What does a guy give a girl on nicknames. Muslim wedding

The other day my cousin Gulnaz got married. The celebration was held according to Muslim customs. I attended as a guest and photographer. Captured the main points.

On the day of nikah, the bride puts on a traditionally light dress, a scarf on her head to cover her hair. The groom puts on a skullcap and also a light shirt. Because it's a holiday! Guests come with flowers and gifts. Flowers are given immediately, gifts are kept until a special moment. Before the arrival of the mullahs, they do not sit at the table. Usually engaged in conversations. Men with men, women with women.

However, there are no strict restrictions. A wedding is an occasion to see relatives, to gather from distant regions and villages. Find out how each other is doing. Drinking alcohol on such a day is a sin. Therefore, there is no beer or vodka on the table. Pies with rice and fish, fruits and dried fruits, vegetables, sweets are served.

As for the decoration of the room, all portraits and photographs of people are taken out. In Islam, the cult of personality is not welcome, so it is better to remove the images of faces. When the mullah comes, the celebration begins. First, the universal prayer. The mullah reads the text of the prayer, the rest repeat after him. It is important to keep open palms in front of the face. It is believed that at this time grace from heaven fills the palms. At the end of the prayer, it is customary to “wash your face” in order to absorb all the good things.

There must be a male witness on the bride's side. My sister has neither a father (deceased) nor a brother. Therefore, this role went to the uncle.

Firstly, the mullah is interested in whether the young people marry voluntarily. What "kalym" does the groom give for the bride? It used to be that kalym was given to the girl's parents, now traditions have become simpler, so most often kalym is a gift to the bride on her wedding day. Its size can be different, depending on the wealth of the groom. It is believed that such a gift is not returned (in the event of a divorce). In our case, the bride received a gold bracelet. Mulla was interested: are the bride and her parents satisfied with such a gift?

Further, the mullah found out how the groom would call the bride's parents, and how the bride would call the groom's parents. Possible options are "mom-dad" or "mother-in-law". The parties agree on this “on the shore”, so that later there will be no resentment and disagreement. Mulla tells stories from life, gives advice to young people on how to live so that there are no quarrels and conflicts.

Next comes the rite of "admission to the family." The bride's mother spoon-feeds the groom and his parents with oil and honey - "so that your speeches are soft like butter and sweet like honey." The groom's parents do the same. The young themselves at this moment look like chicks that have not yet fluttered out of their parental nest ...

After these formalities, the gift exchange process begins. The parents of the bride give gifts to the parents of the groom and the groom, the parents of the groom - the bride and her parents. Then all the guests join the celebration of life. Gifts can be given not only to young people, it is not forbidden to give gifts to all guests of the table. They are usually given tea, socks, handkerchiefs, paper bills or metal coins and other trifles. It is believed that by sharing with your neighbor, you are doing a good deed.

The nikah ceremony ends with a festive meal. It can be a goose, a ram, pilaf. In our case - chak-chak.

Each guest is obliged to try the treat and put some money into the family budget for the young.

Let me remind you that all this time there is food on the table, but the guests do not eat anything. To start a feast, a special permission of the mullah and a prayer are required. Only after the ceremony is over, the mullah gives permission to bring in food, and the broth with traditional Tatar noodles, lamb and poultry meat are put on the table.

The holiday ends with a solemn tea party with sweets. There are usually no dances, songs and jokes on this day. For such a holiday, the newlyweds can choose a separate day.

What to give on nicknames to young people?
Gift on nicknames to the bride
Gift for the groom on nicknames
Gifts for parents on nicknames
Gifts on nicknames for guests

All for nikah

What to give on nicknames to young people.What can be presented on nicknames

Before the end of the prayer, all those present should stand up and give each other “sadaqah”. So in Islamic tradition is called a donation in honor of the Almighty. Usually it is money from 10 to 100 rubles. Pass the money folded four times, covering them with your palm. After the completion of the prayer, the mullah gives parting words to the newlyweds and tells how they should behave in marriage. This is followed by congratulations and wishes from the guests. When the solemn ceremony comes to an end, you can proceed to the festive meal.

The main and obligatory gift in conducting nikah is Mahr, this is a gift to the bride from the groom, I will talk about it a little later. The rest of all gifts carry more symbolic meaning than material value, but there are exceptions. Recently, it is customary to give newlyweds beautiful envelopes with banknotes. But there are also guests who give more substantial gifts, such as: a tea set, a sleeping set (blankets, pillows), dishes, small household appliances that are useful in everyday life, blankets. Some say that it is customary to give two items on nicknames: two pillows, two blankets, two rugs, two large towels, and so on. If the newlyweds are religious people, then in addition you can give a couple of beautiful prayers.

Gift on nicknames to the bride

The most important gift without which the nikah itself cannot be read is mahr. Mahr is not a price equivalent to a bride. Allah established the mahr so ​​that it symbolizes the determination of a man and his serious desire to enter into a strong bond of marriage. Mahr is just a symbol that embodies respect for a woman and her reverence.

Before giving it, the newlyweds discuss the gift itself, the bride has the right to choose the gift she wants to receive on nikah day. The future husband, if he is set up for a serious family relationship, is obliged to give a gift that the bride dreams of. This will be proof of his intentions.

In my practice of shooting nikah, most often men give their chosen one one thing: a gold ring with a precious stone, earrings, a bracelet, a chain and a pendant, there are rarely a gold watch and money in an envelope. The bride has the right to ask for personal property and real estate, etc. And yet the bride is a girl, and any girl will be happy with the new jewelry and will be more modest and will not ask for much.

After the fiance hands over the mahr, the gift remains with the wife and she has the right to dispose of it as she pleases, up to the point that she can sell it. The husband does not have the right to take the mahr or tell him what to do with it.

Gift for the groom on nicknames

Previously, the bride had to present her future husband and his relatives with various items of clothing: shirts, trousers, skullcaps sewn and embroidered with their own hands. Such a gift is not forbidden even now. A young man will be pleased to receive a thing in which his bride put her soul and her love.

An original gift will be sayings from the Koran embroidered with gold thread or beads or a traditional Tatar headdress - a skullcap.

Friends usually give money to the groom on nicknames, as a young family will need to equip their home and a cash gift will be a useful help. You can present the groom with a handmade dagger as a souvenir present. Such a gift will be worthy for every Muslim man.

Gifts for parents on nicknames

The future husband, taking his wife from the parental home, must present memorable gifts to his father-in-law and mother-in-law. The young man presents the parents of his girlfriend as a gift with the same things that will be presented to the parents of the groom. This moment is discussed in advance by the parents of the young couple so that there is no incident on the nicknames (for example, the groom's parents decided what would be presented to the bride's parents, and they did not prepare any gifts at all, or they are significantly inferior in value).

Jewelry set. It can be gold sets of rings, earrings, chains, pendants and bracelets with precious or semi-precious stones.

Religious handmade tapestry. Perfect for decorating the wall in the parent's room.

Dagger. You can give the father of the bride a beautiful dagger made of Damascus steel with an ivory handle. Your father-in-law will appreciate your gift.

Pillows. On pillows made of brocade or silk, embroidered with gold, it will be pleasant to lie in a hot summer.

Skullcap. The perfect gift for the father of the bride. You can order to embroider a certain ornament or pattern by hand. Such a gift will give the father-in-law a lot of positive emotions.

Handkerchief. The perfect gift for the mother of the bride.

Gifts on nicknames from the bride

Do not forget about gifts for the relatives of the future spouse. This is a sign of respect and reverence for future relatives. Needlework can also be given to the groom's relatives on nicknames. If there is no time for sewing and embroidery, then you can buy ready-made gifts. It is customary to give embroidered scarves to the mother of the groom and close relatives. The future mother-in-law can be presented with jewelry. For the groom's father, the future father-in-law, a richly decorated edition of the Koran or a branded shirt will be a suitable gift.

Gifts on nicknames from the groom

The groom arrives on nicknames with two geese, one is dressed as a boy (a suit is made with blue napkins), and the second goose is a girl (a dress is made with pink napkins). The boy was on the table, but the girl was traditionally taken back, two loaves (one was also taken back), chak-chaki and many other sweets, and of course a gift from the groom to the bride.

Gifts on nicknames for guests

Newlyweds can present scarves decorated with gold or silver embroidery to the grandmothers and aunts of the bride. The male half of the bride's relatives are given as a gift embroidered skullcaps - a traditional Muslim headdress.

For the rest of the guests present at nikah, the groom presents small gifts in the form of small souvenirs, coins made of precious metals or banknotes in the same currency and the same denomination, you can also pack tea, handkerchiefs, socks, rosaries. Mullah is also honored with a similar gift, only more expensive in value.

Personalized gifts on Nikah

A pleasant and practical gift would be towels and bathrobes with embroidery of the names of the newlyweds. Small towels on nikah are given to guests, as a rule, by the parents of the bride and groom. Muslims have long observed the tradition of giving gifts on nikah to their new relatives.

Newlyweds can give gifts to their new parents. For example, personalized bathrobes or towels embroidered with the wishes and names of the newlyweds are a nice gift. In Kazan, such personalized bathrobes and towels can be ordered.

Even a modern Tatar wedding takes place in compliance with the traditions of the parents. A Tatar wedding, or nikah, is almost the same as an Orthodox wedding.

In all regions of the Tatars, even in ancient times, the rite of nikah was held in different ways, but the main features are similar. I'll tell you how the Tatar wedding is now taking place in the Kirov region and Udmurtia.

It is necessary to organize a Tatar wedding before the state registration of marriage. For some, nikah passes a month, for someone even a year before the main wedding, in principle, there is no difference.

Nikah usually takes place at the home of the bride's parents. Before setting the date for the Tatar wedding - nikah, the groom and two male witnesses come to the bride's parents to woo. After meeting, they set the date for the wedding. They invite a mullah, set the table, guests come. The menu includes all Tatar dishes: shulpa soup, balesh, chak-chak is served with tea.

The bride and groom are seated in the most honorable place, on the one hand - two male witnesses, on the other - a mullah. It is good to put flowers and all the gifts (sadaqah) that the guests brought on the table.

Conditions for holding a Tatar wedding - nikah

  • The groom is Tatar, the bride may be of a different religion.
  • Mullah offers to read a prayer (Laillaha il Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah), which will confirm your acceptance of Islam, but even if you do not read the prayer, you can read nikah.
  • The bride must cover her head, arms and legs.
  • Before nikah, it is obligatory to perform a full body ablution (ghusl).
  • It is advised not to read nikah during uraza (fasting). This is done so that it is not difficult to fast. There is no sin if you read nikah after breaking the fast in the month of Ramadan.
  • A boy and a girl should not be close relatives.
  • A condition for a boy is a gift for a girl. Usually this is a gold jewelry that the girl wants. It is not necessary to give it during nikah, it is possible after.

First, the mullah reads instructions, educates. The young family is entrusted with three responsibilities: the very first is to take care of the parents. The second assignment from the duties of nikah is the upbringing of future children. And third, the duties of a husband to his wife and of a wife to her husband. The task of providing for the family from the material side is entrusted to the husband, to the wife - the upbringing of the child.

After the mullah reads his instructions and tells again what nikah is, what it is for, he begins to pray, then makes an entry in his book and issues you a certificate.

The groom gives gifts to close relatives from the bride's side, the bride gives gifts to the groom's relatives who arrived on nicknames.

Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed during and after nikah, their consumption is considered to be the absence of nikah.

After nikah, the groom must live in the house of the bride's parents for two to six days, then they, together with the bride, go to the groom's house. There they are met with honey and butter, the young are placed on a pillow - first the bride, then the groom, so that life is soft, and the bride is soft and accommodating.

After niqah, you are husband and wife before Allah. Remained state registration in the registry office.

The symbolic meaning of gifts on nicknames is many times greater than their material value. These gifts will become part of the life of the new family. In addition, the process of exchange itself means the equivalence of the parties, their desire to communicate and share the most precious.

There are no trifles in this matter, therefore we turned to the expert - the imam-hatib of the Iman Nura mosque, the senior imam of the Sovetsky district of Kazan, Niyaz Hazrat Zakirov - with the question: who is entitled to what kind of gift on nikah?

“The only gift that is prescribed by Sharia is Mahr * - a gift from the groom to the bride. This is her guarantor, what will remain with her, even if the marriage does not work out. Mahr is given directly during nikah. Hazrat himself asks about him. All other gifts depend on traditions.

For the 13 years that I have been conducting nikah ceremonies, I can say that in Tatarstan families they honor the custom of giving gifts to father-in-law and mother-in-law. Brides usually give their father-in-law a skullcap or a beautifully bound Koran, and mothers-in-law give a shawl or a beautiful scarf. In some families, the groom gives his father-in-law and mother-in-law the same thing.

* Mahr in Islamic terminology is the name of the property (gift) that a man must give to a woman due to the conclusion of a marriage contract (nikah).

The exchange of all gifts begins immediately after the hazrat has finished nikah. Including gifts are presented to guests - what is commonly called "sadaqa". As a rule, these are solid household items - towels, bed linen, scarves - for grandmothers, skullcaps - for grandfathers.

The Tatar tradition of holding nikah also suggests a present from the groom - a large chak-chak and two baked stuffed geese, one of which is cut by the groom's father during the meal, and the second is taken away by the groom's relatives, according to custom. A pair of geese symbolizes a newly formed married couple.

“There is a custom that often causes embarrassment,” says Niyaz hazrat, “these are gifts from parents to each other. For example, the bride's side prepared a gift for the groom's father and mother, but they did not think about the return.

Question - How to spend Nikah?, excites half of the population of our country, belonging to the Muslim layer.

First, let's figure out what is Nikah? Nikah is the Islamic term for compulsory and permanent marriage. This concept is deeply rooted in the practice of Islam, and is an extremely important spiritual goal for many Muslims. Understanding the customs helps to understand how to perform Nikah and shed light on the marriage practices of this ancient religion.

Why is Nikah performed?

The idea of ​​marriage in Islam is one of the recommended religious practices that are vital to the preservation of the ideals of the family and life. Some revered religious leaders and translators suggest that abstaining from marriage for life approaches sin, since according to the Qur'an, men and women are created to mate and procreate through marriage.

Even those who are divorced are encouraged to remarry, while other religious and Judeo-Christian writings in particular oppose it. There are many conditions and requirements that must be met before performing Nikah. Certain conditions are obligatory by law established by the Islamic authorities. Other requirements are spiritual and personal, and while not always necessary, they are necessary for a healthy marriage. If the woman agrees to the marriage, the guardian or father acts in her place to negotiate the dowry and the terms of the contract. This man is obliged to give a dowry for the bride - mahr, in order to prove his financial solvency.

How to spend Nikah?

Nikah is a Muslim marriage contract. But this is not a sacrament, as in other religions - it is a sacred social contract between the bride and groom.


The first step in Nikah is the choice of "Vali", the closest relative of the bride, most often the father or guardian. The "wakil" or guardian acts in the interest of the lady.

Meeting with the groom

After the groom is chosen, a meeting is scheduled from both sides in the presence of witnesses under supervision so that they can discuss their possible future. After the first meeting, both call out to Allah, in the form of a prayer - known as Salatul. If this is not done, the marriage is not annulled, but legally, it does help for a future marriage.

Preparing Nikah

If both parties receive positive signs "in Istakharah", then they will continue to arrange "Nikah", that is, a marriage contract. This is done under the supervision of two witnesses. This is, as a rule, a visit to the Imam or another person who knows Islam in order to avoid mistakes in the ritual.

Representation Mehr

Mehr is a dowry that is presented to the bride if she is ready to marry the chosen guy. The question "Are you ready?", as a rule, is repeated three times in front of witnesses, but to continue at least one confession from the lady is necessary. Then the bride signs the Nikah document in the presence of at least two witnesses.

Witnesses Confirm

Then the witnesses sign that they were present at Nikah and witnessed the acceptance by the lady of the marriage proposal of the man. The Imam may also sign, but this does not affect the validity of the marriage. Any two adult Muslims may witness the document.

Husband and wife

After signing the Nikah (document), a man and a woman, according to Muslim laws, can live together as husband and wife. After signing the marriage document, the groom can collect his bride and dowry.

For women, there is a special rule - clothing for Nikah must cover the head, arms and legs. Now specialty stores sell a variety of special dresses called Hijab. Their color remains mostly white, but the dress can be decorated with beautiful embroidery and fabric elements similar to white, for example, cream and milky. Men, on the other hand, wear white shirts and black trousers, and a special headdress - a skullcap.

Where to spend Nikah?

Nikah is a very interesting rite, a bit similar to Russian matchmaking, but it has more serious intentions. Where to spend Nikah? In general, it is traditionally held in the mosque. But in recent years, it has been practiced to make it at the bride's house, inviting the mullah. Here, all responsibility falls on the shoulders of the mother and relatives of the bride along the female line - to prepare dishes, clean the house, set the table.

What to cook on Nikah?

Before spending Nikah, traditional dishes of Tatar cuisine are prepared in advance. Basically, this is a pie with meat and potatoes, the so-called belish, pies with rice and raisins, dried apricots, cottage cheese. Be sure to have honey, chak-chak or baursak on the table. Why do I say: “They cook in advance”, because these are non-perishable dishes that can be baked the day before the ceremony.

But from the very morning, before Nikah, the main hot dish is already prepared, which should be the freshest - chicken soup with homemade noodles. It is served as a broth; whole boiled potatoes and chopped chicken are laid out separately in plates.

Chicken noodle soup. Recipe

For the broth you will need:

  1. two carrots
  2. two medium bulbs
  3. 3-4 celery stalks
  4. one large chicken
  5. Bay leaf,
  6. salt, pepper to taste

In principle, the number of ingredients depends on the number of guests. In most cases, there are a lot of people on Nikah, and the soup is cooked in 5-10 liter pots. Naturally, in this case, the number of ingredients is approximately doubled or tripled.

The most important rule is that soup from start to finish should be prepared with honey.fiery fire. This way you will achieve crystal transparency. Whoever tells you about this - that you can throw a whole onion at the end of cooking or add cold water - this does not work! The beauty and transparency of chicken broth is given only by simmering!

Let's get started.

From the very beginning, put the chicken and all the other ingredients in a pot of water, that is, onions, carrots, celery and all seasonings. This is also an important point - from the very beginning, the chicken and broth are saturated with the aromas of vegetables, and by the end of cooking they become unusually tasty and fragrant. Vegetables must be whole, not chopped. If you add the ingredients only after boiling, then all the taste will remain only in them, it will not come out into the broth. By the way, the same applies to cooking any meat, if you need a fragrant soup - put it at the beginning, and if you just need a piece of boiled meat, for a salad, for example, then lay it only after the water in the pan boils, so the whole meat the taste will remain.

We make noodles with our own hands.

While your chicken and vegetables are cooking, make your own noodles. To do this, take 6 eggs, salt and flour. All! Egg noodles must be without water! Whisk eggs with salt and gradually add flour until the consistency of plasticine. After the dough is kneaded, we remove it to the side for about 15 minutes. At this time, we clean and add whole potatoes to the broth, which, once cooked, are laid out in a separate dish along with chopped chicken and carrots.

We take out our dough and roll it into layers. In order to quickly dry it, we heat the oven to 150 ° -180 ° and place the rolled dough for one or two minutes, the main thing is not to overdo it. After this, the pieces do not stick to each other, and the chopped noodles do not stick together. During this time, the whole potato will boil and it's time to lay our noodles. It takes two or three minutes to prepare.

Pour into bowls, sprinkle with chopped parsley and dill and enjoy!

I have been to Nikah a couple of times, but for some reason this ordinary noodle soup is especially tasty, incomparable with others. Also, two baked geese are laid out on the table, which, according to tradition, are brought by relatives from the groom's side.

How to make Chak-chak. Recipe.


  1. 350-400 grams of flour
  2. 4 eggs
  3. half a teaspoon of soda and a third of a teaspoon of salt

Beat eggs, add salt and soda. Then gradually pour this mixture into the flour and knead the dough in parallel. Put the well-kneaded dough in a bag and leave to rest for 15-20 minutes. It will become soft and elastic.

We take out the rested dough and begin to roll out a thin layer. After that, leave it for 10 minutes to dry. Next, we cut our layer of rolled dough into strips, as for noodles, and begin to cut into thin strips. During the frying process, the dough will puff up. If the layer is made thick, then, let's say, sticks will turn out, and when it comes out, the chak-chak will be large, it is called Baursak.

At this time, pour a lot of oil into the pan so that our noodles “bath” in it. While the noodles were being cut, the oil was hot, and it was time to put the future delicacy into it. We put in small portions and constantly interfere so that sticking does not occur. Cook for 2-3 minutes until golden brown.

After we spread the finished chak-chak on a paper towel so that it absorbs all the excess oil.

Next, pour the whole chak-chak into a deep bowl and pour over hot syrup, which is also very easy to prepare. (We take a glass of sugar and a glass of honey, put on a slow fire and wait until the sugar melts. Boil for three minutes). Very carefully and gently mix chak-chak with syrup.

We take a beautiful shallow dish and wipe it with cool water. Pour the finished chak-chak mixed with syrup on top and form a slide with hands moistened with water.

We put our delicacy in the refrigerator for two hours so that it freezes and takes shape. Then we take it out, cut it and put it on the table. Bon appetit!

How is Nikah

After the guests have gathered, everyone is seated at the table according to certain rules. At the head of the table sits a mullah who begins to read a prayer. First, there is a prayer-greeting, after which the mullah explains to the couple why everyone has gathered here, what is the meaning and essence of Nikah, what customs and traditions the bride and groom should follow. Next is the time for the main prayer.

During the reading of the prayer words, a certain time is allotted for presenting a gift to the bride from the groom, as a rule, this is jewelry. At the end, guests are given the opportunity to make a so-called donation to each other, mainly ten-ruble coins and banknotes of 50 and 100 rubles. And after all this, guests are allowed to taste the cooked dishes and this most delicious chicken soup. And by the way, I forgot to mention that there is not a drop of alcohol on this table, it is simply forbidden by the laws and rites of Nikah.


Types of Muslim marriage

In fact, there are several variations of the marriage contract, which are carried out under different circumstances, in particular Nikah, Mutah and Maysyar.

The Mutah marriage is highly controversial in various Islamic sects, as it allows couples to be married for a limited period of time and does not involve any financial security or property inheritance contracts.

A Misiyar marriage is a contract that allows couples to technically get married but give up some of the normal rights and obligations that come with marriage. Often used when couples don't have the financial means to get married. This form can be used for short-term relationships with women for sex, and in some cases is regarded as an easy way to avoid formal marriage.

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It seems that we have considered the main questions regarding how to spend Nikah, in general, being there is very interesting and pleasant, and if you are ever invited to such an event, in no case refuse and visit it.
