How to remove deodorant from clothes. How to remove deodorant stains under the arms on white, colored and black clothes - the best folk methods

Even in cold weather a person sweats, let alone in the summer, when the sweat pours out like hail. And here antiperspirant deodorants come to our aid, which effectively combat increased sweating and unpleasant odor. But while solving one problem, they create another - very often, after their use, yellow stains appear on clothes that are difficult to remove. Let's look at how to remove deodorant stains from clothes and how to return your favorite things to an attractive appearance.

How to prevent deodorant stains from appearing on clothes?

If you follow a few simple rules, the appearance of deodorant marks can in many cases be avoided:

  • Apply deodorant to dry, clean skin.
  • Spray aerosols at a distance of 15-20 cm from the body.
  • If possible, put on your clothes a few minutes after you apply your deodorant to allow your skin to dry.
  • When purchasing an anti-sweat product, carefully study the composition, since the presence of components such as alcohol, aluminum salts, and triclosan is undesirable. Moreover, products are now produced from environmentally friendly raw materials (white clay, rice starch, etc.), and there are also .

Important! It is more difficult to remove stains from a mixture of deodorant and sweat. If you suffer from excessive sweating and it causes you inconvenience, use our tips to help you understand.

But if stains do appear, then what to do and how to remove deodorant stains from clothes?

Important! Try to remove the stain while it is fresh; if it is ingrained into the fabric, it will be even more difficult to remove.

Methods for removing stains

There are many home remedies to combat marks from various deodorants.

Lemon juice

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon onto the stain and leave for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly. This is enough to remove deodorant stains from clothing as soon as they form.

Important! Lemon juice removes only fresh stains.


Mix a small amount of salt with water to form a paste, then apply this mixture to the stain. After a few minutes, rinse with warm water. Such simple manipulations will allow you to quickly solve the problem that has arisen.

Dishwashing liquid

Pour the liquid onto the contaminated area, leave for 10-15 seconds (you cannot hold it for a long time, otherwise the area will become very light), rinse, and then wash the clothes.


With its help, you can remove deodorant stains from colored clothes by wiping the contaminated area with a cotton swab. Soak in vinegar and leave overnight, and wash as usual in the morning.

Important! This method is not suitable for white or light-colored clothing as it may turn yellow.


This affordable product removes stains from black clothes well. Pour vodka onto the desired area and leave for a few minutes. Usually this time is enough for the stains to disappear.

But if this does not happen, then you can soak for another 30-60 minutes and then wash as usual.

Important! Vodka can be replaced with medical or denatured alcohol diluted in water in a ratio of 50:50.

Baking soda

Mix soda with water and apply this paste to the damaged area, leave until dry, and then shake off the remaining soda and wash. That's all you need to remove deodorant stains from clothes.


Grind 2 tablets and dissolve them in water, about half a glass of water is needed. This solution should be rubbed into the contaminated area and left for 2-3 hours, and then washed.

Hydrogen peroxide

There are several ways to use hydrogen peroxide to remove deodorant stains from clothing:

  • Apply a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to the stains, leave for 2-3 hours, and then wash.
  • Dissolve 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in 1 liter of water and soak the clothes for 30 minutes, then rinse in cool water.
  • Prepare the mixture: 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the resulting mixture to the problem area and wash after 1.5-2 hours.

Important! It should be noted that they are a universal household cleaner.


  1. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of ammonia in a glass of warm water.
  2. Rub the resulting solution into the dirt.
  3. Wash after 15 minutes

If the stains are stubborn, then ammonia should be diluted with water in a ratio of 50:50 and poured onto the fabric, left for 2 minutes, and then washed.

Important! When working with ammonia, you need to wear gloves and keep the bottle away from your face, as it is a toxic substance with a pungent odor.

Laundry soap:

  1. Grate a bar of soap and dissolve it in hot water, stirring until foam forms.
  2. Then dip the item into the solution, after rubbing the stained areas with the same laundry soap.
  3. Wash after 1.5 hours.

How to remove white spots on different fabrics?

When removing deodorant stains from black clothes, you need to remember that different products are suitable for different types of fabrics:

  • Cotton and linen fabrics are treated with a mixture of water, salt and ammonia. For 1 glass of warm water there is 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of ammonia. Soak for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
  • If stains remain on a silk item, then proceed as follows:
    • First, soak the item in soapy water and leave for 15 minutes;
    • then apply a solution of salt in water to the places where the stains have appeared (1 teaspoon of salt for 1 glass of water);
    • leave for another 20 minutes, then wash.
  • If a wool product is damaged, you can only use a soap solution to prevent the item from becoming deformed. If this does not help, then you should think about dry cleaning.

What should you avoid removing deodorant stains?

Some products may not only not help remove stains, but also ruin the fabric. As a result, you will simply have to throw away your favorite thing. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the following:

  • Fabrics that require careful care - wool, viscose or silk - should not be treated with acetic acid or acetone. Alkali is also contraindicated for them. Here it is best to use a concentrated salt solution.
  • Do not apply gasoline, various solvents, or aggressive pharmaceutical preparations, including hydrogen peroxide, to synthetic fabrics.
  • When washing colored or white items, it is not recommended to use chlorine bleach. Colored items will fade, and sweat stains on white items will become even darker due to the interaction of chlorine with sweat. Colored clothes can be removed from stains using egg yolk (mix it with 10% denatured alcohol) or a little warmed glycerin.
  • Cotton fabrics cannot be cleaned with nitric or hydrochloric acid.

How to remove deodorant stains? This is a question many housewives ask themselves before doing laundry. But often there is simply no time to search for information, so they limit themselves to the good old remedy - laundry soap. It is used to wash contaminated areas on clothes, after which the products are washed as usual. This method is, of course, good, but it is not perfect. By washing with soap, you can only partially remove the deodorant, and then only on things made of cotton and natural fibers.

Due to improper handling and excessive friction with hands, clothes lose their quality and become hard over time. On woolen items, deodorant residues (even invisible to the eye) contribute to friction and gradual tearing of the fibers. Over time, your favorite pullovers and sweaters become unusable also because they begin to smell of sweat within the first hours after putting them on. And this despite the fact that the products were washed with high quality.

Incomplete removal of deodorant can also be directly related to the properties of the substances included in the composition of the hygiene product.

These substances accumulate on the fabric and spoil the appearance of the product. Such situations are unpleasant, and people try to find ways out of them. Due to the fact that the problem of deodorant stains on clothes is being discussed, we also decided to look into it and draw our own conclusions. This is exactly how this article came about.

Preventing stains

Preventing deodorant stains is easier than fighting them. Many readers will agree with this. But not every one of them can tell you how to do this. But in fact, everything is extremely simple!

  1. You can prevent stains from hygiene products from appearing on clothes in the following ways:
  2. Apply antiperspirants in small quantities to clean, dry skin. It is better to do this immediately after taking a shower, and not before leaving the house.
  3. Carry out regular sanitation of the armpit area. The areas where the products are applied should be completely free of vegetation and even stubble. This ensures that the deodorant absorbs better, so the product stays on your skin and not on your clothes.
  4. Never spray sprays from close range. The optimal distance of the head of the aerosol can from the armpits is twenty centimeters.
  5. When putting on clothes after applying deodorant, you need to wait at least five minutes after application. It is not recommended to apply products under clothing, because in this case the deodorant is absorbed more into clothing than into the skin.

Use protective pads that can not only collect excess cosmetics, but also absorb sweat. In addition to the methods listed, one of the most effective is the correct choice of deodorant, based solely on the characteristics of the protective agents declared by the manufacturer.

Few people know that the most effective and powerful antiperspirants are those based on talc and active additives - zinc and aluminum compounds. Such products are produced in the form of dense pieces. They can be white or colored. Similar hygiene products are packaged in sticks. When used, the substance leaves a light film on the skin. It prevents sweat because it clogs the pores. Such products are best in the hot season, when light-colored clothing is a priority, and they are also preferred by people involved in active sports. But such antiperspirants should not be applied to the skin under:

  • clothes made of thick fabrics;
  • knitted woolen or wool blend products;
  • thick colored dresses.

For use in these conditions, it is advisable to choose deodorants in the form of a transparent gel (deo-cream). Such products are applied to the skin using a rotating ball, and, of course, such antiperspirants are called “roll-on”. Some manufacturers put markings on the packages that guarantee that clothes will not be stained after using this product. And indeed it is.

The disadvantages of roll-on products are the long drying time after application and less resistance to sweat, because such substances do not clog pores. Despite this, such substances contain zinc, which can cause an allergic reaction, manifested by redness of the skin where the anti-sweat product is applied.

The safest and most versatile are aerosol deodorants and antiperspirants. They do not leave distinct stains on clothing, but allow sweat to be absorbed into the fabric. This is why clothes begin to smell unpleasant.

Whichever deodorant you choose for yourself, you should know that sooner or later you will have to deal with their marks on your clothes, as well as visible and invisible drops of sweat. Read below about how to get rid of these unpleasant moments.


Choosing a detergent that can completely remove stains left by deodorant on clothes is not difficult. Workers in the relevant branch of the chemical industry made sure that store shelves had as many products as possible for every taste and budget. Most often, these are liquid stain removers that contain a large amount of alkalis and surfactants that can lift dirt from the fibers. Such products usually have a universal effect and can be used on fabrics of all types and shades. Only the frequent use of such substances causes tissue damage over time. The material begins to absorb sweat, and deodorant stains are washed off worse and worse each time.

An alternative to such substances are improvised means. They are less aggressive and still cope with the assigned tasks perfectly. The preference given to just such methods is due, first of all, to their safety for all fabrics and fibers.

That is why we want to offer folk methods of getting rid of traces of deodorant and at the same time removing sweat. The simplest and most affordable products can be easily found in any kitchen:

  • vodka;
  • baking soda;
  • table vinegar;
  • rock salt.

In addition to food products, liquid dishwashing detergents and medications can be used to remove deodorant from clothing, such as:

  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • ethanol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia.

The above components are used to make pastes that deactivate pollution and liquids that release oxygen.

Any of these substances and formulations work best if used immediately. Old stains are much more difficult to remove than fresh ones. And even if no visible traces remain, the unpleasant odor mixed with the aromas of the deodorant perfume can cause a lot of inconvenience.

Removing traces of deodorant

Traces of deodorant most often have to be removed along with traces of sweat. Body fluid often leaves yellow stains on clothing. White clothes suffer the most from sweat, so let's start with that.

On white clothes

Traces of deodorant on white clothes are most often invisible, but this does not mean that there is no cosmetic product on the fabric. Its factions are simply not visible to the naked eye. You can get rid of “invisible” but existing stains using the methods and means listed in the table.

Substances and mixtures

How to prepare and use

Cautions and prohibitions

Aspirin and water

Dissolve five tablets of the medication in half a glass of warm water. Spray the resulting liquid from a spray bottle onto a dry item with traces of sweat or deodorant streaks, and then leave for three hours.

At the end of the operation, it is advisable to wash the product by hand with soap.

Baking soda and water

Should not be used on woolen clothing because pure baking soda can stiffen the fibers.

Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dishwashing gel

Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of liquid product, then add about two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the mixture. Rub the sizzling paste into clothes, leave for two hours, and then wash the item in warm water by hand.

This product should not be overused, because the active influence of tissue fibers becomes too soft and fragile.

Lemon juice and soap

Apply a small amount of freshly squeezed product onto the stain, leave for about ten minutes, then soap the area with laundry soap. Leave for five minutes, then wash clothes as usual.

Works well only on fresh stains.

Having tried any of the products prepared at home in practice, you will be pleasantly surprised, because along with the remnants of deodorants, all foreign odors that could not be removed previously even with careful hand washing will disappear from your clothes.

Chlorine-containing bleaches can easily remove stains from deodorant and sweat on white clothes.

But they leave behind a specific “medicinal” smell. If your plans include disinfecting a product (for example, a medical gown), you can easily use this method, guided by the rules and regulations for the use of caustic bleach.

On black and colored products On black and colored products, traces of deodorant are always visible very clearly. Sometimes they penetrate the front side, which causes discomfort. Often white stripes do not wash out during normal washing with powder and liquid laundry detergents.

  1. But even in this case, do not despair, because the stripes can be displayed as follows:
  2. Pour a few tablespoons of ordinary nine percent vinegar onto the mark and leave for half an hour. After the time has passed, the acid should be thoroughly rinsed in plenty of warm water, and the product should be washed as usual.
  3. Sprinkle baking powder onto the wet product and leave it for five minutes. During this time, a chemical reaction will take place, resulting in the release of oxygen. It will lift particles of the hygiene product to the surface of the fabric. All that remains for the housewife to do is wash the product and rinse it thoroughly.

Any of the above methods will help get rid of old and stubborn stains, but a fresh stain can be removed by washing with dishwashing detergent.

If you don’t have time to wash or marks appear on the outside as a result of careless putting on of clothes, then whitish streaks from deodorant can be removed mechanically. To do this you will need a nylon sock or stocking. The product is rolled into a ball and then rubbed over the print until it disappears. Typically this procedure takes no more than one minute.

Thin and delicate things

It should be noted that all stain removal options described above are not suitable for thin and delicate items, such as underwear. Delicate lace and satin inserts will quickly lose their beauty from such methods of disposal. Therefore, to remove deodorant stains from delicate items, you need to use more gentle means. One of these substances is ordinary table salt.

A tablespoon of this product (without a slide) will need to be dissolved in two hundred milliliters of warm water, and then applied to the damp product using a foam sponge. The exposure time of the solution is ten minutes. After this, the stain should be treated with soap foam and left for another fifteen minutes, and then washed as usual. Products with ingrained traces of deodorant and sweat can even be soaked in salt water.

Also, on thin fabrics, traces of deodorant can be removed using ammonia. This caustic agent can soften the weave of fibers and kill protein compounds (which are sweat molecules). Just use ammonia not in pure form, but diluted with water. There are two proportions:

  1. One teaspoon of ammonia per glass of warm water plus half a teaspoon of salt.
  2. Solution in equal parts.

The first composition is used to remove fresh stains, and the second only when the marks cannot be removed by other means.

A solution of a lower concentration can be left applied to the stain for fifteen minutes, while a caustic solution should be left on the fabric for no longer than five.

  1. Do not wash stained items in hot water because the hot liquid will set both sweat and cosmetic marks.
  2. Always test the effect of a substance on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. This must be done in order to ensure the color fastness of the material.
  3. Treat products only from the inside out; if necessary, rub with a soft brush or foam sponge.
  4. Work the stain from the edge to the center. This will help prevent contamination from spreading throughout the fabric.
  5. Wash the product as soon as possible after stains appear, because caked dirty clothes are many times more difficult to handle.

Following simple tips and using effective chemical or folk remedies will help you easily get rid of unsightly deodorant streaks at home and make it possible to wear your favorite clothes longer.

Despite the fact that active sweating when body temperature rises is a natural process, we get little pleasure from it. Nowadays, only a few of us can do without using odor eliminators.

In fact, deodorants make it possible to feel confident in any situation without causing discomfort to others. However, when dried in combination with sweat, antiperspirants often leave extremely unattractive yellow stains. Such marks are especially noticeable on dark fabric. Thus, eliminating one problem, you have to look for ways to solve another. Let's try to figure out how to remove deodorant stains using the most effective methods.

Washing powders

Using a damp slurry of regular laundry detergent is one of the best options for removing yellow stains from clothes. To prepare the product, simply combine 2 tablespoons of washing powder with approximately one tablespoon of water. The resulting mixture must be applied to areas where yellowness appears. After leaving the product on your clothes for several hours, rinse them thoroughly in cold water. Finally, all that remains is to wash the items by hand or in the washing machine.

Denatured alcohol

When looking for a solution on how to remove deodorant stains from clothes, you should pay attention to such an affordable, highly effective product as denatured alcohol. The method is most advisable to use in cases where it is necessary to clean the damaged item as soon as possible.

Using denatured alcohol to clean yellow stains from clothes involves generously soaking problem areas with the active substance. Clothing with denatured alcohol applied is left for about an hour. Next, it is enough to perform a general wash using a good washing powder. Only if all conditions are met can you completely remove unpleasant yellow marks from clothes.

Glycerin or baby soap

How to remove stains? If you resort to the most common means, baby soap and glycerin can come to the rescue.

Deodorant stains can be removed by generously treating wet clothing with these substances. In order for marks to completely disappear from things, you need to leave them soaked for several hours and then wash them using washing powder.


Probably the simplest answer to the question of how to remove deodorant stains under the arms is to soak the items in a basin of plain cold water. It is enough to leave the affected clothing in water for an hour. Washing items by hand or in a washing machine using highly effective powders will completely eliminate any remaining yellowness.


For those who are looking for a simple solution on how to remove stains on clothes after using antiperspirant, ammonia can help. As practice shows, it only takes a few minutes to remove yellow marks from things using this method.

This product for removing old yellow marks on fabric is applied to damp clothes. However, only for the shortest possible time. Otherwise, the product can not only remove stains, but also hopelessly ruin the clothes.

Ammonia is a powerful chemical. Therefore, before use, it is worth diluting the product with water, maintaining a 1:1 ratio.


How to remove old stains caused by using deodorant? Using regular medical alcohol or vodka will help with this.

The biggest nuisance is the need to remove yellow stains from black things. On dark-colored fabric, the stains appear most clearly. Moreover, getting them out of here is extremely problematic.

To remove stains using alcohol solutions, you need to soak things in the product for a few minutes. To remove the oldest stains, you will need to soak things in alcohol for half an hour or more.


For those who are looking for an easy solution to the question of how to remove stains, the use of table vinegar, which can be found in any kitchen, will help. However, this method of dealing with yellow marks from antiperspirant on clothes is only suitable when cleaning colored items. When using the substance on white fabrics, noticeable stains may remain.

So, to remove yellow marks from clothes, you should generously moisten the problem areas with vinegar, leaving the items to soak overnight. Then you just need to machine wash your clothes using high-quality powder.

Is it possible to prevent yellow stains from deodorant?

As you know, it is much easier to prevent a problem from occurring than to deal with its consequences. To never have to wonder how to remove yellow stains from clothes, you should resort to using antiperspirants that do not contain aluminum salts. It is this component that, when in contact with sweat, leads to the appearance of yellowness.

If you need to protect expensive clothes from stains, you can use special armpit pads. Naturally, their use cannot be called a comfortable option. However, this way you can completely protect your favorite sweater or shirt from the appearance of unattractive yellow spots.

Those who do not want to burden themselves with questions about how to remove stains should think about regularly washing things with regular soap or powder every time after wearing them.

A good option to prevent the problem from occurring is to soak your clothes in cold water. You can soak things by adding a small amount of baking soda, which has a softening effect on the water and allows you to cope with contaminants.

How to avoid leaving stains when using antiperspirants?

For deodorants to really work, give the desired effect and not force you to look for a solution on how to remove stains, you need to apply them correctly to the body.

When using antiperspirant, you need to keep your skin dry and clean. This rule applies to both the simplest and most expensive deodorants. Moreover, before putting on clothes, you should let the product dry. Liquid and aerosol deodorants require about 2 minutes to dry completely. Cream and gel products dry within 3-5 minutes.

Now that we know how to remove yellow stains that arise from the use of deodorants, it remains to clarify a few important points:

  1. Before you begin to remove yellowness using one of the above methods, you need to thoroughly clean the fabric using a soft clothes brush. This approach to solving the problem subsequently makes it possible to avoid the formation of divorces.
  2. Preliminary short-term soaking of the item in warm water will help prevent the appearance of noticeable boundaries between the cleaned area and the rest of the fabric.
  3. Before applying the selected product to the entire area of ​​stain formation, you should try it on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​​​the fabric. This will allow you to determine the level of its strength after contact with the active substance.
  4. Clean your clothes towards the center. Otherwise, there is a possibility of the formation of so-called boundaries.
  5. Particular importance should be given to removing stains from the edges of the area. After all, this is where the most persistent traces remain after contact of deodorant with sweat.
  6. Do not put off removing yellow spots until later. Cleaning clothing immediately after use gives the best results. Taking care of things increases the chances of obtaining a successful result in cleaning fabric from traces of antiperspirant.

There is probably no such person who does not use antiperspirant to hide the unpleasant odor of sweat. This problem is especially relevant in the summer, during the period of increased sweating. But when one problem is eliminated, a new one comes to replace it. Regardless of the cost of the deodorant, unaesthetic yellow and white stains form on clothes, which, unfortunately, cannot be removed with regular machine washing. What to do in such a situation? Do you really have to throw away your favorite things because of the appearance of white spots and streaks? Don't rush to do this. In our article you will find several simple ways to remove deodorant stains under your arms.

Traces of deodorant on clothes. Reason for appearance

The cause of traces from hygiene products is aluminum salt, which is part of most of them. But this is not the only additive in the composition that can leave a mark on the fabric. Various fragrances, oils and other ingredients in stickers can leave yellow and white deodorant marks on clothing.

There is an opinion that antiperspirant stains are much more difficult to remove than deodorant stains. If you understand the purpose of one and the other product, it turns out that a deodorant eliminates the smell of sweat, and an antiperspirant, in turn, reduces the amount of fluid released from the human body.

Manufacturers of many well-known brands have combined these two functions in one product. Therefore, marks can form from one or another spray or sticker.

Important! Perhaps in the future, in order to protect your things from the formation of such stains, you just need to choose a better anti-sweat product. On our portal of useful tips there is a separate review about.

How to remove deodorant stains under arms?

Aerosol marks appear on clothing when you take it off or put it on. At this moment, the sweater touches the armpits and the product gets onto the material. How to remove underarm stains from deodorant? Use one of the following:

Lemon juice

Are you looking for a way to get rid of white deodorant stains on clothes? Lemon juice can effectively cope with the task.

Important! Lemon juice will not remove traces of antiperspirant that have been left on your blouse for a long time. It is used only in cases of “fresh” contamination.

Mode of application:

  1. Squeeze some lemon juice into a small container.
  2. Using a cotton pad or clean cloth, apply the juice to the stained areas.
  3. Leave for a few minutes for better effect of the product.
  4. Finally, wash the blouse in warm soapy water.

Important! You don't have to wash your clothes completely. You can wash the cleaned areas in a soapy solution and rinse thoroughly under running water.


Ammonia will help solve the problem of how to remove antiperspirant stains if they have been on clothes for a long time. Yellowed stains most often form on light-colored items, and they are very difficult to remove.

Use the excellent folk method with ammonia. The substances in its composition will perfectly clean clothes from the most persistent marks of hard stickers. The method of using pharmaceutical liquid is absolutely no different from treating with lemon juice.

Important! Ammonia, in principle, can be used quite widely in everyday life for a variety of purposes, so it is useful to have a bottle of this “magic” remedy in the house. Read more about recipes and methods in our articles:

Washing liquid for washing dishes

The components that manufacturers add to dishwashing liquid effectively wash away residual grease and other contaminants from dishes. But it can also be used to remove deodorant stains. “Fairy” or your favorite and time-tested concentrate is perfect for these purposes.

Important! To ensure a high-quality cleaning result, it is better to use a thick, undiluted liquid.

Mode of application:

  1. Place the blouse on a flat surface.
  2. Apply the liquid to the stain.
  3. Rub the product into the fabric with gentle movements.
  4. Leave for a while so that the detergent completely saturates the fibers.
  5. Finally, rinse thoroughly with water.

Important! If you don't wash the dishwashing liquid well from the fabric, soapy streaks will form on it, and you'll have to start the washing process all over again.

How to remove deodorant stains from colored clothes?

Most often, traces of cosmetics that prevent excessive sweating are more noticeable on colored clothing. Next, we will look at ways to solve the problem of how to remove white stains from deodorant on colored clothes. This way, your favorite T-shirts and trousers will quickly regain their original fresh look.


Most of us use vinegar when preparing baked goods and other delicious foods. But experienced housewives know that it can be used not only for its intended purpose. Vinegar is great for removing greasy stains from clothes. It can also easily deal with spray marks from colored clothing.

Mode of application:

  1. Soak a lint-free cloth or cotton pad in vinegar.
  2. Apply vinegar to the stained item, lightly rubbing it into the material.
  3. Leave for one day so that the product saturates the fabric well.
  4. Finally, wash your clothes as usual.

Important! It is not recommended to use vinegar on white dresses. After this procedure, the fibers of the white fabric become yellow.


Almost all of us know that salt can be used to prepare stain removal products. But few people know that it is one of the answers to the question, how to remove deodorant stains on clothes? Salt is especially good at removing stains on colored clothes.

Mode of application:

  1. Lay out the soiled dress on a flat surface.
  2. Apply table salt to the stain and lightly rub into the stain.
  3. Leave the salt on the product for 10 -12 hours.
  4. Wash the dress in a method suitable for the fabric.

Important! Old traces of aerosol can be easily washed off if you use this method.

How to remove white deodorant stains from black clothes?

Black clothes and antiperspirants seem to be completely incompatible things, because stains and whitish grout are immediately visible and are most noticeable on dark fabrics. What to do in this case? Give up cosmetics and “smell” with natural aroma? Don't go to extremes. In this case, there are also ways to remove white stains from deodorant on black clothes.


User forums are simply “teeming” with advice on how to remove white deodorant stains on black. One of the most popular means to solve this problem is an alcohol-containing liquid.

Mode of application:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in vodka and treat the damaged item.

Important! To ensure that the vodka saturates the fabric, apply the raw material using a blotting motion.

  1. Leave the stain for a few minutes. The pollution will begin to dissolve before your eyes.

Important! If traces of the sticker were on the surface of the dress for a long time, wait a little longer, but no longer than one hour, so as not to spoil the material.

  1. Finally, wash the items in a suitable manner.

Laundry soap

A time-tested way to remove white deodorant stains on black clothes is to wash them with 72% laundry soap. The lye contained in the soap will remove stubborn white streaks from your dress in an instant.

Mode of application:

  1. Thoroughly rub the contaminated surface of the product with soap.
  2. Leave for 10-15 minutes for better effect on the fabric.
  3. Finish with a normal wash.

Important! Laundry soap has a specific smell. As an alternative, you can use modern laundry soap “Antipyatin” or.


Aspirin has long been an excellent inexpensive antipyretic. It can also be used in the fight against yellow spots on things. Don't believe me? This is truly a proven remedy for removing deodorant marks.

Mode of application:

  1. Grind several tablets to a powder.
  2. Mix with water to form a paste.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to the contaminated area, lightly rubbing into the fibers.
  4. Leave for several hours so that the product saturates the fabric well.
  5. Rinse off any remaining powder under running water.
  6. Wash by hand.

How to prevent deodorant marks from appearing on clothes?

In order not to encounter the problem of how to remove white stains from deodorant on clothes in the future, and not to spoil your favorite black dress or white blouse, follow simple recommendations for using such cosmetics:

  • Apply the product to clean, dry skin.
  • Don't put on a T-shirt right away. Give the spray a little time to dry completely on the skin.

Important! Typically, liquid sprays dry in about 2 minutes, solid antiperspirants in 4 minutes.

  • Make sure that the liquid does not get on your clothes, otherwise the fibers of the fabric will become saturated with the product and subsequently a stain that is difficult to remove will form.
  • Buy antiperspirant deodorants at the store that do not contain aluminum salts. They will cost more, but you will definitely have one less problem.
  • As you can see, seemingly insoluble problems with spots under the arms are easily eliminated with minimal time and effort. Now you know how to remove deodorant from clothes. Therefore, you should not be afraid to use such cosmetics. By applying the useful tips from this article, you will always feel confident and not worry about an unpleasant smell or dirty clothes.

Deodorant is an indispensable helper, especially in hot weather. However, he can also cause a lot of trouble. After all, even high-quality aerosols and gels sometimes leave marks on clothes. To avoid having to think about how to remove stains from them, try to apply them only to dry and clean skin. In addition, you must give the product a chance to dry: the aerosol will need 1-2 minutes, and the gel from 4 to 5 minutes.

If, despite all precautions, marks appear on your clothing, do not despair! They can still be bred at home.

8 ways to remove stains

Regular washing will not work here. After all, even if you soak the item in a good washing powder for a long time, it will not help you. But don’t rush to get rid of your damaged item! Try one of the following methods.

  1. You can try to save colored clothes with vinegar. Just dampen the stains with it and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash the item as usual. Such measures should help. However, remember: white products may turn yellow from such treatment!
  2. Rub a pinch of table salt into the contaminated area. After 10-12 hours, place the damaged blouse or T-shirt in the drum of the washing machine and run the appropriate mode for it. This way you can remove even old traces of deodorant.
  3. Squeeze some lemon juice onto the stains and wait a few minutes. Then wash the item by hand in lukewarm water. In this way, fresh traces can be removed. Sometimes ammonia is used instead of lemon juice.
  4. White stains from black clothes can be removed with vodka. At the same time, sometimes just a couple of minutes are enough to completely remove the unfortunate contamination. Pour vodka onto the damaged area and wait a little. If the stain does not give up, leave the item for half an hour or even an hour, then wash it.
  5. Sometimes only denatured alcohol can help. The principle of using it is the same as with vodka, just do not leave the alcohol for more than an hour and be sure to rinse the product thoroughly.
  6. Liquid dishwashing detergent has already helped many housewives get rid of a variety of contaminants. Fairy is recommended more often than others - it can remove even very stubborn stains. Try using it to solve this problem as well. Just use it to erase traces and leave for half an hour, then rinse the item under running water.
  7. You can prepare a complex solution. Mix 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of liquid dish soap and two tablespoons of baking soda. Apply the mixture to the stain and leave for two to three hours. Now you can remove dirt using normal washing.
  8. If all else fails, use ammonia, just dilute it with water in a one to one ratio. And remember that this is a very strong product, so just apply it for a couple of minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Wear gloves!

Before using any method, be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

The fact is that a variety of means are used to make and dye fabric. Sometimes completely new substances are added to ensure color stability or enhance the special properties of the material. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to predict their interaction with stain removers.

And rest assured: there are no unsolvable problems, there is only a lack of experience. But fortunately, this is easy to fix!
