What can an ex-girlfriend dream about? What is the dream of an ex-girlfriend, dream book, interpretation of dreams online An ex-girlfriend is dating another.

Young people often wonder what the ex-girlfriend is dreaming of. It cannot be said that there is an unambiguous answer to this question. Many dream interpreters believe that seeing an ex-girlfriend in a dream means a man’s irresistible desire to return his beloved. Psychologists take a different view on the interpretation of dreams: they focus the dreamer's attention on experiencing true feelings at the time of the story about what he saw in a dream. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the existing interpretations of dream books, as well as with scientifically based psychological methods for analyzing dreams.

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    General information

    If you had a dream about an ex-girlfriend, then you can expect a new exciting romance with a woman whom you have known for a long time, but have never considered her as a life partner. The dream assures you of the fervor of feelings on the part of the future lady of the heart, and also warns you not to be frivolous and irresponsible when the above-described person appears in your life.

      If you look into the dream book, the ex-girlfriend often symbolizes feelings that have not yet died out. you can continue to love a woman with whom there was a breakup. Therefore, your unconscious reminds you of the pain of lost love, when you are unable to control your feelings and thoughts.

      Why dream of having sex with an ex-girlfriend? It is possible that you are very angry with her. Sex in a dream is a way to express hostile feelings, especially when it comes to hard sex, in which the will of the girl is suppressed and her sexual needs are not taken into account. This is how you punish her for the pain she caused you.

      It is worth considering how an erotic dream is often interpreted: an ex-girlfriend as a sexual partner may mean that you want to assert your power over her feelings, although your union has already failed.

      Seeing an ex in a dream is a significant change in your life. The nature of future events should be judged by the personal characteristics of the former lady of the heart: if the girl was a restless person, then interesting adventures await you; if she was distinguished by a high level of intelligence, then it is quite possible that you got involved in a very unpleasant story, and now you yourself cannot cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

      When you often dream of an ex-girlfriend who is in a relationship with another man, then you can consider yourself a loser. But don't be self-deprecating. If you are not selected, it only means that you are not suitable for this particular lady, and not for all the women in the world.

      A dream that occurred from Thursday to Friday is called prophetic by interpreters. If in this dream you saw that relations with the lady of the heart have resumed, then it is likely that everything will happen in real life.

      The opinion of authoritative interpreters

      Why is the ex-girlfriend dreaming? It is worth considering what is said about this in the dream books of various authors:

  1. 1. A modern dream book invites the dreamer to pay attention to what feelings he experienced when interacting in a dream with a former lover. The dream interpretation assures that you are ready to start a new relationship in reality, if in a dream you experienced a feeling of lightness and quiet joy. If the dream girl was unpleasant to you, then you are unlikely to plan to create a new harmonious union. You should clear your mind of negativity and overcome the desire to take revenge on all female representatives for the disappointment that has befallen you.
  2. 2. If an ex-girlfriend is dreaming, the Wanderer's dream book invites you to think about the true reasons for your breakup. You may still not understand why you broke up. Your unconscious is trying to find the answer to your question. Therefore, the dream book indicates that you need to calm your soul, otherwise you will not be able to enter into a new relationship. Another option is possible when you repeat the experience of pain and misunderstanding with another girl, who will be the prototype of the former young lady.
  3. 3. If a guy kissed in a dream with the one with whom he broke up, then he is often interested in what this means. Interpreters are considering the following version of the storyline: if you happen to kiss an ex-girlfriend whose face is completely different, then you will have a problem choosing the right path. Perhaps you are feeling sad now, but still you should admit that you yourself have always considered this union short-lived for a number of reasons. The sooner you accept this fact, the sooner you will recover from the oppressive state.
  4. 4. If a former lover constantly dreams, then this indicates your unwillingness to accept her choice of her own path. You should realize that it no longer belongs to you. You can't get it back, so forget about it. Your life will soon get better if you shift your attention to what can be changed in your life, and not focus on opportunities that were once lost.
  5. 5. Be vigilant if you dream of a crying girl. Unforeseen troubles may await you.
  6. 6. When an ex-lover laughs at you in a dream, then you have an inferiority complex. You should regain your self-esteem, otherwise you will not be able to feel happy and cheerful again.

What do psychologists say?

Why dream of an ex-lover? It is worth considering the existing dream analysis schemes from a psychological point of view:

  1. 1. You need to write down your dream by hand. Be sure to include all the details: what the girl looked like, her mood.
  2. 2. Be aware of how your thoughts and feelings fit together as you describe the story. Try to understand why you dream of such images. What worries you? What hurts to remember? What do you want to forget?
  3. 3. The dream must be retold in the present tense, as if you are now seeing a young lady in front of you.
  4. 4. Ask relatives to carefully monitor how the timbre of your voice and your facial expressions change during the story. Their utmost attentiveness will help you understand the meaning of the dream. From the side it is always more visible: relatives can indicate at what moments you were overly sentimental, when your voice became quieter, when sharp gestures appeared.
  5. 5. Compare the results of the observations of relatives with the text you wrote, as well as with the results of the analysis of the correspondence of your feelings and thoughts.

It is worth considering one example from the practice of psychological analysis of dreams.

The young man often saw in his dreams both ex-girlfriends who openly mocked him and his chosen one in the present tense. The former young ladies looked chic, and the guy with the chosen one were like two beggars. During the analysis of the dream, it became clear that the guy was overestimating the girls he had met before. Each of them had those attractive features that, in his mind, were exceptional. He just always loses confidence in love affairs, so he tends to idolize a woman.

His first unsuccessful experience was reinforced by a similar second. The young man turned into an embittered egoist with wounded pride. A couple of months later he met the one who became his girlfriend. But now he is already afraid to show true feelings for fear of ridicule. The girl he is now dating is much more vulnerable and sensitive than him. Friends believe that she is a nondescript and boring person. And the dream that he had only emphasizes that the guy feels like a laughing stock next to a new passion, but with such a lady he is calmer and safer.

The ridicule, which means only the uncertainty of the young man, prompts you to think about his consumer attitude towards the new girl.

If you had to endure a break with your loved ones, do not despair and feverishly look for confirmation of your illusions about a possible resumption of relationships by analyzing dreams. Listen not only to feelings, but also to the voice of inner wisdom, which will help you find the answer to an exciting question.

Hi, this is Lesha Doc and in this article I will answer the question of a guy who got into a difficult situation

The subject line of his letter is: "Ex-girlfriend is dating someone else"

favorite girl right now, then

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I will answer you personally.

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Here is his letter that he sent me:

Hello Leha. I recommend you to all my friends. Situation: Met a girl, we work together I'm 32 she's 34. Looks good - takes care of herself, she is always neat and well-groomed. According to the Virgo horoscope, I am cancer, they lived for about six months, it didn’t work, I went to my parents, I don’t have my own home yet.

At first, when we lived, there were constant demands and complaints about everyday life to me - it’s not like that, it’s not that, in short, I was constantly dissatisfied with something. After these same six months of cohabitation I was able to mentally overcome her quite a difficult character to fall in love with yourself.

I’ll step back a little - I liked her very much - somehow I didn’t dare to communicate closer before, well, plus many afraid of her at work, allegedly for a very, very evil character.

Well, we have now parted completely, about six months have passed, my initiative for parting has accumulated inside me, you can see her bitchiness towards me, although they have changed, but my once strong feelings for her faded. Now normal friends - we communicate at work, without any claims to each other, parted on a positive note.

After parting I helped her around the apartment for a long time in terms of minor repairs, something like a husband for an hour, did a lot of things, gained some experience, often heard compliments from her in terms of the work done, and naturally there was quite constant sex, where would it be without him. As a result, our difficult relationship lasted for about 3 years.

Recently, I could not resist and went to visit her, one might say he asked for it. I didn't have a girlfriend for a couple of months., she agreed, although with surprise, but she was pleased.

Had quality sex a couple of times. Then for some reason I sharply arose, as it were, anew feelings for her- how it was before, or maybe habit, maybe proximity influenced - I still don’t really understand myself.

I don’t know if it’s stupid or not, but we agreed with her when we parted that if one of both has a person on the horizon - we talk without any secrets adults are, after all, people.

I go from work and watch the picture - my ex is walking in an embrace with a guy, I caught up with a quick step to make sure that I greeted her normally and went on. For some reason, my legs buckled at that moment from what I saw - I did not show it.

The next day, as if nothing had happened, she calls me, how, they say, are you doing - at first I controlled myself, then broke down and said that she was wrong- it was more decent not to stir up on the sly, but simply to say it like it is, the reaction would have been, I think, easier - all the more so there was an agreement.

Although I understand that we are no one to each other. She says it's just a friend- escorts home and if someone appears at her place, I will be the first to know. And there is nothing like that! Then it turns out that they had seen this type a couple of times before - she didn’t tell me anything about it, and then it turns out that I also drew myself.

I don’t understand, please explain to me who is slowing down, who is wrong in this situation, me or my ex, and what should I do correctly if my ex-girlfriend is dating someone else?

So let's take a look at this situation.

I can say right away that even though the boy says, that he does not like her and he is absolutely in a drum In fact, this is far from being the case.

Why is that?

Yes, because the boy does not know how to get acquainted, which means will not be able to quickly find a replacement this girl, which is why he goes and makes repairs to her, communicates with her on the sly, and deep down he hopes that she will return to him again and they will create a serious relationship.

And even if a girl directly tells the boy that she is dating and sleeping with another, he will still run around her and humiliate herself, will wait for her to break up with her boyfriend and call him again.

In fact, I really feel sorry for these guys, because with such a mindset and psychology, he will always kowtow to a domineering girl who will wipe their feet on it.

What can be said about the girl?

A girl with a masculine character who likes weak and driven guys as they can be easily manipulated and controlled. And, therefore, they can be used for their own selfish purposes.

For example, the boy will make repairs to her apartment for free, plus give her sex(sometimes) when she needs it, but there is no one in mind.

Naturally, once she finds herself a boyfriend, she will merge this poor fellow. The girl will remember him only when she needs some kind of emergency help, if at that moment her boyfriend is busy.

So, I answer the question What if an ex-girlfriend is dating someone else?»

This means that you can dry the paddles, since you have already been flushed down the toilet.

And here you can go in several ways:

  1. Keep humiliating yourself and expect her to come back to you after having sex with another
  2. Start working on yourself and find yourself a worthy feminine girl who will appreciate and respect you.

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If you have a question for me, then write, I I will answer you personally. In the topic of girls, I have been giving advice for 9 years, the experience is huge. (all confidential). Copy from here to yourself my mail below and write.

My personal mail: [email protected] (everything is free)

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Egor, Moscow

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Maxim, Ukraine

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Life and all its attendant benefits bring a lot of opportunities and benefits to a person. How good it is when the events of life are arranged by themselves, and dates with acquaintances bring spiritual satisfaction.

It really looks very attractive and wonderful, if not for one fact:
It happens that the beloved girl walks with another person. You give a lot of strength and energy, take care of your beloved, and get such a great surprise. This is exactly what happens in our life, as soon as we relax and say to ourselves, well, it happened, I’m lucky, happy, they love me very much and they won’t leave me, and a conflict is brewing here.

What to do, you say, because everything went so well, and I do everything right, but they treat me like this. Consider such mysterious circumstances of the relationship between two beloved people, and see why this happens.

All love triangles have similarities, usually the biggest pain comes from the unexpected. When you're most unprepared for it, that's where the blow comes in. In order not to fall into a trance and a state of hopelessness, we just need to know that, according to statistics, all, well, or almost all couples are problem couples. With such comforting words, one can be horrified, but one should not assume that everything in life is in black colors. People need to love, you can love and you need to love, but before you can truly love, you need to come to a certain degree of understanding of relationships. When you understand the relationship of the sexes and their communication with each other, it will be very easy to accept life circumstances, even if they are the worst.

In these small lines, the basic foundations are enclosed. Statistics show that this happens to all people, after a certain stage of meetings and dates, a loved one makes a choice in favor of the best applicant, so take it easy. This happens to everyone, you cannot know with whom exactly your beloved friend is, where she spends her free time, how she relaxes. It may be that she sits at home and waits for you, alone.
Take the circumstances of your girlfriend's dates for granted, because when you develop such a stable psychology of behavior with your loved ones, you will be like an angel. A carefree angel, as Kipelov sang in his song, who had to experience many partings and failures in his life. Such failures only bring you a charge at this stage, before giving the best.
People are so arranged that they tend to choose and evaluate the situation, choose where it will be better and more comfortable. Based on this, in the relationship between the two sexes, we can observe an imbalance at a certain stage of these relations. You just need to know and be ready for anything, and in the case when the fullness of knowledge comes to you consciously, then negative events do not happen. This is the psychology of behavior, which will give you a lot of strength and energy for further feats of life.

Cheer up, if a girl goes on a date, let go of the attachment, because jealousy can also stand behind it. Jealousy, as we know, is a huge evil that can bring a person to white heat, it is better not to happen, but is in a harmonious state of mind.
Realizing this will lead you to freedom of thought, where the exit will be visible, and vice versa, if you tell yourself that I am sure that my girlfriend will never leave me, you are at great risk. Love is sometimes very cruel, and it happens, not according to the laws written in books and rules, true love comes only when you are ready to accept everything that happens for granted. Such couples are created in heaven, people need to know a little more about each other, or go through a lot of difficulties in relationships in life, only then true love appears.

I also wanted to conclude by saying that in no case should you be discouraged and be cheerful, just be aware that this may be so, this is a possibility.

You created coziness and comfort for your girlfriend, gave flowers and gifts, did everything to make her feel good, but she preferred another guy to you. You start to blame that guy, you are ready to destroy him, then you accuse the ex-girlfriend of inconstancy, and then you think about what you did wrong and whether you are not to blame for your breakup. Jealousy suffocates you, feelings do not want to leave, and thoughts are increasingly returning to her. To begin with, determine for yourself whether it is really a matter of strong love, or you want to return the girl, because your pride has suffered and your pride has been hurt.

It happens that a guy has confidence in feelings, he cannot live without a girl, and then he returns her, but love disappears, relationships collapse, but already at the initiative of the guy. It turns out that he was simply hurt all the time that it was the girl who first left him, but it was necessary to return her only in order to satisfy his pride. If you understand that now there is much more anger than feelings, it is worth throwing it out, and then work on increasing self-esteem. If this is not your case, then you should develop a plan for the return of the girl, and not dig into yourself.

So, she went to another, what to do. You need to understand for yourself that the girl decided to leave for a reason. Even the fact that another guy appeared in her life is not an accident. The girls decide to leave for a very long time and not easy, on the one hand they are afraid of the unknown, and on the other hand they are simply initially aimed at maintaining relationships. You should remember what happened between you lately, what was wrong. You should not ask the girl directly why she chose another, it will look stupid and pathetic, it is even worse to ask her to return. It happens that a girl voices for a long time that she does not like it, but at one fine moment her patience simply ends. And then it also coincided, she met him, he turned out to be completely different, not like you.

You can just wait for her relationship to not work out, then she will come running to you. But you should not count on such an outcome of events and do nothing. You can win a girl again, and for this you need to radically change, this applies to appearance, habits, character traits. Do not communicate with the girl and do not run after her, let her know that you have pride and a strong character. Gradually, she will become interested in your life and will find out for herself about the changes that have taken place in her. Try to devote your time to achieving some success, engage in self-development, devote yourself to work, study, sports. Prove to everyone that you are the best. Try to forget for a while that your girlfriend has a different boyfriend now and don’t accumulate anger in yourself, if you don’t succeed, then there’s no need to return the girl, then you will reproach her, remind her of the past, take revenge on her, hurt her, in this way, your relationship will go to hell. There is another important rule that should be remembered, do not follow the girl's lead, do not let her manipulate you, otherwise you will forever become a fallback option for her even when the girl returns. You will be able to return the girl, and if not, then it will only say that you never meant anything to her, and you will certainly still meet your fate.

If you are determined to get your girlfriend back, I recommend reading the book by Sergey Sadkovsky and Oleg Ideal on how to get your ex girlfriend back. There are a lot of positive reviews. You can download it from the link below:
