What to give a boy for his 9th or 10th birthday. The best gift options for a boy on his ninth birthday

At the age of 9, girls and boys are already beginning to mature. Many of them have already stopped playing with dolls and cars; girls are increasingly attracted to cosmetics and fashionable clothes, and boys are more and more attracted to weapons and games. Some girls already dream of becoming models and actresses, and some boys dream of becoming soldiers, firefighters and police officers. However, they also have simple childhood desires, for example, to receive a toy or a puppy as a gift.

In this article we will look at what you can give a child for 9 years to please them and at the same time emphasize the upcoming period of growing up.

Gifts for girls and boys

For young athletes

Girls and boys who love sports can find a lot of interesting gifts. For example, you can give a ball, roller skates, winter skates, a bicycle or a scooter. Of course, don’t forget about sports accessories. Every sporty girl will love a beautiful uniform and leg warmers. A child may like a regular sports cap if it looks impressive, and in addition to it, you can give sports mitts.

For young talents

They say that every child is talented. It is believed that talent begins to manifest itself at the age of 8. Therefore, in subsequent years, the child can be given a gift that will be useful for him. For example, it could be a sketchbook and brushes, plasticine, an embroidery kit, a photo collage album, or maybe even a camera.

If a child is interested in music, then you can give him a synthesizer, harpsichord, or any other musical instrument.

Gifts for young fashionistas

Any girl of this age will be delighted with a beautiful outfit. Nowadays, most modern brands in the fashion industry produce clothes for children. For example, the Maxmara brand has long proven itself well in this regard. Also quite popular are the British Kate kids and the Finnish Lassie. If you want to give your child beautiful shoes, we recommend that you pay attention to the Turkish brand Beggi.

Don't forget about accessories; these can be various chains, bracelets, watches, rings or earrings. The main thing is that they are bright, not “strict”, and made of quality materials.

Beautiful bed linen and pillows with images of your favorite heroes and princesses will also be a good gift. In addition, every 9-year-old girl will be happy to receive a fashionable Barbie doll or a large dollhouse as a gift.

Gifts for future men

Of course, at that age a child wants to be a hero. Many boys will love a superhero costume or a toy machine gun. You can also give a game console or, if you already have one, a game for it.

Of course, everything will largely depend on your budget. At the same time, the gift can be quite inexpensive, the main thing is to present it in a fun and interesting way. Any present will be brightened up with a bunch of multi-colored balloons or a large cake with candles.

You can find ideas for surprises for children in the section.

A birthday is the most important holiday in the life of every child, and on the eve of the celebration, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors and friends of parents are puzzled by finding and choosing a gift for their beloved little man.

The first words and first steps are long behind us, every year the baby grows up, makes mom and dad happy, and sometimes upsets him, but he certainly deserves a merry holiday and the best gifts on his birthday.

Gifts for a 7 year old boy

Some boys are still in kindergarten by the age of 7, and some are already sitting at their desks, but both of them are at that happy age when toys are still the most desired gift.

Toy cars are every boy’s best friends, and even if the collection of various vehicles already fills a decent garage, no 7-year-old boy will refuse to receive another car as a gift.

If a child is really passionate about cars, and a new car is usually not disassembled and abandoned on the same day, then it makes sense to consider options for expensive toys from European manufacturers or high-quality models made in Asia.

Role-playing game sets:

  • game set "Construction equipment": 12 miniature copies of heavy equipment, road signs and, in addition, three builders will delight the child, winning his attention seriously and for a long time;
  • "Race Track": usually such sets are equipped with prefabricated parts that allow you to assemble a variety of tracks and several cars, with the help of which the child can organize real high-speed races in the mountains, forests and off-road;
  • "Railway": the highest quality and durable sets are made of wood and metal, and the most original ones represent an entire city with a helipad, an airstrip, through which an intricate railway surprisingly passes;
  • "Spaceship": a realistic model of a space station, equipped with a rocket, control center, astronauts, robots and aliens, will be the best gift for a boy fascinated by the mysteries of space;
  • "Tuning center": all boys love to disassemble and then “repair” their cars, and such play sets are specially created and filled with everything necessary for improving and repairing cars.

If parents have the opportunity, the most desirable gift for a 7-year-old boy could be a children's ATV or electric car, on which the boy can conquer off-road terrain or make sharp turns in front of his admiring peers.

Robots are boys' best friends

All boys, to one degree or another, adore robots, and for some guys, iron likenesses of humans become a kind of object of worship. Therefore, it may be a very good idea to add another cool monster to your child’s collection. "Combat Creatures Attacknid" - a creepy radio-controlled spider robot may well scare grandparents, but will become the most favorite toy for a 7-year-old boy.

Transforming robots: there are so many of them and they are so different! Every 7-year-old boy will tell you any of them by name and knows perfectly well that this is not just a robot, but a transformer that, with a slight movement of the hand, turns into a super-fast car.

Boys are future men, and it's no surprise that your 7-year-old is keenly interested in guns! In any children's cartoon you can hear the clanking of swords, the clanking of daggers and observe the colorful effects of laser blasters crossed in battle! Therefore, an excellent gift for a 7-year-old boy would be one of the gaming embodiments of strength and valor.

The most interesting types of weapons:

  • electronic laser sword: What boy wouldn’t want to feel like a real Jedi? All 7-year-old boys know perfectly well who Darth Vader is, and a “light beam” as a gift will delight the child and allow him to hone his skills in battles with imaginary cosmic evil spirits;
  • blaster "Ranger": the detailed weapon looks like a real “adult” gun and is equipped with hydrobullets and suction cup arrows;
  • police kit: already at the age of 7, many boys tell their parents that they will definitely become police officers, and such an excellent set, including a pistol, a bulletproof vest, a police baton, very natural handcuffs and even a cop’s ID will help the child feel like a real peace officer;
  • snow thrower: a particularly relevant gift if the boy’s birthday falls in the winter season;
  • rocket launcher: no boy will refuse to independently launch rockets to a height of up to 45 m! A great gift option for playing in the yard and wonderful entertainment for a child, his parents and friends.

At the age of 7, the boy is still of keen interest in all kinds of interactive toys: animals (wild and domestic), cartoon characters and robots. A child may really enjoy functional musical instruments, such as guitars or synthesizers, regardless of whether the child has a craving for playing music.

Toys are great, but don't forget that school and learning also play an important role in a 7-year-old boy's life. You should not give your child school supplies for his birthday; the child will not appreciate such a gift, but various construction toys and educational games will certainly interest the child.

This could be another Lego set that the kid dreams of, all kinds of magnetic and kinetic construction sets, as well as logic games based on popular cartoons.

Perhaps the boy has been asking for a new bicycle, scooter or roller skates for a long time, and his birthday is a wonderful occasion to please the kid with a brand new, sparkling Stels.

Gifts for a boy 8 years old

Every parent knows how quickly children grow up and change once they have barely crossed the threshold of school. Lessons, discipline, mental stress - and your baby becomes more serious, collected, he develops new interests and real school friends.

But in any case, an 8-year-old boy is still just a child and toys as a birthday gift still remain in first place.

If a child takes care of things, it makes sense to give the boy a radio-controlled car, all-terrain vehicle, tank, robot, boat or quadcopter. At the same time, it is important to take into account that games in the concept of an 8-year-old child are already acquiring a characteristic computer orientation, and perhaps the time has come to give the boy an advanced gaming device.

The best gaming consoles:

  • Sony PlayStation: the illustrious family of gaming consoles, the ideal entertainment center in your home, the ultimate dream of any boy and, of course, his dad;
  • Microsoft Xbox One: a worthy competitor to the previous version, just as functional and slightly less compact;
  • Nintendo 3DS XL: a particularly technologically advanced model that gives a stable 3D effect during the game without the use of special glasses;
  • SEGA Nano Trainer: a top-rated popular model with a huge range of games, lightweight and easy to fit in small children's hands.

When choosing a console, it doesn’t hurt to inquire about the cost of games and age restrictions, as well as think in advance about the best option for an explanatory conversation on the subject that a game console should not become the meaning of his whole life for a boy.

Educational games

For an 8-year-old boy, you can find a lot of entertaining educational games that are interesting and at the same time useful:

  • electro quiz "Learning English"": even if the child grasps everything on the fly, additional learning of English in a playful way will be excellent entertainment for the child and his friends;
  • electronic game "Logic puzzles"- an excellent gift option for an inquisitive little erudite;
  • interactive globe– an intellectual educational toy, useful for both adults and children, which is definitely worth the money;
  • IQ element- a logic puzzle, including 120 tasks of various difficulty levels, will be an excellent intellectual training for your boy;
  • "Chest of Knowledge": With the help of various sets of thematic puzzles that improve perception and visual memory, the child will learn many exciting secrets and make a lot of useful discoveries for himself.

Gifts based on interests

Most 8-year-old boys enjoy participating in various clubs and sections, so it’s worth considering options for themed gifts that meet the child’s interests:

  • little athlete: home sports and gaming complex, soccer or basketball ball, hockey uniform, badminton, roller skates, skis;
  • aspiring artist: easel, table for creativity, painting set, sketchbook, tablet for drawing with water, 3D pen, robot artist;
  • to the young musician: children's castanets, metallophone, xylophone, harmonica, guitar, children's accordion;
  • future astronomer: home planetarium, telescope, “Young Astronomer” experiment kit;
  • jack of all trades: a set of “Helping Dad” tools, a children’s drill or screwdriver, a children’s workbench with tools.

If the first school year is already over, parents probably have an idea of ​​​​the school environment, and if the atmosphere is favorable, a smart watch or replacing a push-button telephone with a brand new smartphone would be an excellent gift for an 8-year-old boy.

Gifts for a 9 year old boy

Of course, all children are very different, but by the age of 9 most boys are already quite independent and responsible; some are even left at home to take care of their elders if there are younger brothers and sisters in the family.

The child is no longer a toddler and children’s toys are unlikely to interest him, but modern smart play sets will help satisfy his thirst for knowledge and the desire to learn something new every day.

There are very interesting models of radio-controlled electronic construction kits, thanks to which a child can playfully learn the basics of physics, mechanics and engineering, which will become a good base when moving to high school.

Smart game constructors:

  • "Insectoid robot" or " Tabletop robot crab": amazing modern puzzles that the boy will have to work hard on and first assemble an original robot, and then learn to control it so that the nimble toy does not run away from the table;
  • "Ferris wheel": this electromechanical construction set, consisting of 800 parts, will delight every boy who loves exciting and painstaking work;
  • "Robotic Arm"– a real find as a gift for a young lover of robots and mechanics. The point of the designer is that a correctly assembled hand looks like a real one and is controlled without the help of batteries.

8-year-old boys are keenly interested in any phenomena that are unusual for them and often baffle their parents with tricky questions: “Why is this happening?” Now on sale you can find many high-quality and thoughtful sets that will be of interest to both children and adults.

Experiment kits:

  • "Magnetism": an experimental set of 12 items will reveal to your child all the secrets from the world of magnets;
  • set with microscope: looking at any objects under a real microscope is one of the most attractive activities for any child, and perhaps such a gift will be the first step for your boy on the path of great scientific discoveries;
  • "Magical Experiments": a cool set of magic tricks that will make every boy feel like a young wizard no worse than Harry Potter;
  • "Cinematograph": in our age of the Internet, such an amazing set can capture the imagination of a modern child, allowing you to assemble the prototype of the first cinematograph and create and show films yourself;
  • "Big Chemical Laboratory": Imagine the delight of your boy who, without any magic, made the water smoke and began to write with invisible ink!
What to give a 9 year old boy: “Big chemical laboratory.”

Do you want to please your child with a real miracle? Give your boy an amazing toy - AstroJex! Having learned to control this sparkling lightning, the child will no longer part with the toy, showing imagination and inventing new tricks every day.

A sporty and active boy will love a set of ogodisks - a mixture of a tennis racket and a frisbee, as well as a skateboard, a Powerball gyroscopic trainer or a kite.

Gifts for a 10 year old boy

A child who has almost finished primary school feels completely grown up, and besides, the round date of 10 years simply obliges parents to give their son something extraordinary, or better yet, something long-awaited.

A well-rounded, diligent student and excellent student has probably long wanted to have his own PC, adult laptop, tablet, camera or video camera, and a birthday is an excellent occasion to make a child’s dream come true.

Just recently, a boy was equally comfortable in any environment, as long as his mother was nearby, but at the age of 10, children already begin to attach importance to the interior of their room. A great anniversary gift could be a large-screen TV, a stereo system, a multifunctional computer desk or an original ball chair.

A wonderful gift for a sporty 10-year-old boy will be a children's hoverboard - a fashionable, progressive means of transportation, a nimble and maneuverable device that has won many fans among children and adults.

At this age, a boy probably has a best friend, and 10 years is a great reason to throw a real holiday for the kids! You can take your children to a water park for the whole day, arrange for them to ride horses, race go-karts or ATVs. In any case, the impressions will be unforgettable, and parents should capture these happy moments as a keepsake.

And of course, in addition to the storm of emotions, be sure to add something significant and original, because at 10 years old children are still waiting for a gift that they can hold in their hands:

  • anniversary fruit bouquet: simply put, a wonderfully decorated basket with fruits and chocolate;
  • a T-shirt or sweatshirt with a themed print (superheroes, youth groups, funny slogans);
  • an ATM piggy bank, which can be given as a gift with an account replenished by caring parents;
  • alarm clock: flying, running away or with a target;
  • machine for making popcorn or cotton candy.

Modern children grow and mature very quickly, and while the boy is in this happy time called childhood, do not miss the opportunity to be real wizards for the child, capable of making his most cherished dream come true!

As a rule, the age of 9 years is a relatively calm period in a child’s life. Adaptation to school is over, and the excitement of adolescence has not yet arrived. However, deciding what to give a 9-year-old girl can be difficult.

Each child is individual, some girls at 9 years old still enjoy playing with dolls, so toys are the best gift for them. Others gradually move away from purely childish interests, increasingly imitating adults. Such children should choose clothes, jewelry, items for their favorite hobbies, electronic gadgets, etc. as gifts.


If a girl still continues to be interested in dolls, then for her birthday you can give her a toy. Of course, the chosen item must be age appropriate.

A doll as a gift for a 9-year-old girl needs to be chosen carefully. Simple dolls, which are good for five-year-old children, should be immediately excluded from the list of possible gifts. At this age, a girl will be pleased to receive an exquisite doll as a gift, however, it should be a toy, and not an exhibition souvenir. It’s good if you can comb your doll’s hair, give her various hairstyles, change her clothes, and sew dresses for her.

However, the list of toys that are appropriate to buy as a gift for a 9-year-old child does not end with dolls.

A construction set or board game can be a wonderful gift. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the age group for which the toy is recommended, then it will be much easier to make a choice.

Creator's Kit

Many girls develop hobbies during this period. To maintain interest or show new possibilities, it is worth purchasing creativity kits as a gift. Fortunately, nowadays the choice of sets is varied and can satisfy a wide variety of interests.

For example, you can purchase kits to do the following work yourself:

  • making soft toys;
  • knitting mittens or socks;
  • soap making;
  • embroidery with threads or beads;
  • painting on various surfaces;
  • decoupage;
  • making flowers from paper and ribbons;
  • modeling from sculptural clay, salt dough;
  • casting figures from plaster.

Handicrafts and making various cute little things are not just an escape from boredom. This is also an important moment of education and development. By being creative, the girl develops her artistic taste, learns perseverance and accuracy, and trains fine motor skills.

Gifts for fashionistas

It's a rare nine-year-old girl who doesn't pay attention to her appearance. Therefore, gifts for beauty will be quite appropriate.

If you want to give clothes as a gift, then it is better to do without surprises. Even a mother, who, it would seem, should know her daughter’s tastes very well, runs the risk of buying something that the girl refuses to wear. Moreover, people who do not know the child too closely or are not particularly versed in children's fashion should not take risks when buying clothes.

If you want to give clothes as a gift, you should either bring the birthday girl to the store and invite her to choose from the options offered. Or give a certificate so that the girl can later go to the store with her mother and pick out something she likes.

One important thing to remember when bringing a certificate or money as a gift: this practical gift should be accompanied by a small but pleasant surprise for the birthday girl. This could be a beautiful bouquet of flowers or sweets and toys, or a box of sweets. Such a surprise can be inexpensive, but it’s just important for a nine-year-old child to receive a real, albeit small, gift on the day of the holiday, and not later, when the mother has time to visit the store with her daughter.

In addition to clothes, you can give jewelry. It can be:

  • various hair accessories: hairpins, elastic bands, headbands, headbands, etc.;
  • children's jewelry - beads, clips, bracelets.

Costume jewelry should be specifically for children; today you can find cute and very cute things on sale, created especially for little girls.

Is it worth giving jewelry made of precious metals? In principle, nothing bad will happen if a girl is given small gold earrings. But massive jewelry with stones are things for adult women.

Nine-year-old girls are also interested in cosmetics. Of course, at this age, hygiene products are mainly used: scented foams and bath balls, shower gels. But you can also give decorative cosmetics, but they must be for children. This could be hygienic lipstick or fruity lip gloss, children's nail polish, light eau de toilette.

Accessories can also be a good gift. A girl will like things like:

  • cute handbag;
  • a set of cosmetic bags;
  • beautiful umbrella;
  • sunglasses.

Girl's secrets

The nine-year-old birthday girl probably already has her own “girlish” secrets and secrets. To store things dear to your heart, you can give a cute little box.

At all times, girls kept “albums” and diaries. Therefore, a beautiful notebook for taking notes, equipped with a tiny lock, would be an excellent gift option. You can trust such a diary with your most intimate secrets.

Electronic things

These days, it's rare that a nine-year-old child doesn't have electronic gadgets. You can buy a girl a phone or tablet as a gift. However, the purchase of such things should be coordinated with parents, since everyone has different approaches to education.

If the birthday girl already has these things, then she will be pleased with the original cover for the equipment or beautiful pendants. If a child has a personal computer, then you can buy a mouse or speakers of an unusual shape as a gift.

Gifts based on interests

No one will object that the best gift for a girl is something that suits her interests. For example, if a girl loves to sing, then she will be pleased to receive a karaoke microphone that connects to the computer.

You can give young artists sets of good brushes and paints, and a girl who plays sports can buy a comfortable sports bag. Many girls of this age like to read, and you can give them fiction. Only books need to be selected according to age.

A modern and interesting gift for a girl is a dance mat that connects to a computer. The toy comes with an installation disc containing a wide variety of melodies. Such a gift will allow you to have fun and get physical exercise, since modern children often prefer sitting at the computer to active games outside. A sedentary lifestyle is extremely harmful to a growing body.

Most children adore animals and dream of receiving a pet as a gift. However, you cannot make such a gift at your own peril and risk. An animal is not a toy; you need to take responsibility for it. Therefore, you can buy a puppy or kitten as a gift for a girl’s 9th birthday only if the parents approve of such an idea.

Original gifts

It's difficult to choose gifts for a girl who has everything. To really surprise the birthday girl, you will have to come up with something completely unconventional. Here are some unusual gift ideas:

  • Piggy bank ATM. An original piggy bank made in the shape of an ATM. The ATM screen displays the amount of the “deposit” made (though the piggy bank only recognizes coins). In addition to the piggy bank, a plastic card with a preset access code is attached, with which you can withdraw savings.

  • Apparatus for making cotton candy or popcorn. This thing will entertain both the birthday girl and her guests.
  • Perfume creation kit. With the help of this set, a girl will be able to create an exclusive scent. In addition, along the way she will become acquainted with the basic principles of creating perfumes and learn a lot of interesting information from the history of perfumery.

  • Snow blaster. The time when snowballs were made and thrown by hand is over. Now there is a special device for making “snow projectiles”, as well as a device for throwing them. This toy will be very useful in winter.

And if you want to give a girl an original and memorable gift, then you should order her portrait painted from a photo in a princess costume. Such a portrait, placed in a beautiful frame, will decorate your home.

Of course, it is impossible to list all the options for practical and original gifts. Therefore, here are only basic ideas that can serve as the basis for choosing the best gift for a nine-year-old birthday girl.

Thinking about what to give a 9 year old boy? Our list contains 55 wonderful ideas: gifts for an active or creative child, for a young smart person, favorite toys, tasty ones, impressions, and also made with your own hands.


Gifts for an active child

In principle, all the gifts described below are focused on sports, so they are also useful for physical development. Here are the top ten ideas.

  1. It could be towns, badminton or the most favorite sport of all boys - football. Any set should contain everything you need, down to the smallest details. The price is around 500 rubles.
  2. A great gift. True, it will need to be installed somewhere, and best of all - on a summer cottage. Before purchasing, make sure that the design and trampoline fabric are of appropriate quality, and that the kit includes a protective net. Cost from 6000 rubles.
  3. It is advisable to buy it complete with a horizontal bar and a special design on which you can hang rings and a punching bag. Then the gift will be complete and most useful. Cost from 4500 rubles.
  4. With this set, you don’t need to run to the yard to gather a team; you can kick the ball at home. No, it will not destroy furniture or damage windows, because it flies smoothly and low, and the gate is equipped with a mesh. Price from 600 rubles.
  5. With such a gift, the child will definitely run around to his heart's content. But this will not be meaningless running around - the kite must also be controlled correctly, feeling the trajectory of its flight and controlling its movements. The price is about 400 rubles.
  6. It moves in the air quite independently, but you still need to learn how to launch it correctly. The flight range depends on the launch angle and wind strength; the plane can fly up to 40 meters and even make a loop. Cost from 100 rubles.
  7. These can be air mattresses of different shapes, armbands and vests if the boy is not confident in the water. Or a hat with glasses for the birthday boy who wants to work out in the pool. The price is about 400 rubles.
  8. The best gift that can easily tear a child away from the computer chair. Presentation nuance - for a non-professional team in the yard you need a ball No. 4 with a PVC tire. The average price is 450 rubles.
  9. The birthday boy probably doesn’t know what he wants more – one or the other, because everything seems cool! Then be guided by the price: a teenage bike will cost from 6,000, and a scooter from 2,500 rubles.
  10. The most common, durable and with a strong hold, at a price of about 1300. And there is also a new product - special models where the skate blades are replaced with rollers, that is, “2 in 1”, an excellent option. And they cost only 500 rubles more.

Gifts for a creative child

Ten ideas for children who are “humanists”. If the birthday person has talent and giftedness in some creative direction, then this should only be encouraged, for example with the gifts described below.

  1. An interesting thing - it’s best to draw in complete darkness so that the lines of the image are more clearly visible. The drawing can last up to half an hour, and then you can start creating a new picture. The cost is about 1000 rubles.
  2. His choice depends on how seriously the birthday person is engaged in artistic creativity. A simple sketchbook is suitable for a beginner, and a transforming easel with adjustable tilt angles is suitable for a professional. Price from 1000 rubles.
  3. But this gift is definitely for a professional artist. It costs from 1000 and above, it all depends on the configuration. Felt pens, markers, pencils of various types, paints and tools - that's what it includes.
  4. Does the birthday boy like to sculpt? Then give him polymer clay, plasticine or plaster to create a bas-relief. Let him learn to make at least miniature samples so that in the future he can sculpt sculptures based on them. Price from 250 rubles.
  5. A gift for a child who is interested in flora and fauna. How to care for a fish, how to properly grow the right amount of vegetation, how to artistically decorate an aquarium and how to clean it - the boy will learn all this. The price is about 2000 rubles.
  6. The best gift for a boy with excellent vocal abilities. Let him first rehearse standing in front of the mirror, and who knows - maybe soon he will win the “Voice” competition. Children". The price is about 1000 rubles.
  7. The gift is not for pampering, but for a gifted child who is seriously involved in music. With the help of a synthesizer, he himself will be able to compose or improvise works, and then record them. Cost from 2000 rubles.
  8. This is a small ukulele with a beautiful sound, very convenient for learning and preparing for playing a large acoustic guitar. You can start with at least four strings of this ukulele. Price from 1500 rubles.
  9. This is not exactly a child’s hobby, because famous shows are performed by quite adults. Thanks to such devices, the child will be able to “tame” soap foam and create masterpieces from it. Price 300 rubles.
  10. Another gift thanks to which the child will always be the center of attention of his peers. The kit includes many different attributes for tricks and instructions for them. The average cost of a set is about 1000 rubles.

Gifts for a young smart guy

But this top ten is just for the “techie” - there is design and experimentation involved. It's time for the guy to delve into the nuances of the fields of science, so all the gifts are on this topic.

  1. It can be used as teaching material for a future physicist or electronics specialist. How to assemble an electrical circuit and why a light bulb is on - everything can be learned during the assembly process. Price from 1500 rubles.
  2. The kit includes many small wooden parts, sandpaper, PVA glue and instructions. You can assemble the model whose picture is shown on the packaging. Cost from 200 rubles.
  3. A gift for a patient boy, because the result of his labors will not be visible immediately. First you need to mix the components included in the kit, and then observe the growth of the crystal for several days. Price from 100 rubles.
  4. This battery-powered plastic device is capable of finding real treasure! True, if you're lucky. Well, it will sound a sound signal if there is some metal object lying near it, it doesn’t matter whether it is visible or not! Price from 1800 rubles.
  5. It is advisable to buy it in a set with different pieces of glass, cones and tweezers to create a whole set for a biologist. With the help of this device, the child will see a microcosm that is so invisible to the naked eye. Price from 800 rubles.
  6. An inexpensive device that costs about 1,200 rubles can magnify objects by only 45 times. But they can even see craters on the lunar surface, as well as see other planets of the solar system a little closer.
  7. Any set from this series intended for children over 9 years old. The simplest is “Chemistry of Color” for mixing liquids in flasks, or more complicated - something like a volcano, which requires the presence of adults. Price from 500 rubles.
  8. Well, if the future professor already has all the cones and reagents in stock, then he needs protective equipment. The kit includes a respirator, special glasses, 2 types of gloves and a laminated apron. Price 300 rubles.
  9. This series also presents many areas in the field of science, so you can choose according to the interests of the boy. Here, for example, is the “Planetarium”, in which you need to correctly position the planets of the solar system. Price 400 rubles.
  10. This is a pulp or “chewing gum” for hands, very viscous and cool. And you can make it yourself using this kit. It contains a lot of powders and dyes - the boy will have something to do. The price is about 400 rubles.

Favorite toys

And yet, at 9 years old, the boy is still a child who does not want to part with childhood, so he needs toys. True, not childish, but quite serious. So we will tell this ten about them.

  1. A wonderful gift that can captivate a child for a long time. We need a gaming tablet with a wide range of applications for children. Well, it’s also the right size for a child’s hands. The average price is about 5,000 rubles.
  2. Being a cartoon or movie hero, as well as “fighting” virtual enemies in a game, is cool! Not so long ago it seemed like a fantasy, but now it’s a reality, and only from 400 rubles (if connected to a smartphone).
  3. It's fun to be the captain of an airliner or ship, at least with a remote control in your hands. Boys are very interested in this. By the way, a quadcopter can be classified in the same category. Price from 600 rubles.
  4. He should be some kind of funny friend who will crawl around the desk and amuse the birthday boy during homework. The robot sings, dances, speaks and repeats the boy's words. Price from 500 rubles.
  5. It’s not clear whether it’s a robot or a cool car. It all depends on how you put this colossus together. The product must be made of impact-resistant plastic with high-quality connection of all parts. The cost is around 1000 rubles.
  6. Difficulty level - for 9 years, or corresponding to the mental development of the birthday boy, maybe he can solve a Rubik's Cube in no time! Therefore, take this nuance into account. The average price of such toys is about 500 rubles.
  7. Well, who among the boys in childhood did not dream of having a large railway set with all the bells and whistles in their room?! Electric, with remote control, with modern transport, with sound, light, etc. - that's what you need! Price from 1000 rubles.
  8. Miniature soldiers, cartoon and movie characters, comic book superheroes, cars, military equipment - in general, everything that can be put on a shelf and admired! The average cost is about 300 rubles.
  9. An ideal weapon for street battles with boys in the yard! Everyone has sticks and firecrackers without projectiles, and the birthday boy has a cool blaster that throws snowballs or water jets! Price from 500 rubles.
  10. This athlete can be twisted, stretched, tied in knots, in general - do anything, and he will still restore his original shape. The toy contains helium filler, it is completely harmless to the child. The price is about 1200 rubles.

Delicious gifts

The birthday boy is still a child, and like all children, he loves sweets very much. But the ideas we proposed are not entirely ordinary; each delicious gift has its own twist.


Of course, a child wants to have fun on his own holiday, and not sit at the table all day listening to adults talk. Therefore, we offer you five interesting children's entertainment.

DIY gifts

These crafts are very simple, so they can easily be made by the birthday boy’s friends, as well as his brother or sister. Each description has a video attached so you can learn how to make a gift.

  1. Hogwarts emblem badge. Well, who doesn't know Harry Potter? Of course, all the children have watched films about him several times, so they know this coat of arms very well. If you have a color printer at home, then you can make such an icon in no time.
  2. Drawing on the mug. If you are excellent at drawing, you can draw something yourself, or print the finished picture on a printer. To preserve the design for a long time, you can cover it with acrylic or stained glass varnish.
  3. Parking for cars made of cardboard. A good gift for a boy who has a collection of cars. The main material for this craft is corrugated cardboard for the platforms and paths, and you also need toilet paper rolls for the load-bearing columns.
  4. Paper spring toy. The difficulty of such a craft is that you need to correctly fold the sheets of colored paper, although this is not particularly difficult. The spring can be thrown from hand to hand, using it as an anti-stress, or lowered down the steps of a ladder.
  5. Postcard in the style of "LEGO NINJAGO". It is made in the form of any character from a famous cartoon. On its cover is a character mask and a golden shuriken (cold ninja combat weapon in the shape of a star). And on the pages of the postcard you can write a congratulation.

This is the entire list, thanks to which you were probably able to choose the right gift for a 9-year-old boy. Buy it or make it yourself and hurry to congratulate the birthday person.

A lot of time has passed since the 8th birthday, and during this time the child has grown up. And he not only stretched out in the literal sense of the word (this is especially noticeable from the photo), but also intellectually. And girls at this age already want to be more and more like older guys. Therefore, they need to choose appropriate gifts. It could also be cosmetics “like mom’s”, of course, made specifically for children’s skin. It could also be fashionable clothes. And some of the modern gadgets. But not the toy that we gave just recently. And our daughter will no longer be happy with a cute teddy bear with kind eyes, like, for example, a laptop or a cell phone. Time is running out! And our children grow up with him...

Gift ideas for a 9 year old girl

1. Neon pencils. You can give these unusual pencils as a New Year's gift. The picture drawn by them will be truly fabulous and unusual.

2. Piggy bank. The dream of any girl who wants to save up for something she needs and needs.

3. Blanket “bear holding daisy”. A warm and cozy blanket will keep your baby warm both night and day, for example, in nature.

4. Doll “Flying Fairy”. An amazing toy that can fly. She will certainly surprise her girlfriends and friends.

5. Night light “Night sky projector”. It can turn an ordinary children's room into a fabulous planetarium.
