with regular use of this unique product, the skin of your hands and face will be in ideal condition.

The excellent rejuvenating properties of aevit are manifested as follows:

Vascular walls become stronger;

Normal cellular respiration is restored;

The wrinkled mesh disappears;

Swelling goes away;

Dark spots are lightened;

The severity of deep wrinkles is reduced;

Dry skin is actively moisturized.

As a result, the use of a unique composition on the facial skin results in significant visual rejuvenation. Aevit perfectly fights premature aging. The drug can be added not only to creams and masks. Mixing vitamins A and E with a homemade scrub gives a very good effect (mix 2-3 tablespoons of coffee with the same amount of olive oil and a spoonful of sugar). After the procedure, the skin becomes soft, tender, and radiant.

Vitamins for facial skin are irreplaceable. To preserve beauty and youth for many years, you must use their strength and benefits.

Vitamin E is also called tocopherol. The product is an organic compound that has a rejuvenating effect, smoothes out wrinkles on the skin, and evens out the complexion. The product is sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies, and tocopherol is also found in most food products. At home, vitamin E is used as an independent drug to improve the condition of the epidermis. The component is often added to masks and lotions.

Beneficial properties of vitamin E

  1. As mentioned earlier, tocopherol rejuvenates the dermis, making it elastic. Regular use accelerates the production of elastin fibers and collagen.
  2. Tocopherol promotes natural self-cleaning of tissues and natural cell regeneration (recovery). The product causes a lifting effect (elimination of nasolabial wrinkles, double chin, improvement of facial contours, etc.).
  3. Vitamin E prevents premature aging, which usually occurs due to the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics, poor environment, unbalanced nutrition, lack of basic care and other external factors.
  4. Thanks to improved blood circulation, the epidermis becomes smooth and even, freckles/pigment spots disappear. If you rub the pure composition into the area around the eyes, dark circles disappear after two weeks.
  5. In addition to cosmetic purposes, tocopherol has a positive effect on the entire body. A powerful antidepressant relieves fatigue and the effects of stress, fights insomnia, invigorates and raises morale.
  6. With regular use of the composition orally, tocopherol cleanses the walls of the intestines and stomach from free radicals, removes toxins and poisons from the body. As a result of this feature, the skin becomes clear, acne and blackheads are noticeably reduced (release of sebaceous ducts).
  7. If you apply pure ampoule vitamin E to inflamed areas, the source of infection is noticeably reduced. The ulcers are also dried out and acne is partially cured (it all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin).
  8. Dermatologists recommend using tocopherol in concentrated liquid form for girls with dry dermis. Regular use of the composition has an intense moisturizing effect, relieves skin from peeling, treats microcracks and abrasions.
  9. Since the epidermis is largely composed of water, vitamin E prevents dehydration of the skin. It restores water balance, removes accumulated salts, and regulates acidity. If you apply the product to problematic and oily skin, after a month you will notice a reduction in subcutaneous sebum production.
  10. Tocopherol helps eliminate allergic reactions that occur on the skin for unknown reasons. If you notice itching, burning, cracking, redness on the upper layers of the epidermis, just lubricate the damaged areas with liquid vitamin E.

Vitamin E: where to find it

Pharmacy drugs. Today, pharmaceutical companies produce pharmaceutical vitamin E, which comes in different forms. This includes the composition in ampoules, capsules, or in the form of an oily solution of Alpha-tocopherol (the concentration of the active substance does not exceed 50%).

  1. Vitamin E in ampoules are 10 ml containers. every. The product is easy to use and is sold individually or in whole packages. The pricing policy does not exceed 20 rubles per 1 ampoule.
  2. If we talk about tocopherol in capsules, the oily liquid is enclosed in a dense shell. To use the composition internally, just swallow the capsule and wash it down with water. For cosmetic purposes, the shell is pierced with a sewing needle or opened in two, after which the liquid is extracted from it.
  3. Concentrated 50% vitamin E is medically called alpha-tocopherol acetate. It is convenient to add it to masks or apply it to certain areas of the skin (under the eyes, to areas with inflammation and peeling). The composition is easily removed from the bottle; just uncork the tube.
  4. The above-mentioned forms of products are suitable for the preparation of medicinal compositions. You can use them if there are no contraindications. The latter include individual skin intolerance, serious diseases of the epidermis, and problems with the functioning of the circulatory system.

Food. If for some reason you do not want to use pharmacy vitamin E, study the list of products that contain it. Provide your diet with healthy ingredients and enjoy the results.

  1. Consume at least 2 chicken yolks, whole milk, and full-fat cottage cheese every day. Include sunflower and pumpkin seeds, fresh or roasted nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts) in your diet.
  2. Eat a salad of fresh vegetables. Particular attention is paid to spinach, lettuce, radishes, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, onions and green onions, potatoes, and cucumbers. Use the listed components alone or in combination.
  3. If we talk about berries, tocopherol is found in cherries, viburnum, sea buckthorn, and rowan. Add berries to oatmeal or flaxseed porridge, which also contain vitamin E.
  4. Give preference to natural oils (unrefined). Most suitable are vegetable, corn, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, olive. You can use 1 teaspoon of oil per day after waking up in the morning or season your salads with it.

  1. Test for individual intolerance. Prepare pharmacy vitamin E, extract the liquid in a convenient way, lubricate a small area of ​​skin in the wrist area with tocopherol. Wait a quarter of an hour, this is how a test for an allergic reaction is carried out. If you do not experience any redness, irritation or itching, feel free to proceed with the procedure.
  2. Preliminary steaming of the epidermis. First you need to steam the skin through baths. To do this, brew in 4 liters. boiling water 60 gr. sage, 30 gr. birch bark, 20 gr. yarrow. Let the mixture sit for half an hour, then heat the broth on the stove. Place the pan on a stool and sit next to it. Cover the head and container with a wide towel to create a steam effect. Keep your face 35-45 cm away from the pan. The duration of steaming is 7-10 minutes.
  3. Cleansing the sebaceous ducts. Following the opening of the pores comes their cleansing. For these purposes, prepare a scrub from coffee grounds and cream mixed in a 2:1 ratio. Apply the product to your face, wait until the scrub is partially dry. After this, rub the dermis in a circular motion. Carefully work on the wings of the nose, chin, eyebrow area, temples. Do not touch the area around the eyes so as not to cause damage to the upper layer of the dermis. Rinse off the product first with warm, then cold (preferably ice) water.
  4. Application of vitamin E. Shake the ampoule or bottle of tocopherol, squeeze a small amount of the composition onto your fingertips. Walk along the massage lines, distributing the mixture with driving movements. Pay attention to the skin under the eyes, do not allow the drug to come into contact with the mucous membrane. After applying the mixture all over your face, do a light massage for 10-15 minutes. Leave the mask on for a third of an hour, relax your face.
  5. Washing. After the allotted time has passed, remove the product with warm water and prepare a chamomile infusion. Rinse your face with it, do not rinse. Apply a hydrogel or serum that retains moisture in the skin. Do not use greasy cream, it does not allow the epidermis to “breathe”. Carry out the procedure for applying tocopherol twice a week, the course is 2 months.

  1. Aloe vera and glycerin. The composition is designed for dry skin; it perfectly moisturizes the dermis and fights flaking. Squeeze the juice from two aloe stalks, mix it with 20 ml. tocopherol, add 15 ml. glycerin. Pour the ingredients into the bottle and shake. Distribute over the skin after preliminary steaming and cleansing. After a quarter of an hour, rinse off the tocopherol with filtered water. Store the remaining mixture in the refrigerator.
  2. Green tea and clay. Prepare a strong brew of loose leaf green tea and strain the mixture. Pour 45 g of prepared infusion. blue or black clay, leave for a third of an hour. Pour in 5 ml. vitamin E, spread the product over the skin of the face, wait until completely dry (about 20 minutes). Rinse the clay off with warm water and apply moisturizer.
  3. Vitamin A and almond oil. Mix 10 ml. vitamin A with 30 ml. almond oil, pour in 15 ml. tocopherol. Transfer the composition into a dark bottle and leave to infuse for 6 hours. After the specified time has passed, apply the product to the skin and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off the composition with cool water or a decoction based on medicinal plants.
  4. Honey and yogurt. Use natural full-fat yogurt without artificial additives. Mix 30 gr. dairy product with 20 gr. honey, add 15 g. gelatin. Stir the mixture and leave for half an hour to obtain the required thickness. Next, pour in 10 ml. tocopherol, spread the mask over your face. Cover the top with a bandage or film, rinse after 15-20 minutes. If desired, you can replace natural yogurt with full-fat sour cream (from 20%).
  5. Cottage cheese and olive oil. Take 60 gr. village cottage cheese, mix it with 25 ml. olive oil, beat the mixture with a blender. Add 10 ml. tocopherol, distribute the composition over the skin. Cover with gauze to prevent the product from falling off. Leave the mask on for half an hour, then remove excess with a napkin and wash with warm water.
  6. Egg. Beat 2 chicken yolks with a mixer, add 1 white, mix. Pour in 7 ml. vitamin E, add gelatin. Leave the mask to swell at room temperature. Once the contents become thicker, apply it to problem areas of the skin. Leave until the eggs harden, remove with warm water.
  7. Banana and cream. Grind half a ripe banana into a puree, combine with 25 ml. thick, high-fat cream. Add 1 ampoule of tocopherol, place the mixture in a blender. If the mask is too runny, add potato or corn starch. Distribute the mixture over your face and remove after 25-30 minutes.

Apply vitamin E in its pure form or add the component to homemade masks. Consider recipes based on cottage cheese, olive or almond oil, ripe banana, chicken egg, clay, yogurt, honey.

Video: vitamin E for the face in capsules from the pharmacy

A fat-soluble representative of the compounds tocopherol and tocotrienol is recognized by pharmacists and cosmetologists as one of the best antioxidants. It is often called the element of youth, beauty and fertility, as it is beneficial in inhibiting age-related processes and is indispensable in the reproductive functions of the body. Pure vitamin E was first discovered in 1922 and synthesized in 1938. A little earlier, scientists noticed that a deficiency of the substance leads to necrosis of brain tissue in infants, muscle spasms and an increase in the rate of age-related changes. Therefore, it was included in the production of many medications, dietary supplements, cosmetic masks, creams and lotions.

In its pure form, it is one of the best agents for protecting cell membranes from oxidative processes. During chemical reactions, it is located in a tissue area where it prevents oxygen molecules from contacting lipids. The formation of hydrophobic complexes and destructive changes in cells become impossible.

Properties and efficiency

The core structure of a substance can directly interact with free radicals. The antioxidant properties and benefits of the element lie in its ability to activate enzymatic protection and neutralize organic lipid hydropyroxides. Since the epithelial tissues of the face suffer from the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin E, which spreads throughout all systems of the body, is most active in this area.

Tocopherol is a fat-soluble substance, so it can accumulate and provide the necessary reserve for all cells. But for normal absorption, interaction with bile is required, since without this substrate, absorption by the body is reduced by more than 50%.

During metabolism, vitamin E forms compounds with fatty acids, and in this complex it enters the blood and lymph. There it is released, begins to interact with proteins, and then helps carry out the transfer of oxygen from red blood cells to the cell nuclei, which accelerates the production of coenzyme. Together with ubiquinone, it works to maintain firmness, elasticity and health of the skin, so it is useful for inhibiting aging.

As an antioxidant, the element performs the following functions:

  • Controls the mechanism of oxygen entering cells by binding radical particles.
  • Protects structures from damage.
  • Inhibits the process of lipid formation.
  • Vitamin E improves the absorption of retinol.
  • Helps eliminate pigmentation of the epidermis.
  • Prevents the formation of malignant tumors.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Supports and accelerates the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Improves skin nutrition and consumption of other nutrients.
  • Eliminates dry epithelium.
  • Has tightening properties.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Participates in the regeneration of cells and tissues.

In its pure form it is not a panacea for all skin diseases and defects. Its use in masks for acne is considered inappropriate. Since in most cases the occurrence of acne is associated with contamination of the skin or hormonal changes, it is recommended to first pay attention to these problems.

But if you use vitamin E in combination, it will act as a protector of bonds with other substances and an agent for transporting them into the blood. When the cause of the rash is an allergic reaction, tocopherol, as a powerful immunomodulator, is able to strengthen and restore the body's protective functions. Before you start using the element, you must consult about the possibility of taking it.

Recipes for masks with vitamins E

It is recommended to choose the optimal release form. The element is marketed in the form of red-brown glycerin capsules intended for oral administration. To extract the contents, the ball is pierced with a thin needle, and the spilled oily liquid is added to various masks.

Using vitamin E for facial skin care in the form of ampoules is a more convenient option, as it is easier to calculate the dosage. This is a similar substance that cosmetologists prefer to mix into medicinal formulations.

The third type is an oily 50% solution of alpha-tocopherol, which during production is bottled in darkened glass bottles with a nylon stopper and a plastic cap. The drug is also sold in capsule form. When taken orally, the recommended dosage is 300-500 mg every day. If necessary, the amount is increased to 1000 mg.

Since vitamin E affects the skin not only from the inside, but also from the outside, effective and fast-acting formulations are prepared with its participation:

  • Mask with glycerin.

In a bowl you need to mix 20 g of castor and camphor oil, 50 g of chamomile infusion. Add 10 g of glycerin and 5-6 drops of tocopherol to the mixture. Leave the mixture for 2-3 hours, after which it can be applied to the face. The cream contains irritating components for better blood circulation, substances to eliminate dryness of the epithelium, elements for cell restoration and smoothing of the integument. The use of a composition with vitamin E for the face is acceptable twice a week for a month.

  • with oatmeal.

Mix 50 g of crushed flakes with 20 g of lemon juice, add 50 g of mineral water, 4-5 drops of tocopherol. Apply to the surface and leave for 20 minutes. After rinsing off, it is better to wipe the skin with an ice cube and herbal decoction of the series. The mask relieves inflammation and whitens age spots. Effective use for the skin around the eyes. You can replace mineral water with kefir or yogurt.

  • With egg.

Pour the yolk into a bowl, add 30 g of honey, 50 g of cottage cheese, 5-6 drops of tocopherol. Beat the ingredients thoroughly until a thick consistency is obtained, set aside for an hour. Apply to dry skin, leave for 15-20 minutes. The composition helps provide elasticity, restore healthy color and blush, and has a slight whitening effect. Since it does not contain tannins or irritants, it is suitable for use in reducing wrinkles around the eyes.

  • With sea buckthorn.

A decoction or oil tincture of the herb in an amount of 50 g is slightly heated, tocopherol, St. John's wort, calendula and chamomile extract, and parsley juice are added. It is better to apply before bedtime and wash off in the morning. This is a night cream that not only reduces wrinkles under the eyes but also lightens dark circles. It is recommended to use no more than three times a week. The course of treatment is 21 days.

  • With honey.

Olive, coconut or almond oil is mixed with tocopherol, honey and aloe juice are added. Apply the mixture to the epidermis for 20 minutes. It is greasy and difficult to wash off, so it is better to first use a soft cloth, then clean with warm water. It is not recommended to treat the skin with soap, as the softening effect is reduced and the skin may become dry again. Helps smooth out wrinkles under the eyes.

  • With cognac.

The tannins contained in the alcoholic drink help tighten folds, make the skin more elastic, and have an antiseptic effect. To prepare you need 20 g of cognac, 7-8 drops of tocopherol, one yolk, coconut oil. This mask copes well with flabbiness and helps the beneficial components penetrate into the deeper layers. This ensures complete nutrition of the cells.

  • With collagen.

The production of fibrillar protein decreases greatly with age. It is contained in small quantities in gelatin, which does not contain essential amino acids, but in combination with tocopherol it accelerates the synthesis of natural collagen in the body. To tighten the skin around the eyes and improve its condition, dilute 10 g of grains in water. Stirring and heating, prepare a jelly-like mass into which pour 3-4 drops of vitamin. The result is a homogeneous composition that forms a protective film, restoring electrolyte balance and cell metabolism.

Indications and precautions

The use of masks must be accompanied by consultation with a specialist. The use of tocopherol is recommended in the following cases:

  • The presence of obvious age-related changes.
  • Prevention of aging processes.
  • Elimination of flabbiness.
  • Elimination of wrinkles.
  • Toning the skin.
  • Therapeutic treatment of defects associated with deficiency of essential substances.
  • Reduction of pigment spots, their discoloration.

The vitamin has a number of contraindications when taken orally:

  • Cardiosclerosis.
  • Intolerance.
  • Heart attack.
  • Prothrombinemia.
  • Severe liver damage.

For external use, the only contraindication is an allergic reaction to the substance. It is not capable of harming the skin even in large quantities.

To increase efficiency, you can choose a diet with a maximum concentration of tocopherol. This will not fully satisfy the body's needs, but in combination with masks and pharmaceuticals, use will provide the necessary dosage for all systems. The element is contained in the following products:

  • Oat groats.
  • Nuts.
  • Sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
  • Dairy products.
  • Egg yolks.
  • Vegetable oil, especially olive oil.
  • Vegetables: cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, greens.
  • Beef liver.

When using masks, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Do an allergy test. To do this, apply two or three drops to the wrist or elbow. If after 5 minutes the skin does not turn red or itch, you can begin treatment.
  2. Steam the covers over a bath with medicinal herbs. Add chamomile, celandine, calendula to the water. This way, the pores will open faster and the mixture will penetrate deeper into the deeper layers more effectively.
  3. Clean the epithelium with a scrub with sea salt to free the surface from keratinized particles.
  4. Apply the mixture in a thick layer onto the face along the massage lines. If the composition contains irritants, it is better not to touch the areas under the eyes.
  5. While the cream is working, it is recommended to lie down or sit down with your head thrown back. Don't laugh or talk.
  6. Remove the mixture with a soft cloth, then wash with the herbal decoction.
  7. Apply moisturizer.
  8. Avoid prolonged use. After a maximum of 10 procedures you need to take a break.

Using vitamin E on the face is one of the best ways to slow down the aging process and restore the epidermis to a youthful and healthy appearance. Possible risks and contraindications must be taken into account. It is important to consult with a cosmetologist who will help determine the appropriateness of use and compatibility options with other elements and products.

Any modern woman tries to take care of her skin so that her face is always clean and smooth, without acne and signs of inflammation. Instead of expensive cosmetic procedures, you can use equally effective nourishing masks at home to even out your complexion and reliably protect your skin from harmful external factors. There are many recipes for preparing natural remedies for any age and for any skin type. In adulthood, it is advisable to do anti-aging masks with vitamins, which will tighten sagging skin and protect against the appearance of wrinkles on the face. After 30 years, it is enough to periodically apply masks made from natural products. We have already posted recipes for making masks from aloe and lemon juice, masks from banana and liquid honey, masks from egg white or yolk at home. Fresh natural products contain sufficient amounts of vitamins A, B, C, E to enrich the cells of all layers of the skin.

But sometimes it is very useful to apply masks with a more concentrated content of certain vitamins to your face. Such procedures will be especially useful for women after 40-45 years of age to rejuvenate sagging skin with wrinkles, as well as to improve the condition of problematic dry or oily skin.

To prepare vitamin masks, you can use capsules, pharmaceutical oil solutions or ampoules (for example, with vitamins D, A, E or vitamins C, B1, B6, B12). Rejuvenating face masks with vitamin E and glycerin are especially popular. The fact is that vitamin E (tocopherol) is a powerful catalyst for skin regeneration processes. As a result of regular use of masks with vitamin E, the complexion becomes more even, yellowness disappears, and wrinkles are gradually smoothed out. Glycerin moisturizes and protects the skin from further age-related changes. Homemade face masks with glycerin and vitamin E will help get rid of wrinkles and also maintain a younger, tighter face for many years. Additionally (as part of one course of vitamin masks), you can apply a firming gelatin mask with activated carbon before bed to rejuvenate and cleanse the skin of blackheads.

Vitamin mask recipes often include natural products with a fatty base, as they help vitamins penetrate faster and deeper through the epidermis into the dermis and subcutaneous fat. Depending on your skin type, these masks include olive or sesame oil, fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir).

In addition to vitamin E, anti-aging vitamin masks may also include:

ascorbic acid(vitamin C, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, improves the transport of oxygen to skin cells, helps lighten age spots);

thiamine(vitamin B1, helps get rid of pimples, acne, ulcers);

pyridoxine(vitamin B6, soothes and moisturizes the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect);

cobalamin(vitamin B12, stimulates metabolism in cells);

retinol(vitamin A, ensures the synthesis of collagen and elastin, relieves the skin of stretch marks and flaking, has antibacterial properties);

a nicotinic acid(vitamin PP, improves blood circulation, dries out oily skin);

menadione(vitamin K, removes redness and rashes, relieves swelling of the facial skin).

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According to many women, even after the first course of using homemade masks with vitamins and glycerin, the complexion noticeably improves, the skin becomes more velvety and elastic, and blackheads disappear. Masks for dry skin moisturize and nourish the skin, and also help eliminate flaking. Masks for oily skin eliminate unhealthy shine and cleanse the face of acne. To effectively rejuvenate your skin, use masks regularly, experiment with the composition to suit your skin type (fortunately, there are more than enough recipes) and add vitamins E and A to the mixture. An incredible rejuvenating effect is achieved by alternating different procedures using masks. For example, an 8-week course of using vitamin masks is replaced by a 5-6 week course of using tightening masks with gelatin or masks with clay (white, blue, green).

in the photo: BEFORE and after using a cleansing vitamin mask

in the photo: BEFORE and after using a mask with vitamin E and glycerin


Recipe No. 1: mask of glycerin, vitamin E, olive oil


A very effective moisturizer for dry skin types. The mask evens out the relief and improves complexion; in adulthood, it perfectly tightens sagging skin.

What's included:

1 tablespoon glycerin, 5 drops vitamin E, 2 teaspoons olive oil.

Cooking method:

Pour 3 tablespoons of cool water into a bowl and add glycerin, stir thoroughly. Then combine the contents with vitamin E and olive oil, mix until smooth.


To moisturize and improve the condition of dry skin at a young age, apply a mask 3 times a month. In adulthood, apply 2 times a week, a total of 10 procedures, followed by a break for a month.

Recipe No. 2: mask of yeast, red clay, sour cream, vitamin E


An excellent product for improving the condition of oily skin. After 5-6 procedures you will notice how much skin irritation has decreased. Unhealthy shine disappears, the face is gradually cleared of blackheads or pimples. The procedures effectively stimulate skin regeneration, make the face more toned and smooth out wrinkles.

What's included:

1 teaspoon of yeast, 2 tablespoons of red clay, 2 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, 3 drops of vitamin E.

Cooking method:

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth. Before use, wait about 5 minutes. Apply several layers of the mask and cover it with cling film to maintain the desired temperature under the film.


If there is a need to improve the condition of inflamed sebaceous glands and get rid of acne, then apply the mask once a week before bed for 2 months, then take a break for 1 month. To cleanse and rejuvenate the skin, apply a mask to your face 2 times a week, a total of 12 procedures, then a break of 1 month.

Recipe No. 3: mask of oatmeal, honey, yogurt, olive oil, vitamins A, E, D.


Suitable for improving the condition of normal or combination skin. The product quickly clears the skin of rashes and evens out the complexion. Constant use of the product will help eliminate age-related changes and significantly rejuvenate your facial skin.

What's included:

2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt without additives, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 5 drops of an oil solution of vitamins A, E, D.

Cooking method:

Grind (in a blender or coffee grinder) oatmeal. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and stir until smooth. After 5 minutes you can use it.


At a young age, you can do this mask 3 times a month before bed to protect the skin from external influences and improve elasticity. In adulthood, apply this cleansing and tightening mask to your face 2 times a week, for a total of 14 procedures, followed by a break of 1 month.

