How to create your own image? Simple tricks from stylists that will help you create your own style at minimal cost.

A stylish look consists of many details. In creating your individual style, not only clothes and makeup play an important role, but also accessories, manner of communication, plasticity, aroma, condition of the skin and nails, and the environment. The easiest way to start creating your image is with clothes that reflect your personality, character traits, and lifestyle. In this article we will tell you how to find your own style of clothing that will highlight your strengths and hide your weaknesses.

Secrets of creating a stylish look

“When you are dressed well, others notice you; when you are dressed poorly, others notice your clothes.”

- Coco Chanel.

The ability to dress stylishly does not appear from birth; it is developed over the years with great desire, study, observation and experimentation. It's always nice to look beautiful and attractive. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on expensive clothes and cosmetics. It is important to know the techniques for choosing a stylish wardrobe.

When creating your image and choosing clothes, consider stylist tips:

  • Emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws: this applies to both clothes and makeup;
  • Dress appropriately for the event and setting;
  • The chosen image should be comfortable, not creating a feeling of discomfort;
  • Wardrobe items should be combined with each other. When buying a new item, come up with several looks with the clothes you already have in your closet;
  • When choosing accessories and clothes, you need to take into account the image as a whole, and whether this item will be in harmony with the rest of the details of the appearance;
  • Fashion trends should be used in your wardrobe in the context of your style, figure, color type and age.

How to choose clothes

Style is a reflection of a person’s personality, his characteristics and lifestyle. When creating your image when choosing clothes, you need to consider:

  • External data: appearance color type, figure;
  • Age;
  • Your feelings, comfort;
  • Matching the situation;
  • Fashion trends.

Choosing clothes according to the color type of appearance

To look stylish and harmonious, you need to know which colors suit your type of appearance, and which ones make it look pale and highlight flaws.

Black and white colors suit everyone, but you shouldn’t limit yourself to them only. Bright saturated or pastel colors lift the mood and emphasize individuality.

There is a division of appearance types into 4 groups: winter, spring, summer and autumn. The classification is based on the warmth of hair and skin color. You can select the colors of clothes and cosmetics based on the appropriate type in the picture:

You can also select shades of color based on whether cool or warm tones predominate in your appearance. A color type with a predominance of warm tones is suitable for warm shades of clothing and makeup. For those with a cold appearance, colors with cool tones are suitable.

Another option to determine whether the color suits you or not is to apply it to your face. If the color suits, it will refresh your face. If the shade turns out to be inappropriate, then the face will look dull, expressionless, and you will want to do makeup or touch up something. Having practiced in this way, you can determine for yourself the colors that go with it, and choosing clothes will become easier.

Choosing clothes according to your body type

Not every item you like will be suitable. When choosing a wardrobe, it is important to take into account your characteristics: height, physique, body type.

There are five types of female figures:

  • Hourglass - have ideal proportions, shoulders and hips are equal in width, the waist is narrow (about 20-30 cm narrower than the hips and chest).
  • Rectangle (banana) - a type of figure in which the chest and hips are approximately equal in volume, the waist is not very pronounced.
  • Pear (spoon) - has a more pronounced bottom and less voluminous upper part of the figure, the waist stands out well.
  • Apple - characterized by rounded shoulders, voluminous hips, chest, waist and slender legs.
  • An inverted triangle is a figure in which the chest is significantly wider than the hips.

You need to choose clothes in such a way as to balance the proportions of your figure, making it more harmonious and feminine.

  • "Hourglass" can wear any clothing that does not change the proportions of top and bottom. Clothes should not be baggy or hide your figure. You should choose outfits that highlight your waist and avoid straight styles and thick fabrics that will add weight;
  • "Rectangle" (banana)- a figure in which you need to create rounded shapes with clothes and emphasize the waist. You should choose models with belts and fitted ones. For the bottom, pleated skirts and tulip skirts are suitable, giving volume to the hips. Trousers and jeans should be straight or tapered; decorative inserts on pockets are welcome. Must be avoided long shirts, sweaters, and flowing fabrics.
  • "Pear". To make such a figure look more harmonious, you need to focus on the top: wear voluminous accessories, a V-neck, shoulder pads, and high-waisted dresses. Hips should be hidden: for the bottom use darker colors compared to the top, straight cut. Unsuitable tight trousers, tight-fitting top and accessories, large pattern at the bottom of the outfit.;
  • "Inverted Triangle" You need to hide your broad shoulders with clothes and put emphasis on your hips. To do this, choose fluffy skirts and wide trouser styles. Ruffles, bows, and drapery on the bottom of the wardrobe will also improve the proportions of the look. "T" shaped figure unsuitable tight-fitting solids, round necklines and voluminous collars.
  • "Apple" (circle). Here you need to emphasize your advantages - lush breasts and slender legs and visually reduce your waist and stomach. “Apple” needs to choose clothes with a V-neck, semi-fitted silhouette, and a high waistline. Tapered trousers and high heels will highlight slender legs. An “O” shaped figure will benefit from dresses that will visually elongate the silhouette. Should not be worn too loose or too tight styles, short dresses and skirts, things with bright and large prints.

How to find your clothing style by age

When creating an image, you must take your age into account. So, clothes for twenty-year-olds will look inappropriate on a woman over 30-40 years old and vice versa. At a young age, short shorts, miniskirts and short dresses are acceptable. After 30 years, such clothes often look defiant, even if the figure has no flaws. At this age, you need to be more attentive to details, choose more expensive basic items, pay more attention to how to find your own style in clothing, if you don’t have one yet.

After 40 years, you should also not forget about femininity, follow fashion trends and not limit yourself only to the classics.

How to find your style in accordance with your lifestyle and status

When choosing a stylish wardrobe, you need to determine how long this or that activity takes and what image will be suitable for each type of activity.

So, a mother on maternity leave spends most of her time at home with her child and on walks. For this period of her life, she needs to have good, warm, comfortable clothes for walking and high-quality, beautiful home clothes. There should also be outfits for going out, but not necessarily in large quantities.

Girls who work in an office should focus on their work wardrobe, since that is where she spends most of her time. It is important to consider the dress code here.

A correctly chosen image gives a feeling of comfort, harmony and self-confidence. To find your own style in clothing, you need to not be afraid to experiment, try on the outfits you like and not forget about the features of your appearance.

Watch a video about what distinguishes a stylish woman and how to find your own style in clothing:

To change, to become more beautiful visually, you must initially create yourself, imagine how you would like to see yourself, in what style you would like yourself. Standing in front of a mirror, you can imagine yourself in any image.

How to create your own clothing style

1) To do this, initially, take care of your clothing style:
-come up with an image that matches your moral principles and lifestyle;
-pay attention to what colors suit you;
-what fabrics and combination of fabrics and colors do you like;
-what do you need to hide and what to emphasize in your unique image (which areas of the body);
- what accessories will complement your clothes and image. The most insignificant details can make a person stylish and beautiful, but an excess of them can make an image tasteless.

2) Pay attention to your hair. The most important role in a person’s beauty is played by his hairstyle, styling or healthy hair color. Stylish hairstyles should suit you, show your face from the best side and in the best color. Styling makes your hair neat and well-groomed. The hairstyle should complement your imagined image, your personality.

3) Reconsider your lifestyle, perhaps it should be slightly adjusted or changed completely. You should take care of yourself in order to become more beautiful, you should pay attention to this. You must have a sense of taste; if you don’t have it, you should develop it. Take a closer look at what you like in other people, what you would like to buy, and what you would get rid of. If you have a great desire to be a stylish person, you will succeed in everything. Perhaps hobbies will appear, or it will change a little, every interesting person should have a hobby. It is imperative to take care of your health in order to eradicate all the shortcomings that prevent you from gaining beauty and self-confidence. Health is the key to beauty and success. In general, everything should be beautiful in a person; in fact, he should surround himself with all beautiful things, thoughts, actions, words, people. Without noticing this, you are already creating the image of a confident, beautiful, stylish person.


Before creating a new image, you need to think carefully about what it will be like. You can take a sheet of paper and describe in detail all the qualities, characteristics and appearance that you want to create. Creating a completely new image that will be radically different from the existing one can be quite difficult. But the majority of people don’t need this; it’s enough to correct some aspects of the current image, slightly change their clothing style and behavior. Creating a new image is not only about change. A person must, first of all, feel comfortable and confident in it. Don't forget what's new image will require constant self-control from you so as not to return to old behavior.

The image of a positive optimist does not fit with eternal whining and complaints about life's difficulties. You will need to master the basics of positive thinking. A smile and a good mood are now your constant companions. Enjoy every new day and be positive. To the question “How is life?” Now there is only one: “Everything is fine!”. You can decide on several images at once: each for a specific place, time or specific people. However, getting used to everyone is not an easy task, and only extraordinary artistic natures can master it.

The image of a wife and mistress of the house suggests cordiality, hospitality and pies on the table. Curlers, a dissatisfied face, complaints about an inattentive husband and disobedient people are strictly contraindicated! Start small: change your dull home clothes to brighter colors, learn how to cook a new unusual dish and invite guests to appreciate your culinary creation. And the most important thing is to pay more attention to your family, because they are the closest and dearest people in your life. Decorate family evenings with interesting activities and new traditions (board games, evening walks, themed dinners).

If you want to look glamorous and fit, sports, fashion and salons should become your best friends. This image will need to be maintained constantly; you will have to say goodbye to worn out, albeit beloved, sneakers and an old robe. Be sure to update and go. It all depends only on you and how much you want to let the “wind of change” into your own life.

Video on the topic

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The current world dictates its own crazy rhythm, and sometimes we simply don’t have enough time to think through our ideal image. Luckily, there are a few details you can take into account that will ensure you look elegant every time.


Think through the details. Attention to detail is what makes a woman truly elegant. Choose a bright, simple design bag and elegant, expensive glasses, and your look will sparkle in a completely new way.

Apply quality makeup. Don't waste time on makeup. If you are sure that you cannot spend more than 10 minutes every morning on it, practice the classic version that suits your face until it becomes automatic, and simply use only this type of makeup. The main rules of quality makeup are smooth skin and only one accent. Keep your skin clean. Clean it thoroughly every evening, try never to go to bed “in full dress.” This will save you a lot of time that you would spend on tone correction, and will also keep your skin young for many years.

Get a manicure every three days. We are not talking about a complete hygiene option, but about painting your nails. Get yourself a remover if you don’t want to bother with cotton wool and nail polish remover, and buy yourself a couple of high-quality tubes of nail polish. Choose classic red or natural beige. Such shades always look appropriate and expensive.

For us girls, appearance is very important, so most often, in order to cheer up or even improve the quality of life, it is enough for us to simply change something about ourselves. We are sure that many of us have already gone through many of the stages that will be discussed now, and most likely, after that life became brighter and brighter.

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So, without further ado, let's get down to business. It's time to change something, but don't know where to start yet? Ivetta will try to help!


Hair, as they say, is not teeth - it will grow back. Therefore, many girls boldly experiment. For girls whose hair is naturally light brown, it will be easier to dye it any other color, be it red or platinum blonde. However, be careful, not all hair can withstand extreme changes.

So, in order for most of your experiments to be successful, it is better to use the services of professionals rather than conduct experiments on yourself.

1. Haircut

A haircut is one of the easiest and fastest ways to update yourself. All you need is to enlist the help of a truly experienced and competent professional who will cut your hair the way you need, and will also make your hair so easy to style that in the morning just a few minutes will be enough to get your head in order.

After a successful change, you will become more confident, you will begin to receive compliments, and you will look at life in a new way. By the way, this season the long bob is very fashionable, so if you are ready to take risks, go ahead!

Irina Staykova/shutterstock

2. Painting

Hair color greatly affects your overall appearance, and also significantly affects how, for example, your facial skin will look. Dark brown hair color suits those who have literally perfect facial skin. The same goes for light shades. These colors highlight all the imperfections so clearly that sometimes they can even ruin the whole image. Therefore, you should be extremely careful with experiments and it is best, of course, to trust yourself in the hands of a true professional.

If you've been dyeing your hair blonde for many years, maybe it's time to choose a shade a couple of shades darker? We understand that it is difficult to leave your comfort zone, but sometimes change is good.

The same applies to convinced brunettes. You can start by lightly highlighting some strands near the face and along the parting. You can try a fashionable ombre or balayage.

However, it also happens that in the end, after trying all possible options, you realize that the best color is your natural one. Therefore, almost everyone eventually switches to it, however, they treat their hair with great respect.

Tyler Olson/shutterstock

3. Hairstyle

In this case, we are talking specifically about a hairstyle that you will create not with scissors, but in the company of hairpins, elastic bands, barrettes, headbands and bobby pins. This season, braids have become extremely fashionable, of course, thanks to socialite Kim Kardashian. However, girls with short hair should not despair. After all, on the Internet you can find a huge number of wonderful hairstyles for any length.

Agree, there is nothing complicated about this, but how much a couple of pinned strands changes the appearance as a whole.
If you always wear your hair straight, try messy curls like Victoria's Secret models. It will take very little time, however, you will look completely different. If you always wear bangs, pin them on the side or up.



The face is our calling card, so experiments here must be very careful and competent. Let's start with the eyes.

1. Eyes

If you turn to the Internet, you will be extremely surprised by the many types and techniques of makeup. Drooping eyelid? No problem! Especially for such cases, frauds with adjustments have been invented that hide such shortcomings. Many girls admire the ideal beauty of Natalia Vodianova and Mila Jovovich, as well as Renee Zellweger and Claudia Schiffer. Have you paid attention to their eyelids? Unlikely. And why? Because these women know how to use cosmetic products correctly and turn their shortcomings into advantages.

Try different makeup techniques. But remember that putting on makeup like a parrot and sticking on meter-long eyelashes during the day is bad manners.

However, there are professional eyelash extensions that can radically change the expression of your face. Bunches in the corners of the eyes or just very beautiful fluffy eyelashes only brighten up a girl, making her look more sexy and interesting.

Subbotina Anna/shutterstock

2. Eyebrows

Now this topic is more relevant than ever, and girls go to great lengths to “make” themselves fashionable eyebrows. The correct shape and shade of eyebrows can radically change our facial expression and make us real Hollywood beauties. However, some girls take this to heart and begin to paint their eyebrows with a black pencil, giving them an overly geometric shape, which, in fact, only disfigures them. Remember that everything is natural in fashion, eyebrows are the right color, and the natural shape of the eyebrows. Forget about too saturated colors and clear boundaries, your eyebrows will never look absolutely identical.

If you are afraid to do everything yourself, contact a specialist. This procedure is not very expensive, and you can do the correction yourself later.

Olena Yakobchuk/shutterstock

3. Contouring

Let's start with the fact that few girls are one hundred percent satisfied with their appearance. In particular, this applies to the face, or rather its shape. Nowadays, complaints like “My face is too wide/round/sharp/square/triangular” no longer apply, since, firstly, this whole thing can be easily corrected with the help of a hairstyle, and, secondly, they are already available in all cosmetic stores. special sculpting products for the face that will help correct all imperfections.

To begin with, of course, you again need to turn to professionals for help, however, one consultation will be quite enough to find out in which places the skin will need to be darkened a little, and in which to highlight in order to visually reduce the nose, for example, or make cheekbones more defined.

Don’t forget that all manipulations with correctors, shimmers, and bronzers should look as natural as possible.


4. Lips

Lips are probably one of the most favorite parts of the face of many girls.
If you have always used pastel shades of glosses or lipsticks, try something bright, just please follow the most important rule of bright makeup elements, which makeup artists tirelessly repeat - the rule of accents. There must be harmony in everything, too many bright elements spoil the whole picture, the eye does not know where to stop and, as a rule, does not stop and remember anything.

Bright lips + nude eyes and vice versa. There are no women who wouldn’t suit bright lipsticks; it’s just important to choose the right tone. Red, it also comes in different shades, for example, closer to brown or, conversely, crimson.

By the way, don’t forget that the brighter the lipstick, the whiter your teeth will appear.

Among other things, the accent of bright lips obliges us to follow two more rules:

  • Facial skin should be perfect. If there is a pimple or some other spot somewhere on the face, lipstick will only emphasize these imperfections and create an image of untidiness and sloppiness.
  • The lip contour should be completely even, so you definitely need to buy a lip pencil, which can be one tone darker than the lipstick, this is a trend this season.

Of course, bright lips are not suitable for every day, but every girl should allow herself such “pampering” from time to time.

Subbotina Anna/shutterstock


If in terms of makeup it may happen that you don’t wear makeup at all, then in terms of clothes it turns out that you have already chosen a certain style for yourself. Therefore, it is worth making changes here a little differently.
So, what are the best changes to start with in terms of your body?

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1. Neckline
How do you feel about the cutout in the bust area? Many girls refuse this privilege, arguing that they have small breasts, and some, on the contrary, are embarrassed by having too large ones. And both of these sides are wrong, because not only the breasts are important in the neckline.

By revealing this area, you're not just showing a little (or a lot) of your breasts, your skin, neck, and collarbones are also exposed to the public eye. Many men are attracted to these elements, so why not attract a little more attention to yourself.

A neckline makes us more feminine, so every girl’s wardrobe should have at least a couple of things with such a neckline. And if you dress it up with the right accessories, then you’ll definitely get a piece of candy!

If you can’t suddenly grab and open your chest like that, put on a beautiful scarf or scarf on top, which will at the same time cover this part of the body a little, but still won’t interfere with the zest that comes from the neckline. Massive jewelry, in the form of pearls, for example, will also come to the rescue.

2. Figure

Regardless of your body type, you, as a girl, should try to define your femininity as clearly as possible.
Of course, there is no limit to perfection, you can always not only cover up your shortcomings, but also begin to fight them with the help of sports, however, first, you need to try to open up in those places that are worthy of attention.

Do you want updates? Cheers! Here's a task for you - find the advantages of your figure and play with them with the help of clothes!


3. Posture

This is probably where we should start. No matter what figure you have, no matter what makeup or hairstyle you do, all the same, the most important thing in a girl’s appearance is a straight back. Beautiful posture attracts attention, tightens your stomach, makes your breasts visually larger, you already feel completely different, and, accordingly, you behave.



By the way, shoes directly affect your posture. If you have never worn shoes or boots with heels, be sure to try them! And after this you will definitely fall in love with such shoes forever! Thanks to the heel, your figure transforms instantly! The back, again, straightens, the stomach becomes smaller, and the legs are longer and slimmer.

However, there is a “BUT!” here too. Shoes with heels should be comfortable. If this is not so, then you will no longer have time for long legs and no longer have time for a straight back. You should start slowly, that is, first take a heel 5-7 cm high, and after that gradually move to 9 cm and higher.

Also, in terms of shoes, you can change the shape itself, and not just the heel. For example, if you have never worn pumps or, conversely, slip-ons, be sure to try them. Nowadays, it's fashionable to wear sports shoes with dresses, so don't worry about not looking feminine in sneakers.



Let's add a little about accessories. Be sure to wear some jewelry, just remember to maintain balance. If you are wearing long, bright earrings, you should not clutter up the space around your neck with powerful beads or pendants. If you are wearing a huge bracelet, then try to keep the manicure and rings not too flashy, etc.

Sometimes you can be too lazy to choose something special for a certain outfit, but you should get rid of this laziness. In addition, the same outfit can be decorated in completely different ways with the help of jewelry, and this is so cool! Put a bright scarf over a black dress - here's one look for you. We hung a beautiful necklace and it looked completely different.

It is not necessary to buy a lot of new clothes in order to change something; sometimes it is enough to choose new accessories to match your existing wardrobe.


Personal care

There is no more beautiful woman than one who takes care of herself. No matter how much cosmetics you put on yourself, everything is empty, without proper care for the skin of your face and body. It seems to us that nothing attracts attention more than a good manicure, well-groomed skin and a pleasant aroma.

Besides, taking care of yourself is not that difficult. It’s enough just to take a shower at the right frequency and regularly use the products that suit you. At the same time, we are not talking about expensive luxury brands of personal care cosmetics. You can easily find more budget-friendly alternatives among the mass market.

Start with proper hydration and nutrition of the skin, and over time it will reward you with a healthy color and the absence of all sorts of irritants in the form of acne and other imperfections. An update like this never hurts.
The same goes for hair. No hairstyle or styling will hide split ends or dry strands. Take care of your hair, and it will be impossible to take your eyes off it.

Subbotina Anna/shutterstock

Internal state

They say that all beauty comes from within, so what is your current internal state is extremely important. Try to think about good things as often as possible, watch funny and kind films, listen to beautiful inspiring music, and focus on the negative as little as possible. Smile more often, and your life will turn upside down, in the good sense of this phrase.

When you're in a good mood, you start to look different, don't you? Of course, this is probably one of the most difficult ways to change something in your appearance, however, it is also the most reliable and durable.

Often we meet beautiful girls with an absolutely extinct or even, on the contrary, some kind of embittered look. When their eyes meet, all their charm melts away, and this is sad. However, if you glow from within, no one will even suspect your far-fetched shortcomings.


Remember, Ivetta is always happy to help and make your life brighter. If after reading this article you have decided to make dramatic changes in your life, then we are confidently moving towards our goal. We wish you a bright and positive life!

Creating her own image is of great importance for a woman. Now men are beginning to pay special attention to appearance and style. Qualified stylists and image makers can help highlight advantages, hide shortcomings, and develop an original image. However, a person himself is quite capable of thinking about his appearance, the way he dresses, speaks, and moves. It is enough to take into account some nuances, act purposefully, and take a creative approach to solving any problems in order to successfully create your own image, harmonious and unique.

Secrets of creating a beautiful image
If you want to change your appearance, introduce something new into your appearance, eliminate shortcomings, transform your image, it is important to approach the task comprehensively, remembering the various factors that influence the overall style.
  1. Start working on your image by studying yourself, your advantages and disadvantages. Go to the mirror. It's good if it reflects you in full height. Evaluate the overall appearance and answer a few questions.
    • What do you like most about reflection?
    • What advantages do you have, but you don't see them in the mirror?
    • Why didn’t you highlight the existing advantages, how did they end up hidden?
    • What needs to be done to highlight all your advantages? Try to drape the fabric right on the spot, gather it in some places, hug the body in some places, and expose areas of skin. Adjust the length of the outfit and watch the effect.
    • Think about your shortcomings. Immediately note what you dislike most.
    • Stand in front of the mirror for another 5 minutes and try to find the disadvantages that you usually don’t pay attention to. Assess how serious they are.
    • How harmonious is your image? Are there any sharp inconsistencies or unnecessary contrasts in it?
  2. After doing this work in front of a mirror, try to write down all the important points in a special notebook, where you will keep your diary, noting all observations and changes. By acting consciously, according to plan, you will be able to quickly create your own image and style. Separately record point by point your impressions of your reflection. Focus on the actions needed to make positive change. You can reflect some things in diagrams, make sketches. For example, come up with the most successful styles of clothes, models of bags, accessories that are ideally suited to the characteristics of your figure and image as a whole.
  3. Please re-read all entries carefully. Now your goal is to imagine in detail the image that you would like to create. Who do you aspire to be, what impression do you want to make? Perhaps the image of a business lady or a young, slightly frivolous girl is closer to you, or you strive to be catchy and effective. Choose the main direction, and then gradually complement the still vague picture with details and strokes.
  4. Remember that you can create your own image in clothes well if you carefully take into account all the features of your figure, age, type of activity, habits and manners. Then the appearance will become truly harmonious. For example, you should not give preference to youthful and overly bright clothes in middle age or prefer a sporty style to those who never play sports. Sportswear goes better with a trained body and appropriate plasticity, and youthful outfits will only visually add a few extra years to a mature woman. Choose clothes that will give you comfort, self-confidence, and emphasize your individuality.
  5. Most women dream of creating their own fashionable image, striving not only for beauty, but also for relevance. You should not follow fashion trends, forgetting about personal tastes and individual traits. A fashionable large bag may not look at all in the hands of a fragile girl of short stature, making her look completely thin and invisible against the backdrop of such a flashy accessory. When choosing any outfit, every detail, be sure to evaluate your image as a whole. Quite often, all the details look great individually, but when they are combined, the picture is lost: it becomes too bright, obscuring the owner of the image, or it falls apart and unity is lost.
  6. Try to highlight your individuality. Identify something interesting, unique in your appearance and focus on it. Don't turn your outfits into the best collection of the latest items. You can safely combine styles, trends, combine different clothes, achieving the effect of overall unity and harmony.
  7. Update your wardrobe. Find out through experience exactly which colors, shades, materials and textures suit you best. Calmly get rid of old things if you already understand that they are completely unsuitable for you. Start selecting new outfits only when you have thought through your image in detail. Don't start building it by shopping for fashionable outfits. Don't buy clothes just because you like them: you are going to wear them, not keep them in your closet. It is very important not to form an image by adapting it to modern clothing, but to select outfits based on the image already created theoretically.
  8. Remember that an image is made up of many little things. Not only clothing plays a significant role, but also accessories, manners, plasticity, even voice timbre and intonation. Try to create your image in such a way that it all combines well.
We create our own image and emphasize individuality
When you decide to change, do not forget about the various nuances, show your imagination and try to clearly highlight all your advantages, elegantly masking your shortcomings. It is also important to ensure that the new image is liked not only by others, but also by you.
  1. Start creating a new image using a mirror and pen and paper. Study your reflection carefully. Pay attention to visible and hidden advantages and disadvantages. Check everything point by point and write down the main points.
  2. Think about how best to hide obvious shortcomings, highlight all the advantages, but not reveal those disadvantages that you are already masking.
  3. Work with fabric in front of a mirror: experiment, watch for different effects that can be easily achieved by simply changing the “styles”, length of clothing, neckline depth, etc.
  4. Make sure the image is harmonious.
  5. Choose the most suitable accessories.
  6. Find out which fabrics, materials, shades suit you best.
  7. Determine the most successful outfits, taking into account all the features of your figure and appearance.
  8. Remember that your new look should not be all about your clothes. A simple technique will help you create your own image and style. Look in the mirror when you have already dressed up in a new suit, applied makeup, and done your hair. Imagine yourself in the place of a stranger seeing you for the first time. What would he remember first? What would he describe: you, your appearance and figure, individual features, or your catchy and stylish outfit? When the image is harmonious and consistent, the clothes only highlight the natural beauty. Your outfit and makeup should not obscure your individuality.
Try to make you feel comfortable in your new look. Do not give preference to things that are too uncomfortable and unusual, which cause stiffness or irritation. By competently creating a harmonious image, you will feel free and confident.
