What types of knitwear are there? Types of knitted fabrics Knitted materials.

Today it is difficult to find a more popular material for sewing clothes than knitwear. It is not woven on looms, but is obtained by knitting. Therefore, it is actually incorrect to call this type of material “knitted fabric”. The authentic term is “knitted fabric”. Thanks to the production method, it turns out to be plastic and soft. People most actively seek to buy it for sewing underwear and comfortable home clothes. However, its use was not limited to this niche: designers did not ignore its unique properties, and knitted business models and catwalk outfits saw the light of day.

The thing is that technologists have invented many options for manufacturing this miracle matter. Using different knitting methods and different raw materials, manufacturers obtain dozens of varieties of knitwear.

What does our industry offer?

Cooking surface:

If you have seen sock stitch, then you can imagine what a knit stitch looks like: a “herringbone” pattern on the front side and rows of “bricks” on the reverse side. To make a cooler, a special knitting machine is used that produces cross-section knitwear. When knitting in a circular pattern, a closed fabric is obtained in the form of a “stocking”, which is also called tubular-weave stitch. It can be used for knitting skirts, stockings and leggings, etc. In this case, the product will be free of seams.

This type of knitwear has excellent stretch in width, but almost no stretch in length. It is this property that allows you to sew comfortable underwear that fits but does not restrict movement. Kulirny smooth surface is almost irreplaceable in the children's industry. Caps, bodysuits, vests, rompers and overalls do not chafe or pinch. In addition, thanks to the excellent breathability of the material, especially those made of 100% cotton, the child does not sweat. Bathrobes, pajamas, T-shirts, home dresses, light sundresses for everyday wear are in the wardrobe of each of us.


It differs in that double weaving on machines with two needle beds creates absolutely identical back and front sides. Interlock is dense, smooth and not subject to strong stretching. It does not unravel or curl, as is typical for a cooler. To obtain this effect, the threads are treated with paraffin and emulsion.

Interlock is mainly used for sewing underwear, from shirts for babies to robes and pajamas for their parents.


You've probably come across this material if you bought children's clothing with a looped or fleecy lining. This is the footer. One side is smooth, and the other has a fleece or a visible broach loop. Its subspecies vary in thickness and strength depending on how many threads are intertwined. There are single-strand, double-strand and three-strand weaving methods.

Using one thread, you can create thin and delicate baby clothes that caress the skin. If you add a second thread containing synthetic fibers, the fabric becomes denser and does not stretch or deform. It produces practical and comfortable sportswear and loungewear, sweatshirts and sweatshirts, as well as eye-catching accessories..


This variety of multifaceted knitwear is knitted by alternating knit and purl stitches, resulting in a fabric with embossed thin stripes. The relief is usually not very pronounced, which is how it differs from cash-corse.

Scope of application: all types of underwear for children and T-shirts, T-shirts and turtlenecks for adults. Elegant rib has become in demand among designers for fashionable tops and dresses in a sporty style for everyday wear. Also recently, tight-fitting floor-length dresses with an American armhole and sleeves of different lengths have gained popularity.


In general, the weaving here is the same as in the previous type: the alternation of loops can be one to one, two to two or three to three. However, the pattern turns out to be larger and is more associated with hand knitting.

The use of cash corse is different in that it is in demand, among other things, for finishingnecklines, bottoms and cuffs of jackets, coats, sweatshirts and sweatshirts.


This material will amaze you with the correct geometry of various patterns arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

The popularity of pique began in the 20s of the last century with the light hand of the cult tennis player Rene Lacoste. He suggested using the fabric to make sports polo shirts. Whatever they sew from this light, elastic and wrinkle-resistant fabric today! And in any product it demonstrates its noble sound.


This name arose from the name of an island in Great Britain, where for many centuries local fishermen wore linen and work clothes made of pure wool. No one had any idea what kind of diamond was hiding off the coast of Foggy Albion until the brilliant Coco Chanel appeared, saw it and cut it. With her light hand, jersey became the basis for the most sophisticated outfits of men and women of the twentieth century.

Thanks to the wide variation in thread composition, today it is hardly possible to think of a piece of clothing for which jersey could not be used.

A special single-row weave creates a wrinkle-resistant, lightweight, pliable material. At the same time, the peculiarity of the appearance is that the front side looks like knitting, and from the back it seems that this is a woven fabric. This effect is created due to the fact that the purl loops are knitted in transverse rows, imitating fabric.

Knitwear for every taste: three quality categories

Any of the types of knitwear listed above can be made from fibers of different levels of processing. As a result, overall quality may vary in surface texture, appearance and performance. Based on this, the following categories of quality of knitted fabrics are distinguished:

1. Peña . This is the best material, characterized by the absence of any deformations or flaws. It can be safely used for sewing status items.

2. Ring (cardier) . It is distinguished by looser, but still quite smooth fibers and lower density. However, underwear and bed linen do not require more elegant dressing. The fabric is pleasant to the body - and this is the main thing.

3. Openend . The roughness and unevenness of this low-quality fabric makes it soft and fuzzy, which is good for pajamas and other home accessories.

Features of caring for knitwear

Every housewife needs to know the rules for caring for these cozy things, because no wardrobe can do without them:

1. The larger the knitting, the more carefully you need to handle the item, as the likelihood of getting caught in the loop and pulling it increases.

2. These items should be washed by hand, and if you use a washing machine, select only the “delicate wash” mode.

3. It is better not to wring out any knitted items, especially those with large knits. This is especially true for wool, acrylic and blends. They should be dried by wrapping them in a terry towel - this way excess water is effectively removed and stretching does not occur. For the same purpose, final drying is carried out by carefully laying out the products on a horizontal surface.

4. Do not iron the rib knit - this can ruin the volume. Use steam ironing.

Do you want to buy knitwear? The online store “I-fabrics” is waiting for you!

We have a new spring addition to our assortment! Now you can buy footer and cashmere in delicate pastel colors, especially relevant for children's clothing. Dark elements of the palette are also presented: a footer of noble asphalt and graphite shades. For lovers of spectacular techniques, we suggest buying a two-color, three-thread footer. Its front side is gray melange, and the back side is painted in soft, soft colors: pink, pale blue. This knitwear awakens imagination and gives rise to many sewing ideas, which is why it is very popular in the modern fashion industry. Products with raw seams and decorative details applied wrong side up look great. Footer today is combined with . All this can also be found in the assortment of our store. With us you will certainly sew the things of your dreams!

Yatkan fabric store.

A warm sweater and scarf, a light dress for summer, underwear, sportswear and many other necessary things are made from knitwear. The material belongs to ancient species, and the first samples appeared in the 2nd century. BC e. Excavations have shown that knitted fabrics originated in Egypt.

On European territory, the fashion for elastic and soft fabric came in the 15th century, when knitting machines were designed. The start of mass production brought knitwear into use not only among peasants and artisans, but also among aristocrats. Already in the 20th century, Italian fashion designers raised clothing to the pinnacle of popularity, where it confidently holds its position.


Knitwear is a knitted, stretchable fabric with attractive performance characteristics. The material follows the curves of the body, fits tightly and does not limit mobility due to its ability to stretch. It has a nice texture. Hygiene, practicality and durability ensured the fabric's popularity. Moreover, knitted products do not require special care.

The use of various weaving techniques makes it possible to obtain fabric for summer and winter items and special tasks. Knitted clothing is comfortable in any weather, suitable for everyday wear and festive occasions.

By quality, knitwear is divided into three types depending on the length of the fibers. The fabric can be single or double, smooth and structured. However, there are many classifications based on different criteria.

  1. Penye has the best fiber, the fiber length is 35-70mm.
  2. Good for card or ring 27-35mm.
  3. The average for the opener is 20-27mm.

The length of the fiber determines how long the knitwear will not lose its shape and whether it will fray. The longer it is, the longer it will last.

What's in it

The composition of knitwear can contain fibers of the same type or a mixture of different threads. The source of raw materials is flax, viscose, silk, cotton and wool, as well as synthetic fibers. To obtain yarn, various twisting technologies are used, which affects the properties of the finished fabric. A common option is mixed fabrics made from natural and synthetic raw materials.

Description of fibers for making knitwear:

  • Viscose is an artificial thread made from wood cellulose.
  • Cotton is of natural, plant origin. Softness and hygroscopicity.
  • Lycra is a cellulose fiber that has been treated with vinegar anhydrite.
  • Silk is a thread obtained from the protein cocoons of the silkworm. It has lightness, strength and glossy shine.
  • Elastane is an elastic fiber of synthetic origin.
  • Twisted threads from the wool of goats, sheep and camels.

Natural knitted fabric consists of cotton or wool. For linen it mainly contains cotton or viscose threads. Insulated clothing is made from loose-textured wool yarn.

Hosiery products are made from cotton, polyamide, nylon, viscose and wool. To obtain products with a smooth surface, synthetic threads are added. Things made of polyester wear and wash well, but are less comfortable and prone to pilling.

Combined knitwear

Allows you to combine qualities from different threads to obtain the desired characteristics. For example, pure cotton wrinkles a lot and wears out quickly, but a synthetic additive minimizes such properties.

Types of combined fabric:

  • Vigonevoye - made from cotton and natural wool.
  • Heterogeneous - consists of natural and synthetic threads, the percentage of which depends on the factory.
  • Mixed - based on the predominance of one fiber with additives.

Manufacturing methods

Knitted material is obtained in several ways:

  • Cutting, when a canvas of a certain width is obtained, from which elements of parts of future products are cut out according to patterns. Suitable for sewing clothes, including outerwear, underwear, gloves. The method involves the presence of waste, which takes up a quarter of outerwear. Used in the manufacture of consumer goods.
  • Regular - considered labor-intensive and expensive, used in small-scale production. The product is knitted immediately, without connecting individual parts as in the previous version. The finished product is seamless. Small stitches are visible on knitted parts.
  • Semi-regular, which has found application in the creation of outerwear. For its implementation, circular knitting machines are used. The edge is formed by a series of loops and does not require further processing. The method is economical in terms of time and material. There is no cutting and no downtime when sewing.

Weaving options

Knitwear is produced by weaving threads on special knitting machines. The basis is made up of horizontal loops assembled in numerous vertical rows. There are several types of them and depending on this, you get a stockinette stitch or a footer weave.

  • A circular knitting machine makes a kulirka. The rotating cylinder has up to 13 thousand needles.
  • Single circular knitting equipment produces fabric with a lining weave. The machine is capable of producing up to 1800 rows per minute and works with 8 knitting patterns. Holds about 1000 needles.

The weaving fabric is divided into:

  • The surface where the face and back are different. The back side is wavy and rough, and the front side with columns of braids is smooth. The fabric stretches in width and only slightly in length.
  • The eraser is knitted with an elastic band. Lycra and elastane are added to it, so it does not wrinkle and keeps its shape.
  • A double-sided pattern looks the same on both sides. It does not stretch, and its cut does not unravel.

Footer weaving produces leotard, cloth, chain and satin. During manufacturing, a shift occurs in one or both directions to form a pattern.

Knitwear finishing options

Finishing operations are necessary to give the canvas an attractive appearance, such as:

  • Bleached allows you to lighten the material to a homogeneous state and obtain a white or soft cream tone. Is an independent type of processing or preparatory for the subsequent one.
  • Plain dyed is used for monochromatic coloring.
  • With a drawing, print or coupon applied to the canvas.
  • Variegated knitting, when the interweaving of already dyed threads creates a multi-color knitted fabric.
  • Rough or unfinished, it appears at the initial stage of production without additional finishing.

The finished knitwear is smooth or fluffy. The hairiness of the surface is imparted by special cones and needle-shaped ribbons located on the shafts of special machines. The relief and volume in the finished fabric is obtained from textured threads.

What types of knitwear are there?

The following are distinguished by appearance:

  1. Terry, the front side of which looks like a bath towel, and on the back there are vertical columns of braids. It comes with double-sided pile. Consists only of cotton threads or mixed fibers with the addition of synthetics.
  2. Velor with a velvety outer surface. Thick and soft pile adds decorativeness. The pattern on the inside is also in the form of braids. Drapable and long lasting. it is durable and dimensional stable.
  3. Stretch corduroy that looks like knitted velor, only ribbed and with a shinier pile.
  4. with terry, similar to sheared sheep's wool. It is obtained from polyester fibers and is used for coats, jackets, sweatshirts, and thermal underwear. It is suitable as a lining fabric for outerwear. Does not retain its shape for long and stretches quickly.
  5. Velsoft is dense due to its thick pile. Made from polyamide threads. Keeps its original shape and attractive appearance. Does not form pellets. can be considered a competitor to terry fabrics in the production of blankets, towels, bedspreads and home clothing.
  6. Quilted, on the surface of which an ornament or design is embossed. The technique allows you to give the front side volume and an attractive appearance. Used for sewing skirts, jackets, dresses.
  7. Reticulated with a distinct cellular structure. Used for decorative elements, beach tunics and capes.
  8. Jacquard with complex weaving that forms a pattern. It has various composition options and is widely used.
  9. Brushed knitwear has a pile only on the wrong side or on both, which gives density and shape stability. It has heat protection and elasticity. It is used in the manufacture of warm clothes, sportswear and underwear.
  10. Knitted jersey has a clearly defined structure and pattern. Found in warm items made of wool or acrylic for children and adults: sweaters, pullovers, gaiters and suits. Viscose or cotton fabric is used for summer blouses, dresses and tops.
  11. Sweater with a variety of textures: smooth and with a pile, dense and light, with a pattern and uniform.
  12. Gum or noodles, when convex stripes evenly fill the canvas on both sides. Suitable for turtlenecks, pullovers, bodycon dresses and separates such as cuffs and collars.

Variety of knitted fabrics


It is a brushed fabric made from natural cotton. Used for children's clothing, even for the little ones. Warm and comfortable, suitable for tracksuits, underwear, pajamas and dressing gowns. Disadvantage: it shrinks after the first wash.


Kulir or kulir stitch is a light and thin knitted fabric. However, it wears well and is durable. It has a facial pattern in the form of braids. Does it stretch or not? Yes, but only in width. It consists of cotton with the inclusion of lycra fibers. All types of summer clothing for children and adults are made from this fabric: suits, blouses, dresses, pajamas and underwear. The canvas allows air to pass through and absorbs moisture, which is especially important on hot days.


It is a type of single weave. It stretches well and hardly wrinkles. the composition can be either mixed, containing viscose, cotton or wool, or synthetic.


Made from silk, cotton or viscose threads. The knitting of the knitted fabric resembles a honeycomb. Cotton is used for sewing polo T-shirts, and silk is used for women's dresses.


Thick jersey made from a mixture of synthetics and cotton. It has an eraser on the front side and a comb on the back. Used for newborns as sewing children's clothing.


Its weaving of threads forms a mesh structure. The fabric is ventilated and suitable for summer clothing.


Double-sided fabric with braids on both sides. It is obtained by weaving into a 1x1 elastic band. Dense with low elongation. Designed for sportswear, T-shirts and sleepwear.


Fabric with a plain cross or herringbone pattern.


This type of knitwear contains nylon threads and the addition of lycra. It is durable, colorful and stretches beautifully in any direction. Designed for dance and gymnastics costumes, leotards and circus clothing.

Large rib knitwear. The fabrics include cotton, synthetics, lycra and spandex for elasticity. Suitable for processing the edges of necklines and sleeves, as well as for sewing garments.


The original weaving forms a pattern on the canvas. Quite light and elastic material consists of cotton and lycra fibers.


Thick, warm and voluminous knitwear with visible square or diamond stitching. It is also called quilted. used for sewing cardigans, sweaters, thick winter skirts and suits.


Raised fabric with a rib like corduroy. Available in plain colors or with a print. It is characterized by elasticity, resistance to crushing and wear. Consists of cotton, polyester and viscose.


Elastic and elastic knitwear with rib 1x1, 1x2 or 2x2. Contains added lycra fiber. It is used to sew cuffs and necks for outerwear, as well as garments for adults and children.


It turns out to be a viscous double thread, which makes the knitwear dense. Keeps its shape and does not wrinkle when worn. Designed for sewing dresses, skirts, jackets, trousers.

Oil or “cold” viscose fabric

This knitwear is very soft, delicate and elastic. It flows gracefully in the product, takes any shape and forms beautiful assemblies. Thin consists of fibers of viscose, lycra and polyester.


Soft and fleecy fabric made from wool, elastane and acrylic. Recently, the composition has been based on synthetics, but the fabric has remained just as attractive.


Fine striped fabric is made from cotton. Sometimes lycra or polyester is added to the composition. used for outer knitwear. It is elastic, does not lose shape and lasts a long time.

Attractive qualities

Knitwear is popular and has a wide range of applications, which is explained by its positive characteristics:

  • Soft and elastic;
  • comfortable and easy to wear;
  • stretches well and does not restrict movement;
  • variety of colors and textures;
  • pleasant tactile sensations;
  • fits the body;
  • weaving strength;
  • wear-resistant and durable;
  • low production costs;
  • practicality and easy care;
  • breathability and hygroscopicity;
  • does not accumulate static and does not cause skin irritation;
  • affordable and versatile;
  • Suitable for any silhouette and season.

Disadvantages of the material

However, knitwear also has negative properties.

  • Cheap fabric made from low-quality raw materials stretches quickly.
  • The products look too simple.
  • Tight-fitting knitted clothing emphasizes figure flaws.
  • Difficulties in cutting and sewing.
  • The need to use a special sewing needle to avoid tears in the knitwear and loss of elasticity.

Where is it used?

The material is considered universal. It is suitable for sewing men's, women's and children's clothing for various purposes.

  • Turtlenecks, jackets, sweaters and cardigans;
  • tights, leggings and trousers;
  • dresses, tops and skirts;
  • blouses, pants, overalls and dresses for children;
  • sportswear: T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts, trousers;
  • underwear;
  • things for home and leisure: pajamas, suits, nightgowns, dressing gowns;
  • the whole range of hosiery products;
  • bedding sets;
  • sweatshirts, jackets and outerwear;
  • scarves and hats, mittens and gloves.

Rules of care

Compliance with basic rules will help maintain an attractive appearance and extend the life of knitwear.

  • Washing is allowed by hand and in a machine in the “hand wash” mode.
  • Maintain the temperature within +40°.
  • The material should not be twisted too much.
  • When washing by hand, squeeze the fabric but do not rub it.
  • Immerse clothes in a soap solution, otherwise small fragments of powder will leave marks.
  • Rinse thoroughly several times.
  • Rinse with the addition of conditioner.
  • It is forbidden to dry knitted items in a centrifuge.
  • Dry items flat on a horizontal surface.
  • You cannot hang wet clothes on hangers - this will cause them to stretch out, and it is also not recommended to hang them on a rope. Because of this, it warps and breaks.
  • Smooth out creases and bruises with steam.
  • Iron things when absolutely necessary. This is due to the fact that under the iron the fabric stretches, and textured knits lose volume.
  • Immediately remove the resulting pellets with a special machine or razor.

It is probably rare to meet a person who does not have several knitwear items in his wardrobe. This stretchy, soft fabric is among the favorites of many fashion designers and fashion houses. Knitwear is universal, and depending on the composition, it can turn into a light summer dress, T-shirt or skirt, and into a thick enough blouse for autumn or winter.

Its ability to take any shape and smoothly adapt to various bends is due to the way the threads are connected. Using a special knitting machine, loops are obtained and connected, hence the name of the fabric - knitwear can be translated from French as “knit”.

Types of knitwear

This fabric has many variations. The material can be classified by:

  • Composition. There is knitwear made from natural fibers (cotton, wool, silk), synthetic and a combined version. The last one is the best. The mixture of natural and synthetic raw materials makes knitwear more wear-resistant and durable, while maintaining all the qualities of the natural material.
  • Finishing method. Knitwear is first raw (without finishing), then it is processed, impurities are removed and the color is made uniform - this is bleached. Then there is room for creativity, if it is given one color - plain-dyed knitwear, if there are several colors, then it is called variegated knitted.
  • Structure and weave of threads.

This wonderful material has many positive qualities.

Properties of knitwear

  • This matter is practical.
  • Knitwear easily takes the shape of the body.
  • With any combination of components, this fabric turns out soft, delicate and pleasant to the touch.
  • The addition of a synthetic component made this material strong and durable.
  • Knitwear practically does not require any special care.
  • Available in a wide variety of colors.
  • Knitwear does not accumulate static electricity.
  • It is highly hygroscopic.
  • Permeable to air.

Perhaps the only negative property of knitwear may be that it emphasizes figure flaws.

Knitwear is the most popular type of fabric. It is used to make clothes, bedspreads, curtains and many other products used in everyday life. Thanks to its unique characteristics, knitted material has become indispensable. Thick knitwear deserves special attention. This fabric is very popular due to its high elasticity and strength.

Features of thick knitwear

Knitwear is a knitted fabric made by interlacing loops on special ones. In the production of knitwear, technologies are used to interweave front and back loops in different combinations. They allow you to create original drawings and patterns.

Single stitch knitting creates thin fabrics. Thick knitwear is made by weaving two rows of needles on each side of the fabric. This produces a dense fabric with a pattern on the front side.

Properties and characteristics

Thick knitted material has the following properties:

  1. Softness. All knitted fabrics are soft to the touch and pleasant to the body. Thick material does not irritate the skin and is even suitable for sewing
  2. High elasticity. The knitting technology used makes the fabric elastic. Products made from thick knitwear do not hinder movement and at the same time fit perfectly on the body.
  3. Density. Clothing made from thick knitwear does not wrinkle and is abrasion resistant. Some types of dense knitted fabric are used for sewing warm products. Thanks to their high density, such clothing retains heat.
  4. Hygienic properties. Knitwear of any density has high hygroscopicity and breathability.
  5. Thick knitwear is characterized by sufficient flexibility. This material holds its shape well and stretches less.

Types of thick knitwear

There are several types of high-density knitwear:

  • fleece material;
  • fabric with pile;
  • two-layer fabric.

Brushed fabric is a fabric on the reverse side of which a pile is formed during the weaving process. The backcombing occurs under the influence of special needles. At the same time, the front side of such fabric remains smooth. Children's clothing, tracksuits, and sweaters are made from combed fabric. This type of fabric includes pique and interlock.

Thick knitwear with a pile on the front side of the fabric and a smooth back side is called plush. This fabric is quite warm and soft to the touch. Plush is usually used for sewing children's toys, carnival costumes, interior items, bedspreads, and some clothing.

A two-layer knitted fabric consists of two layers of satin stitch, which are connected to each other by broaches of loops. The broaches of one layer of fabric wrap around the broaches of the loops of the second layer. Two-layer knitwear is widely used in the production of household and technical products.

Let's take a closer look at the types of knitwear and the main characteristics of the fabrics.

Pique material

This is a fabric with a special weave of fibers, which results in relief patterns. Pique is mainly produced with geometric patterns - small rhombuses, squares, honeycombs, checks. The well-known waffle fabric also belongs to this type of knitwear.

Initially, pique material was made only from cotton. As technology developed, fabric production expanded, and pique began to be made from synthetic raw materials. Today, natural, artificial and mixed pique is available for sale.

There are several types of pique knitwear:

  • French - usually used for sewing men's shirts;
  • for children - knitted fabric with a slight fleece;
  • Pique-boumazea is a dense material with a thick fleece on the reverse side.

Pique fabrics are classified according to color:

  • plain;
  • unbleached;
  • variegated.

Advantages of pique material:

  1. Environmentally friendly. Pique is produced only from non-toxic raw materials that are safe for health and the environment.
  2. Hypoallergenic. The fabric is suitable for people prone to allergic rashes.
  3. High hygroscopicity. Pique absorbs moisture well. Therefore, waffle towels are very popular among housewives.
  4. Breathability. The material allows air to pass through well and is ideal for sewing summer clothes.

Characteristics of interlock fabric

This is a fabric with cross-weave threads. The material is soft and durable. Both sides have a smooth surface. In terms of weaving, there is virtually no difference between the front and back sides.

Interlock is produced using a knitting technique, which gives the material strength. The fabric can withstand regular wear and washing.

Interlock clothing does not deform. Even after strong stretching, the fabric quickly returns to its original shape.

The main feature of interlock is its resistance to pilling and stretch marks. Products made from this fabric are durable. Compared to other knitwear, arrows do not appear in interlock. The fabric retains its original appearance for a long time.

Interlock is made from 100% cotton. Sometimes a little viscose, lycra, or polyester can be added to the fabric composition.

The material is smooth to the touch. It is rare to find interlock with fleece - singing. A weakly structured fiber is added to such fabric, which provides shaggyness.

Fashionable models of thick knitwear are often created from interlock.


The plush material has a high soft pile. It can be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the fabric or only in certain areas. The height of the pile can be from 3 to 16 mm. When producing plush, high pile is smoothed in one direction with special brushes. Plush is produced using a three-thread system. The basis of the fabric is the second layer of material made from weft threads. Pile is created from wool or silk.

Sometimes the embossing method is used to make pile. Using stencils, designs are created on fabric that give the canvas a special look.

Plush has high thermal insulation properties. It is easy to drape.

There are many varieties of plush. Based on the material, a distinction is made between wool and cotton plush. According to the type of fiber, plush knitwear is:

  • one-sided - the villi are located only on one side of the fabric;
  • double-sided - the canvas has pile on both sides;
  • split - characterized by a large number of fibers and looks like velvet;
  • looped - according to the type of knitting, the fabric has the appearance of terry cloth with lingering threads.

According to the finishing method, there are smooth, embossed, patterned and shaped plush.

, teacher at GRASSER school:

Let's talk about knitwear (knitted fabrics). At master classes I am often asked questions: What is kulirka (kulirka)? What is a footer?.....etc. All these are knitted fabrics. Let's try to figure it out.

Knitwear (French tricotage - knitted products), knitwear comes in different densities, its stretchability depends on this. According to the fibrous composition, knitted fabrics are obtained from natural and synthetic fibers, both in pure form and mixed. Elastane is often added. They can be plain-colored, melange or patterned.
If you decide to buy knitted fabric, give preference Peñe, because this is the best quality, the yarn from which this knitwear is produced is characterized by: a flat and smooth surface, uniform structure, color fastness and virtually no defects. Products made from such knitwear retain their original appearance for a long time, are easy to wash, and the seams of the product do not move after washing. The raw material for production is long (35-70mm), smooth, thin silky fiber.

Next in quality would be Boxing ring, The raw materials for this knitted fabric are fluffier, medium-length (25-35mm) fibers. This knitwear is of good quality, but the surface of the material will not be as silky and smooth as Peñe's.
If we talk about the quality of knitted fabric Openend, then this is the most inexpensive; short (20-25mm) fibers are used for its production. Due to the fact that the fibers are short, a characteristic fluff appears on the surface. During wearing, the products shrink and peel. ((

The variety of knitted fabrics is great, now I will tell you about some of them:

Kulirka (kulirka)- a knitted fabric, on the front side of which there is a clearly visible braid or loop, and on the back side there are elongated horizontal overlaps. As with regular knitting, knit stitches and purl stitches, everything is simple!)) It stretches very well in width and practically does not stretch in length. Used for the manufacture of linen products and summer clothes.

– “double-faced” knitted fabric, since there are facial loops on the front and back sides. It is used for the production of children's underwear, underwear, and home clothes, because it is very delicate and soft.

Footer- a knitted fabric, the front side of which is very similar to a kulirka, on the wrong side there are so-called “nonches” or air loops. There are 2 and 3 thread. As a rule, brushed footer is denser, warmer, and better retains its presentation. Footer with a loop is softer. Footer is used to produce tracksuits, sweatshirts and other outerwear.

– knitted fabric, cubes or cells are visible on the front side. Soft, comfortable. Most often used for the production of Polo T-shirts, as well as for sportswear and children's clothing.

– knitted elastic band 2*2 (2 pi and 2 ip), 3*3 (3 pi and 3 ip). The relief pattern in the form of stripes is clearly visible. It has very good density, so I use it as cuffs, collars and more.))

Ribana(eraser)– elastic band 1*1 (1 p.p. and 1 p.p.), used for making summer products, as well as as cuffs, collars, etc.

We all love and know the positive qualities of knitwear, such as: softness, elasticity, they hardly wrinkle, they drape well, even if the product fits tightly to the figure, this does not cause discomfort when moving. But there are also negative ones: being cut through with a needle when sewing, curling when cutting, shrinkage after washing. But all the shortcomings pale against the background of its advantages!!!
