Ideas for a small wedding. How to organize a small wedding? Nuances of the holiday

Modern newlyweds are increasingly choosing the format of small weddings. Often they are driven by the intention to quickly go on a honeymoon, the desire to share their main holiday only with their closest and dearest, or simply a limited budget.

Small wedding: how to organize

Today's newlyweds are increasingly choosing to hold small weddings. However, this does not at all imply a modest budget; rather, we are talking about a certain intimacy of everything that happens, perhaps a feeling of mystery and special romance. The number of guests at small weddings usually does not exceed 10, which includes the closest relatives and sometimes friends.

Of course, a small number of guests may allow you to save on transport, food and drinks, but the newlyweds still have the right to hold their celebration on a grand scale: you can fly to the islands in the Caribbean, taking your closest ones with you, or get married in Europe. In other words, the small wedding scenario is up to you.

Where to hold a wedding banquet

Restaurant, here you should pay special attention to the size of the hall; due to the small number of guests, there is a risk of poor seating, so you should look for small intimate halls or seek the help of a professional designer to delimit and properly organize the space inside a large room.

A country house is an excellent option for holding a wedding in a narrow family circle; if the weather is favorable, part of the celebration can take place outdoors.

An apartment is a smart option for weddings on a budget; don’t forget to decorate the room where the banquet will be held, you can choose an elegant romantic style or have a themed party.

An alternative to a banquet at a small wedding may well be a small buffet, if the weather permits, it can be held right on the street.

Getting ready for a small wedding

It is wrong to think that a wedding banquet for 10 people does not need a professional host, because it is he who can bring romantic moments during the celebration, fill awkward pauses, announce dance breaks and simply support the newlyweds.

Of course, if desired, a close friend of the newlyweds can also play the role of host, which should be discussed in advance

A DJ is often paired with the host, whose role should also not be underestimated, otherwise your guests will have to independently switch music tracks or monitor the sound volume. A wonderful addition to the holiday will be invited artists - singers or dancers, who will also help create the special atmosphere of this magical day.

A small wedding can be decorated in absolutely any style, with the help of experienced designers and florists or you yourself, thanks to a small number of guests.

A small wedding is always an atmospheric and cozy event that takes place in the circle of your closest and dearest people. The number of guests, as a rule, does not exceed twenty people, which is very convenient for organizing such a mini-celebration. However, a small number of guests does not mean the absence of a real celebration. If you are planning a small wedding, you can implement the most incredible ideas that fit your budget. With a small group, you can get together not only in a restaurant, but also go up the mountains, go on a sailboat, go to the forest and much more, whatever your imagination allows. One way or another, your holiday will be the brightest and most unforgettable!

On the website portal you will find out what advantages a small wedding has and how you can organize your cozy celebration in an original way. Choose the brightest idea and start implementing it!

How to organize a small wedding - important points

When planning any event, you should carefully think through all the important points so that nothing is overlooked. Even when organizing a small wedding, you need to approach it with attention and responsibility.

What to consider when organizing a small celebration?

The best ideas for a small wedding

There are a large number of options for how and where you can celebrate a mini wedding. The most important criterion when choosing a place should be your desire to fulfill your old dream and go to a place where you will feel good and comfortable.

How to hold a small wedding?

Entertainment for a small wedding: three cool ideas

Not a single wedding is complete with just a festive feast, because both the newlyweds and the guests want to have fun and spend time actively. What entertainment is suitable for a small but very creative holiday?

Three options for wedding entertainment:

Advantages of a small wedding

  • You can bring the most creative ideas to life with a fairly modest budget. Banquet, hall decoration - these are the things that can be chosen according to the principle “less is more.”
  • You can use unusual decor and designs, pay extra attention to detail. A small quantity will allow you to use more expensive and high-quality textiles and dishes, as well as floristry.
  • A small wedding is always more sincere and soulful. The newlyweds have more time for each guest. After all, now you don’t have to be torn in different directions, trying to please each of the hundred invitees, but calmly communicate with everyone personally. In addition, only the closest relatives are present at such a wedding, so wishes and congratulations will definitely be sincere and non-trivial.
  • At a chamber wedding, it will be easier for shy or uncommunicative newlyweds to relax and have fun to the fullest.
  • Organizing a small number of guests will also be much easier.
  • All the guests and their habits are well known to the bride and groom. There is no need to worry about the potential inappropriate behavior of an unfamiliar drunken relative.


Along with the advantages, a chamber wedding also has some disadvantages.

  • It will not be possible to save globally. Along with the banquet, a wedding celebration has many other expense items that do not depend on the number of guests. For example, the newlyweds' outfits, a stylist for the bride, a presenter and sound engineer, a photographer and a videographer.
  • It will be more difficult to find a room for a banquet, because... Most halls are designed for at least 30-40 people.
  • It will be more difficult if several guests refuse to come at the last minute. At a large wedding, no one will notice the absence of three guests, whereas at a small wedding it will be almost half.
  • Conflicts with relatives, especially older ones, are possible. In their understanding, “everyone” should be invited to the wedding.

Features of a small wedding

If you have weighed all the pros and cons and settled on the chamber format of the celebration. Here are a few points that you definitely need to consider.

  • When inviting guests, be sure to tell them about the format of the event. Some may be confused by surprise. Newlyweds should prepare them in advance for the idea of ​​a small number of guests so that everyone feels comfortable.
  • Wedding specialists should also be warned. The host, the cameraman, the photographer - they all must be prepared, because a small wedding has its own characteristics. For example, not every photographer can properly conduct reportage photography of a celebration for 10 people. It’s much easier to photograph large crowds of people beautifully. And when preparing the script, the presenter needs to know how many people he will have to organize.

  • Convince yourself of the correct choice. Having decided, do not back down from it. Many, having heard about the wedding format, will try to convince you. This shouldn't be confusing or scary, just don't discuss the topic. 10 people invited. Dot.
  • The evening program should be thought through to the smallest detail. There is a myth that at a small wedding the host is of no use, the guests will perfectly entertain themselves. This is wrong. Nothing will happen by itself. If you want to save money on the presenter, you will have to take over his responsibilities. Prepare in advance a list of competitions, the order of toasts, and entertainment for yourself and your guests. Remember that at an intimate wedding, even one bored guest will be noticeable. If there are people of different generations among those invited, make sure that it is interesting for everyone. The best option would be to contact a professional host who will take into account all the details and hold the celebration. Reserve the right to relax and enjoy communication with your loved ones.

  • A good option would be a destination wedding. It looks more sincere and touching, and a small number of guests will make its organization easier. In addition, this option allows you not to be tied to the time of painting and to show flexibility and imagination when planning your holiday.

  • Don't delay. The smaller the number of guests, the shorter the banquet should be. For 10-15 invitees, the ideal duration would be 4 hours. Accordingly, do not plan on eating too much. The average calculation will be: 250 ml. strong, 500 ml. alcoholic drinks and 1 kg of food per person.

  • Provide a bright end to the holiday. Fireworks, sparklers, launching multi-colored balloons into the sky - all this will be a worthy end to the holiday and will be remembered for a long time.

  • You can prepare small souvenirs and memorable gifts for guests. May they never forget this day either.

The most important thing to remember when preparing for a small wedding is that the celebration is not organized for the sake of a banquet and delicious food, but for the sake of sincere emotions and genuine happiness. At a small wedding you will get them in full! Therefore, go ahead, and advice and love!

Today, newlyweds often prefer to hold intimate weddings for 15-20 people rather than lavish celebrations with a large number of relatives, friends and acquaintances. Ideas for holding a wedding with a small group are so diverse that they are sure to leave a mark on the soul of every guest.

Some people want to spend their honeymoon there as soon as possible, some want to share their joy only with their closest people, while others cannot afford to celebrate their wedding widely due to budget constraints.


Newlyweds who choose the format of a chamber (budget) wedding appreciate, first of all, its comfort and warmth, because on this day only relatives will be next to them. And the small wedding itself has other advantages:

  • Budget savings. A modest ceremony allows you to save money, which can later be spent on your first family vacation or on furnishing your apartment.
  • Feeling of comfort and calm. Unlike a large wedding, when organizing which the newlyweds face a number of difficulties, preparing a small wedding involves a minimum of hassle. In addition, knowing that their closest relatives will be present at the ceremony, the bride and groom are less nervous on the eve of the celebration and do not worry that they may find themselves in an awkward position in front of dozens or hundreds of acquaintances if any unforeseen difficulties arise.
  • Warm atmosphere. Only the closest people will be around. This means that each guest can personally congratulate the couple on their wedding and say kind words. In addition, in such a company, the invitees themselves will feel comfortable, relaxed and will willingly take part in the proposed entertainment.
  • Choosing a place for the celebration. Ideas for a small wedding for 10 people involve holding the celebration in a cafe or restaurant. It will be easier for young people to find a suitable establishment and they will not have to save on food.
  • An original holiday. What a small wedding will be like depends on the preferences of the newlyweds, because there are a lot of ideas for holding it! Entertainment for guests can also be original or even extreme.

Ideas for a small wedding, of course, allow you to reduce costs, but this does not mean that you need to save on wedding attire, a banquet, the services of a makeup stylist, or give up a photo shoot. Despite the fact that only relatives and best friends will come, it is necessary to spend the holiday at a decent level.

If the young people have chosen a restaurant, then you should not choose a banquet hall that is too large - it will look somewhat ridiculous, because there will be few guests. It’s better to gather with your loved ones in a cozy and bright cafe. Other or apartment. If the budget does not allow you to celebrate the holiday in a cafe or restaurant, then the banquet can be held in your own home. In this case, you can beautifully decorate the room and hold a themed party. And if the weather permits, you can hold a wedding outside the city in nature, having prepared a site for this in advance.

We should not forget that this day never ceases to be solemn, despite the small number of guests. Moments of an important event must be captured on film in order to preserve it as a memory: the morning of the bride and groom, getting ready for the registry office, marriage, first dance, walk, banquet. You can arrange a themed photo session by preparing the necessary attributes in advance, or go to the park to get some good shots.

How to celebrate

Ideas for a small wedding are related to the seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring. A spring wedding has its advantages: low prices for wedding dresses, many free dates in registry offices, discounts on rental premises. In the summer, there are many more ideas for organizing a small celebration: you can choose, for example, an outdoor ceremony and it will be more pleasant to go on a honeymoon at this time.

A good option for a spring or summer intimate wedding is a boat trip and a “sea” celebration with the appropriate paraphernalia. A small wedding in the fall is somewhat limiting, just like a winter celebration. But you can always find an interesting way out. Ideas for a small wedding in the summer are more varied and budget-friendly.

The first thing you should think about when preparing for a wedding is of course, when there are few guests, you can call them all and invite them simply by phone, but it will be much more pleasant if each friend and relative receives an individual invitation to the ceremony. Cards should be decorated in accordance with the style of the wedding, and you can also give a small gift along with them.

Wedding planner

It is a mistake to believe that you don’t need to invite a host to a small wedding, because it is he who will help hold the celebration at the proper level: competently play out awkward situations, announce the names of congratulators. Singers or dancers will make the holiday magnificent.

Elena Sokolova


Ideas for a small wedding for 20 people do not exclude an entertainment program, because guests should not get bored.

Yaranov Artyom

Small wedding - how to hold it in order to successfully implement the ideas of the newlyweds? First of all, you need to choose the format of the celebration: perhaps it will be a theme party, an off-site registration or a wedding by the sea. The bride and groom will not go wrong if they decide to hold the ceremony in the open air and organize a family dinner under the shade of trees.

But the classic version with painting in the registry office and celebration in a restaurant is also excellent. However, regardless of the venue, you must try to make sure that the atmosphere is joyful, cozy, romantic and does not create the feeling that this is an ordinary family dinner and not a wedding. Every guest should feel comfortable and not bored.

If the celebration will take place in a restaurant, then you can choose an establishment with a homely atmosphere, where instead of the usual strict chairs there are soft sofas. Guests will not sit at separate tables, but at one large one. This will allow you to sit comfortably and feel at ease throughout the evening.

But it is important to consider that even a small company will need a platform for dances and competitions, as well as photo zones, congratulations zones, where those present will be able to leave their messages and parting words to the newly-made spouses in a special book.

If the newlyweds are not fans of the classics, they can choose unusual places for the ceremony and gala dinner, for example, a forest clearing, a river bank or the sea. The main thing is to prepare in advance: set up a table, chairs, armchairs, get pillows and blankets, take care of canopies.

The best place for a celebration is a country house with a fireplace. A real winter fairy tale and magic: guests can be treated to delicious mulled wine and a home-cooked dinner. Each of those present will definitely take with them a piece of warm memories associated with gatherings by the fireplace, an extraordinary photo shoot in the winter forest.

As for the menu for a small wedding held in a restaurant, the list of dishes must be discussed in advance with the chef. If the feast is organized outdoors, then it makes sense to use a catering service. Of course, the menu is also discussed with the company in advance, and it should be thought out taking into account the chosen style. Thus, a Russian wedding would not be complete without caviar on the table, dumplings, mushrooms and cucumbers. A “sea” wedding will be reflected in fish dishes, seafood delicacies, etc.

The variety and size of dishes depends on the number of guests. It is much easier to organize a feast for a narrow family circle, because, knowing the taste preferences of your loved ones, you can accurately choose appetizers, main courses, and drinks that your guests will definitely like.

Images of the bride, groom and guests

Every bride wants to look perfect on her wedding day, even if her closest relatives will be present. When choosing the format of an intimate celebration, which, one way or another, helps save a significant part of the budget, some brides prefer not to look at the price of the dress and choose the option they like.

Others believe that for a modest celebration, the dress should not be too pretentious and choose an outfit at an affordable price. For a small wedding, they are well suited, including colored ones, which will highlight the natural beauty and add brightness to the image. In addition, such a dress can subsequently be worn to various events.

In addition, the bride can choose a lush princess dress that suits almost any body type, an Empire style dress, a straight cut model or a Mermaid dress. You will definitely need to take care of accessories: veil, tiara, jewelry, shoes, as well as makeup and hairstyle.

It deserves special attention. The choice of colors and shades should be approached carefully: they should be perfectly combined with the dress and the color scheme of the groom’s boutonniere. Recently, flower arrangements made from many buds of small roses have become popular, which do not fade for a long time and retain freshness and beauty.

The groom can wear either a traditional suit or a modern fashionable outfit. The most important thing is that the images of the bride and groom are harmoniously combined with each other. For a small wedding in a relaxed atmosphere, a convenient option is suitable. Guests can also choose the outfits they like, but it will be great if the bridesmaids choose dresses of the same color scheme.

Important! The wedding stylist will competently select the appropriate one, taking into account the type of figure, color type of appearance and wedding style.

Entertainment for 10-20 people

A small wedding means that special attention will be paid to every detail. So, in the morning you can arrange a photo session on the topic of getting ready for the bride and groom, then go for a walk and to the registry office, and then have dinner at a restaurant or country house.

Various board games and creative competitions with memorable gifts are suitable for entertainment. For young people, an excellent option would be a quest with a variety of tasks and an unexpected ending. If there are an even number of guests invited to the wedding, they can split into two teams and battle it out for the grand prize!

Budget planning

When planning wedding expenses, you need to take into account how many guests are invited, as this affects the cost of the restaurant and rental of the motorcade. If your budget is modest, you should give up an expensive car and reduce the cost of a banquet by choosing a smaller hall and decorating it yourself. But what you shouldn’t skimp on is clothes, accessories, festive table, host and artists, fireworks.

Important! You can save money by setting your wedding date on a weekday in the fall, winter, or spring months.

It is important to remember that organizing a small celebration is a serious task: you need to find a venue, prepare a program and ideas for a photo shoot. To create a memorable, romantic wedding, it is important to take a few expert tips:

  • The end of the holiday should be original and memorable: fireworks, the launch of balloons or Chinese lanterns.
  • Take care of background and dance music by making a playlist of your favorite songs, or invite a professional DJ.
  • Be sure to have a joint photo session with your guests.


The small wedding format is very popular today, due to the simplicity of organization, the minimum of worries and a special warm, sincere atmosphere. If you are planning a small wedding, ideas for 10 people will make the holiday truly soulful. At such a celebration, the newlyweds will be surrounded only by close people.
