Conception, pregnancy, feminine energies and the birth flow. School of Excellence in the Science of Love Pregnancy and from an energetic point of view

This text will be quite frank, and the accompanying videos will still be decent. The article concerns people of childbearing age for those who are still older enough to have children. Let me start with one interesting example.

One mystical episode in my life

A few years ago, even before my regression diving sessions, there was one case in my life. For a friend, the issue of having children has not yet been pressing. Self-confident, she was an avid careerist.

We met on a trip abroad. She defiantly told me that she would get pregnant any time she wanted!

At that moment, I suddenly felt an invisible wall as a denial that this was possible. I was not yet in the subject of channelings and could not consciously read from Space.

But suddenly, out of the blue, I wanted to broadcast to her - under what conditions she would have a child.

This was out of character for me, what came over me?? Now I understand that her Mentors were probably speaking with my lips.

Naturally, she brushed aside my advice.

We went home. She tried to get pregnant and realized that it was not going to happen. When she realized that she couldn’t conceive, she, a terribly businesswoman, rolled up her sleeves and began to act.

Three years of treatment, IVF, grandparents, trips to the water, “sex by the hour” according to a medical schedule, even learned “Reiki”, and not only... All without success. Until one smart person (that is, me 🙂) reminded her of a conversation three years ago. She agreed out of despair; I saw her struggle with herself. She decided to try all the methods, and this was the simplest and most barrier.

For some reason, she became pregnant in the first week... She successfully carried the baby to term, but the doctors shrugged their shoulders. Now the strong guy is already growing up. And she is such a happy mother.

The world is ruled by Love and Pleasure

The Old World is ruled by Fears.

And the New World is ruled by Love, abundance and pleasure.

And Sexual Energy is the main one in the World - it is the main, driving force of the Universe. . And the guys in Heaven are cheerful 🙂 - those who came up with the first joy posted on bottom chakra of the physical body - sex .

This pleasure is specially located not on the upper chakra, When people think with their heads, and on the bottom. Otherwise children from humanity Its Creators would have waited a very long time))

And when people turn on the head to order a child is, to put it mildly, wrong.

Numerous examples confirm this idea of ​​mine. large families. There people often don’t think about conception at all)), and the Universe rewards them for this thanks. Children.

Besides first conclusion, there is more another important conclusion of the article (re-read several times):

No counters! It is advisable that the child be conceived in such love, so that his parents would simply lose their heads from love, passion and pleasure. This is how it goes until you completely pass out)).

Firstborns are especially lucky. Until the parents turned on the thinking, that is, calculation,

a huge amount of Life-giving, creative energy is snatched from Space - and this is how the smartest, most talented and integral individuals are obtained.

At this moment of highest pleasure, a pair of loving people snatches the Soul from the highest vibrations.

At the moment of conception, three Souls spin in a cosmic dance, rejoicing at the reunion and the fulfillment of their agreement - the “contract”.

And then the earthly Game begins with different options. From complete acceptance to extreme bewilderment of one of the future parents or their relatives: “Wow, it happened at the wrong time! What to do now!"

He stood up, bowed, left...

All this is very funny, these human games. Because on the Higher planes yours has long been program With mandatory options.

But, however, all these options, as experience has shown, it is quite possible adjust.

People immersed in the Game often think that children were created by chance. In fact, nothing is accidental.

Just people of childbearing age at the required cosmic time, they turn off the thinking and throw the couples into different adventures )).

From practice

After I started immersing clients, I learned so many new things about the World :).

Often I guide a client through the intrauterine period, and from there, of course, we go out and over parents. We look at what happened on the eve of conception, where the Soul saw them, how it observed them, we even see what they were wearing at that moment.

Less often, a couple of times it happened, which brought my clients into juicy details intimacy at conception (we did this by accident...:) .

But more often the Soul Just finds himself in the moment of recognizing his parents and the scenes of their ordinary life:

Check for which of the points quality Souls are not coming:

(my list, subjective and derived through experiments and observations of the World)

— Sex according to the clock and ovulation schedule, as the doctor prescribed.

— Test tube fertilization, IVF.

— Sex in a drunken stupor and similar aggravating circumstances.

— Conception by convenience, by any chance! To hold your loved one. Previously, there were still options “for the sake of an apartment” or “a glass of water in old age.”

— If there is some kind of picture of expectations, especially “to be like everyone else.”

— A child should come to a family, and not a family should be created for the sake of the child.

- For status. Because it is necessary. AND scary, if the status is not justified.

These cases simply do not go away now. Three-dimensional women stop giving birth. This is already a global trend (but I won’t say it’s a global trend; it’s different in eastern countries).

What does a Mature Soul want in the body of a baby?

At the beginning, in the example, I gave actions that are not effective from the point of view of summoning the Soul from high planes. Ideally, you should relax in sex completely let go of your brain and enter state of happiness. High Souls are attracted to the high vibrations of their parents .

About fears, mentioned above, direct your closest attention here. Because some of the energy may be blocked precisely fear.

Other Souls are now coming to our developed continents. They already have a large accumulated baggage of experience, have been worked out and developed, and have special tasks for humanity. And the low vibrations of potential parents may already be at a lower level and will not be allowed through. Because they have already passed the test path. This is the dilemma.

The souls of parents also have to choose: either agree to a simpler or flawed Soul, or get rid of fears and progress, be Light, in order to match their Children.

The next generation of people is life in the energies of love and light, goodness, high vibrational states. If parents are still loaded with fear, a built-in society that still controls many people, then this fear unconsciously continues to walk nearby... and is read on the subtle plane.

Mature souls who do not need development from such parents already Not We need such experience of developing fears. Such experience will clearly not be useful to them in modern times.

If a Low Level Soul Comes

Sometimes spiritually advanced parents produce completely simple children, with very strong “grounding.” What is this, karma?

There are such people in my circle, and I studied this with curiosity. phenomenon. What was not enough for very strong spiritual personalities to snatch from Space a soul of equal level?

I analyzed the number of options available in my review and here is what I tracked down. One of the couple's partners was from Shower on another level. I insist that there are no accidents in incarnations. After all, if everything is calculated with cosmic-micron precision, where did Nature deviate? And what is this for?

I guess it's all about the karmic partner. In some cases, in fulfillment of the “contract”, the child will come as a Soul from the “floor” of the karmic partner.

Trying to develop such a “child” Soul higher is less likely.

At the moment of “wrong” sex, the dominant partner snatches the Soul, which is unable to function on high planes.

If a soul that is not yet developed cannot rise to a higher floor, then it simply did not have such experience.

We have powerful methods of influencing the subconscious to obtain information and adjustments

1. Our method of reincarnation immersions it is possible to work through fears, “saddle your fears” if such a request suddenly arises.

Fear is an excellent beacon; even awakened and advanced people have fear and the habit of dramatizing what has not yet happened.

2. We also have ways to “outwit” consciousness, like ours alternative tracks– viewing the future. Then my clients and I see how the energy opens up and the path begins to unfold. And your consciousness tells you the space of options.

3. What else is possible to get through our dive theme:
In general, it would be wonderful to remember (or stumble upon awareness) in a trance state of immersion, What did your Soul really plan??

Have you ever asked what does your Soul want?? A Not physical body-mind?

Learn to understand your Soul, communicate with it, negotiate, receive tips from the Subtle World.

P.S. And, of course, mind-blowing, uncontrollable, fruitful sex to everyone concerned)).

March 29th, 2017

Article in addition to from here. Also, please remember that everything is relative and varies. My comments are in italics.

In order for a woman to begin to conduct feminine energies through her body, she needs to begin to accept with her lower chakra and feet the currents emanating from the Earth, as well as those emanating from her lover. She needs to increase the conductivity of her feet and lower chakra, which are such powerful filters for a woman that they purify and structure the primary energy to an edible state acceptable for her energy body. The higher the conductivity of a woman’s lower centers, the greater her vitality and the vitality of her entire family. The easier it is for her to give birth, the more harmonious the relationships in the family are.

The purity and chastity of a woman emanate from her feet, and with the lower chakra she is able to remove the evil eye and damage from her child and husband. It is no coincidence that in Rus' children hid under their mother’s skirt - this is how she protected them from an unkind gaze and leveled out their energy. Even immediately after childbirth, a woman helps her child compensate for birth trauma with a powerful birth stream, which she passes through herself.

To increase the conductivity of the feet, it is important not to walk in heels. Heels lift a woman off the ground, disrupt the energetic connection with the earth's field, and deprive a woman of personal power. And at the same time the whole family suffers.

For even greater refinement and cleansing of the foot chakras, it is recommended not to wear leather shoes in order to be free from the energy of death*, and to cut it off, not to miss it, to distinguish it. It is important not to absorb information about death through food at all, otherwise there is no talk of shoes.

*this is a moot point, because it is generally better not to wear synthetic shoes (and especially clothes), and few places offer birch bark bast shoes.
In addition, the skin is an excellent conductor; it is not for nothing that technical personnel in film studios and theaters avoid it on their soles so as not to get electrocuted.
In fact, leather shoes were also used by our ancestors; they negotiated with animal spirits and released them before using fur, leather, etc. We can do the same: it’s better to talk to the spirit of the animal from which your shoes are made (they will sell it to someone anyway), and release it, than to bring everything to fanaticism. Well, or wear felt boots, the wool for which is also obtained, we don’t know how)

It is important not to step on contaminated surfaces with your feet, and to walk barefoot only in clean, natural places, or in tidy ones. Otherwise, the filtering ability of the foot decreases from overuse, the chakras become clogged, lose sensitivity - and for self-preservation they simply stop conducting life currents (so that dirt does not enter). The earth neutralizes negative waves with its energy, but in cities, in uncleaned rooms, asphalt surfaces littered with plastic and other things, desecrated places isolated from the earth, such energy rubbish accumulates that no woman’s feet can withstand it. This destroys a woman's bodily abilities. And the abilities, I must tell you, are enormous.

In order for the female abilities of the lower chakras to fully reveal themselves, a woman needs to increasingly purify and refine these amazing natural filters. To do this, it is important for her not to pretend to be a man’s line of behavior, otherwise the energy center is transferred to the upper chakras, the woman loses connection with the earth, she begins to perceive energy with her head, chest, and throat.

Shifting a woman’s energy center upward is dangerous not only for childbirth, but also for her health. After all, a woman is very rarely able to feed on energies through the upper chakras, no matter how hard she tries, this leads to illness, hormonal disorders, and nervous strain. Her health is a connection with the Earth. Mother, matter, material nature, Mother Earth, womb - woman and Earth are one in their nature.

In addition, the filtering ability of the upper chakras in women is weaker than in men, and they may, when exchanging with the outside world at the level of the upper three chakras, fail to track something and pick up unnecessary things. Therefore, it is very important for a woman to maintain chastity and be protected from unfavorable communication. This is especially important before conception and during pregnancy. A woman’s chastity protects her from unnecessary contacts, helps her choose reasonable teachers and a good environment.

If during pregnancy a woman received an energy blow from someone, it means she interacted with this person not through the lower centers (not always)

Of course, everyone's abilities are different. Someone is worried about a woman, conveying anxiety and fear to her. But in essence, any concerns about a pregnant woman are a gift that a given person can give her, it’s just that everyone feeds her with their participation as best they can, the woman’s only task is to accept it. And a woman can accept, truly neutralize all energy distortions, and straighten it out only through her feet and the lower chakra. So she herself accepts the world, and helps the child she is carrying to accept the world, and neutralizes the anxiety of her neighbors, helps them overcome it and reach other horizons of perception.

In order to neutralize the anxiety of others, not to take on the distortion of their energy body, but to accept the primary energy itself, a woman herself must be able to absorb and conduct various energy messages to higher centers, structure them, and sublimate them. To do this, it is important to develop humility, acceptance of peace, observe the principle of non-violence, protect your feet and lower chakra - do not step or sit on anything that can desecrate her body, sacred for childbirth, prepare and cleanse this vessel in which her child will grow.

To feel the flow, it would be good to swim a lot, to be suspended under streams of water, this cleanses the lower chakras. After this, it is important to protect your feet with shoes in dirty places, stand barefoot in dew, in running water, especially cold water, and sit on your lover’s chest. This prepares you very well for conception.

With her feet, a woman is able to bring negativity into the ground. For example, if a child was born tense, then during baby yoga, when the child lies on his knees, I remove the tension released by the asanas from the child’s energy body down into the ground, through the feet, and so the child sleeps for several hours until the postpartum tension is completely doesn't go away.

During childbirth, the conductivity of the lower centers is very important, but it is also important during conception. A woman allows and accepts a man to the extent that the lower centers inform her that the situation for conception is favorable and a pure soul will come. In addition, she is able to neutralize a man’s fatigue, all the energy of struggle that he received from interaction with the outside world, attune him to his harmony, and synchronize. She does the same during childbirth - she synchronizes the environment, tuning everyone into the birth flow.

Pregnancy problems are possible in cases where one of the parents is too authoritarian (read, arrogant, angry, hypocritical, does not accept other people's opinions, etc.). Here, as elsewhere, there are a lot of options, for example:

A gentle soul simply will not want to be born into such a family, and if there are no contracts with another, then he will wait for changes in the relationship

Powerful parents, capable of guiding equally powerful children, are a tasty morsel for various near-magic groups (and their supervisors from subtle planes, who want to guide their emissaries into this world). if one of the parents is under the influence of such a clan, whether consciously or not (usually, this is quite understandable even with a superficial analysis), the clan can put a kind of veto on the birth of the child, as there is a high risk of re-flashing the channel and the birth of a powerful soul from the lower worlds ( conditionally, a destroyer), of which there are enough here

During conception, both parents are recommended to be in good physical and spiritual shape (avoid illness, alcohol, depression, etc.), otherwise the charge that is formed during the process of conception may be too low-vibrational, and this can lead to completely different consequences - - from a sick child to the possibility of an inhabited entity (especially in states of intoxication or complete absence of love. like conception, so are the qualities of the child). The greater the spiritual connection between parents, the more powerful and high-quality portal they open for the soul, the higher they can “reach” for it.

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them as the ultimate truth, because, and at each level of consciousness and. We learn to separate what is ours from what is not ours, or to obtain information autonomously)


Conception, pregnancy and childbirth are a very anxious time for every woman.

We talk with our expert - a sexologist and mother of three children - about how she can get through this period with maximum benefit.

“Let's find out how we can use the huge resource that God gives to a woman who carries new life under her heart.

I have every right to talk about this not only as a theorist, but also as a practitioner, because I am a mother of many children: I have three children, the youngest is only three months old.”

Text - Irina Zhikhareva

Our expert is Svetlana Pashkevich, sexologist, president of the School of Perfection of the Science of Love

— Without what, in your opinion, conception and pregnancy are impossible?

Conception is impossible without sexual energy - the energy of life that we take from the Earth. This is the energy of combining two principles: Masculine and Feminine. This is the driving force that is spent on all life processes. In essence, sexual energy is the energy of the Absolute. Who said that God is a man or a woman? This is the union of two principles. All beings on our planet take their sexual (life) energy from Mother Earth. It first passes through the chakra located in the perineum. If this energy is sufficient, the woman’s uterus will be “full.” (You can read more about this on our website). This means that the woman's reproductive organs will be healthy. After all, a woman’s energy resource reflects her body. Raising this energy mentally is useless. This can only be achieved through physical exercise, working the muscles of the perineum.

Everyone knows where attention is, there is energy. If a woman does not pay attention to her body, if she does not study it, moreover, denies it, then sooner or later the body will begin to hurt, sending signals to its owner about the lack of attention to it. After all, in nature there is nothing superfluous - everything in it is brilliantly thought out. In the same way, there is not a single unnecessary organ in the body of a woman or man. Sexual energy is the energy of creativity, conception, pregnancy. The highest level of this energy is in a pregnant woman. Huge opportunities open up before her; during this period she is under the great protection of Heaven.

— Why does a pregnant woman have the highest energy level?

A child is a materialized divine idea. When the sperm and egg merge, four energy flows are connected: the energy of the Earth, the energy of the Cosmos, the mother’s family and the father’s family. It is the fusion of these four energies that forms the material shell of the child. He, like a ball, “wraps” this flow around himself, building up his physical body. And the mother in this case acts in the beneficial role of a “container” for the divine idea, which seeks to materialize.

— What can you say about sex during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is not a disease or pathology, it is a condition. Therefore, you can and should have sex during pregnancy. But at the same time, you should listen to your body. I dream of a time when pregnant women will not go to the hospital - to the “house of pain”, but to some other institution, where expectant mothers will be treated as healthy (after all, pregnant women will have a “diagnosis” written on their medical card). And this “codes” the brain of a pregnant woman. It’s good if a woman has a sense of humor, but what if she’s anxious? If a 40-week pregnant woman with this “coding” goes to the hospital, there is a chance that the birth will be pathological or that the child will be born with some kind of abnormality. Because everything that is in a woman’s head instantly “falls” into her uterus. And there the pregnant woman has a baby, and, of course, all the mother’s thoughts affect him.

— What to do in cases where doctors have forbidden a pregnant woman to have sex?

In very rare cases, doctors prohibit intravaginal penetration - when the phallus penetrates the vagina. But in this case, the woman has arms, breasts, hair, silk scarves, beads, etc. What’s not in the women’s arsenal?! Be creative!

What happens when a woman is told, “You should abstain from sex”? Especially if this is a long-awaited child whom she could not conceive for a long time. The woman hears: “Now the man is dangerous for me. He needs to be removed." But it’s no secret that sex is very important for men. By denying her husband intercourse, a woman can push him to cheat. Therefore, physical intimacy during pregnancy It is also about strengthening the family. So don’t refuse your man, don’t drive him away from you. Even if you really have a threat of miscarriage, in which intravaginal penetration is prohibited, your husband still does not pose a danger to you, and you can give pleasure to each other in another way. Man during this period your protector who protects the baby's space.

In addition, if a pregnant woman makes love to a man, her body feels very good, and the child, being part of the mother’s body, also feels great. At such moments, the baby receives the following imprint: “dad loves mom, mom loves dad, my World loves me.” From birth such a child will treat the world around him with trust. Male phallus This is an external antenna that, during intercourse, reads information located in the woman’s uterus. Therefore, through lovemaking, you introduce your child and dad to each other. And the man, on a completely unconscious level, begins to understand that he is a dad! And although he does not fully realize this, he is still involved in fatherhood from the very first seconds of the baby’s life.

— Can a woman’s orgasm harm a child in any way?

Can not. Although uterine contractions occur during orgasm, this only trains the baby for the upcoming birth. While the baby is still very small, he gradually gets used to such pressure. During pregnancy, spontaneous training contractions also occur, which prepare the baby for childbirth. But since a woman is most often frightened by these contractions, adrenaline and norepinephrine are released. The baby associates such contractions of his mother’s uterus with fear. And during intercourse and orgasm, oxytocin and endorphins are produced, which are also called hormones of love and euphoria. These contractions of the female uterus during orgasm are imprinted on the bodily level in the baby as pleasant and happy. And when the child encounters contractions during childbirth, he will no longer be afraid.

What you impart to your baby during pregnancy at the level of bodily sensations will then be impossible to change. In addition, a man's ejaculate contains prostaglandins - special substances that soften the cervix and prepare it for the upcoming opening during childbirth.

— What other benefits of sex during pregnancy?

In your life, you - mom, dad and your baby - will never be closer to each other than during sex during pregnancy. At such moments, on the material level, you create a triune being. And in fact, during this process, the energetic “leaven” of the future family is formed. Because a family is truly born only after the birth of a child.

— Why often can’t a woman get pregnant?

Osho said: “When entering the bedroom, leave your head in slippers.” During intercourse, a woman needs to feel only love for her man. Because the moment you and your man connect, he is the one for you. the representative of God on Earth, the Spirit who elevates you and who is obliged to transfer matter to another level. This is what “coitus” really means. But in reality, it often happens that a woman, instead of loving her husband and thinking about him during sex, thinks about her unborn child. That is, in essence, she is committing adultery with an unborn person. How can a child come into such a family?

— It is known that pregnant women often experience mood swings. How to be in this case?

Everywhere they write that a pregnant woman should experience only positive emotions. In fact, she doesn't owe anyone anything. Because the best emotion the one that is manifested. And it is important during pregnancy to track all emotions and what happens when they arise in a woman’s body, ideally cultivating non-judgmental perception, rather than control. Because control this is suppression. Plus, when you experience different emotions, you teach your child.

Why should you love and respect yourself?

Just think: when our soul incarnated on this planet, there were 16 million souls per place. And a woman's eggs these are unborn children, this is a semblance of Heaven, where souls await their incarnation on Earth. After all, a newborn girl has 16 million eggs, while an adult woman has only 400 viable eggs. An egg that matures in the ovary and enters the fallopian tube lives only from two to 24 hours. Human the most difficult to spread creature on planet Earth. Think about what kind of “casting” you went through and what the price of your life is! Of course, you can consider conception as an act of intercourse between a man and a woman, or you can look at this issue more broadly and treat yourself with respect.

- How can you make childbirth easier?

Man and woman are two principles that, when united with each other, create something third. If a man is responsible for spirit and light, then a woman must be responsible for the darkness of matter. The spirit unites with matter (woman) to spiritualize it through the birth of a new life. And the paradox is that the deeper a woman is able to “descend” into the darkness of her animal nature, the closer she becomes to God, the simpler and easier her childbirth will be. How to do it? Body practices and vumbuilding will help. As a result, the woman will learn to use and control her intimate muscles.

In addition, bodily practices are necessary for a woman to get to know her body. For example, if a woman herself does not know how her genitals work, this ignorance will give rise to fear during childbirth. And everyone knows that fear compresses the body, which during childbirth needs to be relaxed as much as possible. Therefore, a woman, getting to know her body, will not experience fear, and accordingly, her pain during childbirth will decrease.

— Why is the percentage of miscarriages of male fetuses higher than that of female fetuses?

Starting only from the 16th week of pregnancy, it is possible to determine what gender the child is. Until this moment, the external genitalia of boys and girls are practically no different. It is during these periods that there is a possibility of a threat of miscarriage. After all, in order for the fetus to declare its masculinity (to produce testosterone and grow its penis), it needs to come into conflict with the mother’s body. And if at this moment his mother is too “yang” (masculine qualities are highly developed) and she lacks respect for the masculine principle, a conflict may arise - the threat of miscarriage. That is why a man, even from prenatal development, has it on a subconscious level: “If a woman conflicts with me, this threatens my life.” And, of course, a man will “fight” with such a woman. This situation is extremely dangerous for him.Accordingly, if a woman does not respect her man, she will simply “abort” him.

In addition, it often happens that if a woman has little humility and too much yang energies, it is very difficult for her to conceive a child. Therefore, a woman should take everything humbly. As soon as you cross the threshold of your home, you should forget that at work you may occupy a leadership position. At home, a woman needs to be soft and affectionate. And also respect and love your body, take care of it. And then your relationship with your man will be harmonious, and conception and pregnancy will take place without complications and will bring you only pleasant emotions! Because as you live, so you give birth!

As a specialist not only in the field of magic and esotericism, but also sexology and psychotherapy, I have to work with a variety of situations from my clients from Moscow.

There are always a lot of unusual stories and situations here. The line between the same magic and psychotherapy is very fragile, and often one flows into the other.

As for the topic, for example, frozen pregnancy or miscarriage and miscarriages, this has unfortunately become more and more common lately.

One of the components of this problem is that some unpleasant negative events occur that contribute to the difficult course of pregnancy.

And since we are, after all, more interested in the magical and esoteric aspect, let’s not go deeper and analyze the situation from this position.

There are such definitions in the field of magic and esotericism, and they do not contradict, in general, the field of psychology, sexology and psychotherapy, but even enrich and complement it.

This, unfortunately, is not taken into account by specialists accompanying pregnancy and by the women themselves on the physical plane, but in vain...

So, in order to get pregnant normally, keep and bear a child, a woman needs to be in the present time, that is, from a psychological point of view, to be here and now.

In this version, the 15th lasso pipe “hangs” above it. This channel is responsible for almost all areas of our lives, and pregnancy is no exception.

If a woman wants everything to be successful, and she is well recorded in channel 15, then this significantly increases well-being in the area of ​​conception, pregnancy, and the birth of a healthy child.

There are ladies who live in the past, they often worry, they see many difficulties and problems. They are in a very depressed and tearful state, doctors threaten them with miscarriage.

All this makes the consolidation of the fetus very weak, and such a woman’s pregnancy may be terminated, since the burden turns out to be too heavy for them.

In this case, psychology and psychotherapy can come to the rescue in order to pull a woman out of her problems and return her, as they say, to a normal state “here and now”, so that she acquires normal fixation.

The magic circle of the 15th arcana will help you become successful in work, money, love, sex, get pregnant and give birth to a child.

The other option is also very negative. This is when a woman lives in the future.

Such a lady is very unstable in her condition. She has all sorts of fears and a negative vision of the future.

In addition, she is in a constant state of chaos, which also makes the consolidation of the fetus poorly fixed, and the pregnancy may also be terminated.

Again, the best way out of difficulties would also be to work with a psychotherapist or psychologist to rid the woman of instability, fears and the general chaos of life, and return everything to the same state of the present time,

when she lives for today, and pregnancy, apart from positive expectations and the joy of every day, the feeling of new life in your body, does not give anything negative.

And if we draw a conclusion from the material that I voiced, then you already understand by what method we can maintain pregnancy and help ensure that everything ends happily.

As for my personal practice, I, as a magician and esotericist, draw mandalas for my clients for all situations in life, including for a successful pregnancy and childbirth, this gives my clients additional energy and a deeper understanding of what is happening with them.

Mandala for removing strong negative effects, both in the area of ​​the etheric and physical body, and eliminating the curse.

I will say that in some way pregnancy is a systemic mechanism. We were all born at some point, someone gave birth to us, and often we are also parents. So from the point of view of the universe, everything here is quite predictable and reasonable.

But sometimes, we ourselves are the source of the problems of our condition, and the consequences can be very different.

Again, I note that I am for the unification of psychology, psychotherapy and magic with esotericism.

One is not only not a hindrance to the other, but also support and assistance. Especially in such an interesting situation as pregnancy

Manifestation of chakra opening

Now let's take a closer look at the children playing.

Several boys in the sandbox are building a road and carrying sand with their cars. One boy stands and commands:

- Vaska, wait, let Petya pass. You have nothing to do here with your car at all. Artem, you have such a beautiful truck, will you deliver the sand now, and then let me drive it?

This boy's Ajna works well. His commands affect other children. The boy with the big and beautiful car has a well-developed Manipura, as he quickly established a contractual relationship with the commander. He gives his car to drive, and he himself becomes the leader, the first boy’s deputy.

A girl in a beautiful dress went out for a walk. She affectionately looks at all the boys and smiles flirtatiously. The boys are distracted from their game and go to her to see what she has in her purse. The bows and all sorts of “feminine things” that she gets from there cannot interest the boys. They were fascinated by her Swadhisthana. A strong trail of sexual energy spreads, and the boys drown in it. Of course, this is not exactly the energy that will arouse sexual desires in adults. The girl is doing well with Manipura too. She successfully attracted boys and made them interested in the contents of her handbag. She can make a good advertising agent or salesperson, capable of foisting on a person something that he does not need at all.

A thin boy with glasses and a book appears. He sits down on the bench. Children flock to him. The boy begins to enthusiastically talk about what he read. Most likely, he tells more than he read. His imagination turns on, which means Ajna is revealed.

The next moment one of the boys says: “I wish I could go there, I want it too!”

Great, it turns out that the narrator has Ajna so well developed that he was able to gather his will and build a clear goal for those around him. He will make a good leader.

A strong dark-haired boy jumps up from his seat, wearing a plastic knight's helmet.

“Hurray,” he shouts, “I’m going to fight the dragon.”

This boy has well developed Manipura and Ajna. The narrator activated his Ajna and stimulated him to perform feats. A well-developed Manipura gives courage and the desire to be a winner. He runs to the wooden slide and quickly climbs up it without holding onto the railing.

- Where are you? - he calls the second boy - thin, with a depressed chest. He stands and begins to come up with reasons why he cannot climb.

“My leg hurts, so when it heals, I’ll climb.” My uncle will come to me soon, he will teach me how to climb even more difficult hills.

This boy is very bad with Manipura and Vishudha. He does not have courage and determination, and the situation with the concentration of his forces is not the best. He needs someone, some reason or helper who will solve his problems. Most likely, he is kept with a tight rein at home. Most often, a mother or grandmother, trying to protect the child from any of their fears, decides everything for him, making him weak and indecisive.

Observe how your child behaves. After reading further material about chakras, you will undoubtedly be able to draw up a correct chakra portrait of your child and understand which chakras are already beginning to open and which ones still need to be developed. All people come into this world with a diversely developed set of chakras. You can help yourself and your child if you pay more attention to the development of those properties that are associated with the chakras that have not yet been revealed.

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