Whether previous partners affect the child. First partner - information trail for life

If you believe in this theory, it will not bring anything bad, because, perhaps, it will protect you from promiscuity, teach you to take care of your virginity, not to rush to part with it and give birth to a child really from the one and only beloved man, to whom he will be similar.

You must have heard that the first leaves in a woman's life not only a tangible psychological trace, but also quite material, at the gene level. Why sometimes a woman, after many years, gives birth to a child like two drops of water similar to her first man?

Why can't a father find his traits in his son, why does a child suddenly turn out to be "neither mother nor father"? How can this be explained? Do you know anything about the phenomenon telegony - the theory of the first male?

The term telegony is composed of two Greek words (tele - far away, far; gonos - origin) and suggests the possibility of a distant influence of the previous (first) sexual partner on the phenotype (features) of subsequent offspring born from another sexual partner.

The phenomenon of telegony is known to cynologists and horse breeders who are working on the purity of the breed. And they do not allow non-pedigreed puppies and stallions to be mated, so as not to spoil the pedigree. But does it apply to humans?

Some even quite serious scientists believe that in humans this phenomenon is even more pronounced than in animals. Because the number of sexual contacts they have is much greater than that of our smaller brothers.

From a scientific point of view, the phenomenon of telegony has not been confirmed. That is, with the help of scientific experiments, it was not reliably proven, on the basis of multiple repetitions, that the first male affects all subsequent offspring, passing on his properties to him. But in some cases it did happen. None of the scientists could explain why and on what it depended. They thought it was just a coincidence.

But, nevertheless, every man probably wants to have HIS child for sure, and not a mixture of all the genetic qualities that his wife received from her sexual premarital partners. Does she really inherit genetic information from them, or is this complete anti-scientific nonsense?

In any case, this is interesting and useful to know. And suddenly, contrary to the evidence of scientists, this makes some sense. After all, it is not without reason that our ancestors so valued the maiden honor.

If you believe in this theory of the first partner, it will not bring anything bad, because, perhaps, it will protect you from promiscuity, teach you to take care of your virginity, not to rush to part with it and give birth to a child really from the one and only beloved man to whom he and will be similar.

Genetics is a science in which there are still a lot of white spots. incomprehensible and inexplicable phenomena. How, for example, to explain that crucian caviar can be fertilized by any other type of fish, and crucians will still hatch from it?

Mystics claim that a woman during sexual contact receives hereditary information from a man not only in the form of sperm, but also in the form of biomagnetic radiation. This information on a subtle level is imprinted in a woman's hereditary apparatus in some way unknown to science. So the first man inserts his hereditary traits into the woman's genes forever.

Telegony is called the science of virginity, because it makes girls more attentive and careful about their virginity. After all, a genetic trace from a drug addict, alcoholic, bully or scumbag can be an unpleasant surprise for her future children.

In order to find an excuse for themselves or to explain their frivolity, someone will gladly agree with scientists who have not found confirmation in the facts. And someone will think and save their virginity and purity for the only and most beloved person in the world. The choice is yours!

Irina Krasnova

Once Larisa said that our future children can be affected by all our partners with whom there was closeness. Your first man has a special influence. That is, there is a memory of the uterus as such. Please share, maybe someone could find such a practice as "cleansing the memory of the uterus" or maybe something like that ...? thanks a lot in advance :)

Yes it's true. But this is not at the energy level, but at the genetic level. This has all been scientifically proven. We even had a man come to school and tell us about it. He said that even in ancient Rome or Greece, powerful guys were picked up and they tore off the virginity of girls, and after that women could already marry whomever they wanted. They all knew that what will be the first man, such will be the offspring of the woman. They even say there were cases that a woman had a black man in bed, and after many years already with a white husband, she had a mulatto :)

When the fetus develops in the mother's body, it is perceived by this body as something foreign, and in order for the mother's body not to reject it, the embryo throws its stem cells into the mother's blood, thus disguising itself and at the same time changing the mother's body for itself. Egoist.))) The body of a pregnant woman is rich in stem cells. However, the scientific world says that by the time of puberty, the eggs are fully formed and the information contained in them is not low. Thus, we are forced to admit that telegony has no right to life. Therefore, all children, regardless of their time of birth, must have the hereditary characteristics of a woman, during the period when the formation of eggs took place. However, experience shows that children born in different age periods of the mother, genetically acquire similarities with the mother of the period when they are born.
Thus, we can safely say that if we build telegony exclusively on eggs, then it really does not exist, but if we take into account that the first pregnancy, even interrupted, changes the mother's body in the image and likeness of the embryo, then, consequently, all subsequent children will develop under genetic influence, altered by the first child of the body. By the way, in addition to the child, the mother's body is changed, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, illnesses, medicines ....... Or is this now also in doubt?
So why do people of science stubbornly want to deny telegony?
Just because it is a folk science that does not own the terms and knowledge of modern science?

Can a woman remember all her hero-lovers? It turns out - yes!
Even if a woman tries "in one fell swoop" to delete from her memory the men she once loved, her body will "thankfully" retain all the information about them - age, height, weight, eye color, race, etc.
Scientists at the California Clinic of Practical Cytology came to this conclusion. They revealed an interesting feature of the female body: it turns out that the internal genital organs of a woman have unique cells that can capture and store genetic information about all the men with whom the woman had sex, in the form of genetic residues from their spermatozoa.
Scientists believe that the detected cells perform an archival function - a few hours after each sexual intercourse, they absorb the remains of "unnecessary" spermatozoa in the woman's genitals. Otherwise, "foreign" bodies (spermatozoa) could cause inflammation in the uterine cavity. But these cells - wipers are not always consistent in their actions - while absorbing spermatozoa, they do not completely dissolve them, as a result of which protein inclusions remain inside them - separate, practically insoluble sections of the genetic chain.
By the number of these genetic chains, one can conclude how many partners a woman had. And by a DNA fragment taken from these chains, one can easily determine some "technical" characteristics of ex-lovers: age, weight, height, etc. e. Anticipating a storm of emotions of jealous husbands, scientists emphasize that the genes of a woman’s former lovers are so scattered that their introduction into the DNA of a female egg is 100% excluded. Therefore, the birth of a child “from Uncle Vasya”, with ears from “Uncle Gena” and a nose from "Uncle Petya" is impossible.

Which literally translates as "far away". This concept, first proposed by Aristotle, implies that the first sexual partner of a woman (or female) leaves an indelible imprint on the appearance and health of her future offspring, even if the father of these offspring is a completely different man or male.

The idea of ​​telegony was discarded at the beginning of the 20th century with the development of the science of genetics, although it is still popular in religious circles. Now, the controversial theory is back in the scientific world: a team of scientists has demonstrated that past sexual partners of female flies can affect the appearance of her future offspring, at least in flies of the Neriidae family.

A team of entomologists from the University of New South Wales in Australia, led by Dr. Angela Crean and Professor Russell Bonduriansky, set out to test the ancient hypothesis. The researchers mated female flies with males of different sizes and found that the body size of the offspring is determined by the size of the first male with whom the female mated, and not at all the second, from which they actually gave birth to offspring.

“Our discovery complicates all scientific understanding of how anatomical characteristics are passed down from generation to generation, and also opens up entirely new possibilities for future research. Nature has once again shown us how little we know about it,” says Crean, lead author this study.

The researchers believe that the effect is due to molecules in the seminal fluid of the first sexual partner, which are absorbed by the immature eggs of the female, and then affect the development of her future offspring. Crean and her colleagues report this in their article published in the journal Ecology Letters.

The experiment went as follows. The entomologists fed the male flies in different ways: one group was given a highly nutritious diet, which caused them to grow larger, while the other "dieted" foods with low nutritional value. Then, when the difference in the size of the body of the insects became noticeable, the males were mated with the females several times.

(photo by Russell Bonduriansky).

Later, when the females were fully mature, they again mated with either large or small males. When offspring were born, scientists carefully studied the "family" history of each fly.

“We realized that, despite the fact that the offspring was fathered by the second sexual partner, the body size of the offspring corresponded exactly to the size of the first male that the female mated with when she was still immature,” says Crean.

Genetics, of course, explains many of the mysteries of the body, but some aspects of inheritance still remain a mystery. Crean and her colleagues believe that the effect they observed is on the list of these aspects.

So, for example, scientists know that in addition to the pure genetic information that parents pass on to their children, there are also environmental factors that influenced the parental organism, and now. In flies, for example, this is good nutrition: the better the larva fed, the larger offspring it will have in the future.

Crean notes in a press release that science has yet to test this same idea in other animal species and conditions. But so far, no one excludes the possibility that the results of this experiment may fit into the error.

Good afternoon dear friend. Let's talk about such a phenomenon as telegony or the influence of the first male: true or false, myth or reality. What does telegonia mean. This is when a woman changes partners, husbands. And from the next a child is born similar to the previous loved one.

According to the Vedas, if people meet for a year, then they are already husband and wife, regardless of the painting. Also, by the way, if a man and a woman have sex, then in ancient times it was considered one of the ways to get married, in other words, having sex is an exchange of heavy karma. This is probably why illicit sex is prohibited in all religious traditions.

The word in the title seems to be unknown to modern medicine. You won't find it in dictionaries. It is not provided by the spelling of the Russian version of Microsoft Word. And although this word does not seem to exist, the phenomenon of telegony exists in objective reality.

The word telegonia comes from the name of the mythical son of Odysseus - Telegon. According to this myth, Odysseus was killed by chance and his ignorance of his son, who was born away from him.

The word telegon itself comes from the Greek "born away from the father."

For a long time (at the latest since the 19th century), general biology and breeders of purebred domestic animals have known a phenomenon called telegony. The essence of the biological phenomenon, which is indicated by this word, will be explained with specific examples:

1. There are known experiments that were carried out in the middle of the 19th century by a friend of Charles Darwin, Lord Morton. The latter, under the influence of his famous friend, also decided to take up biology. He "married off" his thoroughbred English mare to a zebra stallion.

law telegonii law rita video

The offspring did not work out due to the incompatibility of their eggs and spermatozoa, but after “marrying” after some time an English stallion (like herself), the mare brought a foal - an “Englishman”, who had stripes like a zebra. This stallion has essentially two fathers: a stallion-horse in terms of sperm (in terms of substance) and a stallion-zebra in terms of biofield.

2. Doves know that if a sizar (non-pedigreed pigeon) “trampled” a thoroughbred dove, she is immediately killed, because even with her most elite “spouse”, she will only give birth to “chigrash” (that is, not purebred birds): then the feathers in the tail are not the same, the color of the beak, then something else. In general - "junk goods", the breed is unclean.

3. In elite dog clubs there is a rule: if a thoroughbred bitch becomes pregnant outside the club, then the “elite pedigree” of her puppies ends there.

4. The scandal that happened at Moscow State University is known: at the Faculty of Biology, a Negro baby was born to a graduate student from a very “elite” family. You can see that there are a lot of blacks studying at Moscow State University, but the most interesting thing is that her husband, like herself, is white, and her mother swore and swore that she did not cheat on her husband.

And the doctors came to the defense of the unfortunate graduate student, this, they say, happens in nature. Then, nevertheless, it turned out that the heroine once had a fellow student-lover - a black man, before her white husband. This is mentioned by the REN tv channel in two films from the series of documentary-journalistic series:

1) in the series "Secret Stories" in a series called: "The code of a man. Conception is illegal.

2) in the series "Big Case" in a series called "By the Laws of Blood."

telegony myth or reality photo and video

And then biologists remembered the phenomenon of telegony, long “forgotten” (or artificially consigned to oblivion) ​​and ridiculed by official science, according to which the offspring of a female is influenced, to one degree or another, by all previous males by copulation, regardless of whether there were children from these unions or not.

As a result of numerous studies conducted (including in the West) until the 1960s, it was found that the effect of telegony extends to people, as well as to all highly organized biological species.

If the conception of a child was preceded by sexual relations of his mother with one or more partners other than the father in the flesh of this child, even if condoms or other contraceptives were used, or micro- and macro-abortions were made after "unsuccessful" copulations, then in the process of copulation there was a merger biofields of partners.

As a result, a child born by such a woman, in addition to the father in the flesh, from whom he inherited half of the chromosome set, also has many fathers in telegony, from whom he can inherit a lot at the biofield level of organization of material structures.

Many children are born outside families - as if away from their fathers. But in our time, even more children, unfortunately, are born "away" from one or more of their fathers - telegonian fathers - as a natural tribute to the mother's casual liaisons with these fathers before the birth of the child.

Apparently it is no coincidence that this phenomenon (the phenomenon of telegonia) was given the name on behalf of the son of Odysseus, who caused the death of his father.

The theory of telegony in women and men video

The fact is that telegony, as a biofield phenomenon, is dangerous not only for offspring (the offspring, according to the myth, may not recognize their parents), but also for the parents themselves: the biofield essence and psyche of the offspring, according to telegony, is formed in a perverted way, and in their children, fathers and mothers may not recognize themselves at all, and vice versa - children will feel like strangers in relation to their parents.

On the other hand, telegony is a means of closing feedback on the fornication of parents from the side of the offspring. The effect of "feedback" can be expressed in many ways. Maybe even such a story as described in the myth of Telegon.

Not only the external signs of the first sexual partner, but also his illnesses, mental illnesses, and blood diseases can be inherited.

Therefore, one should get rid of the self-delusion that sexual entertainment with the use of condoms is safe for the health of future generations. It is unforgivable for propagandists of such entertainments to propagate a deliberate lie as the truth, but it is no less unforgivable to believe it thoughtlessly, since a lie has the property of becoming a pernicious reality for those who believe in it.

Of course, rubber products reduce the chances of contracting venereal diseases and AIDS for those who directly use them, changing them along with entertainment partners. Of course, if they are in good condition, conception becomes impossible.

However, it is theoretically possible and experimentally proven that during conception, not all genetic information is transmitted from a man to a woman in the chromosome set of spermatozoa: most of the genetic information is transmitted through the biofield.

How to get rid and cleanse telegonia video

In sexual intercourse, not only the introduction of physiological fluids produced by the body of a man into the body of a woman takes place, but also the exchange between a man and a woman of energy and information in the process of interaction of their biofields.

This energy-informational exchange is bilateral, and not only from a man to a woman, as is the case when considering copulation solely as a transfer of chemicals and cellular biomass from a male body to a female one.

None of the condoms or other contraceptives protects those who seek sexual entertainment from the consequences of energy-information exchange through the interaction of biofields for the health of both themselves and the health of their descendants.

And if traditional medicine knows and knows how to relatively “safely” scrape out the uterus in the event of an “undesired” pregnancy, in order to avoid pregnancies, sterilize men and women, then it does not understand anything about how to clean (if she comes to her senses and wants to become a good mother) biofield harlots from all those scraps of genetic information that many carelessly lustful humanoid males having fun with her were merged into it (by the way, they also cannot avoid littering their biofields from many harlots).

It should be borne in mind that the chromosome set in all cells of the body is the same, however, liver cells differ from cells of the nervous system and muscle tissues, as well as all cells of functionally specialized tissues differ from each other. And all cells, in accordance with their belonging to the tissues and systems of the body, reproduce their own kind according to the plan of the general arrangement of organs and systems in the body.

The issue of localization on material carriers of information that determines this general arrangement of organs and systems is not covered in genetics - at least in the public literature. But opinions have been repeatedly expressed that the general arrangement - the placement of organs and systems of the body - is not recorded in the structures of the molecules of the chromosome apparatus, which store mainly information about the synthesis of substances of the body's biomass, but in the structures of biofields.

telegony or influence of the first male watch video

In particular, this is why a mare-horse is able to give birth to a foal, striped like a zebra, with stripes inherited by telegony, i.e. on the basis of biofield transmission of hereditary information, since the chromosome sets of germ cells of a zebra and a horse are incompatible with each other, and the genetic material of the chromosomes of a zebra could not get to a horse foal.

Since each of the sexual partners who became one of the many fathers in the telegony of the child had an originality in the structure of the body that distinguishes it from all the others, then in the bodily organization of the child, the mutual inconsistency of the various information modules inherited from different fathers can be expressed.

That is, in the general arrangement of organs and systems of his body, asymmetries (including redundancy or shortage of organs). One of the most common asymmetries that is inherited, as shown by statistical analysis, is scoliosis - a curvature of the line of the spinal column, in which one shoulder is lower than the other, and the flexibility of the spine when tilted to the right differs from the flexibility of the spine when tilted to the left.

Once this was established, all research and publications on the problem of telegony were classified. A question to consider is WHY?

The meaning of the ancient expression “spoil the girl” does not so much indicate the fact of the rupture of the hymen in the first sexual intercourse (defloration), but the fact that the male deflorator transfers genetic information to the woman, which will not necessarily be combined with the genetic information that will be transferred to her in the future father of her children.

The desire to avoid problems with the physical and mental health of the offspring, due to the conflict of genetic information transmitted to the child from different men who had sexual relations with his mother.

telegony first man true or myth

And it forced our ancestors, on the one hand, to shy away from marriages both with those who lost their virginity due to misfortune, and with obvious whores; and, on the other hand, the guys who won the fame of malicious deflorators in the village had a fair chance of being mercilessly maimed by the brothers and other relatives of the girls “spoiled” by them.

Telegony, as a phenomenon of transmission of genetic information through the biofield of the field of sexual partners, is mutual: for both men and women. Of course, men cannot give birth, but information from all previous partners settles in the bodies of men and is transmitted to children through a woman mother.

Also, information from previous sex partners, remaining the property of the male biofield, affects the psyche of a man, his health, both physical and spiritual. It is clear that the inconsistency of the biofield information received by a man from many sexual partners can lead to the most unexpected consequences: up to the self-destruction of a man who is unable to cope with his psyche, contradictory to the point of schizophrenia.

There are cases when fornicating fathers, having married virgins, received children, as they say, “not in the mother, not in the father ...”, but in whom? It is possible that in the first or second slut - the guy's intimate partner.

Many ancient teachings speak of the phenomenon of telegonia. Only it is called in other words. But this does not change the essence. Moreover, scientists and ancient sages asserted even more harshly than we do: the first man in the life of a virgin leaves her his image of spirit and blood.

Mental and physical portrait of the children she will bear. All other men who will have sexual intercourse with this woman in order to conceive a child, give her only seed and carnal diseases.

Isn't there a mass misunderstanding of fathers and children here?

How to get rid of telegonia after sex in people

We believe that the trace of the first copulation is, of course, the most striking. However, the partners' biofields, interacting with each other with their fragments in the woman's body and influencing the offspring, seem to "fight" among themselves with inconsistent areas. And the strongest section of the biofield “wins” (which is ultimately “responsible” for the genetics of the unborn child).

But such a “victory” does not even depend on the energy power of the biofield site of one or another previous partner compared to the father, but on the morality and righteousness of the mother and father, their intentions for the future: God forgives everything and delivers from everything if the parents stand up to the path of righteousness, and the previous fornication was from ignorance.

But if they don’t come to their senses and continue to spoil their health and their offspring (not only by fornication, but also by all sorts of other genetic poisons), knowing about the harm, then woe to such parents. The same story can happen to them as with the ancient Greek Telegon.

In modern illegitimate (that is, accepted as a hypothesis) science, the concept of "telegony" is revealed somewhat differently, which, in general, does not change the meaning of this phenomenon. Telegony - from tele - far; gonos - origin. This is a science that states that the offspring of a female is influenced by all her previous sexual partners.

In any religious teaching of the world there is a mention of telegony, except that the word telegony itself is not used in the Holy Texts.

Our ancestors of the Slavs and Aryans, many thousands of years before the birth of Christ, had the so-called RITA laws - Heavenly laws on the purity of the Kin and Blood. This is what the Slavic-Aryan Vedas say: “Do not allow strangers to your daughters, for they will seduce your daughters, and corrupt their Pure Souls, and destroy the Blood of the Great Race, for the first man leaves the Images of Spirit and Blood with his daughter ...

Effect law and myth of telegony video

Effect law and myth of telegony video

Foreign images of Blood from Human children are expelled by the Light Spirit, and the mixing of Blood leads to death ... and this Genus, degenerating, dies without having healthy offspring, for there will be no inner strength that kills all ailments and diseases ... "(Santii of the Vedas of Perun )

Of course, the ancient initiates were well aware of this phenomenon. It is no coincidence that its name is associated with the hero of the myths of ancient Greece. For a long time it fell into oblivion and was understood only among narrow healer clans.

So, in order to maintain the genetic homogeneity of the Jews, they are recommended to move away from telegony. This is reflected in the Torah, in particular:

Leviticus 21.7: They must not take for themselves a harlot and a defiled woman, nor should they take a wife rejected by her husband.

Deuteronomy 23.2: The son of a harlot cannot enter into the company of the Lord, and the tenth generation of him cannot enter into the society of the Lord.

In many nations, this phenomenon was taken into account in the traditions of cultures (it entered the culture thanks to numerous practical confirmations), where virginity was strongly promoted and fornication of both men and women was suppressed.

Chastity was especially valued in Rus'-Russia. It is a well-known fact that at the height of the Great Patriotic War, a German doctor who examined girls aged 16-20 expelled from the USSR to Germany was extremely surprised and decided to appeal to Hitler with a call to immediately begin peace negotiations with our country. He was surprised that 90 percent of the girls were virgins, and he wrote to Hitler that it was impossible to defeat a people with such high morals.

Secondarily, the problem of telegony was addressed through science, which developed especially rapidly in the 19th century. This is where the last definition of telegony came from.

Naturally, at present, the theory of telegony has countless opponents who cite “the results of research and experiments”, scientifically “proving” that telegony is nonsense, that to reckon with it is not to respect yourself and your pleasures.

Most of these theorists are mafia people interested in seeing the pornography and paid sex industry continue to flourish. These mafias are no worse and no better than alcohol, tobacco, "health care" and other mafias that support the genocide of the nation. After all, if the phenomenon of telegony is studied by children from school, they will lose income from human misfortunes.

Therefore, it is more profitable for them if children continue to study the useless and harmful program "Family Planning" (and other similar ones that do not bring loss to the mafias) at school, which contributes to the corruption of the future generation, and, consequently, replenishment of their wallet. The silence of the media on issues vital to the nation is for the same reasons: the media is also a mafia.

What science says about the phenomenon of telegony watch video

What science says about the phenomenon of telegony watch video

Back in 1985, the now well-known researcher at the Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences Pyotr Garyaev, discovered a strange effect. He studied the molecules of heredity - DNA, using the method of laser spectroscopy for this.

Laser photons, passing through a DNA solution, "record" information about molecules - size, mass, etc. And somehow Garyaev, having taken several spectra, took out a test tube with DNA from the device and inadvertently inserted another one, but empty. Coming to my senses, I wanted to replace it, but looked at the display and was amazed.

The spectra of the empty test tube were very similar to those taken from DNA before, only the level (power) of the signal was lower. Thinking that traces of DNA remained on the test tube, he replaced it with a perfectly clean one. Same result.

I was shocked, says Peter Garyaev, the laser beam met with some invisible structures "stuck" in the spectrometer, which contained information about the molecules of heredity. To make sure that all this was not a mistake, the researchers diligently wiped the cuvette compartment and even purged it with pure nitrogen. Then the characteristic DNA - spectra disappeared, but after 3-4 minutes they reappeared ... It seemed that they could not be destroyed!

Pyotr Garyaev conducted these experiments all year round. And, in the end, there was no doubt: after removing the DNA, some kind of phantom (invisible, intangible trace) of DNA molecules remains in the device.

Now imagine, Garyaev comments, if the first man has physical intimacy with a girl, then he obviously leaves a wave “signature” for life on her genetic code, and she on him too. And this “painting” cannot be erased by anything, since it took place at the wave level. And this wave program will then, if not form, then influence the body and soul of the embryo. This version very truthfully explains the paradoxes of heredity.

More about this in two films:

1) “Theory of improbability. The origin of life - Wave genetics. (©ORT 2004)

2) "Department X - Wave Genetics" (© TVC 2005)

According to the director of the Swedish Institute of Molecular Biology Arthur Mingraim, scientists from this institute conducted a comparative analysis of the DNA of the same people at different periods of their lives. At the same time, it turned out that noticeable changes occur in the DNA of a woman after childbirth. Even more detailed studies have shown that she has the genes of the father of her child.

Even Swedish scientists have found out the transmission of heredity through a mechanism other than biofields - that the hyaluronic acid carrying the DNA chains, which is in the male mucous secretions, during intimacy enters the ovaries, where the eggs are stored, and is introduced into them.

Thus, a woman, even without becoming pregnant, will carry eggs in which the DNA chains of all her previous sexual partners will be embedded, and will pass on to her future offspring their genes along with the genes of the child's father.

We hope you enjoyed the article and video about telegony or the influence of the first male: true or false, myth or reality. Stay with us on the portal of communication and self-improvement and read other useful and interesting materials on this topic!

Kyiv doctor and biologist Professor Gennady Berdyshev believes that this paradox can be explained with the help of telegony, a science that most scientists refuse to recognize.

Festival children

G.B.:- I remember the Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow in August 1957. May of the following year was marked by the birth of babies, sometimes of exotic appearance. And over the next years, black curly babies were born every now and then in families where both parents are Europeans. I know a specific case when a Negro baby was born contrary to all the prerequisites. And only a frank conversation with a bewildered young mother convinced: before her marriage with a Russian guy, she had a fleeting affair with a guest from Africa. But more than a year passed between this event and the conception of a child!

This strange event can be explained by telegony - the phenomenon when a born child inherits the signs not of his biological father, but of his mother's first sexual partner. Most of my colleagues call telegony a pseudoscientific concept. It is supported by a small number of reliable facts, has no repeatability - the most important criterion for classifying a phenomenon as scientific.

"AiF": - It turns out that the sperm of a black friend of a woman was stored in her womb for more than a year. But it is known that the life span of a spermatozoon is a maximum of three days, isn't it?

G.B.:- Preservation of sperm in the genital tract of the female is possible. The fertilization of the egg occurs not only with the sperm of the new partner, but also with the canned one, which is mysteriously mixed with the fresh one. That's right - spermatozoa do not live longer than three days. But we do not know in what form and for how long the chromosomes contained in them are able to live. In addition, there is a bioenergy-informational hypothesis for explaining telegony: during sexual intercourse, especially the first, most emotionally strong for a woman, information can be imprinted into her hereditary apparatus not only from the sperm itself, but also from the electromagnetic radiation emitted by it.

People are like animals

"AiF": - So, the first sexual partner of a woman is the strongest telegonian donor?

G.B.:- Dog breeders, horse breeders, pigeon breeders - those who are engaged in breeding elite breeds of animals, cull a female that was "trampled" by an outbred male - there is nothing to expect from her purebred offspring. Some of my colleagues believe that the influence of the first sexual partner on all future children of a woman is much more pronounced in humans than in animals. It is not for nothing that religious morality and national customs of almost all peoples require the virginity of the bride as a mandatory condition for marriage. The problem of the survival of the genus has always been acute for the ancient people. The danger of the girl's premarital sexual relations was not that the child might turn out to be "not a father, but a visiting fellow." Along with alien features of appearance, the premarital partner could pass on hereditary diseases to future children. Hence the strictest ban on fornication.

"AiF": - In our time, it is naive to expect purity from every girl entering into marriage. Does this mean that there is an accumulation of genetic defects?

G.B.:- Isn't this the reason for the increase in the number of mentally handicapped children, babies with congenital diseases? The destruction of moral norms leads to degeneration - this situation is described in the Old Testament. I fear that it is being repeated before our very eyes in the former USSR, which has gone through social stress. Girls from Russia and other former Soviet republics who earn money through prostitution are a banal fact from modern life. But do not forget that many of them, having "earned", come to their senses, get married, give birth to children. And children who have inherited invisible vices from no one knows who are unlikely to please their parents with physical and spiritual health. Maybe that's why the study of telegony remains outside of science, because the conclusions obtained are too monstrous.


Gennady Berdyshev born in 1933, geneticist, doctor of medical and biological sciences, professor at Kyiv National University. Shevchenko.

Expert opinion

Svetlana Limborskaya, Head of the Department of Human Molecular Genetics, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. n., professor:

- Concrete stories allegedly confirming the validity of telegony are built on poorly documented facts in which the possibility of random mutations is not cut off. In our biological experiments, we have never observed such phenomena. If telegony were a reality, the examination of paternity would lose all meaning, which, however, is being successfully carried out.
