How alcohol affects a woman's appearance. Beer belly is a very real phenomenon.

In England, the norm for alcohol for women is no more than 6 glasses of wine with a volume of 175 ml. Personally, my opinion is that it sucks. I definitely couldn't drink that much alcohol in a week. So don't believe it when they say that Russians drink a lot. Here people drink just as much, if not more.

The last time I got drunk was alcohol intoxication, when I was 26 years old. I still remember how bad I felt the next day from the tequila we drank in the nightclub. After that, I decided not to drink at all. Moreover, I switched to veganism, which helped me completely give up alcohol. A year and a half later, I moved to England and stopped experimenting with veganism, but I still drink alcohol occasionally. I can drink a maximum of one glass of wine or cocktail once every three to four months.

When I gave up alcohol 7 years ago, I didn’t know that alcohol doesn’t have the best effect on your appearance. Although at all at a young age Perhaps none of this is visible, but after 30, many errors in nutrition and lifestyle come out sideways and you don’t know what to tackle first. Now I know about the consequences, but I no longer have the need for weekly feasts with wine.

My reasons for quitting alcohol are:

- Alcohol has a bad effect on facial skin. More on this later in the post.

- Alcohol has a bad effect on the body. Good quality body and alcohol after 30 years are completely incompatible things

- I don’t want to spend the next day lying in bed for half the day and walking away. I only have two days off a week and always have a lot of plans.

— in principle, I am not impressed by the image of a drunk or tipsy woman

About two years ago I read the book “Reverse the signs of aging” by the famous London celebrity cosmetologist and naturopathic doctor Nigma Talib. If anyone is interested, Nygma has his own practice in London in the Notting Hill area. She also launched her own skincare line. I can’t say anything about cosmetics - I haven’t tried them. But I liked the book

In the book, she examines in detail the products that spoil the skin and accelerate aging. Alcohol is one of these products that accelerates aging.

Nygma describes the so-called wine face. This is such a generalized image of a woman, not an alcoholic, but simply someone who likes to drink a couple of glasses of wine in the company of friends.

Key Characteristics of a Wine Person

- very pronounced eyebrow wrinkles

- drooping eyelids

pronounced wrinkles under the eyes

- dehydrated skin

- enlarged pores

reddish tint faces

- deep nasolabial wrinkles

Wine face

Nigma Talib calls this type of face a wine face because wine is the most commonly consumed alcoholic drink among women. Although such symptoms can be caused by excessive consumption of any alcohol.

Why does alcohol affect facial skin in this way?

Nigma explains this by saying that alcohol contributes to skin dehydration, and the high sugar content in alcohol accelerates the aging process. Sugar is one of the reasons premature aging and sagging skin. Dark circles under the eyes indicate a fairly high load on the kidneys. Wrinkles between the eyebrows indicate stress on the liver.

Nygma advises women to give up alcohol altogether.

If you can’t refuse completely, here’s what he advises:

- live without alcohol at least 4 days a week

- choose your own alcohol best quality which is available to you. If you drink wine, choose organic products

- compensate for each alcoholic drink with a glass clean water

- If possible, choose wines prepared organically. Most grapes used for commercial wine production are treated with pesticides. Commercial wine also contains sulfates and yeast. Many people, without knowing it, are sensitive to preservatives contained in wine.

It is not a fact, of course, that every woman who gives up wine will look as beautiful at 44 as Dr. Nygma. Still, genetics play an important role in how a person looks.

Nigma Talib

But still, a dissolute lifestyle can kill any genetics and at the same time in a good way life, you can slow down aging and look good. So I still think it makes sense to avoid or minimize alcohol consumption.

  • The woman began to wear trousers, short haircuts, flew into space, took the helm of a business, and learned to maneuver between family and work.
  • But at the same time, the beautiful half of humanity gained access to bad habits. Smoking, drugs and alcohol are the scourges of our time
  • A young girl or woman with a bottle in her hands looks unnatural. And this is not a matter of disgust and censure from society

The problem is deeper - what can such a woman give to herself, her husband, and her family in emotional and psychological terms?

How does alcohol affect a woman's body?

Nature intended that women be smaller and smaller than a man so that he subconsciously strives to protect and protect her.

At the same time, her body contains more fatty tissue and less water than the male body. Therefore, a smaller dose of alcohol is enough for a woman to become intoxicated.

Ethyl alcohol is removed faster from male body, and from female times three longer. This is explained by the fact that alcohol is absorbed into adipose tissue, then leaves it for a long time, and the female liver smaller in size and simply “not ready” to digest such “food”. The situation is similar with the stomach. These organs are less able to produce enzymes to break down alcohol compounds than in men.

As a result of drinking wine by a woman:

  • the risk of infertility increases or, conversely, unwanted pregnancy due to promiscuity
  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted
  • suffers hormonal background
  • metabolic processes are inhibited, there is an acute lack of vitamins and microelements
  • dehydration increases
  • color changes skin faces
  • development is provoked cancer diseases female organs
  • The body's resistance to colds decreases
  • memory, brain function and nervous system generally
  • the silhouette of the figure changes externally to that of a man
  • The body begins to actively produce the male hormone testosterone. Result: facial hair grows
  • external and internal signs of aging appear faster - facial wrinkles, early menopause
  • her body weight is growing
  • the family breaks up and close people turn away from her
  • general degradation sets in, the circle of her communication and interests closes around the “fire” water
  • sensitivity dulls and the desire to be someone’s affectionate mother, loving and caring wife, a beautiful princess or queen

Why does a woman start drinking or drinking? Causes of female alcoholism

  • There is an opinion that advertising, genes, and living environment are to blame for women’s addiction to alcohol.
  • However, this is far from full list. Among young people in school and a little older than age girls follow the herd mentality, that is, “for company.” Or vice versa - they want to stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of the opposite sex
  • Working young women are exposed to stress and psychological pressure every day, both from others and their own. For the purpose of self-preservation, their body requires to stop and take a break, get away from a tense situation, and relax. Women understand this signal as an opportunity to pour themselves some wine or something stronger.
  • Nothing will happen from one or two glasses, right? Unfortunately, it will happen. For example, within one to two years of regular alcohol “therapy”, a woman’s ability to conceive and carry healthy baby decreases by more than half

Adult women may become addicted to alcohol due to:

  • serious family discord
  • lack of a favorite hobby and pleasant social circle
  • feelings of loneliness

The main signs of female alcoholism

Some signs of female alcoholism manifest themselves individually, but there are several common ones:

  • addiction to drinking - woman faster than men gets used to the action ethyl alcohol and then subconsciously craves its regular supply
  • increasing doses - gradually a woman needs to pour more into herself to become intoxicated
  • secrecy - she carefully and for a long time hides from others that she is addicted to the bottle
  • lack of criticism of her behavior - it seems to her that everything is under control and she is able to stop whenever she wishes
  • damage to internal organs - a drinking woman complains of pain in the liver area. Not surprising, since this organ is the first to suffer
  • changes in the psyche - a drinking lady’s character, movements and reactions to external stimuli resemble those of a man. She is capable of aggression, causeless tantrums
  • sexual promiscuity - she neglects her family, easily cheats
  • deception and theft - for the sake of the desire to drink, a woman addicted to alcohol deceives friends and relatives, borrowing money from them and not repaying the debts. Then she begins to steal from her family without remorse.

Video: What are the consequences of drinking alcohol in women?

The effect of alcohol on a woman's appearance

A woman’s appearance suffers greatly and changes under the influence of ethyl alcohol.

  • Hair and nails become brittle and grow poorly because calcium is washed out of the body by alcohol. Gray hair appears earlier
  • The whites of the eyes lose their former whiteness and acquire a reddish tint due to burst capillaries inside.
  • Teeth decay faster
  • Facial muscles lose elasticity, saggy “jowls” appear
  • The skin changes its properties and becomes dry
  • Wrinkles become many times more numerous, they are deeper and more noticeable
  • The complexion acquires reddish, bluish, gray shades
  • Puffiness and bags under the eyes are constant companions of a drinking woman
  • The skin of the face becomes thinner. Small vascular patterns are visible on it
  • The figure changes dramatically. Fatty tissue builds up around the waist, and a “beer belly” grows.
  • Body weight increases
  • The timbre of the voice becomes rougher and resembles a man’s
  • The gait loses its lightness and becomes chesty and heavy.
  • The gracefulness of movements disappears. They are more angular, careless, masculine

The effect of alcohol on a woman's weight

  • Alcoholic drinks are high-calorie foods. To process them, the body needs to spend a lot of energy. It would seem that the weight should decrease. But with a glass or a glass, the woman eats other food
  • Time to remove ethyl alcohol from female body more than from men's. Fat tissues are reluctant to part with it. Plus there is a process of assimilation of accompanying food
  • The liver cannot cope with processing increased amounts of junk food. The body accumulates calories and centimeters
  • The waist disappears under a layer of fat. From the back a woman looks like a man

The effect of alcohol on female reproductive function

Ethyl alcohol destroys all organs and systems of the female body in its path. It is especially dangerous for the reproductive system.

Nature determined the number of a woman’s eggs even during her intrauterine development. It is constant and decreases after she reaches the age of puberty.

Alcoholism as a factor in infertility

  • In parallel, the hormonal system must function according to female cycle. Its task is to develop the necessary female hormones for conception. If there is not enough oxytocin, then nothing will work
  • Alcohol contributes to disruptions in a woman’s hormonal system when her body produces more male hormones.The menstrual cycle is intermittent and inconsistent
  • In women who drink, sexuality and libido decrease, and frigidity develops. Plus promiscuity, which results in abortions and serious venereal diseases do not add to the chances of giving birth to a healthy, desired baby in the future. Yes and opportunities normal conception there's no talk anymore

The influence of alcohol on a woman’s emotional state and behavior

  • Alcohol affects women differently. In most cases, it invigorates, improves mood and liberates her. A woman does things she regrets after getting sober
  • After drinking a couple of glasses of alcohol, a woman relaxes, her consciousness becomes clouded, and her reactions to external stimuli become dull. But faith in one’s own strength is activated, the desire to play pranks, talk in different topics. Sometimes there is a tendency in behavior to challenge, to prove something to others or to a specific person.
  • Emotions can replace one another - from unbridled joy a woman can fall into melancholy and cry
  • If she misses a glass after stressful situation, then he feels relaxed and calms down. So imperceptibly and gradually the habit of relieving tension only with alcohol arises.

The effect of alcohol on a woman’s thyroid gland and hormonal levels

A woman's hormonal system works differently from a man's. From the representative beautiful half it ensures health, is responsible for emotions, character and quality of life in general.

Job thyroid gland visually not noticeable, but it only seems so. It colors a woman’s life with emotional colors and regulates behavior.

As a result of the effect of alcohol on the thyroid gland, its function is inhibited. This means that the processes of transmission of nerve impulses, the experience of various emotions suffer, a woman’s behavior changes radically, and serious diseases are triggered.

How does alcohol affect a woman's brain?

  • Once ingested, the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol reaches the brain and nerve cells female body
  • With each glass, hundreds of neurons are damaged and die. And in the morning, dead brain cells are excreted in the urine
  • A woman who drinks often does not notice that her memory is dulled. She forgets events of the recent past, people's names
  • Sleep becomes intermittent, restless, and nightmares occur. Insomnia is increasingly coming and depriving you of rest
  • The reaction to external events becomes dull. Thought processes are limited and closed around a new “predilection”
  • Brain cells are not capable of regeneration, therefore unnecessary harmful effects alcohol kills them faster, old age comes earlier

How does drinking alcohol affect a woman's face? Early age-related changes and skin discoloration

  • On early stages A woman's addiction to ethyl alcohol is no different from others. However, the processes of dehydration and metabolism between body cells are running
  • Alcohol provokes an increase in blood pressure, which affects small capillaries. Couperosis appears on the face
  • Changing facial skin type to dry
  • The eyelids swell, permanent bags form under the eyes, the nose and the area around it swell
  • The more advanced the stage of a woman’s addiction to a glass, the darker her complexion, up to a bluish-purple hue.
  • The drinking woman looks much older than her years. Wrinkles on the face appear more clearly and deepen. This occurs due to the skin losing vitamins E and C, as well as decreased collagen production. The elasticity of facial tissues is also significantly reduced. As a result, the facial frame floats and sagging areas are formed.

What other consequences exist from a woman’s drinking alcohol?

  • In addition to the above-mentioned consequences for women, the use of alcoholic drinks is fraught with loss of one’s significance as a woman and in society as a whole
  • The family is either in the stage of disintegration or cannot be created at all. Children, except infants, turn away, she loses emotional contact with them
  • Due to obvious external signs of addiction to ethyl alcohol and an alcohol trail, old friends turn away. New ones are appearing common interest to drink
  • An organization or enterprise gets rid of employees who drink - they are fired under article

Differences between female and male alcoholism. Whose alcoholism is worse?

The extreme manifestations of alcoholism are the same in men and women. However, narcologists have identified some differences in the approaches and prerequisites for this disease among representatives of different sexes.

Differences female version from the male the following:

  • secrecy - women do not advertise their addiction for a long time, drink alone or in very narrow circle like-minded people. Men, on the contrary, do not hide anything
  • strength of drinks - ladies choose lower strength ones, for example, beer and wine. But their regular action is enough to form an addiction
  • reasons for looking into a bottle - women have more emotional nature, for men - timed to coincide with a specific event, for example, meeting a friend, payday, colleague’s birthday
  • The rehabilitation period is faster in men. Their body copes better and earlier with the removal of toxic alcohol substances than women’s. And men go to the doctor for treatment at earlier stages of the disease. Women become patients in extremely advanced cases, when they are no longer able to hide their addiction

Can female alcoholism be cured? Video

Can a pregnant woman drink? How does alcohol affect fetal development?

  • Pregnancy is an amazing and responsible time for a woman. The physical and psychological development of the baby depends on her well-being, health, nutrition, daily routine, mood, and coordinated work of the hormonal glands.
  • From the first months of pregnancy, a woman's hormones are produced in increased quantity for two. And this trend continues until the moment the baby is born.
  • Everything he accepts and eats future mom, goes to the fetus
  • It is unnatural for a woman to drink alcohol, and even more so for a pregnant woman. Its influence is especially dangerous and unpredictable in the first trimester, when the baby’s organs and systems are being formed.
  • The negative effects of ethyl alcohol persist in subsequent months of pregnancy. Even small doses of it enter the baby’s developing body through the placenta and blood, inhibiting normal development and growth and provoking the formation of pathologies
  • Due to alcohol consumption, the risk of having a child with cerebral palsy, serious psychological disorders, physical disabilities and disabilities increases

How to cleanse your body of alcohol at home?

After the fun the night before, a hangover sets in, remorse for the harm to health and what you have done, a scary “someone” looks out of the mirror and you really want to quench your thirst.

To help the body cleanse itself of toxic alcohol pollution:

  • drink plenty of water - mineral water, herbal tea, boiling water with lemon and honey are suitable
  • activated carbon and other sorbents, for example, enterosgel - they will collect “poisonous” guests as much as possible and lead them outside
  • healthy food - fresh vegetable salads, fruits, juices, rice porridge, oat broth
  • taking vitamins C and E
  • aspirin in soluble form is good for headaches
  • Corvalol in drops will clear your head and provide an influx of fresh air to brain cells
  • any diuretics to quickly remove toxins
  • cucumber pickle will balance the salt in the blood, but will not help reduce the toxic effect of previously drunk
  • infusions of string, ginseng

What to do if a woman doesn’t want to stop drinking? Calling a narcologist

As mentioned above, the woman does not recognize or notice that she is addicted to the bottle. She has everything fine and under control. But family and friends see a completely different picture and want to pull their loved one out of this quagmire.

How to help?

  • It is known that desire drives a person and encourages him to act towards achieving what he wants. If drinking woman does not even recognize the very fact of dependence, then he did not easily agree to persuasion, threats, and ultimatums. She needs to be awakened to the desire to return to a healthy life without alcohol. Only in this case will the treatment have an effect
  • It is often difficult to approach a green snake admirer because of her aggressive behavior. But it should be found Right words, a moment and a person who will bring to her consciousness the fact of the existence of a problem. He will paint a picture of her future happy life without ethyl alcohol. She will agree to a visit to a narcologist and treatment
  • Half the battle is already done. Then we should pay more attention to her after leaving the hospital, helping her socialize and regain her place in life. Women are extremely impressionable, the slightest stress and her hand will most likely take up the glass again
  • It should be remembered that any stimulation from the outside - injections, coding, pills - have a temporary effect. Besides this chemical substances, they are hardly harmless from the point of view of their effect on the body. Hypnosis and conspiracies work until a certain moment or words that can trigger the disease again
  • In case of mortal danger to a person due to alcoholism, the above methods are justified and indicated. If the stage is easier, then look for approaches to the patient with words and your kind attitude towards her.

Does coding help women quit drinking?

Coding, like any of the methods listed above, gives a temporary effect. It acts rather as a bridge between the periods of a woman’s life before and after alcohol.

If you decide to use coding, then consider a few points:

  • the patient must consciously agree to the coding
  • Before the procedure, the woman should live two days without alcohol
  • determine the type of coding - medicinal or psychological, that is, hypnosis and suggestion, weigh the pros and cons

After the procedure, provide the woman with conditions for her support, influence changes in her daily routine, social circle, be patient, love and care for her. Only feelings of love, significance and importance for others will help her get out and continue to live happily.

Why is it important for women to abstain from drinking alcohol?

Women in ancient cultures did not know the effects of alcohol. They were protected, cared for and cherished like mothers. To this day, these traditions have been preserved, for example, in Islam and a number of religious movements in India.

A woman is an image of purity, chastity and fidelity. She is powerful because of these qualities. The strength of the family depends on it, psychological comfort each of its members. She is a source of inspiration and victories for a man.

Does a sick woman with a blue face and a masculine figure fit such an image?

The harm of alcohol to women's health and ways to stop drinking: tips and reviews

Each case of female alcoholism is individual. Its background and course are different from each other. There is only one thing in common - illness in the end.

Here are some tips for those who have realized the harmfulness of the slippery slope of alcohol:

  • become confident in your desire to be free from addiction
  • find for yourself compelling reasons for living without alcohol
  • avoid situations where alcohol consumption is possible
  • if you cannot avoid them, use a trick - fill your glass with cherry, grape or apple juice
  • gently refuse any attempts by others to persuade you to drink
  • please contact hotline to rehabilitation centers and alcoholics anonymous if the situation is critical and you don’t have enough strength and knowledge to stop

Glafira, student
I was in 10th grade when my parents decided to divorce. It was very painful for me. I didn’t notice how I became addicted to beer and wine. For two years I lived in a fog, outwardly turning into an aggressive zombie. Thanks to my grandmother, I was able to escape the clutches of alcoholism. During the year, treatment, diet and daily routine, acquaintance with healthy life, finding yourself. Now I’m graduating from university and dreaming of working as a translator at a foreign embassy.

Varvara Sergeevna, happy mom five children
After graduating from university, she organized her own business in the catering industry. At first, things went very well - profit and regular customers. But the wave of crisis knocked me out and I found myself on the shores of lack of money, bankruptcy and debt. For three years I was firmly friends with alcohol, and I kept flattering myself with the hope that tomorrow I would come up with a solution to my problems. Mom and Dad saved me. They brought me home, surrounded me with affection and care, and spent a lot of money on my treatment. And I survived. Two years later I met my love, we got married and had children. Now I am happy and with gratitude to my parents I remember the time of returning to myself.

So, we looked at the harm and incompatibility of alcohol for the female body, its causes and consequences, and adopted several tips for cleansing organs and systems of intoxication and getting out of addiction.

They also became firmly established in the idea that alcohol and women are the path to the degradation of human society.

Video: Female alcoholism. The harmful passion of the weaker sex

The general condition of the human body is always reflected in his appearance and experienced doctor one look at the face can diagnose a number of ailments that the patient suffers from. The most noticeable traces are left by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. The face of an alcoholic gives away more than one characteristic features, but the whole complex pathological changes, which became more obvious the longer the dependence took place.

What can a person's face tell?

A person’s face can tell a lot about his character, habits, lifestyle, social and intellectual level, and others. individual characteristics. Being unique business card, an attractive face contributes to success, building brilliant career and establishing contacts with people and, conversely, any flaws in appearance significantly complicate life.

Alcohol abuse leaves an indelible mark on faces, significantly changing features and making it impossible to hide this destructive passion in secret. The face of a drunkard is a very unsightly and repulsive sight, capable of causing only negative associations among others with all the ensuing consequences.

Characteristic facial features of binge alcoholics

In medicine, there is a term “the face of an alcoholic.” This concept is a collective image of the most typical features and characteristic features of the appearance of a person who abuses alcohol. First of all, such a face can be recognized by its characteristic puffiness and strong pigmentation. Swelling on the wings of the nose and eyelids is usually most noticeable, and the skin of the cheeks becomes pale.

The skin color becomes bluish, it looks dull and dehydrated, and enlarged pores often become inflamed. Purple vascular network, formed due to micro-ruptures of capillaries, is also considered an integral sign of alcoholism. The facial features become coarser and the gaze loses its meaning. A person looks much older than his age, which is primarily typical of women who, even if they give up the bottle, will not be able to return it. former attractiveness and freshness.

Who would have thought:

Alcohol changes the body's hormonal levels, increasing the amount of male hormones in women and female hormones in men. It is for this reason that drinkers quickly fade away sexual desire and even external sexual differences are erased, turning them into asexual alcoholics.

Under the influence of alcohol, irreversible changes in the tone of facial muscles occur, which leads to sagging cheekbones and lips. The forehead, on the contrary, is constantly in a tense state, which, combined with half-closed, puffy eyes, presents a very repulsive picture. The pores of the skin noticeably expand and often become inflamed, which leads to the appearance of rashes and ulcers.

Causes of facial swelling in drinkers

One of the main consequences of irrepressible libations is dehydration of the body, which cannot but have a detrimental effect on the condition of the urinary system. The breakdown products of alcohol are dangerous toxins, to remove which the body uses all internal resources, forcing the liver and kidneys to work in an enhanced mode. Over time, this situation causes a failure in maintaining water balance and contributes to the emergence of a whole bunch of diseases.

It is kidney disease that makes the faces of alcoholics swollen and dry, as well as causing permanent “bags” under the eyes. Poorly filtered blood becomes poor in iron, oxygen and other transported substances and elements, which negatively affects appearance. Kidneys, being unable to work in extreme mode long time they simply refuse. As a result, a hypertensive crisis may occur, ending in a stroke, including death.

Why do alcoholics' faces turn red?

The first and most swipe When ethyl alcohol is broken down, the liver takes over, as a result of which the skin of the face and body acquires a jaundiced tint over time. Secondarily suffers from alcohol the cardiovascular system. The already fragile walls of the blood vessels become thinner and micro-strokes occur, causing purple stars to appear on the face and neck, and also giving them a characteristic purple color.

And finally, alcohol harms all metabolic processes in the human body. Endocrine disorders, unbalanced nutrition and vitamin deficiency lead to the formation of inflammation and characteristic rashes on the facial skin. In general, the skin looks unkempt, dry and covered with a network of wrinkles, and the lips lose their natural color, becoming purple-whitish.

Who would have thought:

Light alcoholic drinks, which are preferred, considered harmless, by young girls and young men from 16 to 25 years old, cause alcoholism with a 75% probability when consumed at least two to three times a week. This is 4.5 times greater than the probability of acquiring alcoholism due to consumption of cognac, whiskey, vodka and others with the same frequency. strong drinks. Tribute to fashion and club look Life over the past 5 years has led to the fact that 40% of Russian youth of reproductive age and 30% of adolescents are at one stage or another in the development of alcoholism.

It is worth noting that redness and rashes on the skin themselves cannot indicate alcoholism, but in combination with other external signs, including unkemptness, puffiness and antisocial behavior, are considered a very significant diagnostic aspect. As a rule, the more advanced the disease, the more obvious they become external manifestations alcoholism. Not surprisingly, all alcoholics look about the same over time.

Faces of alcoholics in the photo, before and after

Alcohol addiction becomes public knowledge very quickly famous people from the world of show business and politics, often caught by paparazzi cameras. All the changes that occur to the face of a person suffering from alcoholism are striking in comparison with those photographs in which such a person was captured before acquiring a bad habit.

The Internet is replete with unattractive photographs of drunken stars and ordinary people, viewing of which may well become a powerful incentive to give up alcohol. It is enough to look at a photo of a person before and after alcoholism to be firmly convinced of how serious the damage this addiction causes.

Alcohol, without a doubt, destroys human lives, destroying their psyche, crippling their health and causing irreparable harm appearance. Faces disfigured by addiction to alcohol can only evoke disgust. The faces of alcoholics, coupled with untidiness and the unpleasant smell of fumes, make them outcasts of society, and only powerful by force of will coupled with qualified medical assistance such people manage to return to normal life, lifting themselves from the very bottom.

Despite the fact that the damage caused by alcohol abuse to one’s appearance is the least of the evils caused by alcoholism, for many the fear of losing external attractiveness becomes a powerful reason for leading a healthy lifestyle and giving up the addiction.

How to get rid of it?

The only way that really works is to stop drinking. And start leading healthy image life. Nutrition, sports, sleep. And then, of course, over time, the face will take its usual shape.

How is it changing?

Everything is very simple. At first the face just swells. Then characteristic signs appear: swelling, a red nose, a bluish tint to the skin, watery eyes and much more.

The image of a man with a cocktail seems attractive enough, but alcohol does not bring anything good: it causes even more harm than you might think. Long years experts debated the benefits and risks of drinking alcohol. Moderate drinking will not bring immediate consequences, but then you will notice them - your appearance will especially suffer. According to scientists, alcohol causes more than sixty various diseases. Get acquainted with the list of common phenomena through which the effect of alcohol on your body is manifested with constant use. Perhaps it will make you reconsider your habits and become motivation to give up alcohol.

Premature aging

Alcohol has the most aggressive effect on the skin. If you want to grow old before your time, you don’t have to limit yourself. Excessive alcohol consumption deprives your body of fluids. You've probably noticed how thirsty you feel in the morning after... have a fun party. This happens because alcohol slows down the production of the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin. As a result, the kidneys work twice as hard to get rid of excess fluid, and internal organs become dehydrated. The skin is the largest organ of the body. A regular state of dehydration has an extremely negative effect on it; over time, it will look wrinkled - others will think that you are much older than you really are. If you want to avoid this, stay away from alcoholic beverages.

Loss of beautiful curls

Dehydration affects not only the skin, but also the condition of the hair. Dry and lifeless hair They break off faster and split ends appear on them. There are many cosmetic products to combat dryness and split ends. But what if the problem you're trying to solve with shampoo could be solved by giving up alcohol? Large amounts of alcohol cause a lack of zinc in the body. According to scientific data, almost fifty percent of alcoholics have low levels of zinc in their bodies, which can lead to hair loss. Others problematic factors may have low levels of vitamins B and C, and increased level estrogen. All this affects the hair extremely negatively and deprives it of its beauty.

A red face doesn't just mean you're drunk

When you drink alcohol, your face may turn red, but it's not because your skin is trying to look like a pink cocktail. This is a phenomenon called rosacea. It can cause permanent damage. Excess alcohol changes blood flow to the skin, causing an unhealthy appearance to the face. This is because under the influence of alcohol small blood vessels in the skin expand, more blood rushes to the surface. Sometimes as a result, blood vessels burst and capillaries are destroyed. It's not just the face that can become red - the blood vessels in the eyes can also become irritated. If this doesn't scare you, you should know that bloodshot eyes are just the beginning. Regular consumption of alcohol can lead to blindness. This occurs when alcohol gradually impairs the pupils' ability to dilate and destroys the connection between the eyes and the brain.

Constant bloating

The party hasn't started long, but your tight dress is already too tight on your waist? This is because the body, losing fluid and electrolytes due to alcohol, begins to store the water you drink. The more you drink, the more often you need to go to the toilet, and you begin to sweat more. The body begins to compensate for these processes by accumulating the water that still remains - as a result, your stomach, arms, legs, face and other parts of the body will become swollen.

Disruption of the usual routine

After a long night with alcohol, you are unlikely to drink right decisions for your body - for example, you may want to eat a whole pizza alone. Some people return home exhausted or unwilling to wash their face or brush their teeth. If this happens once, the problem will not arise, but constant repetition similar situation leads to the development of acne, caries, gum disease and other personal hygiene problems. Be sure to remove your makeup before going to bed every night. Proper care behind the face ensures that the skin is beautiful and moisturized.

Liver damage can be fatal

Liver diseases are accompanied by symptoms that seriously deteriorate your appearance, and they are also deadly. Don't ignore dark circles under bloodshot or even slightly yellowed eyes.
In addition, you should pay attention to the rash on the body. Liver damage manifests itself through many signs, so keep an eye on your condition if you know you have been drinking alcohol in excessive quantities.

Alcohol and body odor

After a long night of alcohol, your body begins to emit bad smell. Yes, this is directly related to alcohol. According to research, ten percent of the alcohol consumed by a person leaves the body through sweat glands, breath and urine. Keep this in mind if you wake up after a party next to another person. The aroma of your body can make a powerful impression.

Beer belly is a very real phenomenon.

Research has shown that drinking alcohol can lead to weight gain, but this doesn't happen for everyone. People who drink a glass of wine occasionally will not suffer from excess weight. If you drink much more often, it is likely that you will gain weight solely due to alcohol. This is confirmed by scientific data.

Constant fatigue creates problems

Alcohol can affect how well you sleep. Eat obvious reasons, according to which the lack of sleep manifests itself in your appearance - your eyes seem tired, in addition, a lack of strength will not allow you to get ready and put yourself in order in the morning. In addition, many destructive processes will occur within you.
According to research, lack of sleep leads to excess weight. It is very important to get a good night's sleep - while you sleep, the body repairs your heart and blood vessels, strengthens your immune system. All this can also affect how you look and feel.

What is important to know to maintain your appearance?

Over the years, alcohol has become a widely accepted drink. If you celebrate something, you celebrate with a drink. If you are sad, you drink. If you want to forget someone after a breakup, you use alcohol. It doesn't matter if you're happy or sad, alcohol is something that's hard to escape. If you plan to drink, drink consciously. Studies have shown that to maintain appearance and health, you should always drink in moderation, in addition, consuming a large number of water before and after drinking alcohol.
In addition, you need to choose the right drink - alcohol with a minimum of chemical additives is suitable for you. Eat something carbohydrate-rich before the party so you don't get drunk too quickly. Take care of your skin - wash off your makeup before going to bed. You can even take vitamins. Also, be sure to brush your teeth to prevent plaque from building up in your mouth overnight. If you take all the necessary measures, your appearance will not be affected by the alcohol you drink.

Wow, how should I start this post so as not to burn off the tediousness right from the first lines...)))

Well, okay, let's start neutrally. A healthy lifestyle is now in fashion. Many people quit smoking, switch to electronic cigarettes, quit drinking and actively go to yoga and Pilates. There is another category of women: on the one hand - Botox, sports, diets, on the other - frequent drinking and smoking in the “I’m a locomotive” style. Let's put aside smoking, everything is clear with it :) The point of the post is to figure out how alcohol affects beauty or will genetics and Botox save everyone? I'm sure that most people will shrug their shoulders and say, "Well, it's obvious that drinking has a bad effect on your appearance, so why write about it?" Well, for me personally, for example, it’s obvious that I don’t scroll through Instagram or something. But.. If only it were that simple :)

Firstly, many women drink often, but will never classify themselves in the “those who like to drink” category, assuring that they drink rarely and on purpose. And those who “drink a lot” are different, yes, they are drunks, but we are not. Many people think that drinking vodka is bad, but drinking a bottle of wine a day is only good)
Secondly, there are girls who are sure that they can drink as much as they want, then all they need to do is take a beauty injection and go for a run in the park, and again the beauty will be unearthly. Well, this is a “wedge by wedge” psychology.
Thirdly, there are simply ladies out of their minds who have lost touch with reality.

Excerpts from articles:

"Alcohol does all the bad things it can to the skin. Firstly, the pores expand and seem more noticeable; combined with the roughening of the skin, all this becomes like an attractive porous substance. Secondly, wrinkles appear and quickly multiply - at first mostly around the eyes, and then all over the face, neck. Thirdly, the face takes on an unhealthy tint. Most often it is a piggy shade of pink or feverish redness on the cheeks, a little less often - gray dull color face, giving a feeling of fatigue. Fourthly, red spider veins and pigment spots appear, which is why the face looks stale and unkempt.”

"Swelling is an indispensable companion for any drinker. They are especially insidious in that they not only last for quite a long time, but also accelerate the formation of wrinkles. The skin, which is often subject to swelling, becomes dry, wrinkled and flabby. Edema can be local (bags under the eyes) and global, in which your entire face and body look swollen, puffy, like a waterskin."

"A non-obvious, but serious transformation: loss of clarity of the oval of the face. A person’s face seems to be spreading, the skin on the cheeks and jaw sags, the whole face “flows”, like a clock in the paintings of Salvador Dali. A face that has lost its elasticity and clarity of shape looks much older - and this the defect is extremely difficult to eliminate (only a circular lift will help).If a person is genetically prone to some age-related changes(for example, over the years, all relatives develop “ bulldog cheeks"), then this defect, with the feasible help of alcohol, will appear in him much earlier."

"Another sign of an “alcoholic appearance” is excessively deep and noticeable facial wrinkles and folds. For example, there is nothing unnatural in nasolabial folds, but over the years they gradually deepen and become more noticeable - and this makes your appearance more mature. If you abuse alcohol, the nasolabial folds will deepen much earlier, already after 1-2 years of alcohol consumption.The same applies to heavier eyelids, drooping eyebrow arches, wrinkles on the forehead and neck. All this would become noticeable on your face at 50-60 years old, but if you drink, you get the same picture at 30-40."

“Due to poor circulation, hair often suffers – it becomes dull, thins, breaks, thins. Alcoholism can also accelerate the process of hair loss with genetic alopecia.”

Quotes from cosmetologist Olga Boryanskaya are taken from here

“One glance is enough for the doctor to see the characteristic deepening of the upper part of the nasolabial fold with a decrease in depth and smoothing of its lower part...

The effect of alcohol on a person is noticeable on the skin; it lies in the fact that the skin is nourished exclusively by capillaries (microscopic vessels) that penetrate the thickness of the epidermis. Alcohol poison has a strong toxic effect on blood vessels, blood supply is disrupted, the skin ages, “dries out”, becomes covered with age spots. Alcohol also “knocks down” the balance of redox processes and allows free radicals to destroy cells with impunity. It also blocks protein synthesis - the main building material, from which our body “builds” new cells - including skin cells. Regular consumption of alcohol leads to impairment water-salt balance(that’s why you’re so thirsty during a hangover), the skin becomes dry “from the inside.” In my opinion, alcohol (and usually it goes together with smoking) - main enemy female beauty Today".

Well, about Botox and alcohol.

“What could be the consequences of the combination of Botox and alcohol?

The day before the injection, drinking alcohol is prohibited - otherwise there may be consequences such as the appearance of hematomas and bruises. Drinking alcohol is also prohibited for 7-14 days after the injection - Negative consequences arise due to the fact that alcohol can simply neutralize the effect that botulinum toxin has on the muscles. This is explained by the fact that alcohol, like visiting a bathhouse or sauna, increases blood circulation by dilating blood vessels. As a result, resorption of Botox into the tissues may occur, which weakens or nullifies desired effect".

A typical example of a star who combines tons of drink and tons of stuff pumped into her lips and forehead))

Fast miss_tramell Woman and alcohol

"Look at the faces of a couple of bloggers, whose posts sometimes fly to the top. One drinks recklessly, without embarrassment: her face is swollen, capillaries on the surface. The second is also all drunk and increasingly writes posts in alcoholic delirium. There is also everything on the face: Photoshop - It’s not photoshop, but you can’t help the alcoholic swelling, and your belly is already beer-skinned.

Baba can't drink. Dot. This is the ultimate truth. Well, don’t forget: after drinking to the point of slight intoxication, you will cancel out your entire workout. If you give in well on the weekend, you nullify a week of training. Having learned this, I gave up alcohol altogether. And here’s what I noticed: before, when I drank once or twice a week, the relief was visible only after drying. Now he's visible all year round: no low-carb, I eat normally, I also have simple carbohydrates for breakfast. For many ladies, in order to achieve a breakthrough in building their body, it is enough to give up glasses of wine. After a couple of months, the result will pleasantly surprise you. I guarantee it."

Celebrities leading a healthy lifestyle

Blake Lively.

"I do not drink. I've never tried drugs. It’s just something that I have absolutely no desire for.”
27 years

Kim Kardashian. "I do not drink alcohol at all. My sisters drink, so when they start to get a little crazy, I’m always there to calm them down.”
34 years

Christina Ricci. “You know, I went through the normal late teens, drinking in my 20s, but I made the choice because I didn’t think it was good for my life.”
34 years

Jennifer Lopez is sure that alcohol has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, so she only sips a glass if the situation requires it.
45 years

Elle MacPherson: "I'm a pesceterian (a fish-eating vegetarian), I don't drink alcohol or drugs, I don't smoke, I take vitamins and nutritional supplements".
50 years

Christie Brinkley practically does not drink alcohol. She is also a vegetarian.
60 years

Sofia Loren. 80 years old
The actress does not smoke or drink alcohol, and follows her diet fanatically.

Concluding the post, I would like to say that you shouldn’t judge everything categorically: although many stars flatly refuse to drink, I don’t think that rare drinking in moderation will immediately turn a beauty into an ugly one :) That is, the post does not call on everyone to urgently become teetotalers, oh my God forbid)))

Tell me, do you notice from your friends that those who like to drink really look worse? Or vice versa, you have beautiful girlfriends who like to drink nicely?))

Have you ever noticed how alcohol affects your appearance?

Well, can we admit it, do you like to drink and how often and in what quantities do you do it?

Interesting and male opinion: Do your women drink? How do you like it?
