How to find out if a man needs you: useful tips. Do I need my man

Very often in a relationship, a woman doubts the authenticity of her significant other’s feelings. Sometimes it seems to her that everything is wonderful, but sometimes she is haunted by the thought that the guy doesn’t care about her. How do you know if you are needed or if he is just spending time with you?

Actions are more important than words

First of all, in order to find out a man’s attitude towards himself, you need to observe his actions. First, pay attention to how much time he devotes to you. Does the guy really want to spend every free minute next to you or does he meet only when it’s convenient for him? If a man constantly puts his plans ahead of your dates, you should think about the seriousness of his intentions.

If you have a question “how to understand whether a man needs you”, you need to think about what brought you to him. Perhaps your boyfriend often offends you, is rude, and does not take your opinion into account. If this is the case, try talking to him and finding out the reason for his behavior. A guy who treats a girl disrespectfully probably isn't afraid of losing her and doesn't value the relationship. Think about it, do you need a man who constantly causes pain and suffering?

How to understand whether a man needs you or not will be determined by his attitude towards your loved ones. Watch him interact with your friends. Does he treat them with respect, does he take into account their opinions and interests? A huge indicator of the seriousness of a man’s intentions is his reaction to the offer to meet your parents. A guy who has no plans to date you for a long time will refuse in every possible way and delay this acquaintance. A man with serious intentions will introduce you to his parents at the first opportunity.

Love at a distance

It happens that for some reason lovers are separated by hundreds of kilometers. At the same time, the doubts present in ordinary relationships intensify significantly. How to understand if a man needs you from a distance?

First you need to decide for yourself whether there is any point in waiting at all? In situations where your loved one has left forever and the likelihood that you will meet again is negligible, the best option would be to stop communicating and try to build another relationship.

If your separation has a certain period, for example, until one of you finishes your studies, there is an opportunity to save How do you know if a man needs you? First of all, observe whether your communication has changed after leaving? Has he started calling and writing less often? Is he also affectionate and attentive? Does he share his feelings and experiences? If the answer to all these questions is “yes,” then your chosen one, like you, is looking forward to meeting again.

Nonverbal signs of male sympathy

The question “how to understand whether a man needs you” is asked not only by girls in relationships, but also by those who feel sympathy for someone and do not know whether to count on reciprocal feelings. If, for example, you like a colleague, and you cannot understand whether he is indifferent to you or is simply afraid to take the first step, it is worth observing the nonverbal signals emanating from him.

Any man who feels sympathy for a woman will be betrayed by dilated pupils. With visual contact they increase to their maximum size. It is worth noticing how a man behaves with you alone. If he is slightly nervous, constantly adjusting his jacket or tie, smoothing his hair or pulling down his trousers, this is a clear sign that he cares about you.

Sometimes women, when communicating with the guy they like, get lost and cannot catch non-verbal signals. However, if you try hard, you can find out about a man’s sympathy for you long before he takes active action.

First step

Not all men are ready to immediately start treating the girl they like. Some of them are shy and take a long time to decide to take the first step. How to understand whether Aquarius or a representative of another zodiac sign needs you if he does not take any action?

In addition to hidden sympathy, a guy’s actions can speak. Ask him to help you with something, such as fixing your computer or kitchen faucet. If he happily agrees, he may like you. Men can show their concern for a woman by noticing all her new purchases, making compliments, and being interested in everything that happens in her life.

If you think that a man likes you, but he is afraid to take the first step, try to be the first to meet him halfway. However, you should not impose. If you invite a guy to have coffee after work and get rejected, he probably doesn't care about you. After all, a man who feels sympathy will take advantage of any opportunity to spend time with you.

In the section on the question How do I know if my boyfriend needs me or not? given by the author YoolNyfko the best answer is If you've had sex, tell him you're pregnant and see how he reacts...Hard but sure. And don't be afraid to find out the truth. Better the bitter truth... And then say that you were mistaken (in 3 days, no less). If he loves you, he will forgive you. And if you haven’t had sex, don’t try it! Then you will regret it (well, really, this is if you have been communicating recently, for example, a month, but in your case, don’t even dare) So I crossed this line and now I regret it. not worth it. Anyway, a guy needs sex more than a girl. If she has never tried it before, then she won’t be very attracted to it. I think he's just lost interest in you. You can try to change a little, fall in love with him again, become a mystery to him (just don’t go too far, make sure it doesn’t look stupid). Be a little unpredictable. And don’t indulge him in everything. In such cases, guys lose interest very quickly. He gets the feeling that he has already achieved his goal (you) and begins to subconsciously look for a new “victim”. In fact, everything is in your hands. Everything that is not given to us, all trials are within our power. And it’s in your power to keep him!!! And never open up to him completely, remember the riddle.

Answer from Eurovision[active]
You know, honey, it's better not to even try...
And then you'll find out...
But you might not like it...

Answer from Wake up[active]
give him some distance and see if he calls you, if not, then you don’t need him....

Answer from Lisenka[active]
I am also very interested in this question, the same situation. If you find the answer, please write to me. Thank you in advance.

Answer from sleepy[newbie]
Well, that means you taught him that way yourself! When you started to be friends, you didn’t have to be the first to approach, he just got used to it! In short, in your relationship, you behave like a guy! And you give your friend’s number, let her offer him a meeting! If you agree, then you don’t needed!

Falling in love is good at blinding women’s eyes, and until the very end they do not notice a man’s indifference or consumerist approach to relationships. The result is disappointment and melancholy. To prevent this from happening, she needs to take a closer look at her chosen one. And in determining its seriousness, advice from psychologists will help on how to understand that the guy she has chosen or even her own husband really needs.

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Does a man need a girl?

When a man really needs a girl, there should be no doubt about it, because such a situation is obvious. But female nature is prone to doubts and some jealousy, especially if there is a reason. Therefore, for your peace of mind, you can always check your partner’s attitude by correlating his behavior with certain signs that the relationship is important to him:

  • He listens to the opinion of his beloved, in controversial issues he does not develop a conflict, but seeks a compromise.
  • He strives to please the girl with gifts. These can be either cute little things or gorgeous gifts.
  • A man tries to change for the better, develop and reach heights, because the girl inspires him to do this.
  • He notices the slightest changes in his chosen one, compliments her and tries to look after her.
  • His behavior towards the girl shows affection and tenderness, and this is not influenced by the conditions that surround them. The guy is equally caring both in private and among friends.
  • He tries to spend more time together and engage in some common hobby.
  • A man provides support in difficult times and sincerely rejoices at the achievements of his beloved.

What will indicate his indifference?

Men know how to talk a lot and beautifully, which they actively use and which some women are happy to do. But behind the flattering speeches there may be indifference to the girl or the fact that she is far from being in the top 10 most important elements of his life. There are certain signs by which a woman can find out whether she is dear to her chosen one:

  • He does not feel the slightest desire to introduce his companion to his social circle, does not like to go out to crowded places, and does not want to meet the girl’s friends. A similar situation arises when it comes to meeting family.
  • Any meeting should take place only at a time that is comfortable for him and in the same conditions that are convenient for him.
  • At the last minute or even after the scheduled meeting time, he may abruptly say that plans have changed and he is busy.
  • He allows himself to criticize and express himself rudely about the appearance of his partner, use profanity in his speech and simply behave rudely.
  • The time and attention that he is ready to devote to a girl is extremely small or in most cases comes down to intimate meetings.

5 ways to check your chosen one

When some doubts arise about a man and the seriousness of his relationship to his chosen one, the desire to check the situation, confirm or refute guesses is completely normal. The main thing is not to act directly, in this situation you cannot just go and ask, because there will be no guarantees of an honest answer.

Therefore, there are several proven ways to assess his attitude towards a girl, whether she is really important to him.

Way Description
You need to stop being actively interested in a guy for a whileQuestions about how his day went, where he went or who called, what’s new with him, and everything like that should be kept to a minimum. Lack of interest on the part of his partner will force him to begin to be more actively interested in her, ask similar things and pay attention to her
A girl can add something new and intriguing to her image.Buy yourself some amazing erotic lingerie, neat high-heeled shoes, or even change your hairstyle. Such changes will be obvious and interesting to any interested person, because the man will make it clear that he appreciated it and for him it is not some trifle
A little risky, but a good option is to involve mutual friends in this matterIf a girl has a good relationship with her boyfriend's best friend or good colleague, she can simply ask him to give her a ride home or accompany her somewhere. And then mention such company to your husband or boyfriend. The main thing is not to go into details and carefully present the information, because if a man is not indifferent to a woman, his jealousy may be too strong
Girl friends can also help with an equally interesting provocation.They can act as unknown callers. For example, when alone with a man, a lady’s phone rings or a message comes from a number with an unclear signature or an incomprehensible nickname. The girl should either answer the call, or start talking about how she’s busy, can’t do it right now and will call back, or just hide the phone. At some point, a caring man will want to know what is going on. It's important not to overplay
The most drastic option is to tell your boyfriend about your pregnancy.This option is extremely harsh, but if he values ​​his chosen one, then the reaction will indicate exactly this. But it is worth considering that when trying to escape from such a situation or vivid persuasion “not to ruin your life, it’s too early,” you should end your relationship with this person and not waste your time in his company

How do you know if a man needs you? From a psychological point of view, there are several ways that will help determine the attitude of your other half towards you.


How to understand whether a man needs you at a distance and close? Try to take a closer look at it. After all, he may still treat you the same, and because of your desire for more, you may simply demand too much.

The first sign and, perhaps, the most important by which you can determine your importance in the life of your chosen one is how important your opinion is to him.

Take a closer look at how he treats you in everyday life. This method of checking a man’s attitude is good both at the initial stage of your relationship and after several years of living together. These can be ordinary signs of attention. Not every man will open doors for you, give you a hand when you get out of transport, or help you carry bags of groceries home.

Compliments are also an important factor that determines his attitude. Not only the words he says are important, but also the way he does it.


How often does your man give you gifts, and does he give you them at all? If you are dear to your loved one, he will never spare money for you. But he doesn’t necessarily have to buy you something new every week. Pay attention to whether he pays for you at the restaurant. When you go to the store for groceries, which of you pays for the cost?

It’s just that many women stubbornly do not want to notice this, believing that a man is a priori obliged to pay for them, because he is a representative of the stronger sex. Nothing of the kind: in many developed countries, for example, it is believed that if a man pays for you in a cafe where you had lunch together, then in this way he is simply showing disrespect. Therefore, dear girls, try to pay attention to such little things, and not just to the gift and its price.


Tenderness and affection on his part for no reason are a sure indicator that he cannot live even a moment without you.

A loving man always tries, despite everything, to be alone with his beloved more often. Her every glance, every touch and affectionate word is important to him. But this indicator can be deceptive, since over time everything becomes boring, and the husband already believes that his wife is not going anywhere. And why then waste your precious time on it? This, by the way, may be the first sign of concern for your spouse.

Your loved one is ready to do anything for you

No matter how trivial it may sound, it is worth paying attention to this quality. A loving man will never regret anything for his chosen one. This applies to money, attention, and care. But it is worth taking into account the peculiarities of the chosen one’s temperament. Since we are all different, and care can manifest itself in completely different ways.

It would not be amiss to pay attention to the character traits of a man according to his zodiac signs, since their representatives behave completely differently.


So, how do you know if an Aries man needs you? He is always decisive both in everyday life and in love. He always considers himself a conqueror. Therefore, if he likes you, then he will be the initiator of meetings. And he will try in every possible way to please him in order to win. But it is worth remembering that representatives of this sign are very proud and do not offer anything twice. This does not mean that you should immediately agree to all his proposals, but you should not go too far.

Taurus Man

Representatives of this sign are confident that a woman must be conquered through humor. If such a man likes you, he will try in every possible way to make you laugh. And if suddenly one day, in a playful way, he throws a pillow at you, you shouldn’t be offended by him. Just know that he is the one trying so hard to show his attention. He will also try to constantly touch you, and will look for meetings for the most ridiculous reasons.

Gemini Man

This guy is the most persistent suitor. He will constantly try to meet you. The phone will ring off the hook with his calls until you turn it off. In your baskets you will find messages from him in batches. When you meet, he will constantly chat, trying to interest you. But his persistence gradually turns into obsession, which is very annoying.

Cancer and Leo

How to understand that a Cancer man needs you? Such guys gradually enter the life of their chosen one. They often try to play the role of a mentor who is constantly trying to suggest something. These men gradually gain the trust of their chosen one.

How do you know if a Leo man needs you? It will be difficult not to notice his advances. Leo men are gallant, they always try to give the best gifts and invite the object of their adoration to the best restaurants. The Leo man will try to please not only you, but also your parents. He will always be interested in what his lady likes.

Virgo and Libra

A Virgo man usually falls in love once and for all. If he likes you, he can spend hours at your entrance just to see you. He will try to find out from your friends how you feel about him and how serious it is. He will make different surprises. If he gives you a compliment, it will definitely be one that you will remember for a lifetime.

How to understand if a Libra man needs you? This guy loves himself very much and will not miss an opportunity to brag about his achievements. He will try to find a reason to ask for help, and will immediately try to demonstrate his superiority over you. If he likes you, he may start singing odes to his beloved. The only way out in this situation is to take everything into your own hands. Otherwise, the matter will not move beyond talk.

Scorpio and Sagittarius

A Scorpio man is always confident in himself. And if he decides that you are his destiny, he will not miss his chance. He may not kiss you on the first date, since you are his destiny, and, accordingly, cannot belong to anyone else. Therefore, why waste time if you still need to start a family and have children?

The Sagittarius man is the one who will pursue you to the last. If you refuse him, it won't stop him. He will try to woo your friends or parents so that they will help him win your attention. When a Sagittarius falls in love, he behaves awkwardly and may start talking nonsense or doing extraordinary things. Try not to take turns over him, but simply support him. He will certainly try to take you away from others.

Capricorn and Aquarius

How to understand that a Capricorn man needs you? The guy is often scared of his feelings. Initially, he will try to make friends with you in order to get closer. He will try to get to know you better. He won't take any action to try to win you over until he realizes what he stands to lose.

How to understand that an Aquarius man needs you? He is always confident in what he does, and will not be able to be your friend for long. He will immediately let you know that he is interested in you and should be with him. But don't rush to rejoice. Representatives of this sign can disappear from your life just as abruptly as they appeared in it.

Pisces Man

This is perhaps the most romantic sign. If he likes you, then your life can turn into a fairy tale in which they will sing serenades under the balcony, dedicate poems to you and constantly conquer.

You like a man, but you don’t know if he likes you, then try to find out in several ways. Of course, you can just ask, but people tend to lie, and therefore even if a man says that he likes you, misunderstanding and doubt may remain in your head. And only his actions and actions will tell everything about his feelings for you.


Action #1: If a man likes you, he will always try to please you. No, of course, there are limitations and exceptions, but for the most part, if a controversial situation arises, the man will try to make concessions to you. So, for example, you invite a man to go with you to a noisy and stormy disco in the evening after work, but you understand that he is tired, and he would not like to go anywhere right now. However, the man agrees for your sake and, despite his fatigue, goes with you in order to support you and your interests.

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Action No. 2: Whether a man likes you or doesn’t like you can be determined based on his attention to you.

So a man who likes a woman will show interest in her in every possible way, he will be happy to listen to how you spent your day, what worries you, what is gnawing at you, and will try to calm you down and help you with all possible methods. So, for example, you quarreled with a friend and because of this you are in a bad mood, you need to speak out to someone or correctly say cry into your vest. If a man likes you, he will always listen to you and try to help resolve the current situation. A man who likes you will show concern for you and try to protect you from possible dangers.

Action No. 5: If a man loves a woman and he likes her, then he will take the initiative in your meetings. He will invite you for walks, give gifts, and during walks he will pay for some purchases for you.

Although if a man does not pay for your purchases, this does not mean that he does not like you; perhaps the secret here is closed because he simply does not have money. We recommend that you read

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