If an Azerbaijani loves very much. Feedback from an Azerbaijani

I lived in Ajigabul for 23 years. My father has his own business in Baku. I didn’t need money, just as I don’t need it now. But it will not be about my family and adolescence, but about Russian girls.

It was because of them, or rather because of one, that I decided to go to Moscow. The reason is an acquaintance on the Internet with Katya, a nice Russian girl with whom I corresponded for more than a year. My father did not really approve of my choice to move, and yet he did not dissuade me.

And here I am a week later in Moscow, settled in a hotel. Rented a car. I rested and corresponded with Katya, with whom we had planned a meeting. And everything would be fine if it were not for the nightlife in this city.

I have acquaintances from Baku here, restaurateurs who learned from my father that I had arrived. Then everything began to spin - restaurants, clubs. A huge number of beautiful girls. All as a selection, dazzling, but at the same time all different. Beautiful, smart, groovy.

And why did I wait so long with the move? I don't understand.

I really like big, expressive eyes, light skin in Russian women. I'm just craving it.

By the way, our meeting with Katya took place a couple of days later. We walked, rode around the capital, if constant standing in traffic jams can be called skiing. Beautiful Russian girl. But I was drawn to the nightlife, which captivated me. And Katya is not a fan of clubs, it is better for her to go to the cinema, or to a quiet cafe. I knew about this, because we talked for more than one day, and I shared her views until I got surrounded by my club friends.

Day after day, I watched how they easily get acquainted with Russian girls, how they easily agree to go for a drive after a couple of hours of communication and a presented bouquet of roses. How their faces change when it comes to visiting restaurants they own. Yes, in Russia it is easy to impress a girl with a good car.

Not all, but the vast majority of visitors to prestigious restaurants and clubs easily find a common language with us, representatives of Central Asia.

Russian girls also behave differently than ours. They are more accessible, right? According to our customs, you will not allow yourself such a thing, as in Russia. This is especially true for clothing. Plunging necklines, mini skirts and short dresses are a real eye-catcher.

It is easier to get acquainted with Russian women, it is easier to find a common language. They are more relaxed, they are groovy, always having fun, always positive. In a word, Russians are a lot of fun. They are much more sociable than Azerbaijanis.

I don't even want to talk about looks. May my compatriots forgive me, but there are much more beautiful Russian girls than beautiful Azerbaijani girls. Russians have a ratio, in my opinion, of 8 to 10. That is, out of ten girls, eight are beautiful, and stunning - five or six in a dozen.

Another note is the big contrast. If in a club girls need you to be treated and taken to restaurants, then in parks it is much more difficult to meet awesome women, especially if you are from the south.

This is my second third year in Russia, and I'm not going to leave yet. I really like it here. Even winter does not scare. By the way, with Katya, for the sake of whom I changed Azerbaijan to Russia, nothing worked out for us - she didn’t like my company, and I didn’t really drag her there. Why, if she doesn't need it.

Now we chat online, sometimes we drink coffee in a restaurant. Even less often - we walk. For all these years, I have not developed a serious relationship with anyone, since there are so many Russian girls. I could not stop at one, in Russia this is not realistic.

There was a time when the Azerbaijani lands were in the possession of the Ottoman, and then the Russian Empire, and if we delve into the details, we can remember that we have Albanian and other roots. If you intend to meet with an Azerbaijani man, then I want to note a few nuances that you can expect from them. But please note that everything written by me is a generalized opinion and may not apply to everyone. Let's start. There will always be another woman between you! Please don't be nervous after reading this headline. By the other woman, I meant his mother. You must be ready to share your love with his mother. Remember one thing, his mother is always right. His mother never lies, does not take advantage of his opportunities and does not weave intrigues. All bad qualities and actions are inherent only in you, of course, all good qualities are inherent in his mother. In any case, each of us loves his parents, but the Azerbaijani son loves a little more. Azerbaijani men are smug! I'm not saying they're smug, they're just very self-confident. An Azerbaijani man is always pleased with the work he has done, and even if he did not do it very well, he will never allow anyone to speak badly about him. An Azerbaijani man always walks with his head held high, and demonstrates his self-confidence by walking proudly with his hands in his pants pockets. Azerbaijani men are owners and love to rule. When it comes to a woman, an Azerbaijani man can be the owner. You must live by his rules. If you are looking for a free, open, carefree relationship that will allow you to do whatever you want, then reconsider your desire to date an Azerbaijani man, as he will not agree to these conditions. If he gave you his heart and won yours, then you have already become his property. He will not share you with anyone, and sometimes even with girlfriends. Just understand that this is part of Azerbaijani culture! God help you! He loves beautiful poetry. Beautiful and high-quality things, fashionable clothes, breathtaking perfumes, clean shoes, a neat haircut, a freshly shaved face - all this and much more is very important for an Azerbaijani man. Azerbaijani men are interested in fashion in parallel with women and seriously monitor their appearance. In a word, you will never see an Azerbaijani man go on a date with a girl in a torn shirt or with dirty shoes, while in America this is sometimes normal. Remember, an Azerbaijani man is always right! Even if you are right for the hundredth time and the end of the world has come, there is no force in the entire galaxy that would prove to an Azerbaijani man that he is wrong! Remember, he is always right (just don't pressure him and keep quiet). Just accept it and trust that he will appreciate it later. If you don't believe me, then read the paragraph above on self-confidence. If need be, he'll take the moon out of the sky for you. Let me now tell you about the positive qualities of Azerbaijani men, that is, about what you might like. If you are ready to escape after reading all of the above, first take a minute and finish reading this, and then make a decision. Azerbaijani men are considered the most caring. They know how to make a woman feel the happiest and most beautiful. Believe me, he will love you at least as much as his mother loves and will take care of you. An Azerbaijani man understands the needs and desires of a woman well and has the power to appreciate her. And in the end I want to note one of the important points. Azerbaijani men are very handsome and attractive, I think you have already understood this.

I have one friend. She fiercely hates almost all representatives of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, publicly calls them prostitutes and sluts. The reason for such a great hatred, which sometimes comes to racism, I do not know and therefore I am lost in conjecture. Most likely there are purely personal reasons for this: maybe she or her close friend had some kind of Slav who took the peasant away, I don’t presume to say, but most likely this is exactly what happened. But I, as a terry liberal, are always confused by such statements in the style of the 3rd Reich. Well, you can not generalize the whole people. However, there is some truth in everything and I think this issue should be analyzed. Firstly, let's not dispute the fact - Azerbaijanis are really greedy for Russian ladies. They have exactly what they cannot find in Azerbaijanis. Mostly they take care of themselves, they are not so impregnable, they are blondes. Secondly, for a typical Azerbaijani, love is something purely physical. Came, section, inserted. That's all love. It's like a 15th teenager. The trouble is that, my brothers in sex, often remain such teenagers until 50 years old. They will never grow up, they will never know true love. I honestly feel sorry for them. That's why they run to Russians and Ukrainians and my friend should not be sad. Well, these undergrowths of love are not worth it, they are not worth it.

However, I would like to write about real Azerbaijanis. A real Azerbaijani can only love a real Azerbaijani. This is not racism, by no means. We just belong to the type of people who have traditionalism in their blood. This is not a notorious mentality or religious views, which often do not give a damn about when the hormones in the blood start to play. It's something else. A normal, healthy, educated Azerbaijani who does not suffer from sexual perversions, in my purely personal opinion, can only be happy in marriage with an Azerbaijani woman with similar qualities. I will not explain this in detail, I will only say that the life of a person in a family is not only sex. Life together is conversations, discussions, and finally conflicts. Can you imagine what kind of insanity happens when a husband screams in Azerbaijani and his wife in Russian, or even worse, in Ukrainian.

Why am I writing such a non-standard post for myself? In the morning I felt how disproportionately little love we have. All my friends marry exclusively, with whatever intentions. I want to say that you need to love and marry only the right and right people for you. Not deceived by physical attraction, love with all parts of the body, soul and mind.
Kiss and run.

Brought up in the spirit of their compatriots: they honor their elders, value family and religion. Being outside their country, they can give the impression of unbridled, loving, hot guys. All due to the fact that hot southern, Caucasian blood flows in them. Azerbaijanis are sincere, courageous, straightforward. These qualities can both scare and, at the same time, attract girls.

If by the will of fate you fell in love with a guy, then you should know that perhaps your serious relationship is doomed to failure. Muslims are usually not on and, having enjoyed the available intimacy with them, return to their homeland and find themselves a young, faithful wife, who has been brought up in the spirit of Eastern traditions from birth and knows how to please her husband and how to build a strong family life.

If you do not want your relationship to be fleeting, first of all, do not be too available. If a guy is truly in love, he can wait for intimacy with a girl for as long as it takes. And if you are a virgin, then this will double your significance and attractiveness in his eyes.

If you want to build a serious relationship, then you should consider changing your faith. This will greatly facilitate your future life together, it can help to win over his relatives to you.

Do not forget that Muslim women have their own characteristics of upbringing and behavior. Read special literature, this will help you adjust your behavior for the sake of your loved one. For example, a wife should become the highest pleasure for an Azerbaijani, a consolation in grief, a reason for joy. She must arrange the family nest in such a way that it would be pleasant for her husband to be there, so that he would rest in soul and body.

When meeting with an Azerbaijani guy, you need to put his interests and values ​​​​above your own. Oriental men are accustomed to dominate, to be the first and foremost in everything, and in the family - in the first place. His companion must be faithful and obedient, these are the main qualities of a good wife. She must be able to admire a man, even if he is not rich and successful. Oriental men bring rich gifts to good wives, surround them with tenderness and care.

An Azerbaijani girl must dress modestly and behave decently in public. Forget about short skirts and T-shirts above the navel - the Azerbaijani guy will not tolerate this. The main principle in the clothes of Muslim women is to look modest in public and amaze with their beauty at home. By the way, when meeting with an Azerbaijani, avoid frequent trips to clubs, to visit and even to shops. A decent girl spends most of her time at home, taking care of children and household chores.


  • how to meet at work
  • How to call "Azerbaijanis"?

Often, Russian girls are extremely disappointed in their compatriots and look for a husband abroad. Someone jumps out to marry an American, someone for an Egyptian, and there are women who marry Azerbaijanis.


Accept the faith of your future husband. Before getting married, very often a woman has to change her religion to Islam. True, there are times when relatives are not so categorical and allow the bride not to accept their faith. Also, a prerequisite for the wedding is the voluntary consent of the bride and her relatives.

Listen to the guy. When planning to marry, every girl should know that she will have to settle at home and run a household. Plus, the choice of clothes always remains with the husband. If young people live in the guy's homeland, then the girl is obliged to wear a scarf that covers her face and head, with a small slit for her eyes.

Respect each other's principles. A girl should listen to the guy's opinion and take care of him in everyday life. An Azerbaijani, in turn, must take care and financially provide for his beloved.

17:10 | 09/14/2009 Two birds with one stone - one wife in Azerbaijan, the other - in Moscow

The Office of the Civil Registry Office of the city of Moscow has given very interesting figures that make a person think.

Imagine that every sixth or seventh marriage in Moscow is international. "During the eight months of 2009, 8248 marriages were concluded with the participation of foreign citizens, which is 956 more than in the same period last year," the Russian media reported.

According to statistics, Moscow brides and grooms are most popular with citizens of Turkey, Germany, Israel, Great Britain, the USA, Italy, and France. The leaders among the CIS states are Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. Every year, foreign citizens from more than 100 foreign countries register marriages in Moscow.

I wonder what factors make Azerbaijanis working in Russia to create families with Russian girls, while most of these people have families in Azerbaijan? What attracts Azerbaijani men to Russian girls and vice versa? Vesti.Az asked the head of the Women's Crisis Center Matanat Azizova to comment on this issue.

“It's no secret that a large number of the male population of our country leaves for Russia to work. Unfortunately, there is a trend when our men try to go there without their wives and children, which opens up great opportunities for them to meet women in a country where no one knows them. And one more fact - in order to live in Moscow legally, you need documents, and the easiest way is to marry a Russian citizen in order to obtain the right to reside in the future, and then citizenship. Basically, these are civil marriages, when with one shot they seem to kill two birds with one stone - one wife in Azerbaijan, the other in Moscow.

Russian and Ukrainian girls and women prefer more Caucasian men. The reason for this lies in the fact that in Russia it is difficult to imagine a man who does not drink. The image of a family man in Russia is sinking lower and lower. The Azerbaijani man, however, was brought up differently, our men are more respectful to the family, to the woman. For Russian girls, Azerbaijani men are a profitable match,” she said.

According to Azizova, “There are certain restrictions for Azerbaijani women - not to wear a short dress, not to work, not to drink alcohol, not to smoke. But the whole paradox lies in the fact that when crossing the border, our men begin to choose exactly the women available to them, that is, the Azerbaijani man becomes different. Even elementary, many Azerbaijani women ask themselves: “What is the difference between a mistress and a wife?” and uniquely answer this question: "A mistress is more open and liberated than a wife." An Azerbaijani man in a Russian woman likes openness in intimate relationships, which is also an incentive for creating family relationships,” she summed up.
