It is good to cleanse the pores of your face. What are pores

Pores on the face - how to clean them? This is a question that worries many. Regular facial cleansing is necessary for every modern girl who cares about her own appearance.

Residues of decorative cosmetics, toxic substances, and dirt mix with sebum and gradually clog the skin. This leads to premature aging, inflammation and blackheads.

How to clean pores on your face? This is not difficult to do. For this, salon procedures, special products, as well as folk methods are used.

#10 Benefits of Facial Cleansing

It is known that for the health and attractiveness of the skin, complete hydration, nutrition and cleansing are required.

The epidermis protects the human body from the negative effects of various factors and is responsible for respiration and metabolic processes. Women's beauty depends on the health of the skin: smoothness, even color, elasticity. And this is what every lady dreams of.

But to maintain the skin in ideal condition, it is necessary to provide it with proper systematic care. Cleansing is necessarily included in the complex of caring procedures.

Cleaning the pores on the face has several beneficial properties:

  • removal of dead cells, impurities and toxins;
  • elimination of comedones;
  • narrowing pores and preventing their clogging;
  • activation of the formation of new epidermal cells;
  • anti-aging effect, reduction of wrinkles;
  • fight against sagging, giving skin elasticity;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • regulation of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which protects against the appearance of unsightly;
  • improved absorption of nutrients, a positive effect on the natural synthesis of necessary components;
  • restoration of protection against the negative influence of external factors.

Before cleaning the pores on your face, you should consult a cosmetologist. The specialist will recommend useful procedures aimed at solving existing dermatological problems.

TOP 5 salon methods

Modern beauty salons offer their clients pore cleansing using manual, chemical, and hardware technologies. The choice of the appropriate method depends on the condition of the skin and existing deficiencies.

Manual cleaning

It consists of a mechanical effect on the epidermis, in which the cosmetologist removes impurities manually or using special devices.

The surface of the face is first cleaned with lotion, which helps open the pores. Next, sebum, blackheads and other rashes are squeezed out using hands or tools.

At the end of the session, a mask with a calming or anti-inflammatory effect is applied.

Manual cleansing really cleans the pores, but the procedure takes a long time and is sometimes accompanied by pain.

Redness and slight swelling may persist for several days. Therefore, such cleaning should definitely not be done before an important event.

Dry cleaning

Manual cleansing is not the only method of cleansing pores. An excellent alternative is chemical peeling.

It is carried out using drugs with and enzymes in the composition. If a specialist correctly selects the concentration of products for the individual characteristics of the skin, then after the procedure a positive result will be noticeable.

Acne and shallow wrinkles will disappear, the skin will be filled with radiance. If done incorrectly, a burn may appear on your face. That is why contact good doctors. There's no point in saving money here!

For several days after the session, you can leave the house only after applying sunscreen with a UV filter of 30 or more. This will protect weakened skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.


One of the most popular methods. Its essence lies in the effect on the skin of high frequencies. But there is no need to be afraid, as it is safe.

The main thing is that these waves are not audible to the human ear, but they do an excellent job of pulling out dirt, small makeup residues, and fat plugs from the pores. At the same time, a massage is performed, which activates metabolic processes.

Ultrasonic cleaning is not accompanied by pain, after the session there is no redness or any marks left on the face. The procedure is suitable for owners of normal. For oily skin, the depth of exposure is often not enough.


It gives a pronounced rejuvenating effect, but is aggressive and painful. Laser beams act on the middle and upper layers of the skin, completely removing dead cells.

At the same time, acne, post-acne, and acne are eliminated.

How to clean clogged pores on your face? When choosing between dry cleaning, vacuum or laser, it is important to consider the condition of the skin. A specialist will help you choose the optimal method.

Contraindications (7 prohibitions)

You will have to abandon cleansing procedures if the following features are present.


  1. viral diseases at the acute stage (herpes and others);
  2. increased body temperature;
  3. infectious pathologies;
  4. period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  5. diabetes;
  6. increased sensitivity of the skin;
  7. allergy to the components of the formulations used.

Before cleaning the pores on your face at home, you should make sure there are no contraindications. Some of them are temporary, so the procedure can be postponed for a while.

Charcoal mask

Recently, the black face mask has become popular. Of course, you can purchase a ready-made product and use it on your face. But you can try to cook it yourself.

  1. Take 2 crushed tablets.
  2. Next, heat the milk. It should not boil; the optimal temperature ranges from 40 to 60 degrees.
  3. Add 1 tbsp to this mixture. l. gelatin, as well as prepared crushed coal.
  4. Next, mix it all until you get a homogeneous paste, without lumps. The main thing to remember is that such a mixture can quickly begin to thicken.
  5. Using a brush, apply the composition to the skin of the face. It is recommended to steam your face first.
  6. When all this has hardened on your face, start peeling off the mask. Be prepared that it will be painful initially.
  7. Finally, wipe your face with ice and moisturize it with cream.

Top 5 purchased facial cleansers

Representatives of the fair sex who are not ready to visit salons can use store-bought products. Their effect will be less pronounced.

Cosmetic milk

Suitable for normal, dry and sensitive skin. The product moisturizes well, so it is ideal for use in winter.

The composition gently cleanses the epidermis, therefore it is recommended in the presence of inflammation.
Milk is not recommended for those with oily skin. It can clog pores and form an unpleasant film on the surface of the face.

Cleansing gels

Good for normal, oily, sensitive and combination skin. The gel gently removes dirt and excess fat, dries and refreshes.

Women with dry skin types should not use it often.


The toner removes impurities, softens, and reduces vulnerability to negative factors.

If the pores on your face are clogged, you will have to clean them using a tonic or other means. One toner is not enough to fully complete the procedure.

Micellar water

Suitable for dry, combination, normal and sensitive skin. Can replace all the products described above. Micellar water does not cause irritation, but requires repeated use.

Mousse or foam

Created specifically for sensitive skin. Everyone can use the products, regardless of skin type.

The cleansing process will be the most gentle and pleasant. For girls with oily skin types, foams and mousses will not help get rid of problems.

When choosing a facial cleanser, you should take into account the characteristics of your skin. Carefully read the ingredients and age indications.

Question answer

It is impossible to accurately answer this question, since an integrated approach is needed. If a woman visits a cosmetologist for some kind of cleaning, this does not mean that she can forget about home care. The skin needs daily cleansing and moisturizing. In addition, it is recommended to go for professional cleaning, since this effect cannot be achieved at home.

Avoid cosmetic products containing alcohol. The fact is that it dries out the skin a lot. Use creams with UV protection, do not steam your face.

#5 popular folk remedies

The answer to the question of how to quickly clean the pores on your face at home can be found among time-tested folk recipes.

There are quite a lot of them known, so any representative of the fair sex will be able to choose the appropriate method for herself.

Egg yolk

The recipe is suitable for skin prone to oiliness. You will need 1 yolk. It needs to be placed in a glass bowl, add 1 tsp. grapefruit and lemon juice. The ingredients are mixed.

Using a cotton pad lightly moistened with water, the mixture is collected and quickly distributed over the face. It is important to have time before the product is absorbed into the epidermis. After 3 - 5 minutes, the mask is washed off.

Pharmaceutical chamomile and linden blossom

Both components are brewed in the same way as tea and infused until the mixture is warm. After this, add the juice of 1 lemon and a spoonful of natural honey to the container with herbs.

To clean and tighten the pores on your face at home, you can either wipe your face with the infusion in the morning and evening, or use cubes of the frozen mixture. When using ice, the effect is more pronounced.

Spoiled milk

The product is suitable for use regardless of skin characteristics and time of year. To get rid of freckles, you should use the product throughout the spring and summer. Milk brightens the epidermis, making it soft and velvety.

To prepare a mask, you can use sour cream or kefir, but you should not use sour dairy products, as they can cause severe irritation.

Normal and oily skin can be rinsed with serum.

Heather Richardson

plastic surgeon

If you have skin problems, you should also pay attention to your diet. Don't eat junk food, it will have a negative impact on your face. Take care of your skin, clean it, get the right products. Traditional methods also show good results. But, nevertheless, I believe that your face, like your oral cavity, needs professional cleaning. This could be an ultrasound or laser procedure.

By systematically cleaning the pores, the skin acquires an attractive, fresh appearance, blackheads and acne disappear, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Modern procedures help lighten hyperpigmentation, impart firmness and elasticity.

Every day, the pores on your face become clogged with fat and dead cells; dirt and debris gets on your skin every time you step outside. If clogged pores are not treated, they will turn into blackheads or pimples, so they need to be cleaned promptly. Try one of the following: steam, exfoliation, face mask, pore decongestant.


Steam cleaning

    Wash your face. Start the cleansing process by simply washing your face. Do it gently, wash your face completely, try not to cause irritation - it causes pores to become larger:

    • Remove makeup with an appropriate product and cotton pads using gentle, careful movements. Remove all traces of makeup around the eyes, wash off foundation and other products you use.
    • Rinse your face with warm water. Hot water will inflame your face and then dry it out, so stick to warm or cold water at this point. Rinse your face with water several times to remove any remaining makeup remover.
    • Use a facial cleanser. If you have dry skin, this is not necessary. If you choose to use a cleanser, make sure it is non-abrasive and does not contain chemicals that will dry out your face.
    • Pat your face dry with a soft towel. Don't rub or scrub your face. The skin on your face is thinner and more fragile than the rest of your body, so it's important to treat it gently.
  1. Fill the pan with water and place it on the stove. Turn the heat up to medium-high, cover the pot and let the water heat up. When the water is hot enough and steaming, remove the pan from the heat.

    • You can pour the water into a large bowl for your steam treatments, or you can leave everything in the pan.
    • You can add green tea, mint or chamomile tea, or any other herbs or extracts that will be beneficial for your facial skin. Tea tree oil will help you deal with acne.
  2. Place a towel on your head and lean over the steam. Make a canopy out of the towel by draping one end over your shoulders and the other over the pan so that the steam is directed directly at your face. Steam your face for 10 minutes.

    Rinse your face with cold water. Rinse off all the particles that have come out of the pores with cold water - this will tighten your skin again. Apply moisturizer to prevent skin from drying out.

Black dots on the face radically spoil the appearance. The appearance becomes unkempt and unaesthetic. Many girls begin to develop complexes about this. Don’t be upset right away; there are many ways to clean the pores on your face. Simple procedures will allow you to restore your skin to a healthy appearance without expensive beauty salon procedures.

Improper skin care will not make you wait long for enlarged and clogged pores to appear. The most basic reasons that lead to skin problems:

The following products may also be to blame for the formation of sebaceous plugs:

  • bakery;
  • fried foods;
  • smoked products and sausages;
  • mayonnaise.

First of all, you need to reconsider your diet in order to understand how to clean pores at home. At the second stage, you need to choose a suitable cleansing procedure.

There are many masks that can help get rid of clogged pores. But such a procedure alone will not be enough. It is necessary to constantly maintain and care for your facial skin.

If you follow the correct sequence, cleaning the pores on your face at home will be quite effective:

After any masks and scrubs, the skin must be thoroughly moisturized. The cream needs to be selected according to your skin type.

Types of deep cleansing

Deep cleaning can be carried out in different ways, which include:

Any pore cleanser will have positive results if used correctly. It is not recommended to manually clean clogged pores. Even clean hands contain a large number of germs, which, once on the face and in the pores, can cause inflammation of the skin.

Yolk mask

An egg yolk mask will help clear clogged pores. You need to mix one yolk, 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice in a bowl. Apply the prepared mask with a swab dipped in warm water. You need to wash it off after two minutes. If desired, you can apply a light moisturizer.

The clogging problem can be solved by using a scrub of aspirin and lemon juice. The components must be mixed until a paste forms. Then apply a sufficient amount to the face and actively massage in the area of ​​the nose, chin and forehead. At the end of the procedure, wash with warm water and moisturize the skin with a suitable cream.

A simple and affordable method will exfoliate the top layer of skin and remove blackheads.

Clogged pores are one of the most common skin problems that lead to discoloration and breakouts. You can solve it by contacting a beauty salon. Specialists will select for you certain procedures that will effectively cleanse the epidermis without damaging it. However, you can deep clean pores at home. One of the most effective means in this case will be masks.

General information about the cleansing procedure

Efficiency of application

Regular cleansing procedures give the following results:

  1. Deep cleansing of pores from impurities.
  2. Narrowing of pores. This will prevent their re-contamination and improve the appearance of the epidermis.
  3. Cleansing of toxins and toxins from the deep layers of the epidermis.
  4. Saturation of the skin with oxygen.
  5. Also, depending on the components, the mask can nourish the skin with useful substances, moisturize it, smooth out wrinkles, improve color, and make the contour clear.

Note that you can achieve this effect by following certain rules.

Rules for cleansing pores at home

Any procedure requires compliance with certain recommendations. In this case, these will be the following points.

  1. The first thing to do is steam your face. A bath will help to do this. You just need to boil some water, pour it into a small basin, bend over it and cover your head with a towel. It is enough to sit like this for 10 minutes.
  2. No need to use a scrub.
  3. Before using the mask, you need to perform an allergy test.
  4. Keep the mask on for no more than 15 minutes. Increasing the time can have a negative impact on the skin, even causing burns in some cases.
  5. The face mask should be washed off with water and lemon juice, but only if its juice is not included in the composition.
  6. To prepare the mask, you need to use only fresh products included in the recipe.
  7. The frequency of the procedure is at least once a week.
  8. After you have made the mask, you do not need to use any cosmetic products to nourish and moisturize the skin. Such manipulations will lead to blockage of the pores, and the procedure will be useless.

Deep cleansing of pores at home, performed according to these rules, will give a quick effect that will last a long time.

Deep pore cleansing: can be made at home using masks with oatmeal, milk, cottage cheese, crushed eggshells, raw egg whites, edible gelatin, natural olive oil, yeast, hydrogen peroxide, oils, lemon juice and sauerkraut

Recipes for masks to cleanse pores

Oatmeal mask


  1. Oatmeal - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Milk - 0.5 cups.

If you have dry skin, then milk should be replaced with water. The selected product should be slightly warmed and poured into the oatmeal. Stir well and place the mask on your face while massaging it. This recipe will deeply cleanse the epidermis and nourish the skin.

Mask with cottage cheese


  1. Cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Milk - 3 tablespoons.
  3. Boiled chicken egg shell - 1 pc.

First, grind the shells. Then mix it with cottage cheese and pour milk. This recipe will not only cleanse pores of impurities, but also moisturize the skin.

Mask with gelatin

You need:

  1. Gelatin - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Milk - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Chicken protein - 1 pc.

Mix gelatin with milk and place in a water bath. Wait for the gelatin to completely dissolve. Next, the composition needs to be cooled. After this, add the protein and beat. Apply the mask to your face, leave for 15 minutes, then wash. This mask helps get rid of blackheads and deeply cleanses the epidermis. Can be done on girls with any skin type.

Oil mask


  1. Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Cucumber - 0.5 pcs.
  3. Kefir - 1 tablespoon.

Remove the skin from the cucumber and grate it on a fine grater. Wrap the resulting pulp in a piece of gauze and squeeze out the juice. Mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Place the mask on your face for 20 minutes. When the specified time has passed, wash your face with cool water. This mask will cleanse the skin and moisturize it.

Yeast mask


  1. Yeast - 1 tablespoon.
  2. 3% hydrogen peroxide - 1 tablespoon.

Pour hydrogen peroxide into the yeast until it forms a paste. If it turns out very thick, then the amount of peroxide can be increased. Apply the mask to your face. This procedure will cleanse the skin, tighten it and improve color.

Protein mask

You need:

  1. Protein - 1 pc.
  2. Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Tea tree oil - 3-4 drops.

Beat the egg white into a thick foam and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Place the mask on your skin for 15 minutes. After the specified period has expired, wash your face with cool water. This procedure will improve your complexion and moisturize your skin.

Cabbage mask


  1. Sauerkraut - 1 handful.

Take cabbage and chop it finely. Place it on your face. This mask will help cleanse the skin, even out the color and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Deep cleansing of pores at home, carried out according to the recommendations described above, can replace salon procedures for you. Carry out the procedure regularly and you will notice a positive effect.

How to clean pores on your face at home? The answer is quite simple - you need to moisturize and cleanse your skin every day.

How to clean pores on your face

It is impossible to get rid of this problem once and for all, but applying some rules will help reduce the size of the defect:

  1. Cleansing. Pores clogged with sebum lead to the proliferation of bacteria and the formation of acne. Therefore, it is necessary to cleanse your face daily. To do this, wash your face regularly with special products that match your skin type. After cleansing, apply moisturizer;
  2. Exfoliation. It can be used to remove dead epidermal cells that clog pores. Use the scrub once a week to improve skin texture. The most effective peeling is one that contains salicylic or glycolic acid;
  3. Face masks. They remove excess fats and therefore reduce their size;
  4. Microdermabrasion. This procedure reduces comedones and exfoliates the face well. It should only be carried out in beauty salons by professionals.

How to clean the pores on your nose

Learn how to use cosmetics correctly so that they do not harm you. For example, many girls simply mask oily shine with compact powder. This is not recommended, because the pores can become dirty. And this provokes new secretions of the sebaceous glands. The external effect is deceiving.

To get rid of the defect, remember a few rules:

  1. Replace plain paper napkins with matting ones. They are more effective and can clean pores very well. If you notice shine on your nose, apply this napkin to the oily area. It will preserve makeup and eliminate fat;
  2. Apply sunscreen to protect your nose from the strong effects of ultraviolet radiation. The epidermis will cease to shine even in the sun, and much less fat will be produced;
  3. Use cosmetics correctly. Replace heavy powder with light products that will allow your face to breathe;
  4. Do not apply cosmetics in several layers, this will clog your pores and deprive your skin of oxygen;
  5. Wash yourself properly. Refuse soap, use special products, milk, gels. Do not wash your face with hot water, it should be at room temperature.

There are a couple of effective methods that will help you clean the pores on your nose well.

If you use them regularly, over time you will notice that your face looks better and your pores become less dirty:

  1. Hot steam is the best assistant in the fight against pollution. To do this, boil water and prepare a bowl. You will also need a blanket or large towel. Place the boiling water on the bed, then cover your face with a blanket, but do not burn it. Leave a small gap between the bed and the blanket to allow air to enter. After steam treatment, it will be easier to clean your nose with special means. You can also go to the sauna or bathhouse. The effect will be the same, but even more useful;
  2. Contrast washing keeps the epidermis toned. Alternately wash your face with cool and then warm water several times a day. Water is drying, so don’t forget to use moisturizers;
  3. Hot compress. To do this, take a small towel soaked in hot water and place it on your face. Keep it for 5-10 minutes, after which you can cleanse the skin;
  4. Sea water is a great helper in the fight against a dirty face. Take a spoonful of salt into a glass of warm water, stir well and rub your nose with this liquid. Then wash your face with water;
  5. Oatmeal peeling. To prepare it, take honey, low-fat kefir and oatmeal. Mix everything in equal proportions and get a viscous mass. Apply the mixture onto your face using massaging movements, then remove with a mattifying napkin. After the procedure, lubricate your face with baby cream.

How to clean pores yourself at home

To cleanse, mix salt or sugar with makeup remover. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and massage gently. Cleanse your face with this product once a week.

Prepare a scrub using coffee and heavy cream. To do this, mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply it on your face. Use the mask 2 times a week to remove dead skin particles.

Black clay perfectly cleanses pores. It can be bought at any pharmacy and is inexpensive. Just dilute the clay with water until you get a paste and apply it to your face. When dry it turns gray. Then wash it off first with warm, then cool water.

Masks for cleansing pores at home

Cleansing mask with oatmeal: take 1 spoon of oatmeal, moisten it with water or milk and apply to the skin. The mask clears blockages on the nose and saturates it with essential microelements.

Recipe with dairy products: chop the shell of a boiled egg and mix with a tablespoon of cottage cheese. Place on your face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse off. This method is perfect for people with dry skin.

Recipe with gelatin: dilute its powder with an equal amount of milk, heat in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved and wait until it cools. Apply the mask to your face and wait until it dries. After this, carefully remove the dried film and wipe your face with cream.

Cleansing masks can be prepared with olive oil: grate half a fresh cucumber and squeeze out the juice. Mix the resulting paste with a spoon of olive oil and apply to your face for 20 minutes, then rinse off.

Recipe with cabbage: mash sauerkraut and apply to face. Its acid dissolves fat and whitens the skin.

How to cleanse pores of sebaceous plugs

The best way to combat sebaceous plugs is to keep your skin perfectly clean. Use any products, as long as they moisturize the skin and do not cause peeling. For prevention, visit cosmetologists; they can perform mechanical cleaning, which eliminates all comedones.

Using professional products will improve your overall skin care routine if used regularly. A one-time use of correction pencils for only a couple of days will improve the situation. You can fundamentally change the condition of your skin for the better if you reconsider your diet and lifestyle. It is advisable to give up bad habits.
