Interesting gifts for the garden. Gift for a gardener: for true summer residents and garden lovers

13 gift ideas for summer residents - what to give gardeners ahead of the start of the season
What is meant by the word summer resident today? As a rule, this is not just a person traveling outside the city into nature, idly strolling on the lawn. For the most part, modern summer residents are people who cultivate their gardens and gardens, and only then relax. Therefore, when choosing gifts, you should understand what they really like. Obviously, these are things that are associated with work on the land and in the garden - everything that makes this difficult work easier. We should not forget about recreational items in the countryside.
What can a gardener enjoy at the beginning of the season? What to give to a summer resident?

13 100% gift ideas for summer residents

1. Tree pruning kit

Pruning branches and branches is an integral part of gardening work. Any owner will be delighted to receive a gift in the form of a set of several pruning shears. It is desirable that they have a special coating that prevents the scraps from sticking to the blade. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of the handle.

Its ergonomics are very important when working. The simpler and more reliable the tool, the easier and faster the trimming. The gift may include not only pruning shears, but also several knives. They are also necessary for work on the site.

2. Harvest baskets

It is no secret that fruits placed in containers must remain unharmed. In this case, not only fruits, but also vegetables will retain their beneficial properties. Experienced gardeners are reluctant to use enamel-coated basins, wooden boxes or metal buckets.

It is much more pleasant to collect the grown crops in magnificent wicker baskets, which keep the fruits fresh, almost in their original form until they are processed. The joy from such a gift will know no bounds.

3. Garden and country benches

Garden benches are an indispensable element of country house design. They add comfort and beauty to any area. You can sit on them in the evening and enjoy the view of the local beauty and your garden. They will serve as a place to rest during lunch hour. Sitting down on them, you can calmly and comfortably evaluate the work done in the garden.

A bench can serve as a separate element located in the garden, front garden, near a house or pond, or be part of a gazebo. Therefore, ask the recipient which option he needs. When choosing this gift, you need to take into account the resistance of the material to atmospheric conditions.

4. Furniture for the gazebo and garden

It’s nice to gather friends on a hot summer day in the shade of garden trees or spend time with a cheerful company in the gazebo on a warm evening. Special furniture adds special comfort to such an event. The variety of country house sets is amazing.

Folding chairs and armchairs, lightweight rubber sets, wicker sets. The donor probably knows the needs and tastes of two summer resident friends and will choose the best option for them.

5. Garden watering kit

Water and its delivery to plants is the main task of gardeners. What owner would refuse a high-quality watering hose? Especially if it contains reinforcement and soft PVC.

The three-layer material is highly durable, which means that the watering problem is solved for several seasons. The gift set includes a watering gun and hose connectors.

6. Rubber boots and raincoat

The spring-autumn period, and sometimes summer, are characterized by heavy rains. However, work in the garden and vegetable garden is not expected. A lot of things have to be completed in the rain. Therefore, a gift in the form of such necessary things for country life as boots and a raincoat will come in handy.

The range of these products on the market is quite large. For men, you can choose subdued colors, and for women and children, choose something more cheerful.

7. Headdress of a gardener-summer resident

The bulk of the work on planting, harvesting and caring for the crop takes place under the scorching sun. To protect the owners of the dacha from its hot rays, you can give as a gift an integral accessory of a real summer resident - a headdress.

For the owner - a stylish cap made of cotton or linen, and for the hostess - an elegant straw hat.

8. Stylish watering can

What cottage is complete without a flower bed? As a rule, ladies are engaged in its arrangement. They select the desired flower combination, plant seedlings or seeds and, of course, water them.

In this case, the hose does not quite fit; you need a watering can. A timely gift of a watering tool will bring the hostess into indescribable delight. If summer residents have children, then you can also give them small watering cans.

9. Bird house

Nature and the cheerful chirping of birds are inseparable. Birds complement natural splendor and fill the surrounding world with harmony. In addition, birds bring practical benefits - they eat harmful insects in the garden.

A donated birdhouse will help attract birds to the site if it becomes a comfortable home for them. The owners of the dacha will be able to enjoy the morning trills of garden residents and will be calm about the safety of the harvest.

On the Internet you can always find offers for the sale of ready-made bird houses. They are made of environmentally friendly materials in accordance with standard sizes.

A fruit tree seedling given as a gift is an ideal option for an avid gardener. Especially if you know exactly what tree he dreamed of planting. Remember the conversations of your relatives and friends.

Surely they contained the names of exotic plants, rare flowers, and mentioned varieties of good vegetable seeds. If you strain your memory or ask directly, the gift will bring real joy.

A good solution for a gift is a hammock. A thing without which it is difficult to imagine a modern suburban area. This is a kind of symbol of a country afternoon nap.

Hammocks come in mesh, knitted, fabric, with or without frames, in all sorts of colors and to suit any budget.

The choice is so great that you can easily find exactly the one that will please the recipient of the gift. The hammock will serve as a reminder to him that all work must be combined with rest.

On a summer cottage you have to do different work - build, do electrical wiring, dig a garden, take out garbage, etc. Every activity requires additional hand protection.

Gloves do an excellent job of this role. It is best that the set consists of rubber, canvas and fabric “protectors”. Canvas mittens will save your hands when carrying various heavy objects.

Knitted gloves can be used during planting work; they are convenient for picking up seedlings and are not afraid of moisture. Rubber gloves are indispensable when in contact with water. It will be a caring sign of attention.

13. A set of equipment for a gardener

A good shovel, a comfortable rake, high-quality forks and a sap - these are the tools that are never enough and are always needed. Not only home gardeners and knowledgeable gardeners, but also novice summer residents will appreciate such a gift.

A good-quality tool made of steel and treated wood will be useful in every suburban area.

The word “dacha” appeared in the Russian language a very long time ago - the first dachas appeared under Peter I. These were estates that the tsar granted to aristocrats for their services to the throne.

For a long time, dachas remained the privilege of the nobility, and only at the end of the 19th century ordinary people began to acquire them - in the form of small plots of land outside the city.

However, dacha construction reached its greatest scale in the post-war period. It was then that holiday villages and collective gardens appeared, in which we so love to spend the summer.

Holidays and birthdays are celebrated at dachas, people go to the dacha on weekends to take a break from the stuffy city air, and very often they spend the whole summer there.

Therefore, if you are thinking about a truly useful and original gift, you should pay attention to gifts for the garden and.

Their versatility lies in the fact that they can be given for almost any occasion - birthday, March 8, etc. This article will be dedicated to gifts for the dacha!

For the garden

A vegetable garden, a couple of apple trees, a pear, flower beds are a “standard set” at any dacha. All this requires careful and painstaking work by summer residents, who will certainly find various gardening tools and tools useful.

For home

Small country houses, for all their cuteness, as a rule, are not particularly comfortable. You have a chance to fix this and make the house of your friends or loved ones a little more comfortable.

  1. Various decorative items will help to revive and help - wall clocks, potted plants, decorative furniture, etc. This gift is perfect for a woman.
  2. On cold evenings, hosts and their guests will need a pair of warm ones - such a gift does not put a big dent in the wallet, but remains in the memory for a long time.
  3. If there are power outages in the village, give the owners a compact, powerful lamp.
  4. A great gift for mom and dad would be a small TV on which they can watch news.
  5. People who leave the city in March and arrive in October will need a good heater.

For relax

Despite economic worries, first of all we come to the dacha to relax - barbecue, swim in the local river, play fun games, etc.

  1. An irreplaceable gift for any man will be a barbecue or grill set with... Such a gift can be very interesting and creative - now it costs nothing to order a barbecue in the form of a boat, a treasure chest or an animal on the Internet.
  2. Both children and adults will definitely love the inflatable pool - simply an irreplaceable thing in the summer heat!
  3. If there are no gazebos or trees on the site, it is worth giving a couple under which you can set the table. Here are some original examples:
  4. Both parents and friends will love a good, comfortable hammock - there's nothing better than taking a nap in the fresh air!
  5. To have a good time, you can give various games: twister, alcoroulette or mini-football.
  6. To a woman

If you are thinking about how to step on the right rake or what to give a summer resident for his birthday, then this article is for you.

If the birthday person is a summer resident, you are very lucky, since choosing a gift in this case will not be difficult. Even if you go to a home goods hypermarket and, closing your eyes, point your finger in any direction, the chosen item will most likely find its application in the country life of the hero of the occasion.

But remember that there is a difference between summer resident and summer resident. A person who has a plot of land does not necessarily have to potter around in the garden all weekend long, rarely emerging from behind the bushes. Those who prefer to relax in the country should give gifts that will make their stay in the country even more pleasant and interesting. For avid summer residents, the best gift will be something that will in one way or another make their work easier and help ensure and then reap a good harvest.

Gift for a workaholic summer resident

How to please workaholic summer residents? Everything, of course, depends on your budget. More expensive options, as a rule, include gardening equipment, while less expensive options include related equipment, tools, seedlings, and seeds.

Powerful “soldiers” guarding the garden

A lawn mower, for example, is an irreplaceable thing in the household, according to most summer residents. You probably won’t be surprised to learn that there are now robotic lawn mowers that are somewhat reminiscent of their apartment cousins ​​– robotic vacuum cleaners. They also famously “vacuum clean” the grass, cutting it into such small particles that do not require further cleaning: with a clear conscience, leave the processed product on the site, and soon the soil will receive additional fertilizer. Well, isn’t this the dream of any summer resident who has spent more than one hour improving his property under the scorching sun?

Aerators, brush cutters, riders, trimmers, height cutters, branch choppers, wood splitters, composters, brush cutters, motorized augers, snow blowers - all these garden “soldiers” can significantly facilitate the work of the “commander” of the site, especially if the “battlefield” is similar in size to a plantation.

Little helpers for big gardening tasks

Any gardener and gardener will be happy to receive equipment for caring for seedlings and land. Garden wheelbarrows, pitchforks, shovels, scissors, pruning shears, axes, rakes, scoops, hoes, sprayers - no self-respecting gardener can do without them. If you wish, you can collect the necessary items in a large basket, decorating it with a lush bow - the original combination of soft decoration and rough metal objects will pleasantly surprise and touch the birthday boy.

A special probe needed when planting vegetables will be a useful surprise. With its help, it is easy to find out the soil moisture, its acidity, and the degree of illumination. Planting and growing is half the battle; it is also important to save the crop from pests, so an ultrasonic mole repeller is a suitable birthday gift for a summer resident.

To help the master

A real summer resident is constantly making something. Therefore, a well-chosen tool - be it a drill or saw, a screwdriver or a hammer drill, a glue gun or an electric stapler, a hair dryer or a router - will certainly make your work easier.

May you dream about the grass near the house and beautiful flowers

In the spring season, it is important to give seedlings and seeds, seedlings of flowers, shrubs and trees, as well as high-quality fertilizers and soil. Today they are available in abundance in the markets: gardeners did not even dream of such a variety several decades ago. It’s great if you can find something moderately exotic that can surprise the birthday boy and delight him with its healthy growth for a long time.

If your friend is a novice gardener, then it is quite logical to give him a large book about landscape design or, even better, a certificate for attending special courses. A few lessons - and in front of you is a newly minted creator of a beautiful landscape.

Gift for vacationing summer residents

It is not uncommon for the owner of a country house not to dream of personally grown giant pumpkins, the reddest tomatoes and crispy cucumbers, but prefers to use precious minutes of free time for complete relaxation, enjoying fresh air and nature. Then don't try to make him work hard by giving him a brand new polished shovel or rake for his birthday.

Happy friends of a summer resident know that every birthday, especially if it falls in the warm season, is a holiday in nature with barbecues, intimate conversations, songs with a guitar, good company and, for those who are doubly lucky, a visit to the bathhouse. In this regard, the following tips are useful:

  • A modern grill with a grill and barbecue grate will serve for many years.
  • The recreation area can be diversified with a large swing.
  • Garden furniture, such as a table, wicker chairs, chairs or a chaise longue, is a wonderful gift that will not leave the birthday boy indifferent.
  • The inflatable pool will become the epicenter of splashes and joyful laughter, especially if the birthday person has children.
  • Any garden will be decorated with solar-powered lighting lanterns, as well as a variety of funny figurines of gnomes, animals or birds.
  • For lovers of active recreation, you can give a table for playing tennis.
  • For those who prefer intimate conversations over board games, chess, checkers, dominoes or backgammon are suitable.
  • A variety of bath accessories is a win-win gift option for those who have their own bathhouse. If the owner has not yet managed to acquire a font, get ahead of him, and he will be immensely grateful for such a wonderful surprise.
  • There will be queues for a comfortable soft hammock on a cool summer evening.
  • Guests of the festive table on the summer terrace will be eternally grateful if you present the birthday boy with an ultrasonic mosquito killer.
Giving a gift to a summer resident is great and pleasant also because, as a close friend of the birthday person, you yourself will very likely soon be able to experience all its usefulness - be it a tomato you eat, grown from your own seedlings, or a delicious kebab, fried on a grill purchased as a gift.

Nothing calms you down and reconciles you with the surrounding reality like working or relaxing in your garden. In addition, this makes life much easier for everyone who is looking for smart gifts for a holiday or significant date. After all, gifts for the home and garden for everyone who is passionate about gardening are a great opportunity to present a person with something truly necessary and useful. However, over time, gifts in the form of the latest models of instruments become boring, and the hero of the occasion keeps hoping: when will he receive truly original gifts for the dacha?

Unusual gifts for the gardener

Our online store “Gifts-HERE” will tell you which gifts for your home and garden you should give preference to. After all, sometimes one, even a small detail, can radically change the perception of a suburban area, emphasizing its beauty. This could very well make a creative gift for a gardener. Such a gift will not only please every lover of spending time working and worrying in the fresh air, but will also emphasize that you remember and appreciate his hobbies.

Among the original gifts for the dacha may be:

  • miniature installations for growing greens;
  • elegant flowerpots in the form of animal figures are an excellent gift for the country;
  • stylish interior metal signs, reminiscent of the favorite hobby of a man and woman, even outside the dacha;
  • compact meat thermometers in the form of a fork with a convenient food readiness indicator;
  • stylized “wood” watering can and much more.

Representatives of the fair sex will certainly appreciate a gift in the form of a garden set for the garden, which contains all the essential accessories for caring for a flower garden. The “USB-Fridge-Heater” is also perfect as a gift for a gardener. It is a mini device that runs from the USB port of a computer. Such a gift will delight all summer residents who dream of quickly and easily heating or cooling drinks.

What to give a man as a gift for his dacha?

Men often regard the dacha not only as a place of relaxation, but also as a heavy duty. This obvious statement does not apply to those who are truly passionate about arranging their “green corner” outside the city. Undoubtedly, the best gift for such a gardener is something functional. But what about imagination when choosing a gift for a man for a summer residence, some new, unconventional idea? We all want to be surprised by a pleasant surprise. So why not surprise your friends and family yourself? An original gift for a man for his dacha will be not only creative equipment, but also stylish garden and interior decorations, as well as unusual functional little things.

For an original gift for your dacha, contact the online store “Gifts-HERE”: our managers, if necessary, will always give you any information regarding the choice of goods. Even if you live in a remote part of the Russian Federation, a gift for a man to a gardener at his dacha will be delivered to you as soon as possible, carefully and without problems.

The hobby of growing garden plants is already a kind of subculture. For true summer residents, their plot ranks high on the list of important life values. Therefore, when choosing a gift for a gardener, you should give preference to things related to the hobby of the gift recipient.

First of all, it is worth understanding that there are differences between gardeners and gardeners. Some people are interested in growing plants, looking for unusual and rare varieties. Some are more interested in landscape design and site decoration. And there are people who simply love to relax in the lap of nature. Therefore, you should choose a gift taking into account these preferences; in addition, you should take into account the gender and age of the gift recipient.

Plants and care

If a person likes to “poke” in the soil, growing garden and vegetable crops, then it is worth giving the gardener a set of seeds. Of course, this should be a decent set, including rare plant varieties. You can also donate seedlings. A good variety of apple, pear or plum tree will definitely please a true gardener.

But in order to choose really good seeds or seedlings, you need to understand this issue, know the varieties, and the conditions for their cultivation. For people who are far from the issues of cultivating garden crops, it is better not to take risks when choosing such a gift to suit their taste. You either need to find out exactly what type of seedlings or seeds the gardener wants to receive, or prefer another presentation option.

A man who is a gardener can buy a tool for working in the garden as a gift. Today, specialized stores have a variety of devices to make the difficult work of caring for plants easier. Representatives of the stronger sex, as a rule, love new products and are happy to master new technology. For them, you can purchase an automatic watering system or a multifunctional motorized plow.

A woman, as a rule, will prefer rare seedlings or seeds of flowers, ornamental or fruit plants. If a gardener is a beginner, then he will be pleased and useful to receive educational literature as a gift.

A good gift for a gardener of any gender can be a collapsible greenhouse or hotbed, as well as special rack holders, thanks to which you can neatly place all your gardening equipment. A folding bench would be a practical gift, because working all day bending down to the ground is very tiring.

Decoration of the site

Many gardeners are passionate about not only caring for plants, but also decorating their garden. When choosing a birthday gift for a gardener, you should pay attention to decorative items.

If you plan to make an expensive gift, you can order the production of a wrought iron fence or gate. This will give the area a noble look. A good gift could be a prefabricated gazebo or pool for the garden.

You can give colored electric garlands to decorate the area; flowerpots and outdoor vases will not be superfluous. You just need to take into account the design style of the site so that the selected decorative item does not look alien.

An inexpensive gift for garden decoration can be easily found in a specialty store. These can be decorative figures, topiary, stones for decorating flower beds, birdhouses and bird feeders, a “cool” sign, etc.

You can make beautiful decorations for your site with your own hands. Using creative ideas, you can turn even waste items into stylish decorations.

Country holidays

A garden is not only an area for growing plants, but also a place for relaxation. Therefore, you can choose a gift for the gardener that will come in handy when he wants to relax. This could be a folding chaise longue or a sun canopy.

A hammock can be a useful gift for a garden lover. It is worth choosing a model woven from a cord with a flattened rather than round shape, since otherwise the ropes will cut into the body. If the recipient of the gift has impressive dimensions, then it is better to purchase a hammock equipped with transverse wooden slats; it will not sag as much as a product without these parts.

An ultrasonic mosquito repeller can be a practical gift, because these insects can really ruin your outdoor recreation in the evening.

A barbecue is useful at any dacha, because almost everyone loves kebabs and other dishes cooked on coals. And the dacha is the best place to prepare them. If the recipient of the gift already has a barbecue, then you can give him a barbecue grill. You can use it to cook not only meat, but also bake vegetables, mushrooms, and seafood.

If the summer cottage is spacious enough, then you can donate equipment for outdoor games - a stand with a basket for a basketball, badminton rackets, etc.

Original gifts

Unusual and original gifts are fun to come up with and receive. If it is not known what exactly the hero of the occasion prefers, then you can present a gift basket. First you need to purchase the basket itself, which will later be useful for harvesting. And then fill it with various little things that will be useful to any gardener. This could be several bags of seeds, a decorative figurine, a set of gloves and an apron for working in the garden, a raincoat, a small hoe for weeding flower beds and other useful things.

You can pick up a funny gift in specialized stores or make it yourself. For example, you can buy a cap with a fan built into the visor, so that even in the hottest weather it will be pleasant to work in the garden. You can buy a rake as a gift, and to make this practical gift fun, put the inscription on your hand: “Do not tread!”

As an addition to the gift, you can purchase a souvenir medal with the inscription “To the best amateur gardener” or “Thunderstorm of weeds and pests.”

Thus, a gift for an amateur gardener must be selected taking into account the individual wishes of the recipient. Only in this case will the gift truly bring joy.
