How to make a flower from cotton pads. Cotton pad roses

Flowers are loved by everyone. It's good to give plants in pots. They stand for a long time, they need to be looked after, but the beauty of the plants covers all costs. But cut (dead) flowers bring only fleeting joy. They will stand for two days and go to the trash can ...

My girlfriend loves roses. At the dacha grows many varieties, different shades and sizes. But in winter, she sits at home and can’t wait to meet her favorite plants. One day I decided to please her and gave her a small bouquet of roses. They were both beautiful and durable. Because I formed them from ordinary cotton pads. Roses from cotton pads are very easy to make, you just need patience.

In order to make three small flowers, take the following materials:

- cotton pads (about 32 pieces);

- cotton buds (three pieces);

- a tube of PVA glue.

Separate several cotton pads and take one cotton swab (you can replace it with a wooden skewer). For one rose, you need about 6-8 petals.

Apply glue to the bottom edge of the cotton pad and secure it around the cotton swab - this is the middle of the flower.

Then glue the second petal on top of the first, slightly covering the middle.

The third petal is placed on the opposite side of the second. As shown in the photo.

There are already three petals.

Fourth turn.

So keep gluing until your rosette is lush and voluminous.

Here is such a flower.

Make a few more colors in the same way.

Put them in a vase and decorate your home.

Cotton pads are a fertile material. They are easy to cut, they can be painted in all sorts of colors and fixed with PVA glue on any surface. Roses from cotton pads can be not only white. Paint the discs pink, then your roses will be such a delicate shade. Just remember that it's best to paint before you start. And if you make a frame out of wire, wrap it with green yarn for knitting and glue red roses, then you get a real rose bush of a scarlet hue.

Connect your imagination and you will get original compositions.

From cotton pads, using additional materials, you can make very beautiful flowers with your own hands: callas, snowdrops, roses, daisies. Such a composition can be a wonderful gift, for example, on March 8th. And also with these flowers you can decorate a group in kindergarten for some kind of celebration. Yes, and it can just be a craft for an exhibition or competition.

Do-it-yourself flowers from cotton pads

These step-by-step master classes are intended for children of senior preschool and primary school age, their parents, as well as kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers and teachers of additional education.

Let's first consider, how to make a bouquet beautiful white callas.

Callas from cotton pads

This is a beautiful and very unusual tropical flower. People call it a white sail because it really looks like a sail. And it is also called female happiness. It is believed that if you give a lady such flowers, she will certainly be lucky in her personal life and long-awaited changes for the better.

For that to make a bouquet of callas with our own hands, we will need the following materials and tools:

A step by step guide to making a bouquet

  1. We start the work with take cotton pads and fold them in half.
  2. Now we draw buds on them, such as these flowers should have (if you don’t know how they look, you can find photos on the Internet).
  3. We take scissors and, according to the drawing, we cut out our calla buds from the disks.
  4. Next to us need cotton swabs. Of these, we will make the core of the flowers.
  5. Remove the cotton from one end of each stick.
  6. The other end, on which the cotton wool remains, is dipped in yellow gouache.

Our blanks for the future bouquet of discs are ready.

Now let's take the preparation, made with your own hands from a cotton pad and wrap it around a cotton swab that acts as a stalk. We smear the edges of the disk with glue and connect with each other.

Wrap a cotton swab in green plasticine.

Our bud is ready.

Now let's make leaves for flowers.

To do this, we need to arm ourselves with a stroke and black cardboard.

We draw calla leaves on cardboard with a stroke. Next, using green plasticine, color them. First, we take plasticine in our hands and warm it up. When it has become softer and more pliable, we smear the plasticine inside the contour of the sheet. It is best to start such manipulations from the edge of the leaf, so it will be more convenient to gradually stretch the plasticine towards the middle part.

Using a stack, we make veins on the leaves.

We take a stroke and draw on cardboard under the flowers pot. Color the soil with brown plasticine. Now we attach the buds already prepared before this to the foliage. If your stems turned out to be short, then you can lengthen them with green plasticine.

It remains to make a pot. For this we need white plasticine. We smear it over the silhouette of our pot. Now, as a decor, we fasten the beans.

Our craft is ready.

Now the final touch remains - to arrange the work in a frame.

Bouquet of snowdrops

You can make flowers from cotton pads with your own hands, which are the very first to bloom in spring - this is gentle and cute snowdrops. The principle of operation is similar to that described in the previous section.

Materials and tools

Getting started on the craft, you need first of all make a template, on which we will cut buds from cotton pads. To make them neat, you can find drawings or photos of snowdrops, print, cut and circle.

Flowers are ready. Now to us need to make stems. Just as in the case of callas, we make them from cotton swabs, but our actions will be slightly different. At one end, the cotton wool should be removed. On the second - lift a little up. We wrap the stick itself with green plasticine.

We cut each bud in the middle part. In these cuts you need to insert the stems. To make our snowdrop strong, we glue green plasticine over the junction of the bud with the stem. That is, in other words, we make a pedicel.

The heart of a snowdrop should be blue. We decorate it with plasticine of the appropriate shade. Now we attach the leaves.

Next, we make a vase for the bouquet with our own hands. A round jar of cream is ideal for her role. Decorate the vase with a bow. To do this, glue a small ribbon around its circumference. We leave the ends free and tie a neat bow out of them. We attach a bead to it.

Glue plasticine to the bottom of our vase. We will insert our snowdrops into it.

When everything is ready, it remains only to put cotton wool in a vase under the flowers. So the impression of a snowdrift will be created snow through which our spring flowers break through. Now you can send our craft to the exhibition or give it as a gift.

Do-it-yourself daisies from cotton pads

Another wonderful flowers that you can make with your own hands from cotton pads are chamomile. such crafts can be presented, for example, on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, the symbol of which are these field beauties.

Materials and tools

To make a charming card with daisies from cotton pads, we need:

  • Plasticine.
  • Colored paper.
  • Cotton discs.
  • PVA glue.
  • Simple pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Colored cardboard.

Making daisies

Take half a sheet of cardboard. Draw an oval on it with a pencil. Then we cut out what we drew.

Now we will make stems and leaves. For this we need green paper. Leaves are better to make voluminous. To do this, you just need to bend them in half, then unbend and leave in a half-bent state.

We take a sheet of cardboard and glue our stems and leaves to it.

If you are afraid that you will not do it neatly or you will cut off something superfluous, then draw lines on the disks with a ballpoint pen, along which it will be convenient to cut the flowers.

As you know, daisies have a yellow center. So that our flowers also have this, we sculpt from yellow plasticine balls. We glue them to our buds.

At the end of the work, we attach the petals to the stems.

Our craft is ready.

To make daisies look more impressive, decorate them with a frame that can be made from anything - plasticine, beans, origami, in general, which is enough for imagination.


A little more difficult work for you if you want. make your own roses. They have a bud, the manufacture of which will have to work harder. These do-it-yourself flowers made from cotton pads will look like living ones and will definitely please the gifted lady.

Materials and tools

For making roses you will need:

  • Scissors.
  • Cotton discs.
  • Corrugated green paper.
  • Gouache.
  • Skewers.
  • Foam sponge.
  • PVA glue.

rose making

We start the product with, which we glue to several (depending on how many flowers you plan to include in your bouquet) cotton skewers. An approximate photo of how to do this can be found on needlework sites.

Now spread a little glue on the edges of the disks and connect these edges. We will get a button similar to calla, but more closed.

Now take another cotton pad and glue it to the one attached to the skewer. As a result, we should have 6-7 cotton pads glued on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern.

To make the craft look like real roses, need to make sepals. This work is easy. We take corrugated green paper and cut out a figure resembling a fence from it.

Then we spread it with glue and wrap it around the bottom of our bud.

Next to us need to make a stem for a rose. To do this, take corrugated paper and cut a strip out of it. The strip should be narrow. We coat it with glue and wind it in a spiral onto a skewer. We also fix the tip with glue.

From the same corrugated paper cut out the leaves for our flowers. Cut them out and glue them to the stems.

The craft is ready.

Now you know how to make flowers from cotton pads easily and at no extra cost.

Cotton pad fakes

You can make a lot of crafts from cotton pads with your own hands, including topiary. More than one master class teaches how to turn white soft circles into delicate flower buds, and where to adapt these buds later.

Cotton pads are inexpensive, buying them is not a problem, but there are a lot of ideas what else they can be turned into. With your own hands, you can crush, bend, twist discs to understand what they can turn into. In most cases, a master class is not needed - the discs themselves twist into a flower.

Such a roll-button can be supplemented with a bead, or rhinestones, or a core that is cut out of corrugated paper.

Just try to wind more of these flowers, figure out what to make the core of. You can watch some master class, taking the idea from there. Inside a flower made of cotton pads, a candy, a button, glass beads or sequins can be hidden.

Perhaps just a small mother-of-pearl bead sewn into a bud will be the best decoration. And you can use not just a bead, but a hairpin with a bead. In this case, you will insert hairpins into the foam ball.

Cotton pad rose (video)

Topiary from cotton pads: instructions step by step

Suppose the buds are ready. By the way, there is a good alternative to them - to make roses with your own hands from several discs. That is, if a bud with a bead is one disk, then such a rose is made up of several circles at once.

  • Start making a crown. You will need a base ball, conditionally it will be a foam ball, which you can buy at a needlework store. This ball can be left white, and flowers from cotton pads will be fixed on it.
  • Set aside a hole in the workpiece where the trunk of the tree will be threaded. If it’s easier for you to work like this, then you can put the barrel on the finished crown, or you can immediately fix the barrel in the ball with hot glue.
  • Glue flowers from cotton circles very carefully, the material is delicate and easily soiled. It is better to glue it from top to bottom, avoiding voids.
  • Next, when the crown is ready, decorate the trunk. Usually bleached twine, white satin ribbon or lace ribbon is used.
  • Now the tree needs to be “planted” in a pot to make a real topiary. Take either a ready-made flowerpot, or any container that can be decorated. Pour gypsum mortar into it, and evenly plant a tree there. Wait for it to dry.

The top layer of plaster can be decorated with the same discs, making waves or small cotton balls out of them.

A quick way to make a topiary from cotton pads (photo MK step by step)

Making a pot for topiary

Further, any master class can be taken as a basis. Beginners can make a fairly simple decor - for example, tie a container with burlap, then tie it again with a thin lace ribbon, and on top with a very thin satin ribbon. The finishing touch is mother-of-pearl beads or buttons.

There is another way to decorate, more complex. To do this, you will need a smooth pot. More than one viewed master class on decoupage technique will come in handy. With light napkins, with an interesting, soft print, you paste over the pot, complementing with other cut-out pictures. A few coats of varnish will complete the job.

Or you can simply wrap the flowerpot with delicate corrugated paper, securing it on top in a circle with a snow-white satin ribbon.

Do-it-yourself topiary from cotton pads (video master class)

How else to use cotton pads

From a cotton pad, you can make simple but cute daisies. The master class comes down to just a couple of steps - straighten one disk, make cuts in a circle to form petals. And inside such a chamomile, stick a yellow felt core. Even a child can make a topiary with such daisies with his own hands.

But what else are cotton pads capable of:

  • Fold five circles in one place, making a corner, and connect with beads to make a flower of five large petals;
  • It will be beautiful to paint the edges of the flowers, as if to emphasize the edges of the petals, ordinary watercolors will cope with this task;
  • You can simply cut cotton pads into several pieces, these lumps that look like snow, or lamb curls, can also be used in crafts, and topiaries are no exception.

Of course, discs can also be painted, moreover, in natural ways - tea leaves, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, etc. But they are beautiful on their own, soft white circles, warm and tender.

Crafts from cotton pads: Christmas tree (video master class)

As you can see, literally everything today can be turned from everyday life into creativity. And even simple cotton pads can turn into the most delicate flowers that you just want to touch. Try to decorate your tree of happiness with such a soft crown.

Topiary from cotton pads (photo)

Any craft made by hand looks very original and unusual. She keeps the warmth of the author's soul. The hand-made style is popular in various areas of creative activity. If you are looking for new ideas for souvenirs, such as a gift for your mother or girlfriend for March 8, use the recommendations below. Make a flower out of cotton pads. It looks unusual and at the same time beautiful and stylish.

Tools and materials

To create such a gift, you do not need something special and expensive. Perhaps you have everything you need at home, you just do not know how it can be used for decorative purposes.

Look at the photo. Flowers from cotton pads (calla, roses) look so natural that they can become a worthy decoration of the room. To make them you need the following:

  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • paints, brushes;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • starch;
  • plasticine;
  • threads;
  • wire;
  • tapes;
  • beads or other decor (peas, beans);
  • paper, cardboard;
  • fabric leaves (optional)

In fact, this is the maximum list, and what will be needed in your case is determined by the type of craft itself, its complexity and manufacturing method.

Work principles

With your own hands, you can make one flower or a whole composition: an appliqué or a voluminous bouquet. The source material is used white or painted in any color, drawing veins on the petals and making transitions of several shades.

The middle of the flowers and stems are made from cotton swabs dipped into the paint. Beads and wire frame are also used. To give a green tint to the stem, wrapping with colored stripes and applying plasticine are used. Leaves can be cut from cotton pads, fabric, made from salt dough, or taken from artificial flowers.

Cotton pads are easy to work with. They can be bent, folded, cut to the desired shape. Before starting the process, the material can be processed in starch. To connect the parts of the flower, its elements use threads, wire, a thermal gun or PVA glue.

rims: flowers
(children's creativity)

This option is suitable as a lesson in making a gift for mom. Children can make daisies, snowdrops or just abstract flowers.

The work will be as follows:

  1. Take the base (colored cardboard, paper, plastic). It is better to apply the contours of the future bouquet on it.
  2. Make leaves and stems from plasticine.
  3. To make snowdrop petals, it is better to make a stencil out of cardboard and cut out the required number of flowers from cotton pads. So, they will all be the same and neat. Chamomile is even easier to do. Enough incisions in a circle of a cotton pad.
  4. The middle can be made from a cotton swab, the head of which is painted with gouache, and the base is smeared with plasticine. The same can be done with beads and wire.
  5. In the cotton pad of petals, make a slot for a cotton swab and insert it there.
  6. Collect all the elements on the basis. As a decor, create a pot or vase made of beans, beads, sequins, plasticine.

Original craft: flowers from cotton pads

Older children can easily cope with the volumetric composition. They know a greater number of flowers and will be able to make petals of complex shape. In such a bouquet of cotton pads can be:

  • callas;
  • poppies;
  • daffodils;
  • roses;
  • viola (pansies);
  • lilies.

You can make a bouquet from one species or combine several. For voluminous crafts, you will need a vase or pot. It is easy to make it using the papier-mâché technique or use an unnecessary container, for example, a jar of cream. All other principles of operation correspond to those presented above.


This cotton pad flower is made as follows:

  1. Color the cotton swab yellow.
  2. Fold the white circle into a flower shape. You can pre-cut it by making a sharpening.
  3. Connect the stick with the blank from the disk. Using thread or wire, fasten them together.
  4. Wrap the stalk with green tape or cover with plasticine.
  5. Leaves and decor do at your discretion.


Cotton pad flowers can look very natural. The main thing is to try to imitate the shape of the petals of the selected plant.

Naturalness and gives the appropriate shade. Unpainted cotton pads are also suitable for roses. It will take more time, patience and the blank circles themselves. In this case, it is better to connect them with a thermal gun. Sepals can be made from fabric, thin decorative paper, or satin ribbons.


To make such a flower from cotton pads, you will first need to paint them in the appropriate colors. As samples, take pictures with realistic images. To create a shape, you will have to cut the material. This is best done after joining the petals into a blank.


This cotton pad flower looks very beautiful and natural. To make it, you will need several white circles, a sample of a photorealistic image, long strips of green paper to create leaves. Plasticine in this case is not suitable. It will be difficult to make a lanceolate elongated volumetric shape of small thickness out of it.


This is another original and fashionable souvenir that can be made from cotton pads. It is a ball on a stick in a pot and imitates the shape of a decoratively trimmed bonsai. A ball is taken as the basis, a sphere made of papier-mâché. Flowers made from cotton pads are glued to it. They can be made by simply twisting white circles in the form of cones, connecting several pieces, or taking calla as a sample, but making it not from one disk, but from several, stacked one on top of the other.

Another option is to make a lot of roses and stick them on the surface of the ball. Discs can be pre-painted. Choose additional decor as you wish.

As you can see, it is not difficult to make from ordinary cotton pads. Such an activity can be a great option for children's creativity or a family hobby. Try to make any option you like. You will definitely be satisfied with the result of your work.

You won’t even think that such beautiful crafts can be created from such a simple material as cotton pads. Consider the creation techniques cotton pad roses and then you can fantasize.

Preparing cotton pads to create a rose

1) Soak cotton pads in potato starch (cook it over low heat until it thickens at the rate of about 1 tablespoon per glass of water). Soak and squeeze a little. We paint with paints in the desired color. When they dry, we give the desired shape with our hands and with the help of scissors. Thanks to the starch, they keep their shape perfectly. You can fasten it with a stapler or thread, folding the disk several times and fixing it at the bottom. This way you can merge multiple disks.

2) An option for creating flowers without starch - we use glue. Cut the disk in half. We roll the half, smeared with glue, into a tube, with each next half we wrap the previous tube to the desired volume. We paint (optionally) a ready-made flower. With this option, the flowers are fluffier.

3) Option to create a rose from cotton pads without starch. We use cotton pads completely in this embodiment. Glue them together with a glue gun.

MK. Cotton pad roses

Having considered all the options for preparing cotton pads, we will focus on the simplest. We use whole disks without any preparation. The first disk was twisted into a tube and glued. Each subsequent glue on the previous one.

Thus, we glue several cotton pads on top of each other.

The result is a flower. Carefully bend the rose petals outward. Cotton pads easily take the shape you need.

Just below the middle, we tie the bud with a thread so that the bud remains tight.

We find a suitable vase or planter. Decorate it if you wish.

We glue the buds alternately along the edges of the pots or vases. In this case, three roses are equidistantly glued to the sides of the wooden object we like.

To decorate the composition, take a skein of thread, preferably synthetic, and put it in the middle, under the buds

Leaves for the flower are cut out of colored paper and glued to the bottom of the bud. You can take artificial ones and glue them with a glue gun.

The final touch will be gluing bright beads to the buds. A bouquet of roses, elegantly presented is ready.

If you have any questions, carefully watch the video, from which you will learn a step-by-step plan on how to make flowers from cotton pads with your own hands.
