Depilation with liquid wax at home. How to do waxing at home

For smooth and beautiful skin, many women resort to the epilation procedure. Its difference from depilation is the removal of unwanted hair along with bulbs. One of the types of procedures in the fight against unwanted vegetation is hot wax epilation. It is a hair removal method using heated wax. In this case, the temperature of the product is from 45 to 55°C.

Types of epilation and their application

Epilation will get rid of unwanted vegetation for a long time. There will be no traces of cuts and wounds on the body, as when using a razor. A modern woman appreciates and saves her time, so she prefers to remove hairs as little as possible. But she wants her skin to remain soft and smooth for as long as possible. Depilation does not give such an effect. After all, after it, the skin looks irritated, and the result is enough for a couple of days.

The effect of waxing lasts about a month. It does not require large financial investments. Suitable for use on any part of the body. It is easy to make even at home. Suitable for use at any time of the year. This service is available in almost any salon. But if you carry out the procedure at home, then it is important to follow its technology without making mistakes. Soreness during the procedure will decrease with each subsequent calendar approach. The more times the manipulation is carried out on your own, the more experienced and faster you will act next time. Soreness of manipulation is low, but even it can be reduced with the help of special creams.

Skin without hairs - the choice of a modern woman

For an effective result from depilation, it is important to carry it out correctly. The duration of the absence of hair on the body will depend on this. Manipulation requires applying wax to the hairs in the direction of their growth. The agent penetrates the root of the hair and hardens. With a sharp movement of the hand, the layer, together with the vegetation, is torn off against the growth of hair.

Waxing is of the following types:

  • cold
  • warm
  • hot.

Warm waxing is suitable for all girls and women. This type of procedure includes soft impact, ease of use, speed of implementation. But such hair removal will cost more than other methods. Material for such hair removal is sold in special cassettes or cans. Therefore, it is convenient to use it at home without the risk of skin burns.

Hot epilation is dangerous with possible thermal burns. Also, this procedure is contraindicated in diseases of the legs, especially when there are problems with the veins. From the hot temperature of the agent, the vessels expand greatly. The advantage of manipulation is its less pain.

Heated wax should be used with care to avoid burns.

Advantages and features of the hot procedure

Unlike warm wax, hot wax is thicker in consistency. When cold, it is solid. To start using it, you need to warm it up to a liquid mass. It is called hot because for application it is heated to the highest temperature possible for application to the skin. It quickly hardens itself on the body, as it is not diluted with anything. When using it, you can not use epilation strips. The layer of wax is easily torn off by hand.

Such a hair remover is suitable for people with sensitive skin, as well as for the bikini area (including deep), armpits, and face. Can be used on hands and feet. Carrying out such a procedure requires certain skills.

Benefits and features of hot wax hair removal:

  • hair removal for a long time;
  • low cost, since only a spatula and a container for heating the material are required;
  • minimal pain during depilation;
  • gentle way to remove hair;
  • the possibility of removing vellus hair, as a result of which the skin becomes absolutely smooth.

Rules for holding

Hot wax epilation should be carried out on clean and dry skin. Therefore, before the procedure, the skin must be cleaned, that is, washed well and dried with a towel. Then the places of future epilation are treated with a preparatory lotion. If the skin is very sensitive and prone to dryness, then it is treated with baby powder or talc.

The length of the hairs must be at least 5 mm. Therefore, it is better to determine the time of the manipulation in advance. If the hairs are longer than the optimal size, then you should shave them and wait until they grow back to the desired length. And only then carry out the procedure. The day before the procedure, the skin is cleansed with a scrub. This will make hair removal easier. Peelings cannot be done the day before, as well as sunbathing. This will worsen the recovery of the skin after the manipulation.

Hair removal with hot wax should be carried out by a specialist

The hair remover must be heated to approximately 40 °C. At the same time, in consistency, it will be similar to liquid honey. This can be done in a water bath or using a special device. It is convenient to apply wax with a special wooden spatula. Be sure to follow the direction of application of the product according to hair growth.

Hot wax can be applied simultaneously to different surfaces of the body where epilation was planned. This saves time during the procedure. It is important to observe gaps on the body between applications so that it is possible to grab and tear off each layer individually. When the product has completely hardened, it must be torn off against hair growth.

In order to remove the remnants of the product from the skin after epilation, you must use oil. Suitable cosmetic or conventional vegetable. It must be applied to a cotton pad and wipe the epilation site. To relieve irritation, the skin must be treated with a special spray or lotion. They hydrate the skin. Such a tool can be bought at a pharmacy or store. It can also be used to slow down hair growth and prevent ingrown hairs. After manipulation for 8 hours, it is better not to wet the skin to prevent its irritation.

After the procedure, during the first day it is forbidden to visit the sauna or bath, as well as sunbathe in the sun. Do not use perfumes and cosmetics at the place of hair removal.

If the procedure is carried out at home, at first you will have to practice more than once for the speed of its implementation. The technique of hair removal comes with experience. With each subsequent procedure, the movements will become more confident and clearer.

Basic rules for applying hot wax

When carrying out this type of manipulation, it is necessary to take into account some features of the process:

  1. Wax for application is taken in large quantities.
  2. The consistency of the product should be as fluid as possible. It is impossible to overheat the wax, otherwise you can get burned.
  3. Be sure to apply the first layer of wax in the direction of hair growth. The remaining layers can already be distributed in a circular motion.
  4. Wax does not need to be stretched to cover a large treatment area. It should be dense so that it can be easily removed along with unnecessary vegetation. If the layer is too thin, it may tear. And in the case of a thick applied layer - break.
  5. The edges of the applied layers should be rounded. So it is more convenient to grab them when removing hair.
  6. After tearing off a layer of wax, the skin in this place must be pressed. This will take the pain away.
  7. After completing all the manipulations, it is advisable to apply a lotion or oil that will soothe the skin. If a hair growth retardant is used, it is applied before the oil.

With the right procedure, there will be an excellent result.


Like any other procedure for removing unwanted vegetation, hot wax hair removal suits someone optimally, while others are strictly forbidden to do it.

Hot wax epilation is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • varicose diseases of the legs;
  • individual intolerance to the procedure due to the use of wax;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of diabetes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the form of wounds and cuts in the area of ​​​​the intended epilation.

Ways to heat up wax

To heat the wax, you can use a special device called a wax melter. You will also need spatulas. They are best purchased in the form of disposable wooden spatulas. Reusable tools are harder and more tiring to clean. Wax melts facilitate the heating of the material and the procedure. In addition, they constantly maintain the set temperature while the procedure is being carried out.

Apply wax with a wooden spatula

Instead of using the device, the product can be heated in a water bath. But this will cause a lot of trouble and increase the risk of burns. You also need to watch the water so that it does not boil away. The least convenient way is to use the microwave oven. In this case, it is difficult to achieve the desired temperature of the material. In addition, wax can be heated unevenly. It should be noted that during the manipulation to combat excess vegetation, the wax will have to be constantly heated.

On sale hot wax can be found in different forms. It is sold in the form of granules, bars and plates. In granules, it is suitable for treating small areas, such as a bikini. To remove hair from large areas, it is better to use bars or plates. The tool can be reused in all cases.

The first epilation with hot wax is best done on the legs. These are simple places where it is easy to gain experience and skill for subsequent manipulations. Subsequently, armpits or bikini can be treated.

It is not customary to talk about some things in public, and in general to discuss them with someone. Such forbidden items usually include all the unpleasant physiological details of the functioning of the human body, and as the “refined” public perception develops and intensifies, the list of undesirable topics expands, including more and more aspects of life, from baby diapers to feminine hygiene pads. At the same time, the reverse process is also taking place: the deeper new methods of caring for our body enter our lives, the easier and more relaxed we can talk about them. But not everywhere, but in such interest groups: for example, communities of young mothers or at a meeting with close friends. We invite you to imagine yourself at such a meeting and discuss the problem of hair growing on the female body without embarrassment.

This unwanted hairline is a problem without exaggeration. After all, only for some it is a light, almost imperceptible fluff on the skin, while many women suffer from visible, pigmented and coarse hairs. It is enough just to delay the procedure for their removal by a day, and now it is already a shame to leave the house in a sleeveless T-shirt and / or a short skirt, because the annoying bristle has made its way under the armpits and on the knees. And, if at the time of reading these lines you recognized yourself, then it remains for you to sincerely sympathize. But not only. In addition to empathy, we can offer you to find a suitable method of epilation that will get rid of your body hair, if not permanently, then at least for a long time. Modern cosmetology knows many methods of hair removal, all of them are good in their own way and have certain disadvantages. But, if you prioritize the desire to engage in hair removal as rarely as possible, that is, to increase the time interval between these procedures, then waxing can be considered the best method in terms of price and quality. Of course, only if waxing is done correctly.

Waxing: features, advantages and disadvantages
Removing hair with a special wax is not accidentally called epilation. Unlike depilation, in which each hair is cut flush with the skin surface (with a razor, blade, spatula after exposure to solvent cream, etc.), epilation allows you to remove the hair root from the epidermis, which significantly prolongs the effect of this procedure. Accordingly, epilation has to be done much less frequently than depilation, but this process also delivers more pain. But with the help of wax, you can remove hair on almost any part of the body. And it is not at all necessary to do this in a cosmetology clinic or salon. Of course, a specialist cosmetologist will carry out the procedure more confidently, faster and easier, because he has special courses and extensive experience in hair removal for numerous clients. But you can limit yourself to one client, that is, your beloved, and carefully, gradually gaining dexterity, learn how to do waxing on your own just at home.

This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The essence of the procedure is to apply a soft, almost liquid wax-like composition to the skin in the area that you want to clean from hair. Due to its consistency, the wax penetrates the pores and reaches the hair follicles. In order for the contact to take place as quickly and as closely as possible, cosmetic wax is heated before being applied to the skin. It cools down quickly enough, firmly grasping around each hair root. Before this happens, you need to have time to cover the wax layer with a more durable structure: a textile or dense cellulose napkin. It will play the role of the basis of the epilation structure, when the wax hardens and is fixed on the napkin on one side, and on the hairs on the other. It is for the napkin that you need to pull sharply and strongly, directing this movement against the growth of the hair, so that together with it and the wax adhering to it, remove the hairs along with the roots. The jerk of the wax pad feels painful, but it happens so quickly that the pain lasts literally a fraction of a second. But the effect of such a deep procedure sometimes lasts for a month, and for the sake of such a period of carefree life without unwanted hair, you can endure quite a bit. And the low price of the components becomes an additional significant advantage.

Waxing can be different in terms of the temperature of the wax composition used. The choice of temperature depends on which part of the body will be epilated, and affects the strength of the painful sensations of the process itself. If you have to do home waxing for the first time, then it will be easiest to navigate by general recommendations regarding the use of wax and its heating, and later, when at least minimal experience is gained, you can build on your own feelings and the effect obtained. But before you start experimenting, consider the differences and features of each subspecies of waxing available for use at home:

  1. Hot waxing considered the least painful method of the three, despite the fact that for its implementation the wax must be heated so strongly that the risk of burns is not excluded. So here you have to choose a more important parameter for you: anesthesia due to high temperature or the complexity of the implementation of hair removal. Hot wax epilation is mainly used on the legs, arms and bikini area. But it is strictly contraindicated for girls suffering from vein diseases and those who are prone to edema. The preparation of materials and their use in hot depilation requires skill, so it is best to leave this method to those who have already performed such a procedure more than once.
  2. Cold waxing quite much more painful than hot, but it eliminates the possibility of getting burned. In addition, it can be used on sensitive areas of the skin and where the hairs are the shortest and thinnest. In other words, it again puts before a choice of priorities. Using cold wax for hair removal is time consuming, troublesome and tiring. Therefore, it is almost never used to remove hair in the bikini area, armpits, giving preference to the legs, arms and other less sensitive areas. The effect of cold epilation is the smallest of all possible wax hair removal procedures.
  3. Warm waxing, in view of the above, is the best option. It is the simplest, hygienic, fastest and most effective of the three. She has almost no contraindications, except for obvious irritations and inflammations on the skin, and every woman can master it. The only drawback of warm hair removal can be considered the cost of the components for its implementation. But the higher price compared to the other two methods is due, in particular, to the convenience of the design: wax for warm epilation is sold in cassettes that are convenient for storage and application to the skin.
How to do waxing at home
Based on what we just learned about waxing, it is obvious that for beginners at home, it is best to start with warm waxing. You will not need any special medical knowledge or skills for this, even for the first time. Simply, having planned this home procedure, first go to a cosmetic store (it is better to choose not a household one, but one where professional masters make purchases - they will be able to provide you with advice and explain which brands are right for you) for a wax cassette, a thermostat for heating wax (it is sometimes called a wax melter), epilation strips (later you can replace them with pieces of fabric that are suitable in size), gel or cream after epilation. As the last remedy, you can use baby or your favorite body oil. In addition, you will definitely need a disinfectant (miramistin, chlorhexidine, alcohol-containing lotion or any equivalent will do), body scrub and talcum powder - these products are most likely already in your home. After everything you need is purchased and found, you can proceed directly to waxing:
By and large, the procedure for hair removal with warm wax, even at home, does not pose any great difficulty or significant danger. The main thing is to get the hang of it and develop your own comfortable rhythm for hair removal, which after a while will become a habit and reach automatism. It is best to epilate legs and arms at home, and entrust more delicate areas of the body to a professional beautician. But at the same time, do not forget to follow the basic rules and safety precautions yourself, especially after the procedure, and do not expose the skin to additional stress. Among the main mistakes that are made during waxing, the most common and troublesome are the following:
  1. Never steam your skin before waxing, even if you hope to reduce pain by doing so. This will affect sensitivity slightly, and it will become impossible to work with wet skin - wax simply does not interact with it.
  2. If the strip glued to the skin does not come off properly, it or the skin may have been wet. It is best in this situation to let the wax cool for a couple of minutes, then wash it off with oil, replace the strip and repeat the procedure, preparing the surface and materials more thoroughly.
  3. Always use only sterile instruments and clean your hands before starting the procedure.
  4. Itching and irritation after epilation is well removed by baby cream, and ingrown hairs can be carefully removed with tweezers. Peeling, solarium and tanning in direct sunlight are prohibited for 2-3 days after epilation.
Here, in fact, are all the simple rules for waxing at home. Having done it several times, you will see how easy and affordable hair removal can be, and the effect of such hair removal will not force you to scrape your skin with a razor every day or treat it with an aggressive depilatory cream. Moreover, the procedure can even be pleasant if the skin is properly prepared and you manage to avoid discomfort. A pleasant addition can be the use of flavored wax for epilation and a gentle, fragrant cream after it. Simply put, even such a specific operation as hair removal should bring joy, like all other methods of personal care. Be beautiful and enjoy it!

A rare woman does not need depilation of the body, while the rest are looking for the best way to carry out this procedure.

Depilflax Ivory
best hot wax for depilation


In the photo - hot wax for depilation Depilflax Ivory. Average price in the Russian Federation: 1100 rubles (1 kg - 20 procedures).

Hot wax Depilflax Ivory is designed specifically for intimate depilation. Suitable for any type of skin and hairs of different thicknesses. On contact with the skin, hot wax exhibits high adhesiveness (sticks well), ensuring that even the toughest hairs are captured. The composition includes coconut oil, moisturizing the skin and preventing the appearance of irritation.


  • Melts easily and cools slowly.
  • Copes with the most "harmful" hairs.
  • Used without stripes.

From Depilflax Hot Wax Ivory reviews:

“I decided to try Depilflax wax on the advice of a friend - a friend considers this wax to be the best for depilation. She gave one bar, I didn't use it all. Feelings… interesting. I can not say that I enjoyed the procedure, but the effect! It feels like not a single extra hair is left! I will use it!"

“In order to save money, I decided to purchase the same hot wax for intimate depilation that is used in the salon - Depilflax, and do it myself. In the end - no difference! I thought that the success of this difficult task depends on the master, but it turned out - on wax! Now I will only deal with it on my own, it was not very difficult and it turned out to be ... ".

Byly Depil
best fruit wax for facial hair removal


In the photo - warm wax for depilation of the face Byly Depil. Average price in the Russian Federation: 420 rubles (15 ml, 5-7 procedures).

Byly hair removal products have proven to be effective and easy to use. Warm wax with a roll-on applicator is best for facial hair removal (above the upper lip). The tool has a thick and sticky consistency, due to which the capture of hairs occurs. The wax contains organic oils and fruit extracts to soothe the skin. Before the procedure, it is desirable to treat the depilation area with a tonic so that the skin is dry and non-greasy. You can remove wax residue after depilation with warm water.


  • Quick preparation for the procedure.
  • Ease of use.
  • Long lasting effect.

From Byly Depil wax reviews:

“I saw fruit wax by chance, I decided to try it. First of all, I was pleasantly surprised by the reusable strips that come with the kit. It was quite pleasant to use wax - good smell and not too sticky consistency. It is applied in a thin layer and dries fairly quickly. True, I still have a few hairs left ... I had to repeat the procedure.

“I don’t know what kind of mustache it should be so that it can’t be removed with wax ... Well, or did I still“ get off lightly ”? .. Personally, Byly Depil wax helps me the first time, though it hurts, but ... beauty requires sacrifice! ".

White Line Natura Azulene
best hot wax in granules


In the photo - hot wax for depilation White Line Natura Azulene. Average price in the Russian Federation: 130 rubles (100 gr - 4 procedures).

Natura azulene granulated film wax from White Line is one of the best for depilation of the bikini area, arms and legs. Thanks to a special formula, wax not only effectively removes even coarse and short hairs, but also soothes the skin, preventing irritation. Wax melts at a temperature of 45 degrees, quickly "seizes", does not require the use of strips. The composition includes natural ingredients, the finished wax has a pleasant aroma.


  • Convenient to use.
  • Handles coarse and short hairs.
  • Minimum pain.
  • Prevents inflammation.
  • Economic consumption.

Flaws: depilation of the legs will require quite a lot of wax and time.

From reviews of White Line Natura Azulen wax in granules:

“These cute little granules just work wonders! I was surprised at how this filmy wax works! I used it for my hands (and it usually hurts a lot!). Fast, precise, ruthless, and… I LOVED it! There was almost no pain! I can't believe it myself…”

“I tried both strips and various waxes for depilation ... there. It hurts - scary! A razor - not serious. Fortunately, the store recommended Natura with azulene. This is the best wax for depilation! What a pleasure to work with him! And it heats up quickly, and does not flow, and grabs the moment. Five plus wax in granules!

Floresan Deep Depil
best fruit wax for "deep" depilation


In the photo - fruit wax for depilation Floresan Deep Depil. Average price in the Russian Federation: 180 rubles (250 ml - up to 10 procedures).

The name Floresan Deep Depil hot wax speaks for itself - it is designed for "deep" depilation of the bikini area. Fructose-based wax not only gently removes hairs, but also creates a peeling effect. Aloe vera extract, which is part of the product, relieves irritation and prevents hair from growing under the skin. The product is suitable for even the most sensitive skin.


  • Easy and convenient to use.
  • In addition to hair removal, skin care.
  • There is almost no pain.
  • The set includes reusable strips and a spatula.
  • Washes off well with water.
  • Democratic price.

From reviews about Floresan Deep Depil:

“I have never had such a painless bikini waxing!!! I didn't even know what it was? I doubted, I was looking for the remaining hairs for a long time, but there are simply NO! All of them have been removed!"

“My favorite is Floresan Deep Depil Sugar Wax. Pure pleasure! And it warms up quickly, and is applied easily, and there is almost no pain. I didn't think it could be so easy! And the skin after it is tender ... ".

best warm wax for depilation


In the photo - Veet warm wax for depilation with essential oils. Average price in the Russian Federation: 600 rubles (250 ml - up to 10 procedures).

Perhaps the most popular hair removal product today is Veet. The warm wax of this company, enriched with essential oils, is also a success. Wax is intended for depilation of the whole body, suitable for coarse hairs. True, the length of the hair should be at least 5 mm. The kit contains reusable strips and a spatula with an indicator (to check the readiness of the product for use).


  • An easy to use tool.
  • Nice texture and aroma.
  • Washes off easily with warm water.
  • Skin care.

From Veet warm wax reviews:

“Here, everyone writes: “It hurts, it hurts! ..”. Well, yes! What do you want? Use the loom if so tender! But, as a consolation, I can say: each time the procedure seems less painful. Either you get used to it, or the hair follicle is really destroyed ... ".

“I opted for Veet Warm Wax because of how easy it is to use. At least I have time to apply it before it hardens, and at the same time I don’t burn myself! It copes well with vegetation on the whole body (I even tried it on my face - it works), the pain is moderate, I would say ... ".

best depilatory wax cartridge


In the photo - warm wax for depilation in a Kapous cartridge. Average price in the Russian Federation: 130 rubles (100 ml, up to 4 procedures).

Wax in cartridges is used for depilation of arms, legs and back, not suitable for the bikini area. Warm depilatory wax Kapous, depending on the color of the content, is designed for all skin types and different thicknesses of hairs. Wax with essential oil of fennel (yellow) is used to remove coarse and short hairs, there are also options for sensitive, tanned skin. Warm wax has a gel texture and is easy to apply with a special roller. Wax residues (if any) can be easily removed with a damp cloth. Active ingredients: resin, plant extracts and oils.


  • Convenient to warm up.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Removes even coarse and short hairs.
  • Does not cause irritation.
  • Inexpensive.


  • It is applied in a thin layer, it is necessary to carry out the roller several times.
  • It is difficult to determine which color of the cartridge to choose.

From reviews of wax in Kapous cartridges:

“I have never had such a pleasant depilation of the legs as with the Kapous cartridge. True, I have a voskoplav, but you can do without it. In general, this is much more convenient than with hot wax, it is applied more easily, more evenly, and works perfectly. I recommend to everyone! True, you need to choose the color of the cartridge that suits YOU!”

“For my sensitive skin, the shop recommended the Kapous argan oil cartridge. I bought it and just love the results! Absolutely zero irritation! I didn't even use lotion or oil. I just removed the wax residue with a damp cloth (which, by the way, was very small), and for 3 weeks I have been enjoying perfectly smooth legs!

What is the best wax for depilation?

Waxing is a reliable and proven way for a long time (the effect lasts about 4 weeks) to get rid of body hairs. However, any, even the best wax for depilation has flaws:

  • First of all, everyone who decides to wax depilation should keep in mind that the procedure is painful.
  • Skin irritation after the procedure can last for a day, and wax components can cause allergies.
  • Best of all, wax is spalled already with regrown hairs (from 5 mm).
  • From the first time, wax depilation is not successful for everyone - you need to adapt to the procedure.
  • There are missing hairs.
  • Wax is very dirty - however, then it is easily washed off with warm water.

Again, with experience, depilation becomes easier.

Least Painful depilation is possible using hot wax. However, this tool is not suitable for the face, and in the bikini area it should be used very carefully.

For the face and "deep" depilation warm fruit wax is best, but be aware that it hurts.

Means in cartridges are convenient for leg waxing Plus, you can choose the right one for your skin. It is also obvious that absolutely any wax for depilation does not exclude discomfort when using it, therefore, to everyone who cannot stand pain, please: choose other means to improve your body.

Attention! There are contraindications, you need to consult a specialist

Nothing makes a woman unkempt so quickly as unwanted facial and body hair. And if the hair in the armpits can still be passed off as a manifestation of rebellion and rebellion of the spirit, then it is not customary to show unshaven shins to anyone except your beautician.

And since the problem of getting rid of body hair is so acute, then, accordingly, manufacturers of depilatory products have tried to take into account the needs of women and have created a large number of wax varieties for a variety of hair and a variety of skin types.

Why most women and men prefer wax:

  • Wax removes not only unwanted vegetation, it also captures a layer of dead cells, which promotes skin renewal;
  • most waxes for depilation include special additives that soften and nourish the skin, making it silky;
  • depilation with wax gives a lasting effect, and if you additionally use sprays to slow down hair growth, then you can forget about the next procedure for up to 5-6 weeks;
  • waxing is easy to use, you can buy it in almost any store, waxing is done in any salon;
  • it is a relatively cheap way to get rid of hair;
  • hair after repeated waxing and permanent injury of the bulb becomes softer and thinner;
  • if the fashion returns to everything natural, including the natural hairiness of the body, some time after the procedure, the hairline on the body will be completely restored.

Video: Video instruction for waxing in cartridges

Types of waxes

Hair removal waxes differ in a number of ways. The main one is the melting point of the wax. Directly proportional to it is the ease of hair removal and the ability of heat to reduce pain. Inversely proportional to it is the convenience of using wax by a person without experience and the necessary devices.

So, according to the melting point, waxes are divided into:

  • Cold wax;
  • Warm wax;

Cold The good thing is that you don’t need any heating equipment to use it.

Photo: Veet

Basically, it is sold in the form of ready-made wax strips or in a jar (tube).

Photo: strips in a tube byly depil

The finished strips need to be warmed between the palms, disconnected, glued to the skin with hair and torn off with a sharp movement against hair growth.

Photo: Cold wax byly depil

Cold wax in a tube or jar must be heated in hands, on a battery or in a glass of hot water, applied to the skin, glued on top of a strip of paper or non-woven material, tear off the strip with wax and hair from the skin.

Photo: beauty image

It is good to use such wax in emergency cases: on the road, in a hotel, in any place where there are no conditions in order to carry out a full-fledged hair removal procedure.

warm wax usually comes in special cassettes with a roller, less often in cans, requires preheating before use. To heat the wax, you need a special cassette wax melter or a water bath. Heated to the state of viscous honey, it is applied to the skin with a roller or a special spatula (if the wax is in a jar), removed with a paper or non-woven strip.

Photo: warm wax in cassettes

Warm wax in jars is usually a plastic homogeneous mass, such as here:

Photo: Beauty Image

Vit (now you can even rinse with water). But manufacturers never cease to amaze us, and Beauty Image introduced its warm granular wax to the Russian market, which not only solves the problem of unwanted hair, but also gives aesthetic pleasure by its very appearance, and it can be passed off as bath salt, if you don’t want to, so that your family knows about your hairiness.

Video: Warm wax

Photo: hot wax

- the most favorite for professional waxing masters. Comes in briquettes, tablets, plates and granules. Requires heating from 37-40 to 50-55 ° C, depending on the composition. To warm up, you need a special wax melter, microwave or water bath.

It is applied to the skin with a spatula or spatula. It is removed after hardening without the use of strips, it itself forms a plastic thin cake that does not stretch or tear and holds hair well. Therefore, it is also called film wax for depilation: when it hardens on the skin, it forms a dense film that is removed in one piece.

It is hot wax that allows hair removal to be carried out as painlessly as possible, pores open in the skin and hair is removed much easier.

Usually, in order to use film wax at home, you need to either attend a course or ask a depilation specialist you know to give you a practical session. It is not difficult to work with it, but usually its removal without the use of strips initially raises many questions.

Hot wax granules can be found from the following manufacturers:

  1. Beauty image.
  2. Depilflax.
Photo: hot wax tablets

In jars, wax usually comes immediately with a special handle, so that it is convenient to get the jar out of the wax maker or water bath. In tiles, wax really needs to be hidden from children, since it is very similar to chocolate. Also, hot wax can be in briquettes and tablets.

There is no particular difference between waxes in jars, tablets or granules. The use of one or another form of wax packaging depends on the amount of work that you plan to carry out in one procedure.

If you are going to remove the antennae above the upper lip, a few granules will be enough for you, if you are removing hair on the chest, back and legs of your loved one, then it is better to warm up a whole jar of wax at once and keep one in reserve.

By appointment, wax can be:

  • universal: it is a hot wax that can be used both on the face and on the body, including in the bikini area;
  • for arms, legs, chest and back: here, as a rule, warm wax is used, but you can use hot wax in case of hard, deep-seated hair, or cold if the need to remove hair caught you in the wrong place;
  • for face: either warm wax in a cartridge with a special narrow roller, or hot wax for the face can be used here;
  • wax for bikini depilation: it's always hot wax.

It may very well be that hot wax has come to be called “Brazilian wax for depilation” precisely because in the recent past they were given Brazilian bikini waxing.

  • According to the type of skin and the color of the wax itself, there are products for sensitive, dry, normal skin. For sensitive people, pink wax is usually used, but this largely depends on the manufacturer.
  • The composition of the wax can be mixed with pine resin, contain additives of essential oils, valuable base oils, extracts of various plants.

Video: Hot wax depilation

Did you know that AFT - hair removal is not critical to hair type and skin color, due to the combined effect of two energies - light and laser? More in the article.

Unwanted hair in intimate places causes a lot of inconvenience from an aesthetic and hygienic point of view. Find out everything about male depilation of intimate places by going.

How to use?

The procedure for using any wax other than cold wax differs significantly depending on whether you are using a wax melter or heating the wax in the microwave.

If you use a wax melter, your work is greatly simplified, since you only need to see to what temperature you need to heat the wax of a particular manufacturer, set the desired temperature and set it to warm up.

When it warms up to the desired temperature, the wax melter will either beep or the light will turn off (depending on the specific model). You will know that it has warmed up enough to be liquid, but not so hot that there is a risk of burning.

Photo: wax in cassettes

Since a temperature sensor is built into modern wax makers, the wax is heated to a predetermined temperature all the time that the procedure is in progress.

If you decide to heat the wax in the microwave, then you need to put the wax on for 1-3 minutes, depending on the amount of wax and the power of the device.

Then you need to mix the contents of the jar well and apply a small amount of wax to the skin of your wrist. If the wax is not liquid enough, it must be heated for another 10-15 seconds several times, each time testing on the hand, until you get a fluid, not very hot wax.

If the procedure is delayed, you will have to heat it up from time to time and each time do a temperature test on your hand so as not to burn yourself if the wax overheats.

Melting wax in a water bath is carried out in approximately the same way as in a microwave oven, with the only difference being that you can mix the wax and make a temperature test on your hand without removing the wax from the bath.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to cover all work surfaces with disposable napkins, since it is difficult to wipe off the wax afterwards.

Before applying to the skin, a special degreasing lotion is smeared. Wax is applied in the direction of hair growth, removed in the opposite direction with a sharp movement. Immediately after the procedure, it is better to apply a product that slows down hair growth on the skin, and then a soothing oil or cream.

Is there an alternative to professional before and after waxing?

Gel for skin treatment before depilation disinfects the skin, cools due to the content of menthol and camphor, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Photo: depilflaks gel

If desired, the gel can be replaced with any degreaser and talc (baby powder). These funds can be bought cheaper, and you will have a reason to use them longer.

A big disadvantage of professional products is often that they come in large volume containers. A large volume alone will be difficult to use before the expiration date if you use the tool once every three to four weeks.

Allows you to remove wax residues from the skin, softens the skin and accelerates its recovery after the procedure.

Photo: oil after depilation

In its composition, depilatory oil is no different from baby oils or other cosmetic oils for the skin. You can replace it with any moisturizer or body lotion.

Mousse to slow hair growth you need to try it on yourself, since for some it gives a pronounced effect and increases the time until the next procedure, for others it may not give an effect at all. Also, the gel can affect the rate of hair growth in different parts of the body in different ways.

Photo: mousse to slow hair growth

There is no substitute for hair growth retardants. But you need to make sure that the tool really works before buying it next time.

Ingrown Hair Lotion most often contains salicylic acid or other exfoliating components. The use of such a lotion is much easier on the skin compared to a scrub, therefore it is more preferable for permanent use.

Photo: anti-ingrown hair lotion

Most likely nothing will be able to replace such funds. And their constant use can greatly facilitate your skin care after depilation and get rid of the problem of ingrown hairs.

How to wash wax for depilation?

Photo: olive oil

The easiest way to remove wax residue from surfaces is to use a special wax product, which is usually sold in depilation departments and stores. These products remove wax in one touch, do not leave a greasy sheen or streaks, but their only drawback is often a rather pungent smell.

Wax is removed from the skin:

  • lotion after waxing;
  • any vegetable oil: it can be either a special caring oil, such as shea or almond, or ordinary sunflower or olive oil;
  • oily body or hand cream;
  • soapy water.

If washing off the wax after the procedure is a real problem for you, then you can use a special warm Vit oil in jars, which is washed off with water.

There are a lot of ways to remove unwanted body hair today. But hot wax epilation (waxing) still holds a leading position. More in the article.

Interested in what drugs are used for pain relief during hair removal at home? We recommend reading.

Wax strips for depilation are affordable, moreover, they come with special wipes that remove wax residues from the desired area of ​​the body. .

There are procedures that can only be done in a salon or a medical center, but as for waxing hair removal, it is quite possible to do it at home on your own or with a friend.

In order to get rid of unwanted vegetation, it is enough to get instructions and a little practice.

And instead of waxing in the salon with the money saved, you can easily sign up for such a procedure that you have long dreamed of, but which seemed inaccessible to you for a number of reasons, and which you yourself cannot do at home.

Instructions for use

In order to remove hair yourself, you need to acquire the necessary equipment and supplies. To determine what you will need for the procedure, you first need to decide for yourself on which areas of the body you are going to remove unwanted vegetation.

Depending on the depth of the hair, the thickness of the skin, the sensitivity of the skin to pain and its tendency to irritation, there are two main types of hair removal zones:

  • in particularly sensitive areas where the skin is thin and prone to bruising, hot wax is applied: this is the face, armpits, bikini area;
  • on the rest of the skin it is quite possible to use warm wax.

Video: How to do sugar depilation

To remove hair with warm wax, you will need:

  • special lotion to prepare the skin for epilation;
  • warm wax in roller cartridges;
  • special voskoplav for warm wax in cartridges;
  • special fabric strips for waxing;

To remove hair with hot wax, you will need to have:

  • lotion for preparation for the procedure;
  • talc or baby powder;
  • hard wax in plates, granules or jars;
  • voskoplav for hot wax necessarily with a thermostat, it is possible with a replaceable bowl so that it is suitable for both wax in plates and wax in jars;
  • wooden spatulas;
  • cream or oil after epilation;
  • wax remover for leather and work surfaces.

Before starting the procedure, and even better before buying the necessary accessories, you need to establish the absence of contraindications for wax depilation:

  1. Varicose veins in the area of ​​the proposed procedure, couperosis, rosacea - these places are best avoided, especially if you are going to use hot wax.
  2. Diabetes mellitus is in the stage of decompensation, since these patients have reduced regenerative ability of the skin and immunity, which can lead to a serious purulent-inflammatory disease with the slightest injury.
  3. Exacerbation of herpes, the presence of warts, genital warts and papillomas - it is better to postpone the procedure, since dissemination (spread) of the infection that caused the appearance of these formations on the skin is possible.
  4. You should not remove hair growing from moles, additionally seriously injure moles and other neoplasms on the skin.
  5. Bacterial and fungal diseases of the skin.
  6. Hair not long enough for waxing.
  7. Allergy to wax and any components added to it to improve properties;
  8. A fresh intense tan is not a 100% contraindication, but sunbathing before depilation is not recommended, since the skin can respond to double damage with severe irritation, which can last longer than usual, peeling, increased ingrown hairs.
  9. You should not remove facial hair if less than a month before epilation you performed any traumatic procedures, such as peeling, laser and other hardware procedures, after which the skin needs special care and a long recovery period.

Preparation and application

First of all, you need to prepare the skin for the procedure:

  1. It is better to choose a calm evening for the procedure in the first week after menstruation: in most people, biological rhythms are arranged in such a way that it is the observance of these two conditions that makes it very easy to survive the procedure.
  2. Before the procedure, the skin must be steamed in the bath and wiped dry: the heat expands the pores well, and then the hair is removed much easier.
  3. If you plan to remove hair in the armpits or in the bikini area, then you can apply Emla cream for an hour or two and cover it with cling film on top, it is under such a bandage that the most complete anesthesia of the epilation procedure is achieved.
  4. If even Emla does not help in the bikini area, then a 2% solution of lidocaine hydrochloride can be injected subcutaneously in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 2.5-3 cm between injection sites; it should be remembered that the drug is injected with an insulin syringe only into the skin of the perineum, it is not worth administering the drug into the mucous membranes.

Hot wax hair removal

  • a preparatory lotion for epilation is applied to the skin, then the skin is powdered with talc or baby powder;
  • heated wax is applied with a wooden spatula to small areas of skin with hair in the direction of hair growth and carefully, with pressure, is distributed over the skin;
  • when the wax hardens, it is removed with a sharp movement against hair growth;
  • if immediately after removing the wax, press the place of depilation, then the pain will not be so acute;
  • droplets of blood from the mouths of the hair follicles may appear on the skin, this is a normal reaction to hair removal;
  • when all the skin is free of hair, a cooling gel is applied to the skin after epilation.

Application of wax in cartridges

  • a special preparatory lotion is applied to the skin;
  • heated wax is first applied to the fabric strip to clean the roller from cold wax, which can painfully pull the skin;
  • when you are sure that the roller delivers heated wax, you can start applying wax to the skin;
  • wax is applied according to hair growth;
  • on the wax, without waiting for it to harden, a fabric strip is applied, with wide smoothing movements with pressure, the strip is glued to the wax;
  • with a sharp movement, the strip is torn off against hair growth;
  • the remaining single hairs are removed with tweezers;
  • a cooling lotion or healing spray is applied to the skin.

Depilation with cold wax

Usually, cold wax is used where it is not possible to carry out a full-fledged hair removal procedure with heated wax, for example, on a trip. Cold wax usually comes in a tube or jar.

It should be warmed up a little right in the package in hot water, then the wax is applied to the skin, covered with a paper or woven strip for depilation. The strip is smoothed to the skin and comes off against hair growth. Skin treatment before and after the procedure, as with warm or hot wax.

Important rules for waxing at home, which will help reduce skin irritation:

  1. You can not apply wax to the skin repeatedly, a maximum of two times, three only if the skin tolerates such procedures well, it is better to remove the remaining hair with tweezers.
  2. If it is necessary to apply wax to the skin a second or third time, it is better to first powder the skin with talcum powder, this will improve the adhesion of the hair to the wax and protect the skin from injury.
  3. Make sure to apply wax strictly in the direction of hair growth, and remove it strictly against: it often happens that in neighboring areas of the skin the direction of growth can change, in this case it is better to use small strips of warm wax or small “cakes” of hot wax to each tufts of hair was removed considering the direction of growth.
  4. Change fabric strips in time: strips that are used too much do not adhere well to each subsequent layer of wax on the skin, because the hair is removed worse, the skin remains sticky.
  5. Each time before hair removal, the skin must be very well and tightly fixed with the second hand, then there will be almost no pain, and there will be no skin injuries.

Video: Wax hair removal

Waxing at home on different areas of the body


Most often, wax on the face is used for epilation of hairs above the upper lip and chin. It is best to use hot wax. Before removing the antennae, it is necessary to determine the direction of hair growth: they usually grow from the middle of the lip to the corner of the mouth.

Therefore, hot wax, the temperature of which is best checked on the hand first, is applied with a spatula in the direction from the middle of the lip to the corner in both directions. Wax is removed from the corner of the mouth towards the nose with a sharp movement.


The direction of hair growth on the hands must be determined individually for each person. Most often, on the palmar surface of the forearm, hair grows towards the hand, therefore warm wax is applied from the elbow joint to the hand, and the fabric strip with wax is removed with a sharp movement from the hand towards the elbow.

Hair on the back of the forearm most often grows in the direction from the thumb to the little finger. Therefore, it is necessary to apply wax and remove hair taking into account this direction of their growth.

Video: Waxing on hands at home

Leg skin

On the shins in front and on the lateral surfaces, hair most often grows from top to bottom. Therefore, the wax is applied with a roller in the direction from the knee to the ankle, and removed with a fabric strip in the opposite direction. In the calf muscle area, most people's hair grows from the outer surface of the lower leg to the inner, which must be followed and used during the hair removal procedure.

On the hips, the direction of hair growth must be carefully determined, and the skin must be carefully fixed when removing hair, otherwise it is painful and there is a risk of bruising.


Armpit hair can grow in one direction, or it can spread in two directions from the median fold of the armpit. Hair is removed with hot wax, taking into account the direction of hair growth of each of the zones in the armpit. If there is not enough experience, then it is better to resort to the help of an assistant to remove the hair and not instruct yourself with bruises.

Video: Armpit epilation

Deep bikini

Removing hair from intimate places requires a certain skill and the help of an assistant, since it is quite possible to do epilation of a classic bikini on your own, but to make a deep or total bikini with capture of the intergluteal crease is an impossible task for most.


You know that the most popular types of bikini hair removal in our time are waxing, sugaring, chemical hair removal, photoepilation and electrolysis. .

Brazilian depilation is the ancestor of intimate hairstyles and bikini designs. All about it .

Recipes for cooking

First option: You will need 100g of beeswax, 200g of rosin and 50g of cosmetic paraffin. All components must be melted in a water bath and mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Before use, the composition must be cooled to 40 ° C.

The second option is more complicated: You need to take carnauba wax 360 gr, beeswax 130 gr, glycerin 7 ml, and 2-3 drops of any essential oil. Tea tree oil is best for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties. All components except glycerin and essential oil are melted in a water bath and mixed.

Glycerin and essential oil are best added to the cooling mixture before use. Prepared epilation wax can be stored in the refrigerator, warming up the required amount before each procedure.

Video: Shugaring recipe or sugar for depilation

How to relieve inflammation after hair removal?

The simplest and most affordable remedy is Panthenol spray or cream. If there is no panthenol, a cream with calendula, chamomile or aloe will do.

If this is not the case, then you can mix any cream or vegetable oil with a couple of drops of tea tree or aloe juice and apply this composition to the skin.

Any of these remedies will help you get rid of red dots at the site of the removed hair much faster.

How to wash off the wax?

  • usually wax from the skin is well removed with a special cream or lotion after waxing;
  • if there is no lotion, then any fat cream or sunflower / olive oil is quite suitable;
  • the least effective way is to try to wash off the remaining wax with soap and water: the water should be used as hot as possible, which will dry the skin and keep the irritation.
