How to make an even square. Women's bob haircut for lengthening

The demand for bob haircuts is gaining momentum! Not the last reason for the popularity of hairstyles is the variety of styling. Curls and curls, parting and side parting, carelessness and elegance - choose to your taste.

Straight parting for caret

Laying on a square with a short and straight parting is not suitable for everyone. Only girls with the perfect face shape and regular features can allow such a stylish styling. Otherwise, the hairstyle will emphasize imperfections. Another important point is the optimal volume. With insufficient volume, the impression of dirty hair is created. If there is too much of it, the appearance will turn out to be puppet. Therefore, you need to find a golden mean.

  1. Wash your hair and dry.
  2. Apply a smoothing spray, serum or shine product to your hair.
  3. With a hair dryer and a large round brush, twist each strand in a downward direction. If desired, the tips can look up. Start styling from the back of the head and gradually move towards the temples.
  4. Lift the hair at the top of your head with the brush.
  5. If necessary, fix the result with varnish.

Side parting for caret

Don't know how to lay a square at home? Make a side part! This is a universal way, which is rightfully considered the most beautiful and successful. The main advantage of the hairstyle is its ability to very skillfully cover the asymmetry of the face. And by tucking a strand behind your ear, you can make the image more casual.

  1. Wash your hair and dry.
  2. Apply a smoothing spray, mousse, serum, foam or shine product to your hair. It will be easier to work with them.
  3. Arm yourself with an iron, hair dryer and comb.
  4. Divide the hair into equal strands and secure them with clips so that they do not interfere.
  5. Walk the iron through each strand, pulling or twisting the ends. A very interesting way is in which one part is twisted inward, and the second outward.

Zigzag parting for a caret

For thin sparse hair that needs volume, a zigzag parting is ideal.

  1. Wash your hair and dry.
  2. Apply a volumizing agent (foam, powder or spray) to your hair.
  3. Comb all hair to one side and dry with a hot hair dryer.
  4. Tilt your head forward and straighten back sharply.
  5. With a comb with a sharp end, create an arbitrary parting. It should at least remotely look like a zigzag.
  6. Fix the result with varnish.

Corrugated square

This styling option looks very nice. It can be safely made for parties and work. And most importantly - you will achieve maximum volume, without making extra efforts.

  1. Wash your hair and dry.
  2. Apply a heat protectant to your hair, as well as foam or mousse.
  3. Divide your hair into several thin sections.
  4. Using a special ribbed ironing pad or tongs, work through each strand.
  5. Corrugated curls can be left free, or you can pin them up with a hairpin.

How to put the square back?

Another easy way to create an image of an elegant lady.

  1. Wash your hair and dry.
  2. Blow dry your hair by combing it back and turning the ends either in or out with a round brush.
  3. To keep the styling, sprinkle it with varnish.

Tousled caret

Careless styling of a caret with lengthening looks very sexy. It is not difficult to create it - just 15 minutes is enough!

  1. Wash your hair and dry.
  2. Apply any styling product to your hair - foam, mousse or spray.
  3. Bend your head forward, dry the strands with a hair dryer, squeezing them tightly with your hands.
  4. Raise your head and gently straighten the curls.
  5. Fix them with varnish.

A diffuser will also help in creating such a hairstyle - this is a special nozzle with “fingers”, which is sold complete with a good hair dryer.

How do you like this styling in the style of "Beach curls"?

Curl on a bob haircut

If you want to do styling on a square with curls, prepare the “tools” - a curling iron or curlers. With their help, you can make light waves on the strands or cool curls.

  1. Wash your hair and dry.
  2. Apply any styling product to your hair - foam, mousse or spray.
  3. Divide your hair into several thin strands.
  4. Wind each of them on a curling iron or curlers.
  5. Wait a quarter of an hour if you have chosen curlers.
  6. Straighten the curls with your hands.
  7. Spray the styling with varnish.

Variations of the haircut "square" are very popular at the present time among the beautiful half of humanity. The hairstyle can be with or without bangs, elongated and very short, but it always looks stylish.

True, girls with such a haircut are often tormented by the question of how to beautifully lay a “square” in order to look irresistible at work, feminine on a date or a party.


An elongated "square" is the type of haircut that the vast majority of women like. This is due to the fact that the hairstyle looks very unusual and stylish, and due to the angle and extent to which the lengthening is made, ladies even with the same haircut look unique and inimitable. The most adventurous beauties make the difference between the hair on the back of the head and the strands near the face as noticeable as possible, which gives their appearance audacity.

The simplest for styling at home is considered to be a “square” with an average elongation, when the front strands follow the contours of the lower jaw. This haircut is suitable for traditional styling options.

So, to style your hair in a simple way, perform the following sequence of actions:

  • Wash your hair or, if the hair is clean, just wet it;
  • If the curls are too wet, then lightly wring them out with a towel;
  • Take a modeling agent, for example, mousse. Squeeze it into your palms in a small amount and distribute along the entire length of the hair;
  • Determine what parting you want: straight or oblique and make it;
  • Now arm yourself with a hair dryer and dry your hair. You need to start with elongated strands, winding them on a round brush. Slowly pull it out, leading from top to bottom;
  • When the front hairs are dried, you can move on to the back of the head. There, the curls need to be dried, lifting from the roots;
  • The final step is fixation. Spray your hair with varnish.

Another of the styling options: how to quickly lay the "square" at home.

To create an image, do the following:

  • First, rinse and dry your hair with a towel. In this case, the curls should remain wet;
  • Take a small amount of fixing foam and treat your hair with it from roots to ends;
  • Using a comb, comb the strands to one side and dry them with a hairdryer in the direction of hair growth;
  • Then flip the hair to the other side and also dry with a hair dryer;
  • Now tilt your head forward so that the hair covers your eyes and comb the curls in one direction;
  • With a sharp movement, fold the hair back, if necessary, correct individual hairs with your hands;
  • Decide on a place for parting and make it;
  • Fix the resulting masterpiece with varnish.

The two methods described above are simple and affordable. Such styling is easy and suitable for every day, for example, for going to work or school, but for a party you need something more interesting. Therefore, let's talk about how best to lay an elongated "square" for a special occasion.

If you are going to a holiday, then it is important to somehow lay the "square" in a special way.

You can try to do it in the following way:

  • If your hair is clean, then wet your hair, when the curls are dirty, then you should rinse them;
  • Armed with a towel, blot excess moisture;
  • On wet hair, apply a modeling agent so that it evenly covers the hair from roots to ends;
  • Take a comb and comb the strands back so that the longest ones are on top of the entire hair;
  • Tilt your head back a little and, using a hair dryer, begin to dry your hair, directing a stream of warm air towards the back of your head. To make it easier to do, take a comb;
  • To make the hairstyle please you for a long time, fix it with varnish.

This hairstyle will look great with an evening dress. Consider another styling option that is ideal for ladies with thin hair.

The sequence of hairstyles is as follows:

  • Before you start styling your hair, the curls need to be washed or thoroughly moistened. Then remove excess moisture with a towel;
  • Divide wet hairs into a straight parting. Asymmetrical in this styling option will not look entirely appropriate;
  • Divide the hair that lies on both sides of your head into strands of the same size. Leave one strand to work, and pinch the rest with clips;
  • Using an iron or tongs (choose a tool for work based on the width of the strand), wind loose hairs;
  • When one curl is ready, take on the second;
  • Do not comb the resulting curls, just turn your head a little in different directions so that the curls look natural;
  • Do not forget to spray your hair with varnish to keep your hair for a long time.

In this way, you will look very gentle and beautiful.


Before you start styling, you should decide on the length of the bangs, it is she who will affect the hairstyle.

So owners of short or medium bangs can consider two options for creating hairstyles: make hair straight or create beautiful curls.

And it doesn’t matter if you want curls or smooth strands, the bangs in both cases should be even, for this you will have to pull it out with an iron.

If the bangs are long and not very different from the rest of the hair, then you can comb them back. This will give the face a more open look and visually lengthen it. For those ladies who love voluminous hairstyles, it is recommended to slightly wind the curls, starting work from the very roots.

Owners of graduated bangs or “curtains” with a side comb can experiment with different styling. The most winning options, according to hairdressers, are hairstyles with large curls, gentle waves or perfectly straight strands.

By the way, for those ladies who do not know how to lay a "square" without a hair dryer and ironing, I would like to give a little advice. You can make beautiful waves on the hairs using ordinary ribbons made of durable fabric. To create a hairstyle, wash your hair, dry it slightly with a towel and disassemble into separate strands, carefully lubricate with a fixative.

Armed with pieces of matter of arbitrary length and thickness, start winding your hair around them, as if on curlers. Fix the resulting bundles at the roots. Leave such a structure on your head until the hairs are completely dry. Minimum time 3 hours. Then carefully disassemble the bundles, pulling out the ribbons. You will see that the hairs began to fall off in beautiful waves. If desired, you can comb your hair or just sprinkle with varnish. This hairstyle will look natural and gentle.

It is quite possible to make a beautiful styling with a “square”, you just need a little patience and desire. Do not be afraid to experiment, they often give excellent results. Good luck.

Many women today cut their hair in a bob or bob, because they suit everyone. For such a haircut, it is easy to do styling at home, and maintain an excellent look of hair in everyday life. Owners of a square will be interested in how you can add variety to an ordinary or festive look.

Features of styling bob and square

A characteristic feature for such hairstyles is a clear outline of all contours. They can be short, or fall below the ear. For the first time, classic haircut options appeared in ancient times. Fashionistas have always preferred this style, because it is quite practical for lovers of short and medium haircuts. Today, different types of bob are known: asymmetric, straight, with elongated or curly strands. Many women experiment, alternating different styling methods, and give advice on what kind of styling can be done on a square.

How to make styling on a square?

It is necessary to prepare for the upcoming styling and take care of the condition of the hair. It is better not to style weak and damaged hair with a hairdryer, but to carry out restorative procedures and make masks. Healthy hair will need to be washed, or simply moistened with warm water. Next, you should gently blot them with a towel without rubbing your hair, because active movements can harm the vulnerable structure. You can walk around with a towel or dry your hair a little with a hairdryer. After that, apply your favorite styling product.

To style your hair, you will need to use a gel, mousse, spray or wax. Everyone chooses their own remedy, depending on their characteristics and the desired effect. The hair takes shape during the drying process, so you will need to create an image with a hair dryer, comb or brush. Additionally, you can use different brooches to secure the strands, or other hair accessories.

It is necessary to distinguish between two types of basic laying of a caret:
The tips are bent inward;
The ends of the hair are straightened out.

Bob hair styling at home on a parting

You can quickly and beautifully style a haircut with a straight parting. This hairstyle is recommended for girls with clear and regular faces. A straight parting embodies elegance and style. To make an even parting, you will need to show patience and a little perfectionism, because it must be neat and be perfectly in the middle of the head. To do this styling, you will need to use a hair dryer, brush and hairpins. The strands need to be gradually fixed with clamps and dried. To betray the volume, you can slightly raise the hair near the roots. The use of special tools will only simplify the task.

Bob side parting

Side parting hairstyle suits everyone. It will perfectly hide the natural asymmetry of the face, refresh the look and create a unique style. It looks especially interesting if part of the hair is stabbed behind the ear. You can experiment with side parting, for example, curl parts of your hair in different ways. You can create a hairstyle for a side parting in the same way as a straight one, however, it would be appropriate to use an iron here. Even a perfectly even hairstyle with such a parting looks fresh and attractive. With the help of styling products, it will be possible to fix the hairstyle so that the hair retains its appearance longer.

You can create an interesting hairstyle if you make a zigzag parting. For a woman with sparse hair, such a parting will be a real salvation, because it increases volume and density. To do this styling, you need to comb wet hair to one side, then dry the strand and shift it to the other side. Similarly, strand by strand can be expanded in different directions. You can make a neat zigzag parting using the end of the comb. You can fix the result with styling tools.

Laying a caret at home - corrugation

Using tongs for corrugation will achieve a beautiful effect and large volume. Thanks to a special nozzle for creating waves, you can give your hair an amazing texture. Making such waves on a square will turn out very easily and quickly. In addition to styling products, you must use a heat-protective gel. You will get an excellent styling on a square of a photo with a volume that can be achieved due to corrugation or curls.

Curls - styling caret at home video

Beautiful and romantic curls can be made for an everyday look or an evening out. The curls will last a long time and will not damage the hair if you make them on curlers or hairpins. First you need to apply a special styling mousse. In order for the hairstyle to look as expected, it is necessary to carefully choose the curlers. From their diameter depends on what the curls will be. After drying your hair well with a hairdryer, you can fix the styling for a long time. Another way to make curls is to use a curling iron or hair dryer attachments.

Light beam on the square

Simple styling for a bob haircut is a stylish bun. To make a bun, you need to have long enough hair. A small bunch of squares will look funny. To make such a bun, you need to collect the hair in a ponytail and fix it with an elastic band. The usual styling products are also used. Using a comb, you can comb the ponytail and twist it around the base of the ponytail. You can fix the bundle with hairpins and varnish. If you do not comb your hair and collect it tightly, you get a classic bun that you can go anywhere with.

Romantic disheveled bob

It is easy to style your hair in the style of a casual natural hairstyle. On damp hair, you will need to apply a special mousse evenly. Next, the hair is dried, separating the strands. It will be even easier if you use a hair dryer with a nozzle. The finished styling can be fixed with the usual means.

Hairstyle for a long bob

If the bob haircut has already grown a little, you can choose a new styling. It is required to properly care for the hair, because the square looks best on healthy hair. To make styling on such hair, you need to comb it and style it with a hairdryer. The longer the hair, the more difficult it is to style, so you will need to use new tools.

Laying on a short square photo

A short square can be laid very quickly. If you use mousse and dry your hair, you will get a great hairstyle in a matter of minutes. It is necessary to guide the strands with a brush and fix the result with varnish. Similarly, the styling of a bob with bangs is done, the photo of which will help you choose the best option.

Bob caret with sharp or smooth contours at home

For perfectly smooth hair, you can do straight styling with sharp contours. Such a decision will betray the image of a strict and elegant look. Use a smoothing gel and flat iron. For lovers of freer forms, you can perform a free and soft styling with a little carelessness. This style of styling is great for most women. Apply styling products to damp hair and blow-dry with a round brush, then fix with hairspray.

Bob with pointed ends

Hairstyle with bent tips will refresh the everyday look. The hair is blow-dried as usual, but the ends are brushed outward. The finished hairstyle is fixed with wax or varnish.

Bob bob with back styling

You can style your hair, directing the hair from the roots back. Wash your hair and dry it with a towel. Next, use brushing to dry each strand in the desired direction. If you make a small bouffant at the top, the image will turn out in retro style.

high bob

On wet hair, distribute a soft foam for volume. Next, the strands must be wound on curlers and dried. The styled hair is collected high in a hairstyle, leaving a couple of strands near the face.

Bob hairstyles with do-it-yourself accessories

You can add variety to any styling with the help of brooches and other accessories. All kinds of ribbons, hairpins, headbands and other decorations are used.

For a bob haircut, you can come up with many different hairstyles. Various styling options are available for implementation at home in a short time.

Bob haircut today has gained a new popularity, which is only growing. This is understandable, the hair is not very long and not short, it is convenient to care for them and easy to style. If the square is slightly longer than the generally accepted one, just below the chin line, for example, to the shoulders, then there are more styling options. We offer several options for do-it-yourself hairstyles on a square at home, photos and their step-by-step description. From this variety, everyone will definitely find something interesting and useful for themselves.

The simplest hairstyles on a bob that you can do at home with your own hands (photo later in the article) will look stylish and modern, if you consider a few simple rules:

  1. Naturalness and simplicity of lines are in fashion today. Having created a slight negligence and a small volume on the hair, you can safely consider your hairstyle finished and modern.
  2. The curl should not be tight with even curls. If a curling iron is used, then you can give a wave to the curl and a beautiful design of the ends of the hair, without curling each strand evenly and neatly.
  3. Weaving is in trend today, but braids and plaits should not be tightly tightened, if a strand is knocked out, and the length of the bob hairstyle allows this, then this is even on hand, since slight negligence in the hairstyle is only welcome.
  4. Do not use too much styling and varnish, styling should be mobile, and the curls should be soft.

Having decided on the main directions, we will consider step by step some hairstyles on the square with our own hands at home with a photo.

Exquisite mess

The first option of laying requires a minimum of costs and time.

  1. After combing thoroughly clean, slightly damp hair, you need to slightly wet it with foam to add volume to the hair and dry it with a hair dryer with chaotic movements so that the hair lays down naturally, as if under a breath of wind.
  2. After the curls have dried, you can straighten some strands with your fingers and lay them as you can.
  3. Spray lightly with varnish.

The second option is also quite simple. If you are a little fed up with straight and smooth hair, you can create a light curl or wave on the strands.

  1. Wash your hair and dry your hair with a hair dryer using a small amount of foam.
  2. Use a curling iron to wind some strands from roots to ends, but do not keep the strands on the curling iron for a long time so that the curls are not pronounced.
  3. So go through all the hair, but if some strand was missed, then it's okay.
  4. Then, with your fingers, lightly tousle the hair, giving it volume and a little mess.
  5. Spray lightly with varnish.

If there is a special curling iron or iron to create a wave on the curls, then you can use it for hair with a bob haircut.

Pigtails tails and flagella

Do-it-yourself hairstyles on a square, which can be done at home using weaving, are good for children and adults (photo and description below).

The first version of the hairstyle is a French braid. This elegant and romantic styling is good for young ladies of any age. How to make it:

  1. Weave the French braid in a circle, starting from the temple on one side, ending at the opposite temple.
  2. We separate the strand from the forehead on one side and dividing it into 3 parts, we begin weaving.
  3. You need to weave freely, after every 2 weaves we grab the strands from above and weave into the braid.
  4. We hide the tip of the braid inward under the weaving and fix it with an invisibility.

Another option with weaving around the head on a square:

  1. Comb your hair well.
  2. At the temple, from one edge, we separate a strand of hair and dividing it into 3 parts, we begin weaving.
  3. The pigtail should be weaved very freely, without tightening. We grab the strands from above and add to the braid for each weave. In addition, in each weave, we leave the middle strand hanging down, with the total mass of hair.
  4. We continue weaving to the back of the head, fix the end of the braid with an invisible or beautiful hairpin.
  5. For fixing, you can lightly sprinkle with varnish.

Harnesses on a square are a good option for a hairstyle for school, which you can do with your own hands at home (photo and description below).

  1. For such a hairstyle, you need small hair clips - crabs.
  2. Comb your hair well and style it back.
  3. We divide into sections. The number of such partings depends on making and on the density of the hair.
  4. We twist the strands from each parting in turn into a tourniquet in several turns.
  5. We fix with a crab back to the total mass of hair.
  6. So we twist the flagella from the strands in each parting.
  7. Lay the ends of the hair at the back as you wish, you can randomly use foam or comb it evenly or twist it with a curling iron.

Recently, any braids and plaits are a trend and the owners of a caret can afford such a stylish design of their hairstyle. The main thing to remember is that weaving should be free.

Retro style

Today it is fashionable to do styling, stylizing a hairstyle for any era, for example, the sixties or fifties. Hairstyles with a beautifully styled wave near the face are good here. A bob haircut allows you to make similar images.

Consider another styling option, it is very elegant, but at the same time simple in execution.

This option will be good for a square without bangs.

  1. We comb the curls, separate the upper part and shift it forward for a while.
  2. We remove the lower mass of hair from the temples back, pinning on the back of the head with invisible overlaps, twist the ends down with a curling iron.
  3. Next, we comb the upper part of the hair at the roots and lower it back, on top of the stabbed strands.
  4. We curl the ends and lay them, twisting inward.

This arrangement is also suitable for the evening.

Using hair accessories

From the frequent use of fixing and styling products, the thermal effects of a hair dryer or curling iron, the hair deteriorates and sometimes you need to give it a rest. But no one dares to go outside with an unfinished haircut. The way out of this situation will be stylish and fashionable hair accessories, which are gaining popularity among fashionistas of all ages today.

In the summer, headbands, hairpins, wreaths and hair hoops are insanely popular, with flowers made of fabric, leather, foamiran and ribbons. Small buds or voluminous, lush flowers adorn the heads of fashionistas for several seasons in a row. For a square, a hairpin is suitable - a crocodile decorated with flowers. She can stab the strands on the side of the temple on one or both sides, pin up the hair at the back, twisting the strands from the temples into a tourniquet.

It is fashionable to decorate a square with a floral wreath or a beaded headband by simply putting them on over the hair and leaving the curls loose.

A stylish and fairly quick way of laying will be the next option using an elastic band - a rim. It is worn on the head like a hoop over the hair. All hair is gradually twisted, curl by curl, and slipped under the elastic band from above, as if twisting it into a roller. This accessory can also be decorated with flowers or beads, even shells, or just be the same shade as the hair.

Kare is the most versatile haircut that makes hair care easy and allows you to run your fantasies and carry out almost any variant of everyday and evening styling. The photos and videos in this article prove that it is possible to create almost any hairstyle on a bob with your own hands at home for girls and women for any occasion.

In addition to amazing discoveries, the 20th century gave the world high fashion. It all started with the legendary Chanel, who popularized women's hats and haircuts. The fashion for short hair walked around the planet, and today it has become obvious that the bob is part of the image of a lady of the XXI century. The elongated bob, symbolizing modern femininity, deserves special attention.

What does a bob hairstyle look like with lengthening

A variety of bob haircuts fascinates the eye. But there is a reference version, which is considered a classic. This haircut combines short hair length with smooth lines. It perfectly emphasizes the oval and makes facial features more expressive. Just look at the photo of Mireille Mathieu in his youth.

The image of the famous French singer Mireille Mathieu was emphasized by the classic bob haircut.

Classic variant

This is a rather complicated haircut that requires high skill of a hairdresser. Her highlight is the short length of the hair at the back of the head and longer - in front. At the same time, a smooth transition between the back and front strands is very important. This immediately emphasizes the shape of the head and exposes the neck.

Classic bob with lengthening

With a bang

An interesting version of the classic haircut. The presence and absence of bangs is dictated by the shape of the face.

The technology of creating a bob haircut with lengthening

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The hair is washed and combed. A vertical parting is made (from the middle of the forehead to the middle of the neck);
  2. The upper strands are collected with hairpins;
  3. Haircut starts from the back of the head. First, the lowest strands are cut, then the upper ones. It turns out a kind of ladder, in which the upper strands are 2-3 cm longer than the lower ones;
  4. After the back of the head, the hairdresser makes a horizontal parting (from one ear to the other) and moves on to the front strands. They are cut using the same technology as the back hair;
  5. The latest bangs are cut. The hairdresser makes a single strand of it in the shape of a triangle in the center. Then - cut to the desired length;
  6. At the end, the hair is dried and styled with a hairdryer. The haircut is finished, you can evaluate the result.

Video lessons

At first glance, the haircut technology may seem rather complicated, but after watching these video tutorials, you can easily understand all the intricacies of this hairstyle.

The technology of the elongated bob haircut has long become a classic. Most masters adhere to it, but often hairdressers supplement it with some interesting details.

Haircut scheme

A haircut can be decomposed into several successive steps that characterize the algorithm of the hairdresser's actions:

  1. Divide all the hair into several sections, as shown in the photo.
  2. It is recommended to start the haircut from the bottom of the hair. From the left section, take the central strand with a thickness of no more than 8 mm, comb it carefully and make a clear cut parallel to the parting.
  3. After doing the same manipulations with the right and left parts of the hair, you will get the first strand to control the length and angle of the cut.
  4. After that, you need to split all the remaining curls in the occipital region, select the strand in the center, pull it at a right angle and make a cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Thus, you will get the second control strand.
  5. Continue to cut all strands from this zone in the same way, maintaining the specified cut angle and tension. Try to pull your hair up to the second control strand, forming an extension in the temporal region. After you can go to the upper occipital region. Pull the strand at a right angle to the surface of the head and cut it at an angle of 90 degrees, focusing on the central vertical parting. The third control strand should be longer than the previous ones. Compare the remaining strands from the crown area with the control strand No. 3 and gradually increase the length of the hair on the face.
  6. The strands in the temporal zone should be cut towards the back of the head. After that, it is necessary to trim the hair in the temporal region along an inclined line.
  7. Divide the hair in the parietal zone into two parts and cut from "short to long" in order to obtain an elongation towards the center of this zone.
  8. Comb and profile your hair, removing mass but maintaining its length along the contour.
  9. An extended bob haircut can be with or without bangs. In the classic version, the presence of bangs is implied, the shape of which can be very diverse.

Photo of various haircut modifications

Bob is one of the most interesting and sought-after haircuts, and in large part because it will look different on every woman. The decisive factors are the structure of the hair, the shape of the head and the features of the face. Consider different options for haircuts.

Bob-caret with lengthening and bangs

The hairstyle looks stylish and original on women with delicate features. A voluminous nape and an open neck allow you to wear large earrings and pendants around your neck. A woman with such a haircut resembles an elegant Frenchwoman of the twentieth century.

Asymmetrical haircut

It differs from the usual version of the haircut by strands of different lengths. It looks spectacular and bright on self-confident girls. Today, young women from 18 to 30 years old prefer to wear it. This is not surprising, since this haircut is ideally combined with country-style clothing.

Extension for curly hair

Girls and women with wavy hair are also eligible for a stylish haircut. The most striking example is Marilyn Monroe, who had luxurious curls and styled them in short hairstyles. An experienced master can easily cut a bob-car for both wavy hair and curls.

Back view

A clear sign of a quality hairstyle is a beautiful nape. Ideally, it should be a continuation of the graceful figure and graceful neck of a woman. Let's see how the reference bob should look from the back.
