How to dry hair of various lengths without a hair dryer. How can you quickly dry long or short wet hair without a hair dryer so that it is straight and voluminous? – text and video instructions

Women are not used to doing without a hair dryer, and this is quite normal. But what if you don’t have the treasured device for drying your hair at hand or there is simply no electricity?

We present several ways to quickly dry your hair in a way that is not entirely familiar to a modern woman!

Paper towels

Large paper napkins are sure to be found in every housewife's kitchen. They are ideal for drying hair. Just blot each strand with a towel, and soon your hair will be completely dry. You need to move from roots to ends. But you don’t need to rub your hair, otherwise pieces of paper will get tangled in it. It will be difficult to comb them out.


You will need not a simple one, but a special one, designed for drying hair with a hairdryer. Popularly known as “fish bone” (skeletal). This comb has horizontal holes through which air flows. Its teeth are large and sparse, which means they also help separate tangled hairs. By using this comb for 5 to 10 minutes, you can easily dry your hair without using a hair dryer.


This option is especially recommended for anyone who likes a little chaos. After washing, wrap your head in a towel, preferably a waffle one. This is a kind of trick, since a waffle towel will absorb excess moisture much faster. After a couple of minutes, you can remove the towel and start running through your hair with your fingers. At the same time, you can lightly pinch the strands with your palms, thus giving them negligence.

Such manipulations will have to be performed for about 10-15 minutes (it all depends on the length and thickness of the hair).

Hair spray

You can also use a spray to add volume, smoothness, easy combing, heat-protective (if there is no other option). Apply the product to towel-dried hair and then wrap the towel again for 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times.


After washing, wrap your hair in a waffle towel, and after 5 minutes comb it with a “skeleton” comb. Once the comb has untangled all the hairs, begin massaging the scalp with your fingers. Movements should be neat and circular. Every few minutes you should toss your hair from side to side, forward and back - this way it will dry much faster, and all thanks to air access to each of the zones.

If during the process of drying your hair you want to style it a little, feel free to use brushing. The hair should be twisted onto the brush near the ends, and then carefully rotate the comb for several seconds, holding the curled hair with the palm of your hand. Since a hair dryer is not used, it is better to use a wooden brush made of natural bristles.

“Damn, damn, damn!”

I throw the hair dryer on the bed, which a second ago made its last wheeze and does not want to turn on anymore.

“Twenty minutes before leaving and wet hair. Hello, black stripe."

I run around the apartment, every now and then glancing at the clock. It feels like their shooters have a super-powerful motor, thanks to which they rush forward at all speeds. How to quickly dry your hair without a hairdryer? Impossible! Or still...

There are many ways to do this. Choose the one you like and go!

Method No. 1

Gently squeeze your hair to remove excess moisture. After that, wrap your hair in a towel and go about your business. In fifteen minutes the hair will be dry.

Method No. 2

If possible, use a microfiber comb. It removes moisture from hair well. Comb your hair and repeat the procedure after ten minutes.

It is not recommended to systematically comb wet hair - this can lead to split ends and breakage (article on how to prevent breakage:). But, if there are no other options, comb your hair carefully, slowly moving from the ends to the roots. Use a comb made of natural material.

Shake your head to remove moisture from your hair with the help of air. Using your fingers, “whip” the hair roots for volume.

Method No. 3

Remove moisture from your hair with a waffle towel or microfiber towel. Use paper towels to thoroughly dry each strand. Wet your hair from roots to ends

There is no need to rub your hair hard, otherwise it will split.

After your hair has dried a little, comb it with a “skeleton” comb. Air passes through its teeth, and the moisture dries faster.

Method No. 4

The best way to dry your hair quickly is to direct a stream of air at it. A hairdryer is used for these purposes, but you can easily cope without this technique. Tilt your body and shake your head from side to side for several minutes. After this, use your fingers to lift the roots, “ruffle” the hair. You need to hold your fingers wide and make movements as if you were scratching your head. This stimulates blood circulation and allows air to pass through your fingers to the hair. Comb your hair and continue with your lesson. Grasp the ends of your hair and shake them from side to side.

Method No. 5

After washing your hair, use conditioner. After this product, the hair combs faster, which means it also dries faster.

Apply conditioner to your head. Gently dry your hair with a towel and comb it with your fingers for seven minutes.

Method No. 6

Heat a towel on a radiator or using an iron and wrap it around your hair.

To add volume to your hair, ruffle the roots of your hair with your fingers.

Method No. 7

Any cosmetic store sells serums, conditioners and oils for quickly drying hair. Rub them into your hair after every shampoo. This will make your curls smooth and silky.

Method No. 8

A fan will help with drying your hair. Stand opposite it and move smoothly from side to side so that all the strands dry. But here you need to be extremely careful and stand at a sufficient distance so that your hair does not get sucked into the device. There is also a high risk of catching a cold.

Method No. 9

Comb your hair to the top of your head in such a way as if you were rolling up a tube of paper. This way you will dry your hair faster and create graceful curls.

Method No. 10

Remove excess moisture from your hair and divide it into strands. Roll each of them into a tube and secure it with a special clamp. After fifteen to twenty minutes, remove the clips and comb your hair with your fingers. This method will help dry them faster and create beautiful curls.

Method No. 11

Curl your hair in iron curlers and every five minutes tilt your head down and gently blot your curls with a paper towel.

The inhabitants of some forums offer non-standard ways to dry your hair without a hairdryer. Some advice definitely shouldn’t be implemented.

Think a hundred times before drying your hair with a stream of air from a vacuum cleaner. Yes, the moisture will come off from them, but new dirt is guaranteed.

The sun will help dry your hair quickly, but ultraviolet rays are not the best companions for hair.

And you definitely shouldn’t dry your hair over a gas stove - you risk your bald head sparkling in the sun.

Ideally, you should wash your hair with boiled water, but if you are too lazy to heat the kettle every time, you can soften the water with glycerin, baking soda or ammonia (a spoon per liter of water).

The oilier the hair, the cooler the water should be.

Use only shampoo for your hair type. No shower gels or even grandma's signature tar soap. It is better to choose a clear shampoo that does not foam much (it has less alkali).

Be sure to use conditioner after washing. Apply it along the entire length of your hair, avoiding the roots and scalp (sometimes this can cause irritation).

After two to three minutes, rinse off the remaining product and lightly dry your hair with a towel.

Curls below the shoulders especially suffer from frequent styling and dry air. Experts recommend drying long hair naturally and only styling it with a hairdryer.

Every woman has found herself in a situation where she needs to get herself in complete order within a short time. It’s difficult to dry your hair quickly without a hairdryer, so what to do if this device is not available? You can achieve the desired result using only your own hands, a comb and simple cosmetics. Thanks to this method, short hair will become dry in 5 minutes, long hair in 25–30 minutes.

After washing your hair, take a prepared warm towel. In winter, it can be preheated using a radiator; in summer, you can use an iron. Dry the strands with a towel until water stops dripping from them. Do not rub or twist your hair while doing this, so as not to injure it.

Apply a small amount of mousse or styling foam to your palm. Lower your head down and quickly run your hand with the product through your hair several times. Comb your strands with your fingers, moving from roots to ends. Stop when your hair is barely damp to the touch.

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Using a round comb, carefully comb your hair to the top of your head, twisting each strand inward. This way beautiful natural curls will be formed. When your hair is completely dry, lightly go through it with a massage comb. Spray your hair with setting agent.

Quick drying of long hair

To dry long strands without a hairdryer, you will also need a heated towel, but one will not be enough: prepare 2 or 3. Gently wring out the hair with your hands, dividing it into several parts. When water stops dripping from the ends, wrap your head in warm towels for 5 minutes. Then lower your hair down and use your fingertips to ruffle it at the roots, massaging the skin as you do so. Raise and lower the strands with vigorous hand movements.

Comb your curls with a wide-tooth comb. Remember that such manipulations with wet hair can quickly disrupt its structure, damage the hair follicle, and lead to split ends, so act very carefully. It is best to use a comb made of natural material. Start the process at the ends and then work your way up to the roots.

To further speed up the drying of long curls, divide the entire volume into 3 parts and secure each with an elastic band. You should end up with 3 ponytails: at the forehead, on the top of the head, and at the back of the head. Let down your bottom hair. Handle them with your hands and comb them until they become dry in appearance. Do all the manipulations with the remaining hair.

As a result of these actions, you will get messy curls that you can style to your taste. Depending on where you are in a hurry, braid your hair, put it in a ponytail, or leave your hair loose. Drying without a hairdryer helps preserve the natural beauty, radiance, and softness of long curls.

  1. After washing your hair with shampoo, use a moderate amount of conditioner of the same brand. This will make it easier to comb and dry your hair faster. But do not apply the product to the roots: this will only weigh down the hair and complicate the drying process.
  2. Choose a waffle towel rather than a terry towel. It absorbs liquid much better.
  3. Always dry long hair by tilting it down. Shake your head in different directions and move the strands with your fingers more often. You can combine drying your hair with vigorous exercise or dancing.
  4. Under no circumstances should you use other appliances instead of a hair dryer: a fan, a vacuum cleaner, a gas stove. Such methods are not able to significantly speed up the drying of curls, but can harm their condition and even become hazardous to health.
  5. If the weather permits, go out onto the balcony or outside. Under the influence of the sun and light wind, even long strands can be dried much faster. But remember that prolonged exposure to sunlight can worsen the condition of your hair. Head home when your strands are barely damp. Do not dry your hair using this method in strong winds to avoid catching a cold.
  6. To dry your hair while quickly creating light curls, combine drying with styling. After lightly patting your hair with a towel, divide it into several small sections. Twist each into a rope and secure with a plastic bobby pin. Do not use bobby pins or metal clips: they can damage your hair. After 30 minutes, remove the clips and tousle the strands with your fingers. Without using a hair dryer, arrange your curls into the desired hairstyle and secure with hairspray.

By drying your hair naturally, you keep it healthy, shiny, and strong. Don't regret spending a little more time on the procedure than usual. Take advantage of these valuable tips and you will learn how to dry your hair quickly even without using a hair dryer.



How to make your hair straight without straightening Fashion is changeable. Sometimes the hair is curly, sometimes straight, sometimes wavy... Many girls and women who want to be fashionable and modern now want to have shiny straight hair. At home, you can easily straighten your hair and maintain the result. How to make your hair straight without ironing? Straightening your hair is not difficult if it is wavy or slightly curly. In this case, various cosmetics will come to the rescue. These are shampoos, masks and rinses. Their main effect is aimed at straightening hair and making it heavier. Heavy hair unwinds more easily and stays straight longer. Wavy hair can be straightened using moisturizing masks or gelatin. For moisturizing masks, you can use eggs, herbal infusions and nourishing creams. Mix the ingredients and apply over the entire length of the hair and leave for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with cold water and rinse with hair straightening rinse. Gelatin mask: dissolve a spoonful of gelatin in a glass of water, add a little shampoo, stir. Apply to hair for 10-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, do not use rinses or conditioners. This mask makes hair heavier. But this is not the only plus, if instead of water you add a herbal decoction or vitamins A and E to the mask, then the hair structure will be more even, and the hair itself will appear smoother. These tips are good for straightening wavy, curly hair. Curly hair requires more serious methods.

You can use the tips above, but add some straightening techniques. Firstly, you need to use a hot hairdryer after washing. Comb wet hair and start drying with a hot hairdryer. When drying, you should constantly comb your hair, preferably using a comb with large, sparse teeth. The hairdryer should be directed behind the comb, drying the hair evenly. Under no circumstances should you dry your hair chaotically and comb it vigorously. Such movements only contribute to hair curling. To keep your hair straight longer, you can use various foams and varnishes with strong hold. They allow you to fix your hair when it is straight. Once your hair is dry and the fixative has been applied, sit quietly for five or ten minutes without moving. If you start moving right away, your hair may curl. There is a smoothing hair serum. This serum will keep your hair healthy and smooth. It contains nutrients and components that straighten the hair. Different serums have their own method of application, but it is quite simple. Often, the serum is simply applied to clean, washed, slightly damp hair. For very curly hair, the serum can be applied twice. These are ways that will help you maintain smooth, beautiful hair for a long time. At the same time, they do not harm the hair and do not change its structure, do not “scorch” the hair, as fashionable hair straightening irons do.



buy a balm or dry with a hairdryer and a round comb

Svetlana Mostitskaya

buy this product. it helps even without straightening)) [link blocked by decision of the project administration]

Violetta Ardasheva

after a bath (shower), take a comb and a hairdryer, dry it with hot air from the top, that is, so that the air passes along the entire length of the hair. You don’t need to direct the air streams from different directions, it will make things worse, but you should comb your hair with a comb so that your hair doesn’t fly in different directions from the hairdryer

Alena Yafimava

Resort to using keratin hair straightening. My friend made it and she liked it... But the effect depends on the characteristics of the hair...

What to do to make your hair straight, without a curling iron! ??



Well, you won’t do anything to be perfectly smooth. But if you don’t want to, then buy shampoos... wax...


shave and wear a wig

Alexander Ivanov

You can tie something heavy to them at night))))))

Marina Bodina

1) You can straighten them with a straightener
2) When you dry your hair, comb it with a massage comb and at the same time dry it with a hairdryer
3) use natural shampoos (masks, balms) to straighten hair

Alison Harvard

How to Make Your Hair Straight

There are several ways to make your hair straight. But one way or another, the choice here will depend on whether you are ready to do styling every day, or whether you are more satisfied with long-term straightening.

If we trace the history of the development of hair straightening products, we will find the beginning of this back in the last century, when a certain craftsman invented a composition that, as he claimed, could make hair straight. And indeed, this drug made hair straight, but what were the consequences after it... Women's hair fell out, terrible burns formed on the scalp. It’s strange, but even despite this, they continued to rub this terrible mess into their unfortunate hair. Today's technology has, of course, greatly improved, and women now have the opportunity to have straight hair for a long time without relative damage. Although, here too it all depends on the structure of the hair and the level of rigidity. If your hair is too frizzy, then in order to make it straight, you will need a higher percentage of straightening solution, which, of course, can ruin it. Long-term hair straightening is the same as perm, only in reverse. Harmful? Certainly.

And if you are worried about the condition of your hair, but at the same time, you really want to make it straight, then you can refuse long-term straightening, giving preference to styling. In order to make your hair straight, you will need a straightening iron, for safety it is better to use a ceramic one. If your hair is soft, it will be easy to style it with a straightening iron. It is more difficult with hard and curly ones. You may not be able to take such an iron.

Remember that any thermal method of treating hair somehow spoils it, making it dry and thin. In addition, straightening your hair with an iron is strictly not recommended for those whose hair has been permed.

Bree Hodge

will be born again


If your hair is slightly curly, then grow your hair long, the longer the heavier. They will straighten out from the gravity... But again, depending on what type of hair you have

Tatiana Sokolova

You can do hair lamination! It turns out very beautiful. The truth is that it lasts for a month and doesn’t cost very much.

Margarita Villanova

My hair dries out, it immediately falls in different directions and becomes frizzy. I constantly used a straightener until I came across a new product. In short, I’m telling you! I bought an elixir at the salon, called lundenilone. I add it to masks, shampoos, balms. It made my hair smooth, manageable, thick, and growing faster! like after leaving the salon!

Polina Lapina

shave and that's it

Peacock Berezka

How to make your hair shiny and smooth without a hair straightener?


Elena Isaeva

: how to make your hair smooth.

The first tip from JustLady magazine: buy a good comb for your hair.

Do you know that the condition of your hair largely depends on the brush you use? And daily brushing can even damage your hair if you use the wrong brush. The thing is that only wooden brushes or brushes with natural bristles are suitable for hair. Buying them is not so difficult - they are available in almost any store, although they are somewhat more expensive than plastic ones. But we strongly advise you not to save money. A good comb is worth the price! By brushing your hair with a wooden brush, you improve the condition of your hair, making it smoother and more elastic. So, if you are thinking about how to make your hair smooth, first buy some good combs.

The second tip from JustLady magazine: try not to wash your hair with hot water. Ideally, the water should be boiled or settled, but sometimes this is difficult to achieve, so try to at least monitor the temperature of the water. And one more thing: comb your hair thoroughly before washing.

Are you concerned about how to make your hair smooth? Then listen to the third tip from JustLady magazine: try to use a hairdryer as little as possible.

In general, blow drying is far from the most useful procedure. Therefore, if you have time, dry your hair naturally. If you absolutely cannot do without this device, then regulate the air temperature - it is advisable to dry your hair with cool air. It's best if you leave your hair slightly damp so it can dry at room temperature.

Tip four: rinse your hair with cool water.

One good way to make your hair smooth is to rinse with cool water. After all, if you look at it, smooth hair is hair with a closed cuticle. And cool water contributes well to this. After rinsing, hair becomes shiny, elastic, manageable, and does not become electrified.

When talking about how to make your hair smooth, you can’t help but talk about the products that the cosmetic industry offers us today. First of all, to achieve the goal - smooth hair - you should even out its structure. To do this, you need to choose a good conditioner that helps close the scales. A smoothing conditioner with jojoba oil or rosemary extract is best. If you are thinking about how to make your hair smooth with professional products, then try a smoothing serum. It is applied to damp hair. The serum makes hair much smoother and silkier, and just a few drops of the product are enough to achieve an excellent effect.

Remember that hair with split ends will never be smooth. Unfortunately, only scissors can solve this problem. Therefore, without regret, go to a beauty salon and cut off split hairs. To prevent you from having this problem again, choose a good moisturizing and smoothing mask. Try cutting with hot scissors - this is an effective method of dealing with split ends. Then your hair will look more well-groomed.

Do you not know how to make your hair smooth when it has become dry and stiff, like straw? There can be many reasons for this hair condition, for example, high temperature of the hair dryer, sun rays, insufficient care. Make yourself a mask for deep restoration of damaged hair. Women's magazine JustLady recommends you the following mask: 1 tsp. jojoba, 4 drops rosemary essential oil, 4 drops sage essential oil. Rub this mixture into the roots with your fingertips and distribute throughout your hair. Leave the mask on for half an hour, then rinse with shampoo.
How to make hair smooth in a beauty salon
Nowadays, a screening procedure has become widespread in beauty salons, which deeply moisturizes the hair, making it smooth, shiny and silky. The essence of the procedure is as follows: a colorless nourishing composition is applied to the hair, which penetrates deeply into the hair structure, the floor

Marina Kabanova

using hair cosmetics or folk remedies


Shave them to "0"
Shine guaranteed
Further care is minimized to the limit
There is no need for ironing at all

Bad Boy

In general, hair as perfectly straight as after ironing cannot be achieved just like that. After washing with shampoo, apply conditioner to your hair for 10 minutes. Then there is a special hair shine spray, you can spray it on dry hair and comb it =)

Evgenia Karimurzaeva

For shine, try washing your hair with black leo or chicken egg.

Alix Vance

try biolamination

Maria x


For me they are shiny and smooth after drying with a regular round comb, try it. I rarely use an iron, only when I want to make them perfectly straight.
You can also try hair gloss after styling or a serum with glitter on the ends while styling.

Svetlana Svetlana

I have a friend with very curly hair, and all men are crazy about her. And interfering with nature can harm your hair.

Oksana Vorobyova

stay healthy and throw away the iron.
there are a lot of exclamation marks because the question itself is simply the stupidity of people who hope to create beauty by harming their hair. Forgive me and appreciate my straightforwardness.
Thermal attack on hair is destructive with any means and any care. Ask anyone about it. Over the years there will be a broom. There will be cracking and dullness and lethargy, fragility. Your dream?
eat food with vitamins A, E, C, F, H, PP, D and essential group B. Food! And beware of stress.

kristina imamova

http: //for-your-bea /hair-care/89-gladkie-i-blestyaschie
Everything is described in detail here!!!

Peacock Berezka

Take a small onion, peel it and grate it.
Wrap the grated cheesecloth in gauze, folded several times. Rub into skin
heads. After a few hours, rinse and rinse your hair. Preferably when
cut your hair shorter. After several procedures, dandruff will disappear,
Itching disappears, hair becomes stronger, hair becomes elastic and soft.

How to prevent hair from becoming frizzy after washing it?


Your Actress

do not sushi with a hairdryer :)
if you have an iron, you can straighten them!!

Oksana Kinkova

after a hairdryer it’s the same for me. I wash it with balm, comb the wet ones and dry on their own. Then she doesn’t look like an enraged dandelion.

Masha Novikova

Use hair conditioner... After washing, comb your hair. . iron them once dry..)


I use shampoo and balm... I apply serum to damp hair... and then shine... and the heavy hair is styled... and then I apply a little more shine to dry hair... the heavy hair is moisturized... and smooth...

Nadezhda Balanenko

The best way is HAIR LAMINATION.


VOLUME: Due to the thickness of the film covering each hair, the entire volume increases by an average of 15-20%. Therefore, the hair lamination procedure is especially recommended for women with thin hair.

SHINE: As you know, scales are located on the surface of the hair. Normally, they fit tightly to each other, creating a smooth surface. When dyeing, styling, perm, as well as under the influence of the environment (sun, sea water), the scales open and the surface of the hair becomes rough. Such hair splits, becomes dry and brittle. When laminating hair, the scales are glued together with a special composition, it evens out the surface and, therefore, the hair acquires shine and a healthy appearance.

PROTECTION: The film covering the hair will protect it from the harmful effects of a hair dryer, sun, rain, frost. In addition, it will not allow the penetration of harmful substances contained in the city air and will prevent the loss of moisture from the hair shaft.

COLOR: It is recommended to do the hair lamination procedure immediately after dyeing (!!!), as it will restore damaged hair and extend the time the dye is washed off. The shade retains its richness and brightness for a long time - after all, first the laminate is washed off, and only then the coloring pigments are washed out

Are there any contraindications to lamination?
No. The procedure can be used immediately after coloring or perm on hair of any length.
What to do with curly hair?
Lamination does not straighten curly hair. When covered with laminate, the hair is enveloped in a film that protects but does not change the structure.
The benefits you will get after hair lamination:
· - Damaged, dry, dull, split ends hair becomes smooth and shiny thanks to filling cracks and uneven hair with a laminating composition. Hair looks healthier and more well-groomed.
· - Hair becomes very elastic, easy to style even without additional styling products, since the cellulose coating applied to the hair during lamination easily changes shape when heated by a hairdryer, and after cooling remains fixed in the new position.
· - Hair is less electrified, because the degree of moisture increases, it becomes denser and heavier.
· - Hair becomes thicker, thicker, and the hairstyle becomes more voluminous. Hair thickens in volume by approximately 10% thanks to an additional layer of cellulose applied to each hair.
· - If you dyed your hair during or before lamination, the dye will stay on your hair longer, and the hair color will not fade or change.
· - Lamination prolongs the life of the hair, the hair breaks less, and almost does not split. Growing long hair is much easier.

The meaning of lamination: Each hair is a trunk with scales that initially fit tightly to this trunk. However, over time, under the influence of various unfavorable factors, the scales begin to peel off, and the surface of the hair becomes rough. The ends of the hair flake, become split, and the hair itself loses its shine, because the reflective surface is damaged. The film formed on the hair after lamination seals the ends and forms a new surface of the hair - smooth and shiny. The hair lamination procedure not only gives it shine and smoothness, but also does not cause harm - the lamination composition contains useful substances, for example, protein, which makes the hair flexible and able to withstand various damages.

Veronica Ponomarenko

Diana, throw away the hairdryer!! ! Hair should dry naturally!! ! Use various masks and hair serums! Before washing your hair, try applying burdock oil...

There are situations when, after an emergency, you need to quickly dry your hair. In this case, a hairdryer will help. But this device has a detrimental effect on the structure and condition of the hair, and sometimes a hair dryer is simply not at hand. It turns out that you can quickly dry and style your hair in 15 minutes using available products.

In order not to harm your hair or injure your skin, you need to follow several recommendations.

A hairdryer is the easiest way to quickly dry your curls. Drying your hair will be easier if you use a comb in this process.

  1. The hair dryer is supplied with a concentrator. A strand is separated with a comb, the accessory is located near the roots. The dryer is turned on to low temperature mode and the nose is pressed against the separated hairs. The comb goes lower until it reaches the tips. The hair dryer moves along with the comb.
  2. Gradually the device is set to higher and higher temperatures.
  3. If you want to get rid of the straightening effect when drying, you need to use a round brush. This accessory will help curl your strands. To curl, the comb separates from the bottom and then twists a little. During drying, you should move your hand slightly so that the comb turns in the opposite direction in the direction where the hairs rush under the influence of air. The hair dryer nozzle also moves in a parallel direction to the comb. The effect will be better if the device is pressed against the brush.

Important: the concentrator must be pressed against the hair through the gap so that it is in complete contact with the strands. If the curls are uneven, drying will be uneven.

How to dry short hair correctly? There's nothing complicated about it.

  1. The easiest way to do this is to use a brush. It is necessary to ensure that the comb goes down the curls along with the drying device.
  2. If you don't have a comb at hand, you should use your hands. Here you just need to make quick movements with your fingers, bristling your hair and directing the hot stream to the roots.

You can also take a diffuser, which has the opposite effect of a concentrator. The technology is air dispersion. As a result, the strands are processed from all sides, and hair drying occurs many times faster.

  1. The curls are picked up from the bottom or top side with a diffuser and then combed.
  2. When using this technology, the upper strands dry better, and the lower strands dry a little slower.
  3. Do not set the temperature too high, as such treatment with direct air flows can lead to the formation of dandruff.
  4. This method should not be used after a keratin treatment.

Using a brush attachment

This type of hair dryer allows warm air to penetrate the center of the hairstyle. The nozzle looks like a round brush and is equipped with tongs. With this device you can get rid of the hair straightening effect and create a curl. To dry, curl your curls and wait until the moisture evaporates. Also, many devices with a brush are equipped with a hair straightening attachment. That is, if you don’t like the volume effect after styling, you can remove it by making the curls straight.

Non-standard drying methods

If you don’t have a hairdryer at hand, or the device doesn’t work, you can try other drying methods.

These three methods are not secure and are therefore not recommended. None of these methods can be used after keratin treatment of curls. You can choose a safe method instead.

Safe method

This gentle drying method is also suitable for hair after a keratin straightening procedure.

The best option for drying oily hair is to use cold drying, which will not harm the hair structure or injure the scalp.

If you have not done keratin straightening or your hair is not oily, you can safely use a hairdryer for drying, but follow the instructions described. This is necessary to prevent damage to the hair structure and the appearance of dandruff.
