Children's development centers in Mogilev. Children's sports schools and sections of Mogilev

Many parents, when choosing a type of leisure time for their child outside of school, give preference to sports. And for a reason. Sports activities help schoolchildren improve their health and develop normally physically. Additionally, sport socializes, teaches you to work in a team, make friends, fight your inhibitions and achieve victory in any situation.

Read our review of where your child can play sports in Mogilev.

House of Sports "Mogilev"

Address: Mogilev, Mira Avenue, 8

Phone: +375 222 22-03-90

In the Mogilev Sports House there are 6 tracks with a maximum depth of 4.5 and a minimum of 1.6 meters. Here you can visit the pool freely or sign up for water aerobics. Swimming lessons are provided for children. There are also classes in karate-do and yoga. There is a wrestling room, a games room, a swimming pool with a sauna, a sauna with a small pool.

Gymnastics Palace

Address: Mogilev, st. Krupskaya, 137

Phone: +375 222 71-58-77, +375 222 72-94-75

The Gymnastics Palace currently has 5 departments: sports acrobatics, sports gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatic jumping, trampoline jumping. Physical education and health services are also offered on a paid basis: recreational swimming in the pool, swimming lessons for children and adults, hand-to-hand combat training. Gym, billiards, table tennis are open.

Ice Sports Palace

Address: Mogilev, Gagarin street, 1

Phone: +375 222 45-53-88

Hockey competitions are held at the Ice Palace arena in Mogilev. The palace also organizes activities for children: hockey, figure skating. In free mode, you can join public ice skating sessions.

Mogilev Hunter-Gym

Address: Mogilev, Pionerskaya st., 24A

Phone: +375 29 694-66-35, +375 33 659-47-04

Both children and teenagers, as well as adults, can train at the club. The following services are offered: kickboxing, Thai boxing, MMA, hand-to-hand combat, jiu-jitsu, self-defense, tai-bo, fitness, crossfit. There is a gym.


Address: Mogilev, Chelyuskintsev st., building 64A-1

Phone: +375 44 559-99-87, +375 29 242-80-97

Irida is a yoga center, dance studio, aikido club, walrus club, a community of people leading a healthy lifestyle. The center provides classes for children in aikido and choreography.

Mogilev school USHU

Address: Mogilev, st. Kuleshova, 20 and st. Yakubovsky, 47

Phone: +375 29 555-46-79, +375 29 645-56-37

The school provides training for children and adults in the following directions: wushu-sanda, taijiquan, iliquan, qigong, wushu-taolu, spochan in Mogilev. Classes are held at two sites in secondary school No. 35 on Kuleshova Street, 20 and in gymnasium No. 2 on Yakubovsky Street, 47.

Sports and fitness center "Sputnik"

Address: Mogilev, st. Yakubovsky, 20

Phone: +375 29 1 599-333, +375 29 7 499-333

Fitness club "Sputnik" occupies an area of ​​900 sq.m., of which 170 sq.m. gym More than 10 types of group programs are held on the territory of the sports complex: hatha yoga, dance classes, aerobics, pilates, 2 halls for group and personal training, a team sports hall: basketball, volleyball, mini-football, table tennis, sauna, solarium. There are activities for children. For example, a school of juggling, dancing, basketball, table tennis and more.

Swimming pools for children

House of Sports

Address: Mogilev, Mira Ave., 8. Phones: +375 222 22-03-90

Gymnastics Palace

Address: Mogilev, st. Krupskaya, 137. Phone: +375 222 33-21-53

SK "Lokomotiv"

Address: Mogilev, st. Pervomaiskaya, 117a. Phone: +375 222 39-26-25

Center for Extracurricular Activities (Palace of Pioneers)

Address: Mogilev, Mira Ave., 23a. Phone: +375 222 27-94-33

City sports school

FOK KUP "Mogilevobldorstroy"

Address: Mogilev, st. Vavilova, 15. Phone: +375 222 22-93-49

Secondary school No. 18

Address: Mogilev, Shmidta Ave., 62. Telephone: +375 222 48-59-22

Secondary school No. 45

Address: Mogilev, st. Kuleshova, 20. Phone: +375 222 50-03-06


GSUSU "Mogilev City Children's and Youth Sports School No. 4"

Address: Mogilev, st. Kutuzova, 6. Phones: +375 222 27-59-43

Activities: speed skating (from 9 years old), skiing - mountain sports (from 7 years old), cross-country skiing (from 9 years old), orienteering (from 9 years old).

GSUSU "Mogilev City Sports School "Bagima"

Address: Mogilev, st. Krupskaya, 137. Phones: +375 222 33-21-53

Classes: sports acrobatics (from 5 years), jumping on the acrobatic track (from 5 years), sports gymnastics (from 5 years), rhythmic gymnastics (from 5 years), trampoline jumping (from 5 years).

GSUSU "Mogilev City Sports School No. 3"

Address: Mogilev, Nepokarenny Boulevard, 7a. Phone: +375 222 47-75-91

Classes: boxing (from 10 years old), freestyle wrestling (from 10 years old), judo (from 10 years old), sambo (from 10 years old), Thai boxing (from 10 years old), taekwondo (from 10 years old).

GSUSU "Mogilev City Sports School No. 5"

Address: Mogilev, st. Grishina, 98. Phone: +375 222 28-43-89

Activities: basketball (from 8 years old), volleyball (from 8 years old), handball (from 8 years old).

GSUSU "Mogilev City Sports School No. 7"

Address: Mogilev, st. Yakubovsky, 15a. Phone: +375 222 28-03-27

Activities: football (from 6 years old)

Mogilev Regional Youth Sports School for rowing sports

Address: Mogilev, st. B. Chausskaya, 2a. Phone: +375 222 46-42-90

Activities: rowing (from 10 years old), kayaking and canoeing (from 10 years old)

Mogilev OSDYUSHOR No. 1

Address: Mogilev, lane. Firefighter, 7. Phone: +375 222 22-28-05

Activities: freestyle wrestling (from 10 years old), Greco-Roman wrestling (from 10 years old), cycling (from 12 years old), water polo (from 10 years old), karate (from 6 years old), cross-country skiing (from 10 years old), taekwondo (from 6 years old), fencing (from 10 years old)

Mogilev OSDUSHOR for chess and checkers"

Address: Mogilev, Lenin Blvd., 6. Phones: +375 222 27-99-79, +375 222 22-76-92

Activities: chess (from 6 years old), checkers (from 6 years old)

Mogilev city sports school №2

Address: Mogilev, st. Yakubovsky, 15a. Phone: +375 222 28-03-21

SUSU "Mogilev City Youth Sports School No. 1"

Address: Mogilev, st. Belinsky, 3. Phones: +375 222 39-32-36, +375 222 39-34-31

Activities: archery (from 10 years old), shooting (from 12 years old), tennis (from 7 years old), table tennis (from 7 years old), weightlifting (from 12 years old).

Children's and Youth Sports School "Marathon"

Address: Mogilev, st. Grishina, 87. Phone: +375 222 28-44-67

Activities: athletics (from 9 years old)

Children's and Youth Sports School of the Trade Union Committee of JSC "Mogilev ZIV"

Address: Mogilev, st. Chelyuskintsev, 105. Phone: +375 222 39-12-60

Activities: athletics (from 9 years old)

Mogilev Children's and Youth Sports School "Olympus"

Address: Mogilev, Mira Ave., 10. Phone: +375 222 22-08-08

Activities: athletics (from 9 years old)

Mogilev Children's and Youth Sports School "Sparta"

Address: Mogilev, st. Leninskaya, 50b. Phone: +375 222 20-63-15

Classes: freestyle wrestling (from 10 years old), judo (from 10 years old), sambo (from 10 years old).

Mogilev Children's and Youth Sports School "Torpedo"

Address: Mogilev, Vitebsky Avenue, 41. Phone: +375 222 47-86-00

Activities: speed skating (from 6 years old), cross-country skiing (from 6 years old), football (from 6 years old).

Mogilev Children's and Youth Sports School "Youth"

Address: Mogilev, Mira Ave., 4. Telephone: +375 222 27-69-78

Activities: football (from 11 years old), archery (from 12 years old), athletics (from 11 years old)

Mogilev OSDUSHOR of trade unions "Spartak-35"

Address: Mogilev, lane. Firefighter, 21. Phone: +375 222 22-37-86

Classes: boxing (from 6 years old), kickboxing (from 6 years old), Thai boxing (from 6 years old), wushu (from 6 years old)

Mogilev OSDUSHOR of trade unions "Spartak"

Address: Mogilev, st. Surganova, 75. Phone: +375 222 20-65-46

Activities: speed skating (from 6 years old), cross-country skiing (from 6 years old), orienteering (from 6 years old).

Mogilev OTSSDUSHOR "Dnepr"

Address: Mogilev, st. Zavodskaya, 34a. Phone: +375 222 25-06-49

Classes: rowing (from 11 years old), general physical training (swimming, basketball, football) (from 11 years old).

Mogilev Sports School BFSO "Dynamo"

Address: Mogilev, st. Cosmonauts, 53. Phone: +375 222 25-54-08

Activities: biathlon (from 7 years old), judo (from 7 years old), athletics (from 7 years old), fire fighting (from 13 years old)

Sports school "Khimvolokno"

Address: Mogilev, Shmidt Ave., 29. Telephone: +375 222 48-70-02

Activities: freestyle wrestling (from 10 years old), volleyball (from 9 years old), football (from 8 years old)

Mogilev OSDYUSHOR "Spartak-2005"

Activities: bodybuilding (from 14 years old), weightlifting (from 10 years old)

City Youth Sports School

Address: Mogilev, st. Orlovskogo, 24a. Phone: +375 222 41-02-02

Activities: badminton (from 8 years old), cycling (from 10 years old), swimming (from 6 years old), triathlon (from 9 years old).

If you know places not listed in the review where you can play sports in Mogilev, write to us at [email protected], and we will gladly add this place to our review!

*Reprinting of site materials is possible only with the written permission of the editor.


Martial arts, tourism, vocals and much more are offered to Mogilev schoolchildren by additional education institutions.

You can find a section for both children from 4 years old and students. Recruitment for groups is carried out in September and October. Although if a talented child wants to start studying in the middle of the year, he will also be accepted.

To introduce children and parents to all areas of extracurricular activities, a fair of clubs and sections was held on August 27 at the site near the regional Palace of Culture. There, Mogilev residents could get acquainted with the rules for admission to groups and even enroll their children in the clubs they liked.

Olympic champions are trained in Mogilev

Specialized educational and sports institutions of trade unions offer training in both Olympic and non-Olympic sports. Under the strict guidance of the coaches, they have already received their Olympic medals Svetlana Baitova(gymnastics), Victor Reneysky(canoeing) Natalia Lavrinenko And Alksandra Pankina(rowing), Andrey Rybakov(weightlifting) and many others.

Children from 6 to 17 years old are invited:

  • rowing(Zavodskaya street, 34A, phone: 25-06-49);
  • archery, football(Mira Avenue, 4, phone: 27-69-78);
  • heavy lifting, bodybuilding(3rd Oktyabrsky Lane, 8, phone: 22-77-38);
  • boxing, thai boxing, wushu(Pozharny Lane, 21, phone: 22-37-86);
  • freestyle wrestling, sambo, judo(Leninskaya street, 50B, telephone: 20-63-15);
  • cross-country skiing, orienteering(Surganova street, 75, telephone: 20-65-46);
  • Athletics(Mira Avenue, 10, telephone: 22-08-08; Grishina Street, 87, telephone 28-44-67);
  • freestyle wrestling, football, volleyball(Schmidt Avenue, 3A, phone: 48-70-02);
  • cross-country skiing, speed skating, football(Vitebsky Avenue, 43, phone: 47-86-00).


GUSU "Mogilev City Sports School No. 2" invites children from 9 to 12 years old to engage in athletics: running, jumping, throwing, all-around. Classes take place at the Spartak stadium.
Address: Leninskaya street, 50B. Phone: 22-05-15.

Martial arts

GSUSU “Mogilev City Specialized Children and Youth School of Olympic Reserve No. 3” announces enrollment in the initial training groups for children from 10 years of age in the following departments: boxing, taekwondo, sambo, judo, freestyle wrestling, martial arts (wu-shu, Thai boxing, karate).
Address: Nepokorennykh Boulevard, 7A. Phone: 47-75-91.

International masters of sports teach shooting and playing tennis

In the Mogilev city youth sports school No. 1, 5 Olympic sports are cultivated: archery, shooting, weightlifting, tennis and table tennis. Work in training groups is carried out by qualified trainers and teachers with the titles: Honored Trainer of the Republic of Belarus, Master of Sports of International Class and Master of Sports.
Address: Belinskogo street, 3. Phones: 39-34-31, 39-32-36.

Speed ​​skating and skiing

According to representatives GSUSU "Mogilev City Sports School No. 4"( it is enough to study responsibly at their school for a year or two to achieve good results. Every year, promising athletes attend training camps in the Murmansk region and Poland. The school announces enrollment in initial training groups for the following departments: speed skating, cross-country skiing, orienteering and alpine skiing.
Address: Kutuzova street, 6. Telephone: 27-59-43.

Badminton, swimming, triathlon

USU "City Youth Sports School" is recruiting children for the following departments:

  • swimming(6-7 years);
  • badminton(8-9 years old);
  • triathlon(10-11 years old);
  • cycling;

Address: Orlovskogo street, 24A. Phone: 23-41-00.

Basketball, handball and volleyball

GSUSU "Mogilev City Specialized Children and Youth School of Olympic Reserve No. 5" from September 1 to 30 enrolls children aged 8 to 10 years in departments basketball, handball and volleyball.
Address: st. Grishina, 98. Phones: 28-43-89, 26-94-99.

Football for boys and girls

GSUSU "MG SDYUSHOR No. 7" invites boys 6-13 years old and girls 6-15 years old to training groups for classes football.
Address: Yakubovsky street, 15A. Phones: 28-03-27, 8-029-645-11-54.

From August 20, some additional education institutions will hold open days. And from September 1 to 10, a week of after-school activities will be held in Mogilev.

The goal of both events is the same - to help children and their parents with the choice of sections and clubs according to their tastes and capabilities.

About ten institutions of additional education are preparing to accept small and not so small Mogilev residents.

The work of regional institutions is coordinated by the “Regional Center for Creativity” (formerly the Palace of Pioneers). It is located by address Mogilev, Mira Avenue, 23a.

The multidisciplinary center welcomes children of the youngest age. We are talking about a school of development "Steps", which provides classes with children already from 4 years old. Rumor has it that moms and dads wait in huge lines to sign up there.

In what areas are classes still offered?

In addition, classes at the regional creativity center cover a wide variety of directions: choreography, vocals, music, arts and crafts, tourism and local history, technical creativity, ecology, sports and much more.

Register for these classes at the Regional Center for Creativity will be carried out from August 20 to September 10. Parents just need to come - the teachers will show and tell everything. Classes in most clubs are free. All financial assistance from parents is accepted as sponsorship, that is, on a voluntary basis.

In addition, the following institutions of additional education operate in Mogilev:

There are 23 children's and youth sports schools in the city, which offer classes in various areas.

During September, 23 Mogilev children's and youth sports schools are recruiting students for various sections. Children of all ages are attracted to 42 sports. The youngest, 5-year-olds, are taken to gymnastics, acrobatics and trampolining. Bodybuilding, for example, is accepted only from the age of 14. In firefighting sports - from 13. Classes are free.

In 2011, 12,586 people studied in city sports schools. More than 12,000 are planned to be accepted in 2012, the city department of physical culture and sports reported.

What do city youth sports schools offer?
Educational institution
Kinds of sports
Tel. Reference
GSUSU "Mogilev City Youth Sports School No. 4"
speed skating (from 9 years old)
skiing – mountain sports (from 7 years old)
cross-country skiing (from 9 years old)
orienteering (from 9 years old)
st. Kutuzova, 6
GSUSU "Mogilev City Sports School "Bagima"
- sports acrobatics (from 5 years old)
- jumping on an acrobatic track (from 5 years old)
- sports gymnastics (from 5 years old)
- rhythmic gymnastics (from 5 years old)
- trampoline jumping (from 5 years old)
st. Krupskaya, 137
GSUSU "Mogilev City Sports School No. 3"
boxing (from 10 years old)
freestyle wrestling (from 10 years old)
judo (from 10 years old)
Sambo (from 10 years old)
Thai boxing (from 10 years old)
Taekwondo (from 10 years old)
Boulevard Nepokarennykh, 7a
GSUSU "Mogilev City Sports School No. 5"
basketball (from 8 years old)
volleyball (from 8 years old)
handball (from 8 years old)
st. Grishina, 98
GSUSU "Mogilev City Sports School No. 7"
football (from 6 years old)
st. Yakubovskogo, 15a
Mogilev Regional Youth Sports School for rowing sports
rowing (from 10 years old)
kayaking and canoeing (from 10 years old)
st. B.Chausskaya, 2a
Mogilev OSDYUSHOR No. 1
freestyle wrestling (from 10 years old)
Greco-Roman wrestling (from 10 years old)
cycling (from 12 years old)
water polo (from 10 years old)
karate (from 6 years old)
cross-country skiing (from 10 years old)
Taekwondo (from 6 years old)
fencing (from 10 years old)
lane Firefighter, 7
Mogilev OSDUSHOR for chess and checkers"
chess (from 6 years old)
checkers (from 6 years old)
Lenin Blvd., 6
Mogilev City Sports School No. 2
athletics (from 9 years old)
st. Yakubovskogo, 15a
SUSU "Mogilev City Youth Sports School No. 1"
archery (from 10 years old)
bullet shooting (from 12 years old)
tennis (from 7 years old)
table tennis (from 7 years old)
weightlifting (from 12 years old)
st. Belinskogo, 3
Youth Sports School "Marathon"
athletics (from 9 years old)
st. Grishina, 87
Children's and Youth Sports School of the Trade Union Committee of JSC "Mogilev ZIV"
athletics (from 9 years old)
st. Chelyuskintsev, 105
Mogilev Children's and Youth Sports School "Olympus"
athletics (from 9 years old)
Mira Ave., 10
Mogilev Children's and Youth Sports School "Sparta"
freestyle wrestling (from 10 years old)
judo (from 10 years old)
Sambo (from 10 years old)
st. Leninskaya, 50b
Mogilev Children's and Youth Sports School "Torpedo"
speed skating (from 6 years old)
cross-country skiing (from 6 years old)
football (from 6 years old)
Vitebsky Avenue, 41
Mogilev Children's and Youth Sports School "Youth"
football (from 11 years old)
archery (from 12 years old)
Athletics (from 11 years old)
Mira Ave., 4
Mogilev OSDUSHOR of trade unions "Spartak-35"
boxing (from 6 years old)
kickboxing (from 6 years old)
Thai boxing (from 6 years old)
wushu (from 6 years old)
lane Firefighter, 21
Mogilev OSDUSHOR of trade unions "Spartak"
speed skating (from 6 years old)
cross-country skiing (from 6 years old)
orienteering (from 6 years old)
st. Surganova, 75
Mogilev OTSSDUSHOR "Dnepr"
rowing (from 11 years old)
General physical training (swimming, basketball, football) (from 11 years old)
st. Zavodskaya, 34a
Mogilev Sports School BFSO "Dynamo"
biathlon (from 7 years old)
judo (from 7 years old)
athletics (from 7 years old)
firefighter sport (from 13 years old)
st. Cosmonauts, 53
Sports school "Khimvolokno"
freestyle wrestling (from 10 years old)
volleyball (from 9 years old)
football (from 8 years old)
Schmidt Ave., 29
Mogilev OSDYUSHOR "Spartak-2005"
bodybuilding (from 14 years old)
weightlifting (from 10 years old)
lane 3rd Oktyabrsky, 8
City Youth Sports School
badminton (from 8 years old)
cycling (from 10 years old)
sailing (from 10 years old)
swimming (from 6 years old)
triathlon (from 9 years old)
st. Orlovskogo, 24a
