How to remove smell from shoes at home. Shoe odor removers

How to get rid of shoe odor- asked such a question? Probably yes. After all, alas, this problem is familiar to many. It's an unfortunate situation and we need to take action. What will help in the fight against foul-smelling shoes, what means are the most effective - let's figure it out.

Causes of bad smell in shoes

Before looking for ways to get rid of bad smell in shoes, you need to understand why it appeared.

You can't get anywhere - with long wear during the day, when there is no way to change shoes, your feet start to sweat a lot. The same thing happens in hot weather if you have to wear closed shoes.

Humidity is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, and it is they who cause the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Sweat contains all sorts of trace elements, acids, salts, hormones that decompose under the action of bacteria, as a result we get a very noticeable stench. Shoes, of course, are impregnated with it.

Neglect of cleanliness and dryness of the feet can even result in a fungal disease. Some people suffer from excessive sweating. It is clear that for them the problem - how to get rid of the smell of sweat in shoes - is especially relevant.

Obviously, you will have to take care of foot hygiene and shoe care: pick up odor-killing products and take care of your shoes, boots and boots daily.

Foot hygiene to prevent shoe odor

We usually pay attention to underarm sweating. But physical activity, stress, and the influence of heat make our feet sweat in the same way, we just notice it less.

How to get rid of foot odor in shoes? It may sound trite, but you will have to remind you of this - without daily hygiene of the limbs, the odor coming from even the highest quality pair of shoes or boots is guaranteed to you.

At least twice a day, feet should be washed with soap and water, thoroughly wiping between the toes with a towel. Those who are prone to severe sweating of the legs need to deal with this problem. After your feet are washed, use a special deodorant, talcum powder or salicylic powder.

It is useful to make baths, the main ingredient of which can be soda, citric acid, green tea, oak bark.

If neither hygiene nor baths help, it is better to seek the advice of a doctor. Perhaps the cause of the unpleasant odor is a fungus, and the doctor will select the necessary drugs to cure the disease.

There is one proven remedy that is great for sweating, including legs. Apply Teymurov's paste on washed dry feet, be sure to put on socks and go to bed. Do this for at least 3 days in a row. You can repeat the procedure after a few months.

If possible, do not walk all day in one shoe, keep a replacement pair at work; if the room is hot, then being in the same sneakers or boots for many hours in a row is a real torture for the legs. And then not to look for ways, how to get rid of smell in winter shoes, it is wiser not to allow it to appear.

It's a good idea to change socks and tights during the day, which are so quickly saturated with the smell of sweat.

Get rid of the smell of sweat

How to get rid of the smell in new shoes? In this case, shoe deodorant helps a lot, it removes a rather specific smell of leather, especially cheap leather, or glue.

The most convenient deodorant is in the form of a spray, there are also sticks and tablets. This tool is also used in the fight against the smell of worn shoes. But there are other means and methods for eliminating unpleasant amber.

So, what to do if you didn’t keep track and the “aroma” coming from boots or boots hits the sense of smell? How can you get rid of shoe odor?

We will use different methods:

  1. some types of shoes can be washed in a washing machine or in a basin, then dried thoroughly. For example, the smell often appears in sports shoes - if the instructions allow washing, then try this option;
  2. what cannot be washed should be wiped from the inside with soapy water and wiped dry. Shoes should be air-dried if possible;
  3. we remove the old insoles, they are already clearly affected by bacteria, we get new ones from natural material. Flavored and charcoal-impregnated insoles will work as a deodorant;
  4. they use a special agent "Odorgon" to neutralize the stench, which, moreover, has an antibacterial effect;
  5. we wipe the shoes inside with a solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine;
  6. you can use an excellent antiseptic - formidron. It works effectively, however, reviews about its harm to the body are contradictory, because its basis is formaldehyde. If you still decide to use it, handle the shoes outdoors, wearing gloves. You can leave the formidron-soaked discs overnight, or spray your pair inside with this solution.

We fight with the smell of shoes with improvised means

Although badly smelling shoes are a very unpleasant and, alas, frequent problem, one thing pleases - in any home you can find simple products that do a pretty good job of eliminating the smell.

You can choose any of the methods that we offer you, and how to get rid of the smell in shoes quickly and reliably - decide for yourself:

  1. vinegar usually helps, which is probably always at hand. We moisten cotton wool with it and leave it inside a pair of shoes for several hours;
  2. tea bags, especially green ones, absorb bad odors and prevent bacterial growth;
  3. there are several proven dry ways to get rid of shoe stench: baby powder, sea salt, activated charcoal (for black shoes - crush the tablets and put in a cotton sock), soda (for light colors). All these substances are poured into the shoes and left overnight. The steam can then be vacuumed to remove absorbents;
  4. crumpled newspapers absorb moisture from shoes and the accompanying smell well, they need to be changed every hour until the shoes dry out;
  5. dry a wet pair well helps cat litter;
  6. the next method seems a little extreme - we will kill the bacteria that cause an unpleasant smell in shoes with cold. To do this, we put the unpleasantly smelling couple in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer overnight. After freezing, the smell in the shoes disappears. But with patent leather shoes, such a number will not work!
  7. another way for an amateur: soak old socks with alcohol or vodka, put on a pair of smelly shoes and walk around until completely dry;
  8. can be sprinkled inside with ammonia; given its pungent smell, it is better to do it in the air, in extreme cases, near an open window. The ammonia will disappear after a few hours, killing the unpleasant odor;
  9. how to get rid of the smell of dampness in shoes - wipe the pair inside with a sponge dipped in a solution of a mixture of vodka and ammonia.

Taking good care of your shoes

When you have managed to get rid of the smell in your shoes, it is important to prevent it from reappearing. This will require some effort.

After wearing a pair of shoes, you need to dry them. An excellent remedy is to use a dryer with an ionizer and ultraviolet treatment. Such devices kill bacteria and fungus, eliminating unpleasant odors.

Is this method unaffordable? There are various electric dryers on sale, including affordable ones. Going for family shopping, choose the right option for you.

In extreme cases, just remember to dry your shoes - come home, wash your pair, leave it open to dry inside. It is better to have at least two pairs of boots or sneakers to change them and give the shoes time to air out.

Use water repellants to keep your shoes from getting wet. It is preferable to use removable insoles, they can be washed regularly and replaced with new ones from time to time. Store shoes in well-ventilated areas.

If you carefully care for shoes, boots and boots, do not forget about foot hygiene, then you are unlikely to face the question - how to get rid of bad smell in shoes. Agree, it is better to prevent a problem than to fix it later.
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Unpleasant shoe odor is usually associated with increased sweating. But sweat itself is odorless. The unpleasant smell is caused by the activity of bacteria and microbes. The following factors can influence their appearance:

  • fungal diseases of nails and skin;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • wearing synthetic socks or tights;
  • neglect of regular shoe care;
  • storage of shoes in a room with high humidity;
  • wearing shoes made of low-quality artificial leather.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat leather and more shoes per night

If you spent the whole day on your feet, then by the evening you will notice that your shoes are damp and smell strongly of sweat. But what if you plan to wear this pair again in the morning? There are ten options for treating shoes from the smell of sweat at home. We present to your attention folk tips against dampness and bad smell.

  1. Peel of citrus. Cut the rind off a lemon, grapefruit, or orange and place in your boots. By morning, there will be no trace of the smell of sweat. In addition, the material is saturated with a pleasant citrus aroma.
  2. Activated carbon. Put two or three sorbent tablets into your shoes. Overnight, the product will absorb moisture, unpleasant odors and bacteria.
  3. Alcohol. Pour vodka, medical alcohol or two-thirds ammonia diluted with water into a container with a spray bottle. Spray the inside of the boots and leave to air dry.
  4. Talc. Pour talcum powder into shoes and shake well so that the product is evenly distributed inside. Leave until the morning. The powder absorbs moisture and unpleasant odor overnight.
  5. Tea tree oil. Drip a little ether on the walls of boots or shoes. Within a few hours, its vapors will spread over the surface, neutralizing the smell and bacteria.
  6. Sage and. Mix dry herbs and scatter in cloth bags. Put them inside your shoes. During the night, the herbs will absorb the smell of sweat, disinfect the surface and give the shoes a pleasant aroma.
  7. Iodine. Put a little iodine on two cotton sponges, place inside the sneakers and cover with a paper towel.
  8. Tea bag. Lightly moisten the bag with sleeping tea leaves and place in the boot. You can also put the sachet under the insole.
  9. Salt. Pour table or iodized salt into your shoes. The stronger the smell, the more funds will be needed.
  10. Alum. Great shoe odor remover. Sold in a pharmacy, has a disinfecting and wound healing effect. Put it in shoes, boots or sneakers. The next morning, the powder can not be poured out - it will serve as a deodorant for the feet.

To eliminate the smell in shoes with fur, you need to put it on the balcony or on the street until the morning. Frosty air neutralizes bacteria. Summer or demi-season shoes can be folded into a plastic bag and placed in the freezer for a couple of hours.

Suitable essential compositions. Removing bad smell from shoes

How to remove and clean the smell of sweat from shoes? Prepare a homemade spray and spray inside your boots or sneakers daily.

Table - Essential compositions for shoes

MeansThe basisEssential oilsNumber of drops
From the smell0.5 liters of waterorange3
From sweatingPine1
From germsclove1
From fungilavender1

antimicrobial treatment. How to deal with germs

What can I do to keep my shoes from smelling? It is important to get rid of bacteria and germs. Once a week, treat with one of the three disinfectants.

hydrogen peroxide and manganese

  1. Dissolve 2 g of manganese in a liter of water.
  2. Soak a cotton swab or cloth in the liquid and wipe the inside of the product well.
  3. Soak the sponge with hydrogen peroxide and do the same treatment.
  4. Leave shoes to dry outdoors.

In the cold season, when it is impossible to quickly dry your boots outdoors, use newspapers. They will absorb not only moisture, but also odors.


  1. Dilute table vinegar with water in equal proportions.
  2. Soak a gauze or rag in the solution and wipe the inside of the sneakers. The material must be well saturated with the product.
  3. Dry the item outdoors until the acid smell is completely gone.


  1. Sprinkle a couple of tablespoons of baking soda on the insoles.
  2. Shake your boots well after five hours.
  3. To finally get rid of soda particles, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
  4. Air dry.

When processing suede shoes, it is better to pour soda into a cloth bag and place it inside in this form. Otherwise, streaks or cracks may appear on the material.

Methods for dealing with other odors. Eliminate bad odors

What to do so that the boots or other shoes do not have the smell of cat urine? Not only excessive sweating of the feet and bacteria can cause an unpleasant smell. There are several other factors. For example, mold and animal urine. How to remove odor from shoes? For every problem there is a solution.


If you store shoes in a damp place, it is likely that they will become moldy. The fungus is dangerous to health, and also emits a specific unpleasant odor. To eliminate and kill the fungus, you need to perform a certain sequence of actions.


  1. First of all, shoes should be washed well with laundry soap to remove surface manifestations of mold.
  2. In equal proportions, mix vodka and ammonia. Wipe problem areas inside and out with this composition.
  3. Dry completely.
  4. To two parts of water, add a part of table vinegar and wipe the inside and outside.
  5. Dry your boots outside again so that the smell of vinegar is completely gone.

The reviews note the high antifungal activity of chlorine bleaches. If you have light-colored shoes, rub the problem areas well with a product that is two-thirds diluted with water.

Animal urine

If a pet has played a trick and wet the shoes, it will immediately begin to exude a terrible stench. But do not think that shoes or shoes are hopelessly damaged. There is an effective way to quickly clean the smell from shoes.


  1. Wash shoes with laundry soap and dry thoroughly.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in potassium permanganate and treat the outer and inner surfaces.
  3. This is followed by treatment with vinegar, half diluted with water.
  4. Air dry.
  5. If it was not possible to remove the unpleasant smell from the shoes the first time, repeat the treatment.

Even if after cleaning you do not smell a specific smell, your pet will be able to catch it, and therefore there is a risk of repeating the prank. Get a special spray at the pet store, the smell of which will scare the animal away from the shoes.

Preventive measures

Without fail, you need to adopt several ways to get rid of the smell in sneakers, shoes, boots and other shoes. But you will have to use them much less often if you follow preventive measures.

  • Indoor shoes. For each season, there should be at least two pairs of shoes to wear them alternately. On the day when you walk in one shoe, the second should be ventilated in the open air all day long.
  • Genuine Leather. The material allows the skin to "breathe" and the problem of sweat odor is less acute.
  • Replacement of insoles. If your boots or shoes have a synthetic insole, do not be stingy to replace it with a natural one.
  • Regular cleaning. Every time you return home, clean your shoes from dust and dirt. Wipe the inside of the boots with soapy water and dry thoroughly.
  • Personal hygiene. Wash your feet twice a day with a washcloth and soap. After water procedures, the feet should be wiped dry with a towel.
  • Fight sweat. If you suffer from hyperhidrosis, use foot deodorants or special products to reduce sweating.
  • Wet protection. Treat winter and autumn shoes with a water-repellent compound before going outside.
  • Life time. Even the most durable and high-quality shoes are not recommended to be worn for more than three years in a row. During this time, the material absorbs too much sweat and foreign matter, and therefore it is almost impossible to get rid of odor, germs and fungal spores.

Never wear newly bought shoes, because they also have a specific smell. Unfasten them completely, free them from the laces and air them in the fresh air during the day.

To get rid of the unpleasant smell from shoes, you need to look at the root of the problem. The main reason is sweaty feet. It does not matter if there is no special tool at hand. Normal underarm deodorant will do. If using a ball or solid product, first apply it on the palms, then treat the feet, paying attention to the area between the fingers.

Have a bad smell in your favorite boots, shoes or sneakers? Do not rush to send them to the trash can! Better just now find out how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of shoes, and take urgent measures!

Airing and drying

If the cause of the unpleasant smell was a banal getting wet, dry your shoes well and send them to the balcony - you can at least for the whole day to ventilate well. This will remove even a very strong smell. And so that the situation does not happen again, eliminate the cause. It can be either a hole, or a cracked sole, or a broken seam.

Replacement of insoles

Insoles are another reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor. It is enough to change them to forget about an unpleasant problem for a long time. By the way, when choosing insoles, pay attention to models with a layer of charcoal or activated carbon - they absorb sweat, moisture and aromas.

Potassium permanganate

A weak solution of potassium permanganate is able to disinfect any surface. Dilute the potassium permanganate with water, soak a cotton swab in the solution and treat the shoes. Make sure the liquid is a pale pink, otherwise it will stain your shoes and boots.

Powder "Candide"

This is a special drug that is often used to treat shoes and feet with severe sweating and fungal disease.

Shoe deodorant

The stores sell special deodorants, which include antibacterial substances. They clean the smell well, prolong the life of the shoes, dry quickly and do not leave stains.

Using deodorant is easy:

  • Shake the spray can well and place it 20 cm from the surface to be treated;
  • Feet - Spray between toes, on the top of the foot and on the sole;
  • Shoes - spray deodorant inside the product 2-3 seconds before and after wearing.

Current manufacturers produce deodorants for shoes in the form of sprays, sticks and tablets:

  • Spray is affordable, functional and easy to use. Helps to eliminate not only an unpleasant smell, but also microorganisms that cause fungus;
  • Stick - deodorant in the form of a pencil also quickly removes an unpleasant odor, but it is less convenient to use. To remove the smell, you need to lubricate the inside of the shoe with a pencil almost every day;
  • Tablets - developed recently, focused on professional athletes. The composition of such tablets includes special components that kill bacteria and fungi.

The best deodorants include "Odor Eaters", "Every Day", "Salton", "Salamander", "Scholl" - 150-180. You can buy them in a shoe or specialty store.

Alcohol-containing formulations

Even vodka or alcohol will help remove the smell. By killing bacteria and disinfecting the surface, they destroy the smell. For best results, treat shoes daily for 2 weeks.

Tea tree oil

This effective antifungal and antibacterial agent allows you to refresh any shoes without any problems. It is enough to dissolve 10 drops of ether in a bowl with warm water, moisten cotton socks in them, wring out and put on your feet. Now we put on a pair that smells bad and walk around the house for 20 minutes. Experts say that in a few procedures you can get rid of even the most corrosive smell.

Hydrogen peroxide

This is the most effective antibacterial agent. It almost instantly kills the smell and the fungus that causes it.

Important! Even a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution can greatly lighten the inside of the boot, so it can only be used for light models.

Baking soda

Baking soda can help get rid of shoe odor. It is often filled into breathable pouches and placed in sneakers. For the busy and lazy, an easy way is to sprinkle baking soda on the inside of your shoes and leave it overnight. Vacuum the shoes in the morning or shake them well. Soda can be replaced with almost any powder, as long as it contains salicylic acid.

Remember, this method is only suitable for light couples!


Vinegar is one of the most common odor removers. Soak a piece of cotton wool in 6% or 9% vinegar and thoroughly wipe the shoes both inside and out. Expose your shoes to the air and let them air out well.

Activated carbon

Activated charcoal is suitable for black shoes - one plate is enough. Just crush the coal and use it as in the previous version.


An interesting option! Put the smelling couple in a bag and send it to the freezer for several hours. Bacteria do not survive in sub-zero temperatures! Attention - this method is categorically not suitable for varnished models.

Dryer with ionizer

Not so long ago, special dryers with an ionizer and ultraviolet treatment appeared in stores. They kill any bacteria and help get rid of the fungus.


Another universal remedy against unpleasant odors and mold. Sprinkle salt generously into your shoes and leave for three days. By the same principle, you can use talc, ground coffee, citric acid, baby powder or baking powder.

Green tea brewing

Brew strong tea, cool and pour inside the shoes. You can also spray it with a spray bottle or use a cotton swab. Leave the tea leaves for a few hours, pour and dry.

How to properly store shoes?

To prevent your favorite pair from getting a bad smell, store your shoes properly:

  • Wash shoes, boots or sneakers thoroughly;
  • Dry them completely;
  • If the shoes are made of velor, suede or nubuck, treat them with a special tool;
  • Stuff the product with crumpled newspapers or linen bags and put it in a box;
  • Also in the box you need to throw a bag of silica gel;
  • Remove your shoes from time to time to air them out.

How to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor?

If you don't know how to get rid of bad shoe odor, make sure it doesn't reappear. Our helpful tips will help you with this:

  • Wash your feet every day;
  • Change socks daily;
  • Choose shoes made from natural materials;
  • Wear socks and tights made from natural fibers (at least 80%);
  • A wet product must be dried immediately;
  • Dry the insoles separately and change them once a month;
  • Use special impregnations that increase the water-repellent properties of shoes;
  • Treat fungal diseases;
  • If possible, wear a change pair to work.

The bad smell of shoes brings a lot of inconvenience. There can be many reasons for its occurrence, but it is important to know how to get rid of it. It is quite simple to do this, there are many proven methods on how to remove the bad smell that exudes from shoes at home. We will talk about them further.

Shoes accompany us every day. Regardless of the time of the year, when we leave the house, we put on shoes or boots first of all, and sometimes spend most of the day in them. Any shoes, even new ones, have their own specific flavor. It is not pleasant or unpleasant, but the biggest inconvenience is the smell of sweat that our boots and shoes begin to exude after a certain period of use. Most often, such a smell occurs in shoes that are made of non-natural materials and are poorly ventilated, but this is not the only reason.

A person's feet often sweat and this is normal. Sometimes there is increased perspiration, which leads to the fact that the shoes are always a little damp inside. With insufficient ventilation in the shoes, the feet begin to sweat more. Sweat and its odor soak into your favorite shoes or boots. Washing shoes inside every day is not possible, because leather, fur, insoles accumulate odor. Dirt, moisture contributes to the development of fungus and various bacteria, and these are all causes of a bad smell. This situation leads to discomfort, because after a person takes off his shoes, an unpleasant smell is clearly felt, including by others.

Even the cleanest person is not immune from the smell of shoes. This is not a big problem if you take certain measures to eliminate it. To do this, you can use simple improvised materials:

  • soda;
  • vinegar or peroxide;
  • coal;
  • dry tea leaves or bags;
  • drying shoes;
  • herbs and essential oils.

You can use these products at home, this does not require special skills and abilities, it is enough to take a few minutes of your time, then the unpleasant smell of your shoes will simply disappear.

It is no secret that activated carbon perfectly absorbs moisture and various aromas. In order to get rid of the smell, you can use activated charcoal, tablets of which can be found in every home.

7-8 tablets can be placed in each shoe. This will be enough to combat the smell of sweat, the tablets will absorb it along with unpleasant odors and excess moisture. This method is quick and simple, but has a significant drawback - after using activated charcoal, black marks may remain on the inner surface of the shoe.

There are insoles that have a special layer containing activated carbon. It is recommended to use them, as they are quite effective, absorb moisture and aromas, and at the same time do not cause inconvenience or discomfort to a person.

How to remove the smell of sweat from shoes at home with baking soda
Effectively fights unpleasant odors with ordinary soda, which is in the kitchen of every housewife. To do this, sprinkle the inner surface of the shoe with soda, leave for a while, for example, for several hours or overnight. Soda is a free-flowing substance that perfectly absorbs moisture and odors. After a certain amount of time, the soda from the shoes is shaken out or sucked out with a vacuum cleaner.

To rid your shoes of a bad smell, you can use ordinary peroxide or vinegar. To perform the procedure, you need to moisten a cotton swab or sponge and wipe the inner surface of the product. Vinegar and peroxide effectively fight fungus and also neutralize bacteria that are the source of odor.

If after the procedure the smell remains a little, it must be repeated. Vinegar or peroxide can also be used to prevent odor on a regular basis. You should be careful when using this method. Since peroxide, vinegar or alcohol can adversely affect the treated surface, for example, it is possible to lighten parts of the internal parts of the shoe.

How to remove sweat odor from shoes at home using essential oils and herbs
You can use various folk remedies that have their own pleasant aroma and are able to muffle unpleasant odors. To get rid of the smell that exudes from shoes, essential oil, for example, lavender, will help. You need to moisten a sponge in it and wipe the shoes from the inside. This method is quite effective, since the oil has an antibacterial effect, fights fungus and mold, which provoke odor. In addition, essential oils have a rather pleasant aroma.

As previously noted, one of the main causes of bad breath is moisture, which promotes the spread of bacteria and fungi. Therefore, in order for your shoes to remain in good condition and not be saturated with unpleasant odors, it is necessary to dry them regularly.

Drying is recommended not at high temperatures, as this can damage the product, but with the help of low temperatures - by freezing. In winter, shoes or boots can be placed on the balcony at night, where the temperature is low, and in summer they can be wrapped in ordinary polyethylene and placed in the freezer for a certain time. Thus, with the help of freezing, you can quickly rid your shoes of moisture, which leads to a bad smell.

Important! Low temperatures can adversely affect some materials, such as leatherette. Such products are not recommended to dry in this way.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat from shoes at home with special means

The smell of shoes is not a problem of a few individuals, but rather of everyone. Today, there are many special tools that can deal with unpleasant amber. Various sprays or deodorants are used that have a certain antibacterial effect, as well as exude a pleasant aroma and saturate your shoes with it.

Spray deodorants are simple and easy to use. You just need to spray it inside the shoes and it's done. In addition to sprays, special creams, pencils, tablets, pads and much more are very popular. They have the same principle of action - an antibacterial effect plus a pleasant aroma.

The most comfortable are special flavored insoles. They perform their main function as insoles, while absorbing bad odors and emitting a pleasant aroma. If you use these insoles, you won't need to squirt deodorant, slather on cream or crayon, put in and take out pills from time to time as you would with other types of shoe deodorants.

There are many ways to get rid of the smell. How to remove the smell of sweat from shoes at home, everyone chooses for himself. You can use improvised tools and materials that are available in every home, moreover, it will not cost at all expensive.

Important! Prevention is the most effective way to deal with shoe odor. It is necessary to constantly care for shoes, regularly wash and clean the inner surfaces, and also dry them. Even if you do not feel moisture, this does not mean that it is not there. At this time, in comfortable conditions - dampness and warmth, bacteria and fungus develop and multiply. It is necessary not only to wash shoes, but also to change the insoles, preferably at least once every three months. In addition, you need to watch your feet and observe personal hygiene. This is not only necessary for your shoes, but also important for health. Video on how to remove the smell of sweat from shoes at home

Video on how to remove the smell of sweat from shoes at home

Considering how to remove the smell from shoes, it is necessary to establish its cause. Sometimes it is obvious, but most often it takes some time to find the factors that explain the appearance of such a nuisance. Even clean people can face such a situation.

The most common causes of odor from boots, sneakers, etc. are the following:

  • feet sweat too much;
  • shoes of poor quality;
  • toxins accumulate in the body;
  • shoes are improperly cared for;
  • a person does not follow the rules of hygiene.

Also, the cause of the smell can provoke a pet. The cat can go to the toilet in shoes. In this case, action must be taken urgently. Otherwise, you will need to buy new shoes.

Having established the cause of the smell and eliminated it, attention should also be paid to preventive measures.


Shoes start to smell bad for several reasons:

  • new shoes are treated with low-quality dye or impregnation;
  • when worn or after a strong wetting of the shoes, drying was not carried out, and therefore mold formed;
  • shoes are too closed, without ventilation holes, which creates a greenhouse effect inside;
  • low quality shoes, insoles, synthetic socks;
  • a person has increased sweating of the legs or foot fungus, which form an environment favorable for the development of bacteria;
  • some unpleasant-smelling liquid was spilled inside, for example, a cat or other animal passed a small need;
  • poor foot hygiene, dirty socks;
  • improper storage of shoes in the off season;
  • shoes are not removed throughout the day.

Sometimes molds can grow in shoes due to getting wet. Their smell is not as unpleasant as in the examples listed above, but there is another danger when they occur.

As a rule, mold affects leather shoes. This threatens the rapid destruction of the material and the growth of fungi.

How to remove bad moldy smell from shoes:

In spite of careful daily care, shoes may have an unpleasant odor due to sweaty feet or other hygiene-related reasons. If the cause of the bad smell lies in insufficient care, dirty feet or socks, then this is easy to fix.

You just need to start wearing clean pairs of socks and look after yourself more. Sweating feet is a rather complex problem. Here are a few ways to get rid of it, or at least make life a little easier with it:

  • when choosing socks, preference should be given to natural materials such as cotton, linen, bamboo;
  • it is better to wear breathable shoes, synthetics and leatherette are not welcome;
  • it is best to wash your feet at least twice a day, change socks with the same frequency;
  • when washing, use a bactericidal or special soap, spray your feet with a special deodorant;
  • for drying at night, you can sprinkle your feet with talcum powder and put on a sock.

There are also several options for rinsing and baths to help cope with excessive sweating of the feet:

  • with the use of tannins contained in oak bark and tea; a concentrated decoction of oak bark is added to the water, where clean feet are lowered; strong tea is also effective and used in a similar way;
  • adding vinegar to the water for rinsing the feet also has a positive effect; it kills bacteria and eliminates odor;
  • a solution of ordinary baking soda also removes odor and helps get rid of sweaty feet.

If nothing helps, you need to see a doctor who will select medication.

On the eve of the emerging question of how to get rid of the smell of shoes, you need to delve into the essence of the problem and understand the reasons. First of all, it should be noted that the source of odor is sweat and bacteria. Probably, every person has noticed the process when his legs get cold, after which an unpleasant smell forms, for example, in hot summer weather.

Sweat is a provocateur of active reproduction of bacteria on the skin of the legs, which, in the process of vital activity, release decay products, as is typical for all living organisms. They are the source of an unpleasant smell, which simply sometimes drives you crazy. The reasons for this are the following factors:

  1. Poor quality shoes. Things from China have actively entered our lives, thereby absorbing almost everything: clothes, shoes, furniture, toys, and so on. Due to cheapness, Chinese quality wants to be better or simply deplorable. Such shoes lead to the fact that a person has many problems: an unpleasant smell, various fungal diseases. Artificial materials do not allow air to circulate, so the legs literally “suffocate”, and if there is still active sweating, then they start to stink.
  2. Humidity . Moisture gets into it through the presence of its defects. Feet can get wet if you choose the wrong shoes for the weather.
  3. Sweating. The following factors can be attributed to the appearance of this reason: various diseases, physical activities, wearing synthetic socks and tights, drinking alcohol. These factors provoke the release of sweat from the skin, which, in turn, becomes an excellent environment for the development of bactericidal microorganisms.
  4. Obsolescence. Shoes can emit an unpleasant odor as a result of this factor. If you do not take care of it, then you will not be able to get rid of it.
  5. The presence of animals in the house. Perhaps this point will seem ironic to you, but very often they are emptied into shoes. A person may not notice the discomfort, but over time, the smell of urine will push the owner to the unfortunate news.

These are the main factors that cause shoes to smell bad. As for the options for removing this smell, there are some nuances here. We will learn about the main ways to solve the problem further.

Removing the smell from shoes is not the same as solving the problem. After all, this is only a consequence, therefore, in order to eliminate it, it is necessary to find out the main causes. The solution to the problem must be entrusted to special creams and ointments that have the effects of antiseptic and disinfection. By treating the feet with such preparations, you can eliminate the problem of unpleasant odor from shoes. Also, baths will come to the rescue.

You can get rid of the smell of the feet with the help of foot baths. If you carry out the procedures daily, then in this way the microflora of the feet will be adjusted. In addition, the special composition of the decoction helps prevent the development of fungal diseases. If your feet are sweaty, then the methods below will definitely help to solve the problem of stink from shoes.

  • The use of potassium permanganate. The effectiveness of potassium permanganate has long been known. You can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of active sweating by preparing a weak solution in which you should lower your legs for 15-20 minutes. Daily implementation of such procedures will help solve problems that have been bothering for many years.
  • Contrast baths. The method is harsh but effective. It is required to fill two basins with water, in one of which to collect cold, and in the second hot. In the container, it is necessary to lower the legs one by one, which will speed up the process of blood circulation and reduce sweating. The total duration of the procedure is about 10-15 minutes.
  • Decoction of oak bark. You can prepare it according to the following recipe: grind oak bark, then pour it into a container, pour water and boil. Then strain and add to a bowl. Immerse the limbs in a container for 15 minutes.

Before taking the bath, treat the feet with a pumice stone. This makes it possible to remove the keratinized layer of the skin, as well as prevent the growth of bacteria. How to get rid of bad smell in shoes? To do this, you can use home methods.

Excessive sweating is the main reason for the formation of an unpleasant smell from shoes. If you look at the physiology, on average, the feet produce about 235 ml of sweat.

For some people, this does not pose a threat, but in the second half, this amount of moisture does not have time to evaporate, so an unpleasant odor occurs.

How to remove odor from feet and shoes, and also get rid of nail fungus? For this, there are special pharmacological preparations that eliminate the causes of excessive sweating and disinfect the skin. A good tool has a high cost, so do not buy cheap fakes, which are many on the market.

The composition of effective medications includes an extract of chestnut, calendula, camphor, menthol and grape leaves. In their composition, you can find the substance rutin, which has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and capillaries. These products include ointments, creams, sprays.

Alum will help to quickly get rid of an unpleasant smell. Their powder should be poured into socks or shoes, and then walk like this for 30-50 minutes. You can also carry out foot baths, which will solve the problem with bacteria on the legs.

There are not so many main reasons for the appearance of the smell. All of them are very obvious. If the shoes start to smell, then there is one of the following problems:

  • excessive sweating of the legs;
  • low-quality shoe material;
  • improper shoe care;
  • offended by the owners of the cat.

Tip: Before removing an unpleasant odor, you need to get rid of the cause of its appearance. Otherwise, the problem will keep coming back.

If the main cause of the smell is sweating, then the following measures should be taken: It is imperative to maintain hygiene. Wash your feet twice a day. In the morning and in the evening. It is advisable to use antibacterial soap. It is the presence of bacteria that causes the specific smell.

  1. Wear socks made from natural materials only. Synthetic fabrics do not allow the skin to breathe and do not absorb excess moisture. As a result, the feet begin to sweat.
  2. The use of various baths helps a lot. The method is quite cheap and yet effective. You can add strong black tea, oak bark or citrus fruit zest to the water. To achieve a good result, you need to carry out the procedure daily. This will not only eliminate sweating, but also relax after a working day.
  3. Change clean socks once or twice a day. This will reduce the chance of an odor.

Sweaty feet: what to do?

With strong sweating of the legs, Pasta Teymurova helps well. It is an antiseptic that dries and deodorizes the skin. Another inexpensive remedy is Galmanin powder. Galmanin is applied in a thin layer on clean, dry skin of the feet.

Teymurov's paste is applied to cleanly washed skin of the legs for 1-3 minutes. Repeat 3-4 days. Read contraindications.

Folk remedies

There are many good folk remedies for excessive sweating, try at least one of them. From folk remedies, daily foot baths and wiping the skin can be distinguished.

  1. Baths with oak bark. Three tablespoons of oak bark pour 500 gr. water and boil. After it boils, hold on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Let it brew for 3 hours and you can use it. Before going to bed, take a bath, pour the infusion into it and hold your feet in the heated infusion. Keep it until completely cool. Such baths should be done daily for 10-14 days. Be satisfied with the result.
  2. Another folk remedy is baths with potassium permanganate. Make a weak, slightly tinted solution (4-5 crystals per 1 liter of warm water). Hold your legs for 15-30 minutes. Do it daily until you feel improvement.
  3. Baths with black tea. Boil 1-2 black tea bags in 1 liter of water. Wait until it cools down, pour into a bath and keep your feet for 30-40 minutes. Repeat every day before bed. Green tea is also suitable for this purpose.
  4. Helps to get rid of sweating apple cider vinegar. Wipe the skin of the feet and between the fingers 1-2 times daily with 9% apple cider vinegar. This remedy is suitable for those who do not have wounds and skin lesions between the toes.
  5. In summer and autumn, after washing your feet and wiping them dry, wrap your toes with fresh birch leaves. Another remedy: fill socks with small straw (any dry grass), or oak bark and sleep in these socks all night.

Slagging of the body

When learning how to remove the smell from winter shoes, you need to pay attention to your lifestyle and diet. The abuse of harmful products, smoking, obesity can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Overweight people suffer from excessive sweating of the legs much more often. If the body is slagged, the metabolism does not work properly. In this case, sweating may appear and, as a result, the smell from the shoes. This situation can also arise due to stress, lack of sleep.

To improve the condition of your body, you need to fully relax, review your diet. In food you need to add a lot of vegetables and fruits. Fried, salty, starchy sweet foods should be discarded. You should exercise and reduce stress factors. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes. This will improve overall well-being and reduce sweaty feet.

Folk remedies for smell in shoes

Currently, there are many different tools on the market that can fix this problem without any effort on your part. The most popular ones are as follows.

Spray deodorants

Eliminate odors due to the antibacterial components that make up their composition, as well as various fragrances. You just need to spray a little of this product into your shoes and leave it to dry completely.

These are special bags that you need to put in your shoes at night. They absorb moisture well and also have an antibacterial effect. Dry them well after use.

Shoe tablets

They are left in boots or shoes for the night, they perfectly eliminate all unnecessary odors, but at the same time they have a high price.


There are disposable insoles on sale, they are inexpensive, you can change them every few days.

In addition to purchased products, there are many ways to remove foot odor from shoes using improvised methods. The advantage of these funds is that you do not need to spend money on them and many components are available in almost any home, that is, everyone can choose a method to their liking.

tea bags

If you drink tea from bags, then do not throw away the used ones, but rather dry them - they may come in handy. So, for example, they can be put inside shoes, and they will absorb an unpleasant smell.

Baking soda

In the difficult struggle against the smell in shoes, ordinary baking soda, which is an excellent adsorbent, will help you. It is enough just to sprinkle your shoes or sneakers with soda at night, and in the morning they will smell fresh. All you have to do is just shake out the rest of the soda.

Sachet with your own hands

To make a sachet, you will need baking soda and essential oil. Divide the mixture into bags and leave overnight inside your long-suffering shoes.

To prepare a miracle remedy that will save you from unpleasant odor problems, you will need vodka, water, essential oil and a spray bottle:

  1. For 1 part of vodka, you need to take 2 parts of boiled water and a few drops of any essential oil.
  2. Mix thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray on the inside of your shoe sufferers and wait for it to dry completely.

Baby powder

It can be used to treat insoles - before you put on shoes, sprinkle the insole with baby powder, which will absorb sweat and the shoes will remain dry.

orange peel

This is one of the easiest ways to remove shoe odor overnight. Take an orange and eat it. And put the peel overnight in shoes. Your shoes will smell good in the morning.


Everyone knows that old newspapers can dry wet shoes. You can improve this method:

  1. Place a few drops of any essential oil on newspapers and stuff these scented newspapers inside your shoes.
  2. Leave it like this until the morning.

Coffee beans

Coffee can take away unpleasant smell in just a few minutes, just pour it inside your sneakers or boots and leave it like that for a while.

If you don't know how to get the smell of sweat out of your shoes, try regular vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. Soak a cotton swab in vinegar or peroxide and wipe the inside of the product. This will help neutralize the smell, however, after vinegar, the product will have to be ventilated. These funds can be used regularly for prevention.

Activated carbon

Activated charcoal perfectly absorbs moisture and various aromas, so it can also be successfully used in the fight against shoe odors. Crush 10 tablets and put them into shoes overnight. In the morning, just shake out all the powder.

Low temperatures

How to remove the smell from winter shoes? There is a great way to do this - put your boots or winter boots in the cold, for example, on a balcony or outside. You can wrap them in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer for several hours.

Shoe rotation

You don't have to wear the same shoes every day. It needs to be changed and given time to dry.

Almost any new pair of shoes has a specific scent. This is due to the materials used in its creation, dyes, glue, impregnations and substances used in the leather business.

Not only leather and suede shoes smell, but also fabric sneakers, sneakers and leatherette. The latter especially often has a sharp chemical smell.

Most pairs of shoes stop smelling pretty quickly when worn, however, some substances are quite corrosive. To get rid of the smell, you can use several methods, depending on the complexity of the situation.

So, how to remove the smell from new shoes:

  • simple airing of the shoes often helps; for this, the couple must be exposed to fresh air, for example, on a balcony or loggia with an ajar window for the night or for a day; in winter, cold air is especially good and acts quickly;
  • if this does not help, you need to understand what smells bad; if these are insoles, then you can wipe them with cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide and leave to dry; if, after drying, the insoles still have a strong smell, you can gently wipe them with alcohol with a small amount of manganese, but this method cannot be used on white shoes;
  • perfectly beats off sharp chemical aromas of vinegar; before wiping, you should first walk on the insoles with soapy water, and then wipe with cotton wool soaked in vinegar; shoes are left to dry and ventilate in the air;
  • substances with high adsorbing properties will also help in the fight against pungent odors; they absorb odors and moisture well; this is ordinary baking soda and activated charcoal; soda is enough to simply pour a thin layer on the insole and leave for several hours, then vacuum the pair; you need to be careful with charcoal, because it paints quite strongly; it can be used directly in tablets, after which it is worth wiping the insoles with a dry cloth;
  • You can also simply dry your shoes with a UV dryer to remove odor and kill bacteria.

Sometimes it is possible to quickly and effectively get rid of the smell in shoes using folk proven methods.

There are several options for this;

  1. Put powder in shoes. Of course, one should not be zealous, but by lightly sprinkling it from the inside, you can get a pleasant result.
  2. If the powder does not cope with the required task, then purchase special insoles. They are based on the principle of absorbing an unpleasant odor.
  3. Another folk method is based on the use of oak bark. It must first be crushed, then placed in socks, and then put on them. Oak bark is a natural deodorant that allows you to escape from unpleasant odors.

In addition to folk options, there are also pharmacological preparations. Let's consider what they are.

You can ask about how to remove an unpleasant smell in shoes on the forum, while receiving a lot of different answers. The material contains a list of the main effective means to neutralize an unpleasant odor.

Before putting on shoes, they should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or vinegar. After that, shoes should be aired for 1-2 hours, which will avoid the smell of vinegar. There are 5 recommendations that will definitely help you remove the odor at home:

  1. Drip lavender oil, lemon juice and ammonia into shoes. These three components not only neutralize the unpleasant smell, but also destroy germs.
  2. If you have old shoes, you can do the following: take a used tea bag and put it inside, or rub the composition on the insole.
  3. There are several more effective options for solving the current problem. Shoes need to be treated with baby powder or baking soda, placing them inside. You can also use activated charcoal by putting at least 10 tablets in each shoe overnight. In the morning, the embedded components will absorb an unpleasant odor, and you will only have to remove them by shaking.
  4. In winter, shoes can be frozen. The boots are put on the balcony, where the smell will be defeated by frost. This method has negative consequences, because smelling shoes contain moisture, which will freeze in the cold, and in the morning it will defrost again. In addition, cold adversely affects the material, so resort to this option extremely rarely.
  5. You can remove the smell and at the same time disinfect the shoes with sage, eucalyptus, mint, lemon balm, oak bark, etc. These components should be put in boots at night, and removed in the morning along with an unpleasant odor.

How to get rid of the smell in shoes at home? If folk remedies are unable to cope with the situation that has arisen, then it is recommended to use special preparations. Treatment of shoes from fungus and unpleasant odors is carried out with a spray. They have not only a neutralizing effect, but also antibacterial properties.

  1. For drying and disinfection, special electric dryers are sold. The best ones are those equipped with ultraviolet emitters. Ultraviolet destroys bacteria and fungi that are present inside the shoes. Such an electric dryer is economical in terms of power consumption, it consumes as much as a 60-watt light bulb.
  2. A method that has been around for many years: drying with newspapers or paper. We wrinkle paper or newspaper and fill the shoes inside. Toilet paper or disposable paper towels work very well for this purpose. Roll into a ball and fill the inside of the boot. The paper will absorb all the moisture and the shoes will dry inside. It is advisable to change the paper after 1.5-2 hours. There is no time to change - it's not scary. Leave paper overnight.
  3. Drying with a vacuum cleaner. Also an effective method. Put the tube in your boot or sneakers, turn on the vacuum cleaner. Working on the suction of air, the vacuum cleaner quickly removes excess moisture and does not spoil the shoes. Both shoes take about 20 minutes.
  4. Dehumidifiers absorb dampness and unpleasant odors well. Use cat litter. Pour the granules into socks and leave overnight. In the morning, the shoes will be dry and without an unpleasant smell.
  5. Shoe pads. They are wooden and plastic. Wooden ones absorb moisture well, have a deodorizing effect - they eliminate odor. The only thing that bothers me is the price. Many people buy plastic pads and wrap them in paper. Lasts are usually bought for expensive shoes.
  6. Baking soda, salt, or flour can be used to dry and remove the musty smell. Pour soda or flour into a cotton sock, tighten with an elastic band and leave overnight. We heat the salt in a pan, put it in a sock and leave it until the salt has cooled. Do the procedure again.

Improper shoe care

If you do not pay due attention to shoes, an unpleasant smell is inevitable. In order not to bring to such a state, you need to follow simple rules.

  1. Storage should only be carried out in a dry and well-ventilated area. Dampness and stagnant air can spoil the aroma of even the highest quality shoes.
  2. The insoles need to be replaced periodically. The thing is, they are consumables. It is they who are most affected by the legs. Old insoles can give off an unpleasant odor that will get worse over time.
  3. If the shoes get wet for one reason or another, they need to be dried. Excess moisture promotes the growth of microbes.
  4. Be sure to use creams and other shoe care products. They repel moisture well and give the shoes a pleasant smell.

To understand how to remove an unpleasant smell from shoes, you should also pay attention to the peculiarities of caring for your boots, boots or sneakers. It also gives high results.

Store shoes in a well-ventilated place. You can't close it in cabinets. You also need to change your insoles frequently. After a person comes home, he must dry his shoes. This will reduce the chance of bacteria developing inside the boots.

When choosing, do not give preference to synthetic boots. If the weather is wet, you need to treat the shoes with special water-repellent agents. This will reduce the risk of getting your feet wet. It is also recommended to purchase special insoles. They are made from coal. It is a good adsorbent. It is recommended to dry shoes with special electrical appliances.

How to remove the smell of sweat?

There are times when the cause of all the trouble is not sweat, but the antics of a pet. In this case, it will help you:

  • Pharmacy drug called "Formidron". Treatment with this drug should be carried out in the fresh air, for example, on the balcony. Gloves to protect your hands will also come in handy. After the procedure, the treated product must be well ventilated.
  • You can buy an odor absorber at the pet store. The instructions will show you how to use it.
  • If there is nothing at hand, then you can simply pour a bottle of hydrogen peroxide into the damaged product, chat and pour it out in a minute. After that, the shoes should be dried well.

Cat urine has a very pungent and persistent odor that is extremely difficult to get rid of. Especially if a cat or a cat has passed a small need inside a pair of shoes. In dealing with the consequences of this incident, the speed of response is important.

If shoes are found wet and stinking due to the fault of the pet, immediate action must be taken. How to quickly remove the smell of cat urine from shoes:

The above methods are due to the fact that they do not allow an unpleasant odor to appear. As a rule, this is better than trying to remove it after the occurrence. But such cases are frequent, so it is important to learn how to remove odor from shoes.

  1. special means;
  2. Home ways.

To verify the effectiveness of a particular method, you need to test them on personal experience.

When buying shoes, you should pay attention to the material of manufacture. Rubber, synthetics and other artificial materials contribute to the appearance of unpleasant odors. These shoes are not recommended for daily wear.

The shoes themselves can and should be processed too. For these purposes, special deodorants that mask the smell are suitable. When choosing a remedy, give preference to one that contains antibacterial substances.

Another way to deal with a disgusting smell is to use special insoles. This is especially convenient when you have to walk in shoes for a long time and there is no way to devote enough time to hygiene, for example, when traveling or on business trips. There are four types of insoles on sale:

  • Disposable - made of thin material that absorbs moisture well. Additionally, such products are impregnated with persistent aromas. One such insole guarantees the freshness of feet and shoes for up to 20 hours;
  • Antifungal - for the manufacture of cotton material is used, on which an antibacterial agent is applied;
  • With activated carbon - the top layer of such an insole is a kind of bag with a sorbent, which retains moisture. Such products must be dried at room temperature after each use;
  • Made of natural linen material - non-woven fabric has natural antibacterial properties. Drying required after each use.

If the cause lies in the developing fungus of the foot, then you can apply a radical method that will help eliminate the smell and cure the skin.

As you can see, there are many methods for removing ombre from shoes. All of them are simple, do not require the use of expensive materials and, most importantly. Very efficient.

A fluffy pet in the house is not only pleasant emotions and a true friend, but also unforeseen surprises. Usually, adult cats or cats "mark" the owner's shoes if they are frightened, offended by something, or they smell a strange animal. Whatever it was, eliminating the smell of cat urine is very difficult, even if it seems that the problem has disappeared, the ingress of moisture on the shoes may remind you of the antics of a pet.

So, when a “surprise” is discovered, and educational work has been carried out with the cat, you should immediately start cleaning your shoes. The smell of stubborn urine is almost impossible to remove either by improvised or professional means.

  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate (not concentrated);
  • coffee beans and a vacuum bag;
  • all of the above means (flour, starch, aromatic oils).

For expensive shoes

  1. As you know, health must be protected, and these are not just words. Do not be afraid to pay a lot of attention to shoes, health and well-being depend on it. Whatever your purchasing power, you can't skimp on shoes. Shoes affect your foot, and therefore the whole body as a whole.
  2. Try to buy shoes only from reputable brands. Let it be one pair of good shoes made of leather, suede, nubuck or textile. Yes, good quality shoes are expensive, but with proper care they will serve you for more than one year. You can advise shoes from Slovakia, Poland, Belarus.
  3. Be sure to purchase shoe care products: cream, which includes wax, sponges, brush, drying products. Be sure to have a water-repellent spray, it will protect the shoes from moisture. Do not forget every evening, when you come from the street, clean and put your shoes in order. Then it will serve you for more than one year.
  4. Good shoes usually have a removable insole. It is very convenient, you can always take it out at the end of the day, clean it and dry it. When you buy it, you find small bags in the shoe box - this is silica gel. Don't throw it away like you normally would, it's a good moisture absorber.
  5. By evening, the legs swell a little and increase in size. You should buy shoes in the evening, so it will be easier for you to determine the comfort, volume, and rise of a new pair. As you know, for most people, the right and left legs differ in length, so you need to measure one and then another unit. Be sure to walk around and stand in a new pair, the longer, the better you will understand whether it is comfortable.
  6. Now we have learned to make a lot of leatherette, and it is called differently. For example, the so-called eco-leather. The leg in it does not breathe at all, although it looks like real skin. I would like to talk more about sneakers. If you are holding a pair of sneakers in your hands, and it already smells strongly of chemicals in the market or in the store, refuse to buy, this is a blow to the body. Nothing can remove this chemical smell from low-quality sneakers.
  • How to remove smell from shoes? The simplest thing is to buy deodorant for shoes, they are sold in shoe departments or in supermarkets. The manufacturer promises to eliminate odor and antifungal effect. Spray it inside the shoes, put the shoes in a plastic bag. Tie up and leave overnight. A good deodorant should not disappoint.
  • A bad smell can be eliminated by washing the inside of the shoes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (slightly tint the water). Hydrogen peroxide helps a lot. We drip one of these funds onto a cotton pad and wipe the sneakers or shoes inside. However, it must be remembered that peroxide is not suitable for dark skin, as it can discolor it.
  • Another good remedy is vinegar. Wet a cotton pad with 9% vinegar and wipe the inside of the shoes. After treatment, keep the shoes in the fresh air until the vinegar wears off. Removes germs and mold very well.
  • All alcohol solutions are suitable for disinfection: vodka, alcohol, ammonia. Alcohol solutions remove the smell of sweat and disinfect the surface.

Considering how to remove an unpleasant smell from shoes, you should consider the cause of its appearance. If this trouble is caused by fungal diseases of the feet, great attention must be paid to the processing of shoes. It is necessary to treat the disease not only on the feet or nails. Boots, shoes, sneakers must be regularly treated with special compounds. It can be special antifungal sprays. They are sold in pharmacies.

In addition, you need to purchase a special antiseptic. This is a liquid remedy, which can also be found in a pharmacy. It is applied to the inner surfaces of the shoes. Hands must be protected with gloves, and the respiratory tract with a respirator. After processing, the shoes are folded into a plastic bag. It is hermetically sealed. Shoes are stored in it for about 12 hours. Then it is taken out and thoroughly aired.

If the smell is caused simply by sweating, you can do it easier. To do this, the shoes are packed in a plastic bag and hermetically closed. Then the shoes are placed in the freezer and left overnight. The temperature inside should be around -20 ºС. After removing the boots from the freezer, they must be thoroughly dried.

In synthetic materials, the legs will sweat and sweat, which threatens you with an unpleasant odor, and subsequently various skin diseases.

Removing mold from shoes and combating its smell

Improper storage of shoes leads to the fact that they become covered with mold - this is a fungus that forms if they are stored for a long time in a humid room. Even if you manage to remove its color, the smell will be much more difficult to overcome. How then to process such shoes?

The best way to eliminate unpleasant odors is in the form of soapy water. It is in it that shoes should be washed. After removing the mold, it is necessary to treat the boots from the inside with a solution of chlorine. But that's not all. Now you should mix vodka and ammonia, after which the resulting disinfectant mixture should be treated on the outside and inside of the shoes, then you need to leave it to dry.

  • "Walk" day in the cold;
  • soap solution;
  • talc or starch, flour or salt;
  • vinegar;
  • coffee beans.

If the shoes have been in a damp room for a long time, they will certainly smell like mold. To destroy it, you need to do the following steps.

Preventive measures

How to get rid of the smell of sweat in shoes, if all the tried methods do not help? In this case, attention should be paid to preventive methods. This is the only reliable remedy for the unpleasant smell of shoes. First you need to eliminate the sweating of the legs, or rather, the causes of its occurrence. Shoe care is based on the following steps:

  1. Every day, shoes should be aired and dried when necessary.
  2. If possible, the insoles should be changed every week or once a month.
  3. Wear only shoes made from natural materials, not cheap goods.
  4. It is recommended to use special dryers, but do not heat the shoes on the battery.
  5. Shoes should be washed outside and disinfected inside.
  6. Do not wear shoes on dirty feet, which will definitely lead to unpleasant consequences.
  7. Socks should be changed daily, or even 2 times a day.
  8. If you work in a warm room and get in winter boots, then it is recommended to have a shift for this.
  9. Do not wear tight and uncomfortable shoes, which will lead to many different consequences: the appearance of blisters, unpleasant odors, damage to the material.

By following these simple preventive recommendations, you will not need to look for an alternative way to remove the unpleasant smell of shoes. Now you know how to eliminate the smell, and what you may need for this. Try all the options until you find the most effective one.

Without fail, you need to adopt several ways to get rid of the smell in sneakers, shoes, boots and other shoes. But you will have to use them much less often if you follow preventive measures.

  • Indoor shoes. For each season, there should be at least two pairs of shoes to wear them alternately. On the day when you walk in one shoe, the second should be ventilated in the open air all day long.
  • Genuine Leather. The material allows the skin to "breathe" and the problem of sweat odor is less acute.
  • Replacement of insoles. If your boots or shoes have a synthetic insole, do not be stingy to replace it with a natural one.
  • Regular cleaning. Every time you return home, clean your shoes from dust and dirt. Wipe the inside of the boots with soapy water and dry thoroughly.
  • Personal hygiene. Wash your feet twice a day with a washcloth and soap. After water procedures, the feet should be wiped dry with a towel.
  • Fight sweat. If you suffer from hyperhidrosis, use foot deodorants or special products to reduce sweating.
  • Wet protection. Treat winter and autumn shoes with a water-repellent compound before going outside.
  • Life time. Even the most durable and high-quality shoes are not recommended to be worn for more than three years in a row. During this time, the material absorbs too much sweat and foreign matter, and therefore it is almost impossible to get rid of odor, germs and fungal spores.

Never wear newly bought shoes, because they also have a specific smell. Unfasten them completely, free them from the laces and air them in the fresh air during the day.

To get rid of the unpleasant smell from shoes, you need to look at the root of the problem. The main reason is sweaty feet. It does not matter if there is no special tool at hand. Normal underarm deodorant will do. If using a ball or solid product, first apply it on the palms, then treat the feet, paying attention to the area between the fingers.

Special formulations

Knowing how to remove the smell from shoes, as well as how to act correctly in the event of such troubles, you can quickly solve the problem. In addition to folk recipes, there are many effective special tools. They will help remove even the most persistent odor.

Most often, buyers purchase drugs such as Dezavit, Chlorhexidine, Laina. These compounds have an antibacterial, antifungal effect. They can be used as a preventive measure. Even if the feet sweat a lot, but there is no fungus, its prevention is an important measure. Otherwise, it may eventually develop on the skin of the feet or nails.

Having considered how to remove the smell from shoes, you can quickly and effectively get rid of the problem. This will allow everyone to choose the appropriate option.

Spray deodorants are simple and easy to use. It is enough just to spray it inside the products, and the job is done. In addition to sprays, special creams, pencils, tablets, pads and much more are very popular. They have the same principle of action - an antibacterial effect plus a pleasant aroma.

The most comfortable are special flavored insoles. They perform their main function as insoles, while absorbing bad odors and emitting a pleasant aroma. If you use these insoles, you won't need to squirt deodorant, slather on cream or crayon, put in and take out pills from time to time as you would with other types of shoe deodorants.

There are many ways to get rid of the smell. Everyone chooses his own. You can use improvised tools and materials that are available in every home, moreover, it will not cost at all expensive.

It is necessary to constantly care for shoes, regularly wash and clean the inner surfaces, and also dry them. Even if you do not feel moisture, this does not mean that it is not there. At this time, in comfortable conditions - dampness and warmth, bacteria and fungus develop and multiply. It is necessary not only to wash shoes, but also to change the insoles, preferably at least once every three months. In addition, you need to watch your feet and observe personal hygiene. This is important for health as well.

The video on the topic of the article will clearly demonstrate the methods described.
