What is the proper diet for pregnant women? Diet for pregnant women: menu, recommendations

29/03/2015 13:56

And then the long-awaited day came when you found out that you were pregnant. The world around you begins to change just like the way you live your daily life. And now you are faced with an important question: how should you eat so that the fetus develops correctly?

In this article we will explain to you the most important principles of healthy eating during pregnancy.

General principles of healthy eating by trimester of pregnancy

Since childhood, our mothers and grandmothers told us that when we get pregnant, we should eat “for two.” But is it?

During this difficult period, it is important to remember that a child is born weighing within 5 kg, and not 50! So you don't have to eat for two.

It is enough just to add somewhere to your usual portion of food 1/3 of normal. Or this 1/3 can be replaced with healthy snacks between meals.

And it will be much healthier than forcing yourself to eat strictly 3 times a day in large portions.

Don't forget that it is necessary reconsider your diet and make adjustments to the menu. After all, there is now more than one of you. It is worth remembering that nutrients and vitamins are just as important for a developing fetus as they are for its mother.

Therefore, it is worth giving up the abuse (or better yet, stop eating altogether during pregnancy) of sweet, fatty, spicy, etc., and turn your attention to other, healthier and no less tasty foods.

If the expectant mother is a vegetarian, then she also needs to change her menu. Because Vitamin B is very important for your baby, and it is found in animal products (eggs, dairy products, etc.)

How should you adjust your menu at different times?

Of course, a healthy diet is always useful and the sooner we switch to it, the better it will be for our body. And during pregnancy this is especially important, because... The development of the child depends on what the expectant mother eats. But you need to understand that it differs somewhat at different stages of pregnancy.

It is worth noting (and most importantly, remember!) the basic rules of healthy eating:

  • Minimize (no more than 150-200 g per week) fried foods and fast food . If you can, it’s better to give them up altogether. The expectant mother should eat fresh food!
  • Switch from sweet sodas to non-mineral water, compote, fresh juices, milk. It is important to remember that you should drink at least 1.5 liters. per day, but not more than 3 liters. And at least 2 glasses of milk a day! Milk is rich, first of all, in calcium, which is needed not only by the unborn baby, but also by the mother to maintain the beauty of her hair and nails during pregnancy.
  • Add products such as milk, dairy products, vegetables and fruits to your menu . The bigger, the better! The main thing is that everything is fresh. Plus, it's very tasty.
  • Chew food thoroughly.
  • Do not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime! If the feeling of hunger is strong, then you can snack on fruit or drink yogurt/kefir.
  • Because Excess weight can create unnecessary difficulties during childbirth, it will be harder for you to recover, and it will simply be harder to get back to your usual shape.

To make it easier to remember exactly what foods you need during pregnancy, we bring to your attention the following nutritional advice board:

Month of pregnancy Necessary nutrients What foods are advisable to eat? General dietary recommendations for this month

Folic acid


Liver, legumes, fish, nuts, asparagus, spinach, beets, avocado, celery

Fruits, buckwheat, vegetables, bread (regular), dairy products, beef, greens, pork, eggs

Hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts, apricots, beets, garlic, spinach

The most important thing is to balance and consume vitamins in sufficient quantities. It is worth giving up hard-to-digest foods, fast food,
semi-finished products, alcohol and be careful with tea/coffee (caffeine limit per day is 200 mcg).

It is advisable to eat often and not in large portions (4-5 times a day). Avoid feeling hungry and overeating. Remember that you need to drink a lot
liquids, especially milk. Also, a “salt regime” appears - 10 g.

Nuts, grains, berries, greens, dairy products, eggs

You need to remember that your favorite products may become unloved and vice versa. There is no need to be afraid of this, this is normal. Main,
listen to your body and give it what it asks for. Meals should be 4-5 times a day.

Oddities in taste preferences still continue - don’t be alarmed, this is normal. We continue to monitor our caffeine intake. We remind you that
that it should not exceed 200 mcg per day. Food intake remains the same.

B vitamins

Vitamin C

Meat, poultry, milk, apples, buckwheat

Fish, cod liver

Berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs

Nuts, grains, berries, greens, dairy products, eggs

Milk, dried fruits, nuts, corn, bran, garlic

Nuts, wheat bran, corn flakes

Dried fruits, beans, peas, fruits, vegetables

Mussels, red meat, lentils, milk, shrimp, nuts

We increase food intake to 6 times a day! Be sure to eat meat or fish every day. We change vitamin preparations. Begin
control weight. We don't forget about fluid in the body, do we?

Vitamin A

Beta keratin

Vitamin D

Vitamin C


Fish oil, quail eggs, dry cream, Dutch/Poshekhonsky/cheddar cheese, yogurt

Meat, poultry, milk, apples, buckwheat

Dried fruits, beans, peas, fruits, vegetables

Nuts, grains, berries, greens, dairy products, eggs

Apple, kiwi, peaches, tomatoes, beets, carrots, peas

We follow the “salt regime” - reduce it to 8 g. We continue to drink a lot of milk - at least two glasses a day. We also continue to avoid
fatty, fried, smoked and sweets.


Nuts, grains, berries, greens, dairy products, eggs

Baked vegetables, cereals, cereals, vegetables, fruits

The number of meals remains the same. It is necessary to replace meat or fish with similar products with less fat content.


Dried fruits, beans, peas, fruits, vegetables

Nuts, grains, berries, greens, dairy products, eggs

Mussels, red meat, lentils, milk, shrimp, nuts

Baked vegetables, cereals, cereals, vegetables, fruits

The number of meals remains the same. Be sure to eat fatty fish once or twice a week (it is rich in essential vitamins A, D,
calcium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium)! But don’t forget to control your weight.


Meat, poultry, milk, apples, buckwheat

Fish, cod liver

Bread, pasta, rice, raisins, semolina porridge

The number of meals remains the same. Reduce salt intake (4-5 g). We remember the amount of sugar per day (no more than 40-50 g). Need to
Consult your doctor about taking vitamin complexes, unless of course you have done so before. We remember about weight control.

Vitamin A

Beta keratin

Vitamin D

Vitamin C


Fish oil, quail eggs, dry cream, Golandsky/Poshekhonsky/cheder cheese, yogurt

Pineapples, pine nuts, carrots, spinach, lettuce, pumpkin, tomatoes

Meat, poultry, milk, apples, buckwheat

Dried fruits, beans, peas, fruits, vegetables

Nuts, grains, berries, greens, dairy products, eggs

Parsley, potatoes, oatmeal, khrosch, nettle

Apple, kiwi, peaches, tomatoes, beets, carrots, peas

Baked vegetables, cereals, cereals, vegetables, fruits

The number of meals remains the same. Dietary recommendations remain the same: do not eat at night, drink plenty of fluids (especially

The number of meals remains the same. Also, nutritional recommendations remain the same: do not eat at night, drink plenty of fluids (especially
milk), do not eat junk food. True, many doctors advise limiting the amount of meat.

At each period, ALL the vitamins and nutrients that are given in the table are needed. But in different months it is worth paying special attention to different groups of nutrients.

Ideally, you should consult a doctor about vitamin complexes and be examined monthly for deficiencies in any group.

What is contraindicated in the diet of an expectant mother?

Let us remind you what you should not eat during pregnancy:

  • Alcohol. Although, as an exception, you can take a couple of sips (!) for the New Year or on your birthday.
  • Tobacco, in our case, is smoking. The expectant mother should give it up completely!
  • It is necessary to limit allergens: chocolate, citrus fruits, etc.
  • We also limit ourselves to sweets and fatty foods. We don’t want to “earn” heartburn and quickly get into shape after giving birth, do we?
  • Don't forget that you need to reduce your consumption of coffee and tea (black and green) to 2-3 cups a day.
  • Canned products.
  • Poorly processed meat.
  • Already harmful food preparation: fried, fatty, spicy, smoked. It is better to eat boiled or stewed, because... they remain fresher, which means more useful.
  • Fast food.

“We are what we eat!” The relationship between nutrition and health is especially strong during pregnancy. The linguistic relationship between the words “nutrition” and “upbringing” seems to subtly hint at the fact that by eating properly, a mother, from the first days of the birth of a new life in her, “raises” her baby to be healthy. It is important to remember that the energy value of the diet, as well as the qualitative and quantitative ratio of its various components, differs at different periods. Thus, nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy differs significantly from the nutrition of a pregnant woman in the third trimester.

Basic nutrition for a pregnant woman in the first trimester

Nutrition in early pregnancy requires virtually no changes. In the first weeks, it is enough to give up bad habits and follow the basic principles of a healthy diet: exclude fatty foods, fried foods, marinades, sweets and pickles. At this stage, there is an active formation of all the baby’s organs, as well as the placental tissues necessary for its life support, so an important nuance of nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy is the inclusion in food of a sufficient amount of protein food, which serves as a kind of building material, vitamins and microelements.

Nutrition in the early stages of pregnancy involves focusing on traditional foods and dishes made from them, as well as avoiding fast food and drinks containing caffeine. Experts have different opinions regarding drinking coffee during pregnancy, but it is still recommended to abstain from it in the first trimester.

Nutrition during pregnancy by week: first trimester

The nutrition of pregnant women by week in the first trimester looks something like this:

  • 1-2 weeks: it is recommended to increase the amount of foods in your daily diet that contain folic acid (including leafy garden greens, cereals, etc.). Avoid excessively fatty foods and sweets, as they provoke early toxicosis. Include bright yellow and orange fruits and vegetables in your menu;
  • 3-4 weeks: the main emphasis is on foods that contain calcium (dairy, broccoli, greens, fruit and vegetable juices), as well as zinc and manganese (turkey, lean beef and pork, spinach, bananas, eggs, etc. .). It is recommended to completely give up coffee and not get too carried away with nuts, since they are quite high in fat;
  • 5-7 weeks: since the formation of the heart, neural tube and most internal organs is underway, at this stage calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, vitamin E (tocopherol), fluorine, proteins and fats are extremely important (yogurt, cheeses, fruits compensate for this need and vegetables, nuts and legumes, lean meats);
  • 8-9 weeks: the child’s skeleton, joint tissues, lungs are formed, and the mother’s circulating blood volume increases significantly. Now both need vitamins C and bioflavonoids (vitamin P). They are present in strawberries, buckwheat, citrus fruits, onions, rose hips, etc.;
  • 10-11 weeks: the formation of the heart and blood vessels occurs, teeth, sense of smell and genitals are formed. In order for their development to be correct, it is important to include in the diet calcium, fluoride, zinc, iron and vitamin E, which are found in meat dishes, cottage cheese, green vegetables, cheese, seafood and legumes;
  • 11-12 weeks: the formation of the unborn child’s body and placenta reaches the finish line - now the baby’s internal organs will grow and develop, and the placenta will begin to fully function, protecting the fetus and providing its nutrition and breathing. A pregnant woman's diet in the first trimester should include more fruits, vegetables and berries.

General principles of nutrition for a pregnant woman in the second trimester

In the second trimester, it is recommended to slightly increase the caloric content of food. The best way to do this is to include easily digestible proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet. Mid-pregnancy is a period that is accompanied by active growth of the baby and placental tissue, as well as the amount of amniotic fluid. All this creates a serious burden on the mother’s body. Therefore, at this stage it is important to consume more protein foods of animal origin, dairy products and plant foods.

The daily need for fats is compensated by 20-25 g of unrefined vegetable oil, which can be added to various vegetable salads. Proteins include low-fat varieties of fish and meat, eggs, cheeses, except soft and moldy varieties, since the latter belong to the category of foods prohibited for pregnant women. Sources of healthy carbohydrates are bread (optimally made from wholemeal flour), fruits and berries.

Nutrition during pregnancy by week: second trimester

The nutritional structure of pregnant women by week in the second trimester may look like this:

  • 13-16 weeks: this period of time is the final stage of the formation of skeletal bones and the beginning of their rapid growth. Now it is important to increase the calorie intake by about 300 kcal per day. To do this, it is recommended to eat an extra apple, a piece of bread or a slightly larger than usual portion of porridge every day. Don’t forget about dairy products (it’s good to drink a glass of milk or kefir every day, and if this seems not enough, you can supplement them, for example, with oatmeal cookies);
  • 17-24 weeks: the baby is developing vision and hearing, skin tissue and mucous membranes are improving, so it is necessary to supplement the diet with foods that contain vitamin A (red vegetables, cabbage, etc.);
  • 25-28 weeks: the increasing size of the fetus and uterus begins to put noticeable pressure on the stomach, so you need to eat little and more often. It is recommended to exclude excessively fatty foods, sweets and starchy foods from your daily diet. After 21 weeks, the release of insulin in the mother’s body increases, so the abuse of sweets and baked goods is fraught with the development of diabetes in pregnant women.

Nutrition during pregnancy by week: third trimester

Nutrition for a pregnant woman in the third trimester is based on the following principles:

  • Reducing the amount of salt;
  • Complete exclusion of harmful foods (smoked, fatty, salty, etc.);
  • Refusal of food restrictions (here the approach should be reasonable and concerns low-calorie foods - vegetable stews, steamed cutlets, etc.);
  • Increase in fermented milk products;
  • Liquid dosing (no more than 1.5-2 liters, including soups, herbal teas, plain water);
  • Frequent but small meals.

Nutrition during pregnancy by week looks something like this: 4.7 out of 5 (33 votes)

Nutrition for a pregnant woman

Creating a menu for a pregnant woman is not an easy task. At the beginning of pregnancy, “thanks” to toxicosis, sometimes you don’t even want to think about food. In the second half of pregnancy, when appetite improves, the opposite problem arises - you have to devote all your strength to fighting excess weight. And at the same time, the expectant mother’s diet should include healthy foods.

When looking at some of the nutritional recommendations during pregnancy, it can be easy to get discouraged. The first impression is that the expectant mother should not eat anything tasty! It seems that the “right to reside” in the kitchen of a pregnant woman remains only with porridge and low-fat natural yogurt.

When discussing nutritional issues during pregnancy, one detail should be clearly understood. Of course, there are dishes that are beneficial for the health of mother and child, and foods that are not recommended for regular use during pregnancy. For products that it is forbidden foods the expectant mother should consume include, for example, alcoholic drinks, coffee, as well as spicy, smoked, fatty and heavily fried foods. However, there is no such food product one-time the use of which in moderate quantities could have a detrimental effect on the course of pregnancy or the condition of the fetus.

But is it possible to create a delicious and healthy menu for a pregnant woman at the same time? Of course it is POSSIBLE! After all, there are a lot of products that are healthy for mother and baby! You just need to learn how to cook them correctly.

What is prohibited for pregnant women?

In order to put an end to the unpleasant word IMPOSSIBLE once and for all, we will once again identify products and cooking methods that are not recommended for frequent use during pregnancy.

Coffee And wine contribute to increased blood pressure, which is extremely undesirable for a pregnant woman. Beer And pickles increase the load on the kidneys, which already work “overtime” during pregnancy. Alcohol in large quantities can have a negative effect on the developing organs and systems of the baby. Fried, spicy, smoked and fatty foods overload the liver and gall bladder.

During pregnancy, these organs can be significantly displaced by the growing uterus, and then they have to work in “cramped conditions.” Of course, expectant mothers who are prone to allergic reactions or have close relatives with allergies should not get carried away chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, exotic fruits, seafood, nuts, as well as other products that can cause allergies (in addition to well-known food allergens, each allergy sufferer has their own “dangerous” food products). If the expectant mother knows that she will definitely develop an allergic reaction when consuming a particular product, then it is better to exclude it from the diet; in other cases, limit the consumption of allergens to once a week, in moderate quantities.

Pregnant woman's diet

Before we move on to discussing various foods and dishes, let's get acquainted with the general rules for creating a diet that will be healthy for a pregnant woman and give her pleasure.

It is advisable that plant-based products make up 2/3 or at least half of your daily diet. This menu is especially relevant in the last weeks before childbirth - vegetables and greens contain prostaglandins, on which the elasticity of the tissues of the birth canal depends. During pregnancy, such a “diet” will help the expectant mother normalize intestinal function and achieve more uniform weight gain. However, under no circumstances should you reduce the amount of animal products - for normal development, the baby needs animal protein, which is found in meat, fish and dairy products. A pregnant woman's diet should include 70-90 g of animal protein.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are healthier than thermally processed ones. Of course, we are talking only about those products that are traditionally eaten raw. For example, fresh carrots, cabbage and greens are healthier than soup made from them. Freshly prepared food is tastier and healthier than food stored in advance. Of course, a working woman often does not have the opportunity to prepare food 3-4 times a day. Let this be a reason to treat yourself this weekend!

Eating on the go is not beneficial. It is better not to be distracted from the process - then the food will be well absorbed. Chew your food thoroughly - this way you make it easier for your body to digest food and improve its absorption. The advice is simple: just put the next piece of food in your mouth when the taste from the previous one has disappeared. By following this simple recommendation, you will be able to appreciate your favorite dish without worrying about your weight or digestive problems.

Healthy cooking for a pregnant woman

  • Steaming and baking in the oven. These are the healthiest ways to cook food. You CAN bake almost anything - meat, fish, vegetables, fruits - in foil or special baking paper. Wrap a piece of lean pork, sprinkled with spices and herbs, in foil, place in the oven for 2-3 hours at 140 degrees - and you will have amazing homemade boiled pork. Steamed white poultry, carrots, cauliflower and broccoli are especially delicious.
  • Extinguishing. This cooking method involves keeping the product on low heat for a long time in a flat container under a lid with a small addition of water. The most delicious are beef, lamb, and potatoes prepared in this way.
  • Cooking. The product is dipped in a large amount of boiling water and cooked over low heat until cooked. Here the palm belongs to soups.
  • Roasting. To ensure that fried food retains its beneficial properties, it is better to cook it by cutting it into small slices for 3-4 minutes without adding fat. It is convenient to do this in a special wok pan - it has thin walls, it heats up evenly, and not like a traditional frying pan, where the bottom heats up more.

However, there are many nuances when using such utensils. It is more convenient to cook in a wok on a gas stove, and the burner should be large enough so that the flame covers the entire surface of the pan. There are also wok pans for electric stoves - they are flat.

In nature, the best way to fry is over charcoal. For the expectant mother, you should select lean pieces of ball, fish and poultry. Zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes and potatoes prepared in this way turn out great and are very healthy. However, before you start eating, you should remove the crust from the food that has formed upon contact with the fire.

Nutrition for pregnant women

Vegetables and fruits- Everything is POSSIBLE (with an eye to allergens). Raw, heat-treated. In salads and main courses! Salads made from fresh vegetables and herbs are best seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil. Don't forget to wash nature's gifts thoroughly before eating them!

Berries: cranberries, lingonberries, rose hips, blueberries, currants, chokeberries are the main helpers of the expectant mother’s kidneys, as well as a natural source of vitamin C! YOU CAN eat fresh berries, buy frozen ones, cook them for five minutes, puree the berries with sugar, make fruit drinks, compotes and jelly.

Porridge- an ideal breakfast for an expectant mother. Buckwheat, millet, corn and oatmeal are very healthy: they contain iron, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber. It is better to cook porridge in water, adding milk and butter a few minutes before it is ready. You can add dried fruits to sweet porridges, and sautéed vegetables to salty ones. Muesli is no less healthy - it’s actually a vitamin cocktail, and very tasty, too. Muesli is eaten with milk, kefir, yogurt or fruit juice, but it must be said that they are also very high in calories.

Dairy- the main source of calcium. Both fresh and fermented milk products are beneficial.

Meat- the main source of animal protein, B vitamins and iron. For cooking, it is better to buy chilled rather than frozen meat - it better retains its beneficial qualities. For meat snacks, preference is given to boiled pork and lean ham: it is better to avoid sausages, as they contain a lot of fat and preservatives.

Fish contains vitamin D and phosphorus, which are responsible for the functioning of the baby’s nervous system. Of course, it is better for the expectant mother to cook fresh fish of low-fat varieties (cod, perch, pike, pollock, ice fish, hake).

In conclusion of our article on the benefits of healthy food, I would like to wish all pregnant women: cook with love and eat with pleasure, and then your diet will become the key to a successful pregnancy, a source of good mood and health for the baby!

Did you know that certain groups of vitamins and microelements are important for each period of pregnancy? We will tell you about a balanced diet in early pregnancy.

If you did not adhere to proper nutrition before pregnancy, were frivolous with food, abusing fast food and processed foods, you urgently need to reconsider your habits. After all, proper nutrition is directly related to the development of the baby in the early stages of pregnancy. In the first trimester, almost all organs and internal systems of the unborn child are formed. In the future, only their growth, development and adjustment of body functions occur. During this period, the embryo develops into a fetus.

A balanced diet at the very beginning of pregnancy (up to 10-12 weeks) is necessary to provide the mother and baby with useful vitamins and microelements. The use of these substances allows the baby to grow and develop harmoniously. A well-designed diet will help his mother avoid problems with the digestive system and other organs, as well as not gain excess weight.

Often, nutrition during early pregnancy can be accompanied by unusual gastronomic preferences. Food choices and food combinations can seem quite strange. But there is an explanation for this. It is believed that in this way the body gives a signal about a lack of certain vitamins or microelements. For example, you want seaweed - your body lacks iodine, pickles - you need to replenish your supply of vitamin C, you want fish - you lack vitamin B1, bananas - potassium and vitamin B6, etc.

When developing a menu for yourself at the beginning of pregnancy, remember that meals should be fractional, the products should always be fresh. If you really want something, don’t put strict prohibitions on yourself. Sometimes, but not often, you can treat yourself to a cup of coffee or chocolate. After all, the emotional state of the expectant mother also affects the baby’s mood.

Nutrition in the first month of pregnancy

The beginning of the obstetric period of pregnancy is not the time of conception, but the first day of the last menstruation. Therefore, your diet in the first two weeks of pregnancy was unlikely to differ from your usual diet. Although this period is very important for the development of the baby. During pregnancy planning, it is necessary to increase the amount of folic acid, which ensures the necessary speed of embryo development and minimizes the risk of the child developing congenital defects. In the first days of pregnancy, it is imperative to include greens, lettuce, and grains in your diet.

Creating a menu in the first weeks and months of pregnancy is a complex process, since every week the embryo grows and develops new organs and systems. And this requires changes in the diet, adding new products containing certain useful substances, vitamins and minerals.

At 3-4 weeks, the placenta and membranes begin to develop, so during this period it is worth increasing the consumption of foods containing calcium and manganese. The menu should include dairy and fermented milk products, broccoli, green vegetables, as well as turkey, pork, oatmeal, raisins, and carrots.

Toxicosis may begin from 5-6 weeks. If this trouble has overtaken you, then you should change your menu. Replace meat and eggs with vegetable proteins: nuts, legumes, and instead of milk, eat a few pieces of cheese or drink yogurt. To protect your body from dehydration, you need to drink more. To alleviate the condition, you can eat a handful of raisins at night.

Your doctor can advise you on how to eat during toxicosis in the first months of pregnancy.

Nutrition in the first month of pregnancy: basic rules

Only a doctor can tell you how to eat properly for an expectant mother in the early stages of pregnancy. After all, each organism is unique and has its own characteristics. It should be remembered that during pregnancy there is a risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases, so if you have had problems with digestion, be sure to inform your doctor, who will create a special diet for you not only in the early stages, but also for the entire period of pregnancy.

To protect yourself from food poisoning, rapid weight gain, and the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus, it is very important to maintain proper nutrition throughout pregnancy, and not just in the early stages. The following recommendations will be useful for expectant mothers:

  • choose cheeses made from pasteurized milk, hard or processed varieties;
  • try not to buy loose or sliced ​​products unless they are vacuum packed;
  • It is better to refrain from eating dishes with raw fish and seafood;
  • It is recommended to consume meat and fish after heat treatment;
  • wash your hands thoroughly before preparing and eating food;
  • Do not under any circumstances eat foods that have expired;
  • practice good hygiene in the kitchen (use different cutting boards and knives for meat, fish and vegetables, keep the refrigerator clean).

Listen to yourself, your body will tell you what to eat in the early stages of pregnancy, and your doctor will adjust your menu.

Hello, dear women! Almost all of us sooner or later become mothers. But this is preceded by long months of waiting for the baby, queues at the antenatal clinic, endless tests, examinations and... dreams of a healthy baby.

But did you know that most, if not all, of them are destined to come true? And you need very little for this - a healthy lifestyle, good mood and proper nutrition for pregnant women. The 1st trimester, the menu of which is discussed in this article, is considered one of the most important. Simply because it is during this period that all the organs and systems of the fetus are formed, and the fetus itself gradually develops.

And in the best case, so to speak, the lack of nutrients now in the future can turn into a pathology for him, and in the worst case, it can become fatal.

There is no need to radically change your diet in the first months of pregnancy! It's much smarter to just adjust it.

Will help with this simple general nutrition rules:

  • A pregnant woman's menu should be as diverse as possible and contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the right quantities. Of course, only a nutritionist can determine these amounts in each individual case. If you have the opportunity to contact him, great, if not, don’t be upset. Especially if there were no problems with excess weight before pregnancy. After all, this means that the diet is correct and does not need changes. If they were, it needs to be reconsidered, reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates (sweets) consumed. You shouldn’t eat more than usual and eat for two in the first trimester.

By the way, if you really don’t want to count proteins, fats and carbohydrates yourself, you can simply order healthy food at home! They will do the math for you and bring you food for the whole day from the healthiest and most natural products. Very comfortably! View sample menus and prices possible on the website.

  • At first it is advisable increase the portions of fruits and vegetables you eat. The latter can be filled with oil. In this form, they are not only absorbed faster, but also improve digestion.
  • Important take care of your diet. It is advisable to replace three meals during this period with 5-6. The main thing is that the portions are small.
  • We must not forget about drinking. The expectant mother needs 2 liters of fluid per day. Moreover, it can be not only water, but also fruit juices, compotes, milk or cocoa.
  • The last factor is the way food is prepared. During pregnancy It's better to avoid fried foods in favor of boiled, baked or steamed.

2. What should be in the diet

Proper nutrition of the expectant mother can reduce the risk of developing congenital pathologies of the fetus. That is why it needs to be thought through with special care.

What does a pregnant woman need?

In vitamins, because they play a vital role. Judge for yourself:

  1. Vitamin B9, or folic acid. Doctors prescribe it from the first days. Do you know why? It is responsible for the proper development of the nervous system and protects the fetus from anencephaly, hydrocephalus, spinal fissures and other dangerous ailments. It is found in nuts, legumes, apples, citrus fruits, mushrooms and greens.
  2. Vitamin E. It is also well known to many as it prevents miscarriage. You can find it in vegetable oils, eggs, nuts, liver and herbs or... in the pharmacy.
  3. Vitamin C. It not only increases the immunity of the expectant mother during pregnancy, but also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the placenta, and also promotes the absorption of iron, on which, by the way, the level of hemoglobin depends. But keep in mind that too much vitamin C can be harmful because... Vitamin C stimulates the immune system, which is undesirable in the 1st trimester.
  4. Vitamin D Do you want to preserve the health and beauty of your teeth? Don't forget about fish, seafood, egg yolks and butter, which contain it. This vitamin allows the future baby not only to form a strong skeletal system, but also to prevent the development of allergic reactions.
  5. Vitamin B12. Women suffering from anemia need it. It is found in fish, eggs, meat and milk.
  6. Vitamin A. It affects the condition of the placenta and is found in eggs, dairy products, green and yellow vegetables.

In addition to them, a pregnant woman needs zinc, iron, selenium, honey, cobalt and other trace elements on which the development of the fetus depends. How not to get confused in all this diversity and enrich your body with all the useful substances?

Just make sure that there is room in your diet for all food groups, namely:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • cereals and cereals;
  • meat and fish;
  • dairy products.

3. What a pregnant woman should not do in the first trimester

  • Fast food and semi-finished products.
  • Chips, crackers and any overly salty and spicy dishes - they disrupt metabolic processes in the body and provoke swelling.
  • Coffee and caffeinated drinks. They increase blood pressure, which can result in miscarriage. Meanwhile, doctors still allow coffee lovers 1 cup of coffee per day.
  • Canned food, carbonated drinks.
  • Alcohol.

4. Approximate food menu for a week in the first trimester

Now let's look at a sample menu for a week that will provide mother and baby with all the necessary nutrients:

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