Aquamarine is a sea water stone for travel and beauty. Aquamarine: Aquamarine gemstone deposits

"What's in a name?" The aquamarine stone already tells by its name what distinguishes it from other jewelry. "Aqua" from Latin - water, "marina" - sea. However, the sea is different. What state of it is reflected in aquamarine? The purity, transparency, inner radiance of this stone resemble the expanse of the sea in clear weather.

History and origins

According to legend, the sea stone was first discovered by ancient sailors in a treasure chest owned by a mermaid. It is logical to assume that this caused the wrath of a beautiful underwater inhabitant. But no! Ever since the world knew aquamarines, the Greeks and Romans began to perceive them as a lucky sign for sailors, and the mermaid as their patroness. With aquamarine, one could safely go on the most distant and unpredictable trips. And seasickness with this stone is not terrible.

Mirror reflection of the seas and ocean - Cosmos. The same boundless, alluring and mysterious. According to another legend associated with aquamarine, it reflected the sky in itself and was associated with the planet Neptune. Esotericists associated this mineral with the first month of spring: in March, the sky is luminous and transparent, as if painted with pastel colors.

But the name of this jewel was given by Pliny the Elder, the ancient Roman sage. He considered the most valuable specimens of aquamarine, which had a shade of greenish-transparent water. The nobility was very fond of this stone, it was even called imperial. Many aquamarine medallions depicting the rulers of different countries have survived to this day.

Physical properties of aquamarine

Aquamarine is a part of a rock, a transparent mineral, a jewel. It is based on a crystal system and is considered a variety. Aquamarine properties in detail:

  • colors from blue to pale green, which is associated with the content of iron (Fe);
  • hardness on the Mohs scale (detection of strength by scratching a group of reference minerals) - 7.5-8;
  • density 2.75 g/cm: hard and at the same time light and brittle;
  • like glass, noticeably shiny;
  • does not luminesce;
  • also resembles other stones of a similar color;
  • refractive indices - 1.56-1.60;
  • has one axis;
  • in its raw form it has the shape of a prism with six faces;
  • elongated, columnar;
  • darkens under the influence of very high temperatures;
  • two-tone, which becomes noticeable from different angles of view;
  • may have cavities along the edges, which, when filled, change the color of the stone;
  • does not contain adhesions;
  • important: fades in the sun.

Aquamarine stone is sometimes counterfeited with glass. But synthetic production is not in demand, since it is a complex and wasteful process.

Place of Birth

In nature, aquamarines are found quite a lot in opposite parts of the world. There are, for example, in distant points of Russia (in Transbaikalia and the Urals), in Madagascar and in Brazil. Although the geography of sea stones is unusually wide: the USA, Ukraine, Australia, India, etc. They are found in pegmatites, often included in coarse-grained granites. The largest stone was discovered in Brazil at the dawn of the 20th century. He weighed over 100 kg! Aquamarine jewelry from it turned out to be 220 thousand carats. And it was not the only aquamarine-leader in terms of weight - before it, an 18 kg stone was found in Brazil and gave it a name. The Jacketeau produced 30,000 carats of jewelry material.

The loudest aquamarine jewelry:

  1. Scepter of King Stanislaw of Poland (30 cm long);
  2. Museum exhibit of a crystal 125 cm long at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute;
  3. Indian aquamarine about 200 g in the crown of the kings of England;
  4. 82 kg stone from Eastern Transbaikalia;
  5. Aquamarines 19 and 20 cm, found in the Ilmensky mountains;
  6. Altai samples 15 cm wide and 61 cm long.

In Russia, aquamarines of blue-blue hues are more often found. Brazil, in addition to finding large-sized aquamarines, distinguished itself in 1917 by the discovery of stones of an unusual sapphire-blue color. They were named maxix aquamarines in honor of the mine where the precious stones were discovered.

But then, in the light of the bright rays of the sun, they behaved in an unexpected way: they turned into reddish-brown or yellowish. Experts came to the conclusion that the process of irradiating the crystals was to blame.

The healing properties of aquamarine

Aquamarine belongs to the category of stones in which shamans and healers have found healing properties since ancient times. Perhaps the mesmerizing light coming from within these crystals offered hope for healing. Therefore, they tried to wear it closer to the body and in direct contact with those parts that were exposed to the disease.

The “weak zones” that need the patronage of aquamarine include:

  • joints (arthritis treatment);
  • veins (prevention of varicose veins);
  • eyes (removal of inflammation);
  • throat (getting rid of pain and irritation);
  • neck (thyroid treatment);
  • skin (relieving itching, getting rid of a rash).

For the health of the throat, pendants should be chosen, and to maintain the skin in excellent condition, it is recommended to wear aquamarine rings. It is important that this mineral solves problems with immunity.

The magical properties of aquamarine

Where there is healing, there is magic. The power of aquamarine lies in the fact that it gives its owner the opportunity to penetrate into the essence of things, to interpret the most complex phenomena and events. It makes his inner energy bright and positive, his emotions rich, but restrained. It also teaches a rational attitude to everything that is really important.

Aquamarines keep their owner from rash and irreparable actions. And in the behavior of others, evil intentions and lies are revealed. The color of the stone, sometimes changing when worn on the body, is able to reflect the mood, the internal state of a person and the weather. The magical effect of the stone also includes the ability to:

  • bring good luck in travel;
  • inspire for successful research activities;
  • get rid of tobacco addiction and alcoholism;
  • empower people with courage and self-confidence.

Talismans and amulets

The main task of amulets and talismans made of aquamarines is to protect a person from any extremes in his behavior and decision-making.

He is able to stop a quarrel, manage passions, calm the raging forces of nature, emotions. Stimulate intellectual development, reveal the esoteric abilities of a person. Aquamarine amulets were indispensable companions of sailors on a long voyage.

How to distinguish a fake

The main way to determine the naturalness of aquamarine is associated with the individual ability of this stone to change its color under the influence of different circumstances. And air temperature is a determining factor.

When heated to 400-500 degrees, aquamarine darkens and acquires a greenish tint. But pink and colorless beryls can acquire the color of sapphire or dark blue if they are irradiated with a neutron. However, the color becomes different at high temperature or daylight. All these tests are possible only in laboratory conditions. A fake stone will not be able to change color during such an experiment.

Aquamarine Care

Given the contradictory nature of the stone - hardness and brittleness - care should be taken to preserve this jewel in a safe environment. You should not take them to work if it is associated with chemicals. To avoid scratching your aquamarine, store it separately from other jewelry. Clean the surface with soapy water, preferably warm. Dry with soft towels or a dry cloth.

Aquamarine and zodiac signs

Aries aquamarine helps to feel their significance, exclusivity, nobility, because it delivers aesthetic pleasure. All this helps this zodiac sign to be more condescending to others.

Different Taurus have different perceptions of aquamarine. Those of them who want, having overcome their nature, to rise above everything ordinary, to part with mundane interests, will want to acquire it. Others will shrug their shoulders and walk past the sea pebble.

This stone will help Gemini learn to perceive the world around them more deeply. But it can increase their excessive talkativeness.

Very different in their manifestation of character and mood, Cancers need aquamarine as a stabilizing beginning. With it, their sense of unease will dissolve without a trace.

Aquamarine acts in a similar way on Lviv. This is an impulsive, energetic, often unrestrained sign of the zodiac. Aquamarine makes Lviv think more about their actions and correlate them with the opinions of others. However, if such an outcome of the case is not to the taste of the “kings of beasts”, they will never agree to obey such an influential stone.

Virgos, unlike Leos, are critical of themselves. And to other people too. Being generally friendly and attentive people, they sometimes become intrusive and demanding of relatives and employees. Aquamarine will help improve the situation - it will soften Virgo and calm her down.

Most of all in life, Libra seeks to balance their inner world. Isn't this the property of aquamarine? In this case, we are dealing with the best union of a stone and a zodiac sign.

The unbridled Scorpio is also not averse to wearing an aquamarine jewelry or amulet. This zodiac sign is literally exhausted, constantly controlling the passions that boil inside him. Prone from time to time to a sharp change of mood and uncontrolled aggression, he needs the support of a stone that knows the secrets of the harmony of water and sky.

Sagittarius is not entirely clear aquamarine. After all, this sign is quite satisfied with the balance between his desires and opportunities, which is present in him by nature. Sagittarius is contact, active, energetic and friendly to people. But on the other hand, aquamarine will help him get rid of excessive fussiness in his personal and family life.

Capricorn is ambition, determination, efficiency, prudence, rationality. This list of qualities lacks soulfulness. As for spirituality, it manifests itself in Capricorns not immediately and not always, but in the course of studying human capabilities. Since these opportunities are described in solid literature, they are talked about, they help to achieve goals, then Capricorn must certainly reveal them in himself. But how to become close to the ideal? Aquamarine, which gives balance to all living things, is indispensable here!

Aquarius - people, as a rule, are transcendental, striving in their fantasies to the Cosmos. And there, as we remember, the planet Neptune rotates, closely associated with the element of aquamarine stone. This mineral gives Aquarius a dream and light, at the same time keeps them from rash and irrational actions. And what is important - from unjustified monetary costs.

If Pisces has aquamarine jewelry, they “do not spill water” with them. Sea stone allows Pisces to be in their element - meditation - and at the same time clearly formulate priorities and tasks. Infinitely doubting Pisces, it is with aquamarine that they become more decisive and successful in spiritual development and self-realization.


When purchasing an aquamarine, it is worth considering first of all its size. Weight is not an indicator, like y. Because the density of aquamarine stones is different. However, it is in a set with a diamond that aquamarine symbolizes eternity.

Aquamarine stones have many useful properties! We want to “dessert” to advise you a few secrets: look at this beautiful stone before going to bed, and your night will be serene. Better yet, take a therapeutic bath before bed. Put an aquamarine on the bottom of the bath, fill it with hot water. Close the faucet.

After 30 minutes, start the water again so that it corresponds to about thirty-six degrees. Then take out the stone and take a bath for up to 15 minutes. This way of relaxing will have a complex effect on the body.

Aquamarine stone - a gemstone for travel, health and beauty

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Properties and description of the stone "Aquamarine"

Aquamarine- This is a variety of beryl greenish-blue tones. Refers to jewelry precious stones of the First Group of the Third Order according to the classification of V.Ya. Kievlenko. Blooms in the sun. It is sometimes confused with pale or. The main feature of aquamarine is two-color, which appears when you change the angle of view.

The name of the stone in Latin means "sea water" ("Laqua" - water, "marinus" - sea). The name of this precious stone was given by the ancient Roman sage Pliny the Elder, although Pliny himself did not use it: “The most valued are those beryls that resemble the pure green of sea waters in their color.”

Physical and chemical properties of Aquamarine

a) Chemical formula: Be 3 Al 2 Si 6 O 18;
b) Syngony: hexagonal;
c) Color: light blue, bluish-green, greenish-blue or gray-blue;
d) Line color: white;
e) Luster: glassy;
e) Transparency: transparent to opaque;
g) Hardness: 7.5-8;
h) Cleavage: absent;
i) Fracture: conchoidal, uneven, brittle;
j) Density: 2.67-2.71 g/cm 3 ;
l) Refractive index: 1.577-1.583.

The genetic classification is igneous, intrusive.

Composition: oxides of beryllium (14.1%), aluminum (19%), silicon (66.9%); impurities of sodium, potassium, lithium, cesium, rubidium, iron, vanadium, and sometimes chromium are noted. Aquamarine is a dialuminum triberyllium hexasilicate.

Features of the formation of Aquamarine

Aquamarine is formed in granitic pegmatites, greisens and hydrothermal veins.

Aquamarine deposits

Quite widely distributed in nature. Aquamarines from various deposits vary in color from sky blue to dark blue. So, according to A.E. Fersman, Russian aquamarines are characterized by a variety of shades: blue tones are characteristic of the crystals of the Urals and Transbaikalia, green-blue tones of the Ilmensky mountains.

Findings of aquamarines in pegmatites of Volyn (Ukraine) are known. Excellent quality bluish-green and blue aquamarines are mined in Brazil (piece of Minas Gerais). They are also known in Madagascar, in many US states, in Burma, India, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Tanzania, Argentina, China, Norway, and Ireland.

Unusual deep sapphire-blue aquamarines were found in 1917. in pcs. Minas Gerais in Brazil at the Maxix mine and were named Maxix aquamarines. However, the color of the crystals turned out to be unstable: in daylight, after a few days, they became discolored or turned yellow or reddish-brown. It has been suggested that this is caused by the natural irradiation of the crystals. Maxix contains traces of copper; has a high content of alkalis.

Some aquamarine crystals reach record sizes. So, the scepter of the Polish king Stanislav, 30 cm long, was carved from solid stone, which is stored in the Kremlin Armory. The museum of the Petersburg Mining Institute has a 125 cm long aquamarine crystal. A processed Indian aquamarine weighing a little less than 200 g is inserted into the crown of the English kings.

One of the world's largest (if not the largest) aquamarine crystal was discovered in 1910 in the Marambani deposit near the Mukuri River in Brazil. In a pegmatite vein at a depth of 5 m, there was a beautiful transparent hexagonal stone 48.3 cm long and 41 cm across. Its weight was 110.2 kg. In the central part, its color is blue, turning into light green along the edges, and in the transition zone with a yellowish tint.

That aquamarine was bought by two German jewelers for 85,000 marks (one part of the crystal weighing 6 kg is in the New York Museum, cut stones of excellent quality were obtained from the second part). An aquamarine weighing 23.3 kg, later found in the same place, was already valued at 1 million dollars.

A large aquamarine weighing 82 kg was found in 1796 in Eastern Transbaikalia. Beautiful bluish-green 19 and 20 cm long were discovered in 1843 in the Ilmensky mountains. Aquamarines 61 cm long and 15 cm wide were found in Altai.

In Brazil, in addition to the above, such large aquamarines as "Marta Roja" weighing 34 kg, crystals of 22.3, 22, 10 and 5.3 kg were found.

Of the faceted aquamarines, a stone weighing 900 carats should be mentioned. from India and a diamond-cut stone weighing 133 3/4 ct. from North America.

Application of Aquamarine

Although aquamarine has been known to people for a long time, its popularity peaked in the Middle Ages. According to legend, due to their mystical affinity with sea water (in fact, their color similarity), aquamarine amulets protected sailors at sea.

Since ancient times, aquamarine has been considered an ideal stone for pendants and necklaces. The soul of the sea, lying on the chest, gives a person additional strength, self-confidence. And in combination with aquamarine, it represents the unity of the two principles of air and water. It's like a star reflecting on the surface of the sea, it's a symbol of eternity.

The stone changes color not only when the weather changes, but, according to ancient beliefs, and depending on the mood of its owner. When the owner's heart and surrounding nature are clear and calm, the stone is distinctly blue. In bad weather and bad mood - greenish-blue. It becomes slightly cloudy when love leaves and the soul of the owner is seized by deep sadness, and also when intrigues are woven against the owner.

It used to be that it was simply contraindicated for dishonest people to wear it. Otherwise, any deception of such a person will be exposed.

As a talisman, aquamarine develops courage and courage, warns the owner by darkening or reducing transparency about the direction of lies and insincerity against him. As an amulet, it cools the ardor of quarrels and passions, stabilizes the emotional and mental sphere. Good for eyesight. Relieves toothache, stomach and liver pain.

In ancient times, Indian aquamarines of the color of sea water were highly valued. Aquamarine was worn as a talisman to protect life on long journeys. It was believed that the purer and more homogeneous the stone, the better it helps in the pursuit of science and philosophy.

Medicinal properties of Aquamarine

Lithotherapists claim that aquamarine strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body of toxins, and stabilizes the nervous system. Wearing a stone in the form of a pendant helps to cure diseases of the thyroid gland. Aquamarine rings cure skin diseases. Earrings relieve headaches, relieve insomnia and causeless fears.

The magical properties of Aquamarine

In ancient times, aquamarine was considered one of the most powerful stones of magic, capable of exposing any astral deception. It was also used in the manufacture of amulets that reveal inner vision, cool passions and calm storms and hurricanes. This stone helps the owner to understand the mysterious meaning of the most ordinary events, gives the owner an emotional understanding of the world around him, teaches a person to direct the energy of even the most primitive desires for the benefit of mankind. Aquamarine corrects the owner's thoughts and actions - it stops everything that can violate the laws of morality and virtue. This stone can be called a judge and teacher of a person, he is so wise and just. In India, they still believe that this stone strengthens the spirit, makes it possible to expose deceptions, so only honest people who never lie can wear it. It is believed that this stone gives courage, preserves the unity of spouses. In ancient times, it was believed that he was able to ensure safety in travel and victory in naval battles. Aquamarine has also been used for seasickness.

Aquamarine changes its color depending on the state of the weather and the mood of its owner. This is probably why in ancient times it was used as a kind of barometer: if the stone becomes cloudy and green, then a storm or storm should be expected, and if it suddenly changed color in clear weather, then its owner is in a bad mood. Aquamarine is most useful for people born under the signs of Pisces and Cancer. The rest of the signs should remember that aquamarine does not work for overly active people - it closes. It is contraindicated to wear this stone and people prone to lies and fraud - this stone does not tolerate dishonorable acts.

Aquamarine is able to relieve toothache, stomach and liver pain. If you look at it for a long time, it improves your eyesight. It helps with disorders of the nervous system and arousal, helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

Talismans and amulets from Aquamarine

As a talisman, aquamarine should be used by sailors, travelers and people involved in scientific work. With its help, you can easily quit smoking, abuse alcohol, forget obsessive fears, forgive the offender not in words, but with all your heart.

In addition to the gas-liquid and liquid inclusions characteristic of all beryls, aquamarines sometimes contain solid white inclusions, called “chrysanthemums” and “snow marks”. These inclusions can serve as a diagnostic sign.

In jewelry, it is very difficult to distinguish aquamarines from natural blue topazes, synthetic spinels, and glass. In addition, sometimes doublets are used as an imitation of aquamarine. Imitations should be distinguished by physical properties and inclusions.

Certain difficulties in the diagnosis of natural aquamarines arise due to the fact that the blue color of beryl can be caused by heating greenish and yellowish beryls to a temperature of 400-500 o C; it is stable, and without special studies it cannot be distinguished from natural.

In addition, colorless and pink, after neutron irradiation, acquire a deep sapphire or cobalt blue color, similar to the color of maxix aquamarines. However, this color is unstable - it quickly disappears in daylight or heating.

Video about the stone Aquamarine. Videos about Aquamarine stone.

Aquamarine stone Facts, Information Description and Properties

A stone of courage and serenity…Clear light blue, blue-green, this lovely and gentle gem evokes the sea in both its name and its color. The ancients saw this as a stone of courage and felt that carrying it would help them return safe and prosperous from all sea voyages.

From the lightest sky-blue to the deep blue of the sea … aquamarines show all these shades of an exceptionally beautiful range of usually light blues. It is truly a quite fascinating stone.

Beads of aquamarine have been found in ancient Egyptian mummy pits. It is held in quite high regard in the East as the Stone of the Seer and Mystic, a gemstone that imparts purity to the wearer, as well as encouraging the gentle nature and personality in the wearer. It is a symbol of peace.

Scientific Properties of Aquamarine

Mohs Hardness of 7.5 with a hexagonal crystal structure.

aquamarine(Lat. aqua marina, "water of the sea") is a gemstone -quality transparent variety of beryl, having a delicate blue or bluish-green color, suggestive of the tint of sea-water. It's closely related to emerald.

Almost all aquamarine on the current market has been heat treated to enhance it’s color, therefore care must be taken to not overheat these gems, as they may inadvertently become colorless. This practice continues as gem dealers have never been able to successfully duplicate or synthesize aquamarine.

Mystical Properties of Aquamarine

Although aquamarine has quite a range of uses, it’s strongest energies are in the field of opening up the psychic. If you are especially sensitive to the thoughts and vibrations of other people, wear aquamarine with smoky quartz, as this combination will ease the sharpness of the incoming impressions, and the quartz will help to ground you in the physical. In this manner you may avoid being overcome by unwanted impressions.

Healing Properties of Aquamarine

Aquamarine is told the help reduce one’s dependence on drugs, and to help eliminate fluid retention by strengthening the kidneys, liver, spleen and thyroid, thus purifying the general body. At one time, long ago, eyeglasses were made of aquamarine as the stone is soothing to the eyes.

It is told that this stone placed on the neck or worn as a short necklace will treat many neck and throat problems. Placed on swollen glands or worn around the neck it will reduce swelling. Chronic tonsillitis may be relieved by wearing a necklace of aquamarine together with turquoise, sodalite, chalcedony and blue topaz. This stone also has a beneficial effect on the thyroid, and is helpful is most all throat and neck ailments.

Magical Properties of Aquamarine

  • Energy: Receptive.
  • Element: water.
  • Powers: Psychic abilities, peace, courage and purification.

Aquamarine is said to be the stone of the sea goddesses of past times, due to it's association with the sea. As a semiprecious variety of beryl, it has long been associated with the sea and element of water. Sea Witches are told the cleanse the stone in the ocean water at night by the light of the full moon.

In magic, this glorious stone is worn or carried about the body to enhance the use of psychic powers. Holding a crystal of the aquamarine or wearing a faceted form of the stone around the neck reduces our conscious mind’s hold on the psychic mind and allows our ever present psychic impulses to be heard and to enter into our more conscious mind.

A gentle and cleansing elixir can be created by placing an aquamarine in a glass of fresh water, allowing it to sit in the full moonlight, outdoors if possible, for three hours. Retrieve the stone, drink the liquid for purification and heightened psychic awareness.


  • Associations: Moon.

Modern Birthstone for the Month of March, it is an ancient birthstone in many cultures for the month of October.

Stone of Taurus according to some, due to the fact that aquamarine (and the entire beryl family) are of hexagonal (six-sided) crystalline form, and six is ​​a number belonging to Venus. Others say it is connect with Gemini, Pisces and Aries.

For Aquarius the aquamarine promotes friendship and love, while for Pisces it encourages awareness. Libras are warned against danger.

To dream of aquamarine means loving friendships, happy relationships and much pleasant social activity is coming.

Chakra Classification

Depending on the color, aquamarine is related to the 5th, or Throat Chakra, it is good for meditation as it brings calmness, peace and inspiration with love. It also strengthens personal power and the aura.

When placed on the 3rd, or Solar Plexus Chakra is relaxes the solar plexus and digestive organs.

The name given to aquamarine many centuries ago expresses the very essence of the stone in the best possible way, because from the Latin "aqua marina" is translated as "sea water". The name was assigned to the mineral thanks to the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder, who lived in the 1st century AD. e. In addition, it was Pliny who noted the similarity between beryls and aquamarines.

Back in the days of the ancient civilization of the Sumerians, which existed until 2000 BC. e., beautiful greenish-blue stones symbolized longevity, happiness and youth. In Rome, aquamarine, being the protector of sailors, also personified sincere love and devotion. And even in the Middle Ages, the stone continued to be used to revive feelings between spouses who had cooled off towards each other.

Physical and chemical properties of aquamarine

Aquamarine is a hard mineral with a vitreous luster and belongs to the beryl family, best known for its precious emeralds. The color palette ranges from deep blue to almost transparent pale turquoise, which is due to iron impurities. Sometimes among aquamarines there are specimens with the effect of asterism or "cat's eye". Such specimens are extremely rare and are of particular value.

When aquamarine is heated above 400 ° C, the saturation and brightness of its color increases significantly. This property is actively used to turn an inexpensive pale stone into a more valuable specimen.

Excellent transparency and good hardness - up to 8 on the Mohs scale - makes aquamarine a favorite of cutters, because the stone allows you to experiment with unusual cut shapes and create real masterpieces. However, the stone is not protected from damage - due to its fragility, it can literally be crushed.

Aquamarine deposits

Aquamarine is mined from granite pegmatites. The stone is not uncommon and is found almost all over the planet. The largest deposits of aquamarine are in Brazil. (including in the state of Minas Gerais), in Madagascar and in Russia - in the Urals and Transbaikalia. By the way, it was in Brazil that the largest gem-quality aquamarine crystal was mined - its weight was 110.5 kg.

Aquamarine is found in small volumes in many countries, for example, in Australia, India, Namibia, Tanzania, the USA and Sri Lanka. Ukraine is also one of the countries where aquamarines are mined. However, few deposits can match the quality of Brazilian stones.

Healing and magical properties of aquamarine

Since ancient times, aquamarine has been considered the lucky stone of sailors. Legends tell of how the Sirens kept aquamarine in their treasuries and offered the gem to sailors who found themselves in the open ocean during a storm.

To this day, aquamarines are considered magical "barometers" - a change in the color of a stone from clear and pure to cloudy and dark speaks of an emotional or physical ailment of its owner.

Although healing properties were attributed to almost all precious stones in antiquity, aquamarine was considered one of the most powerful healers: centuries-old manuscripts call aquamarine a panacea for arthritis, eye inflammation, sore throats and seasickness. In addition, the calm, unique color of the stone helps to restore peace of mind, restore the nervous system and relieve melancholy.

Who is aquamarine for?

Aquamarine is an ideal stone for those born in March, as well as sailors and scientists.

The bluish-green variety of beryl is called aquamarine. This mineral is characterized by fading when exposed to the sun for a long time. The gem is sometimes confused with pale sapphires or topazes.

The main feature of aquamarine is the two-color, which appears when you change the angle of view. Aquamarines are mostly stepped cut and, interestingly, have high wear resistance.

Large aquamarine crystals were found in Russia. The first minerals were found in the Urals in 1669. 82 kilograms - this was the weight of the largest gem found in Eastern Transbaikalia in the 18th century.

Aquamarine mines exist on almost all continents: they are mined in Argentina, Ireland, Norway, Ukraine and Sri Lanka. Good quality aquamarines are mined in the USA, India, Burma, Nigeria, Afghanistan.

According to beliefs, the gem is able to maintain the unity of the spouses and give courage. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that aquamarine would ensure victory in naval battles, as well as safety during travel.

« Aquamarine" in Latin means " sea ​​water”, so the gem began to personify the soul and essence of the sea.

What stones can be confused with aquamarine? Blue of a faint shade is very reminiscent of aquamarine, but in terms of jewelry quality they are significantly inferior to the famous mineral. Aquamarine does not have such a defect as spinel, namely gaseous inclusions in stones that look like small bubbles.

aquamarine color

Aquamarine stone: the magical properties of the mineral

The healing properties of the stone

Aquamarine and zodiac signs. The meaning of the stone

It is vital for Libra to be magistrates and advisers to others, so representatives of this sign will appreciate the properties that a gem will give them, namely: a sense of justice, calmness and sobriety of mind, prudence and the ability to communicate with others. Aquamarine is able to calm Libra and relieve negative emotions. The stone will smooth out the frightening mood swings of Libra and will contribute to the establishment of both business and friendships.

Aquamarine stone and Pisces are symbols of the water element, so they are very suitable for each other. The gem will enhance the positive qualities of the representatives of the Pisces sign: immunity to negative emotions, calmness and equanimity, selflessness and a colossal desire to travel and develop spiritually. Aquamarine will give Pisces courage, enhance self-esteem. The mineral will teach representatives of this sign to control their emotions, relieve shocks, useless experiences and stress.

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/ Mineral Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a gemstone variety of the blue or greenish-blue mineral beryl.

The name of the stone comes from the Latin aqua marina - "sea water", because the color of the stone resembles warm tropical seas. The color is due to the incorporation of ferrous iron into the structure of beryl or the incorporation of ferrous and trivalent iron into the structure and the electronic interaction between them. Many aquamarine crystals are characterized by cavities-tubules parallel to the faces of the prism, which, if filled with liquid or gas, give the crystals a whitish tint, and if they are filled with iron hydroxides - brownish; often there are also gas bubbles, flat inclusions and inclusions in the form of snowflakes formed from healed cracks.

In some crystals, rutile ingrowths and star-shaped inclusions can occur, creating a rare asterism and cat's eye effect. Inclusions of crystals of biotite, phlogopite, pyrite, and ilmenite are often also noted. Once upon a time, royal crowns were decorated with aquamarine, in addition, it was used as lenses for glasses (the first lenses date back to 1300).

The most magnificent deposits are located in Brazil, a crystal weighing 110.5 kg was mined at one of the South American deposits. The largest aquamarine (of known faceted stones) weighs 2594 carats.

It is believed that aquamarine is able to tame the raging sea. This is a talisman of true love, protecting friendship and preserving justice. It was once believed that it strengthens the heart, helps with diseases of the lungs, skin and nervous system.

What does a mineral look like?

Aquamarine refers to the gem variety of the mineral beryl, which has a greenish-blue, sky-blue or blue hue. Aqua marina in Latin is “water of the sea”, because. the color of this mineral is similar to water from tropical seas. When its structure is filled with liquid or gases, the crystal acquires a whitish hue. If it is filled with iron hydroxides, then it gets a brownish tint. In addition, there may be gas bubbles and inclusions in the form of snowflakes inside. Some of the crystals contain inclusions of rutile in the form of stars, which create the rarest effect of a cat's eye. Often you can find crystals of phlogopite or ilmenite inside the mineral.

Place of Birth

The main deposits of this stone are located in Brazil, where a mineral weighing 110.5 kg was found. In addition, there are larger deposits in South Africa, Pakistan, America and Madagascar. In Russia, this stone is mined in the territory of Transbaikalia and the Urals.

Crystal Composition

In nature, you can find this transparent or translucent mineral in the form of a prismatic elongated crystal having a variety of sizes.

Aquamarine has a Mohs hardness of 7.5 to 8, a density of 2.7, and refractive indices of 1.57 to 1.58. In some cases, you can find aquamarine, having a mass of 2 to 3 kg, less often about 8-10 kg. Most often, it can be obtained in the process of firing green or yellowish-green beryl.

Where is it used?

A few centuries ago, this stone was used to decorate royal crowns and spectacle lenses. This stone is appreciated by most famous designers who annually release their new collections of jewelry interspersed with this stone.

Often such a mineral is used to make jewelry and to decorate bracelets, watches, bags or eyeglass frames. It can be perfectly combined with all variants of gold products, with silver, copper and plastic.


Aquamarine belongs to the minerals of the beryl group, has a very attractive color, is a greenish-blue variety of beryl. The color of the stone is due to the combination of beryl with a very small amount of iron. Aquamarine generally very rarely exists in nature in the form of large single crystals that do not contain inclusions at all.

Synthetic aquamarine is obtained from a solution in the melt, as well as through the hydrothermal method. Despite the rather high prices for high-quality aquamarine, the high cost of growing a synthetic stone makes growing aquamarine in the laboratory a rather unprofitable enterprise. Despite this, the rise in prices for natural stones may still contribute to the use of synthetic stone in the jewelry market on a fairly large scale.

Another reason for the absence of synthetic aquamarine is the existence of a similar stone that is not as expensive to grow, blue spinel is quite attractive and its cost in the laboratory is quite acceptable and much affordable compared to aquamarine.

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Mineral properties

Chemical formula Be3Al2Si6O18
Color blue, greenish blue
