Women's power. Four Manifestations of Feminine Energy

"Women's happiness - would be nice next to you" ... Remember how quickly this song became a hit, and even now, years after its appearance, we continue to sing these lines. Why? Yes, because this is a great female truth: without a man there is no woman (and, by the way, vice versa). It is difficult to find a girl who would not like to find her "soul mate" or, if it is happy event already happened in your life, strengthen and harmonize relationships. Nothing is impossible, you just need to want! Although it has its own secrets. Let's discover them together.

I propose to start with the immutable postulate that a woman must remain a woman at all times. And this, alas, is not as easy as it seems: we are under pressure all the time environment, circumstances, our (and, perhaps, not ours at all, but imposed on us) ideas and stereotypes, as it should be. And imperceptibly for ourselves, we ... get married! Or, in other words, we adopt male model behavior. Are you ready to argue with me? Doesn't this happen to you? And let's check: at the end of the article there is a special author's meditation, which allows you to understand how open your feminine, as well as a methodology for how you can learn to develop it. If, after meditation, you feel that your female part is unusual for you, you feel strange in a "woman's skin" - it's time to think!

Do I need to say how important it is for a woman to remain feminine? After all, everything in our life is in balance and harmony: less femininity in you - less masculinity in the man who is nearby. In it - the completion of your missing femininity. And then you are surprised and ask: "Where did the real men go?" Start yourself, work through your sense of femininity - and a worthy candidate will definitely appear in your life! Strengthen femininity will help you my free video course for women. Do exercises, practices, including Taoist ones, that give life harmony and joy, and the results will not keep you waiting!

Why is there so much talk now about the loss of femininity and the need to return representatives fair half humanity to their true origins? Let's turn to history, to culture Eastern countries. Japan, China, India - a tradition is developed here girls' schools. From experienced mentors, the girls received knowledge on how to become women in the highest sense of the word: highly educated (as far as time allowed), mastering various arts, elegant, able to keep up a conversation and kindle interest in themselves. They learned the art of interacting with a man so as to be their muses and inspirations. And even in the sexual aspect (with which we usually associate these schools), the science of intimacy went to such the highest level of how to please a man, that every woman would do well to master it.

And if you turn to Slavic traditions, then in Rus' from time immemorial a woman was the keeper of the hearth, took care of the house and family, honored and respected her husband, recognizing his dominance over herself. And she instilled the same in her children. Actually, for the girl, the relationship of her parents was the only source of information on how to interact with a man, and her mother was a model of how a woman should behave. By and large, this is what is happening with us now: few people tell the growing girls, much less teach them how to be real woman. If you are lucky with a role model, everything can still be fine. But if the mother does not know how to behave correctly with members of the opposite sex, making mistakes in relationships, not knowing how to properly express her feelings, what remains? Internet and girlfriends? Questionable sources of information. So it turns out that a woman is practically "by touch" trying to find herself, to build effective models of behavior.

I hope I convinced you that it is very important to be a real woman and understand how to come to this state. To achieve a result, you need to reveal in yourself all aspects of our femininity. I will also use the terms " female role"or" archetype ", that is, a prototype that combines knowledge about female nature.

There are similar archetypes in male classification. Here they are:

Warrior: a courageous defender, your reliable support;

Owner: a man for whom the house and the space in which he lives are important;

Prince: the image of a romantic, sublime man who knows the approach to women;

Trickster or joker: a man with an entrepreneurial streak who knows how to make money, but at the same time does not forget about home and family.

As for the classification of women's " collective images", then different sources name a different number of them, but I will present you four. By studying the theory of archetypes, you can immediately analyze your past and current relationships in order to identify how your manifestations in certain images influenced their development or, conversely After all, whatever one may say, and the responsibility for relationships cannot be blamed on a man, it lies exclusively on a woman.

Main female roles:





I have listed them in this order because that is how they appear in a woman entering into a relationship with a man. The gradual disclosure of these images one after another will allow you to form the most durable and reliable relationship with your partner.

I hasten to assure you: these images live in each of us. But for one reason or another, we do not extract all of them “outward”, but only one or those in which we are more comfortable, which are closer to us. The rest, of course, as unnecessary, wither away and, like unnecessary things crammed into the far corner of the pantry, become unusable. To fix this, all four roles need to be awakened and activated. To do this, you need to take only two steps:

Analyze how your nature is peculiar to one or another archetype, understand the state of each of them;

Upgrade "weakened" archetypes, learn to control each of them and use necessary role depending on the situation.

Archetype mistress

If you thought that I would now tell you how to become a sophisticated seductress, then - alas and ah - the archetype that we are going to talk about now implies an attraction for men of a different plane - energy. Now it is no secret to anyone that a woman is a donor for a man, his energy battery, from which he is powered. Therefore, men are instinctively drawn to women who have strong energy who radiate a powerful charge of positive and drive, who knows how to enjoy life and enjoy it. This archetype is responsible for First stage relationships: the first meeting, interest, flirting - all this will become possible only if there is a strong component of the role of a mistress.

How can you understand how strongly you have developed this role? Remember how long ago a man got to know you on his own initiative. How long have you been catching someone interested look. How long have you been invited for a cup of coffee or asked for a phone number unfamiliar men. Have you already forgotten something? Most likely, you have something to work on. But before pumping the image of a mistress, think about it, maybe you yourself subconsciously build fences and fences around yourself so that no one can get into your impregnable castle of resentment and pride? Perhaps the past left in itself unpleasant experience interaction with a man and you do not want this scenario to repeat. But no matter how high you try to build your walls, feminine essence difficult to remake: she wants to love and be loved. And deep down you keep hoping that there will be stubborn princes who will overcome the barriers you have erected, make their way to your secret refuge and convince you of unearthly love. But let's face it: if you are not going to open the doors, even if someone knocks on them, over time there will definitely not be anyone who wants to come to them.

How else can you diagnose the extinction of the mistress archetype: tightness and stiffness at the first communication with a man; feeling that your partner has cooled off towards you sexually; difficulty in understanding what you want now; the feeling that you are not in good shape, prone to fatigue and quickly "burn out". All these are signs that your energy is at a low level and it is necessary to work out the state of your mistress.

To do this, you first need to learn to understand yourself. The next stage is pumping on energy level. Dances are very well suited for this, especially plastic ones, for example, tribal or strip plastic. And of course, energy practices, meditation.

If you start working on this state, after a while you will notice interesting fact: you will become attractive not only for men, but also ... for money! This relationship is observed from the activation of the second chakra, which is responsible for sexuality and cash flow.

Men love to joke: “Lover is from the word “love”, and “wife” is generally unclear from what word.” And although after such words the hand itself reaches for the cast-iron frying pan, there is some truth in them. Namely, Mistress - Thatamazing state , which attracts men like a magnet. Why?

Mistress - universal evil?

What Lovers are we talking about? No, not about those whose grotesque image from the film “Love and Doves” is accompanied by the immortal “Ludk! Ah, Ludek! And not about those who spend weeks waiting for a call forever busy man. And, of course, not about the bearers of the stigma of "the destroyer of families."

We're talking about that undisguised and unexpected essence, which distinguisheswoman-wife And mother woman from women mistresses. These are lovers, for the sake of meeting with whom men are ready to leave work as soon as possible, turn off the phone, lie to the boss that he is sick in order to stay with her longer. And let the whole world wait. While wives are given toasters and vacuum cleaners, Mistresses are delighted with perfumes, cosmetics, trips to resorts. Two main questions emerge from this...

Why are men so drawn to mistresses?

Much can be said about the special charm of novelty, about magical techniques massages and hot nights of love, presented by passionate odalisques. But let's think about what no self-respecting mistress does:

- The mistress does not saw. It is impossible to imagine a houri who, an hour before a date, sends a text message to a man: “Again, the drain tank is broken! And where do your hands grow from? Vice versa! There is so much tenderness and fire in her SMS messages that even a complaint will sound like a compliment: “Darling, my tank needs yours again.” Strong arms. Looks like he missed you as much as I did."

So let's play the game from now on:turn the request into a compliment, and the problem into a joke. And we use it at every opportunity. “Darling, it looks like we have already eaten a pood of salt together. It's time to buy a new one”, “Darling, my son's teacher called. He says he has already learned so much that he decided not to go to classes anymore. Talk to him like a smart person smart person? Any life situation can be submitted through the prism of laughter and affection. The man appreciates.

- The mistress does not scandal. If a man is late at work or does not arrive at all, the mistress goes about her business. Her “hurt”, “unpleasant” and “offensive” do not become his headache. Instead, he has to be nervous, wondering: “Will I see her again?”.

- The mistress does not start herself and does not save on herself. No "grandmother's pantaloons", regrown roots, excessive hairiness in a strategic important places. No mask of cucumber and curlers at night. Her body is always ready for intimacy. She is the embodiment of the principle "everywhere is sweet and smooth."

- The mistress does not belong to the man completely. She is the master of her soul and body. Not always in the mood for games, but always has the right to decide for herself. The mistress is elusive: a man is never 100% sure that she is with him completely and irrevocably. It is desirable and mysterious, like love itself.

What is she, Lover?

No, this is not a call to go to dark side. And not a guide to beating off men. This is the recipe for an unquenchable fire in the family bedroom. Or rather, several recipes at once. So to enterstate mistress, remember who she is - this woman from the word "love".

Lover woman enjoys. Guided by the principle “to give pleasure, you must first know it,” she is immersed in endless bliss. The beauty of sunrises and sunsets, gentle whisper sea ​​waves, the aroma of coffee, the taste of chocolate - they give her pleasure, fill her. And then the filled woman shares the joy of life with a man.

Lover pampers herself. new shoes or food processor? A trip to a beauty salon or a housing office? Healthy sleep or rush job until morning? For a woman in the state of the Mistress, such a question will not even arise. She makes a choice in favor of convenience, joy, relaxation. Because he knows - if you love yourself, then a man will love too.

Mistress compliments a man. And myself, of course, too. How can a woman looking in the mirror with the words: “My good girl!” - be in bad mood? How can a man not rush to the one for whom he is “the strongest, bravest, gentlest and smartest”? Which means...

Learning to Compliment

Go to the mirror and look at the woman in it. Slowly, caressing, take a look at her face, hair, eyes, lips. Smile at her. Find at least 5 traits to admire. It does not matter whether it is the whiteness of the skin or the evenness of the teeth, the shape of the eyes or the shape of the ears.Compliment yourself!

Then move on. Examine the neck, shoulders, collarbones, chest, abdomen, hips. Stroke them gently. And to each part of the body under your hands, say something nice. The same with a man. Make it a rule -5 sincere compliments every day. Nice words, said in the morning, afternoon or evening, will cheer him up and give him strength.

Praise the strong hands and kind smile of your man, his piercing gaze and patience. Even if at first it seems unusual to you, and he will almost choke on tea from surprise. Sincere compliments and admiration are the best weapon of a mistress woman.

How to become a Lover?

To enter the state of the Mistress, you need to remember: never remove all the dust, never wash all the dishes, but perfect moment may not wait. That is why we clean the dust and dishes according to our mood, and we create the moment here and now.

Exercise: look around and ask yourself the question: “What can I do right now to feel happiness?” The main condition: the fulfillment of desire should depend only on you, be simple and affordable. If you want to drink a glass of water, eat a chocolate bar, take a shower, go to bed - do it! Get used to receiving small joys every minute and your whole life will turn into one big pleasure!

A woman living in the state of a Mistress does not compare herself with others, but reveals her feminine essence to the maximum. And who is this woman? Watch in our video.

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Maria Samokhvalova about the program "Women's Blooming Strategy"

All sessions completed. The second round is already planned. And the conclusion still did not know how to write. I sat down today for writing an "I-composition", but for some reason not a single "I" turned out there. Maybe I'm not quite used to being like this. But I feel that yes, this is me, at the very beginning of development. So instead of a conclusion - such a self-portrait. The course is over, but everything is just beginning. The first thing that catches your eye is rainbow-colored eyes. However, even if they were colorless gray or almost black, they would still most likely attract attention in the first place. After all, they are on fire. It's getting brighter every day. They light up huge soul from pure beauty. Someday this fire will become eternal and will never cease to exist under any circumstances. She will do everything for this. Girl of cool colors, cool pink skin tone, pale blue veins. But in grey-green eyes yellow marks of the sun, and ash gray hair sometimes cast in gold and copper. The face is proportional, and it seems as if there is nothing special about it. But the look wants to linger and find out its secret. A thin figure, all the tenderness of which has gone from the forms into the movements of the hands, the silkiness of the skin, the slight stoop. Beautiful legs carry it very quickly, with long strides. Sometimes there is not enough peace, a slow pace. She is always in a hurry somewhere... All her life she dreams of magical dresses that are not sold in any store. And about your castle in pastel colors. And to never work, but only to enjoy life and do whatever you want. And all this for several years was closed, forgotten and postponed. She did not emphasize her beauty with pink blush. Didn't pick up bright lipsticks to beautifully defined lips. And one day she completely stopped wearing makeup, she looked very tired and sad. She was embarrassed to wear dresses. And shoes. She often left the stores disappointed and did not know what to do, where to find the very thing, her own, in which she would feel like who she is ... She believed that all her work was nonsense and stopped trying to create something when everyone around started doing the same. She was afraid of herself. She did not know what she wanted and how to look for it later, what to do. She wanted happiness from every man who was at one time nearby. She thought that they were needed to give happiness. What will they tell you, what is the meaning of life, will they take you by the hand to better life. But no one has ever done anything of the sort. And she only got worse every year. But something happened. Whether beautiful soul I changed my mind about dying, or the bottom was reached ... In one day, everything began to change. All paths lead to rebirth. Every creative question was answered. She began to hear herself. Understand. Accept. And love. He learned that her outer shell is a wonderful divine creation, and only in her power to make her even better. Change, play, try images. She realized that her mission in this life is to make beauty. Create. And that non-existent outfits that she was looking for, always knowing the colors and styles thoroughly, she should create herself. She felt that she needed to make beauty with her own hands, in any form, different ways. This is her battery. vital energy. And this is her life with pleasures without a single day of work. She realized that a man is not a second dad who will take care of her, lead her somewhere, make her happy. She creates her own happiness. And a man will love, share with him his world, his happiness. And he will no longer feel that next to him is a little helpless girl who hung around his neck. Now she adult woman who learns to be different, happy, wonderful. By yourself.

Anna Ponomarenko about the program "Women's Blooming Strategy"

I'm like after a cold shower))

I already knew that no one owes me anything, that gratitude is good, that it is stupid to demand that others look at the world through my eyes. I knew that happiness is in our hands, but it sounded somehow abstract. Now everything has become tangible. I began to shudder to feel life and appreciate every minute. And now mine the main task- to be happy every day.

I stopped accumulating knowledge and started to practice. I changed my approach to men, money, stopped blaming others for my failures. And, oh miracle! Surprisingly, the people on whom I was offended, etc. "change".

Roza Gaitbayeva about the program "Women's Blooming Strategy"

For me, the “Female Blooming Strategy” training has become a fragrant, additional “spice” to my destiny, which improved And diversified"taste of life".

Thanks to the training, my information field is much expanded, my thinking has changed, self-esteem and self-confidence have increased.

I met Ekaterina, excellent course participants, got a lot of interesting and valuable things, learned about many coaches and coaching, and much more .. that all together inspired me on daily work above oneself.

I can say with confidence that my STATE before the training and after it are completely different STATES of the soul and body. At the beginning of my studies, I had a state of discomfort, tension, uncertainty, isolation, a feeling of my own impotence in achieving goals ...

Now I'm different! I'm better than two months ago! And it makes me very, very happy, I am learning to be the conductor of my own destiny. I thank myself for all the work, for all the efforts that I have put in over the past two months.

Now I have "recipes, secrets..." to become happy, self-sufficient, fulfilled.... woman!

Thank you, Ekaterina, for your love for women, for the excellent training, for your conscientiousness and sincerity!!! For me, you are an authority and an example of an amazing winner of your destiny!

I wish you, your team, and all the wonderful participants of this course health, prosperity, success in all areas of life and lots and lots of LOVE!!!

Often we all feel like we have no choice. And in times like these, it's important to remember WE ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE! With love!

Zinaida Izmalkina about the "Women's Blooming Strategy" program

I started working on myself with fear, but whether I can handle it, or whether I need to ... But then I realized that only myself needs changes in life, so I decided to become bigger responsible And disciplined. And I started to get high from the sensations)))

Today I am able to start the day with positive and it's very inspiring.

Together with positive attitude thoughts began to visit that life becomes whole, multi-colored. There is not a moment of boredom, etc. troubles. There are so many interesting things going on around.

When you live in daily enjoyment of everything that happens, you don’t cling to: blues, depression, despondency. Vampires fly away good people come, worked out connections fall off by themselves. Things are done without stress. It is possible and necessary to enjoy life, it is good for health)))

I feel it. Thank you, Katya.

Lyudmila Mezentseva about the program "Women's Blooming Strategy"

Have you ever been at the Opera House at night? I never was. But it feels like I've lived there all my life. She moved by touch between the rows, guided by the blurry silhouettes, then there is something big and scary, there is something smaller, but still scary, but in this corner, it seems, it doesn’t see through. And just a month ago, lamps gradually began to light up in my theater. I clearly saw the orderly rows of chairs, the boxes, the orchestra pit and ... yes! The stage where I should show off in the spotlight! Now I see the road clearly to her between the rows and I thank Fate that it does not begin with a gallery.

The value of this insight is that I gained confidence. It turned out that I did many things intuitively correctly, but chaotically, and therefore there was no desired result. When you do the exercises from the course, you are simply amazed at the results. One result seems obvious, but in fact something completely unexpected emerges. But it turns out to be the most necessary puzzle of the plan-scheme of the theater hall. And the value of the course for me is that I feel the creator (or, more correctly, the creator) of myself, my own life.

The first change happened before the course. To buy it, I had to borrow money. To repay a debt, look for new sources of income. So I significantly increased my budget. And with the rate per day began to have time to complete much more cases than before.

And, miracle (!) I finally have a wish. Not "Wishlist" (beautiful underwear, new wallpapers, three custard cakes), but Desires that require you to change for the better, develop your skills, discover new abilities in yourself.

But the most pleasant was the result, which was not in my plans. Constantly thinking over the information received on the course, I radically rebuilt my attitude towards the child. I was no longer annoyed by her inconvenient behavior for me. Increasingly, I focus on its virtues. Before, it seemed to me that it was not I who decided to give birth to a daughter, but she decided to be born to me. Now I am 100% sure of this, and I feel just the same immense gratitude to her for this. The return from this restructuring of oneself turned out to be incommensurably greater. From the child came a huge wave of love, obedience and even understanding of me. Even though my daughter is only 5 years old. Now I hear around the clock how wonderful I am and beautiful mother how she loves me. Finally I have happiness in my house.

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The state of "Lover" is one of the most resourceful states of a woman. This is the state in which we are filled sexual energy which turns on the "magnet" within us. It is in it that we attract and energize our man, and also attract all the best into our life: money, opportunities, travel.

The law of sexuality operates like the law of gravity. On an energetic level, a man's interest arises from the desire for a woman as a lover. The more inner sexuality, desire and pleasure a woman has, the more vivid, successful and interesting men it holds and attracts. And men perfectly read how much sexual energy is in a woman, because they know what it is. life force which is so necessary for them for their development and great achievements.

Sexuality is what I use to make a man draw attention to myself, only then I conquer them with my individuality.
from the movie Sex and the City

This state exists in every woman, it’s just that for someone it is awakened and actively developed, while for someone it is frozen, closed or completely forgotten and sent as unnecessary to the farthest corner.

In a previous article, I wrote about how emotional, sexual energy was blocked, driven to the very depths, and how we suppress it in our body.

And now I want to offer some tips that will help you maintain the state of the Mistress.

Many participants in my classes ask: “Where is the sexual energy in us?”. Female energy center located in the lower abdomen, in the uterus. Sexual energy is located in the lower abdomen, in the uterus. Our uterus is a place of power, a source of pleasure. It is important to deeply feel your sexuality and connect with it.

Every woman needs to awaken her Mistress in herself - regardless of age.

The first thing to do is to do intimate gymnastics. 10 light squeezes will elevate your sexual energy. A couple of sets throughout the day, no matter what you do, drive a car or stand in line at the store.

Little secret: use 10 muscle contractions during a date or when you are around a man. You will begin to radiate sexual energy. Your pupils will dilate, your voice will become languid, your body will be flexible. Men are crazy about these women.

Energy rises when a woman is in a state of "I want." Therefore, it is necessary to develop this state of “I want” in oneself. How to get into this female state?

You need to create a must/want list. To do this, divide the sheet into 2 columns, sign one of them “Must” and write down the actions that you must perform during the day, and name the second column “I want” and write down the actions that you want, but do not do.

And the next step is to turn on the “I want” state during the day. To do this, you need to perform from 1-3 actions from the “I want” column throughout the day. Live according to the principle "I WANT".

And always ask yourself: “Do I really want to do this?”

We are filled with everything that gives pleasure, so we need to make it a rule to give ourselves at least three pleasures a day. At the same time, only one of them can be food, one - a purchase, and the third - something free, for example, a warm bath before bedtime or self-massage. Give free rein to your imagination.

It is important to enjoy yourself, to be in a state of "I want myself." Take care of your body, feel it, what does it want? Pay attention to how it feels? Listen to what your body is telling you and it will surely thank you.

Confess to yourself in love. Take care of yourself, cream yourself, do beautiful manicure, pedicure, hairstyle. Be sure to wear beautiful underwear, pamper yourself, enjoy yourself. This will help you "turn on" the Mistress state.

A real woman is like water or fire, seemingly the same, but never the same, constantly changing, and there is nothing more exciting than watching this process.
Anna Borisova

Start flirting always and with everyone, flirt with strangers, colleagues, neighbors and children. Flirt with men, look into their eyes with a smile, catch admiring glances, enjoy male attention and communication.

The ability to flirt helps us go through life easily and joyfully, achieve what we want with just a smile. Let's play every day, enjoying ourselves and everyone's attention.

Use these 5 tips and you will become full and sexy woman who gets everything she wants from life!

My dear women How do you feel about your sexuality? What are you doing to support and develop it?

- one of the most resourceful states. It is in it that we are filled with energy, which turns on the “magnet” inside us. This "magnet" attracts all the best into our lives: money, opportunities, men. When a woman is filled with energy, it is easy for her, as if the universe leads her by the hand, and all the doors of the world open before her.

But often I hear from women that it is very difficult to keep this state in oneself, that there is a lot of energy, but it flows away somewhere, and there is neither strength nor desire. And now I want to offer you some tips that will help you maintain the state of the Mistress.

The first thing to do is to do intimate gymnastics. It is necessary to do this, since it is with intimate muscles that we hold and accumulate energy. Now there are many ways to do this. If you live in St. Petersburg or Moscow, then you are a little more fortunate than everyone else, because the Academy has one with which you can bring your intimate muscles to perfection.

Energy rises when a woman is in a state of "I want." Therefore, it is necessary to develop a "want" in oneself. To do this, take a piece of paper and write one hundred and one of your desires on it. Start with the simplest ones, like "I want to sleep" or "I want a cake." Keep going, you'll be surprised how much you can and should want.

We are filled with everything that gives pleasure, so we need to make it a rule to give ourselves at least three pleasures a day. However, only one of them can be food, one is a purchase, and the third is something free, such as a warm bath before bed or self-massage, let your imagination run wild.

It is important for fullness to remain in the moment “here and now”, as worries about the future or resentment and fears of the past take away great amount energy. And in order to wrest your consciousness from the past or the future, ask yourself three questions: "Who am I?", "Where am I?", "When am I?". the moment you are in.

Sometimes it's hard to stop worrying about the future, given previous experience. Fear makes you prepare for the worst. In this case, ask yourself the question: “What would I do if I knew that everything would be fine?”

Sometimes circumstances or people provoke conflict or cause irritation. Some scandalous client, or a rude salesman, or bad weather make you angry, take you out of a state of pleasure and deprive you of fullness. Try asking yourself the question: “What if this happened to me in last time? If this rain is the last in your life, and you will never see it again, or this is the last scandalous client ... And you will feel how you want to enjoy what is happening.

Lives in pleasure. After all, everything that gives pleasure fills with energy, so it is very important to slow down. Walk down the street as if you were walking on shopping center and choose a dress, look around, breathe in the air deeply.

It is important to enjoy yourself, to be in a state of "I want myself." Take care of yourself, smear yourself with cream, do a beautiful manicure, pedicure, hairdo. Be sure to wear beautiful underwear, pamper yourself, enjoy yourself. This will help you "turn on" the Mistress state.

How to become a magnet for men. Part one: the state of the mistress.

It's no secret that there are women who enchant with their energy, you always want to be near them and feel their warm aura. Such women are always surrounded by worthy men, they are lucky in love and they are happy in marriage. Yes, yes, such women discovered a great female secret— they have learned to be a magnet for men! And it’s not just learning one thing, for example, to shoot beautifully with your eyes or to skillfully do Erotic massage, it is much deeper - it is the art of being a woman, to arrive always and everywhere in a feminine state.

At first glance, this may seem simple and banal, but I assure you this is far from being the case. Learning to always and everywhere be a woman in our masculine and sometimes very aggressive world is quite difficult, because you have to decide a lot men's issues, work in male positions, enter into negotiations, and even disputes, in general, decide everything and everywhere on your own, and this does not benefit femininity and alluring attractiveness. Male energy will never attract male energy. Only female, truly female energy will attract admiring men's views. To become a magnet for worthy men it is necessary to be in a feminine state as often as possible and be able to correctly manage female incarnations. There are only four of them - a mistress, a queen, a girl and a mistress, so our female task will learn to master them perfectly.

For men, the most alluring female state is the state of a mistress. It is the state of a mistress that helps to attract a man to life. A woman attracts the attention of men only in the state of a mistress, lung condition excitement and enjoyment of life. A man reads and goes to the fullness of female energy, so he reacts to a woman filled with sexual energy. The lover is sensual, but at the same time mysterious, she does not tell information about herself. But if he immediately receives this energy, and the woman remains in the state of a lover, and the relationship either does not develop further, or develops according to the scenario of lovers. Therefore, it is at the beginning of an acquaintance that it is important to be able to be a lover, then other incarnations come into play, but I will tell you about this another time. In order for you to learn how to be a Mistress correctly, I offer you a small cheat sheet to help you.

So, for the state of the mistress is important!

Feminine external image:
- cloth
– linen
- shoes
- decorations
- makeup
- hairstyle
- aroma
Movements and mannerisms:
tripping, small step
- concentration on your body, on sensations / awareness
- slowness/relaxation
- fluency of gestures
- graceful head turn
- velvet voice (from the stomach)
- staring, languid gaze
- posture
- smile
silence, active listening
- desire to sing
- health care
- skin care, hair, nails, heels
- exercises to maintain tone, flexibility, stretching
– all kinds of spa treatments, massage
Sexual energy:
- be always ready
- take the initiative
- get sensual pleasure
- know your body and be skillful
- know the husband's fantasies
- looseness / frankness: share your fantasies, talk about your feelings and desires
- attraction: erotic undressing / dressing, dancing

Internal filling
- attention from the female chakras (heart or uterus)
- free from thoughts head
- positive joyful mood
- the joy of feeling your body and movement
- the ability to receive pleasure: from food, conversation, touch, aromas, oneself
- a sense of self-worth, self-love
- sensitivity: to give / receive pleasure, energy and love - disinterestedly
- a sense and awareness of one's own hidden power
- inspire action
- gives a feeling to her husband that he is the very best
- lack of interest in the assessments of outsiders
Creative Energy:
- loyalty
- creativity
- artistry
- talent
- creativity, any
- activity
- enthusiasm
- brightness
- passion for hobbies
- ability to dive
- generates ideas
- opens new
- originality
- spontaneity
- resourcefulness
- charm
Graceful surroundings:
- dishes
bed sheets
- accessories
home clothes
- music
- women's films, books, magazines
dance mandala
cleansing fire meditation
fire element practice
walking without underwear
intimate muscle training
breathing practices (to relieve body clamps)

Believe me, such a woman will not only always be in the center of everyone's attention, but her image will be imprinted in the memory of others for a long time.
