What does it mean to truly love a woman? What does it mean to truly love? What is love? True love and infatuation

Often love is presented as a strong emotional attraction and heartfelt feeling. However, not everyone fully understands what it means to truly love. Even in their youth, boys and girls at the subconscious level form an image perfect second halves. Here they play a role not only personal characteristics but also social attitudes to which a person is exposed throughout his life. However, ideals do not exist, so love is always directed to a real object with all its advantages and disadvantages. To love means to accept a partner as he is, and skillfully resolve conflict situations.

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    Definition and signs of love

    The feeling of love is familiar to everyone. It can visit both a young girl and a lady Balzac age. On the one hand, everyone knows about such a feeling as love, but on the other hand, it is incomprehensible to anyone. Love is often defined as very light feeling, thanks to which a person can “grow wings”. If two people are in love with each other, then usually between them there are friendly relations, affection and sexual attraction.

    If the lover is not reciprocated, then this causes strong feelings. And if the chosen one is carried away by someone else, then the girl has resentment, anger and others. negative emotions. But people often do not understand what it means to truly love a person, because love can take many forms.

    How to understand if you love a person

    Love and chemistry

    Scientists tried to find out what happens in the body of a lover with scientific point vision. The results were as follows: when a person looks at his beloved, his heart rate increases, because the brain begins to produce dopamine. Together with other hormones, it contributes to a special perception of the world during experiences.

    Since the balance of metabolism is maintained in the human body, it independently regulates life support processes. Therefore, dopamine cannot be produced long years, it only happens for a certain amount of time. If this hormone is formed constantly, then it will have a detrimental effect on the psyche. Not all lovers were happy with this discovery.

    How to fall in love with a guy

    Social Attitudes

    There is no single definition of what it means to love and be loved. Everyone will answer this question in their own way. After all, for the answers to be the same, people need to get the same upbringing, experience similar emotions, feel, which is completely impossible. If this were so, the person would turn into a robot and lose his individuality. People live, not exist, as long as they can feel. This means that a person begins to realize tenderness, affection and sympathy from infancy. Emotions and spiritual qualities are formed under the influence of life circumstances and contribute to the formation of personality.

    Education and religion instill some concepts of love, but people still perceive them in their own way. One young lady may believe that a guy in love with her is obliged to give her gifts every day. After all, she is sure that this is the only way a young man can positively express himself in a relationship. Another girl will be happy from the compliments and kisses of the chosen one.

    The same applies to men. If a guy was brought up only by his mother, then he will expect special care from the girl in all situations and assume that the girl loves him if she cooks different dishes every day, irons his clothes and constantly admires him.

    Man's love

    Work on oneself and signs of fate

    If a guy or a girl initially creates in their imagination a portrait of their soulmate and characterizes it valuable qualities, then the subconscious will attract such a partner. When the meeting happens, there will be a surge between the couple vivid emotions. And strong feelings will guide both until they get to know each other better. If they are incompatible, then mutual discontent awaits them.

    These relationships will not last long, and in the event of a break, both the girl and the guy will suffer. This will happen for the reason that the lovers initially idealized each other. But since there are no ideals in reality, you will have to pay for the broken illusions with peace of mind.

    But there are also couples who live well together from the day of the wedding until old age. This is the result of working on themselves, because they have learned to make mutual concessions and decide together family problems.

    What is feminine wisdom?

    From the very beginning of a relationship, two must learn to love. After all, the pleasure of falling in love will pass, but remain real world with his everyday tasks and pressing problems. A strong family it will work out if the wife and husband have a clear understanding of what loving spouses are.

    The ideal wife is the woman whose virtues her husband can boast to others. Such a girl:

    • combines intelligence and beauty;
    • skillfully hides his shortcomings and favorably emphasizes his merits;
    • does not allow conflict situations and gives a man the opportunity to feel like the head of the family;
    • in no hurry to show himself smart and wise in front of his spouse and other people.

    If a woman loves her husband, then she will not allow the fire to be put out. family hearth. For such a rather rare skill, spouses value and honor their wives all their lives.

    What does "love in French" mean?

    There is an opinion that the French are liberated in intimate relationships. Therefore, in French, love is considered to receive various sexual pleasures without any complexes.

    When two people start dating, the man acts like a gentleman and the woman acts like a lady. But when it happens between them intimacy, then propriety is left aside. A woman and a man try to make moments alone with each other unique.

    In order to master the art of love in French, you need to feel a sense of freedom coming from within, and a desire for novelty. You should study yourself and your body in order to teach to give and receive pleasure.


    Men are considered the most important in life. material wealth and confidence in tomorrow. But if a guy is carried away by a girl, then he is capable of such desperate acts that he has not done before. This is especially true of romantic young men who are seriously in love.

    Most women do not know what it means to truly love and achieve reciprocity. The psychology of girls is such that they often think only about their experiences, so they become uninteresting opposite sex. But if you work well on yourself, then you can become a man exemplary wife and best friend. This must be done carefully and unobtrusively. After all, here you can easily overdo it, turning into an annoying person.

    From point of view wise people If a woman truly loves, then she will be faithful, devoted, and will never allow her feelings to be doubted. She will not discuss her personal life with her friends.

    This topic has always excited writers, poets, and ordinary people. And the cinema is not far behind them. I think that true love cannot hurt anyone in love. It contributes to the growth and development of both people. And if jealousy, resentment, disappointment, despair appear, then this is no longer love, but the usual dependence of one person on another. And such relationships can be observed all the time.

    Ah, what a good question.

    Can love be real or fake? Love is either there (with all the ensuing consequences), or it is not. And it doesn't happen otherwise. I sincerely feel sorry for people who confuse love with falling in love, attraction, passion and other states. human soul if the person has one.

    My deep conviction is that love exists one in a million.

    And almost two years ago it worried me, and much, much earlier, and still cares, by the way, despite my age!

    If she comes, then it’s impossible to compare with anything, although it’s very easy to lose ...

    If everyone has their own understanding of love, then how can you say for sure what it should be. Everyone will have their own answer to this question, and everyone will experience this feeling in their own way. So you can truly love only in your own way.

    To truly love means not to look for another and not to pay attention to flaws if they do not harm health. To care, to please, to protect. Be interested in the opinion of a loved one, give gifts, tenderness, show your love. To do so that it was good with you and the person sought to become better for you.

    Aliyev's song seemed to be more authentic. But, how would you write so that you are not offended, because God forbid about your favorite poet? The author goes to the very edge of the feeling, quite easily scattering signs of supposedly unhappy love. Maybe I'm wrong, but Aliyev simply lists, separated by commas, the whole entourage of the standard first love and disappointment. And he does not believe that sweat itself.

    As a matter of fact, such a demonstration of experiences is eternal as the world, and will be repeated many more times, and your children too. There is an edge of feeling. There is no feeling. You see, if this is serious, then they are silent about this. Or they scream. And there is no cry. But, unfortunately, very, apparently, I want to follow at least such simple signs of happiness and experiences.

    I won't answer the question How to truly love.

    If it didn’t happen that at first glance you took your breath away and all past life seemed worthless, if there was no doomed fear because suddenly - not to be together forever, because then the subsequent life would become empty and meaningless, if there was no strength to fight for one's own the only person- not necessarily with fists, sometimes just with your presence - then wait. You will not wait for this song - there will definitely be this look.

    Or maybe it already was, and already is this look. You just listened to this song at that time.

    For real: probably like in an oath at a wedding. Both in wealth and in poverty. And in sickness, and in health, in sorrow and joy. My love for you is long-suffering, merciful, does not envy, does not exalt itself, is not proud, does not act outrageously, does not seek its own, is not irritated.

    Neither add nor subtract, in my opinion.

    Everything depends on perception, it happens that two people love each other, and both are not satisfied with the relationship, because they perceive both love and the desired relationship in different ways. But they love sincerely, which means for real, but it doesn’t make it any easier for both of them.

    To truly love is to give yourself completely, to love in spite of all the difficulties, to love and not to betray, and the most important thing in love is respect, in love you must understand each other, talk, and not be offended by any nonsense, you need to be frank. Love happens only once, and there is no other love, everything else can be called anything, but not love.

    You can either love or not love. Not really, not like a toy.

    To truly love sounds like being a little pregnant, or I have a little faith in God.

    Another thing is that men and women relate to love differently: women have emotional attachment (let's call love that) and go hand in hand with physical attachment, a woman in love makes love only with her beloved and with no one else. Men, on the other hand, share the concepts of love and sex (flies separately, meatballs separately), it doesn’t cost them anything to sleep with another attractive person, and without any love. And do not blame men for infidelity and inconstancy - live and maintain constant emotional relationship he will only be with the object of his love. And love and sex are in the male understanding - two big differences. With the phrase that he truly loved, I think he wanted to say that he never cheated on her (also a hero to me! :)))

    The male relationship of love was well formulated by Leo Tolstoy: A real woman is not the one who holds for x ...., but the one that holds for the soul.

    we are different, different .... Something like this ....

    In my opinion, it is impossible to give exactly and most correct definition concept of true love. All people are different, all different relationships and everyone loves differently.

    Sometimes from the outside it may seem that in any pair there is no love, they do not fall under the favorite concepts of self-sacrifice, bestowal, various feats. And perhaps they never had such situations either, they live in peace and love each other without ardent ostentatious passions, and most importantly, they are happy.

    My opinion, to love for real, it means to love with your heart, each person has his own heart, and you must definitely listen to it, it will tell you how to truly love your beloved one. As you know, eyes, words, mind can deceive, but the heart will never deceive.

    Good day!

    Despite my young age, I really want to express my opinion. I think that to love for real means to love sincerely, with all my heart. Alas, I very often meet people (girls) who communicate with many guys and swear love to everyone and fidelity (something like insurance, just in case). Agree, because from the outside it looks very stupid .... And you can’t call such love real? ... But true love is the love that never betray. A person who loves will not be insured in such modern ways (which I indicated a little higher). In general, I think that love cannot be divided into two groups, sometimes true love and the rest is just wind in my head.

    I liked the question. He about true love that rules the world.

    I will not be able to analyze the presented poetic lines about love. However, one cannot but agree with the author in many ways, for example, with this fragment:

    The only thing I would like to add a few words in the last line is to show my vision in this: When you share your life with her, and Not only bed. The bed is completely denied, as the author, I would not. It is also important in the manifestation true love of spouses.

    Perhaps true love is more and more deeply understood by people when it has gone through trials and pain, but has not broken.

    Maybe those who read my answers are tired of aphorisms and other statements that I often quote. I only do this to show opinions. different people on the issue under discussion to show the importance of the topic. Believe me.

    I can't help but do it now.

    I'll choose those celebrity quotes about wonderful feeling With beautiful name love, which, I think, provide an answer to the question of whether what love is real.

    I was touched by the words of wise people. I am in solidarity with those who are sure that true love is necessarily mutual, it arises only when couples respect each other, when there is both spiritual and physical pleasure, when it lives in the heart and mind of lovers, and, of course, such love is not destroys, but creates.

    Loyalty, devotion, mutual understanding, common interests caring for each other- these are the main characteristics of true love. This is my vision too.

    To truly love spouses in each other's family is a great happiness, which, unfortunately, is not given to everyone.

    I wish everyone to experience this is beautiful, unusual, adorning our life feeling, whose name real love.

    What is true love?

    I recently read such a quote from the Bible. I liked it very much. And I think there is no more specific definition.

    As if there is nothing more to the concept of Love, add. All wise quotes social networks are resting.

    Now, if you have in a relationship or marriage everything that is said above in the quote in bold. So you have a real Love.

    Although I do not divide into: Real and Fake.

    Is love.

    and there is NOT love. Or it is, but it consists of a quote in bold, or it simply does not exist.

    That's all.

    P.S. And above bold type is the importance of Love in a person's life.

    Two years ago I watched the film Orange Autumn, about a young couple who were swept by an avalanche strong feelings and emotions, oh love, oh tragic love, the couple passed an HIV test, and when the result came that the girl was sick, the guy did not leave her, but even deliberately infected himself, just to be with her, but then it turned out that the girl was healthy, they mixed up the tests. And apparently the girl’s love was not as strong and real as this young man, she left him without hesitation.

    I then thought about whether I, having happened such a thing, God forbid, to us, is capable of such an act in relation to my beloved man, is he really so beloved to do the same .....

    I only really think loving heart able to endure such a cruel blow of fate.

    You truly love a person when you do not try to correct his shortcomings. You just don't notice them. It is good to be silent with him, there is no feeling of awkwardness. There is peace in my soul, I don’t want to run somewhere, to prove something. argue with someone. The main thing is not to lose your head.

What does the word “love” really mean? And how is it different modern love from the love of previous generations?

They lived happily ever after and died on the same day. Is such a romantic scenario possible today? Or do we love differently today, but expect something completely different from relationships? Answers our questions family psychotherapist.

How and when do we learn to love?

Psychotherapist: This us parents teach in childhood. If they really love us, accept us, satisfy our needs, but at the same time allow us to grow independent and independent (and not like and continue ourselves), then we have the core, the core of the personality is formed- self, "I". This means that we are capable of open contact with another person, we can accept him as he is, become interested in him. in all its diversity. Not just to be trapped in a biological mechanism - desire, passion, but also to show interest in the person himself, his inner world. If at the same time we come across sharp corner- the otherness of the partner, we will not take it as an insult and will not immediately begin to remake it. In mature couples relationship is mutual: both partners remain themselves, but at the same time, each of them is interested in the other.

Many people mistake violent passion for love. And as soon as it passes, it seems to them that everything is over ...

Psychotherapist: Most love relationships begin with physiological passion. Another thing is that during these turbulent experiences we find ourselves so absorbed in our feelings that we do not report in what kind of person is nearby. We are just revel in ourselves and our experiences. After a couple of years, the concentration of hormones decreases, and partners either begin to study each other, or, like a drug, are drawn to new vivid emotions.

In fact let yourself open in front of another person, become interested in his world, but do not dissolve in it, not to lose your "I" - very difficult. A person who suffers from a lack of himself needs passions to fill him. If they are not there, he feels tremendous loneliness. And he tries again and again to fill the void with vivid experiences. That's why just being self-sufficient, independent, free You can truly love another person.

What happens when violent feelings end?

Psychotherapist: In the blood sharply decreased levels of hormones and we begin to see a person with all his shortcomings. Therefore, very often two years after they met, people either disperse or get married. When partners begin to live together, they are so approach each other that they immediately understand everything. If a woman, for example, idealized a partner, and now instead of a prince, with whom she counted on endless happiness, she sees next to her ordinary person with her weaknesses, she is forced reconsider your vision of a couple. Partners study each other adapt to each other they create their own world. Or it turns out that he (or she) is not able to bear the fact that he (she) turned out to be ... just a person. Faced with reality, something needs to be done- overcome your disappointment (or rather, just part with illusions) and allow yourself to be happy or rather scatter into different sides. The main thing is to understand that if we expect that we will live together and we will not have a single conflict, not a single tense conversation, not a single quarrel, this is a utopia.

What does it look like - "they really love each other"?

Psychotherapist: There is a “he”, there is a “she”, and there is "we". Two successful people. Everyone has it have something of their own, while they like to be together, they have common affairs, hobbies, they like to talk with each other, they are not bored, they know how to negotiate important issues(but this does not mean that they agree with each other on everything). To people who good apart, good and together.

If one partner does not accept the other, he is forced to defend various public discourses, and there are many of them: "the husband must ...", "the wife must ...". As a result, he tries all the time impose on real person some kind of tracing paper, and if it doesn’t work out, he experiences a strong disappointment. He experiences disappointment even if he strives at all costs remake another“for myself”, I did everything - but there is no happiness. But he is not there, not because the other is bad, but because at the very inside - emptiness.

How much are we willing to pay for what we seek in love?

Psychotherapist: Every person has basic life values . Something that he will never sacrifice, because otherwise he will cease to be himself. And there is some a set of attitudes, rules, which he can easily refuse. For example, how to cut bread “correctly”… If you are constantly struggling to get the other person to stop cutting like that, try asking yourself the question: “Still, why do I get so worked up over trifles? Do I want to be happy or right? This fight is more like the desire to build everything according to their own rules, to declare himself in charge. But why is it so important for you to control the space around you? Where does it come from? If from childhood, most likely today marital relations- this is a kind of continuation of relations with parents. But you can already relax! And live by your own rules, not seeing a “strict parent” in your partner.

What does true love require?

Psychotherapist: Be yourself, be honest with yourself open with another person ready to accept it. Important realism: love relationship- this is a process that needs to be worked on, it is not something that falls on us just like that, unlike falling in love, which is easy and pleasant to feel. Love - this is an amusing trip into another person's world. Love, like life, is work on yourself, not on another person. love demands mental labor, and also - courage and bravery: not everyone has the courage to take a step from passion to love.

Jealousy and love are synonyms?

Psychotherapist: Jealousy is relationship not with a partner, but with someone we are jealous of. Such a triangle. If a husband is jealous of his wife for men, then this is his relationship with other men. His lack of self-esteem. Or a mirror situation. “I am jealous of all women. Even when he is not around, I walk down the street and think - this woman is better built, so he could pay attention to her. This is not a conversation about him, he is not even around, this is a story about her, about the fact that she compares herself to other women.

Does the Internet help us treat love in a consumer way?

Psychotherapist: He simplifies the dating scheme. Everything else is as usual. It all depends what we were able to agree on. And for that, you have to speak.

They lived happily ever after and died on the same day. Is such a romantic scenario possible today? Or do we love differently today, but expect something completely different from relationships? Family psychotherapist Inna Khamitova answers our questions.

psychology: How and when do we learn to love?

Inna Khamitova: This is what our parents teach us in childhood. If they really love us, accept, satisfy our needs, but at the same time allow us to grow independent and independent (and not like and continue ourselves), then we form the core, the core of the personality - self, "I", self. This means that we are capable of open contact with another person, we can accept him as he is, become interested in him in all his diversity. Not just to be trapped in a biological mechanism - desire, passion, but also to show interest in the person himself, his inner world. If at the same time we stumble upon an acute angle - the otherness of the partner, we will not take it as an insult and will not immediately begin to remake it. In mature couples, such relationships are mutual: both partners remain themselves, but at the same time, each of them is interested in the other.

Many people mistake violent passion for love. And as soon as it passes, it seems to them that everything is over ...

THEM.: Most love relationships begin with physiological passion. Another thing is that during these stormy experiences we find ourselves so absorbed in our feelings that we do not realize what kind of person is nearby. We just revel in ourselves and our experiences. After a couple of years, the concentration of hormones decreases and the partners either begin to study each other, or, like a drug, are drawn to new vivid emotions.

In fact, it is very difficult to allow yourself to open up to another person, to become interested in his world, but not to dissolve in it, not to lose your "I" - it is very difficult. A person who suffers from a lack of himself needs passions to fill him. If they are not there, he feels tremendous loneliness. And he tries again and again to fill the void with vivid experiences. That is why only being self-sufficient, independent, free, you can truly love another person.

What happens when violent feelings end?

THEM.: The concentration of hormones in the blood decreases sharply, and we begin to see a person with all his shortcomings. Therefore, very often two years after they met, people either disperse or get married. When partners begin to live together, they become so close to each other that everything immediately becomes clear to them. If a woman, for example, idealized a partner, and now instead of a prince, with whom she counted on endless happiness, she sees an ordinary person with her weaknesses next to her, she is forced to reconsider her vision of the couple. Partners study each other, adapt to each other, they create their own world. Or it turns out that he (or she) is not able to bear the fact that he (she) turned out to be ... just a person. Faced with reality, you need to do something - to overcome your disappointment (or rather, just part with illusions) and allow yourself to be happy, or rather scatter in different directions. The main thing is to understand that if we expect that we will live together and we will not have a single conflict, not a single tense conversation, not a single quarrel, this is a utopia.

What does it look like - "they really love each other"?

THEM.: There is “he”, there is “she”, and there is “we”. Two successful people. Everyone has something of their own, while they like to be together, they have common affairs, hobbies, they like to talk with each other, they are not bored, they know how to agree on important issues (but this does not mean that they are in everything agree with each other). People who feel good apart are good together.

If one partner does not accept the other, he is forced to defend various public discourses, and there are many of them: "the husband must ...", "the wife must ...". As a result, he is constantly trying to impose some kind of tracing paper on a real person, and if it doesn’t work out, he is very disappointed. He also experiences disappointment if he tried at all costs to remake the other "for himself", he did everything - but there is no happiness. But he is not there, not because the other is bad, but because he himself has emptiness inside.

How much are we willing to pay for what we seek in love?

THEM.: Every person has basic life values. Something that he will never sacrifice, because otherwise he will cease to be himself. And there is a certain set of settings, rules, from which he can easily refuse. For example, how to cut bread “correctly”… If you are constantly struggling to get the other person to stop cutting like that, try asking yourself the question: “Still, why do I get so worked up over trifles? Do I want to be happy or right? Such a struggle is more like a desire to build everything according to your own rules, to declare yourself the main one. But why is it so important for you to control the space around you? Where does it come from? If from childhood, most likely, today's marital relationship is a kind of continuation of relations with parents. But you can already relax! And live by your own rules, not seeing a “strict parent” in your partner.

What does true love require?

THEM.: Be yourself, be honest with yourself, open with another person, ready to accept it. Realism is important: a love relationship is a process that needs to be worked on, it is not something that falls on us just like that, unlike falling in love, which is easy and pleasant to feel. Love is an exciting journey into the world of another person. Love, like life, is work on yourself, not on another person. Love requires mental work, and also courage and courage: not everyone has the courage to take a step from passion to love.

Jealousy and love are synonyms?

THEM.: Jealousy is not a relationship with a partner, but with someone we are jealous of. Such a triangle. If a husband is jealous of his wife for men, then this is his relationship with other men. His self-doubt. Or a mirror situation. “I am jealous of all women. Even when he is not around, I walk down the street and think - this woman is better built, so he could pay attention to her. This is not a conversation about him, he is not even around, this is a story about her, about the fact that she compares herself with other women.

Does the Internet help us treat love in a consumer way?

THEM.: It simplifies the dating scheme. Everything else is as usual. It all depends on what we managed to agree on. And for that, you have to speak.

Every person dreams of a real love, but most people live their lives like this without experiencing happiness and without understanding how it is to truly love? Many marry without love, believing that the main thing in life is family, wealth, fame and career. Of course, all this is at the initial stage. family relations leads to the satisfaction of desires, but over the years everyone realizes that money, wealth and fame are not what is needed for happiness. Then life is filled with emptiness and the feeling that it was impossible to treat the issue of creating a family so easily and marry without waiting for true love. Everyone needs it like air.

Of course, in youth not everyone can understand how to distinguish between real and sincere love from another that passes quickly. In fact, not everyone can truly love, this is a special gift or art that needs to be learned and comprehended. Love is a feeling that comes as a gift to a person who has a rich inner world and wonderful character. selfish, selfish and arrogant people unable to truly love. In order to understand if you are truly in love, you need to know the signs of true love that will help you recognize it among other superficial feelings that you will meet along your life path. And here they are:

1. strong attraction. If you don’t just like a person, but you suddenly began to notice something in his behavior that you are pleased to see how he smiles, moves, turns his head, speaks and behaves, then this is a sign of true love. True love is hot, passionate and painful. However, it should not be confused with that feeling of physical attraction to a partner, when you are waiting for a meeting, like a holiday, and you burn with impatience to see you sooner. This is just First stage development of relations, when lovers still do not feel for each other more deep feelings. They are only brought together physical sensations, they are excited when touched and feel an increased heartbeat.

True love is based not only on physical attraction, but also on the spiritual. This is when you like a person not because he is handsome, slim and attractive, but when you are drawn to him as to his own and close person. A truly in love person accepts a partner for who he is. If you notice that the person you like has flaws and you hope to correct him in the future, then this is a sign that you do not feel true love for him. True love is blind, your loved one becomes the best for you. You like everything about him, and the way he looks, and the way he behaves, and what he dreams about and talks about.

2. Another way of thinking. When you truly love, they make a person happy. He begins to think and think differently. A man in love enjoys life, begins to love himself and pushes his partner to this. If you are looking for ways to make your partner jealous, suffer and spend money on you, then this is not true love. True love is devoted and unselfish.

You will always strive to do everything possible to bring joy to your loved one. You will be primarily interested in what you can give, not what you can receive. A truly in love person is constantly looking for ways to solve the problems that a loved one has, and does not wait for him to make his life better. True love inspires a person to exploits, because of it a person's self-esteem rises and new plans for the future appear.

4. No Doubt. If, despite the fact that relatives and acquaintances tell you about the unseemly aspects of the partner’s character, you do not pay any attention to this and you have no doubts about him, then this is a sign true love. When you truly love, you idealize your partner and consider him the only one. There can be no doubt about what kind of husband or wife he will be.

Are you sure that you found that person, whom you have been looking for all your life and want to see him next to you all your life. You fully accept him for who he is and are ready to go with him to share with him everything that you have. You want to create a family with your loved one and have common children.
