How to make the energy at home positive. We create positive energy in the house

The atmosphere and energy of our home is extremely important. No wonder they say that "houses and walls help" or "my house is my fortress." We must definitely take care of our home, fill it with positive energy, protect, clean and care for it.

Often we do something without thinking that interferes with the flow of positive energy into our home. It seems to be banal trifles, due to which, however, in our house there is an accumulation of negative energy, which depresses us and spoils our mood and health. If you want, then follow some rules.

Positive energy in the house: how to attract

1. The door to the toilet should always be closed, as the toilet room is considered a dirty place from which unfavorable energy can spread throughout the house. The toilet lid should also be closed, it is necessary to make it a habit to close it constantly. It is not very good if the toilet is combined with the bathroom, in this case the bathroom curtain will help to correct the situation (it is desirable that it is always closed). The bathroom and toilet should be perfectly clean, plumbing should also be in excellent condition. No leaking and dripping faucets so that money and well-being do not leave (leak) your home.

3. The dishes must be of good quality and in excellent condition, without cracks or chips. It is impossible to eat from broken or cracked dishes, since food from it is considered energetically unfavorable. Sometimes it is a pity to throw away some cup or plate, as it is from the service or it is someone's gift, but this must be done. The more damaged things in your house, the less favorable energy enters it.

4. Do not store mountains of garbage in the apartment. Throw it out every day before sunset and try not to leave it overnight. People who rarely take out the trash are more likely to feel tired and sick.

5. Get special rags for mopping and do not mop the floor with old pants or t-shirts. Many people use old things just for this. But it is important to understand that things absorb our energy, that is, a thing becomes identical to a person, and he washes the floor with it and, it turns out, that he collects all the dirt on himself. All the negative energy that a person wants to wash away gets back to him. Therefore, wash the floor with special rags, now the store is full of them. Many people buy various means for cleaning, cleaning and washing dishes, spending a lot of money on it, but at the same time they feel sorry for the money for a floor rag.

By the way, I realized a long time ago that it is quite possible to do without all these expensive miracle remedies, and save your health. Take even means for washing. After washing with these products, the dishes must be rinsed at least 10 times to wash them off completely. But before, our grandmothers and mothers somehow managed without them, washed dishes with mustard and soda or laundry soap, and at the same time the dishes creaked from cleanliness. The bath was also cleaned with soda, and the toilet with vinegar. So, we can do without some funds now.

These are just little things, but with their help you can really change your life for the better and attract positive energy into your home. Get in the habit of keeping your house clean, closing the toilet lid, and throwing out broken or damaged items. Everything is simple, and the result is an influx of favorable energy into your home, and, as a result, an improvement in your health and quality of life!

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Order improves our lives

Our house reflects the state of our energy at the moment. If a person has an excess of energy, then a mess reigns in the house, which takes away the excess energy, the person comes to his senses and puts things in order. If a person has low own energy, then he tries to increase it with the help of order in the house. When there is order, cleanliness, beautiful things and flowers in the house, the house radiates positive energy into the space. I want to go into such a house once again, it is pleasant to be in it.

Researchers have found that people with low self-energy react most strongly to the mess in the house, because such a house, as it were, sucks away even small forces. Creative personalities are most indifferent to disorder - they always have a lot of energy, and the energy of creativity is constantly “pumped” through the body. Many of them perfectly tolerate chaos in their home, and some cannot even create without it. It is useful for such people to give away excess energy, which is probably why they arrange a rout at home from time to time - in order to dump excess energy and not “burn out”. A creative person is a person who constantly draws huge amounts of energy from the environment, so for such people it is even good when part of the energy is removed.

People with powerful energy are also indifferent to disorder - they do not even notice those small doses of energy that they gave away - their body quickly replenishes energy to its previous level.

And on the contrary, people in a state of stress, when the energy of the body drops sharply, endure the mess in the house very hard. In this case, it is useful to start putting things in order in the house - physical work helps to relieve stress, and the put in order “raises” the energy. If no action is taken in such a situation, then the state of stress will turn into depression, the mess in the house will fuel the depressive state. A person will not have the physical and emotional strength to change something, and depression will develop, dragging him deeper and deeper. The easiest way out is to ask someone to clean your house, then the positive energy of the house will be restored and the normal energy of the body will gradually be restored.

Sometimes, on the contrary, under stress, the energy of the body rises, and in order to remove its excess, it is useful to make a mess in the house. It is not for nothing that a person in a strong irritation begins to scatter everything - this is how he is freed from excess energy, which can damage the body and lead to diseases.

For sick people and people over fifty, order in the house is more important than for children and young people, who often have an excess of energy.

Disorder for a long time can turn a weakened person into a chronically ill person, constantly taking away part of his energy.

For example:

The linens are in disarray in the closet. Energetics of a cabinet with a closed door -3 AU; energy of a cabinet with an open door -3 u.

In the closet, linens are neatly stacked on shelves, sheets lie with sheets, duvet covers lie with duvet covers. Energetics of a cabinet with a closed door +4 AU, energy of a cabinet with an open door +4 AU.

CDs stacked neatly on a computer desk shelf. Shelf Energy +4 CU If you fold the disks inaccurately, at random, then the energy of the shelf immediately changes and becomes -5 AU.

A shelf that has not been dusted for several days -3 AU. After the dust was wiped off with a dry rag, the energy rose to +2 fu. After the shelf was wiped with a damp cloth, the energy rose to +5 AU.

Dusty sideboard glass - energy -4 u. After the dust was wiped off with a dry rag, the energy rose to +3 AU. The glass was washed, and the energy rose to +10 CU.

Window glass has not been washed for three months - energy -7 AU. The glass was washed, the energy rose to +10 CU. (Measurements were taken in winter in sunny weather.)

The painted plank floor before cleaning had an energy of -5 AU. The painted floor is swept - the energy has risen to +2 units. Painted floor, wet cleaning (wiped with a damp cloth on a mop) - energy rose to +7 AU.

Linoleum before harvesting had an energy of -7 u. Sweep - energy +1 pu After wet cleaning, I acquired +2 energy units.

Linoleum quickly acquires negative energies and retains them for a long time; the linoleum floor must be swept and wiped with a damp cloth daily. In this case, cleaning increases its energy up to +12 units.

Why is it customary to wipe the surface of the table with a cloth napkin? In connection with this interesting question, such an experiment was carried out - various tables were wiped with a cloth and paper napkin. Very interesting results were obtained:

Tabletops had energy from +4 to +6 fu. After wiping with a paper napkin, the energy of the countertop dropped to -3 or -4 fu. If a cloth napkin was used, then the energy of the countertop increased from +6 to +8 fu.

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Photo: Eugene Sergeev/

Home is the place where we return to rest. This is a corner that welcomes us with warmth and comfort. But it happens that the house ceases to please, that you suddenly don’t want to come there and, at the first opportunity, you want to run away.

My friend Olya lived in a nice apartment. It was a quiet and cozy area, where there was a lot of greenery, a beautiful square and a very well-maintained courtyard. Everything went well, she loved this place. But one day she realized that she didn’t want to go back there anymore. In this house she lived with her beloved, and then they. For several months it was impossible to leave, which greatly burdened the common existence. And when he finally left, this place became empty.

Olya put the apartment up for sale in order to successfully. She decided that this would be the most convenient and acceptable option, but the apartment was not sold for more than a year. The girl almost despaired, not knowing what to do. She had already begun to avoid this place, often staying overnight with friends, not spending her free time at home. It seemed to her that this place was taking away energy, that it had become dangerous to be there.

Energy at home

All events that take place in the apartment are reflected in the atmosphere, affect the energy. Olya's apartment was cozy as long as love and care reigned in it. But the feelings of parting, the imprints of quarrels made her different. Any negative emotions brought into the room get stuck in it for a long time. And then a person finds himself in this environment, which leads to depression.

Psychologists and esotericists recommend not bringing supersenses into your space. No need to swear at home or, conversely, be too happy. The calmer your feelings are, the more comfortable the house will become. It is better to leave it to other spaces so as not to litter your atmosphere.

Everything that is in the house, people absorb into themselves. They are exposed during sleep when they are resting. And it can cause nightmares. They absorb energy along with food, which also changes the human field. And even very good emotions can hurt, because they are too strong, which means that they can be followed by a very unpleasant mood swing, which is also undesirable.

Olya survived the separation within her walls. She had claims to the former, she was very worried about parting. All this gradually accumulated in the corners of the house and became very oppressive. And this place was also a reminder of what happened, and this prevented the arrival of something new.

How to clean your apartment

The most common way to clean an apartment is to call a priest or magician. Almost all religions and esoteric organizations offer such services. For a fee, a person will come and remove all the negativity that exists. This method is effective, but not always it helps 100%. Sometimes the negative does not go away completely or quickly returns to the house.

To remove unnecessary experiences, you need to determine what delays them. All old things are capable of retaining energy, do not allow it to circulate, and therefore disrupt the energy balance. It is especially bad to store broken or torn items. Even after restoration, they are not “whole”, which is very bad.

Separately, it can be said about antiques. These things are old, sometimes restored, but they are usually placed on pedestals and are not used in everyday life. They create beauty. If the thing is used, it must be free of defects. Take a look around, are there any things in the room that are still left from parents or grandparents?

There was old furniture in Olya's apartment. She was good-natured, Soviet. To make it look decent, it was once restored. But all these subjects were closely connected with the former. They ate on armchairs, fell asleep on the sofa while watching movies, and the bed was their love bed. All these objects absorbed their feelings, and then were overshadowed by the bitterness of separation. To clean the apartment, the girl had to throw it all away.

In fact, the fewer things in space, the better. Free areas cannot interfere with the correct flow of energy, do not delay unnecessary experiences. Therefore, it is worth reducing the amount of furniture to a minimum, throwing out unnecessary things, and also getting rid of a bunch of figurines or candles that no longer decorate the interior.

It is also worth sorting out cabinets to throw out everything that has not been used for more than a year. If things accumulate, then they do not allow something new to come. Be sure that if you have not worn a dress for more than a year, then the likelihood that you will need it is very small. Don't feel sorry for it, give it to someone. Let the people in the shelter rejoice at such a gift, let the rubbish be replaced by gratitude from those who need these things.

Don't keep papers. Let go of what is holding you back from moving forward in life. You are unlikely to need various notes, letters, documents if you have not remembered them for more than two years. Throw out what you do not need, clean up places where energy can stagnate.

Additions to the interior

To make the energy in the apartment positive, grow plants. They not only absorb carbon dioxide, but also carry positive emotions. Let it be flowers, not cacti, to delight you with its beauty.

Choose light colors for interiors. There is more negativity in dark rooms than in light ones. Today, even the shadow side can be made bright and very cozy, it is only important to choose the right colors and lighting.

Let good music sound in the house. Bell ringing, for example, banishes all entities. At least once a month, turn on such sounds for half an hour to refresh the energy in the room.

Light candles or aroma lamps. Candles, fire are able to burn everything that was created in space. They are especially necessary if there are frequent quarrels in the family. Just remember the scents, burn incense or incense to freshen up your home.

Read prayers. There are many different prayers that help the house. These may not be specially memorized words, but simply an appeal from oneself to higher powers about cleansing the home. It is advisable to repeat them regularly.

Clearing an apartment of negativity is not at all difficult. It is important to start with a huge cleaning, which will help to get rid of everything superfluous. And then it will only be necessary to maintain the state and not bring negativity into the house.

Each house, regardless of whether we believe in things that we cannot touch, or do not believe, has its own energy. Bad energy brings problems to the house, scandals arise for no apparent reason, households quarrel “from scratch”, which often ends in divorce. In a house with negative energy, financial resources do not accumulate, household appliances break down, wiring burns, pipes leak. Bad energy housing brings fatigue, irritability and a constant series of illnesses and misfortunes.

What signs indicate that something is wrong with the energy, when is it time to worry?

  • You, missing home, by any means delay the moment of returning home, you intuitively do not want to return there. The impossibility of finding a comfortable and quiet place, in the house or in some particular room, where the family feels restless, tired, and it is there that all quarrels arise. A good indicator of a “bad room” is pets, they never enter it on their own, and when you bring them in, they behave strangely and run away from there at the first opportunity. It is impossible to sleep in a house with negative energy, the dream is disturbing, a person wakes up tired and broken, dreams are heavy and scary.
  • Diseases haunt you, both people and animals get sick, sometimes this situation is not limited to one apartment and extends to neighbors. People associated with "bad" housing are haunted by accidents, suicides are repeated.
  • Inexplicable things happen, objects get lost or are in places where no one put them, drafts appear for no apparent reason, doors close and open, the floor creaks in an empty room, water flows from taps, light bulbs constantly burn out, batteries run out and clocks stop. Problems with household appliances, breakdowns or random switching on and off, frequent manifestations of audio and video signal interference. Extraneous odors appear in rooms with heavy energy, the temperature is lower than in other rooms, insects appear and disappear, flowers wither and knocks, noises and rattles are heard.

The energy in the house can deteriorate after the death of a tenant or after visiting people who are negative towards you. A bad place where a house is built also affects the energy, old cemeteries or places of active hostilities. We may not understand anything in subtle energy matters, but if in your house you observe not one or two, but a whole set of inexplicable incidents, it is quite dangerous and presumptuous to ignore them. But it is also impossible to see something otherworldly in every rustle, because many events have a completely logical explanation and a material reason.

How can we improve the energy in our home?

Let's calm down, the appearance of foreign energy in the house, from one light or another, is a rather rare occurrence, it cannot be done without the help of a specialist, basically the energy in the house deteriorates due to the fault of the household itself, this is an accumulation of negative emotions, old things, chipped or glued dishes , cracked or foreign mirrors.

What are the best things to keep at home?

  • the thing presented to you causes unpleasant emotions, you do not find a place for it, it annoys you. Don't be afraid to offend the donor, it's not you, it's not his fault, it's just that this thing doesn't suit you, get rid of it and that's it.
  • all old things carry the energy of the former owner, and this energy may not be suitable for yours, so you don’t need to keep great-grandmother’s cups and vases, buy things from your hands. Figurines and gods brought from exotic countries, with incomprehensible symbols, purpose and history, can also harm your home. It is not advisable to keep things at home that evoke bad memories and are associated with a difficult period in your life. Before purchasing any antique item, it is advisable to find out its history and events in the life of its former owners; specimens with “notoriety” cannot be stored in residential premises.
  • get rid of pictures with people or animals whose eyes bother you and cause discomfort. You should not tolerate portraits of relatives, even respecting them and the history of the family, you are not obliged to live under their gaze of an aunt or uncle, with all due respect, alarming portraits are better hidden.

    Ways of energy cleansing of housing:

    1. The first thing to do is to clean your energy, remove all the negativity from yourself, naturally, salt and water are best suited for this, water conducts energy flows perfectly, and salt actively absorbs negativity. A shower with salt is an absolutely safe procedure, salt will save you both from dirty energy, both during the day, and accumulated over the years.

      Such a shower is taken at your discretion, but preferably at least once a quarter. In order to clean the energy and not damage a very real body, the salt must be ground in a coffee grinder to the state of flour or talc, this will not affect the structure of the salt, but it will save you from scratches. After applying salt flour to a wet washcloth, with gentle movements, begin to wipe the body from top to bottom, mentally listing all the negativity and diseases that you want to get rid of.

      Rinse your hair with salt diluted in water. After cleansing with salt, stand under a warm shower, a bath is not suitable, since the water must be running. Standing under jets of water, mentally ask the water to heal you, saturate the body with vitality and healthy energy. You have repeatedly felt relief and lightness after ordinary water procedures, so it is easy for you to imagine all the benefits of a relaxing, with elements of meditation and spiritual reflection, salt procedure.

    2. Energy cleansing of the home is carried out at least once every six months, it is advisable to be in the house alone, it is better to go for a walk at home and not disturb you. Dress in clothes made from natural materials, remove all jewelry, provide yourself with the most neutral energy. Before cleaning, organize maximum ventilation, do not be afraid of drafts, let the air currents remove negativity from the house and renew energy. Walking through the rooms, inspect your things, collect those that you do not use, that lie motionless, litter your house, because in such things that are not in demand, energy stagnates and collects negativity. Leave without regrets, collecting things, books and magazines in bags, wish the future owners well.

      By freeing the apartment from unnecessary things, you free up space for the appearance of the necessary. Examine carefully all your dishes, select those that are chipped, cracked and covered with indelible dark spots, everyone knows the sign that broken dishes bring a split into the family, withdraw financial flows and accumulate energy dirt. Nothing happens just like that, all signs and prejudices are based on long-term observations, comparison of facts, and repeated coincidences usually take the form of a pattern. Therefore, it is not worth risking the well-being of the family for the sake of preserving, albeit beloved, but a cracked cup. Next, proceed to cleaning the mirrors, because the mirrors accumulate in themselves all the negative energy reflected in them. It is not difficult to clean the mirror, for this it is enough to wipe the mirror, in a circular motion at the edge, clockwise, with a clean cloth dipped in sacred or baptismal water. The number of circles depends on the number of years of a given mirror, old mirrors are circled thirty times. They sprinkle all the corners in the rooms with consecrated water, mentally ask the negative energy to leave, as a talisman, they put St. John's wort, heather and thistle inflorescences in the corners. A room in which you are especially uncomfortable can be fumigated with these herbs, the twigs are set on fire and extinguished, the corners are treated with smoke and the circle is clockwise, but do not forget to be careful, the fire will definitely not bring you happiness. Everyone knows about the cleansing energy of fire, especially if the candles are church, so many people walk around the corners of the apartment with a lit candle. The more often you light ordinary candles in the house, the more open fire cleans your home.

      In order to prevent negative energy from entering the house, you can sprinkle salt under the threshold of the front door and around the windows. After cleaning the house, throw all the garbage in an outdoor container, do a wet cleaning and take a cleansing shower. An obvious indicator of bad energy in the house is an ordinary white candle, if it smokes and leaves black, dirty wax on the candlestick, you need to take care of the energy cleanliness of the room.

    Whether you believe or not in otherworldly forces and energies, you must agree that wet cleaning, regular airing, the absence of broken, broken and unnecessary things have not damaged a single house, and if, by carrying out physical cleaning, we clean the aura of the house, then this just a plus for us. Good luck, prosperity and peace to your home.

  • Good day, my friends!

    After you have completed the full-fledged, which we talked about in the previous article, it is very good to conduct an absolutely magnificent ritual to revitalize and activate the energy of your home. I have performed this ritual many times and just love it! It is very simple, but absolutely magical! Not only does it really cool revive the energy of the house (which is expressed in various interesting events that suddenly begin to happen in your life), it also so clearly shows that the energies around us are not something ephemeral and from the series “Is there , or not”, but the most real reality!

    Energy at home and the sound of a bell

    When I performed this ritual for the first time, I was so surprised that I constantly called my mother to testify that it does not seem to me, but all this is really happening.

    So, for this ritual, you will need a regular bell. You can take any, the main thing is that it rings and has a loud and sonorous "voice". Check how it rings and proceed to the ritual itself. Here, almost the same thing is required of you as in the candle ritual - go around your entire house, ringing all its nooks and crannies with a bell.

    Ring the bell constantly, without interruption, ringing every corner, every place where energy can stagnate. When I did this ritual, I climbed everywhere - I rang all the shelves in the cabinets, the space above the cabinet (I climbed onto the ladder), climbed down on the mezzanine, under the table, behind the cabinets, etc. and so on. I even rang the drawers of my desk!

    Ringing the bell, listen to its sound. And you will clearly notice that in places of energy stagnation, the sound of the bell becomes dull and quieter. It's perfectly audible! This is what struck me so much when I did the ritual for the first time. I thought I did. But my mother, whom I called to listen to this phenomenon, also heard it!

    Once you find a place where the sound of the bell changes, ring it until the sound is the same. You will also hear this clearly. This is also an absolutely amazing phenomenon. Here you are ringing a bell in the same place, without moving your hand anywhere, and gradually its sound from deaf and quiet becomes more and more loud and melodic!

    Ring all places with stagnant energy in this way, ensuring that the sound of the bell becomes correct. What places to pay attention to? Yes, all the same - hard to reach, where we rarely look - under the table, behind the cabinets, in the corners, etc. After this ritual, the energy of the house is perfectly revived!

    What else has a beneficial effect on the energies in the house?

    Naturally, each sector of the house has its own energies, and they also need to be influenced in different ways. But there is something that revitalizes energy in any sector. First, it's light. Various light sources have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of the house. Stagnant energy loves dark and quiet corners. Therefore, it is very useful to periodically turn on all the light sources available in the house. And in summer, in sunny weather, open the windows and let the living sunlight into the house!

    Secondly, “wind music” harmonizes the energy very well. It attracts good energy and dissipates bad energy. Of course, you need to know in which sector which "wind music" is better to hang in order for it to bring maximum benefit. After all, the "music of the wind" are different! We have a huge “wind music” hanging in the hallway at home, which has such a gentle and pleasant sound that all our guests are delighted with it!

    Well, another one of the most powerful energy activators in the house is fresh flowers! If you urgently need to attract energy to some sector of the house in order to activate the corresponding area of ​​your life, put a bouquet of fresh flowers there! But it is important to remember one thing - flowers activate energy only while they are fresh and alive. As soon as the first signs of wilting appear, the flowers must be urgently changed to new ones. Withering flowers carry very bad energy. Therefore, do not leave half-living bouquets in vases - they negatively affect the atmosphere in your home.

    Well, my friends, we have cleared the space, enlivened and “invigorated” the energies. Further it will be even more interesting!

    In the meantime, let's summarize how to prepare your home for working with it in Feng Shui:

    • dismantle the rubble;
    • do a general cleaning with furniture moving away and laundering everything and everywhere;
    • cleanse the energy of the house with salt;
    • do a ritual with a candle to “burn out” negative energy;
    • ring the whole space of the house with a bell.

    See you in the next articles!

    Your Catherine :)

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