How to sew a round tablecloth. Tablecloth for home - beautiful DIY decor

Sewing a tablecloth with your own hands, what is it for? There is such a huge selection of tablecloths in stores, it seems, for every taste. But start choosing, and it turns out that although the choice is large, it’s not so easy to choose the right one. Either the look of the tablecloth is too cheap, or the pattern does not fit the interior of the room, or the fabric is so artificial that it even emits some kind of unpleasant chemical smell. And if the interior of the room is decorated in a certain style, for example, Provence, then you want the tablecloth to match this style.

In addition, sewing a tablecloth with your own hands means creating a unique thing, an exclusive that will be in one copy, and which you definitely will not find in any housewife. And the very process of creating such a unique thing with your own hands, even if you are not a skilled needlewoman, will captivate and fascinate you.

While working, you will admire every successfully obtained detail of the tablecloth. You will be pleased with the clarity of the lines made, touched by the airiness of the touching ruffles, the bright festivity of the satin border. And the whole process of sewing a tablecloth with your own hands, like any other art, will not be boring and uninteresting, you will feel like a master, and you will create.

Types of tablecloths

So, let's move on from dreams to action. First you need to decide what kind of tablecloth you want to sew. Festive, everyday on the dining table or camping. Depending on the use and purpose, tablecloths differ not only in material, but also in finishing.

  • Festive tablecloths for ceremonial dinners are usually white, made of thick silk or linen. They can be decorated with ruffles, flounces, fringe, lace, embroidery, monograms.
  • Everyday tablecloths for the dining table are made of plain fabric, preferably not white. Look good on the dining table and colored or checkered tablecloths. Since the tablecloth is used constantly, you can buy inexpensive but well-washable material for it, for example, a cotton tapestry. The dining tablecloth can also be decorated with ruffles, appliqués, satin border, thin lace trim.
  • A camping tablecloth is designed for outdoor recreation, when a “table” is organized right on the grass, spreading a tablecloth on it. Such tablecloths should be made of dense, durable and well-washable fabric, without any special decorating elements.

Materials and tools necessary for work

In order to sew a tablecloth with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Tablecloth fabric
  • Finishing material (satin ribbon and narrow lace trim)
  • Sewing machine
  • Threads, needles, scissors, chalk, centimeter

We sew a tablecloth with our own hands

Let's try to sew a tablecloth, not the most difficult in terms of sewing technology, but not the easiest either. We sew a tablecloth for a dining table, not too complicated in execution, but still decorated and elegant.

Measure the length and width of your table, add to these values ​​the dimensions of the overhang of the tablecloth from the table and the hem allowances - these will be the dimensions of the cut material for the tablecloth.

For example, the dimensions of your table are 0.8 x 1.8 m. So, to these dimensions you need to add the dimensions of the overhang, 25 - 30 cm and hem allowances of 10 cm. Let's add 10 cm to the length and width of the fabric cut for shrinkage of the fabric, which will occur after washing. The length of the fabric cut for the tablecloth will be 1.8 m + 30 cm for the overhang + 20 cm for the hem and shrinkage = 2.3 m. The width, respectively, is 0.8 m + 30 cm + 20 cm = 1.3 m.

Bend each corner of the fabric on the wrong side diagonally, iron with an iron. Measure 8 cm on each side of the corner and draw a small line connecting these points. Sew this line on the machine. Trim the fabric line by line, leaving 1 cm after the line. Turn these corners right side out and iron.

Now you can fold and sweep the tablecloth with a wide stitch from the wrong side around the entire perimeter of the fabric. After basting, iron the tablecloth along its entire edge with an iron and stitch along the basting with a machine. In principle, the tablecloth is ready, but we intended to decorate it further, and we will not deviate from our intention.

Decoration (decoration) of tablecloths

As you already understood, sewing a tablecloth with your own hands is not so difficult. Decorating a tablecloth is also not a difficult process. We select a satin ribbon, it can be the same shade as the tablecloth, but a little darker or a little lighter. If the material on the tablecloth is patterned or checkered, the ribbon can be selected in one of the colors of the pattern or cage.

And you can choose the color of the tape, completely unrelated to the color of the tablecloth. For example, if the material of the tablecloth is an indeterminate dull color, then a brightly colored trim tape will make your tablecloth more ornate. Ribbon width - 5-6 cm.

We attach the tape around the entire perimeter of the tablecloth along the very edge of the front side of the tablecloth. Not too experienced needlewomen are better off first basting the tape over the edge of the tablecloth. The tape must be sewn on both its edges. It will be a little more difficult to decorate the corners of the tablecloth with tape. In the corners of the tablecloth, the tape must be cut, bend the corners of the tape diagonally and sew exactly in the center of the corner.

But the lace trim does not need to be sewn on its two sides. It is superimposed over the satin ribbon so that one half of the inlay goes on the ribbon, the other on the tablecloth fabric. The machine stitch runs down the center of the inlay. There is no need to cut the trim in the corners of the tablecloth. Having reached the corner, stop, raise the foot of the machine, turn the trim at an angle of 45 degrees, lower the foot and attach the trim to the next side of the tablecloth.

When the hand-sewn tablecloth is ready, it needs to be ironed, given that the satin ribbon and lace trim will not tolerate too hot an iron.

This article describes how to make a tablecloth with your own hands, one of the simplest models. And there are a lot of options for tablecloth models, from festive ones, with a lush overhang to the very floor, to kitchen ones sewn in the style of patchwork.

Tablecloths on tables serve more than just utilitarian purposes, such as covering imperfections in the table or protecting it from damage. They give warmth and comfort to the interior of the kitchen, and hand-sewn tablecloths fill the hostess with a sense of pride and serve as an object of admiration for others.

A do-it-yourself tablecloth for a round table is very easy to make from a square piece of fabric. It is best if you put it on a lining - the tablecloth will become more voluminous, with a beautiful drapery.

The pattern of a beautiful tablecloth is a circle. How to calculate its diameter?

To the diameter of your table, add twice the height of the hanging part, plus 3-4 centimeters for the hem and 1.5 centimeters for the seams. If you have a large table, then you will need two widths of fabric. Cut the fabric in half crosswise. One piece is the middle part of the tablecloth, cut the other piece in half lengthwise and sew to the middle part on both sides, iron the seams. Fold the fabric in half and in half again, attach a tablecloth pattern (a quarter of a circle) to it and cut it out.

Sew the edge of the tablecloth 2 cm from the edge. Notch the edges at equal intervals, tuck the hem so that the stitching is on the wrong side. If you are sewing a round tablecloth without lining, fold the edge 5 mm, iron and hand-hem with a blind stitch.

Open the lining the same size as the tablecloth, fold the edge 2.5 cm. You can use fringe to decorate a round tablecloth.

Do-it-yourself tablecloth for a round table, photo scheme

When constructing a pattern from the radius of the circle, subtract the width of the ruffle. Sew a round tablecloth as described above. Open the ruffle, determine the width yourself plus 6 cm for the hem, the length is equal to twice the circumference of the tablecloth. Stitch the strips into a ring, iron the seams, double hem the bottom edge 1.5 cm wide, fold the top edge 3 cm. On the ruffle, sew two parallel lines at a distance of 1.5 and 2.5 cm for assembly. Put the gathered frill on the wrong side on the front side of the round tablecloth so that the top edge goes on the tablecloth by 3 cm, bast, stitch the frill between parallel lines, then remove them.

How to choose a tablecloth?

In order for the laid festive table to look stylish, it is necessary that the tablecloth, napkins, dishes are combined with each other and form a single whole. You can choose classic napkins and tablecloths - made of light linen or cotton with a pattern, embroidery or ornament. Oriental-style tablecloths with a variety of ethnic ornaments look beautiful. Tablecloth and napkins can be the same color, but different tones. For lunch or breakfast at home, instead of a tablecloth, you can use napkins under a plate or narrow decorative tablecloths.

You will need

  • - textile;
  • - scissors;
  • - threads;
  • - needle;
  • - sewing machine;
  • - ruler;
  • - tracing paper;
  • - pencil.


Spread your chosen fabric on a wide table or on a clean floor. The material must be clean and ironed so that the folds do not affect the shape of the workpiece.

Place the pattern on the fabric and press it with any weight so that it does not move during further work.

Measure with a ruler the height of the table with an oval top for which the tablecloth is intended.

Add on each side of the template ¾ of the height of the table, make notes at the appropriate distance from the template, and then circle the resulting outline with a pencil on the fabric.

Remove the pattern from the fabric, cut out the blank of the future tablecloth with scissors along the pencil outline.

Tuck the edge of the workpiece inside once, secure with a basting (sew by hand).

Take out the threads that were hand-sewn from the finished tablecloth.


Estimate in advance the amount of fabric that will be needed to sew the tablecloth. Make sure that there are no visible damage and wrinkles on the fabric before starting work. Choose threads that match the fabric of your choice.

Helpful advice

When cutting fabric using a pattern, you can use pins to better secure it. It is also convenient to use pins when basting the edge manually. When making a pattern and a tablecloth blank, try to use the material economically: draw closer to the corner of a piece of tracing paper or fabric, and not in the very center, so that the size of the main piece remains larger than the total size of the resulting scraps. The work of processing the edge of the tablecloth can be facilitated by sewing a beautiful fringe or ribbon to the edge. Cutting fabric is easiest if you rest the scissors on the surface on which it lies.


  • How to sew a round tablecloth

A tablecloth is an indispensable attribute of any feast and ordinary kitchen life. It can be of various shapes - round, rectangular, square and oval. Sewing a tablecloth is not difficult at all. Any housewife will be able to cope with this, and if you apply your imagination and try, you can create a masterpiece to the surprise of everyone.


Choose a fabric. It should be dense, heavy enough, well draped so that the ends hang nicely from the edge of the table. Natural fabrics are suitable for the dining table - linen, linen, thick cotton fabric. For a decorative tablecloth, you can choose thick jacquard fabric, heavy silk, satin.

Make a pattern and cut the fabric. It is important that the oval of the tablecloth exactly repeats the oval of the tabletop, otherwise the tablecloth will hang unevenly along the edges. Take a roll of paper and transfer the outline of the tabletop oval to it, make a pattern. Fold the fabric in half with the right side inward, fold the pattern in half, align the folds of the fabric, add 30-40 cm along the edge so that it hangs nicely and cut out the future tablecloth.

Finish the edge. The edge of the tablecloth can be simply hemmed on a sewing machine. It is advisable to insert a heavy thin cord into the seam to make the edge heavier - the tablecloth will drape better and not move off the table. You can process the edge with braid, tassels, or lace. To do this, fold the edge of the tablecloth, baste, then attach the braid or lace and carefully stitch on the typewriter in two rows of stitches. Do not tighten the tape while working, otherwise the edge will be pulled together.

Make decor. For example, decorate a tablecloth with applique, embroidery,. You can combine plain fabric and fabric with a pattern, striped, plaid. Instead of loose ends, sew a frill from the same or a contrasting fabric along the edge of the tablecloth. A naperon laid on a tablecloth diagonally, sewn in the form of a square of contrasting fabric, looks very beautiful and original. You can decorate a tablecloth on an oval table with a path laid along the table in the center, also in a contrasting color. In order to create a unique thing, you need to dream a little.


  • Housekeeping Secrets
  • sew a tablecloth

In the design of the wedding table, the main role is played by the tablecloth. It brings a special solemnity to the general festive atmosphere. Usually, for the newlyweds and their guests, a long white table covering made of dense linen is used, well starched and made in the same style with napkins and other interior items. However, you can slightly deviate from the usual "wedding etiquette" and add new interesting touches to the decor of the festive feast.

You will need

  • - piece of linen or cotton;
  • - molton;
  • - fabric-companion for the dining path;
  • - centimeter;
  • - threads;
  • - pins;
  • - pencil;
  • - scissors;
  • - needle;
  • - iron;
  • - sewing machine;
  • - decorative cord;
  • - designer ribbon and flowers (optional).


Buy enough fabric to make your wedding tablecloth. It is necessary to find out the exact dimensions of the table and provide for a large allowance that will fall beautifully. Some connoisseurs of etiquette believe that from the seated side, the tablecloth should reach the seats of the chairs. However, you can deviate from these rules and make the table folds more lush and long.

A wedding tablecloth is recommended in two parts - a small lining (exactly the length and width of the tabletop) and an upper, decorative panel. This will allow you to move the devices on the table with less noise and protect the polished surface from wear. The lower part of the tablecloth is called "molton" - it is a soft and thick cotton fabric. For the main part of the cut, it is recommended to choose a piece of linen or thick cotton fabric.

Cut out both parts of the festive tablecloth and leave 4 to 5 cm hem allowances along the cut line - heavy seams will better fix both the fleece and the top tablecloth, preventing them from sliding on the table.

Iron the hem and baste it by hand. After that, you can process the edge seams on a sewing machine and carefully remove the basting.

If it is assumed that people will sit at the wedding table on only one side (for example, newlyweds and their parents), then the outer, free side can be decorated with strong coattails to the floor. Make an allowance for assemblies according to their required density. To do this, the total length and width of the countertop should be multiplied by 1.5-3 times.

Prepare the strip for the frill and weight it down with a decorative cord of a suitable tone - it will draw out the folds and give the holiday decoration a new color accent. Divide the edge of the main tablecloth and at the same time the future frill into equal parts, marking them from the inside out or with pins.

Form folds by pinning or basting them. Make sure the ruffles are even and neat, after which you can sew a connecting stitch on a sewing machine and close the seam with a zigzag.

The final touch will be the decorative elements of the tablecloth. You can additionally perform the so-called dining track - a strip of fabric that will lie on top of the main cover. Match it in a single color with a decorative cord on the ruffles. Finally, the free side of the served table can be decorated with designer ribbon and flowers.


  • wedding tablecloth
  • Wedding table setting
  • How to sew a beautiful tablecloth?
  • DIY wedding tablecloth

Teflon tablecloth is always popular among housewives, and not only because of its practicality, but also due to its visual appeal. Usually it is used as a table covering - its special impregnation is resistant to moisture and dirt. Teflon is applied to a colored woven base (linen, polyester, cotton, etc.), which does not lose the richness of colors for a long time. The product is easy to care for, and often you can get by with wet cleaning. However, sometimes tablecloths may need to be washed.

You will need

  • - sponge or rag;
  • - wooden spatula;
  • - laundry soap;
  • - universal detergent;
  • - washing machine;
  • - washing powder;
  • - iron (in extreme cases).


Try cleaning a stained Teflon tablecloth, her. Wipe it thoroughly with a damp foam sponge or rag; if necessary, you can use laundry soap or an all-purpose detergent. Remove any remaining soap scum by dampening the sponge regularly with clean water.

Wet any dried dirt, then carefully scrape it off the surface of the tablecloth with a wooden spatula. Dirty puddles pre-wet with a napkin and finish cleaning the table.

If, after wet cleaning the tablecloth, stubborn dirt remains on the surface, wash the product by hand in a solution of washing powder or laundry soap. Such things are usually good. Make sure that the temperature of the liquid is not higher than 30-40 degrees!

It is necessary to wash the Teflon tablecloth carefully, trying not to make creases on it. After removing all stains from the product, in no case do not unscrew it before drying. Give the table top a good shake to loosen wrinkles and remove excess moisture.

Try not to iron the tablecloth so as not to damage it. To achieve this is quite simple, because with proper care, such products almost do not crumple. If, nevertheless, such a need arises, walk along the wrong side of the table cover with a not very hot iron. In this case, do not press the heated surface too hard against the linen surface.


New Teflon-coated woven tablecloths may shrink slightly after washing. There is more risk that the product will sit down with a linen or cotton base. Good shape-holding items made of polycotton (a mixture of cotton and polyester), 100% polyester and acrylic fibers. Keep this in mind when choosing a table top - choose cheap synthetics; more prestigious natural fabrics should initially have a margin of length.

Helpful advice

Typically, manufacturers of Teflon tablecloths give a guarantee for a quality product for up to five years. Over time, the impregnation wears out and loses its qualities. An old thing will get dirty faster and will require frequent washing (according to the care of the base fabric). In this case, it is recommended to replace it with a new one.


  • Self-assembled tablecloth. What are tablecloths used for?
  • Tablecloth fabric impregnated with Teflon and Scotchgard.
  • teflon tablecloth teflon tablecloths

One of the indispensable attributes of table setting is a tablecloth. Without a tablecloth, a feast is not a feast, and a holiday is not a holiday. decorate the meal, add variety to the interior, make the table more elegant. However, in each case, different tablecloths are appropriate.


The tablecloth that you use every day to cover the table for lunch or dinner for the whole family should be practical, not too flashy and withstand washing well. Think of a tablecloth with a checkered pattern, for example.

For a romantic candlelight dinner, a celebration, an anniversary banquet, choose a tablecloth in a boiled white color or with a light cream shade. It will emphasize the solemnity of the moment and serve as a wonderful backdrop for festive porcelain and candles. The tablecloth, decorated with embroidery, exactly matches the tone of the napkins, looks especially luxurious.

For tea drinking, choose a practical tablecloth with a classic pattern. It will make the feast even more cozy and sincere, and vases with golden cookies and ruby ​​jam will look more appetizing on it.

Remember that different occasions require tablecloths made of different fabrics. Teflon-coated tablecloths, cotton tablecloths are well suited for daily serving. For special occasions, use tablecloths made of silk, jacquard, linen, damask tablecloths.

Do not forget about an important point: the color of the tablecloth should be in harmony with the color of the dishes. White dishes will get lost on a brightly colored tablecloth, and an exquisitely painted service will look very strange on a cotton tablecloth with a modest checkered or folklore pattern.

So, whoever is interested, please under the cut !!!

I show the master class using another fabric as an example.
First we need to decide what size tablecloth we need.
It is calculated as follows: 20-25 cm are usually laid on the overhang.
That is, if your table is 80*120cm, then add 50 cm to the size of the table for each measurement and get the final size 130*170cm

Before sewing such a tablecloth, the fabrics must be decanted or washed so that the fabrics shrink.
usually we make the edging width 10 cm, so given that the edging comes from all sides, we cut the central part 110 * 150 cm + seam allowances = 112*152cm

We have a double edging, so the width of each strip is 10 * 2 + seam allowances = 22 cm

for our table size, the length of the strips will be equal to the width of the finished tablecloth and the length of the finished tablecloth + seam allowances. that is, we cut 2 strips 130+2= 132 cm and 2 strips 170+2= 172 cm If you are reinsurers, then you can make these stripes a little longer)) by a couple of centimeters)

So. We're all set and let's get started!

We fold all strips of edging in half and iron, getting a strip 11 cm wide

We take one strip of edging (one layer, not both) and stepping back from the edge of this strip 11 cm (strip width + allowance) we prick on the wrong side of the tablecloth.

For fidelity, you can pin the entire strip of edging to the tablecloth.

Stepping back from the edge, a distance equal to the width of the foot, attach a strip of edging to the tablecloth. we do not reach the end of the side also at a distance equal to the width of the foot.

Here you can see it))

We do the other three sides by analogy. This is what the corner will look like.

Then, with the right side outward, fold the corner of the tablecloth (you get an angle of 45 degrees), laying the strips of edging on top of each other.

Having attached the ruler strictly to the edge of the fold, we draw a chalk line on the edging, which is a strict continuation of the fold line of the tablecloth.

leaving a seam allowance of about 1 cm, cut off the excess

Expanded, the edging will look like this:
We chop off the details of two adjacent edgings.

And we sew

Cut off a corner

Then begins the long and thorough ironing procedure))). Turn on the iron and let's get started!
Ironing the details of the edging

The seam between the edging and the tablecloth is ironed to the side of the edging.

There are several ways to sew tablecloths, because the corners and side cuts of the fabric can be processed in different ways. In this material, we have described the traditional and basic method, having mastered which you can sew with your own hands not only festive or everyday tablecloths, but also kitchen napkins, towels and runners with neat corners and edges.

To sew a tablecloth with your own hands you will need:

  1. A cut of a suitable fabric needs to be sized (from what material it is better to sew a tablecloth, read the article "", in the same master class, the tablecloth was sewn from flax);
  2. Threads to match the fabric and decorative trim;
  3. Sewing machine;
  4. Sewing supplies: tailor's scissors, ruler, measuring tape, pins, thimble, needle threader, chalk or marker;
  5. Decor if desired (it can be: sewing, border, fringe, lace, braid, etc.);
  6. Iron.

Step 1. Calculate fabric consumption

  1. Measure the length and width of the countertop;
  2. Determine the desired length of the overhang of the fabric, that is, the distance from the edge of the tabletop to the edge of the future tablecloth.
  • The overhang of the fabric can be 20-40 cm or have a floor length. The longer the overhang, the more elegant the tablecloth will turn out, but also the more inconvenient to use, therefore, for the everyday option, an overhang length of 20-30 cm is suitable;
  • When determining the length of the overhang, consider the percentage of shrinkage of the fabric after washing - for cotton linen and burlap, you need to add 10 cm to the desired length of the overhang, for linen - 10-15 cm. You can go the other way - pre-wash and then iron the fabric well.
  1. Now we take paper and a pen and calculate the fabric consumption using the following simple formula:

  • Please note that in this formula, a hem allowance of 5 cm is indicated, and the hem itself will turn out to be only 4 cm wide.

Step 2: Cut out the fabric

Iron the fabric if necessary, then lay it out on your work surface, make marks with a ruler and pencil, and then cut off the excess; patterns are not needed for a simple rectangular or square tablecloth.

  • The best way to mark the cut line is to pull the thread out of the fabric. To do this, you need to make a small incision in the right place, pull and carefully pull out the thread, which will be your guide.

Step 3. We process the corners

Now we need to decorate the corners so that they look beautiful even from the inside out. For this:

  1. We put the fabric on the table “face down”, bend its edges 1 cm inside out, fix the bends with pins (if necessary, we bast) and iron along the entire perimeter of the fabric.

  1. Further, on both sides of the corner, we measure segments 2 times larger than the hem width you planned (in this master class, the hem width is planned to be 4 cm, so a distance of 8 cm is measured from the corner). Then both marks must be connected with a ruler and a pencil.

  1. Fold the fabric in the corner (wrong side out) lengthwise so that the marks match and fix the fold with pins. Then we sew the corner along the markup.

  1. We cut off the excess in the corner, leaving only 5 mm of the allowance from the seam. Also cut the edge of the remaining allowance at the fold as shown in the photo below. This must be done so that the corner of the tablecloth turns out evenly.

  1. We turn out the corner, correct and iron. Further, in the described way, we process the remaining 3 corners of the tablecloth. Here's what you should get.

Step 4: Sew the hem

And finally, we begin to process the sides: we iron the hem of the entire tablecloth, fix it with pins and sew (from the inside out) on a typewriter or by hand with a blind seam at a distance of 1 mm from the fold.

Provence-style tablecloth decor: cotton tablecloth decorated with gathered stripes of burlap

In the next video tutorial, you can see not only the complete process of sewing a tablecloth, but also decorating it.

In our master class, we only considered the method of sewing a rectangular or square tablecloth, but how to sew a decoration for a round table? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video tutorial on how you can easily cut the fabric for a round tablecloth without using a pattern and process its sections with an oblique trim or glue gossamer.
