How do guys show affection? Signs of obvious sympathy for a man: learn to notice them

As an expression for the acceptance of a person, characteristic signs can act: enlarged pupils, a friendly smile, an increase in pupils, facial expressions

One of the subtlest signs of sympathy is the mirror behavior (synchrony or reflection of postures). When both are on the same wavelength, feel mutual sympathy and are ready to continue communication, their bodies subconsciously repeat one after another. Mentally, as if conveying a message to another: “Pay attention to me! We are similar".

Interesting fact: Researching California dating bars, it was concluded that if you pay attention to the mirror effect, you can understand who will leave the meeting place with whom. But the cessation of copying behavior indicates that communication will soon cease to exist.

Analyzing the interlocutors, we can talk about the dominant position of one of them. This is determined by who starts to initiate changes in body position in another person before they start copying. Although sometimes the more authoritative does it on purpose to create a comfort zone for another, for example, in a job interview.


Fencing off the interlocutor and moving away from him for a few steps, using eyebrows in facial expressions, building a wall when communicating (this fencing off can even be associated with an object stretched out in front of you, thus indicating personal space), scratching your nose, closing your eyes and even shaking dust particles from oneself - all these are gestures associated with coldness.

Cold specularity is also not uncommon! It can be expressed, for example, in turning people away from each other, thus expressing antipathy.

Behavior in a group

Touching upon the topic from the point of view of the interaction of several people (three or more), it is worth noting that relationships to each other can be determined by observing how people are in the same space, that is, they are located in relation to each other.

You can turn around so that you sit in an open position, when the body of the body is not crossed by arms or legs, which indicates sympathy. When we cross our limbs, thereby creating a barrier with the interlocutor, this may indicate antipathy.

The toes of the feet when standing are also a significant indicator. They usually face where the person would like to go.

In addition, it is easy to determine who likes whom from the social circle. Pay attention to whom the gaze of the subject is directed. A person in a company always looks at the one from whom he expects the greatest support and understanding, to the one to whom the maximum level of warmth is addressed.

Thus, the body is always turned towards the interlocutor who is pleasant. If there is an inner desire to remove someone from the conversation, then one can observe fencing off with a shoulder or, for example, with a hand.

List of gestures expressing liking or disliking

A detailed list of gestures compiled by scientists at the University of Illinois. Descending from most obvious to least visible.

Behavior in romantic courtship

In the candy-bouquet period, all manifestations of sympathy are intensified: people not only glance into each other's eyes, but their pupils expand at the same time (this happens when they look at something pleasant); listen carefully to each other; share personal items; more often show emotionality (since it becomes difficult to control emotions in a state of love) and the effect of imitation in movements; tense their muscles to look healthier, more attractive and athletic, or lift their head to appear taller.

The couple prefers free, not pinched positions in relation to each other, but at the same time excludes others from the social circle in order to fix and preserve the moment of intimacy.

The movements of partners often become circular, and the position in relation to each other remains frontal, because one follows the other or because both need to cope with the active action of hormones, for example, with adrenaline.

Another classic form of behavior in the early, romantic pores is preening. Trying to seem more attractive, a person can straighten clothes or hair, and with gestures, he also often focuses on his genitals.

An interesting fact: a man, holding on to his belt, points precisely to the genitals. And a woman, dressing frankly and frankly in a figure, broadcasts sexual signals, while not forgetting to demonstrate her dignity.

Tip: You only have 4 minutes to make an impression. The greatest influence on the object of sympathy is played by body language, the sound of the voice and the pace of speech than the meaning of the voiced.

Lovers usually talk more quietly than usual with each other, thus maintaining intimacy so that they are not heard by strangers. They strengthen their connection and mutual trust, returning to memories of childhood, parental affection and love, sometimes speaking in gentle children's voices. The couple is not afraid to demonstrate their relationship by holding hands, hugging and making loving signs, while they focus little on the events around.

Adalind Koss

In addition to the ability to express our thoughts through speech, we have a non-verbal expression of emotions - this is the language of gestures, glances, facial expressions. People are not able to control all non-verbal emotions, therefore, in order to find out the true feelings of a person, reading these signs can be used.

What gestures of sympathy are

The main part of the gestures of sympathy is known to everyone. The representatives of the weaker sex use the same gestures, preening themselves. Yes, and men use the same: they straighten their clothes, touch their hair, look into the eyes longer than usual.

Girls, like the representatives of the stronger sex, use this gesture: they hide their thumbs. But they do it more gracefully - they hide their finger in their pocket, purse.

Excitation is given out by a blush on the cheeks, enlarged pupils. But let's look at non-verbal signs in more detail.

Searching for truth in a look

To figure out whether a person sympathizes with you or not, you need to carefully look for the truth in his eyes. A person's eyes will be clear if he truly likes you.

There are hidden and explicit forms of showing interest. If a person openly demonstrates sympathy, then respect is noticeable in the look. The eyes are open wide, and the stronger the sympathy, the more the pupils dilate.

People use a hidden manifestation of sympathy if they are afraid of disappointment, deceit. But, despite the fear, he tries to somehow contact you, observe or watch. A hidden sympathetic look is different: a person looks at a person of interest to him furtively so that he is not noticed. If eyes meet, he immediately looks away. But from the outside, this behavior is very noticeable.

The views of the representatives of different sexes are very different. Women are more resourceful. It is they who know how to "shoot" with their eyes and play "peepers".

Visual sign language of men

To understand the visual body language of men, it is important to note the direction of gaze. The one who is interested in you looks from top to bottom. First, the man notes the general attractiveness, then lowers his eyes lower, holds his gaze on his chest and hips, after a while he looks at them again.

If a certain representative of the stronger sex shows sympathy, then this can be seen in the frequency of glances and the increase in pupils.

Visual sign language of women

But women have a different visual sign language. The weaker sex looks furtively. If a woman meets the eyes of a man she likes, she often looks like a thief who was caught on the spot. She hides her eyes and blushes.

Among the representatives of the weaker sex, it is considered correct to look at the object of sympathy in secret. But experienced ladies behave more confidently. They are also embarrassed, but after averting their eyes, they return their gaze again, accompanying it with a smile.

Unlike the representatives of the stronger sex, the ladies examine the man they like from the bottom up. This direction has a double meaning. Initially, the girl gathers her courage before making eye contact. In addition, a serious role is played by the meeting of views.

Hidden gestures of sympathy

Each of us has a personal set of gestures that are used to attract the attention of the object. Hidden gestures of sympathy are of interest.

As it turned out earlier, the body language of the two sexes is too different. Of course, women's gestures are diverse. At the same time, there are many universal signs that are inherent in representatives of both sexes to hide or show emotions.

If a person doubts the reciprocity of feelings, then gestures acquire some caution. In this case, if you intentionally or inadvertently touch your secret admirer, he will pull his hand away. It is easy to explain such behavior: a person hides feelings, avoids contact with you, because. afraid not to cope with emotions and give them away.

Body language of a man who is interested in a girl

On a subconscious level, the body language of a man who likes you is expressed like this. First, he tries to attract the attention of the girl he likes by simply preening himself. This is an instinct from nature: the guy will begin to straighten his hair, straighten his tie, collar, jacket. These are movements at the subconscious level, even when a person hides feelings.

Nonverbal gestures of girls

If a handsome man is present nearby, then the girl’s non-verbal gestures consist in correcting her makeup, clothes, touching her curls for no apparent reason. One of the clear indicators of sympathy is the demonstration of the wrists.

When walking, girls sway their hips sexually, showing their charms. Although at this point it is worth paying attention when there are other signs. Many representatives of the weaker sex do this unconsciously and just like that, even in the presence of men who are not interested in them.

At an informal meeting with a handsome man in an informal gesture, they become very frank. This also applies to the case when there are “competitors” nearby, that is, other ladies. The girl will try to sit down so that you notice her slender legs. Usually, a cross-legged pose is used, but the knees are directed towards the interesting man.

During the conversation, women shake the shoe, holding it on their toes, and when it does subside, this is a clear sign of flirting. If a girl shows a frank look along with a “suddenly” sleeping strap, a half-removed shoe and sits with one foot on the other, you can be sure that she is ready for flirting. A clear sexual appeal is parted and moistened lips.

If a man is close to a girl who is interested, he will notice how she slowly crosses her legs, then swaps them. She may “inadvertently” touch her thighs or chest. The voice acquires a low timbre, becomes muffled.

Gestures of a man in love

It doesn’t matter if you have a first meeting or a date, or you have started a relationship, but when an object of adoration appears on the horizon, all men act according to the same pattern. They try to get the attention of the lady. To summarize, the gestures of a man in love look like this:

he unconsciously preens. On the machine, he retracts, straightens, straightens, his gait becomes lighter, becomes athletic, and his eyes burn. He fixes his hair, tie or shirt. For some seconds, he even becomes visually younger;
puts his fingers on the belt. In this action, a sexual manifestation of interest in a woman is 100% noticeable, even closer to an animal;
long look. His gaze "gets stuck" on specific areas longer than usual. If a guy is truly interested, then his pupils are always dilated when looking at you. The direction of gaze is from top to bottom;

head tilt. Trying to show himself from the best side, the man throws back his head somewhat, raising his chin;
becomes almost close and obstructs. The guy approaches the girl, as if blocking her from others. This is a manifestation of the possessive instinct of a person in love;
copying. The young man copies your gestures, position, head movements. He can copy intonations.

Gestures of a woman in love

Now let's figure out what features the gestures of a woman in love have:

preening again. The most revealing gesture is vigorous head movements to throw the curls over the shoulders. And it doesn't matter if they are long or short, these are instinctive movements;
showing the wrist. This zone is considered one of the most obvious erogenous zones;
spread legs. The girl spreads her legs a little wider than always when there is no handsome man nearby. It does not matter whether she is sitting or standing;
swinging the hips. When walking, she shakes her hips more than usual, which will emphasize her sexuality;

secret views. Women look at the representatives of the stronger sex with lowered eyelids, stealthily. At the same time, the gaze slides from top to bottom. This continues until the man notices. Then the girl immediately hides her eyes and takes them aside. Such behavior gives a sense of mystery, spying on the object of adoration. This feeling will "turn on" almost any member of the stronger sex;
slightly parted, moistened lips. This gives a woman sexuality, attractiveness, lures men;
stroking objects in the form of a cylinder. These are the usual subconscious manifestations, although they are successfully used by ladies for seduction. Stroking a glass, a glass, a tube in a cocktail suggests what a woman really wants;
crossing legs. Ladies enjoy several positions for flirting. The first is a bent knee. One leg is folded under the other, and the knee is directed towards the man. This is a relaxed pose that allows you to show your knees without being vulgar. The second pose is a leg on a leg, a constant change of position. The third is again cross-legged, but here flirting with half-off shoes is added;
sorting out jewelry. Often, in the process of flirting, a woman coquettishly touches her own jewelry: a chain, a bracelet, an earring. If these gestures are accompanied by a look directed at a man, then this is evidence of sympathy;
sorting out curls. Many ladies are distinguished by the habit of sorting out curls for no reason. It is easy to see sympathy in this gesture. A lady begins to sort out her hair just at the moment of communication with a man she likes, and not at any time.

Gestures showing lack of interest

But there are non-verbal gestures that demonstrate. One of them is crossed arms on the chest. Such a gesture says that the man does not want to contact you, he is protected, he feels awkward. In addition, crossed legs are also a sign of lack of sympathy.

Unwillingness to communicate is expressed in hiding hands in pockets, hiding ears, as well as attracting strangers to the conversation. Thus, a man turns on protection, builds a wall so as not to meet with you. In addition, signals that indicate a lack of interest are expressed in a boring look that a man takes away from you from time to time, a long face, a yawn.

With the help of other objects, he tries to entertain himself: he picks up objects at hand and twists them, sorts them out. This is evidence of apathy.

March 21, 2014, 11:30

Today we will talk about how women express their sympathy for a man. What are the signs that a woman is interested in a man. Be careful and don't be stupid if you see her signals.

1. Pay attention to her clothes. If she is in a mini-skirt, in a top, in something tight-fitting or tight-fitting, strongly constricted at the waist, with a large neckline or high heels, then, in principle, she does not mind meeting someone. Including with you.

2. If she, having met your gaze, straightens her back and draws herself up, then she considers you as a potential object, which needs to show her feminine essence in the best possible way, high breasts and a slender figure.

3. Then she adjusts her hair, earrings or clip-on earrings to draw your attention to her face and emphasize bust lines again.

4. Her ringing laughter begins to overlap the voices of her friends.

5. She follows you with her eyes and, being caught in this business, blushes. Here rough physiology has already gone into action, obviously, something intimate with you in the main role has been drawn in her imagination, it's time to approach her and start a conversation on any topic, even about the weather, even about politics.

6. Suppose you spoke to her, and she suddenly clasped her elbows in a chilly way. In thick psychological books they write that a person is thus closed from communication and is embarrassed. We don’t know about people, maybe psychologists are right. And if a woman does this, then her interlocutor is sympathetic to her and she instinctively attracts him into her arms.

7. Listening to you, she bows her head to her shoulder and rubs her wrists from time to time, strokes her skirt on her hips, touches the chain around her neck with one word, touches her erogenous zones to make you want the same.

8. When she sits, she throws her legs over her legs or twists one after the other with a monogram. It was she who had an instinctive desire to accept and hold, to intertwine her legs with men's. But only experienced seductresses spread their knees a little, and quite deliberately.

9. She laughs loudly and willingly at all your jokes, and it does not matter that she has heard all these jokes ten times. Adrenaline plays in her blood, and she laughs with joy that you are a man nearby, and you like her a woman.

10. She leans towards you and literally catches your every word, her pupils are dilated, her breathing is rapid.

11. Well, if she licks her lips all the time, forgetting about lipstick, and twirls a cylindrical keychain or a fountain pen in her hands, then she has certain plans for you.

12. She asks you to bring her a glass of water, look for her purse on that chair over there, open or close the window. Hold on: your relationship is starting to form. She definitely likes you.

If a woman does none of the above and is wearing a loose sweater and a wide skirt, come up and get to know her just like that. Maybe she was brought up by a strict mother and a stern father, notorious, shy and modest, but all her life she dreams of men and will be happy with your attention until she loses consciousness.

And it is better not to approach that girl who sits with her back straight, as if she had swallowed a stick, and at the same time closely moved her knees, put her feet parallel and clasped the fingers of her hands lying on her knees. It seems that only a course of five years of psychoanalysis can solve her personal problems.

It's in their blood! All of the above features of behavior are observed in women of any age starting from 15 years. Your new acquaintance's obvious physical attraction to you is evidenced by her physiological reaction - a blush and dilated pupils.

What do guys do when there are girls they like next to them?

The guy is constantly fiddling with some thing or a button of his shirt in his hands. He stops doing this only from time to time.

He tells the girl to ask for help as soon as she needs anything. He promises that he will not refuse, no matter what happens.

A man hides his eyes when they meet the eyes of his beloved. He looks down, up, to the side .... Anywhere, but not in the eyes of your beloved!

He will fight for the girl if he finds out that she has another. And nothing will stop him! When there is sympathy directed towards a girl, everything else loses its meaning.

The boy copies the facial expressions and gestures of the one to which he is not indifferent. He does not think about how the girl will react to this. Everything happens as if by itself.

What else does he “introduce” into his behavior? He touches his hair and straightens the styling (hairstyle). This gesture is also popular with women.

An interesting picture emerges. A male person either straightens his shoulders and back, or stoops due to his stiffness and shyness.

He begins to "loom" in front of the girl, constantly looking for a reason to see her. And almost never admits the thought that it can be terribly annoying.

A man in love writes beautiful letters to his beloved. Reads them or leaves them on postcards.

He plays the guitar under her window or "scratches" various confessions with paints (bright crayons) on the pavement.

He tries in every possible way to please the "lady of the heart", shows himself only from the best side. If a guy is good at it, then he continues to be good. Behavior surprises all his relatives and friends.

The lover gives the girl flowers, gifts and a lot of compliments. Such actions of his are able to “spread” for every day and it will not stop even when the girl says directly that she has nowhere to put the things that he presents to her. He may buy her a second apartment, but he will not stop making pleasant surprises. The girl will complain that there is nowhere to put bouquets - she will give more than ten pieces of various vases.

The question of how guys show sympathy comes from the lips of girls more and more often. They need to know this information. Especially when they begin to understand what it means to "fall head over heels in love."

If the boys feel sympathy for some girl (women), then they constantly invite her somewhere. The invitation is accompanied by frequent messages on the Internet, calls, sending SMS messages.

Lovers gradually learn everything that concerns a loved one (date of birth, social circle, place of work, place of study, hobbies, hobbies, personal qualities, temperament and character, culinary preferences, attitude to alcohol and smoking, favorite places in the city).

Guys "stuff" into best friends in order to be closer in joyful or difficult moments, in order to be aware of all the affairs of their own woman. They tolerate all female whims and negative qualities, they “turn off” resentment.

If guys like a girl, they begin to somehow take care of themselves in a special way (dress beautifully, quit smoking, try not to use obscene words, clean their shoes from dust, use perfumes).

How do they show their affection? They talk about her directly, expecting an answer to their confession with hope. They propose to the girl to meet.

A girl can be calm if a guy:

  1. Touches any part of her body (as if imperceptibly) or fixes her hair (remove bangs from her eyes).
  2. He does not raise his voice at her, even if she has done something or done something. He talks to her gently - melodious voice.
  3. He says that he has never met such a wonderful person as she. Envelops her with a "undressing" look.
  4. He agrees to come to her house and is not afraid to meet her parents and relatives.
  5. Begins to tremble when meeting her, but refers to the terrible cold or not very warm clothes.

So many girls in love, but shy! This quality (shyness) spoils a lot. After all, it is easier to ask a guy directly about the relationship than to wait until the guy shows himself in some way.

There is a wonderful opportunity to test a person for the presence or absence of sympathy. You need to invite a guy to your birthday and see what he will give. The guy will give flowers, jewelry, a soft toy or jewelry if he cares about the girl. He gives her a mobile or laptop, if funds allow.

You can check the guy otherwise. It is enough to touch his hand. If he pulls her up, he feels sympathy for the girl. If you do not pay any attention to this gesture .... He treats the girl exclusively as a friend.

Not all guys somehow show their sympathy. They are afraid of rejection or "non-reciprocity". They can be understood too. "Black stripes" overshadow the lives of all people. However, not every person is able to tune in to optimism.

Life history on the topic. . .

A guy named Andrei liked one girl, but she was going to marry a foreigner and go to another country. The guy understood that he was falling in love with Elena more and more. Realizing that something needs to be done in order not to be late, he got three jobs and began to earn good money. First he rented an apartment for Lena. He promised that he would pay for it every month (in full). Then he bought her a huge suitcase of cosmetics. After these few actions, the girl made lists of what she needed, what she had long dreamed of. Andrei bought all this for her, not sparing a single penny for the fulfillment of all her desires. Once the guy drove into the apartment where her love lived, and he was driven out of there by the groom - Lena's foreigner. He said that Andrei would never come close to her again. The guy did not believe everything that was happening. A few minutes later, his beloved beauty came out of the shower and confirmed every word said by a foreign citizen.

This story was written in order to ask the girls the following: do not take advantage of those who adore and love you! Be human, not consumer dolls!

Psychologists say that during the manifestation of sympathy, men use certain signs by which one can assume the sincerity of their intentions.

What are the signs of a man's sympathy


  • Showing curiosity about a woman's personality;
  • A man's stories about his personality: tastes, interests, hobbies, etc.;
  • Meeting friends and relatives;
  • Praise and compliments;
  • Providing services or assistance;
  • Surprises, gifts;
  • Verbal recognition of sympathy.

Non-verbal signs:

facial expressions

The facial expressions of a sympathetic man are more "alive" and expressive than usual. This is due to the desire to stand out and draw attention to himself. Such a man listens to every word and displays on his face the emotions that accompany him during the story (this is how he shows his respect, understanding and attention).

Gestures and postures

A sympathetic man uses certain gestures and postures to demonstrate his masculinity, courtesy, care and attention. Thus, he shows an effort to please the object of adoration and win reciprocity of feelings.

A man, being in the company of a woman he likes, uses the following gestures and postures:

  • He pulls his collar, straightens his clothes, sometimes shakes them off - he wants to please, attract attention, is embarrassed;
  • The toes of the feet are directed towards her - a manifestation of interest;
  • Straightened shoulders, hands on hips and emphasis on both legs demonstrate self-confidence;
  • Touching the hair - trying to attract her attention;
  • Putting thumbs behind the belt - the desire to show self-confidence;
  • Leaning towards a woman when communicating, invading a personal comfort zone or reducing the distance - interest in communication and a desire to be closer to her;
  • Raises the chin, slightly tilting the head - instills a sense of authority;
  • Unconscious copying of gestures and postures is a manifestation of empathy;
  • Open posture: arms and legs are not crossed - an expression of acceptance and trust;
  • The legs are slightly wider than usual - a subconscious demonstration of manhood.


Being in the presence of a woman he likes, a man tries to attract her attention and get reciprocity:


By looking, you can determine the attitude and interest of a man:


A man who feels pleasure at the sight of a woman he likes often smiles.

To understand the sincerity of his smile, you need to pay attention to facial manifestations:

  • Wrinkles around the eyes;
  • "Crow's feet" on the sides of the eyes;
  • Raised cheekbones and corners of the lips.

An important fact is that true facial expressions are read in the first fractions of a second. If during a smile mimic signs do not appear near the eyes, then, most likely, it is used as a mask.

This does not mean that a man wants to deceive, but indicates a manifestation of pleasure due to the presence of an object of adoration. Lifting one corner of the lips is considered a manifestation of sarcasm, and this fact is worth paying attention to.



A sign of male sympathy is frequent talk about a woman - a man wants to know everything about her personality. He talks about what puts him in the best light, trying to evoke reciprocal frankness or other desired feelings.

And also asks personal questions:


A man begins to scrupulously monitor his appearance:

All this helps to raise self-esteem, and, as a result:

Communication Initiative

The sympathy of a man can be determined by the manifestation of the initiative of communication.

He is interested:

  • First of all, is a woman free;
  • Everything related to her personality;
  • her habits;
  • Tastes;
  • Preferences.

A man shows such behavior to determine points of contact, compare views and habits, as well as to choose the right gifts and surprises.

Jokes Galore

Signs of a man's sympathy also lie in frequent jokes. This helps him attract attention and gain mutual sympathy.

In jokes, you can show eloquence and erudition, get a reputation as a positive person, with whom it becomes desirable and enjoyable pastime. Funny and witty jokes help remember the past meeting with pleasure and smile and wait for the next date, because it is pleasant and fun to be with him.

From a psychological point of view, a joke can successfully fill an awkward pause, and laughter relieves tension.

Care and attention

Men know that attentiveness and care are qualities that a woman appreciates in the first place. By these signs, a woman will judge him as a future husband and father.

He sincerely worries about the health and well-being of a woman, therefore, he strives to:

One of the signs of a man's sympathy is the importance of the opinion of the chosen one. Asking a woman for advice, a man emphasizes her importance. At the same time, a woman feels herself a useful and intelligent person.

She is pleased to experience such feelings, which increases the chances of mutual sympathy. Perhaps, in fact, a man does not think about this fact, but on a subconscious level, this is how it works, and he understands the cause-and-effect relationships.

Often makes gifts and surprises

Presenting a gift or a surprise to a woman you like is even more enjoyable than receiving a gift yourself. It doesn't have to be something expensive, the main thing is to make it pleasant.

Psychologists say that when a person is happy, it is pleasant to be near him, he attracts people like a magnet. Will a man give gifts to a woman to whom he is indifferent? Possibly, but that would mean he's expecting something in return. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the gift.

When a man sincerely tries to guess the desire of a woman in his gift, to bring something personal into it, this fact indicates sympathy. If this is a cup, but there is an inscription on it regarding the personality of a woman, then this is no longer a banal gift bought in a hurry, but an individual sign of attention. Choosing it, the man put his feelings and thought about her.

Initiates acquaintance with friends and relatives

Acquaintance of a woman with close people and relatives indicates the seriousness of intentions, and light flirting is always more superficial. At the beginning of a relationship, a man looks closely, looks for common ground, studies the personality of the chosen one, her interests, tastes and preferences.

And only at the next stage, when a man is confident in his feelings, he introduces her to the circle of his relatives and friends. If a young man for a long time does not seek to introduce his chosen one into the circle of people who are significant to him, then we are talking about unpreparedness for a long-term relationship.

Expression of sexual interest

Expression of love

To express his love to a woman, a man does what she likes, namely:

With such actions, a man tries to win a reciprocal feeling, not to lose a relationship.

The more a man falls in love, the more he shows his feelings. At the same time, not devoting all his free time to her, but meeting sometimes, a man is unlikely to experience true love, although he incurs material costs.

And vice versa, devoting all his free time to her, he does not spend money on her - most likely this is not falling in love, but the satisfaction of his own whims.

If a guy is young, shy and inexperienced, or has been disappointed in a relationship in the past, then he can hide his feelings, be a timid and indecisive person. Such men furtively look at a woman, and, being noticed, look away.

Experts say that only good qualities are noticed during the period of falling in love. The minimal pluses are exaggerated and exalted, while the minuses are either not noticed, or are analyzed and interpreted in favor of the object of adoration.

Sympathy from a colleague

A colleague is a person whom a woman sees almost daily. Knows his manners, habits, style and so on.

For this reason, you should notice a change in the little things:

Sympathy from a family friend

It is difficult to call a family friend a stranger. He knows personal characteristics, tastes, preferences, he can freely take home and call at any time.

He is not alien to the worries and problems of a woman - a friend. He already has many privileges that a strange man has to win. And yet there are signs by which you can determine that this man is trying to move from the category of "friend" to a closer relationship.

A family friend shows sympathy in the following ways:

  • Increased time spent together;
  • Increased eye contact, trying to keep her constantly in sight;
  • An interested look with delays on the chest, hips;
  • Attempts to touch and interest in reactions to them;
  • Seeking privacy.

Sympathy of a married man

The difference between the manifestation of sympathy for a married man is the need to hide his feelings from prying eyes.

It is possible that he does not plan to move on to a more personal relationship due to his decency.

However, there are signs that are difficult or impossible to hide:

  • First of all, a man always looks for the woman he likes with his eyes and looks at her with an evaluating look;
  • signs of attention;
  • Unobtrusive periodic intrusion into the zone of personal comfort;
  • Showing interest in a conversation, touching on topics related to the individual;
  • Does not accept criticism against her, stands up and justifies this woman.

Sympathy of an older man

A distinctive feature of a man of respectable age is the difference in priorities. He, like a young man, will show signs of attention, admire the appearance of a woman, but to a greater extent take care of her physical and emotional health.
He will also try to give what he himself lacks, hoping for mutual return.

Such a man shows sympathy in the following way:

Sympathy of the zodiac signs

AriesMen of this sign are distinguished by courage and self-confidence. They will not walk around for a long time and hint about their feelings. They boldly invite you on a date and declare their attitude. They try to attract attention with a leading position and a demonstration of their achievements. Can spend money on generous gifts to achieve a cherished goal. Takes quick steps in the development of relationships, but can also quickly become disillusioned.
TaurusMen born under the sign of Taurus do not open up right away. Being practical people, they look for the same in a partner. They look closely and comprehensively study the personality of a woman for a long time. They show sympathy with an expression of increased attention, wait for responses and welcome women's initiative at the first stage of the relationship. A distinctive feature of this sign is the comprehensive control over a woman and jealousy.
TwinsMen of this sign are distinguished by eloquence. Showing sympathy, they will focus on compliments, and attract attention with their erudition, try to surprise a woman. During the period of courtship, they are more interested in the appearance than the inner world, for this reason, when flirting, they are more inclined to consider than to listen. They like to make surprises and can not stand control.
CancerThe owners of this zodiac sign have a sensitive and subtle nature. In courtship, gallantry and attentiveness are shown. They know how to hide their feelings for a long time, looking closely at a woman. However, having made their choice, they will take care in every possible way, invite them on romantic dates, support and listen carefully. In most cases, a woman will understand that she likes it only when he wants it. In this case, the main attention should be paid to non-verbal manifestations.
a lionShowing sympathy for a woman, a man of this sign in the presence of an object of adoration behaves artistically and openly. He demonstrates his vitality, fearlessness and optimism. His appearance becomes more presentable. He is not indifferent to how the chosen one looks, so he will boldly and comprehensively consider her. Able to give a generous gift and invite to an expensive restaurant when the opportunity allows.
VirgoMen of this sign are distinguished by a sense of responsibility. Showing sympathy for a woman, they will protect her and try their best to help her. Their gifts are not very expensive and frequent, but necessary and practical things. Such men do not differ in generous manifestations of feelings, and their courtship can be seen in the increased attention to all the little things concerning the chosen one.
ScalesThe owner of this sign comprehensively evaluates the woman she sympathizes with. He will be intensely interested in her views, habits, social circle. Such men are able to care for a long time and keep a distance in a relationship.
ScorpionMen born under this sign have good intuition. Much attention in relationships is paid to the inner world of a woman. They are erudite and comprehensively developed. During the courtship period, they demonstrate their skills and abilities. They are intensely interested in the life of the chosen one, they are jealous of the manifestation of sympathy for other men regarding their woman. They try to look presentable and notice every little thing in the appearance of the chosen one.
SagittariusA woman who is interested in a man - Sagittarius, will be surrounded by attention and care. They court stubbornly and energetically, not hiding their feelings. If such a man sympathizes with a woman, then he openly talks about it and takes responsibility for this person.
CapricornMen of this sign are cautious and prudent individuals. They are not generous with emotions. They think and plan their actions. In relations with a woman, they tend to take the initiative. They are interested in the preferences of their chosen one and make a decision. Such a man will rarely ask which restaurant his chosen one would like to go to. He will ask about her favorite foods, music and decor and choose the best restaurant in his opinion. Such a man is not eloquent and is not inclined to compliment. If he liked a woman, then he will win her heart with good deeds and good deeds.
AquariusMen born under this sign are creative and non-standard. They do not present banal gifts and do not like to repeat themselves. Such a man, in order to win a woman, will arrange unpredictable surprises, and evaluate the emotional reaction to them. He is not too picky in choosing a woman, but tends to adapt to her image. The behavior of this person can be unpredictable. He can show signs of attention and care for a long time, and then change his mind and marry another woman.
FishA man born under this sign will show guardianship and care. The signs of attention of a sympathetic man will be expressed in concrete help and self-sacrifice for the sake of the woman he loves. They are standard in decisions and prefer banal courtship. Such men do not look closely for a long time, but quickly declare their feelings and rapidly develop the relationship process. In women, literacy and a prudent mind are valued.


Relying on verbal signs of manifestation of male sympathy, it is difficult to assert with certainty about the seriousness of intentions. Eloquent phrases and beautiful courtship can easily mislead a woman.

Particular attention should be paid to non-verbal manifestations and sincere readiness to provide assistance and support in a difficult situation. It is also necessary to take into account the importance of the meaning of one's own behavior, to take responsibility for the mistakes made and to learn lessons from the current situations.

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