How to apologize to your friend and restore trust. Another quarrel, or How to beautifully apologize to a friend

We're both very different
That's why we quarrel
But the friendship is real
It's built on respect.
So I'm happy to
I'll be the first to meet you,
It's more my fault
It was probably yesterday.
Let's forget the barbs
Those who spoke in their hearts,
Let's not waste our youth
No need for gossip.
Let's join each other
A little more tolerant
And the sun will shine
And the world will become happier.

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Sorry, what a fool I am.
All this is our women's language.
My obnoxious nature
You know, I’ll immediately start screaming.

Every day I scold myself.
I want to ask for forgiveness.
I'm no stranger to you either.
Try to forgive me.

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Even those closest to you are capable of betraying.
Why this deceit and pathos?
Is it really that hard to just accept?
And at least fix it if you can.

Instead, you pretend
As if there were no quarrels and resentment,
Just think, our limit has just expired
And all gigabytes are destroyed.

And you can’t get back the years you’ve lived,
You can't get your old friendship back,
They made a vow of silence to each other,
And we completed that service,

Which we swore to serve until the end,
To pain, to blood, to death.
Who would have thought that our hearts
Various devils will take over.

Apology to friend
Purchased and owned by the site.

I was wrong,
Sorry, honey.
The chapter of my life
Without you, I feel empty.
And turning the pages,
I am aware of the omission.
And I hasten to bring
I apologize.
To my best friend -
I have you alone!
How can we live without each other?
I was wrong!

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You and I are both explosive,
And emotions are overflowing.
But it's time to forgive each other
All the grievances. And come on
Let's sit with you as before,
Let's drink red wine
Because without each other
Our life will be boring!

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Forgive me for God's sake!
I didn't want to offend you.
Maybe I lost my temper a little,
But I already regretted everything...
You were my closest friend
Without you, I feel bad and difficult.
Don't be mad at me, I beg you!
Excuse me, if possible.

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I'm writing you a letter, friend,
Because it's hard to blame.
But everything happened without ill will,
A mistake, stupidity - and nothing more.
We have been together for so many years.
I’ll tell you without any flattery:
“You are no more valuable and more expensive!”
I'm ready to shout to all passers-by,
That I understand your pain,
I will atone for my guilt.
Of course, only time heals,
But forgive me for this evening.
And trusting hope again,
Believe me, dear, I’m the same as before.

Apology to friend
Purchased and owned by the site.

I miss you immensely,
I feel very bad without you!
And probably already without you
I won't be able to live another day!

Forgive me, it's my fault
But I didn’t do it on purpose, believe me!
I'm waiting for you, my friend,
When will you open the door for me again?

Purchased and owned by the site.

All guys know that girls are the most capricious, unpredictable and touchy creatures in the world! You never know what she will pout at next time: she looked at you the wrong way, said the wrong thing, forgot to give a compliment, etc. A man can make a thousand mistakes and not pay any attention to it. But Eve's daughters are not like that: they notice everything. So it’s not surprising that every day many of Adam’s sons wonder: “How do I apologize to my girlfriend?”

What was she offended by?

Before you start apologizing and expressing remorse for what you have done, it would not hurt to find out what exactly you did wrong this time. And act depending on the situation. By the way, a very common option is when a young lady is offended by something completely unknown... But even in this case, you will still have to apologize, if, of course, the girl is dear to you.

Often girls can simply pretend to be offended. Then they are able to find fault with any little thing. Thus, they test their boyfriends to see how they will act and what they will do. Perhaps your lady is simply not confident in herself or in your feelings and longs for confirmation that she is loved. This is the easiest option. She will definitely forgive and become, as before, sweet and affectionate, as soon as she is convinced of your feelings for her.

But if you really did something wrong - you were late for a date for a long time, you were rude or, God forbid, you looked too admiringly at someone other than her pretty friend - then you will have to be patient and show remarkable imagination in order to earn forgiveness. The most difficult case is your betrayal, but this is completely solvable if you know a few win-win ways, how beautiful

Repentance must be sincere

Remember the basic rule: whatever you do, your repentance must be absolutely sincere and not raise any doubts in your girlfriend. Even if the offense is minor (in your opinion), it is best to act as if you have at least several mortal sins under your belt. No irony or understatement! The girl must understand that you truly value the relationship and are afraid of losing her. This is the main point that you should pay attention to when deciding the question of “how to apologize correctly.”

Your pride is absolutely misplaced here. In this case, your task is to obtain forgiveness at any cost, and to achieve the goal, as you know, all means are good. Remember, or better yet practice: an honest, open look, begging for forgiveness; flowers (the more, the better) and a sincere “I’m sorry.” A plea for forgiveness must necessarily be seasoned with assurances of ardent love. And there is no need to skimp on the colors: girls’ ears love to listen to such confessions. In principle, if your sin was truly microscopic, then this will be quite enough. If not, then we continue to study the question “how to apologize to a friend” further.

More romance

All women love romance! No matter how old your girlfriend is, in her heart she still feels like a fairy-tale princess who deserves the most incredible deeds from her faithful knight. And it's really great! Because it makes it possible to earn forgiveness even for very serious offenses.

How to apologize to a friend using romance? Yes, very simple! Poems, serenades under the balcony, inscriptions on the asphalt in front of her entrance - all this works, and how! The most extreme gentlemen can dare to do something more thorough. A classic of the genre: write her name on some very large object (the thermal power plant pipe fits perfectly). Don't be alarmed, it was a joke.

Take advantage of such a convenient service as home delivery of flowers. This is especially helpful if the girl refuses to communicate with you. Doesn't want to talk? Well, it is not necessary! Send her every morning a bouquet of beautiful roses with a note inside, which, of course, will contain words of love and pleas for mercy. And as soon as the beauty deigns to change her anger to mercy, you can consolidate your success with a romantic dinner with candles. The fortress will fall!

The most severe case

How to apologize to your friend if you cheated on her and she somehow found out about it? In this case, your action really deserves punishment, so get ready to suffer. The girl needs time to recover from the shock and start trusting you again. Be patient, because this will take a long time...

You can use all of the above techniques, but no amount of romance can replace a frank, lengthy and painful conversation in this case. Try to explain why you did this, and most importantly, try to convince her that this will never happen again.

I know it's not easy to forgive me,
But believe me, it’s even more difficult now,
Knowing that you hurt your friend
This makes it doubly painful.

Let's forget past grievances,
I feel so bad without you, I'm not lying,
Therefore, hoping for forgiveness,
I apologize.

I'm very sorry that this happened
It all turned out very stupid
But I ask for forgiveness
And I apologize.

My beloved friend,
I am guilty. Sorry.
I know we love each other -
The grievances will be behind us.

Did I offend you?
Believe me, I didn't want to.
Something came over me
I didn't notice my tongue.

Sorry friend,
I inadvertently
I won't repeat myself
It will be a lesson to me.

I'm so ashamed, uncomfortable,
My soul felt bad,
Excuse me please,
I will improve, I will become better!

I want to tell you I'm sorry
I'm sorry, please don't be angry anymore
I didn't mean to offend
Well, let's make peace quickly!

Just imagine how I will be
Without my dear friend,
I'll go crazy without you,
You alone are needed.

You are my sunshine
What broke through all the clouds,
And with you it’s so easy for me,
Stop tormenting my soul.

I know I offended you
And for this I sincerely apologize,
You're bored without me,
Give me back my mood!

Please don't be angry with me,
I'm guilty, I admit it
Better just smile
I love you with all my soul.

You are my friend
Dear little man,
I will never become
With someone closer than with you.

This is all because of me!
It's my fault, friend.
And now I regret
That they quarreled with each other.

I want to make peace.
I suffer in a quarrel without you.
Well, don't be angry, I beg you.
Excuse me, dear!

Forgive me, dear friend!
I'm very guilty before you,
I don’t know what came over me then,
Something terrible was happening to me.

You are my support and hope,
And I couldn’t find anyone better around.
I'm sorry! Let everything be as before
You are my best friend in the world.

But you are interested in me,
And let me piss you off sometimes,
Forgive me my friend
I sincerely ask you.

The sun doesn't shine for me without you,
And even the chocolate lost its taste,
Stop being angry already
I'm afraid of losing you.

Let's make peace, forget this quarrel,
I won't offend you anymore,
I'm unbearably sad without you,
I don't even have anyone to chat with!

I'm sorry that I did this
I know that, of course, I’m wrong,
What did I tell you too much?
Why did my words hurt you?

I hope the ice will thaw little by little,
After all, I value friendship very much!
My soul cries and sobs,
I ask you for forgiveness for everything!

Please don't be offended
And you shouldn't be angry with me,
We have been friends with you for so many years,
Let's make peace quickly.

Why harbor resentment in your soul?
Let's learn to forgive.
We are proud in appearance,
But we still want to become kinder.

You and I both understand
That anyone can make a mistake.
And without each other it’s not easy for us,
And we really need to make peace.

Dasha spent her second Saturday in useless “wandering” around the shops. Even shopping in the cosmetics department did not please her as usual. Saturday is their favorite day with Valentina. The girls have been friends since the fifth grade and it has been 12 years since there has been any disagreement between them. Yes, they argued, sometimes - very zealously, but so...

On Saturdays they had a “girlfriends day”: they went shopping, went to the cinema, then sat for a long time in their favorite pizzeria, discussing the news that had accumulated during the week. “We were gossiping,” as Valyusha liked to say. And two weeks ago this stupid phone conversation. Valya was the first to hang up, and Dasha waited a long time for her friend to call back. But she didn't call...

But both wanted to forget this ridiculous quarrel, but none of the girls took a step forward. And everyone thought: “how to apologize to a friend in order to quickly forget what happened?”

Everything is much simpler than it seems. Psychologists believe that the main thing in solving this problem is simply the desire to return the relationship. And there are plenty of ways!

Ways to reconcile with a friend

Someone must be wiser, right? After all, the ability to forgive is one of the signs of wisdom. You should not invent ornate moves, calculate the time for a “chance meeting” or the reason to ask something “on business”. You know your friend’s character better in order to choose the best option from the ones offered. And one of them will definitely work!

"Forgive me, girlfriend"

Listen to how simple and good these words sound. And there is no need to recite a long text, hinting that you still think that you were right. One of the mistakes begins approximately like this: “I really want to make peace, although I think that you were wrong.” In this case, you don’t have to wonder why your friend hung up the phone again or left without saying goodbye.

Just go up, take her hand and say “Forgive me and let’s not fight anymore.”

Laugh together about what happened

Humor can smooth out the roughest edges. Well, is what happened between you worth it for the strongest friendship to collapse in one minute? Find a reason for a joke and try to laugh together. There will be no trace left of the quarrel.

For example, why did Valentina and Daria quarrel? But Dasha simply tried to point out to her friend a flaw that irritated her: “Valentina, stop constantly chewing into the telephone receiver, this is a sign of bad upbringing! Maybe this is the reason for your recent breakup with your boyfriend? It was after these words that Valya hung up. Fortunately, Dasha managed to laugh at her tactlessness and the girls made up.

The ability to laugh at oneself is a wonderful quality that only strong individuals can boast of.

Gift of reconciliation

Don’t assume that a gift is a way to suck up. Nonsense! If your friend has an avid sweet tooth, then a box of cakes will delight her. Just imagine how she will discover it (there are many ways to deliver a sweet gift to work or home): she will open the lid and there, next to the delicious treat, there will be a small card with your phone number and the word “Sorry.”

A great idea is to add a new DIY label to your chocolate bar. Something like “Sorry, dear friend.”

And if she is a real cosmetic maniac, then beautiful nail polish or good lipstick will also help put an end to the quarrel. As you can see, there is no need for expensive gifts, such as a diamond necklace or a mink coat. We'll leave that for the men :)

Some lyrics

If your friend is a subtle, sensitive person, then try to surprise her and touch her with poetry. It is not at all necessary to steal the love ballads of the great classics. This won't work. Think of something simple. For example:

My dear friend,
I feel bad without you, believe me.
I endlessly scold myself
Let's make peace soon!

Apologizing to a friend in verse is an excellent method. If you are not comfortable with rhyme, then a simple letter expressing your sincere desire to make peace is a worthy alternative.

Advice! There is no need to convey the message through friends. Make sure it is read in a calm environment, without witnesses. If it is not possible to enclose an envelope, then you can simply send a message via the Internet (for example, on VK or Odnoklassniki).

Intimate talk

A reasonable solution that adults often resort to. Think about how tactfully you can conduct a conversation without remembering in detail the reason for the quarrel. Forget about the offense, remember how much good there was between you. Describe your feelings when you realized that you truly value your friendship. Hug and smile!

But keep this in mind when getting ready to “talk”:

    Do not invite a “third party” for this.

    Don't be shy to call and invite a friend for a chat. Are you shy? Send her a text message.

    Choose a meeting place that is conducive to conversation.

These simple methods are enough to get your friendship back.

But what to do if your friend categorically does not want to reconcile? You know, sometimes you just have to bide your time. Let it help her rethink what happened and understand the value of your friendship.

But if nothing touches her heart even after a long period, then think, maybe your relationship was important only to you? Is it worth saving them then?

Let it not be so! Remember that any conflict only strengthens your friendship if it is real. And for this it is worth taking the first step!

They were friends and suddenly they quarreled. Well, first of all, tell yourself right away that not a single friendship, much less love, has ever happened in the world without quarrels. The main thing is to have enough intelligence and desire to return to your previous relationship. Secondly, never slam the door without good reason.

The very fact that you care about this problem means that you feel guilty. They say that in any quarrel both are always to blame. Maybe, but in different proportions.

And, if your friend is also tormented by the problem of reconciliation, one of you just needs to take the first step. Be brave and apologize to your best friend first.

A simple "sorry"

You have always had a trusting relationship. You know everything about each other. You are closer than sisters. This random spat is unpleasant for both of you.

Why prolong the painful hours? Come up, catch her eye or take her hand, making her turn to you:
- Sorry, friend. I was wrong.

And then you will hug and cry in unison, because she, too, suffered all this time, wanted and was afraid to approach. You turned out to be wiser, braver and more decisive. Bravo!

Approach with humor

Nothing brings peace like laughter. Any quarrel can be blocked with a well-timed joke. This applies not only to relationships between friends. There would be half as many family quarrels if the spouses knew how to joke about themselves and the problem in time.

Try to funny stage some funny situation, playing the main role in it. Make your girlfriend laugh at you. Being funny on your own initiative is not humiliating.

Not everyone is given this, to make people laugh. A person with an inferiority complex will never allow anyone to laugh at him. This is the prerogative of a strong personality.

A reconciling gift

Bought forgiveness is, unfortunately, not a rare method of reconciliation. But, if you mess up badly, all means are good. Although, this way to improve relationships is more typical for men. They are the ones who buy their wives fur coats and diamond necklaces after she found someone else’s panties in the glove compartment of his car.

In relationships between girlfriends, this method can bring a positive result only if you know for sure that the offended girlfriend is dreaming of getting your earrings or a ticket to the ballet. With expensive gifts, you will prove to her without words how dear your friendship is to you.

If she does not have consumer inclinations, but you know that she loves Raffaello candies or dreams of a kitten, then there is nothing easier than to use this knowledge. A charming little purring Murzik in a box with a “Let's be friends” postcard will immediately melt away all misunderstandings and resentments.

Sincere message

The good thing about letters is that no one can interrupt, interrupt or refute you while you are writing them. This option should be considered if:

  • in your opinion, there is an understatement left;
  • you’re scared to come up and ask for forgiveness;
  • you weren’t understood, you were misunderstood, you didn’t want to say or do anything at all.

A written justification-justification of your actions and words set out on paper, of course, will certainly dispel the fog of misunderstanding and unreasonable resentment. You just need to find the right words to correctly express your thoughts, and at the end don’t forget to write “Sorry.”

  1. Do not give the message from hand to hand. If she is very offended, she may simply not take the envelope or tear the piece of paper in front of your eyes without reading it.
  2. Don't send a letter through mutual friends. There is no guarantee that third parties are not interested in your quarrel.
  3. Don't send by mail, if the girlfriend lives with her parents, husband or in a hostel for the same reason.

It's best to put the message in a place where only she can find it (diary, desk, pocket, etc.). You can simply write a personal message on VK. Having found the letter herself and in private, she would not have to pretend to be offended by her pride. Even just out of curiosity, the letter will be read and thought about.

Intimate talk

If you are confident that you can correctly express your thoughts and describe your experiences in words, discard all other methods and organize a heart-to-heart conversation.

Your intuition and knowledge of your friend’s habits will tell you how to do this:

  1. It is not advisable to involve third parties in this event., because, as in the case of the letter, she will have to “keep face” in front of witnesses of your disagreements.
  2. Take advantage of modern technology: send her an SMS inviting her to meet.
  3. You probably know your friend's favorite vacation spots.: cafe, park, neighboring yard, etc. If it is not possible to arrange a meeting in this place, simply choose a place where you both will be comfortable.

Start the conversation with nonsense: “The weather is nice, isn’t it?” In the same tone, then quietly and calmly tell her about how bad you feel without her, how you regret the quarrel. It is not necessary to go into details of the conflict. It came and went.

What to do if She doesn't want to talk

You want to stop the confrontation, smooth out the conflict, explain yourself, but she does not agree to dialogue. What to do:

  1. Write a letter.
  2. Send an SMS with an invitation to meet.
  3. Let your apology be so original that she cannot ignore it.
  4. Bide your time. She will understand that she feels bad without you, and you will make peace.
  5. Spit and forget.

Any of these options for continuing the development of events has a right to exist. In each individual case, a person decides for himself, depending on many circumstances.

In friendship, as in love, there are no absolutely equal relationships. Someone always loves, and someone always allows themselves to be loved. As a rule, the one who gives more with his heart suffers more from a breakup. Therefore, it is also not the leader who often takes the initiative for reconciliation.

  1. If you play a leading role in a relationship, then allow yourself to be wise, kind and fair. Don’t wait for the keys to a surrendered city, offer peace yourself. You will still remain a leader, only even more respected.
  2. If in your pair you are a little weaker, analyze the situation. Are you really at fault? If yes, go to bow, but do not bow too low.
  3. After the quarrel you had an idea: “If I’m not guilty, why humiliate myself?” Imagine not having such a friend. Will it be easier for you to live without her? Wait a little, time will help you answer this question, and then decide whether you need to apologize or not.

Video: Rules for the first “Sorry”
