How to tell if a guy likes you? Clear signs of sympathy from a stranger that are easy for any girl to pick up.

Many girls lack determination in relationships with guys, and sometimes only the conviction that the men they love are not indifferent to them gives them strength and self-confidence, allowing them to take the first step. But how do you know if a guy likes you? There are a number of signs by which you can determine with almost complete certainty the degree of his interest in you. Let's look at them together.

1. Look

It’s not for nothing that they say that men love with their eyes. If a guy likes you, you can be sure that whether openly or secretly, he is always watching you. Notice how he does this.

Direct and prolonged eye contact or a timid and fearful glance indicate an undoubted interest in you. Those who are completely shy often try to create the appearance that their attention was attracted by something located at a distance, while with their peripheral vision they try to make out you and catch your gaze. This is easy to notice by their blank or overly tense gaze.

2. Lips

If, while communicating with you, a guy looks at your lips and at the same time licks his own, have no doubt, he is definitely attracted to you

3. Body language

Body language and nonverbal communication can tell a lot about a man. When you are near him, pay attention to his movements. Chaotic, unnecessary, forced movements of the arms and legs can give away strong anxiety. Crossed arms and legs during a conversation can indicate the same thing. This is a defensive posture that occurs involuntarily in a person, in response to strong anxiety or self-doubt.

4. Breathing

Rapid breathing with frequent deep inhalations and exhalations indicates strong anxiety, which may be caused by you.

5. Touch

Pay attention to every “accidental” touch of your interlocutor. Sexual desire seeks a way to express itself and light touch or friendly hugs are one of them.

6. Communication

Much can be learned from simple, simple communication. If a guy likes you, he will certainly try to somehow attract your attention. This can be expressed in a manner of speech that is usually not characteristic of him, loud laughter, numerous attempts to make a good joke, in a word, he will try to impress you. Don't rush to turn away from a guy if he starts praising himself. Perhaps selfishness has nothing to do with it and he just wants to please you.

7. Attention

If during a conversation a guy is distracted by those around him or, while listening to you, his eyes follow passers-by, it means that he is not interested in you. Otherwise, he would hang on your every word and laugh at every joke.

8. Clumsiness

When you approach, he may become somewhat clumsy, drop everything, pick up the first object he comes across and fiddle with it. This also indicates strong excitement.

9. Appearance

Men are peacocks without feathers. Their main goal is to attract the attention of women in all available ways. One of them is clothing. A change in style coupled with other signs may indicate his passion, perhaps even for you.

10. Friends

To attract your attention, men may talk and ask about you among your friends.

11. Hobbies

Nothing brings people together like shared hobbies. He can listen to your favorite music, join your hobby, or, having heard about your passion, for example, for sports, suddenly become an avid athlete.

12. Random encounters

At some point, you may notice that one guy in your life has become too many, and random meetings occur almost every day. Maybe they're not so random after all?

And remember, only the combination of the above mentioned signs can indicate sympathy for you. Do not rush to make hasty conclusions, and always listen to your inner voice. Sometimes only he knows the right answer.

Deya Consuelo

Discussion of the article “How to tell if a guy likes you?”


Hello! I know it sounds stupid but I'm 10 and I like a boy. He is the same age as me, he is a month older than me. We live in the same house, study in the same class and go out every time after school, it seems to me that he likes me.💗💗

15.02.2019 (22:27)


Hi all! Help! The guy is usually sociable, laughs and communicates with everyone, but not so much with me, but he often looks at me. Shoots with eyes

23.01.2019 (00:06)


We have a senior student at our school who is studying in the 11th grade, and he only has a year left here. Me too, but I’ve been leaving after 9 for the last year too. And when I saw him, I just liked him, and then I fell in love. To be honest, he doesn't look like an 11th grader. Then he began to often visit my page a couple of times a day. We often locked eyes, and at school we often clashed; my friend says that he looks at me when I stand with my back to him. And even when a friend found herself in an awkward situation, he stood with a friend and laughed, it was in the corridor that he and his friend (but it was really funny there) And I don’t even know if this is mutual, whether he will take the initiative with modesty.

18.11.2018 (23:25)


Hi all. I am 15 years old, I graduated from school and work as a storekeeper. But at the same time, I have a friend, and she has a brother. Emu is 21 years old. And I like him very much. When he sees me, a smile appears on his face. But at the same time he pretends that he is not interested in me, but when I direct my gaze at him, he begins to get embarrassed and turns away. Although we had such a period of time that we kissed, and he came up first, not me. Girls, I understand that I need to think about school and work, but he won’t get it out of my head. God, what should I do, please tell me.

30.09.2018 (22:15)


I'm 12 and so is he, he's 3-4 months older, I've liked him for 1.5 years, last year he didn't show ANY signs! Even indifference, probably, just harsh jokes, but this year he became softer, began to look into my eyes, smiles, preens in front of me, all online tests say that he is in love, our mutual friends tease him and me, he is embarrassed by this, flirts , but he seems to have a girlfriend, although a friend told me about this back in July, but he was already showing signs then, and from all the sites like “how to understand that a guy likes you, signs” I collected 12-13 signs, you can do this consider interest or love?

25.08.2018 (19:16)


Sorry, there's a mistake there, it's sticking

17.06.2018 (00:29)


Hi, I'm 17, I met a guy less than a week ago. We decided to go for a walk yesterday, and several of the signs seemed to coincide. I really liked it. It seems like everything is slowly coming together. But I'm afraid that I scared him off with my indecisiveness and modesty. I'm very worried about this. He stopped saying goodnight before bed after the meeting. Suddenly he grew cold. I don’t know what to do, I’m the first to write to him, but he can’t yet about meetings, he’s leaving for the village. Eh, what if he completely stops liking me until we see each other. That's it

17.06.2018 (00:24)


I’m 12, and he’s 15) we were somehow playing truth or dare and he said that he didn’t know whether he loved me or not, and when my friend started asking him (more precisely, asserting) if he loved me, he showed her the “quiet” gesture “We went out often, but now he doesn’t even say hello; at school he often looks at me. When we were walking, he started pulling my hair and saying that he liked to pester me. He did something to my name. Suppose my name is Milana (but, no, I’m not Milana), he says Mil’ana (like a Caucasian man twisted the name only for me

10.06.2018 (02:29)


I like a boy from our class, but I don't know if he likes me. He behaves very strangely. On VKontakte we correspond out of obligation, but at school we hardly communicate, he doesn’t even want to stand next to me, but on VK everything is as usual. Help me please. Does he like me or not

26.03.2018 (18:40)


I like my classmate since 3rd grade (I'm in 6th grade). But recently he confessed his love to my BEST friend! I do not know what to do!! She seemed to say that she didn’t want to meet him, but they often talk about something together!! But I’m not pleased! Valentine's Day is still very soon and I want to either receive a Valentine's card from him or write to him myself. Tell me what to do! Please.

07.02.2018 (16:33)


I am 11 years old. I really like the boy (also 11 years old). He used to be in my class, but unfortunately he moved. On the last day at the disco before the New Year, he called me to a slow dance and we danced. We also lived earlier and had a group of 3 boys and me and a girlfriend.
On February 14, we are going on an excursion with the class. He will come with us. Do you think I should roast Valentine first, and even if I don’t get anything from him?

05.02.2018 (23:29)


Love is a piece of crap, study, you will find someone else.

18.01.2018 (00:39)


I’m 12, I’m in 6th grade, I really like 1 boy, he’s handsome, but no one in the class likes him except me (although I’m not sure), but in 1st and 2nd grade he loved me and gave me gifts, postcards. And now I’m 6 and everything is the other way around. and it’s not given that my friend asked him who he loves, well, she persuaded him for a long time and he said that he likes her and me. but it seems to me that he doesn’t like me and he does, but there’s one nuance, we recently went with class on an excursion just yesterday and we even sat next to each other in the theater and when we were driving back we sang songs and he constantly looked at me and I looked at him and the day before yesterday we even walked with him together, we launched a quadcopter and shot firecrackers, but then there were no special feelings I didn't notice

02.01.2018 (22:09)


I have a friend, well, we’ve known each other for quite a long time, but we don’t see each other very often.
And when I see him, I can’t help it, my pupils dilate, and... in short, I go crazy... and it’s VISIBLE! My family tells me that it’s very noticeable, but what I read here matches exactly with the way he behaves with me, well, almost everything

I don’t know if he likes me, although I think YES, but I don’t know..
What do you think please help

How to understand that a man likes you? Mutual love is wonderful, but how do you know that the sympathy is really mutual, and the guy likes the girl as much as she likes him? There are several sure signs of mutual feelings, and from them you can easily understand whether a guy likes you.

One of the easiest ways to find out a man's attitude is to observe his actions in the presence of the object of sympathy. In order not to get into trouble, you need to call on psychology for help, otherwise you can inadvertently reject a worthy man or, on the contrary, fall for the bait of a womanizer.

Of course, with proper knowledge of psychology, you can become interested, but not all men bother searching for and studying such information.

Signs of interest appear mainly in the position of the body relative to the girl you like. A man always tries to be turned in her direction and his poses will be as open as possible:

  • straight back;
  • display of wrists;
  • relaxation in movements.

Moreover, the man will not turn his back on the lady he is interested in. When talking, he will slightly tilt his head towards the girl.

If a young man tries to distance himself and does not want to communicate with a girl, then he:

  • keeps arms and legs crossed;
  • its body is turned in the other direction.

Evidence of a man's interest is a subconscious desire to copy the gestures of a girl sitting in a mess. It's not difficult to check.

For example, if you casually touch your earlobe, lean back in a chair or change the position of your hands, and then watch your interlocutor, a lot will become clear.

It’s not a fact that the guy will completely copy the movements, but he also won’t be able to sit still. He may begin to fidget, touch his hair, or reach for a napkin or lighter.

If a man is attracted to a girl, then the toes of his shoes will always be turned towards her. This fact speaks volumes about sympathy, and such a manifestation of it is almost impossible to control, even if the guy tries to hide his feelings.

It's no secret that we always want to touch the person we like. Therefore, one of the options for finding out that a guy likes you is to analyze his desire to get closer.

If in a large company he tries to choose a seat nearby and, most likely, on the left, but in a spacious room he still stays at a close distance, then this is a good sign.

By the way, psychologists say that the zone of personal space in communication between Europeans of different sexes is approximately 50 cm. If a man easily breaks this barrier, then he is interested in closer acquaintance.

The same applies to a woman’s personal belongings. If it is not possible to touch her, then the man will not miss the chance to twirl her thing in his hands, for example, a phone, a hairpin or a keychain.

Internet activity

In this day and age, showing affection through social media should not be underestimated. In the virtual world, even the shyest man is many times bolder and more decisive than in a personal meeting. Therefore, it is worth carefully analyzing its activity.

Interest can be manifested in attracting her attention. Even if the young man has not yet plucked up the courage to send a personal message, he will definitely be noted with a few comments or likes under the photo.

Features of behavior

The way a man shows affection greatly influences his behavior. Usually, in the presence of an interesting girl, it changes to diametrically opposite from usual.

In other words, the quiet, calm young man will try to take the place of the ringleader by doing the following things:

  • actively gesticulates;
  • laughs loudly;
  • enthusiastically tells stories from life.

At the same time, the merry fellow, with the arrival of the girl, will calm down and embarrassedly give way to the leader to another contender.

When a man wants a woman, the signs of this appear in his gaze. It’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, the young man will not take his eyes off the object of his interest, and by looking at him it is not difficult to determine how far his thoughts and desires have gone.

If a guy looks into your eyes and turns away sharply when a girl notices this look, then his sympathy is just beginning to emerge. But if he openly looks at a girl, stares at the neckline and curves of her figure, then he is definitely experiencing serious interest.

To find out for sure whether a guy is looking at a girl or whether they just accidentally met their eyes, you should turn to the help of your friends. If, for example, a classmate more often looks at the person he likes than at the board or fellow students, then the conclusion is obvious.

Desire to help

Falling in love includes in every man the desire to be a knight. And this doesn't just apply to helping with heavy bags and opening car doors.

To check who in the company is not indifferent to the girl, you can talk out loud about some problem, the solution to which is usually a male prerogative. For example, complain about a computer or car malfunction, difficulties in choosing fishing rods as a gift for your father, or something like that. A man will never miss such a chance, and will definitely want to help.

A guy will also gallantly lend his jacket on a cool evening, give up a more comfortable seat, and offer a ride home after the party is over.

Conversation style

When talking to the object of sympathy, a person automatically changes the timbre of his voice and manner of speech. A certain tenderness and softness appears in him, and usually there are fewer rude words. A good sign that a man is interested is when he changes his voice significantly when talking to a girl he's interested in.

The questions he asks say a lot. A guy who is indifferent to a girl will not be interested in her personal life, work affairs, or mood.

A young man in love talks a lot about himself, trying to present himself in the best light. He will not do this if there is no sympathy. How to determine if a man likes you? He will brag a lot about his successes and achievements.

Even the most modest representative of the stronger sex, if he likes a girl, will try to give a compliment. We are not talking about banal compliments, but rather about unobtrusive ones that emphasize the characteristics of this particular girl. Sometimes they may come in the form of approval of her actions or support of her position in a general dispute.

If you look carefully, you can see through even the most timid man. It's another matter if he is not free.

How to understand that a married man likes you? His behavior will show the same signs and signals as a free one, only they will be much less pronounced.

After all, even if a man feels sympathy for another girl, this does not mean that he is ready to cheat. And even if he carefully hides it, he will still give himself away somehow. So, by analyzing his behavior, you can easily find out about everything.

As a rule, all these manifestations are obvious to others, but not to the girl herself. Therefore, understanding and goodwill will help the guy overcome fear and admit his sympathy directly.

Ask an expert a question in the comments

How to understand that a man likes you? These questions are asked by women at any age. In fact, it is enough just to closely observe the behavior of the stronger sex to understand whether they have sympathy for you or not.

General signs of sympathy

  • Sympathy often grows out of friendship. Men who are passionate about a girl try to find out as much as possible about her and become loyal and reliable friends with her.
  • Constant chance encounters are a sign of obvious attention. For example, a male colleague who has a crush on a lady may have the idea of ​​bumping into a girl not only at work, but also on the street, in a cafe, or with mutual friends. When there are more than three such meetings in a short period of time, we can talk about feelings.
  • If a young man sees in a girl those character traits and spiritual qualities that are invisible to others, then other advice is unnecessary, because sympathy is obvious.
  • When the stronger sex is not indifferent to a woman, common interests are always needed to establish contact. If a man suddenly fell in love with books and films similar to a lady’s taste, this indicates hope for a relationship;
  • Signs of attention may not always be public and romantic. Some men, on the contrary, turn on the mode of aggression and ignoring, avoiding the girl they like.


Sometimes one glance at a guy's appearance is enough to determine that he has a strong crush on the girl he's talking to.

  • When meeting a lady of his heart, a man will always be well-groomed and perfectly dressed. He will constantly smooth and correct something to look even more beautiful.
  • When the face suddenly turns pale or red when a woman appears, we can talk about the man’s caring attitude towards her.
  • If a girl praises some item of clothing or a guy’s perfume, he will definitely use these things more often, especially when meeting his beloved.
  • A man's style and appearance may change after meeting a girl he likes. Romantic feelings push you to something new.

Gestures and postures (NLP)

Nonverbal sources of information, according to psychologists, can tell much more truth than words. Watch how a man meets you or walks you home.

  • If a guy constantly adjusts his clothes, it means he definitely wants to look prettier in the eyes of his date.
  • When sympathy is truly sincere, then you want to touch the person. Therefore, multiple touches of a girl’s hand or hair indicate real interest.
  • The facial expressions of a young man in love often repeat the habits of the object of sympathy. Men unconsciously adopt the gestures and movements of those women who are not indifferent to them.
  • To show self-confidence and strength, men can often place their hands on their belts.
  • The object of sympathy always causes embarrassment and timidity, so the stronger sex often scratches its head when talking to women.
  • To appear more respectable and taller next to a beautiful lady, men straighten and slightly raise their shoulders, and also draw in their stomach.
  • If a guy looks at a girl with his mouth slightly open, he is definitely delighted with her appearance.
  • For their sympathy, men try to position themselves as openly as possible, so their chest, shoulders, and toes will always be unconsciously turned towards an interesting woman.
  • The palms of the hands, like the whole body, express sympathy for the caring lady. Therefore, as a rule, even if your hands are on your knees, your palms are always open.
  • In romantic excitement, men feel insecure and are constantly looking for support. A sign of this condition is a leg put forward when meeting a girl.
  • In addition, men always subconsciously want to be closer to the object of their affection. Therefore, they will reduce the distance between themselves and the lady of their heart during the conversation.
  • Not knowing how to behave and what to say leads to constant unconscious fiddling of buttons.
  • To appear more attractive, men often smooth their hair and casually rub their chin or cheeks.
  • A sign of sympathy for your interlocutor in a dialogue is slightly raised eyebrows.

Glances (game with eyes)

Since the eyes are the mirror of the soul, sometimes it is enough to take a closer look at the direction of your male friend’s gaze.

  • A brave young man will always cast interested glances at you for a long time.
  • You can also like a stranger. Usually, guys cast meek, timid glances at pretty strangers, and immediately look away when their eyes meet.
  • Dilated pupils when looking at a girl are a sure sign of sincere sympathy on the part of a guy.
  • If a man’s gaze is focused on a woman’s forehead or bridge of her nose, then most likely we are simply talking about a business relationship.
  • But a wandering gaze, sliding from eyes to lips and back, speaks of an offer of friendship.
  • When a man looks sideways, his gaze is filled with tenderness, and he smiles, we can talk about great sympathy.
  • Even in the company of friends or in a crowd, a guy will not lose sight of the girl he likes.


The behavior of a man in love always changes, regardless of his age. He gives the woman maximum attention and will always be there in difficult times.

If you listen to a dialogue between two people, you can always determine by the intonation and content of the conversation who likes whom more.

  • A man will never allow rudeness or disrespect on his part towards a girl he likes.
  • Guys try to avoid controversial situations and demonstrate compliance in conversation with their crush.
  • There will always be jokes in the conversation to maintain positivity and a good mood.
  • Compliments are constantly heard from the lips of a guy in the direction of his sympathy.
  • When the topic of conversation concerns the future, a man in love will talk not only about himself, but also about his companion.
  • Guys listen to the stories of their beloved girl very carefully and remember all the little details.
  • The men themselves are also frank in their dialogue with the object of their adoration. They share stories from the past and are not afraid to appear sentimental or worried.
  • The guys calmly discuss family and children issues with a pretty girl.
  • When separated from their loved one, young people always talk about how bored they are.
  • No man will discuss other girls in the presence of his crush.

The sympathy of a captive man

How can you tell if a married man likes you? Some tips will help you in observing him:

  • at first, the attitude of a married guy may be completely indifferent or vague, because he will try to suppress these feelings;
  • he will spend all his free time with you, trying to come up with reasons for being away from home;
  • he will not talk in your presence about his wife and children, if he has any;
  • he will hint or decisively tell you that he is ready for divorce for the sake of a new relationship.

Sympathy of an adult man

It is easy for an adult man to like you if you are young and beautiful, but it is much more difficult to understand the seriousness of his intentions:

  • older guys are usually decisive. Therefore, they will take the first step and ask you out on a date;
  • they will not disappear after the start of the relationship, they will definitely get in touch by phone or on the Internet;
  • adult men always remember the need to buy flowers for a meeting and the importance of unexpected gifts;
  • if an adult and serious guy does reckless things for your sake, he is definitely not indifferent to you;
  • also know that a career and work are important to any adult man. If he is willing to put you above this, most likely he is truly in love.

Likes of the zodiac signs

How to understand that a man likes a girl? If you know who the young man you are interested in is according to the horoscope, then you can easily identify signs of his increased interest in you.


  • Capricorn men are equally polite and gallant with all ladies.
  • However, they always keep true sympathy in their field of vision, maintain a conversation with her, comment on jokes and accept her position in any dispute.
  • You can't expect any unusual dates from Capricorn. Conservatives in love, representatives of this zodiac sign express their interest through ordinary everyday actions.
  • First, Capricorns try to get to know the girl better, and then ask her out on dates and give her gifts.
  • If a lady is not indifferent, such men will always prepare to introduce her to their family.
  • Career is very important for Capricorns, so if a man shares all the news from work with just one girl, sympathy is obvious.


  • The creative nature of this zodiac quickly loses interest in everything. Therefore, if after a couple of dates a man does not disappear, he definitely has sympathy for the woman. Also, Aquarius lovers more often call and send SMS to the girl they are interested in.
  • When attracted to people, Aquarius men are very shy. They often look away and smile confusedly. When this zodiac is in love, he ceases to be the center of attention when the object of his adoration appears.
  • Representatives of this sign are not very punctual, so they only arrive on time for meetings with those people who are really dear to them.
  • Aquarians are ready to make any surprises and do the most unexpected things for the people they like.
  • The falling in love of such men resembles the behavior of a child. They are always in a cheerful mood, humming something and smiling for no reason.
  • Aquarians who suffer from absent-mindedness always remember the stories of a person they are interested in down to the smallest detail.


  • The sympathy of this sign is expressed in timidity and tenderness. Confident and courageous Pisces men become affectionate and soft.
  • Pisces always share their emotional experiences with those they care about. Sincerity in conversations is very important to them.
  • Men actively gesticulate and move sharply in the presence of an interesting lady.
  • Pisces are very jealous of their object of adoration.
  • This zodiac sign loves to look after. Compliments and gifts will be very romantic.


  • Aries men are very straightforward. They begin to win the girl and express their feelings immediately.
  • This sign loves classic courtship with flowers and dates in a secluded setting.
  • This zodiac will not confess love. But he will prove his sympathy with loyalty and decency.
  • Aries are very understanding and gallant. They will not behave persistently if they see that circumstances require the woman to be alone.


  • Taurus men do not show their affection right away. They need time to decide on their feelings.
  • This sign has few emotions. However, he gives gifts with attention and flowers. But if the coldness disappears, we are talking about great sympathy and trust.
  • Taurus like to make an impression, so they are prone to unusual actions and surprises. In addition, they surround the object of their adoration with great care.
  • Representatives of this zodiac take all the initiative in relationships and are immediately positioned as leaders.
  • Declarations of love and conversations about their own feelings are also not a characteristic feature of closed Taurus. But they are happy to discuss their family future and exchange interests with those they care about.


  • Gemini men are not very constant, so if they have been interested in a woman for a long time, it is worth talking about serious intentions.
  • Geminis sincerely love to give compliments and surprises.
  • Also, representatives of this sign are ready to show themselves at their best, so they amaze women with their gallantry and unpredictability.
  • Young people with the Gemini zodiac are changeable in their moods. However, if, despite a gloomy mood, a man goes on a date, the woman is very dear to him.


  • Cancer men hide their feelings due to their strong emotionality and subtle mental organization.
  • Being in love, this zodiac withdraws, begins to be embarrassed and shy in the presence of his crush.
  • Cancers are terrible jealous people. They can express it openly or screw themselves up without visible signs.
  • This sign loves maximalism. Therefore, he is ready to fulfill any whims of the chosen one.
  • Such men will never show their weaknesses. They try to stay strong and courageous when communicating with a lady.
  • For the sake of the object of sympathy, Cancers are ready to change, give up old habits and open up to new things.


  • Leo men completely dissolve in their feelings. When they see their beloved, their eyes light up and shine, although their gaze may be darting or lowered to the floor.
  • Representatives of this zodiac are ready to express their sympathy through creativity. They will write poems and songs to their beloved with complete sincerity.
  • Leos will definitely try to share all the interests of the girl they like. Men will imitate the object of their admiration in behavior, hobbies and points of view on various issues.
  • This sign will definitely impress a woman. Leos sometimes compliment themselves more often than their partner. They love surprises and unpredictability in behavior.
  • An integral sign of Leo's sympathy is very strong jealousy.


  • Virgo men will not show signs of attention and invite you on a date right away. Romance is not their thing.
  • The main indicator of Virgo's sympathy is frequent heart-to-heart conversations.
  • Representatives of this zodiac show their interest in quite an unusual way. They may begin to criticize, point out, and give advice.
  • When Virgos decide on their feelings, they do not skimp on gifts. But they will always be very useful and practical.
  • Men of this sign are also distinguished by extraordinary loyalty and devotion to their beloved.


  • The desire to be ideal for a pretty companion leads to the fact that Libra men carefully monitor their appearance and are very fussy if they notice some kind of flaw in themselves.
  • Libras love to say beautiful words and compliments to those who, in their opinion, truly deserve them.
  • In the presence of the object of his affection, this zodiac often hides his eyes and tries not to make eye contact.
  • Among gifts, this sign will always choose the most unusual one. Such men always try to be original.


  • Scorpio men hide their feelings. But if they want, they can very quickly open up to an interesting person.
  • Scorpios are ready to do the most unexpected and risky things to win a girl.
  • This zodiac sign will change for the sake of love. He will be happy to adapt to the object of his sympathy.
  • Complex in character, such men immediately become gentle and caring.
  • Scorpios also do not skimp on gifts, and do not pay attention to money.


  • Sagittarius men do not reveal their feelings right away; they need time to evaluate their chosen one.
  • Sagittarians always try to be close to their crush and be understanding themselves.
  • The candy-bouquet period for this zodiac is unpredictable. They arrange extraordinary dates and give many gifts.
  • In everyday matters, the attitude of Sagittarius is almost not manifested. They are not particularly practical, but they are ready to cancel any important meeting for the sake of a date.
  • Sagittarians are very jealous. They will never forgive betrayal and will not agree that attention should be paid to someone else besides them.

What should a girl do who has warm feelings for a man, but does not feel reciprocity? How to determine that a guy from a crowd of women has chosen you? Are there visible signs that a man likes a woman and how to learn to distinguish between them. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

A man subconsciously wants to be as close as possible to the object of his adoration

According to scientists from the field of psychology, the language of the human body says much more than words about people’s attitude to the world around them. According to experts, the body language of men is significantly different from women. When communicating with the opposite sex, women use more than fifty different gestures to display their emotions and feelings. Men are more constrained in this regard, and their “vocabulary” consists of only ten gestures. It is thanks to these gestures that you can determine the degree of your attractiveness in the eyes of a man.

How to understand that a man likes you? First of all, you should pay attention to eye contact. When looking at a woman to whom a man is subconsciously attracted, eye contact is established for quite a long time (about five seconds). Raised eyebrows and wide open eyes can indicate interest. Another manifestation of the presence of feelings can be an invasion of personal space and an attempt to take a closer distance during a conversation.

Particular attention should be paid to the hands and fingers of the interlocutor. Most people during a conversation place their hands towards the interlocutor, which indicates interest in communication. Body language is almost impossible to control, which allows you to “read” a man like an open book. Trying to tidy up your appearance, straightening your tie, brushing away specks of dust and smoothing your hair is one of the manifestations of interest. If we draw an analogy with the animal world, then this behavior of a man can be compared with a peacock that demonstrates its beauty in front of a female.

A person’s behavior can tell about many of his qualities, including his feelings.

Pay more attention to how the man sits, gestures and moves. When a representative of the stronger sex is overcome by warm and bright feelings, he subconsciously tries to evoke certain emotions in his companion. Trying to leave a good impression comes in the form of participation and interest in your conversation.

People do not always communicate with words; sometimes they prefer to show their affection through gestures, glances and facial expressions.

As mentioned earlier, special importance is attached to visual contact in this situation. A guy in love practically does not take his eyes off his chosen one, trying to “catch” every awkward glance. To determine the level of interest, you should respond to an attempt to make eye contact, and after a few seconds, look away. After this, return your gaze back and carefully analyze the interlocutor’s reaction. Guys in love often look at the lips of their interlocutor during a conversation. It is thanks to this “sign” that you can determine your interest in a woman. If a man avoids eye contact, then this indicates that he is not interested in you.

According to experts, even shy guys try to establish eye contact with the objects of their adoration. A brief glance skimming the face is one of the manifestations of interest and sympathy.

Behavior model

In order to determine the degree of male attention to your person, you should find time for a detailed analysis of the behavior of the men around you. A clear sign of interest on the part of the male sex is an attempt at touching. At the same time, it is very important to correctly evaluate the gestures “expressed by a man.” If during a conversation a man tries to touch your hand or take it into his hand, then this is a clear sign of overwhelming feelings. If you are sitting next to each other, an attempt to press your body together can also be regarded as a demonstration of caring.

Finding out that a man likes you is quite simple. It is enough just to touch his hand or face during a conversation and carefully study his reaction. An attempt to withdraw and move your hand away indicates that this person does not have any feelings for you. A guy in love can respond to a touch or try to hide the emotions overwhelming him, but he will never try to take the hand of his beloved woman away. Shy and self-conscious guys may respond to touch with a slight wince. In order to correctly assess such a reaction, one should more closely observe the further behavior of the young man.

Guys with high self-esteem often hug the girls around them. That is why when analyzing behavior you should pay attention to various nuances. Such nuances include excitement. Deep breathing, the inability to sit in one place, inappropriate laughter and excessive sweating are clear signs of the excitement that men show when in love. These changes in behavior, combined with an attempt to make a good impression, are an attempt to establish closer relationships.

One of the manifestations of falling in love is the mirror reflection of your body movements. Take a close look at the guy. Trying to copy your actions is a sure sign of being fascinated by you. Responsive actions on your part will be perceived by his subconscious as a kind of signal to begin more decisive actions. It is the copying of gestures that is the main signal from the subconscious about the presence of warm feelings. You can determine the degree of your attractiveness to a man by being in a large company. A man in love will subconsciously take a seat either next to you or opposite you in order to have direct eye contact.

If a man is very timid, then this prevents him from starting a relationship with a girl he really likes

More obvious signs of sympathy

Many girls often ask the following questions:

  1. Are there any signs that he likes me?
  2. How do you know if a guy likes you?
  3. How to determine the difference between friendship and falling in love?

In order to answer all these questions, you should analyze in detail the gestures, body movements and manner of speaking of a man. Most men in love experience a feeling of awkwardness when talking to a girl and do a poor job of hiding slight nervousness. Most often, guys try to talk about themselves in order to interest their interlocutor. Particular attention should be paid to the interlocutor’s manner of speech and reaction to your words.

There is a special technique that allows you to find out about a man’s feelings. During a conversation, approach the guy and tell him something in a half-whisper. You can increase the force of influence by lightly touching the back of your interlocutor. Reciprocal approach, an attempt to catch the eye and reciprocal touches are a clear sign of interest. Lack of reaction and a step back is a kind of demonstration of indifference and friendly attitude. A guy who doesn't have feelings will react negatively to an attempt to invade his personal space.

Men in love often show interest in women's hobbies. They begin to become interested in musical genres, films and TV series that interest the woman they love. He invites you to concerts and invites you to attend various events together dedicated to a topic that interests you. Shared hobbies allow you to find common ground for the further development of relationships. Enthusiastic guys try to learn as much as possible about the girl's interests in order to be able to communicate on various topics.

Meeting a man's friends also plays a fairly significant role. Most guys will not miss the opportunity to make a couple of jokes regarding the affection of a young man. Often it is a man’s friends who try to find out whether the feelings are mutual. Observing the guy’s behavior in the company, as well as his immediate circle, will allow you to obtain all the necessary information for further actions. However, extreme caution should be exercised here. There are times when a young man’s friends talk about him falling in love, although all the accompanying signs in his behavior clearly demonstrate the opposite. For fun, young people may deliberately pit you against each other in order to make fun of the situation.

You can determine that a man likes you if you pay attention to his gestures and phrases

Various signals that appear during close communication

Many young people express their feelings through humor and teasing. This kind of attention is more typical for young guys. It is very important to correctly assess such human behavior. Evil jokes directed at you must be nipped in the bud, no matter what their motives.

The correct interpretation of compliments is also of no small importance. When a man notices the slightest changes in a woman's appearance, this is a direct demonstration of his feelings. Most guys pay little attention to the appearance of the girls around them, and try not to express their comments or admiration. If you hear that a young man likes your hairstyle or your outfit, then this is a clear demonstration of interest in your person. However, if you have known a young man for a long time, then such compliments are not an indicator of falling in love. It is also important to remember that not every guy is able to find the right words to express his own feelings. This should be treated with understanding and wait for more decisive action.

Thanks to social networks, it is much easier to find out about a young man’s love. There are a lot of different hobbies on the Internet, but the fact that a man pays attention to you indicates that he is interested in you. It is possible that in this way the young man may be trying to kill boredom, but frequent messages on social networks clearly indicate the opposite. In this situation, you should pay attention to the style of writing messages. Emoticons and brackets at the end of a sentence do not always mean that a person is happy to communicate. Quite often, such signs are placed out of habit.

It is very important to correctly evaluate the words of your interlocutor. A veiled form of admitting your own feelings may just be context that you have misunderstood. That is why it is very important to analyze the motivation for writing a message.

To understand that a man likes you, you should watch him very carefully

What is required from a woman

Are you wondering how to tell if a man likes you? First, count the number of your “random” meetings this month. Frequent dates in rather unexpected places may indicate that the man specifically creates all the necessary conditions for such meetings.

It is very important to show the correct reaction to signs of attention that a man shows. When giving compliments, smiling and saying hello, a man expects politeness and goodwill in return. If you have reciprocal sympathy, then you should not waste time and should try to invite the man to spend time together on your own. If you do not have reciprocal feelings, then you should tell the man about this as gently as possible. Try not to hurt his feelings and tell him that you appreciate the attention he receives.


When analyzing male behavior, it is very important to correctly interpret the signs of attention shown. Soberly evaluate the actions and signs of attention on the part of representatives of the stronger sex. Many girls mistakenly perceive attention to themselves as a sign of falling in love.

Also, women should be extra careful when communicating with taciturn guys. If you regard an invitation to meet from such a person as a hint of a romantic date, you should find out the purpose of this invitation in advance. Otherwise, an awkward situation will be created when one of you thinks about romance, and the other pursues other goals.

The realization that a guy likes her is great happiness for a girl. Conviction of this makes her more confident and happy, relieves her of painful torment and doubt.

But how to recognize male interest? To do this, it is enough to analyze his behavior. People cannot control their behavior 100% by willful efforts. A person in love certainly gives signs. They signal his sympathy and he does them unconsciously.

Psychologists have long identified actions that “signal” sympathy. It is worth studying the main signs of the behavior of a young man in love and you will be able to understand him without words.

The first thing that reveals a person’s sympathy is his gaze. A young man will always admire the girl he likes. He can do this openly or secretly.

A guy likes you if:

  • you constantly “catch” the young man’s gaze;
  • he looks at you (intensely or cautiously) when you turn to the side (this can be seen with peripheral vision).

When you meet the eyes of a young man you are interested in, be sure to pay attention to his pupils. A clear sign of interest is the dilation of the pupils when looking at you. In this case, we can even talk about falling in love.

A good sign is that a guy periodically looks at you when he tells something in a group. So he wants to track your reaction to the words he spoke. It is worth paying attention to what semantic load the text carries. This can be a brilliant hint for a girl.

If you haven't chatted yet

It often happens that a young man arouses sympathy. But you don’t communicate with him personally (or don’t even know him). You can meet him periodically at school, work, places of recreation, entertainment. He might like you too. Similar conclusions can be drawn if he watches you and strives to be near you. Particularly brave individuals start a casual conversation and ask questions.

A sure sign of sympathy is a person’s emotions; his state changes when you appear. You find yourself in his field of vision, and he begins to smile or feel embarrassed, blush, and express himself more actively.

A guy who is trying to check if you are interested in him may do a little provocation: flirt with another girl. At the same time, he will quietly observe your reaction. You can repeat this manipulation by chatting nicely with another young man. If this causes a negative reaction in the guy you like, we can talk about jealousy.

By correspondence

Many young people often communicate on the Internet. Analyzing correspondence is a great way to understand a guy's feelings. An interested young man regularly writes first. He will be interested in the girl’s affairs, her mood, thoughts, preferences. In communication, he regularly takes the initiative, answers questions in detail, rather than briefly and laconically, and asks questions. They contribute to the continuation of the dialogue.

A very positive sign in correspondence - the guy actively expresses himself, but is embarrassed in personal communication. This is how young people in love behave.

Signs at school

It’s quite easy to understand a guy’s feelings if you study at the same school. At this age, he can choose radically opposite strategies of behavior:

  1. Be nice, look at you furtively, congratulate you on holidays, protect you from others, look for an opportunity to be together, entertain, offer help or ask for it.
  2. Show yourself a little aggressively, make malicious jokes, catch on. This is how some teenagers behave. They try to hide their interest. Many boys believe that this way they can hide their sympathy.

In contact with

The social network VKontakte is an excellent tool for studying the behavior of a young person.

The interested interlocutor will be the first to write, like photos and published posts. He often accompanies his messages with emoticons. This emphasizes the emotional significance of the dialogue.

If a girl doesn’t visit her own page for several days, he may wonder where she went. Such a gesture indicates the presence of a certain attachment. It is with you that he seeks communication on VKontakte if he leaves the network after you have done a similar action.

3 main signs that a guy likes a girl:

  1. He pays attention.
  2. He is interested in you, asks mutual friends questions about you.
  3. He shows certain actions towards the girl.

Test to find out if a guy likes you

A simple test will help you check a guy's attitude. The questions should be answered “Yes” (2 points are awarded), “Sometimes” (1 point is awarded), “No” (0 points are awarded).


  1. He's trying to talk to me.
  2. Smiles at me.
  3. Shows concern (helps to put on a coat, offers assistance).
  4. He gets embarrassed when he sees me.
  5. I think he likes me.


  • 7-10 points - in love.
  • 3-6 - interested.
  • 0-2 - does not show sympathy, or is too modest.

Behavior of a guy if he likes a girl

There are many other behavioral characteristics that indicate male attraction.

Among them are:

  1. Constant attention.
  2. Compliments.
  3. Positive reaction to the girl’s jokes and her stories.
  4. Attempts to “mirror” the girl’s behavior are to unconsciously repeat movements.
  5. In the presence of a girl, a young man straightens his hair, clothes, and straightens his posture.
  6. When standing or sitting, point the toe of your foot in your direction.
  7. Tries to touch.
  8. He tries with all his might to please and make a positive impression.
  9. When communicating, puts one leg forward.

The girl should analyze the guy’s behavior in detail. Then she will be able to understand his attitude towards her. You should also rely on your own intuition.
