Beautiful manicure on tanned hands: photos, ideas, useful tips. Almighty manicure: what shades of varnish make your hands beautiful

A tan refreshes any appearance, makes it younger and brighter. But it requires brighter or richer makeup, as well as a competent selection of varnish colors for pedicure and manicure. Tanned hand skin is more demanding on the tone of the polish, so you will have to pay special attention to manicures in the summer and early autumn.

But with a perfectly accurate selection of colors, the result is such a beautiful manicure that even strangers and passers-by will pay attention to the hands of its owner. Since such a polish attracts admiring glances, the nails must be impeccably prepared to attract mass attention.

Correct selection of complementary colors

Different varnishes can be combined with dark and tanned skin, it is only important to choose the right tonality. When colors are matched, this is usually the best option, as complete harmony occurs. When choosing a color, you can focus on your favorite colors of clothing - the ones that best suit your face and decorate your appearance.

Neutral varnishes are the calmest and most democratic option that will be appropriate in any situation - at a school desk, in a university auditorium, at a meeting of the board of directors, in the kitchen of your own home or while walking with children.

There is an opinion that light flesh-colored and pinkish varnishes look bad on tanned skin of the hands. This is wrong. Porcelain nails look very stylish, make hands graceful, visually lengthening the nail plate and fingers. You just need to choose a shade that will harmonize with your skin tone - pinkish, beige or olive. Unfortunately, this is quite difficult to do from a distance, so you will have to experiment in practice with the selection of nude varnishes.

  • Red

This is the richest and at the same time universal color. It suits everyone, it’s just important to find “your” shade of red. And there are a great many of them! Tanned hands are decorated with both bright scarlet and juicy coral, rich burgundy and cherry, piercing fuchsia and raspberry. It is believed that warm shades of red look especially good on a tan, but sometimes the contrast looks much more interesting, so you should try a rich pink-red color with a fuchsia bias - it looks very beautiful on tanned or very dark skin.

  • Yellow

Sunny, cheerful and very summery, yellow is also best selected based on its level of warmth. Pale or lightly tanned hands benefit from rich, warm yellow colors, while very tanned hands look even darker with light, lemon-colored polish. If your tan color is warm, shades of melon, honey and caramel are suitable.

  • Blue

This is a wonderful color that creates a spectacular contrast between tanned skin and beautiful “sea” colors. The most suitable are light or rich cold tones: sky, azure, aquamarine, turquoise, “sea wave”. Dark, dense, dull colors such as indigo or navi should be postponed until winter and pale skin of the hands.

  • Green

This color is very good, but you should focus either on very cold, “piercing” colors such as emerald and turquoise, which look contrasting on tanned hands, or on warm, luminous colors: khaki, green bronze, olive, grass green. If cool tones are good on a deep tan and look better in creamy and jelly-like consistency of polishes, then warmer tones are ideal for olive skin and look better in shimmer, glitter, metallic or sandy textures with shine.

Sparkle and Shine

Summer is the best time for experiments, so shiny and sparkling polishes will be very appropriate next to a tan. Warm metallics - gold, copper and bronze - are especially good. One condition is that they must differ from the color of the skin, be darker or lighter.

Metallics can also be darker varnishes, for example, plum, cherry and even black.

The best nail designs for tanned skin

Beautiful tanned skin will make an irresistible impression with any color of varnish (subject to careful hygienic manicure). If you want to add variety, you can take advantage of numerous design options. You can do it yourself, by hand, and if it doesn’t work out, then sliders, decals and stamping will come to the rescue.

  • It has long become a classic, but it does not have to be done in delicate or neutral colors. Bright colors go well with a tan - blue, mint, hot pink, lemon, turquoise, orange.
  • Floral patterns and images of butterflies, dragonflies and various insects never go out of fashion. This design is easily readable on lighter or translucent varnishes, on white and pastel backgrounds.
  • Saturated tones of varnishes - coral, orange, green, scarlet and so on - can be decorated with a scattering of rhinestones or sparkles. This style also goes well with a tan and glows stylishly in the evening light.
  • Abstract and geometric designs never go out of style. If you want to add variety, just add thin gold lace to the nail of the ring finger or a couple of contrasting lines on several nails. This will make the tan even more expressive.

Beautiful and well-groomed hands are the calling card of every woman. In society, people often look at manicures. A woman’s social status and sphere of activity can be unmistakably determined by her hands. And naturally, chic nails are the final element of a unique look. harmoniously complements a woman's appearance. In order for it to fit perfectly, you need to think through some points, such as the type of appearance of the woman, the shade of the outfit, and so on.

A manicure on tanned hands looks especially impressive. To make it look perfect, you must not forget the details and take time to select the color of varnish, pattern or rhinestones. To make your hands look elegant and stylish, they require careful care.

The main rules of manicure on tanned hands

Summer is that time of year when everything blooms and smells, the world gains color and becomes brighter. Women are also blossoming. They want to look irresistible and add colorful elements to their image. Choose rich, rich shades of varnish. But the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it.

This is why women are trying to get an even tan. To do this, some go to the sea coast, others (if this is not possible) visit solariums. A summer manicure will look great on tanned hands. Especially if it is chosen correctly. Since the shade of the polish is of great importance, you should spend a little time to decide on a color that will complement the dark, tanned skin of your hands.

Red shades

Red nail polishes look great on tanned, olive-toned hands. Such tones always look impressive. With this manicure you can go to a business meeting or party. For older women, red-orange color is suitable. This shade emphasizes natural beauty. It neutralizes the unpleasant, painful, reddish tint

Coral color is suitable for young girls. It looks rich and at the same time quite cute.

Yellow shades

A beautiful manicure on tanned hands with yellow varnish looks great. Bright colors are more suitable for pale skin. But lighter tones look good on dark-skinned women. To emphasize tanned hands, use honey-colored nail polish. This yellow shade looks natural and impressive.

Shiny shades

Many girls want their look to perfectly suit a specific time of year. Therefore, they carefully select not only wardrobe items, but also nail polish. But here it is important not to make a mistake with the color. Designers advise not to use golden and copper shades of varnish if the skin is heavily tanned. This way your hands will blend in with your nails and look very dull. The best shade for this skin color is silver and dark metal. A win-win option is black tourmaline. When performing a manicure on tanned hands in the summer, it is worth considering that dark nails look simply incomparable. At first the color will seem too dark, but once you get used to it, you will appreciate the elegance.

Blue shades

The sea is what a woman's dreams are about in summer. It is associated with blue shades. You can perform a manicure in neon, shiny colors. Cold aquamarine and pale blue also look interesting. It is better not to use colors such as classic blue and indigo, they clearly will not work, especially if the tan is already quite dark.

Green shades

Green is a summer color. At this time, all nature shines with colors, so many girls use bright colors to create an image. Among all the shades, this color predominates on tanned hands - it’s just a godsend. Emerald color looks great on hands. Designers also recommend a turquoise tone of varnish; it combines 2 shades: blue and green. You can decorate your nails of this color with silver or metallic rhinestones.

Nude and neutral shades

Such shades look not only on pale, but also on tanned skin. If a girl has not yet decided what manicure to do on her tanned hands, she can safely choose a shade from the nude palette. All tones from chocolate to light beige will look great.

Shades such as silver, white and gray look quite elegant and unusual on tanned hands. These neutral tones will suit almost any look.

How to do a manicure on tanned hands at home

Women sometimes tend to act impulsively. They want to quickly update their manicure and try another new color. But you first need to make an appointment at the salon and wait to see the master. But there is a way out - try to do your own manicure at home. To decide on the design of your future masterpiece, you can first look at a photo of a manicure on tanned hands. This will inspire and suggest possible options.

Design ideas

You can use your imagination in creating a manicure. Here are just a few nail design ideas:

  • The theme of the sea is in trend today more than ever. It is increasingly used for nail design in the summer. Both single-color painting with blue and blue varnish is popular, as is nail art, for which you need to use shades such as white, blue, and perhaps add red. These colors are suitable for tanned women and will highlight the skin of their hands. It’s very easy to make a simple manicure: completely paint your nail with one of the shades, and then, using available tools (adhesive tape and a thin brush), paint stripes with a different color. Vests are painted in this way, combining blue and white.
  • French or French manicure always looks stylish. It is suitable for both romantic and business looks. In a classic style, it is made in beige and white tones. But a manicure with rich, bright colors will look no worse. For example, you can highlight it with pale blue, cyan, and the upper part with white. Women who prefer romance should try lunar manicure. He is still at the peak of popularity.

  • The theme of flora is perfect for romantic natures. These women will love the idea of ​​decorating their nails with an interesting floral design. You can draw anything related to the topic: sunflowers, forget-me-nots, roses. Here you can give free rein to your imagination. The main thing is to adhere to a clear contour and lines. If the drawing doesn’t work out, don’t worry, you can correct it and make it “a la impressionism.”

To get inspiration, you can first look at a photo of a manicure on tanned hands. It’s easy to find interesting ideas for nail decoration. Flights of imagination are important here. Don’t be afraid to experiment: use a variety of colors, add rhinestones, lace and other additional materials.

It is important to keep track of the season in which your manicure is done. In summer, bright colors with lots of stickers and rhinestones are preferred. Interesting designs make the owner of such nails the center of attention. For autumn, girls choose natural or red shades. They suit any look and outfit. For some reason, winter causes depression in the fairer sex, which affects the condition of the nails. Girls prefer darker colors, mainly black, dark blue and purple. And in the spring, as soon as feelings awaken, pink is an integral color of the created image.

The first thing that comes to mind is a white color that really does the job well. It will highlight even slightly tanned skin. Pastel shades are also good - mint, light orange, lavender, vanilla, azure and others. You need to keep in mind that these colors are capricious: they look especially advantageous on short nails, the plate of which is perfectly smooth. Otherwise, the texture will be uneven and the varnish will streak.

Blue, turquoise, green - win-win options

All shades of greenery, bright sky and sea are ideal for a seaside holiday. Colors should be bright, even neon colors are acceptable. Only those with pronounced veins on their hands need to be more careful. Otherwise, any of these rich colors will contrast wonderfully with your tan.

Red, coral, pink - be careful!

All berry shades are the most summer colors. Bright sea buckthorn, raspberry, lingonberry, strawberry, cherry - will look great on nails of any shape and length. There is one drawback: those with pink undertones need to be careful with scarlet shades. To contrast the leather with the polish, it is better to stick to neon tones or cool shades.

Sequins, mother-of-pearl and design - for the most daring

Minimalist design, holes, geometric lines, polka dots, fruits (watermelons are especially popular), palm trees and sea motifs (for example, anchors) - decorate your fingers with various designs. The leading place is still occupied by ombre design: when one color smoothly transitions into another. Compositions with glitter are also beautiful, the main thing is a sense of proportion.

Summer is a favorite time for vacation. If you are going to spend it on the beach, stock up not only with suitable beauty products, but also with an arsenal to look your best.

Polish shades for tanned skin

We warn everyone who plans to travel to hot countries: not all shades of nail polish are suitable for tanned skin. Once upon a time in school, during art lessons, we were told about the difference between warm and cold shades - it’s time to remember this. Warm shades are shown for dark skin. The most winning nail polish colors are red, coral, cherry, gold, khaki, orange and yellow.

Manicure for short nails

© nail_unistella

White polish perfectly highlights a tan and is never dull against a tan. This option is especially good for short nails - it looks simple and elegant.

© nailsbyharlig

An interesting solution is multi-colored nail art. This manicure creates a vacation mood even in the office.

© nailsbyharlig

A light brown polish with a pinkish undertone is a must-have for those with tanned skin. It softly highlights her warm tone and looks understatedly elegant.

© nailsbyharlig

A win-win option for tanned people is lemon-yellow nail polish. A laconic solution that benefits the skin. If after your vacation you want a simple but original manicure, this is your color.

The symbol of summer is rich berry shades. Warm pink and cherry red versions of the polishes perfectly complement the tan.

If you do not consider yourself a fan of nail art, but you are bored with a plain manicure, choose a different shade for each nail from the red palette: orange, coral, red, variations of pink.

Manicure for long nails

Pale pink polish is a faithful tanning companion. Does a simple pink finish seem too boring? Then add a geometric pattern to it in subdued colors.

Fruit is another association with summer. On vacation, we often treat ourselves to exotic fruits. And their image on the nails can make a summer manicure fun and bright. We wrote more about nail design with fruits.

A light vacation feeling will be created by multi-colored dots on a transparent background.

The combination of pink and green is one of the most spectacular in manicure. Look how original asymmetrical green leaves look on your nails.

© nail_unistella

Red color will highlight the golden undertone of tanned skin. If a classic manicure with red polish seems banal, combine matte and glossy finishes.

Which design suits tanned skin?

Silvery holes serve as a link between the soft pink color of the base coat and the bronze tint of the tan.

An option for the brave is a combination of black polish and gold broths laid out on the nails in the shape of stars. You definitely won't be able to go unnoticed with this design.

© nail_unistella

To prevent the manicure from turning out too pretentious, it is better to “plant” rhinestones and stickers on a transparent coating.

Remember: for an interesting design to meet all expectations, your nails must be properly prepared. How exactly is shown in our video.

Which summer manicure for tanned skin did you like best?

It's rare to meet a woman who doesn't strive to be perfect. Moreover, this applies to everything - appearance, clothing. Ladies who have already celebrated their 30th birthday take especially good care of themselves. After all, it is at this age that the first age-related changes begin to appear, which, unfortunately, do not make a woman younger. It is reliably known that one of the first signs of aging is felt by the hands of beautiful ladies. But they can also be made smoother, more beautiful and fresher. To do this, you just need to choose the right nail polish. For example, those women who want to make their hands look younger should opt for varnishes in natural shades. In addition, the priority is coral, gold, nude shades and the classic French jacket, which has been popular for many years.

You also need to choose the shade of varnish that will match the color of your skin. If you have light skin on your hands, then pay attention to mint, pink and other pastel shades. But for a lady with dark skin, shades from a dark palette are better suited - brown, gold, dark burgundy, and deep wine. True, if you can already notice age-related changes on your hands, then you should forget about crimson, bright red and wine shades, because they will only highlight the imperfections of your skin. If you want to visually rejuvenate the skin of your hands, then try to choose glossy varnishes or other shiny coatings that can attract the attention of others and distract the eyes of strangers from the less than ideal skin of your hands.

Many experts advise choosing nail polishes that will perfectly suit your color type. For example, women with the summer color type should choose muted, soft shades, including those with a pleasant bluish tint. The following colors will suit you perfectly: pink-bluish, cold beige, lavender, calm pink. A delicate translucent pinkish nail polish is also perfect. But for women with the winter color type, bright, contrasting, but at the same time cold colors are intended. They should choose bright red, rich pink, violet, cherry, purple colors. You should not buy clear varnishes. Now a few words should be said about the autumn color type. As many can guess, these are rich and warm fall nail polish colors. These are tomato red, golden brown, burgundy, caramel, light brown, cinnamon color. Women with an autumn color type should choose matte, opaque polishes without shine. And the last one is the spring color type. These are light, clean, warm colors of varnishes, for example, beige-orange, orange-pink, peach.

When dreaming of a perfect manicure, do not forget about proper care. Every day in the summer and even several times a day you need to use a moisturizing hand cream, and in the off-season and winter - a nourishing cream. If you want to quickly and effectively get your hands in order, then take silicone hand cream. As a result, they will quickly become taut and smooth. By the way, not only the nail polish you choose is very important, but also their shape. So, if your natural nail shape is not at all ideal, then it is recommended to do extensions of a suitable and comfortable length for you.

Ksenia Sergeeva

Ask what type of manicure to choose for women who have celebrated their thirtieth birthday? The ideal option is a rejuvenating manicure! It perfectly tightens the skin of the hands. This manicure includes a high-quality hand massage with whitening and smoothing lifting creams. As a result, the skin becomes smoother, becomes younger and brighter, and dry hands disappear.
