Spells for family well-being. From scandals in the family

Family squabbles can destroy any marriage, but there is salvation from quarrels and scandals. We are talking about conspiracies from a participant in the show “Battle of Psychics” Elena Yasevich. They will help you save your family.

Elena Yasevich suggests using special spells that preserve the relationship between spouses and prevent quarrels. We have previously written about a ritual to strengthen the family, which can preserve relationships, get rid of scandals and even betrayals. When casting spells or performing a ritual, remember that every person has the right to happiness.

Conspiracies against quarrels

The first conspiracy. Previously, in Rus', when a married couple was in constant quarrels, the husband and wife went to a natural spring. A source of clean water is the personification of what a couple's life should be like - clean and transparent. The husband and wife washed themselves with water and said the following words: “God, calm our anger, give us strength to survive all adversity and sorrow. Mother Nature, open our eyes, show us where to go so as not to stray from the true path. Amen."

In the modern world, you can collect clean natural water and sprinkle your home with it. Spray in all possible corners of your apartment or house. After this, each spouse needs to read the plot. It is possible to perform the ritual alone, but its power will be noticeably lower. Clean water will drive out demons, evil and all the dark energy that lives near you. This could be a curse or an evil eye, so the ritual will help you get rid of the consequences of bad intentions.

The first conspiracy is suitable not only for those who have already begun to experience problems, but also for those who are doing well and who do not want to wait for drama and are ready for preventive measures.

Second conspiracy It is better to use only for prevention and to prevent misunderstandings in the family. Say it before going to bed during the waning of the moon: “I thank the higher powers for giving me and my husband (my wife) happiness and peace. I pray to the Universe that this happiness never ends and continues to illuminate our lives, giving warmth, love and mutual understanding. May our life be as serene, calm and pleasant as it is now. Amen."

The Moon should be waning due to suitable energy. This spell works by activating energy channels that expand and gain new strength, relieving the couple of emotional and spiritual problems.

Whispers for good luck in marriage

Whispers are special short conspiracies that do not require special preparation. They are short, so they are very easy to remember.

  • Our desires and images created in our heads are projected onto our lives. This is one of the 7 laws of the Universe that we told you about earlier. Use it to make all your wishes come true. When you go to bed, say: “Let everything be the way we want it. Amen". Don't forget: everything we dream about is slowly formed in the depths of the Universe and transmitted to us. All you need is a little patience, self-confidence and faith that nothing is impossible in this world. All wishes can come true.
  • Before going to bed, when you wash away the worries and problems of the current day, while washing or taking a shower, say: “I will wash away the negativity, all the grievances and any melancholy.” Imagine that the water flowing from you takes with it all adversities, all negative energy and bad mood. Thus, this negativity will not infect your home and be transmitted to your significant other. Minor quarrels and misunderstandings will go away.
  • The marital bed is the most important place in the house, which should be protected from negative emotions. To ensure a sound sleep, and for grievances and bad thoughts to evaporate, read the following whisper before going to bed: “I’ll go to my bed and be freed from trouble. We will turn away from sadness, tomorrow we will turn to happiness.” The bed is our castle, the place in which we spend almost a third of our lives. This whisper will help you forget all quarrels and strengthen your love.

Whispers are an excellent alternative and addition to conventional conspiracies and rituals. They are no less effective, although noticeably simpler than standard rituals.

We wish you success in love and understanding with your spouse. To ensure that your path in life is illuminated only by luck, read our article about talismans and amulets for love and family. They will help protect yourself and your marriage from the evil eye and unkind people. All the best to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

28.07.2016 07:10

Short conspiracies, called whispers, have been used since ancient times by healers and healers to achieve certain goals. Effective whispers...

Conspiracy against quarrels will help people improve relationships, no matter how difficult they may be. Harmony and understanding do not always happen in families - it always requires work, concessions, a number of conditions and agreements. And this cannot always be achieved on your own, because human relationships are complex, and there have always been and will be misunderstandings and disagreements. And so that everyday difficulties or minor offenses do not lead to a quarrel, you can try to perform a protective ritual against quarrels and scandals.

When is the conspiracy carried out?

Any lunar days or nights are suitable when the sky is clear, without clouds or thunderclouds. In advance, the performer must have a friendly attitude and not a drop of resentment or anger. Any disagreement the day before must be crossed out and forgiven. Only positive emotions and a mood for a truce will help a person fulfill the plot in such a way that it actually protects and does not destroy relationships.

It is very good to put the house in complete order before the ceremony - put things in their places, throw out things that have not been needed for a long time and annoying little things.

Some sorcerers recommend supplementing the ritual with simple love spells. On the one hand, this may be useful if the family is on the verge of collapse or is going through a crisis. If there are no strong scandals, betrayal or deception in the family, then you don’t need to use a love spell. Usually a conspiracy for reconciliation or a quarrel is enough.

Conspiracies against strong quarrels, scandals and divorce

  1. Speak to the food prepared for your spouse 3 times: “Unfair quarrels, stone evils disappear, they die from drinking and eating. A warm heart, a kind mind will remain, they will become food for bread. Let the slave be with me<имя>he will reconcile himself, he will forget the filthy words, he will discard the bad deeds. Together we are kind, from the food of bread." It is advisable to eat food together with your spouse, and not separately.
  2. To say on the trail of a person with whom you have quarreled: “Just as birds fly far in the fall and return in the spring, so you will come back, you will return to me. Without malice or bad memory. Our swearing will be forgotten forever and ever, the winters are cold. I lock the trail with the key and leave it in the canopy.” Place your right palm on the mark and, as it were, “erase” it.
  3. Speak to the flawed moon 3 times: “The month is coming, all the swearing and evil words are carried away. As he disappears in the darkness, our discords will dry up, fade away, fade away, and will not be in our heads and tongues in vain. Go, month, in flight, I take my word. I won’t take it back, I’ll let the discord go. Slave<имя>forgives, does not leave the good, does not return to discord, returns to me.”
A conspiracy against quarrels can be performed not only by spouses, but also by relatives and friends. Especially if the quarrel was really strong, and the reason for it was betrayal or slander.

To extinguish scandals in the family between brothers and sisters, on the day of the Blessing of Water, January 19, Epiphany, when you collect consecrated water in the temple, turn your face to the temple and, looking at the crosses of the domes, say:

You help everyone
You protect the weak
You heal the sick.
Lord God,
Help me too
Give me
Water today
From family trouble.


You will need to give your children this water in the form of tea or compote.

A conspiracy so that no one gets involved in family affairs

To prevent anyone from interfering in your family, do this. When that person whom you do not want to see comes to your house, wipe the door and threshold and mentally, to yourself, say:

"The legs of a dead man do not walk,
On the threshold to the living
They don't come.
The tongue does not speak,
The hand does not take a ruble.
So would you (name)
On my doorstep
Didn't go, speeches
She didn’t drive in my house,
She didn't take my money
(So-and-so) was not nice.
He'd be on the bench
I didn't sit with you
I didn’t look you in the eye,
I didn’t feel sorry for you in my heart,
My heart goes out to you
Didn't mourn.
Like these doors are water
God's blessings are washed away,
So let my words
Everything comes true.
From now on and forever.
For all time.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Conspiracy to prevent quarrels between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law

If the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law cannot find a common language with each other, then this prayer will reconcile them. They read it for food or drink, which they will eat and drink at the same table. Read like this:

“As You have created,
Lord, heaven and earth,
And the whole Universe,
How did you put everything
And strengthened
And defeated the human enemy,
So do it, Lord,
Peace and grace
Between Your servant (name)
And Your servant (name).
Put in, Lord,
There is pity in their hearts
And love for each other
From now on, forever,
For all the bright times. Amen."

A conspiracy to prevent mother-in-law and daughter-in-law from quarreling

To arouse the pity and love of a mother-in-law for her daughter-in-law - this request is made to healers more often than others. A good master should help a person with this too.

Collect the dew, speak it and with your left little finger anoint the face of the woman whom the mother-in-law hates. They speak like this:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Give me, God
Good hour
And holy tyn.
Bring me
To the angelic rank.
And like angels people
Loved and revered
And they always trust them in everything,
So would my mother-in-law
She loved me
No way me
She didn't scold.
I'll go into the house -
She will get up
In a kind word
He will remember me.
I'll leave - she'll cry,
Day and night for me
It hurts, it suffers,
Like holy Easter,
No one is waiting for me
Doesn't offend me.
Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

A conspiracy to prevent children from offending their parents

To pity parents, read for food or drink for an evil person:

“I will become, blessed,
I'll start by praying.
I will wash myself with the dew of God,
The sun is red
I'll take cover.
I will remember all the apostles,
All saints
Small, old and young.
And how is the human world
They are touched
Loves them
And he worships them
So would my child
They loved us, they didn’t beat us,
He didn’t reproach us or scold us.
And what a pity for the man
Losing your eyes
It would be such a pity
His father and mother. ABOUT
if (name) suffered for us,
Good thoughts
He didn’t let us down
Not during the day in the sun,
Not by moonlight
Not on a hot afternoon
Not in the rain.
Eat and drink without us
Didn't sit down and
until we sleep,
Didn't go to bed.
He felt sorry for us
He took care of everything,
Like yourself,
Didn't forget us.
My words are strong
And sculpting for centuries,
For all God's bright times.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever,
Forever and ever. Amen."

Conspiracy for peace and tranquility in the family

You can ask the brownie for peace and quiet for the family. Get up in the middle of the night. Stand in the middle of the hut and bow to your brownie:

"I bow to you,
The owner-father,
I beg you
Help me out
Fierce husband
Mine to pacify.
He sleeps, and you
Walk along it
His kindness to me
Dress it up.
Give him some good sense,
My dear husband.
I reproach you
I bow to you!

Many families have this problem: a drinking relative and, accordingly, the scandals that he provokes. With both of these troubles, rituals that are performed at the bend of a river or stream help.

Collect the alcohol that the alcoholic has not drunk in a bottle and go with it to the bend of the river or stream. On the way, read the plot:

“On water - water, from water - trouble, fish splashing in water - no trouble “Water brings trouble to me.”

When you come to the shore, looking at the flowing water, read 3 times:

“How do you, queen water, flow, carry your waters, take it, take away your drunken wine, so that you don’t want to his slave (e) God's (name) patient) drink. And if he suddenly wants to, let (her) hands not rise, let his mouth not open, alcohol spill past his mouth . My word is strong! Amen. Amen. Amen ».

Pour out the brought wine and soda, crossing yourself three times before doing so.

Conspiracy against scandals

And to stop scandals caused by a drinking person, do this. When you come to the shore, cross yourself three times and scoop up water with a ladle and say:

"River-river , cru you are the shore, give some water to the slave(s) God(s) (name of the brawler) wash away from hatred and shouting, from quarrels and evil, turn it in your own direction towards peace and harmony in the family.”

Returning home, put the water on the table, place 2 church candles on both sides, light them and, leaning over the ladle, read the spell seven times:

“Water, water, you wash, you wash away all the dirt wash it off. Wash it off from God's servant(s) ) (Name brawler ) quarrels and discord, various disputes. Wash away the hatred from his soul. Now, and forever, and forever centuries. Amen".

The brawler must wash himself with this water for three days. Calm and peace will reign in your home.

Ritual for family happiness

You need to plant from sunrise until noon during the waxing moon.

Flowers should be named after people. For example, cornflower, marin root, mallow, pansy, etc. When you water the plantings, say:

“You must grow, and I, before the servant of God (name), the servant of God (name) husband ) bloom. Just as people will look at you with admiration, so will the servant of God (name ) will be on me look. Just as people will admire you, so will the servant of God (name) and I husband ) let's have mercy. Key. Lock . Languages K. Amen"

As the flowers begin to be accepted and grow, your marital problems, if any, will gradually be resolved. And good relationships between spouses will become even stronger and more tender.

The effectiveness of this ritual will increase significantly if your loved one takes some part in planting flowers: purchases seeds, seedlings, and brings water for irrigation.

A ritual for a husband to obey his wife and not his mother-in-law

If your husband, even several years after the wedding, goes to his mother for every piece of advice, but does not listen to your opinion, do so.

On the full moon, take a new towel and at exactly midnight read the spell on it 7 times:

“Just as an old sage does not go to a child for advice y, so you, servant of God (name of husband), do not go for advice to the crab of God (name of his mother). Just as I, the servant of God (your name), is your faithful wife, so you, the servant of God (name of your husband), listen to me, listen to my words today, from now on, forever, and forever. Amen".

Hang the charmed towel in the bathroom so that your husband can dry himself with it. After washing, at midnight of the full moon, say the same spell on the towel.

Prayer for family peace and mutual understanding

Prayer for drunkenness
