Abstract of a lesson with corrective developing outdoor games. Synopsis of the correctional and developmental lesson “We develop by playing” with children of senior preschool age plan-outline of the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic

Synopsis of a correctional and developmental lesson

"We develop by playing" with children of senior preschool age

Karaivan K.V., teacher - psychologist

"We develop by playing"

Target: development of the cognitive sphere of the child by creating conditions for his natural psychological development.


Educational - activate cognitive mental processes: visual memory and perception, auditory attention, creative imagination, visual-figurative thinking;

Educational - develop speech and phonemic hearing, speed of reaction, fine motor skills of the hands;

Educational - To instill in children a sense of empathy, empathy, a benevolent attitude towards others.

Equipment and materials: Duck toy, easel and cards with figures, paints, split pictures, beads and wire.

Preliminary work: games and exercises for the development of attention, memory, visual-figurative, logical thinking, imagination and perception, behavior training, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, speech games for determining the place of a sound in a word.

Lesson progress


Target. Create a positive emotional mood, promote muscle relaxation.

Welcome Ritual .

Children in the circle say hello. "Good mood". The psychologist shakes hands with the first person in the circle and conveys a good mood around the circle.

Psychologist (holds up a toy duck). - A duckling came to visit us, let's say hello to him.

Hello duckling!

He seems to be crying. Let's ask him what happened.

What's wrong with you, duckling?

Duckling (a psychologist speaks for him). The fact is that an evil sorceress has bewitched me, and now I don’t remember anything: what is my name, where do I live, how old am I, do I have friends. But the sorceress said that you will help me if you complete her tasks. She said that children from the Cheburashka kindergarten could help me.

Psychologist . Can we help the duck? Let's read the letter. The sorceress writes: "If you complete my first task, the duckling will remember his name." Let's try to complete the task? (Yes).

Main part

Target: Activate cognitive mental processes: memory, attention, imagination, thinking, develop speech, fine motor skills of hands.

Game exercises .

1. "Remember the pattern"

Purpose: to develop visual memory.

Material: sheets of white paper, pencils.

The psychologist draws a broken line on a piece of paper, demonstrates it for 1 - 2 minutes and invites the children to remember it. Then he turns over the sheet of paper. Children reproduce the pattern from memory. Gradually, the patterns become more complex.

Check: 1. The child himself checks the correctness of the task

2. Peer review

3. The psychologist shows: “Did everyone, guys, get such a picture?”

4. “What shapes does our pattern consist of? How many?

Duckling . I remembered, my name is Kryaka!

Psychologist (reads the letter further). "If you complete the second task, the duckling will remember where he lives."

2. "Fix the mistake"

Target : develop auditory attention, phonemic hearing.

The psychologist reads the poem, deliberately changing the words. Children name the correct words. They call it what doesn't happen.

Dropped the doll from my hands

Masha rushes to her mother:

"There creeps a green onion (beetle)

With a long mustache."

The hunter shouted: “Oh!

Doors (animals) are chasing me!”

Hey! Don't stand too close

I'm a tiger cub, not a bowl (pussy)!

Late autumn bear

Likes to sit in the river.

Horned horse in the meadow

Jumping in the snow in summer.

Warm spring now -

Our grapes are ripe.

Duckling. I remembered: I live in a wonderful and beautiful place near Fantasy Island.

Motor-speech warm-up "We will not rush."

Stretching the lower back, we will not be in a hurry.

Turn right, turn left

Look at your neighbor. (body twists to the side)

To become even smarter

We will twist our neck a little.

One and two, one and two

Head spinning (rotation of the head to the sides).

One, two, three, four, five,

It's time for us to stretch our legs (squats).

Finally, everyone knows

Like always walking in place (walking in place)

Is there any benefit to warming up?

Well, it's time to sit down. (children sit down).

3. "blots"

Target : develop imagination.

Material : sheets of white paper, brushes, paints.

Guys, take paints, brushes and water for drawing and put them on the tables.

The psychologist asks each child to put on a brush some paint of the color he likes. Then he offers to shake off the paint from the brush onto paper, fold the sheet in half and smooth it. Next, the children unfold their sheets and tell what or who the resulting drawing looks like.

Duckling. Guys, I'm the same age as you - six!

Psychologist (reads the letter further). "You will help the duckling remember his friends if you collect their portraits from different parts."

4. "Cut pictures"

Target : develop thinking, perception.

Material: cut pictures from 6 parts.

One - two! Let's share two! Each pair receives an envelope with split pictures.

Children make pictures. They make portraits of different animals.

They call it a complete sentence: The duckling has a friend - a bunny.

Duckling . These are my friends: a bear, a bunny and a hedgehog.

Psychologist (reads the letter further), "If you are careful, Kryaka will remember that he loves."

5. "Be careful"

Purpose: to develop switching attention, speed of reaction, broadening one's horizons.

Animals - clap (squirrel, horse, wolf, lion, ram, hedgehog)

Birds - I raise my hands up (rook, dove, eagle, tit, stork, bullfinch)

Fish - squat (carp, pike, catfish, perch, burbot)

Duckling . I remembered that I like sweets and ice cream, and I also like to play sports and play. But most of all I love jewelry!

Psychologist (in a whisper). Let's make beads and give them to Kryaka. I think he will be very happy.

6. "Beads for a duckling"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of the hands

Material: beads, wire.

Each child collects beads and puts them on the Duckling's neck, pronounces his wish. “Crack, I want to give you these beads so that you always remember about us - your friends.”

Children string beads on a wire and put beads on a toy.

Duckling. Thank you very much for your help and gifts! It's time for me to go home to Fantasy Lake. See you again.

The psychologist removes the toy.

Final part

Target: learn to analyze the experience gained, maintain a positive emotional mood.

Reflection. The children name the name of a new friend they met in class and tell how they managed to disenchant him.

Ritual of farewell "Sunshine"

Children stand in a circle, stretch their hands forward and join them in the center of the circle. They stand quietly, imagining themselves as a warm ray of sunshine.

Well done boys. This lesson is over. Goodbye.

Self-analysis of the correctional and developmental lesson “We develop by playing”

The correctional and developmental lesson is intended for children who have difficulties in cognitive development: mental operations, attention, memory, imagination that are not sufficiently developed for this age category; fine motor skills of the hands are poorly developed, high distractibility and increased fatigue.

Target: development of the cognitive sphere of the child by creating conditions for his natural development.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:


- activate cognitive mental processes: visual memory and perception, attention, visual-figurative thinking, creative imagination;


Develop speed of reaction and fine motor skills of the child's hands;

Develop speech and phonemic hearing;


- instill in children a sense of empathy, empathy, a benevolent attitude towards others.

The content of the lesson is based on the ideas of developmental education, taking into account age characteristics and the zone of proximal development of children (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin). When planning the lesson, she took into account the age characteristics of the children, building it based on the knowledge available to the children.

The lesson includes several stages, logically built and united by one plot. I think that the lesson corresponded to the interests of the children and the level of their preparation. I tried to approach the work creatively, choosing tasks that require the ability to think from children.

At the beginning of the lesson, as an organizational moment, she used the ritual of starting the lesson “Good mood”, which created a positive emotional mood in the children. To attract interest in the lesson, a surprise moment was proposed - the appearance of a toy hero Duckling.

The exercise “Remember the pattern” contributed to the development of visual memory and visual attention in children, the ability to correctly evaluate their work, the work of a friend.

Completing the next task “Correct the mistake” contributed to the development of auditory attention and phonemic hearing.

For the development of speech and as a change in the type of activity, a motor-speech warm-up "We will not rush" was carried out. The mobile game "Earth - air - water" also contributed to the optimization of children's motor activity, the development of attention switching, quick reaction, and broadening of horizons.

The exercise "Blots" contributed to the development of imagination in children, the removal of stiffness and emotional stress.

I used the method of socio-game technology: in the exercise "Cut pictures" the children were divided into pairs, showing their ability to work in microgroups. This exercise was aimed at developing visual-figurative thinking, holistic perception.

As a productive activity, the children prepared a gift for their friend Duckling - beads. This exercise was aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands.

In the final part of the lesson, a reflection was held: the children told who they made friends with today and how they helped their new friend.

As a ritual for the end of the lesson, she used the “Sunshine” ritual, which supported and preserved the atmosphere of cooperation and good mood of the children.

Throughout the lesson, the children were passionate about the process, interested. For those who found it difficult, the method of individual conversation was used, and practical assistance was provided. She used verbal, visual and practical methods, took into account health-saving technologies: the children were on the move, worked at the tables, on the carpet. I think that the pace of the lesson was optimal, the children coped with the tasks set. The emotional state of the children remained positive throughout the lesson.

Synopsis of a correctional and developmental lesson for children of senior preschool age "Visiting Alyonushka".

Subject (orientation): synopsis of correctional and developmental classes.
Children's age: older preschool children
Location: psychologist's office.

Creation of conditions for the correction and development of the emotional-volitional sphere of children.
- continue to develop social emotions;
- develop arbitrariness of control over their actions;
- exercise in expressing opposite emotional states; to cultivate the ability to act according to the rule;
- to promote the unity of the children's team.

Alyonushka doll, house with a bell, mirror. Fairy-tale characters: grandmother, Baba Yaga, a wonderful bag with prickly balls, paper hearts.
Preliminary work:
games to distinguish between different emotional states, listening to musical works with different characters, reading works of art, drawing various emotional states of people, conducting behavioral trainings.
Lesson progress
"Minute of Entry"
Psychologist. The day has come, I smile at you and you smile at each other
and think how good it is that we are here together today. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate.
Magic mirror game.
Look who came to visit us today? Alyonushka.
Alyonushka. Hello guys! My name is Alyonushka. I did not come to you empty-handed - I brought a magic mirror. Whoever takes it in his hands, looks into it, and says a kind, kind word about himself, he will slowly enter the fairy tale.
(children play a game)
Game-discussion "Relationships".
Alyonushka reads a poem by L. Kuzmin "House with a bell":

Worth a small vintage
House above the green hillock.
(Children approach the house with a bell)
At the entrance hangs a bell
Decorated with silver.
And if you are gentle, quiet
Call him, then believe
That an old woman wakes up in the house,
gray-haired old woman,
And immediately open the door.
The old lady will say:
- Come in, don't be shy, my friend.
Put a samovar on the table,
A pie will be baked in the oven.
And will be with you
Drinking seagulls until dark
And a good old story
She will tell you.
But if, but if, but if
You are in this cozy house
You start knocking with your fist,
Raise the chime and thunder
Then the Baba Yaga will come out,
And do not hear you fairy tales
And not to see the pie.
Psychologist. Alyonushka, why in the second part of the poem, not a kind old woman came out to the children from the same house, but Baba Yaga?
Alyonushka. And the guys will try to answer this question
(children's answers)
Psychologist. Guys, why did the old woman give the children tea and pies and read a good fairy tale?
(children's answers)
(The psychologist invites children to revive this fairy tale).
Emotion training
(children show a kind old woman and an evil Baba Yaga).
Psychologist. What actions does Baba Yaga more often perform?
(children's answers).
Exercise "Prickly bag".
The game "All the way around".
Alyonushka. Guys, get in a circle. Baba Yaga did not just appear in our fairy tale. She appears to have bewitched you. You have now turned from ordinary boys and girls into boys and girls vice versa.
Psychologist. Guys, now we will play the game "All the way around". I will show certain movements, and you will repeat these movements in reverse. For example: if I raise my hands, then you lower them.
Well, Alyonushka, how can we get rid of the magic now and turn into normal guys again?
Alyonushka. And for this you need not to name certain words, but to replace them with gestures. Let's play the game "My triangular cap".
The game "My triangular cap."
Psychologist. I see that you have not yet completely got rid of Baba Yaga's witchcraft, so I suggest playing another game in which there is a special word - this is a magic spell against bad mood, resentment, removal of witchcraft and disappointment.
Relaxation exercise "Tuh-tibi-spirit".
Alyonushka. Now we have turned into cheerful, kind, smart guys. And what is the character of Baba Yaga? (Children are evil). Look at the picture, it shows Baba Yaga in a different mood. What mood of Baba Yaga did you like the most? Paint over the handkerchief of the Baba Yaga that you liked the most.
At the end of the work, Alyonushka gives the children hearts as a keepsake.
It’s a pity, but I can’t stay with you anymore, I need to return to my fairy tale.
Psychologist. Children, let's stand in a circle, hold hands and take turns shaking them. Come visit us again, Alyonushka!
Alyonushka leaves.
Psychologist. Children, who came to visit us today?
What did you like the most about the story?
With what mood do you return from a fairy tale?
Children answer questions and return to the group room.

Ready-made abstracts of classes and GCD on various subjects and topics, designed for correctional classes and groups of all types. Working programs of correctional classes "for all occasions". Classes adapted for children of all categories of correctional pedagogy on the development of speech, mathematics, the world around them and other subjects and academic disciplines. Concrete experiences of educators specializing in social pedagogy. Proven ways and methods of adaptation and education of difficult preschoolers and students in the process of their direct learning.

Make notes of classes in correctional groups together with MAAM.

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All sections | Corrective lessons. Summaries of classes, GCD in correctional groups

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To train the ability to recognize the emotional state by facial expressions;

Help children overcome isolation;

Develop emotional, cognitive sphere and fine motor skills of the hand;

Cultivate kindness towards each other.

Materials: emoticons with different moods; photos of people with different emotions on their faces; fairy-tale heroes; cartoon "Baby Raccoon"; mandalas for coloring, paper, paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, sponges.

The course of a correctional and developmental psychologist's lesson in kindergarten

(The psychologist greets the children, informs them that today they will go to the Queen of Emotions for the holiday of Joy.)

Good morning dear children!

Is everything okay in our group?

You look around

Smile at each other.

So that no one is discouraged

Enjoyed and played with everyone!

Psychologist. What is your mood today? (Children's answers.)

We were invited by Queen Emotion to the celebration of Joy.

Exercise "Choose an emotion for the holiday"

Purpose: to help reduce emotional stress; teach children to express their emotions and feelings.

Psychologist. Everyone needs to place their photo in the corner of emotions, choosing if you are cheerful - to the sun, sad - to the droplets. activities with children

Psychologist. Let's go to the holiday!

(To the music, the children go to visit the Queen of Emotions for the holiday of Joy. The psychologist and the children greet the queen.)

Psychologist. Good afternoon, queen, we have come to you for the holiday of Joy!

Queen Emotion (weeping). I can't start the party because an evil sorcerer has torn off all the petals of my mood flower and cast a spell on them.

Psychologist. Do not worry, queen, our children are smart, quick-witted, they will be able to disenchant. (After completing the tasks, each petal is attached)

Petal of Sorrow.


1. Learn the emotion (the emotion of sadness is depicted by sand on glass).

2. Show sadness (children show).

3. Find children with a sad face (pictures depicting children with different emotions).

4. Exercise "When I'm sad, I..."

Answer options:

I arrange fun games with friends;

I watch a funny movie;

I listen to cheerful music.

Petal of Anger.


1. Learn emotion (described in the sand with the help of pebbles)

2. Show anger (children show)

3. Find fairy tale characters with such emotion;


4. Exercise "Ways to deal with anger" (children's answers):

Take a few deep breaths;

Tear a newspaper or crush plasticine, while saying: “Run, anger, run!”;

Do some physical exercise

Beat on the pillow, imagining the person who offended you;

Stomp your feet on the floor;

Clasp your elbows with your palms and press firmly to your chest

Stand in the pose of a stable soldier: stand on one leg and bend the other at the knee, lower your arms along the body. Stay like this for a few seconds, and then change your leg;

Inflate a balloon;

Throw the ball against the wall.

Petal of Fear


1. Watching the cartoon "Baby Raccoon"

After that, the psychologist asks the children what helped the raccoon overcome his fear, what was funny about his fear, invites them to draw the Raccoon's face when he was frightened and when he made friends with his fear.

2. Show emotion (children show)

3. Ways to overcome fear (children's answers):

Fear-fear-horror story,

Get out, get out:

In laughter-laugh-chuckle


Petal of Surprise.


1. Drawing with a candle (the image of the emotion appears after the paint is applied)

2. Show emotion (children show).

Petal of Joy.


1. Drawing a mandala (I suggest that children check the power of the magic circle, paint it with various colors that they want)

2. Show emotion (children show)

3. The game "If life is fun, do it ..."

Psychologist. Children, the Queen of Emotions invites you to play a very fun and active game "If life is fun, do it ..."

If life is fun, do it - clap-clap (children clap their hands)!

If life is fun, do this - top-top (children walk in place)!

If life is fun, everyone will smile at each other (children turn and smile)!

If life is fun, do this - jump-jump (children jump on the spot)!


Psychologist. And now we will join hands and everyone will tell what he liked, remembered, what was interesting visiting the Queen of Emotions.

Has your mood changed?

If changed, rearrange your photo.


In modern preschool educational institutions (DOE), work with children with disabilities (HIA) is an integral part of pedagogical practice. This is due to the adoption in 2012 of the law on equal educational opportunities for children, despite their different physical abilities. At the same time, within the framework of inclusive education, the issue of methodological support for such interaction with special children has acquired particular relevance for kindergarten teachers. In particular, how to prepare and conduct a correctional and developmental lesson.

The essence of the concept of "correctional-developing lesson"

Activities aimed at the effective development of a child with disabilities, as well as methodically organized assistance in overcoming derivations (deviations), which are an obstacle to the development of the baby, are called correctional and developmental activities.

Remedial classes are designed to provide equal educational opportunities for healthy children and toddlers with disabilities

Goals and objectives of classes with children with disabilities

The mission of correctional and developmental lessons in the preschool educational institution is to:

  • stimulation of perception, attention, thinking, memory, imagination;
  • development, as well as correction of shortcomings in the emotional-volitional sphere of children (for example, overcoming aggressiveness, tearfulness, etc.);
  • introduction to health-saving technologies;
  • providing conditions for the development of communication skills and social adaptation.

The practical implementation of these goals is a purposeful process, which is concretized by the systematic solution of educational tasks in three directions, implemented differently in work with children of different ages.

The classification of remedial classes is based on the principle of dividing lessons according to the specifics of this work.

Table: types of correctional and developmental activities in kindergarten

ViewessenceTypes of activities with examples
PsychologicalLessons with kids without (!) Deviations in the field of the psyche, but with violations of the behavioral line (for example, the child fights).Lessons aimed at creating a positive microclimate in the group and developing the psychological functions of the baby (for example, emotions, sensations, etc.). You can get acquainted with the methodology of work in this direction.
DefectologicalCorrectional classes with children with disabilities in physical and mental development, requiring increased attention.Deaf-pedagogical, that is, aimed at working with deaf or hard of hearing children. An example for children of primary preschool age can be found in the publication of Morozova V.A.
Defectological lesson for the correction of stuttering. These lessons are conducted individually or as part of the work of a mixed age group. Here is an example of compiling a summary of such a lesson for pupils of different ages.
A typhlopedagogical lesson is a defectological lesson for working with blind or visually impaired children.
You can get acquainted with an example of such a lesson for children of senior preschool age in the development of a defectologist Boyko L.A.
Defectological lesson with hyperactive children. Work in this direction of correction is carried out in a comprehensive manner, therefore, classes should be compiled in blocks, such as, for example, the cycle of lessons by N.V. Vlasova.
Defectological lesson for the correction of anxiety on the topic "Magic City" in the senior group.
Defectological lesson for the correction of aggression. For example, a lesson for senior preschool age on the topic "Evil King", developed by O. Ivanova.
Defectological lesson for the correction of the emotional-volitional state. Such lessons are usually held in blocks. You can get acquainted with the block for senior preschool age.
Speech correction exercise. An example would be a lesson with speech pathologists (children with speech disorders) of senior preschool age on the topic "Top".
Lesson for children with mental retardation. These lessons are compiled taking into account the degree of deviation, without regard to the age of the baby.
Activities for mentally retarded kids.
Defectological lesson for children with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system. These lessons are often held in the gym and are a combination of studying a lexical topic with exercise therapy. For example, a lesson for younger preschoolers on the topic "Me and my body".
Class for children with complex disorders, that is, a combination of two or more disabilities.

It is interesting. The classification of remedial classes by type coincides with the types of disabilities.

Corrective classes are conducted by specialists in working with specific disabilities in children

Methods of working with children in remedial classes

Working with special children requires the teacher to carefully choose the methods and techniques for organizing classes, the basis of which is the game.

Game tricks

Skills, skills and knowledge children draw from play activities. But the specifics of working with children with disabilities involves the use of types of game techniques (didactic, mobile, theatrical, finger) not in its pure form, but in a combined one, aimed at one or another vector of correction. Let's take a look at these combinations.

Games to eliminate emotional blocks

The purpose of these games is to stimulate the looseness of the kids, the development of their fantasy and imagination. For example, in the game "Rope", kids in teams of 2-3 people each receive a rope, with which they need to draw figures on the floor (house, stairs, Christmas tree, boat). The team that draws the figures as similar as possible wins. To complicate the game, you can introduce a competitive element.

Games for the correction of perception through the visual channel

These games are designed to develop visual memory, as well as attention, speed of reaction. For example, in the game "Find a Pair of the Same", children receive a set of 5 cards with similar pictures, among which they need to find two with the same plot.

Games for the development of visual memory occupy a leading position in working with visually impaired babies

Games for practicing coordination of movements

The goals of these games are to train coordination, as well as to satisfy the need for motor activity of babies. Such games contribute to the creation of a positive microclimate in the group. For example, the game "Forbidden Color". The teacher randomly lays out cardboard geometric shapes of different colors in the room. For a limited time, kids must collect “yellow circles”, “blue rectangles”, etc. To make it more difficult, you can collect certain shapes without paying attention to color, or certain shapes of a certain color.

To train the coordination of movements, kids can be offered the game “You are my shadow”, in which one of the pair shows a given figure, and the second guesses what it is.

Games for the development of motor attention

The main purpose of this game is to develop the concentration of attention on the task associated with the movements. So, in the game "Ear-nose" the leader names a part of the body and touches it together with the children. After working out such a mechanism of action, the teacher names one part of the body, and touches the other. Children must follow suit.

Games for the development of auditory attention

The goal is to train listening comprehension. In the game "Whose sound?" children listen to sounds that are made by various objects (musical instruments, squeaker toys, children's hurdy-gurdy, etc.). Then the teacher hides the objects behind the screen, and the children guess what sounds.

Hearing games are useful not only for hearing-impaired children, but also for healthy ones.

Games for the development of tolerant attitude towards others

An example of such a game is the game "Boys or Girls": at the same time, all the male babies clap their hands, and the little ladies stamp their feet. Those who were louder win.

Game techniques for relaxation

The main purpose of these games is to reduce emotional stress, to help kids feel a sense of the team. An example would be the game "Bag of Anger". An adult invites children to say all negative thoughts in a special bag, which is then tightly tied and hidden on a high shelf.

Classification of games by pitchfork HIA

For examples of each type, see the links below:

  • card file of outdoor games for visually impaired children and card file of didactic games for visually impaired children;
  • a card file of didactic games for hearing-impaired children and a card file of outdoor games for the hearing-impaired;
  • card file of games for children with disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system;
  • card file of games for pupils with mental retardation.

Video: interesting tasks for correcting stuttering in children

Speech techniques in correctional classes

The word plays a significant role in correctional work, as it is one of the ways to establish contact with pupils and motivate them for this or that activity.

Table: types of speech techniques in correctional classes

Speech mode of interactionThe essence of the receptionExample
clarificationThe teacher explains the material and the procedure for completing the task based on the characteristics of the development of babies: raising the tone of voice for children with hearing problems, or describing all the stages in as much detail as possible for visually impaired children.For children with mental retardation in the middle group in the lesson on the topic "Golden Autumn", the procedure for drawing an autumn tree using the technique of sticking with foam rubber can be explained as follows:
- Guys, now we will make our autumn forest. To do this, I give you leaves on which a birch trunk is drawn. We need to drop water into the paint and move it well with a brush. Now we dip the foam rubber into the paint and make an imprint on paper.
ConversationInvolving kids in a dialogue is a powerful motivational technique. In classes with special children, this technique has a question-answer structure.In deaf pedagogical classes, conversation can be used as the organizing beginning of the entire lesson. For example, working with older preschoolers on the topic “Seasonal clothes” as part of the “What’s in the bag” lesson, the children, on the questions that the teacher addresses to them, make up a description of the item of clothing in the bag. Questions might be:
  • What is it: animals, plants, clothes or vehicles? (the teacher attaches a sign with the word “clothes” to the board and invites the kids to guess what might be in the bag);
  • Is it summer or winter clothes?
  • (the answer is placed on the board in the form of a tablet, the teacher directs the course of the children's reasoning in the direction of the gender of the desired item of clothing);
  • What do these clothes have? (children, choosing between a swimsuit and a sundress, specify whether these clothes have pockets, a skirt, and conclude that what is in the bag is a sundress).
rhymesUsually, with short poems, the teacher begins a correctional lesson, that is, he motivates the kids. But poems, like riddles, can be used in the subsequent development of the theme.An example of a poem at the beginning of the lesson could be a greeting rhyme with movements for anxious kids:
  • At the deer (hands up to the head, like deer horns) The house is big (hands above the head "house") He looks (right hand over the eyes) In his window (with two hands, first vertically, then horizontally the window is depicted) Hare (palms to the head, like the ears of a hare) runs through the forest (clench your hands in fists, bend your elbows, pretend to run) Knocks on the door: (knock with your fist) “Knock-knock Open the door (depict how the door opens) There in the forest (show large finger back over his shoulder) The hunter is evil! (angry face) “Hare, hare, run (again portray a hare) Give me a paw!” (give a hand).
An example of riddles in a lesson can be a block of questions on the topic "Forest Animals" for children with mental retardation:
  • He sleeps in a den in winter, Snores little by little, And wakes up, well, roar,
  • What is his name - ... (bear);
  • What kind of forest animal: Everyone calls him a scythe? (hare).
fairy talesA motivational technique that carries an important semantic load: through a fairy tale, children get acquainted with a problem, ways to solve it, and transfer this algorithm to real life.At the lesson on the theme “Spring in the Forest”, the Magpie-teacher tells the children from the visually impaired group the story of how the Evil Witch bewitched all the inhabitants of the forest so that none of them could meet spring. And only the kids themselves can help in this situation by completing all the tasks in the lesson - “the tasks of the evil sorceress”.
Tongue twisters, tongue twistersThis technique is actively introduced in the classroom for children with speech disorders. It allows you to work out the correct sound pronunciation. As well as the pace and rhythm of speech.
Clean tongues help to work out the pronunciation of combinations of sounds.
Toddlers with mental retardation can be offered the following tongue twisters:
  • “A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a snake has a snake”;
  • “Centipedes have too many legs”;
  • “Ba-bo-by - there are pillars in the yard”;
  • "Boo-by-ba - a pipe sticks out of the window."

Visibility in remedial classes

Visual images have a huge educational and educational potential in working with children, despite the disabilities. In remedial classes, the teacher needs to choose techniques that are suitable for a particular group of kids with specific deviations.

In the context of correctional work, much attention is paid to visual materials that help children relax.

Table: visual techniques and types of remedial classes

Way of interacting with childrenThe content of the receptionExample
Signal cards (with the image of plus and minus for evaluating answers, as well as with multi-colored circles for identifying sounds, cards with letters).The teacher asks a question and receives an answer immediately from all the kids. So, in working with hyperactive guys, this technique helps to focus their attention on activities. For example, when the kids of the older group hear the word and raise the corresponding letters on the cards.
At the end of the lesson, the guys raise the cards for self-assessment.
It can be used in all classes, except for lessons with mentally retarded children and those with mental retardation. With them, there can be signals, but in a simplified form (for example, in the form of two emoticons in order to show your mood).
Laminated cards on various topics with pictures that can be used with a magnetic board.Children receive a set of answer cards, or choose from a common "bank" to answer the teacher's question.For example, in a remedial lesson with children with mental retardation, the teacher can tell a story about pets, and the kids, having 4-5 cards each, will attach their own with the mentioned little animal to the board.
Pictures of different formats on different topicsThe teacher should visualize any topic as much as possible.Heroes of fairy tales, animals, vegetables, fruits, numbers, etc.
lapbookBooklet or folder containing materials (information blocks, games, illustrations) on certain aspects of the topic. For example, within the framework of the theme "Animals", a lapbook can be dedicated to "Wintering of animals and birds".
Busyboard (thematic board with hooks, latches, etc.)One of the most effective trainers for fine motor skills. It is very important for kids with mental retardation, mental retardation, autism.

It is interesting. For relaxation in the group, you can install an interactive column in which bubbles float, burst and reappear, or a fiber-optic lamp - a design for the sensory development of babies.

Fiber optic light helps develop fine motor skills

Practical techniques in remedial classes

These methods of interaction are intended, first of all, to replenish the tactile experience of babies, as well as to promote the establishment of social and communicative contacts between children and with adults:

  • drawing on paper (traditional - with pencils, paints - and non-traditional - with fingers, stamps, thread, etc.), applications, crafts - a means of developing the imagination, fantasies of kids;
  • creating drawings on the light table with sand using fingers, expanding the sensory representations of children with disabilities;
  • creativity on the led-board, that is, the creation of an image using markers, which changes depending on the arbitrarily changing backlight, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the emotional background of the child;
  • work with kinetic sand, developing the color perception of kids.

In addition, in the arsenal of a defectologist and psychologist there are a sufficient number of art therapy techniques (treatment with creativity), examples of types of work can be found.

Art therapy is also called art therapy.

How to individualize work in a remedial lesson

To determine the essence of an individual approach in remedial classes, it is necessary to take into account that such lessons can take place in two formats: one-on-one teacher with a child, as well as a group one. As for the first, there are no questions about finding ways to individualize the work: the lesson is based on these techniques. But in group lessons, the task of finding the optimal approach to each (!) pupil is very relevant. Moreover, the kids in the group not only have different degrees of manifestation of disabilities, but also the diversity of temperaments and characters does not go anywhere. In the process of working in the context of inclusive education, I came to the conclusion that in order to implement a comprehensive approach to the problem, the teacher must be guided by four principles of individualization.

The issues of updating classes with children with disabilities are as relevant as for working with healthy kids.

Complete tasks in a convenient way

When preparing a lesson in the process of choosing tasks, the teacher must clearly understand how each child will cope with this task. This will help to create the correct instructions for a child who may have difficulty following. So, for example, in a lesson on art activity in a group of mentally retarded children, when performing a task to depict leaves on trees in autumn using the technique of drawing with fingers, a child whose fine motor skills development does not allow making these strokes more or less accurately can complete the task by poking, picking up paint with a cotton swab.

Explain in plain language

When explaining the task, it is important to use the channel of perception that is the leading one for the child. For example, in a group of hyperactive children aged 4–5, when performing a task to connect numbers with pictures depicting the number of objects, some children are able to cope only after explaining the task to adults. These are auditory people, that is, those who perceive information well by ear. However, there are children who, after completing the explanation, do not proceed with the execution, because they did not understand the verbal instruction. For such kids - visuals - the order of execution must be shown clearly. For example, draw one connecting line and explain why it is.

It is necessary to speak with the kids in a language that is accessible to them, while raising interest in various activities.

Provide opportunities to be proactive

Encouraging independence is one of the most important tasks in the classroom. Moreover, a child with disabilities should definitely feel that he coped with it perfectly well. Therefore, the teacher must clearly imagine what task will create such a situation of success. For example, if in the older group it is difficult for a child with mental retardation to master counting and, in general, any type of educational activity, you can create a situation of success for him by giving the task to prepare materials for the lesson (get counting sticks from the appropriate box, choose pictures with the right season or current weather conditions, etc.).

Invoke past experience

It is equally important to rely on the individual experience of each child in a particular activity in working on a task at a given moment. So, organizing a role-playing game “At the Doctor’s” with visually impaired children of the second younger group, a kid playing the role of a doctor may be confused about the actions that his character should take after the “patient” has come with complaints. In this case, you can ask the child to remember that the previous week he also went to the hospital with his mother, which means he can remember what the doctor told him, what diagnostic procedures he performed.

Even in new types of work, one should rely on the child's experience in a particular activity.

Kindergarten Remedial Education Program

The procedure for implementing the goals and objectives of correcting the development of children is established by the program of correctional education, which reflects the features of interaction with children with specific disabilities throughout all the years of education in kindergarten. For example, for visually impaired babies.

Working program of remedial education in kindergarten

The working program is the organization of the educational process, taking into account the specifics of the preschool educational institution (for example, material and technical capabilities, in particular, the lack of equipment necessary for exercise therapy or unsuitable floor covering for rhythm) and the age of children with specific disabilities. The document is created on the basis of the main educational program (for example, "From Birth to School", "Childhood", etc.), as well as special programs for children with developmental disabilities. At the same time, the structure of the drafting of the program document will be the same:

  • explanatory note;
  • substantiation of the relevance of compiling a correction program in this particular area (necessarily indicating the general education programs that the authors relied on when compiling the correction);
  • goals, objectives and principles of work in this area;
  • explanation of the characteristics of children with these disabilities;
  • consideration of the vectors of the direction of work with children;
  • forecasting the results of work;
  • calendar-thematic plan for academic disciplines that correspond to the age and capabilities of the kids;
  • recommendations for working with parents;
  • applications (recommendations on the design of a subject-developing environment, a list of games, etc.).

Below are examples of the development of work programs for corrective development in the areas of HIA for different ages:

  • for blind or visually impaired children;
  • for children with hearing problems;
  • for kids with mental retardation;
  • for children with increased anxiety;
  • for children suffering from stuttering;
  • to work with hyperactive pupils;
  • to interact with aggressive kids;
  • for children with deviations in the emotional-volitional sphere;
  • for babies with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system (sometimes this program is called the “Therapeutic Exercise Program”);
  • for children with developmental disabilities.

The work program is designed to work with children with specific disabilities

Themes of correctional and developmental classes in kindergarten

As noted above, the work program is based on the general program of pre-school education. In particular, when determining the topics of classes. However, this applies to children with those disabilities that do not imply a lag in intellectual development. For kids with mental retardation, the topics of classes are grouped into blocks (regardless of age):

  • information about yourself (children name age, address);
  • fairy tales (reading, mastering the skills of retelling);
  • wild and domestic animals;
  • toys;
  • cartoons.

Table: an example of the topics of remedial classes with children with mental retardation

the date of theThemeTargetContentEquipment
06.10.16–13.10.16 "In the puppet theater"
  • development of fine motor skills;
  • development of imagination of creative thought;
  • familiarity with emotions: anger, kindness, cunning, wisdom;
  • creating a good mood.
  • the main part: mimic gymnastics, the game "Introduction to the heroes from the fairy tale Pinocchio";
  • reflexive-evaluative stage, summing up: we dance to the cheerful music from the cartoon "Pinocchio".
  • song "Little Country";
  • tactile track;
  • images;
  • song "Pinocchio".
20.10.16 -
  • development of fine motor skills;
  • development of the imagination;
  • the formation of ideas about positive and negative emotions.
  • organization of children: greeting, walking on a tactile path;
  • the main part: mimic gymnastics, the game "Introduction to the heroes from the fairy tale Thumovka", the game "The Fourth Extra";
  • reflexive-evaluative stage, summing up: the game "Who is more".
  • song "Little Country";
  • tactile track;
  • images.

A week is usually allotted to work on the topic.

Plan for the distribution of time in a correctional lesson

One example of the fact that children with disabilities are given equal opportunities with healthy children is the established timing of classes: their duration will be the same.

Table: temporary plan for remedial classes in kindergarten

Lesson stage (content)Timing (minutes)
Junior groupMediumOlderPreparatory
Introductory (introduction to the topic, motivation for kids)2 minutes3 minutes2 minutes3 minutes
Typhlopedagogical lesson "How Businka was looking for friends."
Tiflopedagogue: - Guys, do you like to dream?
Children's answers: - Yes ....
Typhlopedagogue: - Close your eyes and imagine that it is summer and we are on the seashore, the sun is shining and the splash of the sea wave is heard ... (audio recording).
Now open up and look around! Children find a shell in which lies a bead on a string.
Tiflopedagogue: - Oh, guys, what did we find?
Children's answers: - A shell, and there is a pearl in it ...>
Corrective lesson for children with mental retardation "Journey to a forest clearing."
A pipe is blowing (a whistle of a steam locomotive), music is playing, the children enter the hall with a fractional step to the song “Steam Engine” and stand around the “clearing”.
Defectologist: - Guys, you and I arrived at a forest clearing. Ah, what a beautiful meadow! Look and tell me what grows on it? (Children answer).
(Sounds of music are heard imitating raindrops)
- Oh, guys, do you hear what it is? This is rain. Let's sing a song about the rain.
(The song "Autumn has come to us" with the movements corresponding to the words) ...>
Deaf-pedagogical lesson “How musical instruments speak”.
Teacher: - Guys, listen!
Someone is knocking on our door!
- Who's there? - Elya, ask: "Who is there?" (open the door - behind the door the Cat (Dog) is a toy.
- Here's the cat! The cat came to us to look at the guys: - Hello, cat!
- It's a cat!
- The cat does not know the names of the guys!
- It's Eli! Who is Elya? (girl)
- It's Kira! Who is Kira?
(girl (so we “acquaint” the cat with all the children) ...>
Corrective lesson for children with an increased level of anxiety "Journey to a fairy tale"
Children stand in a circle holding hands. The psychologist, addressing everyone, says: - Children, let's say hello first in a normal voice, then in a whisper ...>
<… Игра-разминка «Друг к дружке»
Children are divided into pairs.
Psychologist: - Guys, now we will greet you with our bodies. For example, if I say "nose to nose", then we greet each other with noses, and if - "cheek to cheek" - with cheeks. And if I say "friend to friend", then you will need to exchange pairs. In the game, you can greet with your knees, palms, backs, etc.
Well, how's the mood? Good? …>
The main one (includes a game moment, the development of a topic with a mandatory physical education and / or breathing exercises for children with intellectual disabilities - completing tasks according to the model)11 15 20 23
Conclusion (assessment by the teacher of the quality of children's work).2 2 3 4
Outcome15 20 25 30

It is interesting. An important organizational point is to check the concentration of children's attention in the classroom. Therefore, the teacher during the lesson checks 3-4 times how the kids are included in the overall activity. Such a “test method” can be the words: “Guys who hear me, stamp your feet” or “Children who see me, smile and clap your hands.” This technique also copes well with the task of organizing the attention of young pupils.

During the lesson, time should be taken to test the concentration of attention of kids in a playful way.

Table: Munasipova A.R., synopsis of a correctional lesson for children with visual impairment in the second junior group "Introduction to the traffic light" (fragments)

StageStage content
IntroductoryChildren guess the riddle:
Blinking red-
They all stop at once.
And winks green -
Start the transition.
Basic- That's right, guys, this is a traffic light. Look at the traffic light in the picture (three-color).
Repeat all together. Let's listen:
- I am a tricolor traffic light, your assistant on the road.
To cross the road, look at me.
If the color turns red, it means that it is dangerous to move.
Yellow is a warning, wait for the signal to move.
The color green says: "Come in, the way is open!"
Teacher: - Guys, the traffic light is on the road, it helps people and drivers to move along it.
Knock on the door. - Who's there? The fox appears.
- I'm a red-haired cheat, I'm not afraid of anyone or anything. Wherever I want, I'll be there. Hello guys! What are you doing here?
- Hello, fox, we get acquainted with the rules of the road. And you, fox, do you know what a traffic light is for?
- Of course I know! It looks like a Christmas tree, multi-colored lights burn on it, you can dance around it.
- Sit down, fox, listen to our guys.
- Guys, where is the red color? - at the top
The most severe red light
If it's on, stop!
There is no further road
The path is closed for everyone.
- Guys, what color should you not cross the road? - to red ...>
<… Физминутка.
The game "Children and a traffic light": The "Traffic light" teacher will give signals, and we stand on red, clap our hands on yellow, and walk on green.
Pedestrian game
- Girls with strollers will be pedestrians, and boys will be drivers (holding a toy steering wheel).
The children were spinning, the children were spinning.
Everything has become a car.
Obey without dispute
All traffic lights.
At the signal of a traffic light (red circle), pedestrians stand, "cars" go. On the green circle, the children go to the other side, and the "cars" are standing.
- Lisa, do your forest friends know the rules of the road? - Not.
-Guys, let's make traffic lights for forest animals. The children are doing the app. Lisa thanks the children.
FinalThe teacher sums up the lesson.

Video: lesson on the correction of the emotional-volitional state on the topic "Glade of emotions" in the preparatory group

Video: correctional and developmental lesson with children with hearing impairment

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective look at the present are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improve.
