When not to comb your hair. Is it possible or not to comb your hair after washing your hair and what can this lead to? Which comb is best for combing wet hair?

Since childhood, we have been constantly told that we need to wash our hands before eating and not use someone else’s toothbrush. We understood these two unshakable rules firmly and for the rest of our lives. But few people think that in addition to a toothbrush, personal hygiene products also include washcloths, decorative cosmetics and hair combs.

And if not everyone will share a washcloth, then you can watch the picture of how girlfriends easily give each other mascara, lipstick, etc. for use. Is it safe to comb your hair with someone else's comb?

It turns out that it is completely unsafe. There are many reasons, all of them can be divided into two groups. The first is medical, the second is esoteric (or folk).

Why is someone else's comb dangerous for your health?

By the way, dandruff (a very common phenomenon) is also a type of skin fungus. In medicine, this disease is called seborrheic dermatitis. You can become infected with dandruff by using someone else's comb or an unironed towel.

Don't forget about contact with animals. Our beloved pets are also susceptible to mycosis and pediculosis. Be sure to wash your hands with soap after handling cats and dogs.

In addition to purely medical indications, there are also aesthetic ones. Sebum and dirt accumulate on the teeth of combs. Combing your hair with such a comb will make your curls greasy and unattractive.

Folk signs associated with combing hair

Slavic culture is replete with signs associated with hair. Women in Rus' always wore braids, and men had beards. And this is not at all accidental. Our ancestors believed that hair is strength and a connection with the gods.

For women, long and strong hair was a source of pride and a sign of health. In those days, ridges were cut out, and as you know, wood is capable of releasing and accumulating energy. That is why it was forbidden to let another woman comb her comb. She could not only adopt the attractiveness and health of her hostess, but also attract the attention of her husband, who was fascinated by this particular energy.

We should not forget that spells for combs made of natural wood are very common, both good ones and various kinds of “evil eyes.” By combing your hair with such an “enchanted” comb, you can get yourself into trouble.

We hope our article convinced you of the dangers of using someone else's comb, and also served as a warning not to give your comb to other people. Basic precautions will guarantee your health and good mood.

You can choose from us.

Beautiful healthy hair increases self-confidence. Caring for them is easy and pleasant, it does not require much time. To maintain the natural beauty and strength of your hair, proper care is necessary. One of the main ways to take care of hair is combing, which removes dead cells from its surface, improves blood flow and provides nutrition to the roots.

However, it is often forgotten that the combing process must be done correctly, and many people make the common mistake of combing their hair immediately after washing their hair.

Causes, why you shouldn't comb wet hair

Hair care experts do not recommend combing wet hair for a number of reasons:

  • Hair shafts need to absorb moisture to maintain the beauty of hair.
  • If you start combing your hair immediately after washing your hair, the required amount of moisture will be lost, which means the hair structure will be damaged. Also, wet curls become an order of magnitude heavier, so when they stick to the comb, they easily break and are pulled out.
  • After getting wet, the scales of the hair shaft do not fit tightly together. When subjected to mechanical stress, the hair may lose its shine and its ends may split.
  • The scalp in a damp and steamed state copes worse with the function of holding hair, so it falls out more easily under the weight of its own weight. If there is an emergency

So, the main reasons are clear.

But what to do in situations where you need to comb your hair and dry it very quickly?

It is known that straight drying with a hairdryer is also harmful. But there is a solution.

After a shower, you should wrap your hair in a towel to absorb some of the moisture. After removing the towel, you need to shake your curls with your hands or shake your head from side to side and front to back to improve air access.

If there is absolutely no time to wait, then the process must be accelerated.

  • Firstly, you need to comb your hair before washing so that it doesn’t get too tangled afterwards.
  • Secondly, after washing, you should apply conditioner, which forms a protective film on the surface of the hair, thereby protecting it from damage.
  • Thirdly, you need to wrap your hair in a soft towel for 5-10 minutes.
    During this time, excess moisture will be absorbed, and the scalp will have time to cool down so that the hair follicles hold on tighter. If these conditions are met, you can comb fairly damp hair.

It is important to do this very carefully, preferably with a comb with sparse wooden teeth. Then the hair will not be damaged, but strength and beauty will be preserved.

Rules for combing wet hair

There are a few more rules that must be followed:

  • Those with short hair can comb their hair from the roots. Long curls must be divided into strands and the procedure must be carried out, on the contrary, from the ends, this way tangling can be prevented;
  • hand movements should not be sharp, so you can pull out more hair, but neat and smooth;
  • to improve blood supply to the head, you can comb your hair by tilting it down, this will help accelerate hair growth and reduce hair loss;
  • Before you start styling your hair, you need to wait a few minutes. To avoid causing injury to the scalp, you should use special hair dryer attachments or brushes with rounded ends.

Naturally beautiful hair must be protected from aggressive environmental influences, cared for and, most importantly, not over-dry.

Care procedures do not require much time and significant costs. And the result of care and careful care will be healthy hair for a long time. I think your question has been answered, why can’t you comb wet hair?

Greetings, dear readers!

Due to the constant rush, we forget to pay due attention to our hair. A wrong caring for them leads to their fragility, cross-section, dullness and loss. Those who have been blessed with strong hair by genetics are lucky, but most girls and women are dissatisfied with their hair.

There may be many reasons why hair deteriorates, but today I will dwell in more detail on only one question. Is it possible to comb wet hair after washing? I think many have heard that it is better to let the strands dry thoroughly, and only then perform any manipulations with them.

Perhaps you know about this, but don’t follow it? Or is this the first time you’ve heard such news? I’ll say right away, combing wet hair - harmful, if you do not take precautions! Details below!

They washed their hair, jumped out of the bathroom, grabbed the first comb they came across, quickly combed their hair, turned on the hairdryer, dried their hair with hot air, combed their hair again, looked in the mirror - they didn’t like it, and finally took up the iron. Don't recognize yourself in the morning? I'm glad if not.

But because modern the rhythm of life sometimes turns out that way. We want to sleep longer, and in the morning everything happens on the fly. And then we get upset when we see that our hair no longer pleases us with its appearance. Well, of course, as we are to them, so they are to us.

Hair after washing under no circumstances straightaway You can't comb it. Now I will explain why.

  1. This will lead to fragility curls. Wet hair is 30% heavier than dry hair, so such hair is very heavy, it stretches easily, and with a comb we can easily tear and break it off, which is why it becomes split. The hair should also have time to be saturated with moisture, and with a comb we shake off the liquid from the hair, and the strands become much drier.
  2. It might start dropping out hair. The scalp is steamed immediately after washing, the hair itself is heavy, and by combing it right away, we can easily pull it out of the hair follicles. I noticed this phenomenon on myself: when you comb wet hair, much more of it remains on the comb than when it is dry.

They especially suffer from such executions thin hair becomes noticeably drier, loses its shine, becomes porous, and small bald patches may appear. Although any hair requires proper treatment, even thick and strong curls can be difficult to return to their original appearance if poorly cared for.

How and when to comb your hair after washing?

In order to reduce hair trauma, it is necessary to make it more elastic and pliable. If I'm in a hurry, I always follow these rules. Perhaps they will also be useful to you, although I will not open any America.

  1. Before washing your hair, it is better to comb your hair thoroughly so that it does not get tangled during the cleansing process and does not look like a haystack afterwards.
  2. Wash your hair with warm water, and then don’t forget about the balm and conditioner; if you’re not in a hurry, you can also apply a mask. Maintain temperature conditions.
  3. It’s good to squeeze your hair into the bath without twisting it, and put a terry towel on your head, it absorbs moisture better, leave it on your hair for 10-15 minutes.
  4. At this time, you can take care of your face and apply the necessary moisturizers.
  5. After the time has passed, remove the towel and hang it to dry, just don’t rub it on your wet hair, it will deteriorate much faster.
  6. Now you can slightly untangle your hair with your fingers and lower it back, because under the towel the strands can tangle in any way you like. This will dry them out a little and bring air to the scalp.
  7. If your hair is long, then combing it from the roots is not recommended, because such strands get tangled much more, and it is much easier to pull them out. Start only from the ends, smoothly moving upward.
  8. If the hair is short, then it practically does not tangle and can be combed from the roots.
  9. Next, you can apply a leave-in hair product that will make your hair more manageable and reduce damage from using hot tools. You can skip this step if your hair is smooth and does not require special nutrition. But usually long hair needs this.
  10. Now you can dry your hair with a hairdryer, first you can use hotter air, and then work only with cold air, so as not to harm your hair.

These 10 points will allow you to keep your hair in excellent condition. Don't be afraid to blow dry your hair if you have one. ionizing properties, then there will be no negative effect.

Even if you washed your hair at night, it is better not to go to bed with unkempt strands; this is no less dangerous than using a hair dryer or straightener. It is best to start drying your hair after 30 minutes after washing. Read more about what time of day is best to wash your hair.

Did you know that hair is hygroscopic? This is the ability to absorb moisture from the air.

Girls with mixed hair type, because such curls have to be washed often, and if you don’t follow the basic rules in caring for them, you can completely ruin your hair.

Which comb is best for combing wet hair?

All experts agree that it is better to comb your hair with combs made from natural materials, because they are the most safe for hair. But not all of them are suitable for wet strands.

I opted for the Tangle Teezer. At first I was skeptical about it, since I don’t like massagers, but later I realized that this is the best comb for wet hair. Due to the presence of teeth of different lengths, made of special plastic, it very easily detangles fine hair. Therefore, the process itself is quick and painless, and it does not electrify the hair.

Although I don’t fully believe in the advertising campaign of this product for combing hair, and I use it only 15 minutes after washing my hair, thoroughly drying my hair with a towel. A quality Tangle Teezer comb doesn't come cheap. You shouldn't expect any special results from a fake.

What else could be important?

Many girls and women are now doing different procedures for hair, so there are also some nuances in combing strands. Hairdressers advise paying special attention to:

  1. If perm or bioperm is done.
  2. In order not to damage the curls and hair structure, you can comb the strands only when they are already sufficiently dry and very carefully, using a wide-toothed comb. After such procedures, the hair is especially vulnerable.

  3. If you have hair extensions.

They are very easy to damage and tear, so you need to take care of them very carefully. Such hair can be combed only after it is completely dry and preferably with a comb specially designed for this. Carefully start from the ends and gradually move higher.

Well, that's actually all I wanted to say. Treat your hair carefully and then they will delight you with their beauty, thickness and natural shine for a long time!

Have healthy hair! See you!

Hi all! Being an important component of the image, women's hair needs no less attention than the face, body or nails.

In addition, under the influence of various fixing agents, curls often stick together, and therefore they need to be combed regularly.

Today I will tell you how to comb long hair correctly, how best to comb wet hair after washing your hair, strands tangled by the wind, how many times a day you need to comb and with what comb.

After reading the article, you will stop tearing out pieces of hair with your brush, which will improve the thickness of your strands.

Special models with cone-shaped teeth have been developed. If your scalp is particularly greasy and dusty, then you need to use a comb-brush equipped with a layer of hygroscopic material at the base of the teeth. The cleanliness of combs and brushes also affects the cleanliness of your hair, so you should wash all accessories regularly.

Particularly popular are combs made of hard rubber, and to clean them use warm soapy water, but not boiling water. This can cause the material to soften, fade and lose shape, causing the product to become unusable.

The brush gets dirty faster than the comb, so it is washed with a soap-vinegar solution several times a week. To make it easier to clean all the hard-to-reach places on your brush, you can use a hand wash brush or an old toothbrush. And remove hair from the comb every time after combing.

The brush is washed by running its bristles over the surface of the soap solution, and then rinsed with clean water. Let the brush hang dry. To add shine to the polished side, you can rub the surface with oil. I'm planning to write a separate article about combs, so...

How to comb your hair without a comb?

If you don’t have a comb at hand, all you have to do is turn your brush into a kind of comb and comb with four fingers. Of course, it will be careless, but it will still be possible to bring very tangled hair into at least some decent form.

How to comb your hair correctly?

The first thing to remember is that long hair always begins to be combed from the ends, and short hair from the roots. Short strands (7-12 cm) are combed only with a comb. If the length of the curls reaches 25-35 centimeters, then they are combed with a brush, and then a comb is used. Very long hair begins to be combed by grasping each strand individually and running a brush through it. Do not pull the strands while combing.

You need to comb your hair in different directions: from the crown to the forehead, from one side to the other, changing direction. Lower your head and comb from the crown to the forehead, in this position the blood flows to the head and the blood supply to the bulbs improves.

Although some hair loss is normal, which increases in the fall and spring, a person should not lose more than 100 hairs in 1 day. When hair falls out, it is removed along with its bulb, but the remaining hair papilla gives rise to new hair growth. You can find out how hair works and how it grows by reading the article.

This is why the hair growth process is constantly ongoing. If hair falls out a lot, and little hair grows in its place, this is a sign of weakness caused not so much by combing, but by disorders of nervous activity, the endocrine system and metabolic processes. Hygienic care alone will not do, as serious and complex treatment will be required.

Is it possible to comb wet hair after washing?

This question still gives rise to disputes between hairdressing masters. But let's try to find a compromise. I don't support combing my hair immediately after a shower or bath, but I don't like combing completely dry hair either.

There is only one way out: comb your curls when they are in a semi-dry state. How I do it. After leaving their shower, I wrap a towel around my head, a la a turban, and walk like this for 30-40 minutes. Then I remove the towel and apply some leave-in treatment to my hair and distribute it thoroughly.

During this time, excess water is absorbed into the towel and the hair is not wet, but simply damp. At this point, I dry them a little with a hairdryer to a semi-damp state without a comb and only then start combing them, as I wrote above. When I do the procedure in this order, I lose significantly less hair.

Why can't you comb wet hair?

And yet, why do many masters not recommend combing wet hair at all? Let's try to figure it out. After a shower or bath, the scalp is steamed and the hair follicles may weaken, making it easy to fall out. Therefore, they recommend combing semi-dry hair.

How to comb very tangled hair, for example, after backcombing?

In some rare cases, tangles may form in the hair and the head may look like a hornet's nest. Such hair is very difficult to comb, and sometimes simply impossible. What to do and how to untangle very tangled hair? If you act roughly, you can lose a significant amount of hair, so you need to act gently.

Rules for combing tangled hair

  • Never try to detangle dry hair.
  • Wash your hair with shampoo without combing.
  • Apply the balm or mask immediately and walk for 20 minutes.
  • Dry some strands with a towel and begin the detangling procedure.
  • Do this one strand at a time using a wide-toothed comb or even your hands.
  • Start from the ends, gradually moving towards the roots.
  • After detangling, apply masks again and wait 15 minutes.
  • Rinse off the product and dry your hair with a towel. Let them dry on their own without a hair dryer.

How to comb artificial hair extensions?

Hair extensions require special care, this applies not only to washing, but also to combing. If you want your artificial hair to last longer, then follow a few rules that will help you in this matter.

  • Wash your hair only in the shower, and not “over a basin” or “over a bathtub.”
  • Comb only with special tools. The comb should have soft teeth and no balls at the ends.
  • Hair extensions should only be combed when dry.
  • Start from the ends, holding the hair in a ponytail, then move towards the roots.
  • Brush at least 3 times a day.
  • While you are wearing artificial hair, you will have to forget about backcombing and tight hairstyles.

How to comb curly hair correctly?

Some professionals advise women with curly hair to completely forget about a comb and use their fingers. But if this sounds crazy to you and you can’t imagine your life without a comb, then choose only one with sparse teeth. Brushes and “massages” will make your hair even more fluffy and unruly. And be sure to take care of your hair, as I described in the article

Hair participated in mystical rites:

baptism - rolling a strand of hair into wax,

wedding - the bride's braid was intertwined, two braids were braided,

burial - the widow letting down her hair...

Hair was perceived as part of a person. And it was not for nothing that mothers wore their children’s locks of hair in a special medallion, thereby trying to protect their children from the evil eye. And lovers - the hair of their halves, so that mentally the sweetheart will always be nearby.
Since ancient times it was known that a woman’s hair contains enormous power, with which she can protect her family, so a wife could create a protective circle around her husband with her long hair, protect him from any troubles, which is why long hair was so valued in Rus', and the ideal of beauty was a braid as thick as an arm.

Signs associated with combing hair

In Rus', combing hair has always been considered a sacred act, during which one could feel cosmic energy, its descent, and flows of vitality.

As a child, the girl's hair was combed by her parents. Growing up, the girl combed her hair herself or could entrust it to her chosen one.

While combing and braiding, the girls said:

I'll braid my hair,
I'll braid Russian hair,
I weave, I weave, I weave,
I sentence:
You grow, grow, braid,
The whole city is beautiful...

When a man combs his wife’s hair with a comb, he strengthens the family; it was believed that such a couple would not face problems in their relationship.

Moreover, since it is beneficial to comb your hair twice a day, morning combing sets the wife in the right frame of mind for the whole day, the husband helps his wife put her thoughts in order, and he himself receives protection for upcoming matters, and evening combing is also important - it helps his wife “think through” daily thoughts, complete daily activities, remove the negativity that has accumulated during the day, and go into the night with a calm head.

It is very important that the comb for combing is made of natural material, such as wood, because it can affect the physical and subtle bodies of a person, cleanse the energy and change the state of mind.

The comb was considered a talisman among the Slavs, so the comb with which a husband combs his wife’s hair can acquire great power over time and become a family talisman. Under no circumstances should it be given to other people.

It is very important to speak and feel creative thoughts while combing. A man can do this, for example, like this: “Everything is fine with you, smooth and fine!”, “You and I have a strong and harmonious family.”

Combing hair was a sacred ritual. It was necessary to run a comb through the hair at least 40 times every evening. Only parents could comb their hair for babies.

While combing, mothers said:

Grow, braid, to the waist,
Don't lose a hair.
Grow, braid, to your toes,
All the hairs are in a row.
Grow up, braid, don't get confused.
Daughter, listen to your mother.

You should not comb your hair after sunset and before sunrise.

After the birth of a child, a woman in labor should not comb or braid her hair for nine days in order for recovery to occur faster.

Signs associated with cutting hair

Hair for women is a kind of totem. Cutting them means changing your life, they didn’t doubt it in the old days. This is why there are so many signs associated with a haircut!

It has long been believed that hairy people are happier, healthier and richer than others. Deprivation of hair means deprivation of all the mystical benefits associated with it. They tried not to cut the baby’s hair, so as not to “cut off the mind”, not to “cut off happiness.”

If possible, children should have their hair cut as rarely as possible; usually girls don’t get their hair cut at all, and boys’ hair is only trimmed, but not before the child starts walking.

But here is a sign of the lunar calendar: if a child was first tonsured on the waning Moon, he will have bad hair and early baldness.

If you get sick, trim the ends of your hair. If you happen to fall ill, try to follow the advice of the Slavic Magi - slightly trim your hair so that the negative energy of the disease goes away with the trimmed ends.

Do not cut your hair on the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th days of the lunar calendar, as well as days of solar and lunar eclipses. In the old days, it was believed that these days after a haircut you could get sick or “your memory and mind would be cut off.”

The fact that cutting your hair radically changes your life was well known in the old days. Hence the sign that it is extremely undesirable for pregnant women to cut their hair.

Only people in a state of mental shock voluntarily and even joyfully cut their hair, following the Old Testament injunction in sadness to “renounce your hair and cast everything evil on it.” It was believed that the soul resides in the hair, and if it is cut off, a person may lose mental and physical strength.

The person who cuts your hair changes your biofield. Therefore, when you come to the hairdresser, choose not only fashionable hairstyles, but also an energetic and cheerful hairdresser, then your life after a haircut will change for the better. This is understandable: a positive-minded hairdresser will approach the matter with soul and your new haircut will turn out great.

The age of the person cutting your hair also affects your life. If you are used to solving your problems yourself, choose a master who is either the same age as you or younger than you. But if, for reasons unknown to you, you are chronically unlucky in something, use the services of a very old and famous master, even if you have to pay a tidy sum. The result is worth it! Your life will change dramatically.

Previously, there was an opinion that a man should not allow anyone other than his wife to cut his hair, so as not to destroy the family. During a haircut, the biofield supposedly changes, and as a result of this, we easily succumb to the influence of others.

It was allowed to cut braids during monastic tonsure in monasteries.

Signs associated with hair growth

If on Maundy Thursday morning a girl goes under the apple tree and combs her hair, then she will have a good braid.
It is good to wet your hair with the first spring rain so that it grows as quickly as the first spring grass.

Other signs about hair

If after sleep a person finds a feather from a pillow among his hair, this means that he has become the object of someone's love.

Wavy hair is usually found in people who are not naturally consistent.

People with coarse hair openly express their feelings and emotions and, being straightforward, always say what they think.

If a person has straight and soft hair, he is most likely kind, always ready to help his neighbor. Such people, as a rule, are distinguished by spiritual wealth.

It is forbidden to wash or cut your hair during exams: you can pass them with a bad mark or fail altogether.

If a newborn has a lot of hair on his head, he will be rich and happy.

When, while combing her hair, a strand of hair remains untidy in her braids, then we should expect an unexpected journey either for her personally or for one of her close relatives, and by more or less hair one can determine whether a long or short journey lies ahead; at the same time, a strand of hair on the right side indicates the road to strangers, and a strand on the left side and at the back of the head indicates the road to loved ones.
