Class hour in elementary school. World Children's Day

Metallistskaya SchoolIIIIsteps to them. N. Ostrovsky

Class hour

on the topic:


1st grade homeroom teacher

Belan M.N.

Target. Introduce students to the traditions of the holiday.
Tasks. 1. Summarize children’s knowledge about the basic rights of the child, show the unity of rights and responsibilities.2. Encourage children to protect their rights, cultivate respect for the rights of other people.2. Contribute to the formation of an active life position.

Equipment. 1. Pictures. 2. Phonograms of songs.
"Every child is to some extent a genius and every genius is to some extent a child"

A. Schopenhauer.

I. Greetings.picture 1.

Autumn day in November -
Holiday on the calendar!
Day of gifts and flowers,
Are you ready to meet him?

Extend your hand with a smile
German, Russian, Yakut,
To an Englishman, an Estonian -
Let the sun shine brighter!

So that we can live peacefully
People in joy, love,
Adults all over the planet
Today they give a holiday to children!
Natalia Maidanik

- Guys, November 20 is International Children's Day, Children's Rights Day. The date November 20 was not chosen by chance. It is noteworthy because it was on this date in 1959 that the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted. The main goal of the document is “to ensure children a happy childhood.”
And in 1989, also on November 20, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted, which obliges all countries to provide children with a good life. The Convention entered into force on September 2, 1990. Picture_No.2
November 20 is also International Children's Rights Day. Did you know that from birth you have your rights, which are protected by the most important organization on our earth - the United Nations. ( show a slide with the UN emblem).Picture No. 3 The UN emblem is a map of the Earth framed by olive branches,
symbolizing peace.
This international organization arose after the Second World War, which deprived tens of millions of people of their main right - the right to life. To prevent a third world war, the peoples of the whole world united in the United Nations.
Unfortunately, our world has not become safe: wars, terrorist attacks, crimes, accidents, natural disasters, famine and epidemics. Even adults, strong people cannot resist these dangers, but children are the most defenseless. Even in peaceful life, they need special care and attention from adults.

II. Children's rights.

1. Game “Right to a name.”

Today we will talk about your rights.

How many of you know your rights? The guys call:
Right to life. Kart#4 The right to a name at birth.

The right to freedom and upbringing by parents Kart#5 The right to love and care . Kart#6 The right to adequate food and sufficient clean water. Kart#7

Right to medical care . Card#8

The right to special care for disabilities. Card#10

The right to speak one's own language and practice one's religion. Card No. 11
Right to education . Card No. 12 Right to rest and leisure Card#13
The right to have property. Card#14
- Let's stop at Right to a name at birth and let's play the game "Names".

(Splash screen Cartoon Smeshariki)

Conditions of the game. Each of you along the chain must quickly rise from your seat, say your name and say what it means). (Students say their names).

Guys, do you have the right to your names? What do you think?

Can you prove that your name is exactly that and not another?

Your first and last names and dates of birth are recorded on the birth certificate. Who knows what else is written there? ( Conversation with students). Your parents' names are written there. This means that the state protects your rights, including your right to a name.

2. Mini-lecture “Convention on your rights.” Card#15

Where are all children's rights written down? ( Conversation with students).

Guys, all the rights of children around the world are written down in a special document, the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This document was adopted on November 20, 1989 by the United Nations.

A convention is an agreement. This means that all states that have signed this Convention have agreed to protect the rights of children.
- I suggest you pay attention to the cards that were distributed to you. This is a reminder of your fundamental rights as reflected in the Convention.

3. Game – “Name the fairy tale and determine what right was violated”

In which fairy tale did the main character's stepmother and sisters treat her poorly and force her to work day and night? ? Card#17
- Snow Maiden Cinderella - Frog Princess

Cinderella was deprived of what right? (Right to rest and leisure)

What is the name of the fairy tale in which an evil man with a beard kept doll children locked up and forced them to perform in the theater every day?
- Puss in Boots - Kolobok - The Adventures of Pinocchio . Card#18

What right was violated here? (Cruel, inhuman treatment, exploitation of minor children.)

In what fairy tale did the mother send her little daughter alone through the forest to visit her grandmother?
- The Little Mermaid - Little Red Riding Hood - Thumbelina . Card#19

What right was violated in this fairy tale? (the right to love and care)

In what fairy tale did the bear keep a little girl at home and not let her go home to her grandparents?
- Hare and rooster - Turnip - Masha and the bear. Card#20

The bear said: “Masha, you will live with me, light the stove, cook porridge.”

How should Masha respond when defending her rights?... (You have no right to deprive me of freedom).

In what famous fairy tale did the wolf abuse the piglets and destroy their houses?
- The wolf and the fox - The Three Little Pigs - Winter hut of animals. Card No. 21

What right was violated in this fairy tale? (Right to inviolability of home)

Remember the fairy tale "Kolobok". What right was violated in this fairy tale? ? Card No. 22

The fox says: “Kolobok, Kolobok, I’ll eat you!”

What should Kolobok answer when defending his rights? (You have no right to encroach on my life).

5. Game “Songs about rights”. Tell me what right they talk about.

1. “What they teach at school” (the right to education). Song No. 1

2.Vaccination” (right to medical services) №2

3. “Let there always be sunshine” (the right to freedom and upbringing by parents. the right to love and care.) №3

4. “Song of Crocodiles Gena” (right to life.) (№4

5. Song of the Lion Cub and the Turtle (right to rest). №5

Concluding the conversation about children's rights, I suggest listening to the poem - a wish and thinking about the realization of what right of yours it talks about.

On this day I want to wish,
So that every child in the world
Both father and mother were waiting at home,
They looked after, cherished, loved.

Let there be no abandoned guys,
To everyone - a family, father and mother,
A house in which there is always peace and harmony,
A house where there is no fighting.

Let children's laughter flow from the windows,
Let children's smiles shine.
I congratulate everyone today,
From the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart, congratulations!
(Right to family upbringing).

III. Responsibilities of children.

1. Analysis of situations “Rights and responsibilities”.

Guys, every person has rights. But they can only be used when the rights of other people are not violated. Respecting the rights of other people is the responsibility of every person. Do we always do this?

I suggest you listen to several situations and evaluate the behavior of the characters. Whose rights are they violating? What duties are not fulfilled?

Scene 1

Mother. Turn the music down immediately! It's already midnight, you'll wake up the whole house!

Son. And I have the right to rest and leisure! I'm used to relaxing with loud music!

Leading:- Please help the child figure out who is wrong here.

The students answer.(Example: The son violates the neighbors' right to rest in silence. He does not respect the rights of other people).

Scene 2

Teacher. Olya, you are on duty today, please wipe the board and water the flowers.

Olya. You have no right to force me to be on duty! The Convention on the Rights of the Child prohibits violence against children!

Leading:- Please explain to Ole what she is wrong about.

The students answer.(Example: In addition to rights, Olya also has duties - as an attendant (like all children in the class). In addition, there is an obligation to respect the rights of other people to cleanliness in the classroom. Her rights are valid if the rights of others are not violated!), etc. .

Scene 4

Teacher. Petrov, why did you run around the classroom during recess?

Petrov. So what? I have the right to freedom of movement!

Leading:- Is Petrov’s reasoning correct?

Students. His classmates have the right to rest. And he ran around and violated their rights. Petrov does not respect the rights of other people.

You need to know the rights of a child

Not only to know, but to observe,

And all the guys need to know

Then there would be grace.


- What is more valuable than anything in the world? Ask this question to any adult and you will certainly get the answer - our children.
“We would not agree to part with you for any treasure in the world. You know that yourself.
- And even for one hundred thousand million crowns? - asked the Kid.
- And even for one hundred thousand million crowns!
- So, am I worth that much? - The Kid was amazed.
“Of course,” mom said and hugged him again.
The kid began to think: one hundred thousand million crowns - what a huge pile of money! Can it really cost that much?” (Malysh and Carlson).

There are many holidays in the world,
Can't count them all!
Loved by adults and children
Meet them together!

But today is Children's Day
The whole world celebrates
From Paris to Hong Kong
The news is broadcast:

Congratulations! We love you! We believe!
We will save the world for you!
Grow up! Smile!
We will protect you!
Natalia Maidanik

Introduce students to the traditions of the holiday.
1. Summarize children’s knowledge about the basic rights of the child, show unity
rights and responsibilities.
2. Encourage children to protect their rights, cultivate respect for rights
other people.
2. Contribute to the formation of an active life position.
1. Presentation.
2. Phonograms of songs.
3. Posters.
1. “Every child is to some extent a genius and every genius is to some extent
degree child" A. Schopenhauer.
2. “Childhood - when everything is surprising and nothing is surprising”
A. Rivarol.
3. “Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them the plaything of your mood.”

I. Greetings.
Autumn day in November
Holiday on the calendar!
Day of gifts and flowers,
Are you ready to meet him?
Extend your hand with a smile
German, Russian, Yakut,
Englishman, Estonian
Let the sun shine brighter!
So that we can live peacefully
People in joy, love,
Adults all over the planet
Today they give a holiday to children!
Natalia Maidanik
Guys, November 20 is International Children's Day (Universal
Children's Day), Children's Rights Day. The date November 20 has not been selected
accidentally. It is notable for the fact that it was on this date in 1959
The General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Document
combined 10 fundamental principles and proclaimed it as its ultimate
The goal is to “provide children with a happy childhood.”
And in 1989, also on November 20, the Convention on the Rights
which obliges all countries to provide children with a good life.
The Convention entered into force on September 2, 1990.
November 20 is also International Children's Rights Day. Did you know that
from birth you have your rights, which are protected by the most important
organization on our soil, the United Nations. (show

slide with the UN emblem and a link to
official website). This is authoritative
international organization arose after
World War II, which took away
tens of millions of people their main right
right to life. To prevent a third
world war, peoples of the whole world
united to form the United Nations
Unfortunately, our world has not become safe:
wars, terrorist attacks, crimes, accidents, natural disasters, famine and
epidemics. Even adults, strong people cannot resist this
dangers, but children are the most defenseless. They are even in peaceful
lives need special care and attention from adults.
II. Children's rights.
1. Game “Right to a name.”
Today we will talk about your rights.
How many of you know your rights? The guys call:
Right to life.
The right to a name at birth.
Right to medical care.
Right to education.
The right to rest and leisure.
The right to have property.
The right to freely express one's views.
Right to free movement.
The right to freedom and upbringing by parents.
The right to full development and respect for human dignity.

Right to privacy, family life, inviolability of home, secrecy
Let's look at the Right to a Name at Birth and play the "Names" game.
Conditions of the game.
Each of you along the chain must quickly rise from your place, call
your name and add an adjective that starts with the same letter
(example: Anna – Neat, etc.). (Students say their name, adding to
him adjective).
Guys, do you have the right to your names? What do you think?
Can you prove that your name is exactly that and not another?
Your first and last names and dates of birth are recorded on the birth certificate.
Who knows what else is written there? (Conversation with students). There are recorded
your parents' names. And also the fact that you are citizens of Russia. And this
means that the state protects your rights, including your right to
2. Mini-lecture “Convention on your rights.”
Where are all children's rights written down? (Conversation with students).
Guys, all the rights of children around the world are written down in a special document,
Convention on the Rights of the Child. This
the document was adopted on November 20, 1989
United Nations
A convention is an agreement. This
means that all states that
signed this Convention,
agreed to protect children's rights.
I suggest you pay attention to the cards that were distributed to you. This
A reminder of your fundamental rights as reflected in the Convention.

3. Game “Determine which of the fairy tale heroes is deprived of the following rights.”
(Prepare slides depicting fragments from fairy tales)
1. Right to life (“Kolobok”)
2. Right to inviolability of home (“The Three Little Pigs”)
3. The right to freedom of marriage (“Thumbelina”)
4. The right to live and be raised in a family (“Morozko”)
5. The right to rest and leisure (“Cinderella”)

minors (“The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio”)
4. Make up a word.
(show the slide of the encrypted word and call the student,
ready to answer)
Make up a word:
Nokevnitsa Convention
Gousardts State
life - life
rboazoavine – education
5. Competition “Songs about rights”.
(Prepare musical fragments of songs)
A song is performed for each subgroup. The players have to say oh
what rights does it refer to?
1. “Song of the Bremen Town Musicians” (right to freedom of movement).
2. “What they teach at school” (the right to education).
3. “On a steep bank” from the cartoon “The Adventures of a Cat”
Leopold" (right to rest).
4. “Song about Parents” from the movie “Pippi Longstocking” (right
to be brought up in a family).
Concluding the conversation about children's rights, I suggest listening to the poem -

wish and think about the implementation of what right of yours it says.
On this day I want to wish,
So that every child in the world
Both father and mother were waiting at home,
They looked after, cherished, loved.
Let there be no abandoned guys,
To every family, father and mother,
A house in which there is always peace and harmony,
A house where there is no fighting.
Let children's laughter flow from the windows,
Let children's smiles shine.
I congratulate everyone today,
From the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart, congratulations!
(Right to family upbringing).
III. Responsibilities of children.
1. Analysis of situations “Rights and responsibilities”.
Guys, every person has rights. But you can only use them
when the rights of other people are not violated. Respect the rights of other people
responsibility of every person. Do we always do this?
Discussion on the topic “The rights of one person end there”
where the rights of another begin.”
I suggest you watch a few scenes and evaluate the behavior
heroes. Whose rights are they violating? What duties are not fulfilled?
(sketch performed by representatives of each subgroup)
Scene 1

Mother. Turn the music down immediately! It's midnight, you're the whole house
you'll wake me up!
Son. And I have the right to rest and leisure! I'm used to relaxing with loud
Host: Please help the child figure out who is wrong here.
The students answer. (Example: The son violates the neighbors’ right to rest in
silence. He doesn't respect other people's rights.)
Scene 2
Teacher. Olya, you are on duty today, please wipe the board and clean it up
Olya. You have no right to force me to be on duty! Convention on the Rights
Child abuse is prohibited!
Host: Please explain to Ole what she is wrong about.
The students answer. (Example: In addition to rights, Olya also has responsibilities
duty officer (like all children in the class). In addition, there is a duty to respect
the rights of other people to cleanliness in the classroom. Her rights apply unless
the rights of others are violated!), etc.
Scene 3
Teacher. Ivanov, you painted the desk in the math room again! After all
the kids just washed it!
Ivanov. What's wrong with that? I have the right to do what I love
Host: Who will explain to Ivanov his rights and obligations?
Students answer (Example: other students have the right to sit at a clean
desk. Ivanov must respect the rights of other students).
Scene 4
Teacher. Petrov, why did you run around the classroom during recess?
Petrov. So what? I have the right to freedom of movement!

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Slide captions:

Class hour on the topic: “Children’s Day.” Author: Dmitry Sergeevich Vyatchin, teacher of history, social studies and philosophy at the Moscow Construction College. Contacts: 8-929-548-51-14 [email protected]

Unfortunately, children often become victims of “bloody games” that adults never get enough of...

Adults kill children not only with bullets and shells, but also with a more terrible weapon - indifference...

Children acquired their legal rights only in the 20th century.

Basic documents containing information on children's rights in the Russian Federation.

Children under 6 years of age have the right to attend kindergarten.

You are 6 years and 6 months old. The right to study at school.

You are already 10 years old. The right to choose a name.

You are 14 years old

You are still 14 years old...

You are still 14 years old... Criminal liability for crimes.

You are 15 years old!

You are 16 years old Administrative responsibility.

Thank you for your attention!

List of sources and literature: Information and legal resource for children // URL: Convention on the Rights of the Child // URL: /childcon.shtml Family Code of the Russian Federation // URL:

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International Children's Day class hour

The material is dedicated to Children's Day, talks about the history of the holiday, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the rights and responsibilities of students...

What kind of holiday is Children's Day? "International Children's Day" is celebrated annually on June 1. It was established in...

— Today we will talk about our society. Remember, recently in class we talked about the society in which we live. What is the name of our society? (Russians)

— Let's remember what the main document of our state is called? (constitution)

- In the society of all people on Earth, one can distinguish a part of society that does not include our guests, me, your parents. Name this society (children's society)

— Do you think all children on Earth live well? Why? (children's answers)

“3.5 million children die every year from diseases that cannot be cured.”

“About 100 million children survive on theft, exhausting work, begging, because... abandoned by their families."

“120 million children aged 6 to 11 are deprived of the opportunity to go to school”

— In order to reduce the suffering of children, most states in the world take care of children. In the United States, the headquarters of the United Nations (UN) is located in New York City. This is an international organization that strives to save future generations from war. This organization includes more than 180 states. In 1989, the UN developed and adopted a document that talks about ensuring that all children on Earth have the same rights.

We will talk about this document today.


SLIDE 1. The document that defines the rights and responsibilities of children is called the “Convention on the Rights of the Child”

This word is new and difficult for you. Let's learn how to pronounce it and try to remember it. (in unison)

SLIDE 2 — The Convention is about ensuring that all children on Earth have the same rights.

The Convention is a large document containing about 50 articles. Today we will talk about the main provisions.

Photography of children of different nationalities.

— The government of our country also signed this document. You were not yet alive then, but the states of many countries are also thinking about future generations. The Convention is a document that must be followed by all who sign it.

SLIDE 3. A child is any person under the age of 18.

Every child has the right to a first name, surname, and citizenship.

SLIDE 4. - Do you have a first and last name?

So you are exercising this right!

SLIDE 5. Any child has the right:

to live with their parents;

to the standard of living necessary for his mental, physical and spiritual development.


The child has the right to a name and citizenship;

- children have the right to live with their parents;

- children have the right to medical care;

— the right to security and defense;

— the right to study;

- the right to rest.

SLIDE 7. No one can be subjected to harsh, inhumane


2001 – 2010 – International Decade of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the Planet.

— We can talk about the observance or violation of children’s rights not only using examples from our lives. Let's remember a work of art that we recently met. This is A.P. Chekhov’s story “Vanka”. On your desks there are pieces of paper with an excerpt from this work. Read and underline the lines that talk about violation of the rights of the child if Vanka lived in our time.

Independent work

Excerpt from the story of A.P. Chekhov "Vanka"

Vanka Zhukov, a nine-year-old boy who was apprenticed to the shoemaker Alyakhin three months ago, did not go to bed on the night before Christmas. ...he took out a bottle of ink and a pen with a rusty feather from the owner’s closet and, laying out a crumpled sheet of paper in front of him, began to write. .. “And yesterday I had a beating. The owner dragged me by my hair into the yard and combed me with a spandher because I was rocking his baby in the cradle and accidentally fell asleep. And this week she told me to peel a herring and started poking my mug with her muzzle. The apprentices make fun of me, send me to the tavern for vodka and order me to steal cucumbers from the owners, and the owner beats me with anything he can find. And there is no food. In the morning they give you bread, at lunch porridge and in the evening bread too, and for tea or cabbage soup, the owners themselves crack it. And they tell me to sleep in the hallway, and when their baby cries, I don’t sleep at all, but rock the cradle. Dear grandfather, do God's mercy, take me home from here, to the village, there is no way for me..."

Discussion. What rights were violated?

(abuse, insufficient standard of living for development, poor nutrition)

Every person has not only rights, but also responsibilities:

— observe the rules of personal hygiene;

- help elders;

- study conscientiously.

I suggest you look at the drawings, discuss them in pairs, determine which drawings violate the rights of the child and which do not. Color the pictures where, in your opinion, children’s rights are not violated (SLIDES 9 - 10).

Explain your choice.

To help you remember your rights better, the guys have prepared poems:

No matter how much

In the world of children.

Black and white, girls, boys

All their rights are both valuable and equal.

Adults! You must respect them.

The wealth of your country is YOU!

Any president must understand:

Only there do dreams turn into truth,

Where they are ready to give the best to children.

Vovochka and Lenochka, Andryushka and Arishka -

Every day girls and boys are born

They enjoy their rights from the first days -

After all, from the cradle a person receives a name.


Wherever you go

Any statesman

Will put other matters on the table

For your interests!

I grow to the delight of my mother,

But I have to admit

So that I grow up to be the best,

How much I need to know!

Right to life.

The right to a name at birth.

Right to medical care.

Right to education.

The right to rest and leisure.

The right to individuality.

The right to freely express one's views.

The right to special protection and protection.

The right to care and education by parents.

The right to full development and respect for human dignity.

The right to protection of one’s rights and legitimate interests by parents.

The right to privacy, family life, inviolability of home, privacy of correspondence.

Competition program

1. The rights of the child are guaranteed and depend primarily on:

1) from the child himself;

2) from his parents;

3) from the state.

2. The right to choose occupations and associations is:

1) for everyone;

2) only for adults;

3) among school students.

3. Every child has the right to freedom of religion if:

1) his parents agree with this;

2) it does not harm the state;

3) it does not harm the honor and dignity of other members of society.

4. The right to choose one of the parents to live together is given to the child upon reaching the age of:

1) 8 years;

2) 10 years;

3) 12 years old;

4) 16 years old.

5. The apartment belongs to the father of a seven-year-old child. During the divorce, the child lived with his mother in another apartment. Does he have the right to his father's housing?

1) no, if the father objects;

2) yes, upon reaching the age of 16;

3) yes, if the mother does not object;

4) children have the right to residential premises, which are occupied by the owner of the property.

6. The child’s father went missing and was declared dead by the court. Does the child have the right to inheritance?

1) yes, but only from the age of 16;

2) no;

3) has the right;

4) the Law on the Rights of the Child does not address this issue.

7. The class teacher categorically tells the student: “You live in another microdistrict, please pick up your documents and go to the school that is located next to your house. Is she right?

1) yes, if the student does poorly;

2) yes, if the student behaves badly;

3) no, if education in schools is in different languages;

4) no, because every child has the right to choose an educational institution.

COMPETITION No. 1 Quiz “Rights of literary heroes”

1. In which fairy tales are the rights to personal integrity, life and freedom violated?

ANSWER - “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Swan Geese”

2. Which literary character could complain that his right to the inviolability of his home was violated?

ANSWER - “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “The Three Little Pigs”

3. In which fairy tale is a person’s right to own his property violated? ANSWER - “The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio”

4. In which fairy tale does the heroine neglect her duties, and because of this a lot of trouble happens.

ANSWER - “Geese-swans”

5. In which fairy tale is the right that every person, no matter where he is, should be protected by law, violated?

ANSWER - “Aibolit”

6. In which fairy tale was the right to marry and start a family violated, regardless of one’s race, nationality and religion?

ANSWER - “At the behest of the pike, at my will”

7. In which fairy tale are the rights protecting motherhood and childhood violated?

ANSWER - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

8. In which fairy tale did the main character refuse to exercise his right to receive an education?

ANSWER – “The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio”

A shortened list of children's rights(adapted from the Convention on the Rights of the Child)

Article 1. A child is every human being under 18 years of age.

Article 2. All children have equal rights regardless of nationality, gender, religious and political beliefs.

Article 6. Right to life, survival and free development.

Article 8. The right to preserve one's individuality.

Article 9. Right to communicate with both parents.

Article 11. The right to take measures to combat the illegal movement and non-return of children from abroad.

Articles 12 and 13. The right to freely express one's views and opinions.

Article 14. The right to profess any religion.

Article 15. Right to freedom of association and peaceful assembly.

Article 16. The right to protection from attacks on privacy, confidentiality of correspondence, honor and reputation.

Article 17. Right of access to information.

Article 19. Right to protection from all forms of violence.

Article 23. Every child, even a disabled child, must lead a full and dignified life in conditions that ensure his dignity.

Article 27. Right to a decent standard of living.

Article 28. Right to education.

Article 31. Right to rest and leisure.

Article 32. Right to protection from economic exploitation and performance of life-threatening work.

Article 37. Right to protection from cruel treatment.

Article 38. Children under 15 years of age must not participate in hostilities.

Article 40. The right to humane treatment of children if they violate the law.


— Which international document contains the rights of children?

— What basic rights do you remember?

— Who is responsible for ensuring the rights of the child?

CONCLUSION: Our state proclaims all people equal before the law. A person can use his rights, but should not violate the rights of other people. Mutual understanding and respect for each other is the only way to resolve all conflicts. Remember this, guys.

(slide 1)


1. Introduce students to the international legal act “Convention on the Rights of the Child.”


1. Introduce students to the rights of the child and the rights of minors under Russian legislation.

2.Talk about protecting children's rights.

3.Creating conditions for success, forming a value-based attitude towards living standards and rules of behavior.

4. Cultivate students’ interest in studying laws on the rights of minors.

Class progress

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

International Children's Day It is celebrated annually in more than 30 countries and is one of the oldest international holidays.

(slide 2) Now it is difficult to say why June 1 was chosen as the date for this holiday. One common version is that on this day in 1925, a holiday was held for a group of Chinese orphans in San Francisco. It was organized by the Consul General of China, and they celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival. It turned out that the date of this Chinese holiday coincided with the time of the Geneva conference dedicated to childhood issues.

(slide 3) Currently, this holiday even has its own flag. On a green background, in the very center, there is an Earth sign, surrounded by stylized multi-colored human figures. These figures symbolize diversity and tolerance. The Earth sign is a symbol of our planet.

Children have no less rights than adults, but there are many circumstances related to the violation of children's rights.(slide 4) For example, according to sad statistics, tens of millions of children suffer due to a lack of medicines and die due to lack of medical care.(slide 5) A huge number of children have no home and are starving, and(slide 6) In many well-developed countries, children are used as free labor and even sold into slavery.(slide 7) Abuse kills 2,000 children every year and about 100,000 are abused by adults every year.(slide 8) There are also more young drug addicts; almost half of teenagers drink alcohol. For every 100 thousand population, 760 children are registered with drug treatment clinics. If we add to this a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in infant mortality, then the picture of a bright future does not emerge joyful.(slide 9) It is impossible not to note the huge number of orphans in our country; in 2010, there were 750,000 orphans in Russia, 95% of whom have living parents. For comparison, we can say that in the post-war years this figure was lower. The total number of orphans in the country increases by 15,000 annually.

All these facts, of course, must call on adults to help children, to solve their problems, to improve the lives of children all over the world.

- “Convention on the Rights of the Child” - an agreement between states on the rights of the child.(slide 10)

What is law?(slide 11)

(this is the absence of restrictions, permission to do anything).

The UN began to develop a large document on children's rights in order to make their provision mandatory for states.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child became such a document. (AcceptedNovember 20 1989 UN), which says that

All children enjoy the same rights:

They have the right to communicate with both parents and grow up in a family.

Children who do not live with their parents have the right to regular contact with them.

The child has the right to freely express his views. His opinion should be taken into account when deciding any issues concerning the child.

The child has the right to protection from interference in his personal family and home life.

The child has the right to rest, leisure and participation in cultural and creative life.

On this day, the children of the world declare their rights and that states must protect their rights.

Children must know their rights. Be able to defend them. The study of human rights is, first of all, the cultivation of self-confidence and tolerance.

Every person has rights. A child is also a person, which means he has rights.(slide 12-19)

In 1959, the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” was adopted. Let's look at what a child has a right to. If you openThe “Convention on the Rights of the Child” can be seen in articles, as well as in the criminal code and constitution. We will now learn some of them thanks to the quiz.(slide 20-30)

(for the correct answer the student is given a token)

Let's summarize our class hour. Count the tokens.

Thank you for your attention.
