A complex of didactic games for the development of coherent speech in children with ONR of senior preschool age. Collection of games for the development of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age Games for the development of coherent speech medium

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"Game exercises for the development of coherent speech

Coherent speech involves mastering the richest vocabulary of the language, mastering the language laws and norms, that is, mastering the grammatical structure, as well as their practical application, the ability to use the acquired language material, namely the ability to fully, coherently, consistently and understandably convey the content of the finished text to others or independently write a connected text.

Only with a well-developed coherent speech, a child can give detailed answers to complex questions of the school curriculum, consistently and fully, reasonably and logically express their own judgments, reproduce the content of texts from textbooks, works of fiction and oral folk art, and finally, an indispensable condition for writing program presentations and essays is a fairly high level of development of the child's speech. Therefore, it is very important to develop coherent speech at preschool age.

In the formation of coherent speech, the close connection between the speech and mental development of children, the development of their thinking, perception, and observation clearly appears. To coherently talk about something, you need to clearly imagine the object of the story (object, event), be able to analyze, select the main (for a given situation of communication) properties and qualities, establish cause-and-effect, temporal and other relationships between objects and phenomena. To achieve the coherence of speech, it is also necessary to skillfully use intonation, select words suitable for expressing a given thought, be able to build complex sentences, and use linguistic means to connect sentences.

The characteristic of coherent speech and its features is contained in a number of works of modern linguistic, psycholinguistic and psychological literature. The development of coherent speech was studied by S.L. Rubinshtein, D.B. Elkonin, L.S. Vygotsky, A.A. Leontiev, T.V. Akhutina and others. speech development. The development of coherent speech is the central task of the speech education of children. This is primarily due to its social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in coherent speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized. Preschoolers with underdevelopment of a coherent statement are distinguished by: insufficient ability to reflect cause-and-effect relationships between events, a narrow perception of reality, a lack of speech means, and difficulties in planning a monologue.

Great help in the development of coherent speech can be provided by special games and exercises.

Linguistic games in all their diversity and games based on verbal forms of communication: mobile with verbal sentences, musical, theatrical (imitations, pantomimes, dramatizations, fantasies, performances, imitations, figurative, etc.), role-playing, tabletop printed and others - contribute to the formation of various aspects of the child's speech activity. It is thanks to them that the child develops a culture of speech and communication: the intonation-dynamic expressiveness of speech is formed, its tempo-rhythmic qualities, the clarity of pronunciation of each word, the correctness of stress in words, literacy, clarity, the ability to correctly formulate one’s thought in order to be understood by others. : dialogic and monologue speech develop; vocabulary is enriched; the prerequisites for written speech are formed, and, most importantly, participation in such games stimulates the child's speech activity.

It is known that the assimilation of coherent forms of statements by children is a gradual and rather complex process. It successfully proceeds under the guidance of teachers, parents who help them master these skills both in specially organized classes and in the process of everyday life. Below are games and game exercises aimed at activating the speech development of children.

Games and exercises for the development of coherent speech.

Game exercise "Spread the offer"
The goal is to develop in children the ability to build these sentences with words-objects, words-signs, words-actions.
Children are invited to continue and complete the sentence started by the speech therapist, based on leading questions. For example, an adult begins a sentence like this: “Children are going ... (Where? Why?)” Or a more complicated version: “Children go to school to ...” This option, in addition to enriching grammatical experience, can serve as a kind of test to identify anxiety child in relation to various life situations.

Game "Understand me"
The goal is to develop in children the ability to compose a short story based on a picture, using different characteristics of the subject.
An adult shows the children a beautiful box and says that this box is not simple, but magical. It contains various gifts for children. Only those who know how to keep secrets can receive a gift. What does it mean? (This means not telling ahead of time). Then the speech therapist explains to the children that when he approaches someone, this child should close his eyes and, without looking, pull out a picture from the box, look at it, but do not show or tell anyone what is on it. This must be kept secret. After all the children draw one picture for themselves, the speech therapist asks the children if they want to know who got what? The children say yes. Then the adult says that it is impossible to show gifts, but you can talk about them. But the word gift can not be called either. Then the teacher tells about his gift, showing the children how to do it correctly, and the children guess what the speech therapist got. After that, the children talk about their gifts in turn and, when the gift is guessed, open their picture. It is better to play this game sitting on the carpet in a circle.

Game exercise "If only..."

The goal is the development in children of coherent speech, imagination, higher forms of thinking - synthesis, forecasting, experimentation.
The speech therapist invites children to dream up on topics such as:
"If I were a wizard, then..."
"If I became invisible..."
"If spring never comes..."
Game exercise "Finish it yourself"
The goal is to develop coherent speech and imagination in children.
An adult tells the children the beginning of a fairy tale or story, and the children are given the task to continue or come up with an ending.

Game exercise "One-many"
Purpose: to exercise in the formation of the plural and the correct use of words in the genitive case; Match words with definitions and actions.
- This is a ball, and this is ... (balls). There are many ... (balls). What balls? (Red, blue, green.) How can one say in one word that all the balls are of different colors? (Multicolored.)
- This is a poppy, and this is ... (poppies). There are a lot of ... (poppies) in the bouquet. What are they? (Red.) What else is red? How do you understand the expression "red girl"? Where is this expression found? What fairy tales?
- Guess the riddle: “Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.” This is ... (bow). What is he? (Yellow, juicy, bitter, healthy.) Is there a lot in the basket? (Luke.)
- What is this? What is there a lot?
“And if all the objects disappear, how do we say what is gone?” (Eagle, bears, mice, cones, spoons, legs, cats.)
Particular attention is paid to the syntactic side of speech - the ability to build not only simple common, but also complex sentences of various types. For this, exercises are carried out to distribute and supplement the sentences started by the teacher (“The children went to the forest so that ... They ended up where ...”).

Game exercise "Make a description"

Purpose: to teach children to describe an object, naming its features, qualities, actions.
- Describe the berry or fruit that you love the most, and we will guess. ("It's round, red, juicy, delicious - it's my favorite ... tomato"; "It's maroon in color, and inside it has many, many different grains, sweet and ripe, this is my favorite fruit ... pomegranate" .)

Game exercise "Tell me more precisely"

Purpose: to develop the accuracy of word usage in coherent narrative stories.
“Listen to what I will tell you. Where I stop, you will help me: choose words and make sentences.
Once upon a time there were three brothers: the wind, the breeze and the wind. The wind says: “I am the most important!” What could be the wind? (Strong, sharp, impetuous, cold ...) The windmill did not agree with his brother: “No, I am the most important, my name is the windfall!” What kind of wind? (Mighty, evil, harsh, icy.) The breeze listened to them and thought: “What am I?” (Light, gentle, pleasant, affectionate ...) The brothers argued for a long time, but they did not find out anything. They decided to measure their strength. Wind started to blow. What happened? (The trees swayed, the grass bent down to the ground.) What was the wind doing? (He blew, rushed, buzzed, grumbled.) The wind blew. What did he do? (He blew strongly, howled, howled, rushed swiftly.) What happened after that? (The branches near the trees broke, the grass died, the clouds came running, the birds and animals hid.) And then a breeze blew. What did he do (blew gently and gently, rustled leaves, played pranks, swayed twigs). What happened in nature? (The leaves rustled, the birds sang, it became cool and pleasant.)
- Think of a fairy tale about the wind, a breeze or a windmill. It is possible about all at once. Who can they be in a fairy tale? (Brothers, rivals, friends, comrades.) What can they do? (Be friends, measure strength, argue, talk.)

The game "Merry Journey" ("On the tram")
Purpose: Formation of the ability to make contact, conduct a dialogue on a given topic, play an active role in the dialogue.

Several children (6-8 people) can participate in the game. In the middle of the game room (game corner), chairs (in pairs, like in a tram) or benches are placed, a passage is made between them for the “conductor”. The Conductor sells tickets by asking which stop each passenger is going to. Children - passengers answer him. Previously, each child, together with the teacher, must determine to which stop he is going and for what purpose. Along the way, children get off at different stops, where various games and exercises can be waiting for them, corresponding to the name of the stop (“Playground”, “Stadium”, “Post Office”, “Park”, etc.). On the way back, the "passengers" again take their places in the "tram". The teacher (“conductor”, “tour guide”) organizes the exchange of impressions about what the children did “during the day”, etc.

Shop shopping game

Purpose: To exercise children in choosing the right subject by excluding the signs named by the teacher; develop observation; learn to use complex sentences in speech.

Game material:

A type-setting canvas with three or four stripes, where object pictures with images of three or four identical toys are inserted, differing from each other in some signs (size, color, details).

Subject Pictures:

Pyramids of different sizes with caps of different colors (3 pictures);

cubs: one is black, 2 are brown, one has a bow around his neck, one is in striped pants, one is in overalls (3 pictures);

vehicles: truck, van, dump truck (3 pictures);

tumblers: one in a green dress, the second has small buttons and a bow on the dress, the third has a belt with a buckle on the dress (3 pictures).

The course of the game exercise in the lesson:

The teacher hangs a type-setting canvas in front of the children, in which pictures are inserted with images of pyramids, bears, cars, tumblers and says: “Imagine that you went to the store with your little sister to buy a toy for her, what she asks.

Misha, your sister asked me to buy a pyramid. She said this: "Buy me a pyramid not with a blue cap and not small." What do you think, which of the pyramids did your little sister like? Why do you think the big one with the red cap?

Katya, and your little sister wanted to have a tumbler. She said: “I don’t need a tumbler in a green dress, I don’t need one with buttons, I need another one without a bow.”

And your brother, Kostya, asked to buy a car: "Not a dump truck, not a van and not with a blue body."

Your brother, Masha, liked the bear. He asked: "Buy me a bear, but not black, not in striped pants and without a bow."

Then you can offer the children to guess one more bear, one tumbler. For example: "I need a bear not in a green shirt, not in panties with straps and not the one that sits." Or: “I liked the tumbler, not with black eyes, not in a lilac dress and not in a dress with a belt.”

If the child guesses correctly and explains why he will buy that particular toy for his brother or sister, the teacher gives him pictures

Teacher of the group "Travelers" Ekaterina Goroshinskaya

The development of speech is becoming an increasingly urgent problem in our society. Speech plays an important role in human life. It is a means of communication, a means of exchanging thoughts between people. Without this, people could not organize joint activities and achieve mutual understanding. Poorly speaking children, realizing their shortcomings, become silent, shy, indecisive, find it difficult to communicate with other people.

What is the ability to speak? A child in everyday life, communicating with everyone, speaks a lot. But, when they offer him: “Tell me, what interesting things did you see at the zoo? Retell a fairy tale, a story ... ”, - difficulties immediately arise. The child does not know how to see and understand the main plot, determine the main characters, the main action, the time and place of the event, cannot clearly formulate the question and answer it.

The purpose of speech development classes in kindergarten is to help the child master their native language. The development of speech in children is also closely related to the formation of thinking and imagination of the child.

The main tasks of speech development in kindergarten are:

- education of sound culture of speech,

- enrichment and activation of the dictionary,

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech,

- the development of coherent speech.

It is necessary to create an emotionally favorable situation in the work that would contribute to the child's desire to actively participate in verbal communication. And it is the game that helps to create situations in which even the most shy and unsociable children open up. Involving children in play activities helps to activate their speech development.

By the age of three, the child owns the means that are necessary and sufficient for everyday communication. His speech is colloquial. It is involuntary and situational, it contains many incomplete sentences. At the stage of 4-5 years, the main direction is the formation of a specific speech. In the fifth year of life, the child begins to see the connection between the structure of the word and the function of the object that this word denotes. Children begin to actively experiment with words. At this age, the child begins to be attracted to storytelling-improvisation. In addition to role-playing games, it is useful to play theatrical performances.

Connected speech- this is a detailed, complete, compositionally and grammatically designed, semantic and emotional statement, consisting of a number of logically connected sentences.

Coherent speech involves the mastery of a rich vocabulary of the language, the assimilation of language laws and norms, the ability to fully, coherently, consistently convey the content of the finished text.

Connected speech has two forms:

  • dialogical(a conversation between two or more people)

monologue(speech of one person).

Each of them has its own characteristics.

Dialogic speech encourages incomplete, monosyllabic answers. The main features of dialogic speech are incomplete sentences, exclamations, interjections, bright intonational expressiveness, gesture, facial expressions.

monologue speech requires the ability to focus one's thoughts on the main thing, not to get carried away by details and at the same time speak emotionally, vividly, figuratively. And also, it requires the development, completeness and clarity of the statement. Parents, supporting the work begun in kindergarten on the formation of coherent monologue speech, compose fairy tales and stories with your child, adhering to the structure of the text: beginning, middle and ending.

A preschool institution takes on a large amount of work on the development of coherent speech, and teachers cannot do without the help and participation of parents.

Basic conditions for the development of the child that need to be addressed in the family and preschool educational institution:

To form a child's interest in fiction.

You need to teach your child to listen. This is achieved not by calls for listening, but by the selection of interesting literature accessible to the child, unhurried expressive reading of an adult.

The skills acquired in kindergarten in compiling coherent texts must be consolidated in the family.

The speech skills that a preschooler receives in the game must be transferred to monologue coherent speech. To do this, the situation of an oral story is included in the pedagogical process. The teacher helps the child to formulate his thoughts in the form of a story: he suggests a plot move, logical connections, and sometimes the beginning of each sentence. Below are examples of speech games and exercises that are carried out with children from 4-5 years old.

Game exercise "If ..."

Target : development in children of coherent speech, imagination, higher forms of thinking - synthesis, forecasting, experimentation.

An adult invites children to dream up on topics such as:

"If I were a wizard, then..."

"If I became invisible..."

"If spring never comes..."

Game exercise "Finish it yourself"

Target : development in children of imagination, coherent speech.

An adult tells the children the beginning of a fairy tale or story, and the children are given the task to continue or come up with an ending.

"Magic bag"

Target : develop the child's speech, teach children to describe an object, learn the ending of nouns in the dative case .

Equipment: a bag with toys: vegetables, fruits, berries, sweets.

Game progress:

An adult takes a picture out of the bag and says: “Here is cabbage. What is she? To whom shall we give it?" The child tells what kind of cabbage and who likes to eat it.

What can they do...?

Target : enrich the child's speech with verbs, promote the development of coherent speech.

The adult invites the child to give as many answers as possible to the question “What can he do?”

What can a dog do? - bark, walk, run, bite, guard, guard, eat, growl ...

What can a frog do? What can hands do? etc.

A game "Words messed up"

It is also possible to use a character for this game. The parent makes up sentences, but in such a way that the words in them are mixed up. From the proposed words, you need to try to make a sentence so that the lost words return to their place, and do it as quickly as possible.

Fix the mistake"

Target: : to teach to see the discrepancy between the signs of familiar objects shown in the figure and name them.

An adult draws himself or shows a picture and invites the child to find inaccuracies: a red chicken pecks at a carrot; teddy bear with hare ears; the fox is blue without a tail, etc. The child corrects: the chicken is yellow, pecking at the grains; the bear cub has round little ears; the fox has a long tail and a red fur coat.

Game "Compare different animals"

Target: learn to compare different animals, highlighting opposite signs.

The teacher offers to consider a bear and a mouse. The bear is big, and the mouse ... (small). What other Mishka ... (fat, fat-fifted, clubfoot)? And what kind of mouse ... (small, gray, fast, dexterous)? What the Bear loves ... (honey, raspberries), and the mouse loves ... (cheese, crackers). The Bear's paws are thick, and the mouse's ... (thin). The bear screams in a loud, rough voice, and the mouse ... (thin). Who has a longer tail? The mouse has a long tail, and Mishka ... (short). Similarly, you can compare other animals - a fox and a hare, a wolf and a bear.

The game "How to say differently?"

Target : replace polysemantic words in phrases. - Say it differently! The clock is running ... (running). The boy is walking ... (walking). It is snowing ... (falling). The train is coming ... (rides, rushes). Spring is coming ... (coming). The ship is going ... (floats).

Game "Who's Who"

Target : correlate the name of animals and their cubs, select actions for the name of animals.

The child examines the drawings of animals with cubs: a chicken and a chicken peck grains (or drink water), a cat and a kitten lap milk (option - play with a ball), a dog and a puppy gnaw a bone (option - bark), a cow and a calf nibble grass (option - moo ), a horse and a foal chew hay (option - they jump), a duck and a duckling swim (quack). Name the animals and their babies. Pick up definitions for the names of animal cubs: tell me which chicken (cat, dog, cow, duck, horse), which chicken (kitten, puppy, calf, foal, duckling)?

Game "Make a description"

Target : to teach children to describe an object, naming its signs, qualities, actions.

Describe the berry or fruit that you love the most, and we will guess. ("It's round, red, juicy, delicious - it's my favorite ... tomato"; "It's maroon in color, and inside it has many, many different grains, sweet and ripe, this is my favorite fruit ... pomegranate.")

Make up a story game

Target : to teach children to understand the figurative meaning of words and expressions, which, depending on phrases, change their meaning, and transfer them into a coherent statement.

lay out a series of pictures in the correct sequence, but one

The picture is taken from another set.

The child must find an unnecessary picture, remove it, and then make up a story.

3) Game "Add words"

Target: learn to make common sentences.

Game description: The teacher says a sentence. For example, "Mom sews a dress." What do you think, what can be said about the dress, what is it like? (silk, summer, light, orange). If we add these words, how will the phrase change?” Mom sews a silk dress. Mom sews a summer dress. Mom sews a light dress. Mom sews an orange dress.

4) Find the mistake game.

Target: learn to find a semantic error in a sentence.

Game description: The teacher invites the children to listen to the sentences and say if everything in them is true.

1. In winter, apples bloomed in the garden.

2. In response, I nod to him.

3. The boy broke the ball with glass.

4. There will be rain after the mushrooms.

5. In the spring, the meadows flooded the river.

Preparatory group:

1) The game "Search for the missing parts."

Target: to teach how to write a description of a picture based on fragments of this picture.

Game description: “The photo has deteriorated, some fragments have been erased from the big picture. It's good that the small pictures survived. Substitute each fragment in the right place and describe the picture that the photographer shot.

2) Game "Would I..."

Target: development of creative imagination, teaching free storytelling.

Game description: After reading the fairy tale to the child, invite him to tell what he would do if he got into this fairy tale and became one of the main characters.

3) Game "Recognize and name"

Target: learn to select evidence when compiling stories, choosing essential features.

Game description: Before the children are objects or pictures that they have to describe. The child chooses any object and names it. The host asks, “How did you know it was a TV?” The player must describe the object, choosing only the essential features that distinguish this object from the rest.

4) Game "Draw a fairy tale"

Target: teach how to draw diagrams for the text, use it when telling.

Game description: The text of the fairy tale is read to the child and offered to write it down with the help of drawings. Thus, the child himself makes a series of consecutive pictures, according to which he then tells a fairy tale.

Contact information:


st. Michurina, 1-a

MADOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 1

Shebekino, Belgorod Region"


"Didactic games for the development of coherent monologue speech in preschoolers"

Prepared by:

teacher speech therapist

monologue speech - This is an organized and expanded type of speech. This type of speech is more arbitrary, the speaker must consider the content of the statement and choose the appropriate language form (description, narration, reasoning)

Possession of coherent monologue speech is one of the tasks of the speech development of preschoolers. Its successful development depends on many conditions:

speech environment;

social environment;

Family well-being;

Individual personality traits;

Cognitive activity of the child, etc.

Didactic games for the development of coherent monologue speech

2nd junior group:

1) The game "What's first, what's next."

Target: learn to compose a short story based on pictures, highlighting the beginning and end of the action and correctly name them.

Game description: Children are given two pictures each depicting two consecutive actions (the boy is sleeping and doing exercises; the girl is having dinner and washing the dishes; the mother is washing and hanging up the clothes, etc.). The child must name the actions of the characters and make up a short story in which the beginning and end of the action should be clearly visible.

2)The game "Let's tell about Olya and the bunny."

Target: To compose a joint narrative text, to learn how to finish the sentences of the story according to reference pictures intonation.

Game description: The teacher offers to tell about Olya. He accompanies his story with pictures: “Olya once. (woke up, did exercises and decided to go to the forest). She invited me for a walk. (brother Kolya). The children took with them. (balls, jumping ropes). On the meadow. (they saw a bunny, which. (was so frightened that he couldn’t move). And suddenly. (the hare ran away from the guys). And Olya and Kolya. (it became very fun).

Middle group:

1) The game "Let's talk about the squirrel"


Game description: - Let's look at the squirrel again (remember what she is, what she can do) and make up a story about a squirrel who met a wolf. First, tell me, what was the squirrel? (Brave, cheerful, nimble, resourceful.) And what kind of wolf? (Angry, angry, unkind.) I will begin to tell, and you finish. Once a squirrel ran for a walk. (and gain cones). She got in. (on a tall pine). And on the pine cones. (a lot, apparently-invisibly). Just plucked the first bump. (saw a wolf). But white. (not afraid). She quit. (bump right on the wolf). On his forehead. (a bump has grown). Let's draw a squirrel, a pine tree, a wolf and a cone.

2) Game "Make a fairy tale about Masha"

Target: Compose a joint story, observing the structure of the statement.

Game description: The teacher asks: “Why did Masha go to the forest? Why go to the forest at all? (For mushrooms, berries, flowers, take a walk.) What could happen to her? (Get lost, met someone.)

3) Game "Describe the squirrel"

Target: Exercise in the selection of single-root words, encourage children to compose a creative story.

Game description: The teacher makes a riddle to the children: "Red, fluffy, climbs a pine tree, throws cones."

Children guess that it is a squirrel. Children describe a toy to a squirrel.

In case of difficulty, the teacher helps with bundles: a fur coat for a squirrel; on the ears. ; squirrel's tail. ; she knows and loves.

Senior group:

1) The game "Where is the beginning of the story?"

Target: Learn to convey the correct temporal and logical sequence of the story using serial pictures.

Game description: It is proposed to compose a story based on pictures. Pictures serve as a kind of plan for the story, they allow you to accurately convey the plot, from beginning to end. For each picture, the child makes one sentence and together they are combined into a coherent story.

2) Game "Find the extra picture"

Target: to teach to find unnecessary details for this story.

Game description: Before the child

Coherent speech is the ability of a child to express his thoughts vividly, consistently, without being distracted by unnecessary details.

Fairy tales;
- didactic games;
- theatrical games.

In classes with a child, you can use the tools most suitable for his age and interests, or combine them.



Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution
"Kindergarten" No. 27, Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod Region

games and exercises for development
coherent speech of children.

teacher MBDOU "Kindergarten" No. 27
Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod region

Karpova Yulia Alexandrovna

Balakhna, 2016

The speech development of preschoolers, or rather, the lack of necessary skills in children that contribute to successful speech development, is a global problem of our time. In the age of computer technology, children have practically stopped communicating, well, or at least doing it right. Since speech is the main means of socialization, the most powerful factor in successful mental development, we, teachers of preschool education, simply need to pay special attention to this problem.

Coherent speech is the ability of a child to express his thoughts vividly, consistently, without being distracted by unnecessary details. The main types of connected speech are monologue and dialogic.
In dialogue, sentences are monosyllabic, filled with intonations and interjections. In a dialogue, it is important to be able to quickly and accurately formulate your questions and give answers to the interlocutor's questions.
In a monologue-type speech, the child needs to speak figuratively, emotionally, and at the same time, thoughts should be focused without being distracted by details.

The method of developing coherent speech includes not only teaching the child the skills of logical presentation of his own thoughts, but also replenishing his vocabulary.
The main means of developing coherent speech are:
- fairy tales;
- didactic games;
- theatrical games.

In classes with a child, you can use the tools most suitable for his age and interests, or combine them.


Purpose: to teach to describe an object, highlighting its essential features; develop coherent speech, its intonational expressiveness.

Equipment: a set of toys (6-8 pieces), models of vegetables and fruits.

Content. Having chosen one toy, the teacher invites the children to consider it, remember what they know about it, and describe the toy. A sample of the first description is given by the teacher. Then two toys are described simultaneously (by comparison). You can describe the toy without showing it. Whoever guesses what is at stake becomes a "tutor". Subsequently, any objects familiar to children (aquarium, TV, telephone, etc.) are described.


Purpose: to form the ability of children to describe toys together with a teacher or another child; development of coherent speech of children.
Content: The teacher and the child describe different animals. The teacher starts:
- I have a duck.

The child names his toy:
- I have a chicken.
- The duckling is yellow.
- And a yellow chicken.
- The duckling has big red paws.
- A chicken has small legs. Etc.

First, toys are taken for comparison that are similar in appearance, differing in a small number of features. Then you can take completely different toys: a frog and a gosling, a bear and a hare, a chicken and a goat.


Purpose: to develop coherent speech; exercise children in the ability to answer the question in full sentences; clarify the concept of seasons.

Equipment: plot pictures on the theme "Seasons".


Purpose: to identify the active vocabulary of children; develop coherent speech.

Equipment: plot picture.

Content. The teacher hangs a picture in front of the children and offers to tell what is shown on it. Children who do not know how to talk can name two or three main subjects. Children with a large vocabulary name an object, its actions or state. Children with coherent speech can make up four to five sentences. The game continues until everything essential has been named.

Option. Children examine the picture, then it is removed. The children must tell from memory what is depicted on it. For control, the picture is posted again.


Purpose: to improve the ability to describe an object without seeing it.

Equipment: various items, toys.

Content. Children memorize the items on the shelf, then turn away. One of the items is removed. The child must determine which object is missing and describe it in a few phrases. Initially, there should be no more than four items on the shelf, in the future their number increases to six to eight. Items can be matched so that their name contains certain sounds. The best answers are encouraged.


Purpose: to develop the monologue speech of children; introduce narrative elements into their speech; test the ability of children to hear certain sounds in words.

Equipment: different dolls.


Purpose: to develop coherent speech of children; to form the ability to select verbs denoting actions, processes.

Content: The teacher asks questions, and the children, answering them, select verbs. A ribbon is given for each correct answer. At the end of the game, the winner is the one who scored the ribbons of all colors.
What can you do with flowers? - tear, sniff, watch, water, give, plant.
What does a janitor do? - sweeps, cleans, waters flowers, cleans the paths from snow, sprinkles them with sand.
What can you do with the ball? - play, throw, catch, kick.


Purpose: to form the ability to select definitions for nouns, coordinate words in gender, number, case.

Content: Pinocchio brought a lot of pictures, I'll show them to you. I will show you, and you will choose words and praise. For example, I will show a picture, an apple is drawn on it. You can praise an apple like this: “The apple is delicious, the apple is ruddy!” But how can you praise bread? To the one who praises best of all, Pinocchio will give a picture.
Lexical material: dog, milk, coat, mother, house, fox, candy, tea, hare, boy, etc.


Purpose: To form the ability of children to finish the statement started by the teacher, select the right word, coordinate it with other words in the sentence; develop coherent speech of children.

Material: subject pictures: ball, fish, whale, frog, bone, slippers, pencil, egg, dress, coat, jacket, books, newspaper, Christmas trees, house, sofa.


Purpose: to develop coherent speech, observation, memory of children; to promote the manifestation of a sense of humor in children's speech.

Material: fans.

Content: the teacher says that today the announcer will make an important message. He will describe the lost child, and we must find the one who is lost. A teacher gives a sample message (describes one of the children), then appoints an announcer. It should be noted the characteristic features of the appearance of the lost. If the announcer gave a description by which the children did not recognize anyone, they answer: “We don’t have such a child!”. Then the announcer pays a fant. Fanta at the end of the game are played.


Purpose: to introduce elements of reasoning into the speech of children (i.e., reports of facts that are in a cause-and-effect relationship); develop coherent speech; develop the ability to work together.

Material: a set of pictures, the plots of which reflect the labor processes and recreation of people at different times of the year: "Haymaking", "At the post office", "Harvest Day", etc.

Ministry of General and Vocational Education

Sverdlovsk region

GBPOU SO "Revdinsky Pedagogical College"

"We play together

- we develop speech

Games and exercises for the development of coherent speech children of middle preschool age

Games for the development of coherent speech of children of middle preschool age. Collection of games and exercises. /Comp. E.A. Ryabukhina. - Revda, 2016.

This collection of systematized games and game exercises can be used in working with preschool children by teachers of preschool institutions, preschool methodologists when planning, parents of kindergarten students in joint activities with children at home to develop coherent speech, train the correct presentation of their thoughts, which in the future is integral part of the success of children in school.

© NDOU "Kindergarten" Development ", 2016

Explanatory note

Educational games with pictures

Who will notice more fables

Where is the beginning of the story

Find a place for the picture

fix the mistake

What picture is not needed


    Draw a fairy tale


    What does not happen in the world

    How do you know

"And I would..."

Make up two stories

Search for missing parts

    Spread the offer

    Understand me

    Draw a picture with words

    Think up a fairy tale

    magic pouch

Developmental exercises

What can I do?

Words backwards

Companion words

One is many



Who was who

Generalizing concepts

Animals and their babies

Who is talking

Tell me a word

Who lives where

Say it kindly

What happens in nature

Who moves how

Who can do these things

What is it made of

Catch, but throw - name the colors

fourth extra

What is round

funny account

Good bad

funny rhymes

Let's put everything in place

Who is bigger

chain of words

Explanatory note

Today, modern society needs inquisitive, active, physically developed, capable of solving intellectual and personal problems, members of society. Modern standards require educators to form a holistic picture of the world in preschoolers, to expand the horizons of children. And the solution to these problems is possible through gaming activities.

Pedagogical and methodological literature offers a huge number of games, including those for the development of coherent speech, but it is difficult for educators and parents to navigate the variety of literature on choosing games for walking, joint activities, leisure activities. Therefore, there was a need for a collection of "games and exercises for the development of coherent speech."

The proposed collection contains a variety of games and an exercise for the development of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age, which are grouped into sections: games with pictures and simple speech exercises. For each game, methodological recommendations for conducting are given.

The games used in the conditions of a modern preschool institution will help the teacher to organize work with preschoolers correctly and effectively, teach the child to apply the existing knowledge in practice.

“Who will notice the tales more?”

Target: To teach children to notice fables, illogical situations, to explain them; develop the ability to distinguish between real and imagined.

Equipment: The poem "Confusion", chips.

Game progress:

Children sit down so that chips can be put aside on the table.

The teacher explains the rules of the game: - Now I will read you an excerpt from Korney Chukovsky's poem "Confusion" There will be a lot of fables in it. Try to notice and remember them. Whoever notices a fable, puts a chip, notices another fable, puts a second chip next to it, etc. Whoever notices more fables wins. You can put a chip only when you yourself noticed the fable.

First, a small part of this poem is read, slowly, expressively, places with fables are accentuated. After reading, the teacher asks the children why the poem is called "Confusion".

Then the one who put aside fewer chips is asked to name the noticed fables. Children who have more chips name those fables that the first responder did not notice. You cannot repeat what has been said. If the child has put more chips than the tales in the poem, the teacher tells him that he did not follow the rules of the game, and suggests that he be more careful another time.

Then the next part of the poem is read. It is necessary to ensure that children do not get tired, because. The game requires a lot of mental effort. Noticing by the behavior of the children that they are tired, the teacher must stop the game.

At the end of the game, praise should be given to those who spotted more tales and explained them correctly.

Other examples of tales:

Drove the village

Past the man.

Suddenly from under the dog

The gates are barking.

He grabbed a club

Broke an axe.

And for our cat

Ran the fence.

It was in January

First of April.

It was hot in the yard

We are frozen.

Over the iron bridge

Made from boards

There was a tall man

Short stature.

Was curly without hair,

Thin as a barrel.

He didn't have children

Only son and daughter.

"Where is the beginning of the story?"

Target: learn to convey the correct temporal and logical sequence of the story using serial pictures.

Equipment: Serial pictures. (№)

Game progress:

The child is asked to write a story based on the pictures. Pictures serve as a kind of plan for the story, they allow you to accurately convey the plot, from beginning to end. For each picture, the child makes one sentence and together they are combined into a coherent story.

"Find a place for the picture"

Target: teach to follow the sequence of the course of action.

Equipment: Serial pictures. (№)

Game progress:

A series of pictures is laid out in front of the child, but one picture is not placed in a row, but is given to the child so that he finds the right place for it. After that, the child is asked to compose a story based on the restored series of pictures.

"Fix the mistake"

Target: learn to set the correct sequence of actions.

Equipment: serial pictures.

Game progress:

A series of pictures are laid out in front of the child, but one picture is not in its place. The child finds a mistake, puts the picture in the right place, and then makes up a story through the entire series of pictures.

"Which picture is not needed?"

Target: learn to find unnecessary details for this story.

Equipment: serial pictures.

Game progress:

A series of pictures are laid out in front of the child in the correct sequence, but one picture is taken from another set. The child must find an unnecessary picture, remove it, and then make up a story.

"Guess it"

Purpose of the game: to teach children to describe an object without looking at it, to find essential features in it; recognize an item from a description.

Equipment: colored stone

Game progress:

The teacher reminds the children how they talked about familiar objects, guessed and guessed riddles about them and suggests: “Let's play. Let the objects of our room tell about themselves, and we will guess from the description which object speaks.

You must follow the rules of the game: when you talk about the subject, do not look at it so that we do not immediately guess. Talk only about those objects that are in the room.

After a short pause (children must choose an object to describe, prepare for an answer), the teacher puts a pebble on the lap of any player. The child stands up and gives a description of the object, and then passes the pebble to the one who will guess. Having guessed, the child describes his object and passes the pebble to another player to guess.

An approximate plan for describing the subject: “It is multi-colored, round in shape. You can throw it up, roll it on the ground, but you can’t play it in a group, because you can break the glass. ”

"Draw a fairy tale"

Target: teach how to draw up a drawing plan for the test, use it when telling.

Equipment: Sheet of paper, pencil

Game progress:

The text of the fairy tale is read to the child and offered to write it down with the help of drawings. Thus, the child himself makes a series of consecutive pictures, according to which he then tells a fairy tale. The story should be short. Of course, you can help the child. Show how to schematically draw a person, a house, a road; to determine together with him which episodes of the fairy tale must be depicted, i.e. highlight the main plot twists.


Target: to teach how to write a description of a picture based on fragments of this picture.

Equipment: Large picture, fragments of this picture. (№2)

Game progress:

An adult asks the child to look at a large picture, as well as small subject pictures next to it. “The photographer took many pictures of one leaf. This is the overall picture, and these are parts of the same picture. Show where these fragments are in the big picture. Now tell me what this picture is about. Do not forget to describe those details that the photographer took separately, which means they are very important.

"What Doesn't Happen"

Target: teach to find and discuss errors when looking at pictures that are absurd.

Equipment: Ridiculous Pictures (#3)

Game progress:

After examining the absurd pictures, ask the child not only to list the wrong places, but also to prove why this image is erroneous. Then you get a complete description of the picture, and even with elements of reasoning.

"How do you know?"

Target: learn to select evidence when compiling stories, choosing essential features.

Equipment: Objects or pictures (No. 4), chips.

Game progress:

Before the children are objects or pictures that they have to describe. The child chooses any object and names it. The host asks, “How did you know it was a TV?” The player must describe the object, choosing only the essential features that distinguish this object from the rest. For each correctly named sign receives a chip. Whoever collects the most chips wins.

"And I would..."

Target: development of creative imagination, teaching free storytelling.

Equipment: Fairy tale text.

Game progress:

After reading the fairy tale to the child, invite him to tell what he would do if he got into this fairy tale and became one of the main characters.

"Make up two stories"

Target: learn to distinguish the plots of different stories.

Equipment: Two sets of serial pictures (No.).

Game progress:

In front of the child, two sets of serial pictures are mixed up and asked to lay out two series at once, and then make up stories for each series.

"Search for missing parts"

Target: to teach how to write a description of a picture based on fragments of this picture.

Equipment: Large picture, fragments of this picture (№5)

Game progress:

“The photograph has deteriorated, some fragments have been erased from the big picture. It's good that the small pictures survived. Substitute each fragment in the right place and describe the picture that the photographer shot.

"Spread the offer"

Target: development in children of the ability to build these sentences with words-objects, words-signs, words-actions.

Equipment: colored stone

Game progress:

Children are invited to continue and complete the sentence started by an adult, based on leading questions. For example, a teacher begins a sentence like this: “Children are going ... (Where? Why?)” Or a more complicated version: “Children go to school to ...” This option, in addition to enriching grammatical experience, can serve as a test to identify a child’s anxiety in relation to different situations.

"Understand me"

Target: development in children of the ability to compose a short story from a picture, using different characteristics of the subject.

Equipment: box with pictures of items (#4)

Game progress:

The teacher shows the children a beautiful box and says that this box is not simple, but magical. It contains various gifts for children. Only those who know how to keep secrets can receive a gift. What does it mean? (This means not telling ahead of time).

Then he explains to the children that when he approaches someone, this child should close his eyes and, without looking, pull out a picture from the box, look at it, but do not show or tell anyone what is on it. This must be kept secret.

After all the children draw one picture for themselves, the teacher asks the children if they want to know who got what? The children say yes. Then the adult says that you can’t show gifts, but you can talk about them. But the word gift can not be called either.

Then the adult tells about his gift, showing the children how to do it correctly, and the children guess what he got. After that, the children talk about their gifts in turn and, when the gift is guessed, open their picture.

It is better to play this game sitting on the carpet in a circle.

"Paint a picture with words"

Target: develop imagination, the ability to use in the description words and figurative expressions that are accurate in meaning.

Equipment: a poem about spring (summer, winter, etc.)

Game progress:

An adult addresses the children: “Do you want to become extraordinary artists who paint not with paints and pencils, but with words? Then get ready to paint.

I will read you a gentle poem about spring, and you close your eyes and try to imagine what I will read about. Then tell us what picture you got. But you need to tell in such a way that everyone can mentally see your picture.

Then the children can paint an illustration for their stories.

"Make up a story"

Target: independently select expressive means for compiling a fairy tale or story on a given topic.

Equipment: a picture with a winter landscape (spring, summer, autumn, etc.).

Game progress:

The teacher offers to compose a fairy tale “What trees dream about in winter” for children after they look at a picture with a winter landscape, hear a poem or a story about the first month of winter.

"Magic Bag"

Target: develop the child's speech, teach children to describe an object, learn the ending of nouns in the dative case.

Equipment: bag with toys: vegetables, fruits, berries, sweets.

Game progress:

An adult takes a picture out of the bag and says: “Here is cabbage. What is she? To whom shall we give it?" The child tells what kind of cabbage and who likes to eat it.

Simple developing speech exercises for the development of coherent speech

Such games do not involve any expenses or preparations, you only need desire and imagination. Use these speech games to entertain your child, teach new and useful things. These exercises can be performed with a ball. The adult speaks and throws the ball, the child answers and throws the ball back.


Target: enrich the child's speech with adjectives.

Game progress:

The adult invites the child to give as many answers as possible to the question "What?"

What ball? - large, small, round, rubber, elastic, red, leather.

What snow? - white, cold, sparkling, beautiful, fluffy, light.

What wardrobe? What kitten? What table? Etc.

What can they do...?

Target: enrich the child's speech with verbs.

Game progress:

The adult invites the child to give as many answers as possible to the question “What can he do?”

What can a dog do? - bark, walk, run, bite, guard, guard, eat, growl ...

What can a frog do? What can hands do? etc.

Words backwards

Target: fixing in the child's imagination and vocabulary of opposite signs of objects or antonyms.

Game progress:

Ask your child to find antonyms for the following words: joy, morning, sat down, brave, enemy, stand, hard, took, wet, clean, deep, tall, narrow, close, back, far, etc.

Summer - winter, hard - soft, found - lost.

Companion words

Target: Develop the child's speech, enriching it.

Game progress:

Ask your child to name words that sound different but mean the same thing. They help to better describe the subject, thing.

For example: Cold - icy, frosty, icy. Smart - wise, sensible, quick-witted. Etc.

One is many

Target: consolidation in the speech of children of various types of endings of nouns.

Game progress: an adult calls nouns in the singular. Children say nouns in the plural.

Table - tables chair - chairs
mountain - mountains leaf - leaves
Home - home sock - socks
Eye - eyes piece - pieces
Day - days jump - jumps
Sleep - dreams of a gosling - goslings
Forehead - foreheads tiger cub - cubs

Leg-leg coat-coat


Target: To learn to include unions and prepositions in speech in order to make speech smooth, logical, whole.

Game progress:

An adult offers the child, reasoning, to answer the question in full.

I wash my hands because...
Why are you going to sleep? etc


Target: develop children's speech, teach logical reasoning.

Game progress:

An adult gives a task to a child: “I will now make a sentence, and you will answer my question.”

The dog goes to the kitchen. She drinks cat's milk. The cat is unhappy. Explain why the cat is unhappy?

Who was who?

Target: development of thinking, vocabulary expansion, consolidation of case endings.

Game progress:

An adult names an object or an animal, and the child answers the question of who (what) the previously named object was:

Chicken - egg

Wardrobe - board

Horse - foal

Bicycle - iron

Cow - calf

Oak - acorn

Oak - acorn

Shirt - cloth

House - brick

Butterfly - caterpillar

Strong - weak

adult - child

Fish - caviar

Boots - leather

Bread - flour

Apple tree - seed

Generalizing concepts

Target: expansion of vocabulary through the use of generalizing words, the development of attention and memory, the ability to correlate generic and specific concepts .

Game progress:

An adult calls a general concept. The child must name the objects related to that generalizing concept.



potatoes, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, radish.

raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, watermelon, blueberries.

birch, spruce, pine, oak, linden, poplar, walnut.


cow, horse, goat, sheep, rabbit, ram, cat, dog

Migratory birds

swift, swallow, rook, starling, stork, heron, crane

wintering birds

dove, crow, magpie, sparrow, woodpecker, owl

chair, table, armchair, sofa, cupboard, bed, sofa

plate, spoon, fork, knife, kettle, cup, saucer

coat, dress, sweater, skirt, trousers, T-shirt, underpants

shoes, boots, boots, slippers, sandals.

doll, car, bear, pyramid, top, ball.

Wild animals

tiger, lion, wolf, fox, squirrel, hare, bear, elk.

apple, pear, lemon, orange, apricot, plum.


saw, axe, drill, planer, hammer, pliers


tram, trolleybus, bus, train, plane, steamer

Option 2.

An adult calls species concepts, and children - generalizing words.

Animals and their babies

Target: fixing in the speech of children the name of cubs of animals, consolidating word-formation skills, developing dexterity, attention, memory.

Game progress:

The adult names any animal, and the child names the cub of this animal. Words are grouped into three groups according to the way they are formed. The third group requires memorizing the names of the cubs.

Group 1. The tiger has a cub, the lion has a lion cub, the elephant has a baby elephant, the deer has a fawn, the elk has a baby calf, and the fox has a fox.

Group 2 A bear has a teddy bear, a camel has a camel, a hare has a hare, a rabbit has a rabbit, and a squirrel has a squirrel.

Group 3. A cow has a calf, a horse has a foal, a pig has a pig, a sheep has a lamb, a chicken has a chicken, a dog has a puppy.

Who is talking?

Target: expansion of vocabulary, development of speed of reaction.

Game progress:

An adult, naming the animals in turn. Children - somehow or another animal gives a voice:

Cow ___ mooing, Wolf _____ howling, Duck ____ quacking, Pig ____ grunting
Tiger ___ growls, Dog ____ barks, Snake ___ hisses, Mosquito ____ squeaks

Option 2.

An adult asks: “Who is growling?”, “Who is mooing?”, “Who is barking?”, “Who is cooing?” etc.

Tell me a word

Target: development of thinking, speed of reaction.

Game progress:

An adult asks: - The crow croaks, and the magpie? The child must answer: - Magpie chirps.

Sample questions:
- The owl flies, and the rabbit?
- The cow eats hay, and the fox?
-The mole digs minks, and the magpie?
- The rooster crows, and the chicken?
- The frog croaks, and the horse?
- A cow has a calf, and a sheep?
-The bear cub has a mother bear, and the squirrel?

Who lives where?

Target: consolidation of children's knowledge about the dwellings of animals, insects. Consolidation of the use in the speech of children of the grammatical form of the prepositional case with the preposition "in".

Game progress:

The adult asks the children one by one, and they answer. You need to be careful with the correct use of prepositions.

Option 1.
Adult - Children
Who lives in a hollow? - Squirrel.
Who lives in a birdhouse? - Starlings.
Who lives in the nest? - Birds: swallows, cuckoos, jays.
Who lives in a booth? - Dog.
Who lives in the hive? - Bees.
Who lives in a hole? - Fox.
Who lives in the lair? - Wolf.
Who lives in a den? - A bear.
Option 2.
Adult - Children
Where does the bear live? - In the den.
Where does the wolf live? - In the lair.
Option 3.
Work on the correct sentence structure. Children are invited to give a full answer: "The bear lives in a den."

Say it kindly

Target: consolidation of the ability to form nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes, development of speed of reaction.

Game progress:

The adult calls the first word (for example, ball), and the child calls the second word (ball). Words can be grouped according to the similarity of endings.

Table - table, key - key.
Hat - hat, squirrel - squirrel.
A book is a booklet, a spoon is a spoon.
A head is a head, a picture is a picture.
Soap - soap, mirror - mirror.
Doll - chrysalis, beetroot - beetroot.
Spit - pigtail, water - water.
Beetle - bug, oak - oak.
Cherry - cherry, tower - tower.
A dress is a dress, an armchair is an armchair.
Feather - feather, glass - glass.
Watches - watches, panties - panties.

What happens in nature?

Target: consolidation of the use of verbs in speech, agreement of words in a sentence.

Game progress:

An adult asks a question, and the child must answer the question asked. It is advisable to play the game by topic.

Example: Theme "Spring"
Adult - Children
The sun - what does it do? - Shines, warms.
Brooks - what do they do? - Run, murmur.
Snow - what does it do? - It's getting dark, it's melting.
Birds - what are they doing? - They fly, build nests, sing songs.
Kapel - what does he do? - Ringing, dripping.
Bear - what is he doing? - Wakes up, gets out of the den.

Who is moving?

Target: enrichment of the verbal dictionary of children, development of thinking, attention, imagination.

Game progress:

An adult calls an animal, and the child pronounces a verb that can be attributed to the named animal.

Adult - Children
A dog stands, sits, lies, walks, sleeps, barks, serves.
Cat - meows, caresses, scratches, laps.
Mouse - rustles, squeaks, gnaws, hides, runs away.
Snake - crawls, hisses, wriggles, stings, attacks.

Who can take these actions?

Target: activation of the verbal dictionary of children, development of imagination, memory.

The adult names the verb, and the child names the noun that matches the named verb.

Adult - Children.
There is a person, an animal, a train, a steamer, rain ...
Runs - a stream, time, an animal, a person, a road ...
Flies - a bird, a butterfly, a dragonfly, a fly, a beetle, an airplane ...
Floats - fish, whale, dolphin, boat, ship, man ...

What is it made of?

Target: fixing in the speech of children the use of relative adjectives and ways of their formation.

Game progress:

the adult says: “Leather boots”, and the child answers: “Leather”.

Adult - Children
Fur mittens - fur
Basin made of copper - copper
Crystal vase - crystal
Mittens made of wool - woolen

Catch and throw - name the colors

Target: selection of nouns to the adjective denoting color. Fixing the names of primary colors, the development of imagination in children.

Game progress:

an adult, throwing the ball to a child, names an adjective denoting a color, and a child, returning the ball, names a noun that matches this adjective.

Adult - Children
Red - poppy, fire, flag
Orange - orange, carrot, dawn
Yellow - chicken, sun, turnip
Green - cucumber, grass, forest
Blue - sky, ice, forget-me-nots
Blue - bell, sea, sky
Purple - plum, lilac, twilight

The fourth extra

Target: strengthening the ability of children to highlight a common feature in words, develop the ability to generalize.

Game progress:

the adult names four words and asks to determine which word is superfluous.

For example:

blue, red, green, ripe.
Zucchini, cucumber, pumpkin, lemon.
Cloudy, cloudy, gloomy, clear.

What is round?

Target: expansion of children's vocabulary through adjectives, development of imagination, memory.

Game progress:

The adult asks a question, the child must answer it.

What is round? (ball, sphere, wheel, sun, moon, cherry, apple…)
-What is long? (road, river, rope, ribbon, cord, thread ...)
-What is high? (mountain, tree, rock, person, pole, house, wardrobe…)
-What is prickly? (hedgehog, rose, cactus, needles, tree, wire...)

funny account

Target: fixing in the speech of children the agreement of nouns with numerals.

Game progress:

an adult pronounces a combination of a noun with the numeral “one”, and the child in response calls the same noun, but in combination with the numeral “five”, “six”, “seven”, “eight”.


One table - five tables

One chick - five chicks

One elephant - five elephants

One hare - five hares

One crane - five cranes

One hat - five hats

One swan - five swans

One can - five cans

One nut - five nuts

One button - five buttons

One cone - five cones

One button - five buttons

One gosling - five goslings

One hat - five hats

One book - five books

One candy - five candies

Good bad

Target: acquaintance of children with the contradictions of the world around them, the development of coherent speech, imagination.

Game progress:

The adult sets the topic of discussion. Children, passing the ball in a circle, tell what, in their opinion, is good or bad in weather phenomena.

Adult: Rain.
Children: Rain is good: it washes dust from houses and trees,
useful for the land and the future harvest, but bad - it will wet us, it can be cold.

Adult: City.
Children: It's good that I live in the city: you can ride the subway, by bus, there are many good shops, but it's bad - you won't see a live cow, a rooster, it's stuffy, dusty.

funny rhymes

Target: development of fantasy, coherent speech and word formation.

Game progress:

The players match the rhymes to the words. Candle - ..., stove, pipes - ..., lips, racket - ... pipette, boots - ... pies, etc. With selected rhymes, you can compose small poems, for example:

I put on my boots

Brought you pies.

Let's put everything in order

Target: development of coherent speech, attention and memory.

Game progress:

Listen to a confused story and then tell it correctly.

I will give you a task now

Put everything in its place:

The sparrow was dozing in the gazebo,

Dalmatian sitting on a branch

The old man at this time

He barked loudly at his neighbor.

I'm confused again

Help disassemble.

Dalmatian dozed in the gazebo,

The old man sat on a branch

sparrow at this time

He barked loudly at his neighbor.

Who is bigger?


Game progress:

One of the players guesses any letter - this can be done with the help of a book, pointing to the letter with closed eyes, you can “encrypt” the letter - page 3, line 5 on top, letter 3 on the right.

You can make sounds “to yourself” until one of the players says “stop” and name the letter. Each player takes turns pronouncing a word that begins with a given sound until all options are over.

"Chain of words"


Game progress:

One of the players calls any word, the next one must pick up a word that begins with the last sound of the previous word, etc. You can limit the "Field" of the word search and select only Edible or only animals.

The result can be: candy-pineapple-soup-pie-pear-watermelon-strawberry, etc.
