A delicious appetizer for a wedding is the most important element of a solemn feast. Delicate, spicy, fragrant and elegant snacks for the wedding

Liana Raymanova April 30, 2018

A wedding banquet needs careful planning: special attention deserves holiday menu, table setting and creative serving of snacks. Appetizing cold and hot appetizers will add variety to the list of dishes served, will not let the guests get hungry and will leave guests with pleasant memories. After all, it is snacks that leave relatives and friends with the first impression of the holiday, while the newlyweds have not yet arrived at the holiday. How do you make the perfect appetizers? From the list of dishes below, you are sure to find something for your celebration.

How to cook simple and delicious snacks for a wedding?

Before the registry office and after visiting it, care must be taken about catering to guests. So that guests do not go hungry and do not think only about how to get to the cafe as soon as possible, prepare wedding snacks for skiing and walking. Choose a container for food storage according to the season: plastic containers are enough in winter, and a cooler bag will come to the rescue in summer.

As a rule, guests actively eat for the first half hour, the rest of the time is given more to alcohol, and food is perceived as a snack. The administrator of the restaurant hall will help you calculate the portion of dishes for one person.

Approximately the weight of a portion of one cold appetizer (together with salad) per guest is 300-400 g, hot - 150 g

Snacks for a wedding walk in the summer should be light, fresh and, if possible, without mayonnaise. In summer, a variety of vegetables and fruits are available, the various combinations of which give culinary creations a special, unique taste. Focus on such rolls and salads, because in the summer it is difficult for the body to digest meat and fatty foods.

Photo of banquet dishes and snacks

  1. Pay attention to soft drinks, as guests will definitely want to cool down during the hot season. Perfectly quenches thirst lemon water with natural fruits.
  2. Serve cold appetizers on lettuce leaves. Cheese, nuts, assorted vegetables and seafood will be good options for dishes.
  3. A great idea for a hot appetizer would be tender chicken, fish or mushrooms.

The main purpose of serving a cold snack is to awaken the appetite. There should be about 6-8 original and appetizing types of snacks on the wedding table. Dishes should be varied so that each guest with their individual food preferences can choose something for themselves.

Photo of cold appetizers at a wedding in the summer

Snack options may be as follows:

  • cold cuts for the wedding table: ham, neck, carbonade;
  • fresh vegetables (seasonal): cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes;
  • fish plate: salmon, salmon, mackerel;
  • seafood: shrimp, caviar, squid;
  • mushroom dishes;
  • cheese snacks;
  • rolls (vegetable, meat).

Making banquet dishes on the wedding table is an important issue in the process of planning festive treats. Even the most economical and standard dishes can be beaten and decorated in an unusual way. To properly serve appetizers, you should talk to the chef of the restaurant and discuss all the details of the exquisite presentation of food.

Snacks can be divided into segments or laid out in a certain order, imitating some kind of object. You can also ask for help in decorating the table from the carving service - specialists create real masterpieces from the usual menu.

Photos of simple and delicious snacks at the wedding

Both canapes and tartlets for the wedding table amaze with a variety of fillings and are far from being a banal decoration of a festive buffet table. Both fruits and vegetables, and fish with meat are suitable for their creation.

Photo of tartlets on the wedding table

At the same time, remember that such healthy “fast food” is served in tandem with alcohol: sandwiches with meat and fish are suitable for strong drinks, vegetables and seafood are suitable for light table wines. The taste of champagne helps to reveal an expensive variety of cheese. Do not forget to put toothpicks or skewers at the feast - it will be more convenient for guests to enjoy the snack.

Photo of appetizers prepared for a wedding walk

Snack menu with recipes

Canape with sprats - an original appetizer replacing regular sandwiches. Such an unusual dish can be made from a small amount of ingredients without spending a lot of time and effort on cooking.

Required Ingredients:

  • 200 g sprat;
  • 350 g of hard cheese;
  • 50 g butter melted butter;
  • pickled gherkins (8 pieces);
  • 250 g of cottage cheese.

Grind cottage cheese, butter and sprats with a blender. Cheese is cut into squares a few mm thick. A homogeneous mass serves as the middle link in the construction: "cheese - filling - cheese". At the output, we get a dish that looks like a cake, which has a curd-fish layer. We select its thickness in accordance with the size of the cheese slices so that the edges of the snack are even and regular. The top of the snack can be decorated with olives, lettuce, red onion or a sprig of fresh herbs.

Canape with sprats - a variant of a cold wedding appetizer

cheese chips

Chips will be a good help in decorating the festive table. You can put a small mass of filling on them and decorate with herbs.

Filling options can be very different: seafood, red fish, chicken or crab sticks

The classic recipe is cheese laid out on a crispy "chip" stand.

Required Ingredients:

  • chips (whole and medium shape);
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • garlic (1-2 cloves);
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 400 g of tomatoes;
  • fresh greens.

We cut the tomatoes into cubes, be sure to remove the excess juice, it can make the filling extremely watery. We rub the cheese, squeeze the garlic and finely chop the greens. We combine the obtained ingredients into a single mass and mix well. We spread the layer on the chips just before serving, otherwise the chips will soften and lose their appetizing appearance. Decorate with a slice of olive or dill. Ready!

hot appetizer recipes

Hot snacks on the table at weddings are companions of strong alcohol and harbingers of the main course. This group of snacks is represented by a variety of alternatives from stews to hot sandwiches.

Chopped cutlets from crab meat and rice (croquettes)

Rarely can a wedding menu be complete without dishes with crab. Crab meat contains many useful amino acids and vitamins, has a delicate taste and is easily absorbed by the body. A hot appetizer of rice and crab meat is unlikely to leave guests indifferent.

Required Ingredients:

  • 150 g crab meat;
  • 120 g of vegetable oil;
  • half a cup of round-grain rice;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 30 g of crackers and flour;
  • 100 g butter;
  • spices and herbs to taste.

Cook the rice until cooked, at the end of cooking add butter (50 g) to the rice porridge. Combine chopped crab meat with rice. We break the eggs and add the yolks and flour to the filling. From the resulting minced meat we sculpt cutlets, after which we dip in protein and crackers. We fry in a plentiful amount of oil, as if deep-fried. Lubricate the finished appetizer with butter and decorate with herbs.

Photo of hot appetizers on the festive table (croquettes)

Tomatoes stuffed with mushrooms

Hot snacks should be served in such a way that the guest does not need to use a knife. For this, the dishes are cut into cubes or sticks. Tomatoes with mushrooms- a dish that is prepared quickly, but looks amazing on the table.

Required Ingredients:

  • tomatoes;
  • White mushrooms;
  • garlic;
  • crackers;
  • butter;
  • herbs and spices;
  • tomato puree.

Cut off the top of the tomatoes and remove the inside. Stew onions, finely chopped mushrooms, herbs, garlic and tomato puree in oil. After that, mix the mass with breadcrumbs, add salt, pepper and spices. We spread the filling in a tomato, decorate with grated cheese and send it to the oven. The signal that the tomatoes are ready is cheese melted on the tops.

Proper organization of a wedding reception is a process that requires a serious approach.

Consider the preferences of the guests, the nature of the wedding, the seasonality of the celebration, and then you can cook a great dinner on any budget. Make your menu memorable and get creative with your table decor!

Even more photos and ideas for wedding snacks in the video:

A wedding is a special event in the life of every person. And not only in the life of the bride and groom, but also their relatives and close people.

In this regard, they always try to approach the solemn feast as creatively as possible, to make the menu special and memorable. One of its most important components are banquet snacks on the wedding table.

Distinctive features of this festive table are the variety in the menu for the wedding and the original design of the dishes.

Particular attention is paid to alcoholic beverages and their accompanying dishes, which received the generalized name "snacks". In a broad sense, this culinary term refers to a light meal served before main courses to increase appetite, often in combination with an aperitif.

However, for the Russian culinary tradition, the concept of “snack” is more common precisely as an addition to alcohol, and since almost any celebration, including a wedding, strong drinks play one of the main roles, the dishes served with them occupy an important part in everything. holiday menu.

All dishes on the wedding table should be served in stages, replacing each other. In this regard, it is necessary to calculate the approximate time of the solemn banquet and change the snacks so that the table is full until the very end of the wedding feast.

All snacks are divided into two main types:

  • hot;
  • Cold.

Both hot and cold snacks can be made from a wide variety of ingredients: meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, etc. Usually, at least 5-10 snack dishes are prepared at the feast, both hot and cold.

Not a single festive table is complete without cold appetizers, and a wedding feast is no exception.

Their main difference from hot dishes is that they are intended not so much to saturate, but to stimulate appetite in anticipation of the main course.

In this regard, cold appetizers are considered by culinary specialists as companions of aperitif drinks. Traditionally, cold dishes are prepared from meat, fish or vegetables.

From vegetables

Vegetable snacks represent the widest field for culinary creativity, especially in. For their preparation, you can use both fresh and boiled or pickled vegetables.

This group includes a wide variety of vegetable dishes: caviar, chilled vegetable pates, sandwiches and tartlets with vegetables, and just vegetable cuts flavored with various seasonings.

From fish

Fish dishes are a great opportunity to diversify any holiday menu, without forgetting to ask the mother of the bride for her opinion.

From fish and seafood, you can cook a large number of original, tasty and at the same time not too high-calorie dishes. This group of appetizers combines a wide range of cold dishes prepared both from fish itself and from other seafood - shrimp, squid, caviar, etc.

These are various sandwiches, tartlets, salads and just fish cuts, which are perfect for champagne. Refuel cold fish dishes can be vegetable oil, mayonnaise, or complex sauces based on them.

A distinctive feature of fish appetizers is their democratic nature - they are suitable for any wedding table and are able to satisfy the needs of guests with a variety of gastronomic preferences.

At the same time, fish and seafood appetizers provide an opportunity to diversify the festive menu, while at the same time optimizing time and finances.

For them, you can also use delicious types of fish and seafood: valuable fish of salmon and sturgeon species, black and red caviar and inexpensive "everyday" fish - the same herring, sardines, mackerel or pike.

The main condition, again, is the original, creative decoration of the dish with greenery. The simplest and most common dish from this group is sliced ​​\u200b\u200bsmoked or salted fish (red, white, or simple herring) with olive oil and served with greens.

Caviar is served in kokolnits (“shells”) and is also decorated with greens.

Meat slices and more

No festive table is complete without cold cuts. Traditionally, these are ready-made meat products from the store, cut into slices and decorated with decorative accessories - sausages and various smoked products: ham, carbonade, bacon.

At the same time, cold cuts can also be prepared from home-cooked products: smoked or boiled tongue, fried or boiled meat, poultry.

The main advantage of cold cuts is the minimum amount of time spent, which becomes especially important if you need to cook a large number of dishes for a large celebration.

As for other festive dishes, an important condition for cold cuts is its original design. A dish may consist of several types of products, divided into separate segments, or laid out in an alternating order.

This video will show you how to beautifully serve cold cuts on the festive table:

For decoration, you can use various suitable greens - onions, dill, olives.

For the convenience of guests, a stand with skewers or toothpicks can be placed next to the dish - this way it will be much more convenient to take slices of sausage or meat from the plate.

Hot snacks on the table for the wedding

Traditionally, hot snacks are meant for strong alcoholic drinks, which are an integral part of the wedding celebration.

This group includes a wide variety of dishes: from the most complex combined, requiring a large number of products and taking a lot of time and effort, to "economy class" dishes, which are close to fast food in terms of speed and ease of preparation.

The choice of one or another recipe depends on the availability of time and financial resources.. It can be stew, smoked, fried meat and fish, rolls, hot sandwiches. The main difference between hot appetizer dishes and the main ones is their serving: the recipe for them does not provide for a side dish, and they are put on the table not in individual plates, but in common large dishes.

From meat

Hot meat dishes are truly irreplaceable on any festive table. They go especially well with vodka and other strong drinks, enjoying the well-deserved love of the male half of the guests.

The main ingredient here is meat and offal (liver, heart, lung, kidney) from animals and birds. As additional components, you can use vegetables, fruits, dairy products, eggs, dough and cereals.

The main secret of delicious hot meat appetizers for strong drinks is their juiciness and spiciness. To do this, you can use sauces and gravies prepared using various spices.

Too spicy dishes may not suit all guests, therefore, when using seasonings, you should know when to stop or alternate spicy snacks with more lean ones. So you can please both lovers of spicy dishes, and those who are contraindicated or simply do not like them.


Hot appetizer fish dishes, as well as vegetable and meat dishes, are served at the beginning of the feast, before the main course, or in the interval between courses.

Served hot fish can be stewed, fried, baked. A variety of spices and sauces act as an additional component. Hot fish is served on the festive table on metal dishes, in cocotte makers, or directly in pans, as they say "piping hot".

The difference from the main fish dish is the absence of side dishes and serving in common dishes. Traditionally, hot fish dishes go with white wine and other not too strong drinks served as an aperitif. In general, fish and seafood is an absolutely win-win option, which, with slight variations, is suitable for drinks of any strength - from vodka and whiskey to light wines.

Do-it-yourself sandwiches, canapes, tartlets on the wedding table: original recipes

A separate line should be allocated sandwiches, canapes and tartlets served on the wedding table. These simple and quick mini-snacks are a real fast food (in the best sense of the word) for a festive feast that can save the hostess a lot of time and effort.

Here you will find 7 recipes for the most delicious snacks on the festive table:

For their preparation, a wide variety of products are suitable, ranging from fruits and vegetables to meat and fish.

Also, sandwiches and canapes open the widest scope for the creativity of the hostess, allowing you to show off your imagination and good culinary taste.

But with, it should be remembered that some of the sandwiches and canapes are more suitable for strong alcohol, others for light drinks.

In general terms, the same rules apply here as for other dishes. Sandwiches and sandwiches with meat, poultry, caviar, salted and smoked fish are perfect for drinks with a high strength.

For, especially for white dry - sandwiches with vegetables, seafood or fish. Dessert and sweet/semi-sweet sparkling varieties are traditionally served with fruit canapés and tartlets.

However, connoisseurs of table etiquette argue that the bouquet of real champagne is best revealed not by the notorious pineapples, but by the same seafood and expensive varieties of cheese.

Connoisseurs and connoisseurs of champagne give special preference to simple cuts from noble varieties with mold - brie, camembert, roquefort, stilton.

Particularly convenient and optimal in terms of product consumption are small canapes put on a skewer and beautifully decorated on. For them, it is best to use several types of expensive ingredients: meat and fish delicacies, expensive cheeses, etc.

In this case, the consumption of components will be minimal with a maximum culinary effect.

Canape with sprats and cheese:


  • hard cheese - 300 g;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • half a lemon;
  • pickled gherkins - 6 pcs.;
  • sprats - 100 g;
  • small bunch of watercress.

Using a blender, grind cottage cheese, butter and 100 g of sprat to a homogeneous consistency. Hard cheese is cut into squares 3-5 mm thick. Put a paste-like mass of chopped sprats with cottage cheese on one slice of cheese, and cover the filling on top with another slice. The resulting canape is decorated with greens and put on a skewer.

Cheese canapes on chips:

  • large round chips;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 300 g;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • Provencal mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • greenery.

Tomatoes are cut into cubes, the juice flowing out is removed. Cheese is rubbed on a grater. Cooked and washed greens, along with peeled onions, are chopped, then mixed with grated cheese and tomatoes. The resulting mixture is seasoned with mayonnaise, after which it is laid out in a slide on each chip.

What snacks are suitable for a wedding in nature, for a walk of the bride and groom

Any wedding program implies a visit by the bride and groom to any memorable places and sights of their city.

And, of course, the wedding procession is accompanied by guests of the celebration - relatives and close friends of the spouses. The wedding trip of the newlyweds does not provide for feasts during the trip, but alcoholic drinks are its indispensable attribute.

At this time, pre-prepared mini-snacks will come in handy, which do not take up much space and fit freely in small baskets. A container for storing food during a walk or trip should be selected depending on the weather.

If in winter you can get by with ordinary plastic containers, then in the summer heat it is best to place food in a cooler bag. Otherwise, your wedding may be remembered for a long time by guests not thanks to culinary delights, but to food poisoning.

For skating

The most common and win-win option for snacks that you can take with you on a ride are sandwiches and canapes.

For their preparation, both complex meat, vegetable and fish components are used, as well as simpler options that do not require much time - sausage or cheese cuts, fruit slices, caviar.

The main thing is that the sandwiches are small, so to speak, "for one bite." This is very convenient in the sense that after a pile of young people knocked over for the health of the young, guests will not have to walk around with half a sandwich waiting for the next one, or hide a snack during the next group photo at a local attraction.

For a walk

The principle of "less is more" regarding the size of sandwiches and other mini-snacks is even more relevant when walking a wedding walk. If, when skiing, the main “weight” of culinary delights is located in cars, then when walking, baskets and containers with food will have to be carried with you.

Therefore, it is best to prepare a sufficient number of small canapés on skewers or tartlets.

For a wedding in nature

Sometimes a wedding celebration is held outdoors, away from such benefits of civilization as a refrigerator and an electric oven.

Accordingly, this should be taken into account in advance, already at the stage of compiling the menu. In this case, you should not cook hot snacks in large quantities: as a rule, after cooling, they lose most of their culinary virtues.

Feasts in nature are held in the warm season, so it is also not recommended to use perishable products. As an option, get a sufficient number of thermos bags, or portable refrigerators that run on batteries or from the car's on-board network.

In general, the assortment of appetizers is so extensive that it allows you to diversify any festive table, regardless of the wedding budget and the number of invited guests. Each hostess will be able to choose dishes that best suit the range of alcoholic beverages, the culinary preferences of guests and even the season, but one should stick to the calculation for one person.So, on average, the volume of cold snacks is about 350 gr.

What is a wedding without snacks on the wedding table, the recipes of which are distinguished by sophistication? There are a lot of cold wedding snacks, recipes for them. It remains to choose and decorate the celebration with them!

Cold appetizers can be said to be a strategically necessary part of the menu at a wedding feast. It is snacks that diversify the festive table and make it especially solemn, original and appetizing.

Sandwiches of various form and content, numerous salads, colorful tartlets, amazingly beautiful aspic and rolls fulfill not only their direct mission of appetizers, but also decorate the whole holiday, cheer up the newlyweds and guests.

Before the wedding appetizers, recipes, and steps for making them yourself are offered here, it is necessary to introduce the reader to the simple rules for compiling a menu.

It is known that the main item of expenditure falls on the feast. It is not very pleasant to see when up to thirty percent of the food remains on the tables at the end of the celebration. Therefore, before choosing snacks for the wedding table, recipes with holiday products, you need to consider some factors:

· Season. The availability of products in a store or in the market and their prices directly depend on the month in which the choice of the newlyweds to play the wedding fell. For example, if the wedding falls in the fall, a huge amount of vegetables cut for decoration will remain sadly lying on the tables. And publicly available apples and oranges, cut into slices (you can’t take them home), will go into the trash can. In the autumn season, apricots, peaches, cherries or a good plum will go well.

Snacks and hot meals. Dishes from the category of heavy ones go better in the cold season (by the way, strong drinks are drunk better in winter). In the summer, the fair sex mostly take care of their figure and prefer less high-calorie foods. At the expense of meat in the summer: people ate it in the dachas in the form of barbecue, so you should not serve it, especially as a second course.

· Time of the banquet. The human body adheres to its schedule, and food intake develops into a certain system. Therefore, the amount of food taken before 6.0 will not be the same as after this time.

If guests sit down at the table later than six o'clock in the evening, there is no need to order a main course, one second course is enough. Otherwise, sixty percent of food will remain on the tables. At best, you can order a common dish on one plate for the second hot dish.

· Men and women. The amount of a particular food should depend on their percentage.

Snacks for a wedding, recipes for them, as a rule, begin with sandwiches. It is convenient to make an appetizer in dough baskets instead of traditional canapes on the wedding table. They put either a salad or a component of sandwiches. For example, boiled chicken and mushrooms, cut into small cubes, seasoned with mayonnaise, put in baskets and sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs.

Salad "Festive" of champignons and chicken.

Separate the pulp of five hundred grams of boiled chicken, remove the skin and cut the meat into pieces. Place chopped boiled mushrooms (130 g of champignons), radishes (300 g) and pickles (45 g) there. Dress the salad with sauce: mayonnaise (130 g) mixed with mustard (20 g). Salt. Cool the salad, sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Filled beef. Two st. soak tablespoons of gelatin for half an hour with cold water, and then pour it into a hot clear meat broth. Cut 300 grams of cooked meat across the grain and spread the pieces on the bottom of a dish with low sides. For decoration, put sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces of pre-cooked carrots and a small leaf of greens on each meat piece. Gently pour the ingredients into a small layer of broth mixed with gelatin and hold in a cold place until it hardens. After that, pour the rest of the broth and refrigerate for three to four hours. Before serving, cut the prepared aspic into portions, put green lettuce leaves, slices of tomato and lemon on top.

Fish rolls (from zander or hake).

Cut the fish fillet (one kilogram) into portioned pieces and lightly beat off with the blade of a knife pointing flat. Carefully wrap the pieces into rolls, securing them with toothpicks. Boil the rolls together with sliced ​​carrots (1 pc.) And onions (1 pc.) (about twenty minutes). Cool down. Put the rolls on a napkin.

Finely chopped celery (800 g) lightly salted, mixed with chopped apples (800 g), sprinkled with lemon juice. Fill this salad with mayonnaise (100 g) with cream (100 g). Arrange the salad on a platter and place the fish rolls on top. Decorate with vegetables.

A few tips for serving a wedding table with cold appetizers.

Tables are served until the appointed time for guests.

Salads are usually served on platters or in salad bowls. The size of the dish depends on the composition of the salad. Exotic salads are served in small bowls. Salads are completed with a salad spoon and fork, if necessary. The same can be served in a more original way: in portions on lettuce leaves; on slices of white bread, sausage or ham. Salads can be stuffed with tomatoes, eggs, cucumbers, peppers, dough baskets. Such creative portions fit on one large dish.

Sliced ​​meat: sausage and ham of different varieties are cut thinly, obliquely (meat, tongue are cut thicker), laying on a dish in a fan or rows.

The herring is separated from the bones and placed in a herring box, keeping the shape of the fish. Salted and smoked red fish are pre-cut, cut into thin slices, laying lemon slices and greens on top.

Cheese is served on a small dish in one whole piece with several thin slices cut off (the property of cheese is that it dries quickly). There should be a knife and fork nearby.

Homemade wedding dishes have the following advantages: quality products; specialties from "pantry" home recipes. Beautiful and original festive dishes from the hands of skilled housewives, give appetite.

Snacks are designed to decorate the festive table, cheer up the newlyweds and guests. At a wedding banquet, everything must be thought out and prepared, starting with an aperitif and ending with a cake. Delicious appetizers at the wedding help to qualitatively diversify the festive menu. It is important to take care of cold and hot dishes for a snack in a timely manner, discuss this menu with the chef. Simple appetizers for a wedding should be proportionally combined with more complex, refined ones. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the taste characteristics of these dishes, but also to spend time on their original design. After all, you see, due to the beauty of appetizers, the festive table will look even more elegant.

According to experienced chefs, there should be about six to seven courses of cold appetizers at a wedding. When compiling the menu, it is worth considering that the dishes are different, because you really want to please every guest. At the same time, you should not overload the table for the wedding, snacks do not have to be expensive. Among the cold appetizers should be present: dishes with mushrooms, vegetable snacks (vegetables according to the season), cold cuts, fish cuts, cheese plate.

A wedding is such a holiday that you can hardly do without strong drinks. And alcohol should be eaten with meat and hot, therefore, in addition to buffet snacks, hot snacks are also needed at a wedding. They, unlike standard main courses, are usually served already finely chopped, prepared for convenient consumption without the use of a knife.

Recipes for wedding snacks are numerous and varied, but all the same, the possibilities of products in this regard are far from being fully exhausted. It is worth fantasizing when preparing snacks for a wedding, photos of many of them suggest quite interesting ideas. If you are faced with the difficult task of creating a wedding snack menu, recipes with photos should help you with this.

What appetizers to serve for a wedding, how to cook and arrange them correctly? Our tips will also help you solve this:

In many ways, the menu of the festive table depends on the season. In autumn, seasonal vegetables should not predominate in appetizers;

In cold weather, more attention should be paid to heavy, meat dishes;

In the summer, many people prefer less high-calorie food, people ate meat in the form of shish kebabs in their dachas, you need to move away from the standards, fantasize;

It is worth considering the time of the banquet. The later the holiday, the less food is required on the table, the simpler the appetizers and main dishes, otherwise everything simply will not have time to be eaten before late evening;

The number and calorie content of meals served may also depend on the percentage of male and female guests. This issue is also subject to careful study;

You need to have time to reserve the festive table before the appearance of the first guests.

You are faced with the task of organizing a buffet table, and you do not know what to cook for a buffet table? You are welcome to the thematic section of the site with ideas and delicious recipes for the buffet table. For you, I have collected original, tasty and affordable recipes for the buffet table, so that you can prepare snacks for the buffet table on a special occasion.

All presented buffet snacks on the site are accompanied by step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the preparation of the recipe. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you are preparing a buffet table for a wedding, a buffet table at work, or a buffet table for a birthday - the buffet menu (recipes with photos) from the Home Restaurant website will definitely come in handy for you.

Look through the buffet snacks on the festive table (recipes with photos) and you will understand that you can cook buffet dishes at home without much hassle. Thanks to the recipes presented on the site, you can create a menu for the buffet table, and the dishes for the buffet table (recipes with photos) listed on the site will help you make the right choice.

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