January 6, what can you do? January, what you can do and what you can’t: a magnificent table has long been set for Christmas

The celebration of Christmas Eve always falls on the night before the celebration of the Nativity of Christ.

The holiday itself means the eve of Christmas and is directly related to the end of strict Lent.

What date will we celebrate Christmas Eve in 2018? The celebration of the night preceding the main celebration always falls on January 6th. On this wonderful frosty day, Orthodox believers are preparing for the celebration significant date, which marked the beginning of the life of Christ and his good deeds.


Believers know for certain the history of the holiday. Christmas Eve was founded when, in ancient biblical times, the Star of Bethlehem appeared in the Sky, which was a harbinger of the birth of the baby savior of the whole world.

The history of celebrating Christmas Eve 2018 is also connected with the name of the significant date. The word "Christmas" comes from the celebration of the birth of baby Jesus. But the word “Christmas Eve” is directly related to the Lenten dish - sochivo, which is traditional on this day.

As you know, the celebration of Christmas Eve is the final day of the strict Nativity Fast. This Christian restriction mainly applies to the prohibition of eating animal products. During Lent, it is recommended to eat lean porridge, to which you can add raisins, pieces of vegetables or slices of fruit. It is recommended to prepare porridge from either rice or millet. Such dishes in Orthodoxy are called sochivom, which is where the name of the holiday comes from.

Celebrating Christmas Eve is recommended according to special traditions, but the constant ritual of this day is the food that is recommended to be eaten as a holiday diet. Orthodox believers enjoy eating dishes made from peas, beans, and beans on this day. It is allowed to eat lean sweets - honey, nuts and raisins. But there must be porridge on the table - sochivo, which is the main symbol of Christmas Eve.


Since the celebration is the most important event Orthodox faith, then there are traditions of celebrating Christmas Eve 2018. All major rituals and customs are associated with the goodness and purity of the believing soul.

As everyone knows, Christ was born in a stable, so in villages and villages people tried to prepare approximate conditions for celebrating Christmas. All the floors in the village house were covered with fragrant hay; straw was not placed on the table. Thus, a feeling was created reminiscent of the conditions under which Christ was born.

Christmas Eve is a good and fun party, so people tried to cheer and please each other. Especially in honor of the celebration, original theatrical scenes on Christmas themes were created. Everyone was allowed to visit the village theater. The stage of the theater was made of a cardboard box, and the figures, the main characters, were dolls sewn by themselves.

To cheer up the people, a kind of masquerade was being prepared. The girls dressed up in bright dresses and applied beautiful paints to their faces. Young people dressed up in sweatshirts and bright caftans, sang mischievous songs and told funny stories.

Many believers believed that on Christmas Eve good actively fights evil. And the person himself can show by his actions which side he is more involved with. Those people who spent the holiday in songs and dances were undoubtedly drawn towards goodness and faith. But people who told fortunes and performed secret rituals were more involved in the side of evil.

The most main tradition The holiday is associated with the fact that on this day all a person’s desires and dreams came true. On the night before Christmas, you need to wish for your very own cherished wish, and then wait with faith and hope for its speedy fulfillment.

Christmas Eve involves completing some basics regarding food consumption. Before the celebration of Christmas begins in Orthodoxy, the rules of the Nativity Fast last. On the day preceding the main celebration, it is forbidden to eat any food. You can start eating only when the first star appears in the firmament on the night of Christmas Eve, which means the imminent birth of Christ.

When will it appear in the night sky bright Star and Christmas Eve 2018 comes, a wide variety of dishes are put on the table. Believers prefer to cook holiday dishes from fish, meat, vegetables and a variety of fruits. As drinks, it is allowed to drink compote, fruit drinks, adults can sip the consecrated Cahors.

After celebrating Christmas Eve, Orthodox Christians begin to celebrate a Merry Christmas.

Many Russians who are not very good at church rules oh, they wonder when Christmas is actually celebrated and whether January 6th is a holiday. We’ll talk about how much Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas and how to celebrate the holiday according to all the rules in our article.

So, let's start from the first - January 6th. The day is only partly considered a holiday. On this day, Orthodox Christians do not eat anything except sochiv, which they prepared in advance, and drink water. The day is considered the last of the fast, which Orthodox Christians have been keeping since November 26 in honor of the Christmas holiday, which is celebrated on January 7.

As for the day before, only the evening is considered festive - it is called Christmas Eve, after the name of the main dish of the day. for those who are not in the know, sochivo, in other words kutia, is cooked grains of wheat, rice, lentils or other cereals with the addition of lean sweets (fruit syrup, dried fruits, honey, poppy seeds, nuts and others).

As mentioned above, we fast all day on the eve of the holiday. Cleaning, washing and doing household chores is possible and necessary - you simply must prepare your home for the arrival of the bright holiday.

In the evening, the closest people gather around the table - children and parents, God-parents, Grandmothers and grandfathers. The gala dinner begins after the first star appears in the sky - it was she who notified the Magi about the Birth of Christ and led them to the baby to whom they carried gifts.

On the festive table there is a white tablecloth and some hay - Jesus, as we know, was born in a manger surrounded by livestock. White means purity and renewal, which brings Christmas to every single home. Be sure to light candles in the house or light the fireplace or stove - fire symbolizes warmth, home comfort and will undoubtedly bring peace and blessings of God to your family.

12 Lenten dishes are prepared for dinner - everyone is worth trying a little, but it is forbidden to gorge yourself and finish dinner until the end, since your refrigerator will be empty for the entire next year. You should wear new and light-colored things - black is not welcome, as it is mourning attire.

On this evening, it is customary to generously welcome guests, even if the person who came to the house is absolutely stranger- they say that even in the form of a beggar, the Lord himself can welcome you into your home. By the way, helping the poor and sick, gifts to lonely people and other charity on Christmas Eve are obligatory, since the holiday is considered the most important one on which all Christian virtues can be demonstrated.

And the whole next day, Christmas Day, January 7, it is customary to go to visit and invite guests to your place. You cannot be stingy and greedy on this day.

It is strictly forbidden to start a conflict on Christmas Eve, quarrel over trifles and use foul language, especially at the holiday table or at a party,

During dinner, it is generally forbidden to talk a lot and loudly, as well as to leave the table and, especially, from the house - so as not to let evil spirits into the house,

Dishes should not be washed down with water, but only with uzvar,

Unmarried guys and unmarried girls you cannot sit on the corner of the table - otherwise you will be left without a partner, writes Rosregistr. It is believed that unmarried girls are forbidden to tell fortunes on this day. The time for this will come a little later - from the 12th day of Christmastide until Epiphany. However, it is worth noting that this day is the most popular among the people for fortune telling about the betrothed.

Other prohibitions include:

You can’t wear old and torn clothes - it’s better to greet guests with an original new thing. In addition, it is believed that you should not celebrate Christmas in black,

According to tradition, there are no plans for this evening long journey and travel, because all family members should be at home on Christmas.

On the eve of Christmas Orthodox people celebrate Christmas Eve. This day marks the end of the Christmas fast, which lasts four weeks. From the very morning until 6 o'clock in the evening, Orthodox Christians must completely abstain from consuming any food and alcohol until the rising of the first star. This star symbolizes that Jesus was born.

Since ancient times, people have firmly believed that how there will be a holiday It’s Christmas, and it will be like this all next year. It is not surprising that many modern people I am interested in the question: “what can be done on Christmas Eve before Christmas, and what cannot be done.”

Many people on the eve of any holiday want to put their house in order: wash things, clean the apartment, take out all the trash, get rid of old and unnecessary things.

Orthodox traditions strictly prohibit performing all household chores on Christmas Eve.

“On this day, the soul of every person prepares for the birth of Jesus. During Lent and January 6, you especially cannot swear, be offended, or express negative emotions towards another person.
— On January 6, you should also refrain from any household work: washing and cleaning, sewing, embroidering, replanting houseplants And so on. Even cooking food on this day is not recommended; it can be prepared in advance - on January 5th.
— Until the end of the Liturgy, you cannot eat or drink alcohol in the church.
— All day on January 6, you cannot sweep the house, much less take out the trash from it. Since ancient times, people have believed that on Christmas Eve the souls of deceased relatives come and gather in the corners of the apartment. And only after Holy Baptism do they return back to heaven.

In order for the Christmas holiday, as well as the whole next year, to become bright and joyful, all homework, including the preparation of 12 dishes, should be completed on January 5.

What to do on Christmas Eve

On the afternoon of January 6th every Orthodox man must go to church for communion and service. It is very important before the birth of Christ to cleanse your soul, ask for forgiveness, and sincerely repent of all sins. An important stage The day before communion is fasting. If it is difficult for a person to keep the fast for all 4 weeks, he should stick to it for at least a few days before Christmas Eve. It is very important during this period to monitor your thoughts, actions and emotions.

There are many beliefs about what can be done on Christmas Eve and what is strictly prohibited. Every nation, based on its faith, comes up with different traditions and customs. But if a person considers himself Orthodox and wants to adhere to important church rules, he should know that doing laundry and cleaning on Christmas Eve is strictly prohibited, no matter how much one would like to do so. Even such a harmless action as sweeping the floor can bring disaster and illness to a person.

Numerous customs on this day help to decide various questions, for example: get rid of debts, find a job, improve relationships with loved ones or bosses. Since ancient times, people have believed in the powerful power of this day and try to use it for their benefit.

Since ancient times, on Christmas Eve after dinner, people took the remaining food outside and left it for those in need, or distributed it themselves. There is a belief that those deceased relatives who died hungry satiate their hunger that evening.

On the eve of Christmas, you cannot lend bread, salt and money; this can lead to the family spending the entire next year in poverty and hunger.

Should not be festive dinner and during the day on Christmas Eve, wear black or dark clothes so as not to incur trouble and trouble.

Also, many girls are concerned about the question: “is it possible to wash your hair on Christmas Eve?” On this day, as on Christmas Day, it is forbidden to wash or cut hair.

The evening before Christmas, for each of us, is usually kutya and carols, as well as a quiet family dinner.

This holiday has several names - Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve, Holy Evening, Rich Evening, Rich Kutya, Vilia, writes vedmochka.net. Were preparing for winter holidays long before their onset. The housewives were cooking delicious dinner and cleaned the house, and most importantly, observed strict fast, which ended on January 6 at 12 am. However, these are not the only traditions that accompanied this day, so let's plunge into history and figure out what is the difference between modern Christmas Eve and the Holy Evening before.

As you know, there are two Christmas Eves - one Catholic, which is celebrated on December 24, and the other Orthodox, which is celebrated on January 6. But both are symbols of intensive preparation for one of the the most important holidays in the year - Christmas.

The custom of celebrating Christmas Eve, according to legend, arose based on the history of Star of Bethlehem. A few days before the birth of Christ, the brightest star appeared to the Magi; such a sign appears only when a king is born. Therefore, they decided to go on a journey to present gifts to Christ.

But this is not the only meaning of the holiday, because basically all holidays have pagan roots. The Holy Evening was no exception and many traditions have no connection with Christianity, this includes Christmas fortune-telling. So, according to legend, even in the pre-Christian period, our ancestors celebrated on this day the holiday “Korochuna”, or in other words the day of greeting the sun. According to other sources, the eve of the birth of Kola Svarog was celebrated on this day. It was on Holy Eve, as they used to believe, that the Earth gave people, plants, animals, in general, all living things, energy, which could subsequently help not only preserve the harvest, but also increase it, and it protects animals from diseases and promotes good offspring.

Church traditions on Christmas Eve

As we have already mentioned, the winter holidays were preceded by a strict fast, which ended with the appearance of the first star on January 6. On Christmas Eve, the whole family ate festive kutia all day long.

In the evening, a service is held with the reading of the Gospel, the telling of the story of the Magi, prayers, and also the liturgy. However, if Christmas Eve falls on Saturday or Sunday, then the main part of the service is held on Friday evening, and the liturgy is already on Christmas Eve itself.
If for some reason it was not possible to get to the temple before, then on this holiday it was allowed to just read the prayers with the family and start the festive dinner. At the same time, it was important to wear all the newest things on Holy Eve, but if there was not enough money for new things, then they simply put on clean ones. This tradition served as a symbol of cleansing from sins and the advent of something new.

Slavic traditions on Holy Evening

The holy evening in the Slavic tradition was celebrated solemnly; the whole family usually gathered for this, and the mistress of the house cleaned the house and prepared a rich dinner before the guests arrived. Be sure to lay a clean white, or better yet, a new tablecloth, under which they put a little hay.

Christmas Didukh

Separately, it is worth noting about table decoration. To do this, they always placed a festive candle on the table, as a symbol of the first star, as well as the Christmas Didukh. Simply put, a sheaf of hay was placed in a vase and the whole family solemnly brought it into the house and placed it in the middle of the table. Moreover, Didukh had been prepared since the summer. To do this, the first sheaf of wheat or bread was left unthreshed. In some villages they separated from the last sheaf. He was bandaged and left until Christmas Eve, after which he was given the most place of honor on the table - in the middle.

The introduction of Didukh began with the head of the family taking it in one hand, and in the other there was a sheaf of hay. Behind him was the eldest son, who had a sheaf of hay in both hands. Even in the yard, the head of the family said: “Let him cower the hay, let him feed the cattle. Let it be soft for the little souls, let it be soft for the Holy Child and the cattle to lie in the hay!” At the same time, together with his son, scattering a sheaf of hay. And at the entrance to the house, the father shouted: “The holidays are coming!”, The son answered: “The holidays have come!”, and the mother continued: “We honor and ask the didukh and you to look into the house!”

The didukh was not removed until the Generous Evening, after which it was burned, throwing in old things or clothes in which a family member suffered an illness. Thus, our ancestors were cleared of negative energy of the past year.

Festive table for Christmas Eve

The main dish for Holy Evening was kutia, or as it was also called sochivo, kolivo. It was usually prepared from boiled wheat and barley with the addition of honey. Sometimes housewives also cooked it with rice. The meal began with kutya.

Moreover, the order of dishes was also strictly followed certain rules. So the first thing to go was definitely snacks. After them, the first dish was usually served, often borscht, mushroom soup or fish soup. For the first one, housewives always prepared pies, ears or flatbreads; they were also called sochni. Dessert was served last. These are poppy seed rolls, honey cakes, pies, jelly and so on. Sweet gingerbreads were definitely baked for this day.

The second obligatory dish was uzvar, or more simply put, dried fruit compote. It was often prepared from apples, pears, plums, raisins, cherries and other fruits. It is worth noting that all dishes were washed down only with uzvar and nothing else.

Separately, it is worth noting 12 dishes that were sure to be on the table and what they meant:

  1. kutya was prepared as a symbol of the sacrifice made and the blood shed;
  2. peas were considered a sign that after decline a person is reborn again, like God's spring;
  3. cabbage - cabbage is a symbol of simplicity and reliability;
  4. borscht - as the hostess tries to prepare this dish from simple products, then this is a symbol of the fact that routine work and daily bustle cultivates willpower in us. Among other things, it is also a reminder of the cruel order of King Herod to destroy infants;
  5. cabbage rolls were prepared as a sign God's love to a person;
  6. fish - since ancient times, fish was a symbol of Christianity and the sacrifice of Christ;
  7. dumplings - this dish was a symbol of the prosperity that awaits believers in heaven;
  8. pancakes meant the sun. Cooking pancakes on this day rather comes from paganism, but today this dish has become a symbol of the fact that Christ has become a symbol of the new sun, light;
  9. porridge - became a symbol of procreation;
  10. pies are a symbol of health and happiness;
  11. Uzvar is a symbol of the life that God gave us, as well as cleansing from all bad things;
  12. Pampushki are prepared as a reminder of what awaits a person after death - eternal life.

It is worth noting that it is not necessary to prepare only these dishes on this day; the most important thing is that there should be 12 lean dishes on the table. In addition to these recipes, housewives prepared jellied meat, homemade sausage, pork head, jelly, dishes from mushrooms, meat, and fish.

At the table they tried to behave with restraint and calm. At the same time, it was impossible to get up from the table until the end of the meal. Not a single dish was to be left untouched; everyone who sat at the table had to taste at least a spoonful of all dishes. It was believed good sign, if there is a gathering at the table even number people, if not, then the hostess set additional set cutlery for deceased relatives.

Caroling on Holy Evening

After the festive dinner, the most interesting part for young people began - the festivities, which in particular included caroling. For this purpose, young boys and girls gathered near the temple or in another public place. Free unmarried men could join them.

Then they chose the main one who leads the carols - Bereza, as well as the treasurer, star, latkov and so on. Be sure to wear interesting costumes and came up with a little show. The main role was usually played by a goat, as a symbol of prosperity and wealth.

Caroling used to be a little different from how it is done now. Previously, they did not knock or enter houses as is done in modern world. Our ancestors usually called the owners with the words “Kolyada is coming!” Whoever came out was shown a performance with the singing of carols and folk songs. We wished the owner all the best for the coming year. After which the carolers were invited into the house and presented with gifts.

Signs for Christmas Eve

  • - A bad sign it happened when people fell asleep in the house, to prevent this from happening, the owners, if they lay down on the bed, then festive clothes so as not to fall asleep. Wherein older generation and those who were married tried not to leave the house again - Bad sign, which does not bring anything good.
  • - For free girl and it was a good omen for a guy to sneeze during a festive dinner. In this case, the girl will get married next year, and the guy will become a good Cossack. Moreover, if this happened, fathers sometimes gave gifts to their children: for girls - a calf, and for boys - a foal.
  • - Also, the owners were happy when lonely and restless people came to visit that evening, this meant that in the coming year there would be happiness, joy and prosperity in the family. Therefore, such guests were generously given gifts and meals.
  • - Since we were preparing for Christmas on Christmas Eve, we tried to prepare all the food for the holiday even before sunrise. Then, according to beliefs, there will be prosperity and wealth in the family.
  • - And the snow cover spoke about what the harvest would be like in the coming year. It was believed that the more snow there was on Christmas Eve, the richer the harvest would be. If snow fell before January 6, but melted by Christmas Eve, then this indicates that there will be good harvest buckwheat But if there is frost and snowdrifts, then this is due to grain production.
  • - We also watched the stars closely. If, for example, there are a lot of stars in the sky, then in the summer there will be a lot of peas. And if there are few stars, then there won’t be a lot of berries either. It was also a bad sign if Milky Way was dim - this means bad weather.
  • - The owners tried not to skimp on the table, because the more plentiful the Christmas Eve dinner is, the richer the coming year will be.
  • - We also tried not to quarrel from this evening and avoid disagreements for the entire holiday period. After all, if you quarrel or argue with someone these days, the whole a year will pass in quarrels and disagreements.
  • - It was impossible to hunt and fish, otherwise the whole year would pass in misfortunes and hardships.

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The words “Nomad” or “Christmas Eve” refer to the days before two great church holidays- Nativity of Christ and Epiphany. Such names come from the Old Slavonic “sochivo” - a ritual dish of soaked grains of wheat, barley, peas. Every year Orthodox Christians look forward to these bright and kind pre-holiday days filled with wonders and magic. But not everyone knows what to do on Christmas Eve, January 6 and 18, what traditions and signs to follow, is it possible to guess? But these questions are the first thing to think about before the holy celebrations of Christmas and Epiphany.

What to do on January 6 - Christmas Eve before Christmas: signs

The night before Christmas is shrouded in deep mystery and slight mysticism. And the evening of Christmas Eve, according to Christian canons, is full of strong energy. It's not for nothing that Slavic traditions All Christmas rituals, conspiracies and signs are endowed with special power and effectiveness. So, on January 6, you can’t cook food, clean the house, or manage the housework. Any work on this day can result in troubles and misfortunes for the owners. It is also forbidden to sweep corners, so as not to drive away the souls of deceased relatives who have descended from heaven.

Since Christmas Eve is the harshest day of the Nativity Fast, you can eat only after the first star has risen. First - juicy, then - each of the 12 obligatory Lenten dishes. On the table on Christmas Eve there should be herring, stewed cabbage, dumplings, pickles, baked apples, uzvar and more. Holy Evening - family celebration, so dinner is traditionally held at the parental home.

By ancient tradition on festive table they put a bunch of hay (symbol of the manger of the newborn Jesus), and come to the meal in light suits. IN old times after dinner on Christmas Eve, young single girls began to tell fortunes, large groups of boys and girls went caroling, and the older generation watched for signs. This way it was possible to predict changes in the weather, the quality of the harvest, the possibility of good offspring on the farm, upcoming wedding children, etc. Today, most of the Christmas Eve rituals are not performed before Christmas, but the signs of January 6 are observed, as they were hundreds of years ago.

Folk signs for January 6

If you don’t know what to do on January 6, Christmas Eve before Christmas, signs about the weather and environment will help you spend your time profitably and learn at least a little about the future.

  1. If the sky is densely strewn with stars, you can expect a rich harvest;
  2. A snowstorm on Christmas Eve is a good sign for grain growers and beekeepers;
  3. A wish “on a falling star” made on January 6 always comes true;
  4. A thaw on Christmas Eve means a weak vegetable harvest;
  5. Any quarrel in the house on Christmas Eve is a guarantee of illness and poverty in the coming year;
  6. If debts are not paid off before Christmas Eve, next year you will have to live in poverty;
  7. Old or dark clothes for holiday dinners can entail sorrow and excitement;
  8. Blizzard and snowfall on Christmas Eve - early spring;
  9. You cannot leave home on Holy Eve, otherwise the cattle will begin to wander through the forests in the spring;
  10. Taking a steam bath on Christmas Eve will increase your health a hundredfold.

What to do on Christmas Eve before Christmas: conspiracies and rituals

Christmas Eve is one of the most significant holidays Orthodox world, involuntarily associated with a mass of traditions, rites, conspiracies and rituals, which makes it not only religiously rich, but also very colorful. Thus, in villages, owners still prepare their homes for Christmas Eve: they cover the floors with fragrant hay (symbolizing the barn in which Jesus was born), decorate the home iconostasis with candles and festive towels, cover tables with white tablecloths, organize a small theater of cardboard boxes and self-made figures.

According to legend, it is on Christmas Eve that Good actively fights against Evil, and people, by their actions, show which side they are on. Everyone who is drawn to light and faith celebrates in songs, dances, and merry celebrations with carols and round dances. And supporters dark side After the festive dinner, they go to tell fortunes and perform secret rituals. This distribution is quite relative and not always true. Almost all magical holiday rituals are carried out with a kind and bright message that does not carry any threat. Be that as it may, most of the rituals that are performed on Christmas Eve are accompanied by important conspiracies. And the main ones are collected below.

Rituals and conspiracies for Christmas Eve

  1. For good luck. On the evening of Christmas Eve, turn off all the lights in the house, light one candle and place it on the windowsill of a window facing east. Wait for the first visible star and say:

“The star of Bethlehem shines in the sky, proclaiming joy to the whole world. Baby Jesus is born, a child is born, happiness awakens for the world. That happiness is great and will touch me; in the new year, luck will never turn away from me. I will be happy, servant of God (name), I will have success in all my affairs. Amen".

Then put out the candle and say: “So be it!”

  1. To wealth. On the evening of Christmas Eve, add fresh soil to the flowerpot and surround it with three green candles. Move your finger along the side of the pot and say the Lord's Prayer. Then read the words of the conspiracy:

“As loudly as all 12 months ring, so will the wallets of the servant of God (name) rattle and ring. Just as roosters crow 12 times, so they keep my money 12 times, and speak 12 times. Money to money. Gold to gold, wallets to wallets. Everything that’s mine is with me, all the money in the new year will go to me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the ritual, hide the pot in a secluded place and light the candles for another 12 days.

  1. For guard. Before you sit down at the table on Christmas Eve, read the charm charm:

“On a bright night, on Christmas night. A great miracle takes place on earth, Jesus Christ is born into the world, appears in the world, all people are saturated with his grace. Divine grace will also fall on me, the servant of God (name), and will protect me from all troubles, from the evil eye, from evil damage, everything unclean and unkind will fly past me.”

Repeat the protective words a second time after dinner, and a third time before bed.

What to do before Christmas on Christmas Eve: fortune telling with candles, water, mirrors

Nowadays, rare young ladies sit down to tell fortunes on January 6th. But half a century ago, all young girls were looking forward to Christmas Eve - the first day long period Christmas fortune-telling using water, rings, mirrors, candles, felt boots, etc. Already in the evening on Christmas Eve, the girls went out into the yard with a spoonful of kutya and listened to where the dog was barking from. It was believed that it was on that side that the betrothed would have to wait. For the same purpose, the girls threw their shoes over the gate and watched the direction of the toe.

Today such methods are not entirely relevant. But there were others, more suitable options for predictions for the Holy Evening. Read on what to do before Christmas on Christmas Eve: fortune telling with candles, water, rings and other objects in the next section.

How to tell fortunes on Christmas Eve January 6

On Christmas Eve before Christmas, you can do a lot of interesting things, and fortune telling with water, candles and mirrors is one of them.

  1. Fortune telling by candle. Turn off all the lights and light one candle. Peer closely into the flame and think through your desire. If the fire burns evenly and calmly, the dream will soon come true. If the flame sways or goes out, the wish will not come true.
  2. Fortune telling on two mirrors. Place mirrors one opposite the other and sit between them with a candle in your hands. Look carefully at the reflection. As soon as the picture begins to blur, you will be able to see the image of the future groom.
  3. Fortune telling on objects. Gather with your friends in a room by candlelight. Take out the previously prepared items (coin, ring, match, handkerchief, spoon, keys, baby sock) and lay everything out on the table. With your left hand, select one item at a time without looking in order. Whoever gets the coin will become rich, a ring - for marriage, a spoon - for a well-fed life, a handkerchief - for tears and grief, a match - for passion, keys - for a new home, a sock - for a new addition to the family.

What to do on January 18 - Christmas Eve before Orthodox Epiphany: traditions

If Christmas Eve begins a short period “without a cross,” then Epiphany Eve ends it. After all, according to legend, little Jesus, born on January 7, was baptized only on the 19th. Also on this day, the end of the “terrible evenings” of the riot of otherworldly forces approaches. And, meanwhile, Epiphany Christmas Eve is considered the most dangerous time before the upcoming water blessing. It is not surprising that most of the traditions and rituals of this period are aimed at protecting and purifying the family, home, soul and body of each of us, locking the invisible border between the living and the dead. Do you know what to do on January 18th - Christmas Eve before Orthodox Baptism: Celebration traditions have changed slightly over the past decades, but their essence has remained unchanged.

Traditions and rituals on Epiphany Christmas Eve January 18

Just as hundreds of years ago, today on Epiphany Eve it is customary to do certain things, observe specific traditions, and celebrate Orthodox rituals. From the very morning of January 18, housewives begin cleaning the house, washing floors and windows, preparing sochivo and other “hungry” ritual treats. Towards evening, everyone goes to the temple for blessed water, and upon returning home, they sprinkle the corners and thresholds of the house using a bunch of dry spikelets. The festive meal begins after dawn with three sips of sacred water. Kutya is eaten first, followed by other dishes and uzvar. The remains of the juice should not be thrown away; it is better to save them for feeding livestock. It is believed that such a ritual contributes to greater fertility of the household.

Otherwise, there is no special riotous entertainment on Epiphany Eve. Great way to spend the eve of the great celebration of Epiphany - he will go to church for the night service. During the Christmas-Epiphany period they are especially beautiful and inspiring.

What do they do on Christmas Eve before Epiphany: is it possible to guess on January 18 and 19

All representatives of the fair sex - from young girls to adult women - wondering what they do on Christmas Eve before Epiphany: is it possible to guess on January 18 and 19? After all, this is the last day winter holidays, allowing you to take advantage of the most reliable predictions about the future. But you really want to have time to find out where the belated betrothed is, why wealth does not come to the house, whether to expect troubles in the new year. It's time to find out whether you can tell fortunes on Epiphany Eve and what else to do on January 18-19 to find out the mother truth.

How to tell fortunes on Epiphany Eve

People believe that after Epiphany Christmas Eve Girls can't guess. So, January 18th - last chance clarify important points for yourself.

  1. Fortune telling by comb. Place your comb (comb) under your pillow and say before going to sleep, “Come and comb my hair.” If you are getting married in the near future, you will see the image of your groom in a dream.
  2. Fortune telling. Take a ring, a flower and a ribbon, and cover each item with one of three identical cups. Ask a friend to mix the dishes thoroughly and choose one of them. If you come across a flower, expect a declaration of love. If the ring means marriage. If the ribbon falls out, you will wear girls for another year.
  3. Fortune telling by shadows. Turn off the lights in the room, light a candle, make a cherished wish. Burn a crumpled sheet of paper on a flat plate: if the cinder remains a “breast”, the dream will soon come true, but if it falls in a flat layer of ash, the wish is not yet destined to come true.

After looking through our article, you learned what to do on Christmas Eve before the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany of the Lord (January 6 and 18). We hope our tips will help you stick Orthodox traditions and observe popular signs during these amazing pre-holiday days.
