These mysterious node stones are in the preparatory group. Summary of GCD classes in the preparatory group "Amazing Stones"

Autonomous organization of preschool education of the municipality Zavodoukovsky urban district "Child development center - kindergarten" Beryozka "


cognitive - research activities

on the topic of: "In the Wonderful World of Stone"

(preparatory group)

Educator AODOMO "Child Development Center - Kindergarten" Beryozka "

No. 9 "Dreamers"

Zhumagazhenova F.T.



Integration of educational areas:"Cognitive", "Social and communicative", "Artistic and aesthetic", "Speech".

Types of children's activities:game, cognitive-research, communicative, motor, productive.

Target: To acquaint children with the diversity of the world of stones, their properties and features.

Educational tasks:

1. Update children's knowledge about the planet Earth, its bowels, stones.

2. To form elementary ideas about animate and inanimate nature.

3. Maintain interest in the study of stones, exercise in classifying them according to various characteristics (color, shape, size, weight, temperature, buoyancy).

4. To consolidate the ability to grammatically correctly build your answers to questions, the ability to ask questions, follow the logic of your statement, the ability to build evidence-based speech, learn to write a story based on the results of research work.

5. Give an idea about the areas of use of stones; that musical instruments can be created using natural materials.

Development tasks:

1. Develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation.

2. Develop research skills: (accept and set a goal, highlight essential features and connections, put forward various hypotheses, select means and materials for independent activity, carry out an experiment, draw certain conclusions and conclusions).

3. Develop curiosity, attention, observation, fine motor skills, imagination, logical thinking, speech.

Educational tasks:

1. Attach to the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults in joint activities.

2. To form the habit of safe behavior with laboratory equipment.

3. To cultivate a caring attitude towards inanimate nature.

Vocabulary work.

Hard, dense, rough, rough, strong, hard, cold, uneven, smooth, heavy, shiny, transparent, light, dark, strong.

Planned results:

Independently draw conclusions based on the results of the experiment based on previously received ideas and own assumptions.

Materials: a set of diagrams, drawings, a master's hat, sets of stones, pieces of wood, nails, a hammer, magnifiers, pieces of plasticine, glasses of water, spoons, trays and napkins for each child, research algorithms.

Preliminary work.

Conversation with children about mountains, looking at illustrations, large paintings with mountain landscapes; a series of talks "Entertaining mineralogy"; reading fairy tales by P.P. Bazhov “Stone Flower”, “Silver Hoof”; N.A. Ryzhova “What is under our feet”; memorizing a poem by L.V. Loginov "Mountain", examining a children's encyclopedia I want to know everything "; collecting a collection of stones.

1. Organizational moment: "Greeting"

Educator: Look, we have guests today!

Let's say hello to our guests and everything that surrounds us.

Hello heaven (hands up)

Hello earth (squat)

Hello my friends (hands forward)

1,2,3,4,5 (bend fingers)

We will fit in a circle again (we hold hands)

2 . Surprise moment "Letter".

Educator: Guys, look what I found under the stone, a letter, but only from whom it was not written. There is a riddle on the envelope, let's guess it, maybe then we will find out who it is from.

It can be small - lie in the palm of your hand,

Heavy, large - one cannot lift,

In the dust on the road unnecessary to lie,

Who has now guessed our riddle,

Who recognized this item by signs? (a rock)

Educator: A riddle about a stone. I wonder who this letter is from? How do you think? (from the gnomes). Read the letter? (Yes)

The teacher takes out a letter and reads: “Hello dear children!Behind deep seas, behind dark forests stands a lonely mountain. We Dwarves live in endless caves in this mountain. Day and night we mine different stones. Day and night our hammers are knocking. And the evil greedy Mountain King reigns over us.We learned that you are very inquisitive, observant, admire the beauty of nature, explore it.To get rid of the evil spells of the Mountain King, we must learn all about the stones. Help us. Gnomes".

3. Educator: Guys, help the Gnomes? To find out everything about the stones, we need to go to the laboratory, where we will conduct experiments with them. And our faithful assistants will help us in this. Name them.

Children: Eyes to watch. Fingers to touch, feel. Ears to listen. Nose to sniff.

caregiver : And the mouth, how will it help us? (nothing can be taken by mouth). To work in the laboratory, you need to know some rules of conduct. Which?

Children : behave quietly, do not disturb anyone, be careful and attentive, do not take anything in your mouth, do not wave or throw stones. And here is our laboratory.

4. Experience number 1. Determination of color and shape.

Educator: Our eyes work first. Carefully inspect all the stones with your eyes. What color are your stones? Children share their observations about the color of their stones: gray, brown, white, green, yellow, etc. And what shape are the stones? So what can be the conclusion?

Children conclude: stones are different in color and shape (the teacher attaches a diagram - a drawing on the board.)

caregiver : Guys, what do you think, does the stone change shape? In what ways can this be proven? (squeeze, hit with a hammer). Let's check. Take a pebble in one hand, plasticine in the other. Squeeze both palms. What happened to plasticine, did it change its shape? And the stone? Why? (stone is harder than plasticine).

So what can be doneconclusion from this experience?The stone is hard and durable.

And now I propose to play. The game is called Good or Bad.

Good-bad game(children name the positive and negative characteristics of stones).

Guys, stone is good. Why? From it you can build houses, roads. You can play with stones, make mosaics, paintings; there are healing stones; amulets, talismans; jewelry is made from stones.

Stone is bad. Why? A stone can break glass, a nose, pierce a wheel, prick a leg in the water.

5. Experiment No. 2. Determining the size.

Educator: Look at the stones in front of you and say, "Are the stones the same size?" (no) Find and show me the biggest stone, the smallest one, the middle one.Who will make an important conclusion about the size of the stones?

Conclusion A: Stones come in different sizes.

Game "Create musical instruments".

Educator: Do you think stones can make sounds? Tap them against each other. What do you hear? These stones talk to each other and each of them has its own voice. Do you want to play with rocks? Pour some small pebbles into a plastic box, close and rattle. What does it look like?
(for maracas). We have a real orchestra of maracas.

6. Experiment No. 3. Determining the nature of the surface.

For the next experiment, we will need very sensitive fingers.

Self-massage: We rub each finger, stretch our hands.

We will now stroke each stone in turn. Are the stones the same or different? Which? (children share discoveries). Show the smoothest stone and the most uneven, rough. Does the stone have an odor?

Conclusion: the stone can be smooth and rough, they do not smell of anything.

7. Experiment No. 4. Examining stones through a magnifying glass.

To see the surface of the stones even better, we will use magnifiers (children examine all their stones).

Educator: what did you guys see? (specks, paths, depressions, dimples, patterns, etc.). Well done, very attentive children.

8. Experiment No. 5. Determination of weight.

Educator: Guys, I have an interesting offer for you to become a scale for a minute. What do weights do? Yes, they weigh. Children take turns holding stones in their palms and determine the heaviest and lightest stone. Take the heaviest stone in your right hand and the lightest stone in your left hand.

Conclusion: Stones come in different weights: light, heavy.
Guys, what do you think about what kind of person they say “He has a stone heart”?

Children: about evil, cruel, ruthless; a person without compassion.

Educator: Guys, for the next experiment we need a lot of stones, let's collect them.

9. Phys. minute:

We went along the path, found a lot of pebbles.

Here we went to the right, found gray pebbles,
Sat down, collected, moved on.
So we went to the left, we found colorful pebbles,
And they went downhill - they found white pebbles,
They brought them all with them.

10. Experiment No. 6: Temperature determination.

caregiver : Guys, now put your palms on the table and quickly on your cheeks. What table? What about cheeks? Our skin can quickly determine the temperature. Now we will have an interesting experience. Among your stones, you need to find the warmest and coldest stone. Found? And how to warm a cold stone?

Children suggest ways of action: put it in hot water, put it on your cheek, hold it in your fist, warm it with hot breath, put it in the sun. Take a cold stone and warm it in any way.

caregiver : Has the pebble become warmer?

Breathing exercises. And now I invite everyone together to warm the cold pebble with my warm breath.

Children take a cold stone, put it in their palms, inhale through their nose, and exhale through their mouth, lips with a tube (3 times).

Conclusion: stones can be warm and cold.

11. Experiment No. 7. Buoyancy.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the vessels with water. With a special pencil, children (two children) mark the water level in both vessels. Educator: What do you think will happen if we put all the stones in the water? (children's answers). Let's put rocks in the water and see what happens (leave one pebble dry).

Each kid lowers his pebble into one vessel. The water level in the vessel rises. Children express their opinions.

Conclusion : stones do not dissolve in water, do not absorb water, they sink in water, because they are heavy and dense. Water is pushed out.

The teacher specifies the answers of the children with the phrase: “Stones do not absorb water. They push her out."

Now let's get the stone out of the water. What has he become? (wet). Compare with a stone that lies on a napkin. What is the difference? (in color, wet stone is darker.) Which stones do you like better, wet or dry? (wet brighter).

Educator: Guys, please look at the blackboard. We got an unusual letter about stones. Writing in drawings and diagrams. Who wants to become a real scientist, put on a master's hat and make an important conclusion about the properties of stones? (one child makes a conclusion about all the experiments done).

So we helped the Dwarves get rid of the evil spells of the Mountain King by talking about the properties of the pebble. The gnomes thank us.

12. Musical game "Mountain".

There is an old mountain, (raise their hands up)

Top of the head to heaven, (stretch on tiptoe)

Her wind blows(fanning themselves with their hands)

The rain pours on her, (shake hands)

There is a mountain, suffering, (put their hands on their cheeks and shake their heads)

And loses pebbles (children slowly move back)

And every day and every night

Rolling, rolling (at the signal of the teacher, the children scatter to the sides).

Pebbles away.

Pebbles rolled, and from that very time, (put their hands on their cheeks and shake their heads)

There is nothing left of our mountain (With two hands they point to an empty place).

13. Educator: Guys, we said that stones are needed to build houses, roads, bridges, etc., what else can be done with them? (children's answers)

14. You can also draw on rocks. Let's try to turn an ordinary stone into an amazing one using paint and a brush (children draw with different art materials).

Reading a poem by V. Shipunova "Pictures from a puddle."

Mammoth trunk from a puddle

Blue water dialed

And on unnecessary pebbles

Drawn cornflowers.

On the rock - a patch of sky,

On the path is a moth.

It's a pity that a small puddle

It is a pity that the puddle is not a river.

When the pebbles dry, we will create a mini-exhibition.

15. Reflection: Guys, what have you learned today? What surprised you the most? What do you especially remember?

Today we have learned a lot of amazing things about stones. And also helped the dwarves get rid of the spell of the Mountain King. Thank you.

Target: To acquaint children with a variety of stones, their properties and features.


Tutorials: Learn to classify stones according to various criteria (color, shape, size, weight, temperature, buoyancy). Focus on research and creative activities

Developing: Develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation, visual and muscle memory; stimulate independent formulation of conclusions. Strengthen the skills of working with magnifying devices.

Educational: to cultivate interest in objects of inanimate nature, accuracy in work.

Expected results:

1. With the help of experiments, children will form an expanded idea of ​​\u200b\u200bstones

2. Children will be able to make sketches of observations of the stones during the experiments.

Materials: a chest of sensations, a set of drawings, a master's hat, sets of stones, lemon juice, a pipette, a wooden block, magnets, a magnetic board, a map of Russia; bathrobes, magnifiers, pieces of plasticine, glasses of water, spoons, trays and napkins for each child, gifts and surprises.

Vocabulary work: laboratory, magnifying glass.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Hello guys! I am very glad to our meeting. Let's share our warmth and kindness with each other, hug tightly, tightly!

This morning I received an unusual letter. The sender's address is also mysterious - Mountain Country. Gnomes. But I was even more confused when I opened the envelope - there is not a single word in it, only incomprehensible diagrams.

And you guys didn't notice anything unusual in your garden. After all, I think it is not in vain that this sign is on my message. Let's take a closer look around.

(Children find the box)

How many of you guys know what Dwarves are?

What are they doing?

What do you think might be in the box?

Children's answers.

Educator: Now each of you will try to determine the contents of this box by touch.

Children: There are stones in the box.

Educator: Yes, they are stones. Did you know that the Urals and Siberia are the stone wealth in our country (shown on the map). There are high mountains here. They have a lot of riches and treasures, and this is where the Dwarves work.

But for what purpose did the Dwarves send us these stones and schemes?

(Children's guesses)

It's not just that the box is here,

And there is one secret:

There are stones in this box,

That radiate light!

One, like mother's eyes,

Transparent blue;

Like a vine

Green is different.

And the third sun is brighter,

What if it's a diamond?

I suggest, kids, them

You consider now.

Guys, what do you know about stones?

You don't know much about them.

Do you want to know more? For a more complete study of them, I suggest you go to the laboratory.

Educator: What is a laboratory?

Children: This is a special room where they conduct research, put experiments, experiments.

Educator: To work in the laboratory, you must wear special clothes and know some rules of behavior: be quiet and careful, be attentive and follow my instructions, do not put anything in your mouth, do not wave or throw stones.

(Children put on bathrobes and hats).

Educator: Today our faithful assistants will work actively. Eyes?

Children: To watch.

Educator: Fingers?

Children: To touch, feel.

Educator: Ears?

Children: To listen.

Educator: The gnomes allowed us to look at their collection of stones, what are they like?

Experience number 1. Determination of color, shape and size.

Children share their observations about the color and shape of the stones.

Show me your biggest stone.

Lay out all the stones in a row from largest to smallest.

Are all stones the same size?

Conclusion: Stones vary in color, shape and size.

(The first diagram is posted on the magnetic board).

Now, guys, everything becomes clear, on the diagrams the gnomes depicted what we should learn about the stones.

Experience No. 2. Determining the nature of the surface.

Now your sensitive fingers will be needed. Close your eyes, stroke your pebbles and try to touch the most uneven, rough stone.

And now the smoothest pebble? Think about where you can most often find such a stone? (By the sea)

Why doesn't it have sharp corners? (Water moves the stones, hits them against each other, they rub against the sand, the sharp corners are gradually erased, disappear. The pebble becomes rounded.) Conclusion: stones are smooth and rough.

Experience No. 3. Determination of hardness.

Take a pebble in one hand and a piece of plasticine in the other. Squeeze both palms.

What happened to plasticine? Why?

What about stone? Why?

Do you think stone is harder than wood? Let's check. I will take a hammer, a nail and a block of wood and try to drive a nail into a tree. What happened? (The nail went into the tree).

Educator. And now I will try to drive a nail into a stone. Hits - doesn't work. The nail bends, but does not drive in.

Well, could I drive a nail into a stone? What happened to the nail? How did the stone behave? What can be the conclusion?

Conclusion: The stone is hard and durable.

Experience No. 4. Temperature determination.

Guys, put your palms on the table and quickly on your cheeks. Feel the difference?

Our skin can quickly detect temperature.

Now we will have a very difficult experience. You will need attention and concentration.

Of all the stones, you need to choose the warmest and the coldest.

How can I do that? (Clamp in the palms, bring to the cheek)

Conclusion: stones have different temperatures.

How can you warm a cold stone?

I suggest you warm it with your warm breath.

Breathing exercises : Children take the coldest stone, put it in their palms.

Take a deep breath through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, lips with a tube. (3 times)

Experience number 5. Buoyancy.

What happens if you put a stone in water? (Children's versions)

How can this be checked?

The children carefully place the stone in the water. They are watching. (The stone has sunk, air bubbles rise from it to the surface, the color has changed, it has become brighter.)

They take the stone out of the water, wipe it with a napkin

- Which stones do you like better, wet or dry?

Conclusion: Stones sink in water because they are heavy.

Experience number 6. Stones make sounds.

Do you think stones can make sounds?

Tap them against each other. What do you hear?

These stones talk to each other and each of them has its own voice.

Now, guys, I'm going to put some lemon juice on one of your pebbles. What's happening?

(Stone hisses, gets angry, doesn't like lemon juice)

Conclusion: stones can make sounds.

Experience number 7. Examining stones through a magnifying glass.

What is the name of this device? (Magnifier.)

What is it for? ? (Enlarge image.)

Look at your palms.

Now look at them through a magnifying glass?

To better see the surface of the stones, we will do the same with them.

What interesting things did you see?

Well done, you are very attentive! To once again check your attention, I suggest you play the game "We'll go for a walk with a friend"

With a friend, we will go for a walk,
We will find a river - a stone.
(get up in pairs, walk in place)
The river murmurs merrily
And runs over the rocks.
Across the river we are together
Let's cross over the bridge.
(walking in place)
The stone bridge stands
The river gurgles merrily.
(arms forward, wave movement)
A house is built of stones
(cam-to-cam motion)
We will go into it with you.
The stone bridge stands
(fingers are joined in front of the chest)
The river gurgles merrily.
(arms forward, wave movement)
House made of stones,
(arms above head in the form of a "roof")
For friends is always open!
(arms out to the sides, palms forward).

Guys, please look at the blackboard. Page by page, we made up a whole story about the stones. Storytelling in diagrams. Who wants to become a real scientist, put on a master's hat and read the message of the Dwarves about the properties of stones? (One child makes a conclusion about all the experiments done)

Now, guys, take your trays and lay out patterns of stones on the sand. Maybe at night, when the kindergarten is empty, the gnomes will return here again and will be very happy with such a gift.

And in memory of our meeting, I give you these notebooks and pencils, I propose to draw in them what you saw and what you learned. And we will put your drawings together with the letter in this envelope and send it to the dwarves in the Mountain Country

And there's something else in the box. These are magical, colorful and very tasty pebbles. Take them and treat your friends.

Target: introduce children to the properties of stones, continue to get acquainted with how a person uses stones;

develop research skills, improve the ability to observe,

highlight the similarities and differences of objects, promote the formation

interest in inanimate nature (stones);

introduce one of the stones (amber), arouse interest in


Equipment: sets of stones, wooden bars, water containers, wooden hammers, pictures - helpers, bathrobes, hats (hats, scarves), an interactive whiteboard for showing presentations.

Lesson progress:

I. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Sun: 3 hello guys! I'm Professor Pochemuchka. I was told that there are very inquisitive, quick-witted, smart children in the Teremok kindergarten, and therefore I want to invite you to the laboratory. Do you know what they do in the laboratory?

Children's answers: (experiments, study objects, their properties)

Vos-l: That's right, they do experiments in the laboratory, study the properties of objects. And what we will study today, the box of sensations will help us to know. Now one of you will feel for an object in the sensation box, but will not tell us, even if he recognizes it. We will try to guess by asking questions. Who wants to be the host and answer our questions? (If all the children wanted to be the leader, the leader is chosen by a rhyme) Questions: (If the children do not ask questions, the teacher takes the initiative: Can I ask a question?)

Is it alive or non-living?

Is it edible or not?

Cold or warm?

Dense or loose?

Heavy or light?

Is this item smooth or rough?

Kids, guess what's in the sensation box? Children's answers.

Educator: Well, listen carefully to the riddle, I think it will definitely help you guess what is in the box of sensations.

In mom's earrings it burns with fire

In the dust on the road lies unnecessary.

He changes form, he changes color,

And in construction it is suitable for thousands of years.

It can be small - lie in the palm of your hand.

Heavy, large - one cannot lift.

Who, children, guessed my riddle?

Who recognized this object by signs? (Stone).

Vos-l: How did you guess that this is a stone. What helped you, what lines from the poem? Children's answers.

Vos Well done! How many of you know the rules of conduct in the laboratory? (Do not make noise, do not shout, carefully handle dishes and other appliances, you must wear special clothes before work - a bathrobe)

What good fellows you all know!!! I propose to put on bathrobes, hats and go to the laboratory, where we will study the properties of ... What? (Stones)

(Children put on bathrobes).

II. The main part of the lesson.

Vos-l: Gentlemen, scientists take their jobs. 1.Shape, color, size.

Vos-l: you all have pebbles. Examine them carefully, you can pick them up, touch them .. Do you think they are the same or different.

Children's answers: (different),

Vos: How are they different? (size, shape, color). I have prepared special pictures for you in advance - helpers that will help you remember the properties of stones. Figure 1 (application) is posted on the board. Let's remember once again how the stones differ, why they are different, and the help picture will help us. Stones are different because they have different color, shape, size)


Vos-l: Now let's compare the stone and plasticine. What do you think if we burn plasticine in one hand and a stone in the other. What will happen? (children's answers).

Vos-l: I propose to test your assumptions. Take a piece of plasticine in one hand, and any pebble in the other. Squeeze both hands hard, hard. Open your palms, see what happened. (plasticine changed its shape, and why (because it is soft, but the stone is not, because it is hard). Guys, you have determined one more property of your stones. And this help picture means that the stones are hard.

Figure 2 is posted on the board (application)


Vos-l: Guys, and now we will check whether the stones are strong or not. How can we check this. Maybe some object on your table will tell you how to check the strength. (hang hammer) Children hit. Vos-l: And what happened? (The stones remained unharmed). What conclusion can we draw, and the picture - a helper (application) will help us with this). Stones are durable.


Vos-l: Guys, what will happen to a stone and a block of wood if we throw them into the water? (Children's answers) Why do you think so? I propose to test your assumptions with the help of experience. Dip any one stone and a block of wood into a container of water. What happened? (did the wooden block sink? (no) Why? (because it is light). And the stone? (drowned because it is heavy). I post another picture-hint (application), and you formulate the property of the stone that we studied ( heavy stone).

5. Where stones are used.

Vos-l: Guys, do you know where a person uses stones? (in the construction of roads, decorations, treatment). (Children's answers). That's right guys!

(Viewing the presentation with the teacher's comments). Long ago, people noticed that some stones are very beautiful, durable and built castles, fortresses, churches from them. In the modern world, stone is more used for decoration: subways, bridges, fountains, balconies, stairs, fireplaces. See how beautiful stones look when designing personal plots. Stones are used to decorate flower beds, alpine slides, paths.

III. Final (consolidation of the material covered).

Vos-l: Children, I suggest you take off your bathrobes, go to the blackboard, where we will once again recall the properties of stones, and the pictures will help us with this. Let's start with what are the stones? (different, solid strong, heavy) and are they different? ... (by color, shape, size).

Vos-l: Well done, you remember everything very well. And now we will go to rest on the coast of the Baltic Sea. Sit comfortably so as not to interfere with each other, you can lie down.

Vos: Close your eyes. Imagine that we are at the seaside. The warm sun is shining. We bask under it. Our arms and legs are relaxed, warmth spreads through the body. A gentle breeze is blowing (the teacher touches the hands, feet of the child). We breathe calmly and deeply, we collect full lungs of air and exhale all the air. Inhale - exhale. We are well and calm. Wave comes after wave, plays with pebbles. And we lie on the shore, and all worries and anxieties leave us. Inhale - exhale (2 times). Wave comes after wave and carries something to our feet. Open your eyes. (The teacher shows an amber stone in his palm). What's this? (stone) Educator: Does anyone know what it's called? Children's answers.

Vos-l: This is a stone Amber. Amber is the hardened resin of ancient coniferous trees. Especially a lot of amber is found on the coast of the Baltic Sea, where it is washed ashore by waves. Distinctive features of the stone - golden color, reminiscent of sunlight, transparency or translucency. Amber sizes range from a small grain of sand to the size of a lemon or a goose egg. But occasionally there are pieces of a larger size - with a human head and even more.

There are a lot of legends about the origin of Amber, the meaning of most of which boils down to the fact that amber is tears of suffering.

Showing a presentation with the comments of the educator:

Listen to one of the myths. Phaethon, the son of the sun god Helios, once undertook to drive the sun chariot of his father, but not holding back the fiery horses, he almost destroyed the Earth in a terrible flame. Enraged Zeus pierced Phaethon with lightning, and his body, like a comet, fell into the Eridanus River. The inconsolable mother of Phaethon Clymene and his sister Heliad wept so bitterly that the gods turned them into poplars. But even when they became trees, they continued to cry, dropping their amber tears into the river.

It was with such a small pebble that my collection of amber products began, which I brought to you today to show. The children are looking at the collection.

Vos-l: Guys, in memory of our meeting, I want to give each of you an amber stone, which may be the beginning of your collection.

Vos-l: I thank you for the good work and I want to know what you liked most about our meeting, what did you remember (children's answers).

Summary of integrated direct educational activities

Prepared and conducted by the educator of the highest qualification category Pakskina Galina Vladimirovna
"Magic Stones"(for children of the preparatory group)
Duration: 30-35 minutes.
Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Health", "Artistic activity".
- the formation of children's research skills through an object of inanimate nature - stones;
- classify stones by shape, size, color, surface features;
- to maintain interest in research work, to see the beauty of nature.
- develop imagination and creativity.
- to promote the development of a caring attitude towards one's health.
- educate the desire to be healthy, take care of yourself.
Materials: various stones, a path of pebbles, paints, water, brushes, a bag, aprons. Educator: Today Katya brought a bag with different pebbles to the group.
I invite you to our laboratory and be researchers.
I take out the pebbles from the bag and put them on trays. The children are looking at them.
Educator: Take them. How are stones different from each other?
Experience 1. I suggest touching the stone. What does he feel like. Smooth or rough?
Children's answers: stone can be smooth or rough.
Educator: Raise your hand with a pebble up, who has a smooth pebble, stretch your hand with a pebble in front of you, who has a rough one.
Children's actions: raise their hands with a pebble up or stretch it out in front of them.
Question: what kind of stones are there in color, shape, size?
Children's answers: stones are different: gray, brown, white, oval, triangular, round, large, small, etc.
Experience 2. I demonstrate warm pebbles (heated on a radiator).
Educator: Touch different stones: which are on your table and which I gave you, What can you say?
Children's answers: one stone is warm the other is cold
Educator: Which is better to hold in your hand? Hold a cold stone in your fist and blow on it, has it become warmer?

Breathing exercises:
Children take a cold pebble, put it in their palms, inhale through their nose and exhale through their mouths and blow on the pebble, holding it in their hand (3 times).
Educator: What do you say now?
Answers: the pebble became warm from our air. We warmed it up.
Conclusion: stones can be warm from heating and cold.
Experience 3: "Sinking - not sinking."
Educator: I suggest putting the pebbles in the water. Tell me what will happen? Does he swim? Did you fall to the bottom? What color are the stones? Answer: The pebbles changed color, drowned in the water and circles went through the water.
Conclusion: stones sink in water because they are heavy, have changed color and become brighter.

Educator: Stones in our time are even treated!
Slides 1-4
Educator: Now I will tell you a proverb: "You cannot become strong instantly - temper yourself gradually."
Here is a very simple hardening method that you can do every day. This is walking on rocks.
Educator: I propose to lay out the pebbles on the floor in a row and walk on them. When you walk on pebbles: How do you feel? What kind of pebbles?
Children's answers: the pebbles are hard and smooth, it is necessary to step carefully so that it does not hurt.
It turns out a special foot massage, you can avoid flat feet. Look, I have a special canvas for walking on stones.

Fizminutka: Children walk along a path of pebbles.
stomp feet
On a straight road.
And the legs will jump
On a straight road.
They jumped, they jumped
And they got up. Stop!
Down the narrow road
Feet will go quietly
Friend after friend ran
And not so much tired.
Educator: Our ancestors walked barefoot on the ground and were healthy. Today, we forget about walking barefoot even on the grass, and there are no conditions for this. We are afraid of hurting our feet. And who will say where you can still walk barefoot?
Children's answers: in the forest, in a clearing, in his dacha, where there is no garbage, glass.
Educator: let's look at the screen. In the hands of skilled people, craftsmen, stones turn into wonderful objects and decorations.
Slide about rocks 5-7(products from semi-precious stones)
After watching. Productive activities of children to music.
Educator: Let's "revive" our pebbles. At choice, I propose to draw a pattern with paints on smooth stones.
Educator: What wonderful work you have done. Take it as a memento. Let's say a big thank you to Katya for the amazing pebbles.

Did you enjoy participating in the study? What can you tell your parents?
Children answer questions.
I ask the children to put things in order on the tables, I help them. Synopsis of an integrated lesson in a preparatory group with a general underdevelopment of speech of the third level

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "In the world of stone"

Tasks: Clarify children's ideas about the stone, its properties (the stone is solid, does not crumble; stones are diverse in color, shape, size). To acquaint with the ways of using stone by man (in construction, sculpture, in making jewelry). Expand ideas about the professions of people working with stone. To acquaint children with where and how stone is mined, what tools are used to process it.

Develop the conversational speech of children, expand the active vocabulary.

Cultivate interest in observations, the desire to do simple experiments. Learn to draw conclusions on your own. Encourage children to express themselves in drawing, develop fantasy and creative imagination. Cultivate respect for nature.

Preliminary work: reading the tales of P.P. Bazhov "Malachite Box", "Stone Flower", "Mining Master", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain".

Preparation for the lesson:

Materials for experiments:

4 transparent vessels with water, wooden sticks;

4 trays with stones of different colors, shapes and sizes; pieces of foam, plasticine, dry clay, wood, chalk, soap, sugar;

Wooden block, stone, hammer, 2 nails.

Illustrative material (photos and illustrations can be presented as a multimedia presentation):

Sculpture of small forms depicting people and animals;

Photos of architectural structures;

Photos of Moscow metro stations;

Photograph of the Japanese rock garden;

Photos of mountains;

Photos of stone deposits;

Photographs or illustrations depicting stone working tools.

Exhibition of stone products (close with a cloth), which presents: a collection of minerals, jewelry, small sculptures, caskets, watches, paintings, dishes, chess.

On a separate drawing table: oilcloths, A3 and A4 paper, colored pencils, sanguine, charcoal, watercolor, gouache, brushes of various sizes, cups of water, rags, a palette.

Lesson progress:

Educator: - Guys, recently we read Pavel Petrovich Bazhov's tale "Malachite Box". And today the Mistress of the copper mountain herself came to visit us.

An adult dressed as the Mistress of the Copper Mountain enters.

Mistress of the copper mountain: - Hello! I learned that in this kindergarten, children know a lot about nature, love it, cherish it, they are well versed in my world - the world of stones. Somehow I don't believe that you know so well what a stone is; what properties it has.

Educator: - Yes, our guys know all this very well. Yes, you, Hostess, do not hesitate, but check it out better!

The hostess of the copper mountain invites the children to divide into 4 teams and go to the tables on which there are vessels with water, sticks; hands out a tray of items to each team.

Mistress of the copper mountain: - And now, guys, take one object from the tray, examine, feel, smell, weigh in your hand (heavy object or light) and try to determine what it is. And water will help you with this: dip your item in water and stir it with a wooden stick. See if it sinks or floats on the surface, dissolves, crumbles, colors the water, etc. Make a conclusion: whether all objects are stones.

The children conduct the experiment, and the Mistress of the copper mountain observes the actions of the children, helps with advice, and asks questions. In conclusion, he asks what kind of objects they had on the trays; helps children to clarify their properties. With its help, children conclude: stones are diverse in shape, size, color; they are solid, do not crumble, do not dissolve in water, heavy - therefore they sink in water.

Mistress of the copper mountain: - Yes, indeed, all of you were able to identify stones among a large number of various objects. They are actually very solid. Do you want to see how much harder stone is than wood?

The mistress of the copper mountain takes a bar and hammers a nail into it.

Mistress of the copper mountain: - Look, although the tree is solid, I can easily hammer a nail into it. And now I'll try to hammer a nail into this stone. Do you think I will succeed? (scores). What happened? The nail is metal, hard, but it bent when it hit the stone.

Mistress of the copper mountain: - Guys, we are convinced that the stone is very hard and durable. How do you think people use this property of the stone in their lives? (build buildings, fortresses, roads). For example, Moscow used to be built of stone (Moscow Belokamennaya). Still people make sculptures out of stone. The sculpture depicts sometimes a person, sometimes animals (showing illustrations).

Why do people create sculpture? Sculpture, like other ancient stone structures, helps us to travel in time, allows us to look into the past. They are so durable that they have been preserved for centuries, thanks to which we see and know how people lived many centuries ago: what buildings they lived in, what they looked like, what clothes they had, hairstyles.

And if you and I go down to the subway, what will we see? Moscow metro stations are decorated with stone: arches, vaults, floors and columns, sculptures, mosaics. The Moscow metro is the most beautiful in the world.

And in Japan, landscape designers create beautiful compositions - Rock Gardens (showing photos). They contain stones of different shapes, sizes, colors. They are located in gardens, on lawns. Why do you think the Japanese create such gardens? They believe that in the Rock Garden one can relax well, rest, reflect, think, dream up. After all, the garden looks different all the time - in the morning, afternoon or evening, in sunny and cloudy weather.

The stones are very varied. They are not only solid and durable, but also very beautiful. I invite you guys to an exhibition of stone products, see what people make from this material. To create such beautiful things, you have to work hard for a lot of people. A stone is born in the bowels of the earth; Mountains keep huge wealth in themselves - this is a real treasury of the planet. In Russia, these are the Ural Mountains (showing photos). Stones are mined at special deposits, and now special equipment is used for this.

People of different professions work with stone, let's call them together - geologists, sculptors, landscape designers, builders, jewelers, stone cutters, cutters. There are even such doctors - naturopaths - they also work with stone. Using precious stones of different colors, they treat many diseases.

Many poets and writers sang the beauty of the stone. Who can name such authors? And how many proverbs and sayings about stone:

What do you think the proverb “Water wears away a stone” means? And about what kind of person do they say "He has a stone heart"? And in what cases do they say "Frozen with a stone face"?

Here we are with you guys and found out how people use stone in their lives. And now I suggest you play:

With a friend, we will go for a walk,

We will find a river - a stone.

(get up in pairs, walk in place)

The river murmurs merrily

And runs over the rocks.

Across the river we are together

Let's cross over the bridge.

(walking in place)

The stone bridge stands

The river gurgles merrily.

(arms forward, wave movement)

A house is built of stones

(cam-to-cam motion)

We will go into it with you.

The stone bridge stands

(fingers are joined in front of the chest)

The river gurgles merrily.

(arms forward, wave movement)

House made of stones,

(arms above head in the form of a "roof")

For friends is always open!

(arms out to the sides, palms forward).

Mistress of the copper mountain: - I heard guys that you draw very well. Do you remember how Danila the master could not create a stone flower for a long, long time? I am very interested in how you imagine a stone flower. Let's fantasize! Let each of you come up with your own stone flower and draw it with any of the materials proposed here.

Children choose paper and materials, sit down at tables, draw. After the end of the work, they all organize an exhibition together, admire the drawings.

Mistress of the copper mountain: - Guys, you surprised me today! What beautiful, different flowers they all turned out to be! Goodbye guys, I've got to go! And if you want to plunge into the wonderful world of stone again, visit the Stone Museum in Moscow. And also - look around you more often, and you will certainly meet the silent inhabitants of my stone kingdom.
