How to shave? Shaving in different parts of the body. What are the benefits of shaving a woman's intimate area?

The thought of having to take a sharp razor to your genitals can be a little scary. However, shaving the pubic area allows men to clean themselves up and is a completely normal part of male intimate hygiene. The shaving procedure must be preceded by careful cutting of the hair with a trimmer. Then you should lie down for a few minutes in a warm bath, then apply shaving cream to the pubic area and use a razor to cut off all the hairs with smooth and careful movements. And at the end of the procedure, it is important not to forget to treat your skin with a soothing aftershave balm!


Pre-cutting pubic hair with a trimmer

    Set the minimum cutting length on your shaving trimmer. It is acceptable to use a standard hair clipper in this case, but a shaving trimmer is usually smaller and more maneuverable, making it better suited for working with such a sensitive area. The trimmer's minimum setting will allow you to trim hairs to 3mm or less.

    Start by trimming the hair around your genitals. Stand up straight, hold the trimmer in your dominant hand, and use your other hand to adjust the position of your penis and scrotum as needed while trimming. Trim pubic hair in the direction it grows (for example, from top to bottom directly above the penis).

    • You can also use your free hand to stretch the skin to make trimming easier with the trimmer.
    • You may find it easier to work if you place one foot on a chair, toilet lid, or the edge of a bathtub.
  1. Carefully trim the hair on the scrotum and penis. Once you've finished trimming the hair around your genitals, run the trimmer very slowly across your penis (if necessary) to trim hairs there as well. Then use your free hand to gain access to a specific area of ​​the scrotum and carefully trim the hair from it, gradually moving from one area to another.

    • When cutting hair from the scrotum, try to straighten and tighten the skin with your free hand. Otherwise, there is a risk of pinching (and even cutting) the delicate skin with the trimmer, which is very painful!
    • You may find it easier to cut your hair with an erect penis.
  2. If you don't have a trimmer, use a flat comb and scissors. Starting at the outer edge of the pubic area, insert the teeth of a flat comb into a small section of hair. Work in the direction of hair growth and position the comb close to the skin. Use sharp scissors to cut off any hair that sticks out above the comb. Then insert the comb into another section of hair and so on.

    Shaving trimmed pubic hair

    1. Lie in a warm bath for five minutes. Warm water will soften the skin and hair, which will help the razor glide over the skin and remove hairs directly at their base. A warm shower can also help achieve this effect, but a bath gives the best results.

      • Taking a bath longer than 10 minutes in some cases can cause swelling of the skin and, on the contrary, make shaving more difficult.
      • Take a bath immediately after trimming your pubic area with a trimmer.
    2. Apply shaving cream to your pubic area. You can use either a special cream or gel for shaving intimate areas, or a standard shaving cream. Use your hands to massage the cream into your hair for 1-2 minutes. This will better soften the hair and lubricate the skin.

      • You can also rub the cream not with your hands, but with a shaving brush. However, to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, do not use the same brush that you usually use on your face for this purpose.
    3. Shave the hair around your genitals using even, measured strokes of the razor. Stand in a bathtub or other place where you can comfortably elevate one leg for easier access to your perineum. Use your dominant hand to grasp a clean, sharp razor, and use your other hand to adjust the position of your genitals as needed while shaving the hair around the penis and scrotum. Apply even pressure to the razor and shave hairs in the direction they grow.

      • Rinse the razor with clean water every 2-3 times you stroke the skin with the blade. Make sure that the blade does not become clogged with hair and shaving cream.
      • A dull razor forces you to apply more pressure, which increases the risk of cuts and skin irritation. Therefore, shave your pubic area with a sharp new razor. And do not use this razor to shave your face or any other part of your body.
    4. For a better shave, keep your skin taut, but be aware of the risk of cuts and irritation. Using your free hand, pulling the skin around your genitals will help remove stubble and provide a closer shave. However, this also increases the risk of skin irritation, pinching and cuts. And this, in turn, can lead to inflammation.

People started talking about the dangers of using a razor on the delicate skin of intimate places not so long ago. The reason for this was the experiment of French scientists, which made a real revolution in the field of cosmetology. It turns out that using a razor can lead to such negative consequences as:

- The appearance of molluscum contagiosum in the groin area - a skin disease that occurs due to an acute viral infection (smallpox group).
- Development of condyloma acuminata. This is another type of viral infection, which most often affects fans of hair removal in intimate places by shaving.
- Skin irritation resulting from the removal of the top layer of the epidermis along with the hairs. Slight swelling of the skin, red pimples, periodic itching and soreness of the skin - all this causes a woman a lot of inconvenience, and does not look very beautiful. Moreover, repeated shaving only increases the area of ​​irritation.
- The occurrence of ingrown hairs.
- Over time, your pubic hair will grow faster and faster, meaning you will have to shave much more often.
- Another equally important disadvantage of shaving is its fragility. Some girls have to repeat the procedure every two or three days, which, you see, does not add optimism.

Why you can’t shave your private parts – any

tortured theories.

There are two interesting concepts that encourage humanity to leave their bodies in their original form.

Pheromones concept. Some scientists believe that pheromones (volatile substances responsible for the appearance of sexual desire) tend to accumulate in the genital area. By shaving our hair, we automatically get rid of potential sexual partners.
Barrier concept. Hair in intimate places serves as a kind of protection against infections in the environment. In addition, they protect the woman’s genitals from cold and possible bruises.

Should we follow these theories or not? That's your business!

Are you so used to the machine that you can’t give it up even despite all the above? Then be sure to consider the following points, which will allow you to negate all the dangers of shaving your pubic hair.

Tip #1. Prepare your skin for the procedure of removing excess hair. Take a hot bath, which will open up your pores and make the process less painful. As a last resort, wet your skin with hot water, apply shaving cream and leave it on for a few minutes. Under the influence of foam or gel, the skin and hair will become soft and supple. But it would be better to avoid soap, it dries the skin very much.

Tip #2. Choose the right razor. Many girls use the same razor for the bikini area as for their legs or armpits. This is a glaring mistake! Such machines are suitable only for flat and fairly large surfaces, to which the groin area does not apply. In addition, leg razors are equipped with special guards designed to protect you from cuts. When removing pubic hair, it will only get in the way. When choosing a machine, carefully read the labels on the packaging. Give preference to the one that is intended specifically for intimate places. It should also have a protective strip with additional gel or cream. A good alternative to this “model” would be a high-quality razor for men.

Tip #3. Do not use other people's machines under any circumstances. The same goes for old, rusty and dull blades, the use of which can lead to skin injuries and inflammation and irritation.

Tip #4. Use foam or gel that foams well enough.

Tip #5. Learn to shave correctly. Take a comfortable position and place a mirror in front of you. When removing hair from intimate areas, do not forget to gently stretch the skin. Use the razor only in the direction of hair growth (from top to bottom). Your movements should be slow and smooth to avoid cuts and ingrown hairs. At the end of the procedure, be sure to rinse off the remaining product with warm water and lightly wipe the skin with a soft towel.

Tip #6. Keep your razor clean. After use, it must be thoroughly washed, dried and placed in a special container.

Tip #7. Do not neglect after-shave skin care products (creams or gels). Choose those that do not contain even a drop of alcohol, otherwise you will have to experience the full power of it. Apply a small amount of cream to the skin and allow it to be completely absorbed.

Most of the materials on our site are anonymous. But not this one. No one wanted to get involved with this material, even under the heading of secrecy. So, I will be the one who recommends whether or not you, reader, shave various protected areas of your body. For the simple reason that I am a woman. And, therefore, I have the experience of many hours of conversations with and am competent to talk about where vegetation on a man’s body is appropriate, and where fu-fu-fu.

Let me make a reservation right away: the boss greeted my recommendations nervously. “The main men’s magazine in the country cannot advise its readers to shave their ass!” - the editor-in-chief shouted and ran out of the editorial office. They are looking for him. I also predict comments from men, like “Well, come on, a real man should be hairy!” From women: “Nothing like that, a real man should be hairy!” From her mother: “And for this reason you graduated from the history department, Masha?” And yet I will take the risk. So, let's begin.

Places where there should be no hair at all

Buttocks, and the back flowing smoothly into them

Not a single romance novel contains such lines: “Before rushing into the pond to save Adele, Julio tore his T-shirt so as not to get wet. Adele felt her legs give way, even though she was in the water - the hair on Julio’s back looked so silky and unruly.” So, there are no such lines anywhere. And there is a very specific reason for this - hair on a man’s back, as well as on a man’s buttocks, is not at all sexy. I’ll even put it more boldly - not at all. Girls don't associate a hairy rear bumper with masculinity. More likely with neglect and a little with programs about wildlife - and in an asexual sense. Fortunately, such manifestations of genetic generosity are not common. But they must be fought mercilessly and in the most decisive way.

What to do:

A hairy back and buttocks is perhaps the only real reason for a man to visit a nativity scene with the demonic name “Beauty Salon”. Regular shaving cannot overcome increased hairiness in distant provinces. First of all, you won’t be able to reach it on your own. Thirdly, asking your girlfriend about this is prohibited by the rules of the Geneva Convention on Intersexual Relations. Fifthly (yes, I'm bad at counting), even if you somehow miraculously manage to shave off your hair, it will grow back, and it will become faster, tougher, stronger. Unfortunately, this is how hair reacts to a razor. So good luck at the salon. Even if you have to go there under the cover of darkness, shying away from the shadows and freezing at the cry of “Vovan, what are you doing?”

Places where hair should be cut short

Armpits and groin

I suspect that you have already appreciated the benefits of trimmed armpits even without my writing. It's hygienic, it's convenient, it doesn't smell. And the deodorant will be grateful to its owner - who likes to cut through the impenetrable jungle to work. And now I will be careful, as I am stepping into a protected area. After all, we have come to, without exaggeration, the most important thing. More precisely to his surroundings. So, all my friends, without exception, agree that short-cropped hair in the groin area is wonderful. Unfortunately, not all of my friends' men feel the same way. The friends sigh sadly. You don't want to upset my friends, do you? (Yes, this is a threat. After all, one of my friends could end up in your bed at any moment).

"But why?" - you ask indignantly. I’ll ask a counter question: Would you be surprised if, when you came to the Louvre, you discovered that the statue of the Venus de Milo was covered chest-deep with scaffolding? Of course, you know that Venus is inside and have a great idea of ​​what she looks like. And yet it’s somehow insulting. I wanted to admire this beauty once again. Entirely. Full height. Well, besides, no one has canceled it yet (although Roskomnadzor, I suspect, is thinking about it). The less decorations during oral sex, the more convenient it is.

To get rid of hair using a razor in different parts of the body, you need to follow simple tips to avoid irritation and ingrown hairs.

Leg shaving first became popular during World War II, when nylon stockings were in short supply, and shaved legs became a trend that remains popular to this day.

In the modern world, women are increasingly getting rid of body hair using wax or laser hair removal, but still, shaving is one of the most common and cheap ways.

How to shave correctly to reduce the occurrence of nicks, cuts and irritation, regardless of the area of ​​shaving.

Tip 8. Don't overdo it, remember that skin is very sensitive. Therefore, if you move a razor blade several times in the same place, redness and inflammation occur. Within 2 days after shaving, stubble appears, and if you start shaving again, red bumps and itching appear. Shave once every 3-4 days.

Tip 9. When shaving, periodically rinse the razor with cold water to remove any remaining hair. You need to rinse it off with cold water, because hot water dulls the blade of the machine.

Tip 10. Exfoliate massage again to completely get rid of dead skin and also prevent ingrown hairs. Sugar can be used as belongings.

Tip 11. Rinse off all remaining hair and gently dry the skin. Moisturize your skin with baby oil or a special aftershave product. Use a tissue to remove any remaining moisturizer.

Tip 12. Baby powder or talc absorbs sweat and moisture from the shaving area, reducing irritation and rashes. BUT be careful not to get the talc or powder on the sensitive skin of your vagina or penis.

Tip 13. No matter how carefully you shave, sometimes lone hairs remain. Use tweezers to remove missing hairs; the pain only lasts a couple of seconds.

About hair direction

The direction of hair growth on the legs is downward, so you should shave from the bottom up. But under the arms you should move the razor in all directions, because hair grows at different angles.

If you shaved your armpits, do not use deodorant immediately after shaving, wait half an hour. Otherwise, the chemical components may cause burns.

Multi-blade razors are more irritating to the skin than single-blade razors. Because the first blades pull hair, not shave.

You should always have first aid supplies on hand in case you cut yourself while shaving.

Regardless of the area you shave, be sure to wash off all traces of your work.

Shaving is the most common and most convenient way to remove excess hair in both men and women. You can shave in different places, you can shave with different razors and in different ways. Here are some basic rules that everyone should follow when shaving.


Part 1

choose a razor

    Disposable razors are convenient and cheap. Of course, it is very difficult to cut yourself with disposable razors, but you still need to shave with them carefully. The only difference between disposable razors for men and women is the design of the handle.

    • These razors are cheap and... disposable. They are bought in bulk and thrown away after 3-5 uses, when the blades become completely unusable.
  1. Multi-blade razors - increased efficiency. Such razors usually come complete with replaceable blade cartridges, but sometimes such razors come entirely in the disposable segment. Different brands and models can differ significantly in ease of use, reliability and efficiency. The more blades, the better the razor shaves in less time.

    Double-edged razors - thoroughness and economy. These razors are experiencing a new peak in popularity among men. And while multi-blade razors are technically safety razors, double-edged razors are what we mean when it comes to safety razors. Such single-blade razors are extremely rare.

    • Buy the razor handle separately. You can find them in many places - and at very different prices. Often, by the way, it is the handle that requires the main cost of a razor, since the blades themselves are quite cheap.
    • Buy double blades for these razors in bulk, especially since they are quite cheap. The blades are inserted into the razor by hand.
    • Double-edged razors usually last about five times. They are cheap, so it is recommended to change them if you shave every day, once a week.
    • Double-edged razors are very sharp and can easily cut you, especially if you're not very good with them yet. It's better to start with safer razors.
  2. Electric razor for dry shaving. Most electric shavers are only suitable for shaving dry skin, and they do not shave as close as blade razors. But you can shave with them, say... while driving! Although this is not recommended, of course.

    • Inexpensive electric shavers are slow because, unlike razors, they do not remove all the hair in an area in one stroke.
    • They may not be as cheap as they seem at first glance - the shaving heads of electric shavers need to be changed from time to time.
    • Some electric shavers can be used on raw skin or with shaving cream. Such razors do not have power cords, have specific markings and... are expensive.
  3. Straight razor - elegance and precision. With the spread of disposable and electric razors, they went out of fashion, because shaving with them requires a lot of experience and skill.

    • Straight razors are probably the sharpest of all (and almost the heaviest). And, most likely, shaving with straight razors will leave maximum cuts on your skin. But in the hands of a true professional from the world of shaving, it is straight razors that will give the highest quality shave.

    Part 2

    before shaving

    Wash your face or the area you are going to shave. This will remove excess oil and dead epithelial cells from the skin, which can interfere with the razor or cause skin irritation or even infection. In addition, washing your face moisturizes the skin, softens it and makes shaving easier.

    • Wash your face before shaving with warm water - it will soften the follicles and help the pores open, giving you a better shave.
    • Try shaving after you shower. If you shave in the morning, shaving after showering will give your hair time to absorb moisture, making shaving easier.
  4. Apply shaving cream to damp face. You should not shave without gel - there is a risk of making a lot of cuts. Remember, the razor should not touch your bare skin - only with the cream as an intermediary. Otherwise, the blade will scratch the skin rather than glide across it.

    • Shaving cream should be applied where you will shave, it will make the hair softer and moisturize the skin. If you are in a hurry, then you can shave with either conditioner or soap (but only if you are in a very hurry).
    • If you are using a shaving brush and whipping the cream until it becomes foamy, squeeze a small drop of cream (about the size of a coin) into a container. Whisk the gel in a circular motion; if necessary, add cold water. Bring the gel to a foam consistency, this will take 2-3 minutes. Using a brush, apply the foam to your face in a circular motion in several layers.
  5. Let the cream remain on your face for 1-2 minutes. Give the shaving cream a couple of minutes and you will notice a difference when shaving. The cream will make your facial hair even softer and more moisturized.

    Part 3

    wet shaving

      Hold the razor correctly. If you're shaving with a multi-blade razor (and you probably are), hold the razor correctly, at about a 30-degree angle to your skin, with the razor head against your skin. Extend your index finger at the top of the razor.

      Shave in the right direction. The first movement is to shave according to the hair growth. Usually it's top to bottom, but not always. If you shave against the direction of hair growth, you will shave a longer hair length, but at the same time, this will be fraught with greater skin irritation. If you often break out, if you often get ingrown hairs, or you just think your face is too pretty to ruin it with skin irritation, shave according to the hair growth. And don't forget about:

      • If you have a lot of facial hair because you haven't shaved in a while, trim your beard before shaving. It is much easier to deal with one or two days of stubble with a razor than with a month-long beard.
      • Everyone has their own hair growth patterns. If you're not sure which direction your hair is growing in, don't shave for a few days and then look at the angles at which your hair grows. ‘’On different parts of the face, hair can grow at different angles’’. So you will have to remember this carefully and move the razor accordingly to shave in the direction of hair growth.
      • It is normal to run the razor over the same area several times. By shaving in the direction of hair growth, you won't shave as much as if you shave against hair growth (however, there will also be less blood). It's completely normal to shave, lather again, and clean up the rest - it won't make you any less masculine or feminine.
      • For a shorter (and safer) shave, move the razor in a sideways motion the second time. If your hair grows downward, move the razor from left to right (or vice versa). This way you will shave shorter, and there will be less irritation than if you shaved against the hair growth.
    1. Rinse your razor from time to time to keep it clean. You want to keep your razor blades clean. So if you think it's time to rinse your razor, go for it.

    2. Let the skin stretch slightly. There is no need to stretch it with all your might, but if you don’t stretch the skin at all, the chance of cutting yourself increases.

      • If you are shaving in your armpits, raise your arms as high as possible to stretch the skin in your armpits. A razor with multiple blades and a rubber strip will help stretch the skin while shaving.
      • Right below the jaw line, many men have a problem area in terms of shaving - there is a contour there. So when you shave there, lift the skin on your cheek upward so that the skin that was under your jaw is now higher. And shave in the direction of hair growth.
    3. Try to avoid the temptation to force shave. There is no need to put pressure on the razor unless it is dull. A sharp razor will provide a clean shave without unnecessary pressure.

      • Yes, under pressure the razor will shave a little shorter - but it will also irritate the skin more.
      • If you press on a razor where the blade is already dull, it will not shave, but rather tear the hair. Instead, try to keep the razor as close to your skin as possible so that the sharp end doesn't snag any more than necessary.

      Part 4

      dry shaving
      1. Use shaving lotion suitable for shaving with electric razors. Since electric shavers work on the principle of cutting rather than shaving, you want the hair to stand straight and not be too strong.

        • Alcohol-based lotions will help remove excess oil from your skin and straighten your hair, making it easier to shave.
      2. Shave your face, moving with or against the direction of hair growth. Unlike razors, when it is difficult to shave against the hair growth, with an electric razor this will not be a problem.

        • If you have a round head razor, move it in small circular motions.
        • Press lightly. There is no need to press the razor into your face unless you want to shave some skin as well. Don't drive it too fast, give the shaving head time to do all the work for you.
        • Shave sensitive areas of your face first. This is due to the fact that the razor will heat up during operation, and this can lead to skin irritation. It's better to shave the sensitive areas first, leaving the difficult ones for later.
