Square wide face: makeup features. Square wide face: makeup features Stars with an oval face shape

Correctly selected makeup for a square face can smooth out all the imperfections of this shape and give the image femininity and neatness. Knowing and skillfully using all the secrets of makeup, you can make any appearance more attractive.

About the square shape

The main problem of a square face is equal contour lines in width and height, a wide low forehead and a large lower part. Such shape features can be easily veiled with makeup. A clear jawline gives a decisive and firm look, but in some cases it can look harsh. To soften a wide, massive jaw, you need to choose makeup that will visually stretch and lengthen your face. This will remove emphasis from problem areas.

The main task of those with a square contour should be to smooth and soften the lines to give the face an ideal oval shape. This effect can be achieved using all modern makeup tools. You will need to adjust the contours using foundation and blush. Lip and eye makeup, eyebrow shape are also very important. They play a decisive role in creating a delicate feminine look. The created look should distract from rough lines, softening them as much as possible.

A special feature of makeup should be the shading of sharp corners and the correction of rigid square proportions. A wide line of the forehead and cheekbones, a massive jaw - all this can cause a lot of inconvenience, but skillful makeup can work wonders and can easily correct all these flaws, turning them into the highlight of the image.

Using foundation and blush for square face shapes

You can visually elongate the square shape using a foundation. This cosmetic product is used to darken the sides of the face and narrow the chin area.

If you have a square shaped face...

The use of foundation follows certain rules:

  1. Hydration. This stage is mandatory and will guarantee long-lasting makeup. A good moisturizing or nourishing cream according to your skin type is used as a base.
  2. Makeup base will even out the surface of the skin and prepare the face for subsequent manipulations.
  3. Used as the main foundation tone exactly the same color as your skin. The additional foundation should be a couple of shades darker.
  4. Lighter base is used to outline the oval of the face, and the dark one will hide the parts that are outside the oval. A dark shade will allow you to remove attention from problem areas. For work, it is better to use a brush, and the application itself should be strictly vertical. The transition between shades should be as blurry as possible.
  5. Also used to change the shape of the nose dark base. If you apply it to the wings and tip of the nose, you can visually make it smaller.
  6. The final step is to use powders. This will blur the boundaries and consolidate the result.

These rules will also be appropriate if you need to do corrective makeup for a rectangular face.

When applying blush, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The side areas are highlighted with brown or bronze blush. It is dark colors that can elongate the face in the best way. Blush is applied diagonally, rising to the cheekbones.
  2. A light pink shade of blush is applied to the cheeks. This will distract attention from sharp corners and refresh the image.
  3. For girls with drooping corners of the lips, blush is applied in a horizontal direction, which will avoid an upset and mournful expression.

Eyebrow correction, eye and lip makeup

Proper eye makeup and eyebrow modeling will allow you to adjust the proportions of your face, which will hide the overly sharp lines of the square.

It is better to choose a shortened eyebrow shape with a slight bend at the end. The best option is if the eyebrows are not very thick. If necessary, you can use a pencil or shadow that will emphasize the expressiveness of your face. The shade of cosmetics should be a couple of shades darker than the natural hair color.

Beautiful eye makeup will attract attention, which will distract from the flaws in appearance. Correct makeup is based on the following key points:

  • the arrows should have an ascending shape;
  • It is necessary to paint only the upper eyelashes;
  • for those with small moving eyelids, it is better not to use dark or pearlescent shades;
  • shading of shadows must be done in a vertical direction;
  • For close-set eyes, it is better to use light shadows, which should be applied to the inner corners;
  • when combining shades of shadows, they should all belong to the same color;
  • Contrasting colors are prohibited, as they will draw attention to shortcomings;
  • It is better not to apply shadows to the lower eyelid, especially if there are bruises under the eyes;
  • A dark gray pencil will be preferable to black, as it can add expressiveness without reducing the size of the eyes.

Correctly adjusting the lip contour can make your face appear less wide. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. The contour pencil should have a shade as close as possible to the natural color of the lips.
  2. The boundaries should not be clearly defined, but for this you need to use a soft brush for shading.
  3. It is better to choose a lipstick color that is not very expressive (pink, coral, beige).
  4. With the help of gloss you need to add volume to your lips. It is applied to the upper and lower lip in the central part.
  5. For small, thin lips, gloss is applied over the entire surface.

It is better to choose cosmetics for daytime makeup in lighter pastel shades. For a festive make-up, darker and more saturated colors are suitable. In this case, you should be guided by the recommendations presented and do not forget about the main rule of high-quality makeup: the emphasis is placed only on the eyes or only on the lips.

A square face shape is characterized by a wide forehead and cheekbones, and a massive chin. Another feature of this type of appearance is the length of the face, which matches the width. All these features cause a lot of inconvenience to their owners, but any shortcomings can be corrected by proper makeup for a square face.

The main task of corrective makeup in this case is to smooth out sharp corners, giving the features femininity and neatness. Many famous celebrities have square proportions. However, they skillfully use makeup for a square face shape, which helps them to be irresistible. These makeup secrets are available to everyone.

Changing the outline

The main task of square-type face makeup is to smooth out sharp corners and bring the outline closer to an ideal oval. Usually the areas on the sides of the forehead and chin are darkened.

When applying decorative cosmetics, you must be extremely careful. You should carefully shade the boundaries between different shades and products so as not to get a heavy, heavy face. Gradually apply cosmetics to a square-type face as follows:

Blush plays a very important role in corrective make-up for this type of face. By applying them to the cheekbones in the right way, you can not only give your face freshness, but also make the corners less prominent. The rules for applying blush are as follows:

  1. The bronze shade should be applied diagonally to the cheekbones with a wide brush.
  2. The cheeks can be highlighted with a light pink tint. This technique will refresh your face and help visually reduce your cheekbones.

If you have low-hanging corners of your lips, you need to be especially careful when applying blush to your cheekbones. It is better to perform movements horizontally to avoid an upset facial expression.

Makeup for correcting square-shaped faces

Eye makeup and eyebrow shaping

Eyebrows can not only visually enlarge your eyes, but also radically change the proportions of your face. The correct eyebrow shape for a square face is a shortened line of medium thickness that is slightly curved into a rounded shape. Naturally expressionless hairs should be emphasized with a pencil or eye shadow. The shade must be chosen based on the natural color of the hair, but choose 1-2 shades darker. A modeling gel can give your face a more fresh and well-groomed look; you just need to apply a small amount of it to a special brush and comb the hairs from bottom to top.

Applying decorative cosmetics to the eyes also has its own characteristics for those with a square face shape. Properly selected cosmetics and makeup techniques help hide any imperfections in appearance. The secrets to giving charm to your eyes are as follows:

  • Horizontal arrows must be avoided. They will put undue emphasis on a square face shape. To smooth out the angularity, the lines must be drawn in ascending directions.
  • It is better not to paint over the lower eyelashes, limiting yourself only to the upper ones. As a last resort, you can paint over the outer corner of the lower eyelashes. Mascara must be applied to the upper eyelashes.
  • The distance between close-set eyes can be visually increased slightly if you apply shadows in muted pastel colors.

  • Shadows applied to the lower eyelid visually increase dark circles under the eyes, so they must be used in this area with extreme caution.
  • If your eyes are small, it is not recommended to use dark shades, as well as shadows with glitter and pearlescent.
  • If several shades of shadow are used, they should all be shades of the same color. Contrasting tones on the eyelids will draw attention to the geometry of the face.

The ideal shade of eyeliner would be dark gray. It gives expressiveness without reducing the size of the eyes. Those with a square face shape should not use black. Shades of shadows must be chosen depending on the color of the iris.

A massive forehead and prominent cheekbones, a large lower jaw are the main characteristics of a square face shape. Since a square face is rather rough (usually the upper and lower parts are balanced with each other; this leads to the fact that the face looks massive and heavy), girls are often dissatisfied with its shape and try to correct large features. Well-chosen makeup will help disguise the disadvantages of appearance.

Many famous actresses have a square face: Sandra Bullock, Demi Moore, Keira Knightley, Angelina Jolie and many others. They hide their flaws behind the right makeup.

Makeup for a square face shape: detailed instructions

Thanks to simple makeup, a wide face can be made softer, bringing it closer to an oval shape. To do this, you need to smooth out all the protruding corners in the area of ​​the forehead, cheekbones and lower jaw.

Step-by-step facial correction occurs using ordinary cosmetics, which are available in almost every girl’s arsenal:

  1. Foundation. You need a foundation that is perfectly matched to your skin tone. Also use a foundation one shade darker. Apply the cream to your face using a brush to create an oval shape. Beyond the boundaries of the resulting oval, apply foundation one shade darker. It is necessary that the transition from a light tone to a dark one be as soft as possible and not noticeable: this will visually narrow the features of a wide face and hide its heaviness. To correct a wide nose, apply a small amount of dark cream to the side wings and bridge of the nose. To hide the boundaries of tones, apply powder on top.
  2. Blush. Blush is applied from the cheekbones to the temples, shading and going over them a little (make a rectangle shape). This visually reduces the cheekbones and makes the face smoother. You can use bronze, brown, pink and coral shades, which are most in harmony with the color of your eyes and hair.
  3. Brows. Correct and beautiful eyebrow shape is very important if a woman has a square face shape. The eyebrows should be slightly arched and raised towards the ends. Expressive eyebrows can be emphasized with shadows or a pencil (a tone or two darker than your natural hair color). To make your face fresh and well-groomed, just apply a little gel along the eyebrow growth: it will give them a clearer shape and completeness.

Correct makeup for a square face: eyes and lips

Eye makeup should be given special attention. Bright and beautifully painted eyes attract and divert attention from other facial imperfections. There are a few key things to keep in mind as you apply your makeup.

When drawing arrows on the eyelids, draw them not in a horizontal direction, but in an upward direction towards the eyebrows, lifting their ends.

It is better to paint only the upper eyelashes with mascara, this will make them more airy. If you have a small moving eyelid, it is advisable not to apply dark shades of shadow. It is better to shade the shadows with strokes in a vertical direction.

For girls with close-set eyes, it is advisable to apply light shadows. To visually widen the eyes, shadows are applied to the inner corners. To hide bags and dark circles under the eyes, apply shadow only to the upper eyelid. Eye makeup for such a face should be in one tone; a multi-colored palette will make it heavier.

To smooth out a square face, you need to slightly lengthen the shape of your lips. To do this, use a pencil as close as possible to the tone of your lipstick to outline their outline. Using a special lip brush, spread the pencil borders so that they are barely noticeable. To add volume, apply gloss along the upper and lower lips in the middle, on top of the lipstick.

Owners of a square face often want to make it more sophisticated, soft, and more feminine. Makeup for a square face will help them with this.
Makeup for a square face can give your features the look you want. This face shape is characterized by pronounced wide cheekbones and a fairly broad forehead.
The square face shape is considered one of the most difficult. Even the smallest mistake when creating makeup can become very noticeable and make the face look even heavier. Makeup for a square face will make your face sophisticated and very beautiful. Even if God created your face not ideal, then makeup for a square face will fix it!

It is very easy to achieve the desired result using a regular set of your cosmetics. You just need to hide and highlight all the advantages and disadvantages of your face with the help of foundation and blush.

Makeup tricks for a square face.

To start doing makeup for a square face, comb your hair back, completely open your face in order to appreciate the true shape of the face, choose those places that need correction, and avoid making mistakes when applying corrective cosmetics.
To create an oval face contour, you need the usual cosmetic set - concealer, powder, several shades of makeup base and blush.
To create a contour, the most suitable concealers are those that have a creamy texture - they are much lighter than a regular makeup base.
The first thing you need to do to create makeup for a square face is to apply a makeup base. You need to evaluate the contours of your face and mentally imagine the ideal shape. Everything that is unnecessary in this form in reality needs adjustment.
The greatest attention should be paid to the lines of the forehead. I would like to soften these lines, creating the illusion of curved lines. This is done using two different shades of makeup foundation. A darker shade should be applied to those parts that need to be hidden, and a lighter shade to those areas that need to be emphasized.
Apply a dark shade of foundation to the sides of your forehead and blend well to create a curve. Use light powder to highlight the eye area, chin and center of the forehead to brighten the eyes and draw more attention to the center of the face, thereby drawing attention away from a heavy, square jaw.
Makeup for a square face keeps one secret - the right combination of darker and lighter shades. With their help, you can both emphasize and, conversely, visually hide individual areas.
Apply a dark shade of blush to your cheekbones in the shape of a triangle, with the corners elongated towards the temples. This way we focus attention on the center of the face.
With this face shape, it is quite important to place the most important emphasis on the eyes. These can be long, wide arrows and bright shadows. Eyes should be noticeable and expressive.
Makeup for a square face ends with lip makeup. The shape of the lips should be made short, as this will only make the cheekbones wider. The pencil should only be used when you want to correct the shape of your lips, but you should not forget to shade it well. Apply a little gloss to the middle of your lips, this will be the final touch to your makeup.

Owners of a square face are often dissatisfied with their appearance, since such a face has its own shortcomings and characteristics. To hide them, you need to know the rules of makeup.


Most girls don’t like the massive features of their square faces, and they try to correct them with makeup. To do this you need to know a few rules:

    Wide parts should be darkened- cheekbones, chin, nose, forehead, since the main task is to visually reduce the face and give it an oval shape;

    The main part of the face must be lightened with cosmetics. This will make it visually longer;

    You need to focus on the advantages. If you have plump lips or big eyes, then they need to be highlighted.

By following these rules, every girl with a square shape will be able to soften the lines and highlight the best aspects of her appearance.

Rules and stages of correction

To visually transform a square shape, you should adhere to a certain algorithm for applying makeup. Step-by-step correction with its help looks like this:

  • Changing the shape and wide lines of the face using tonal products:

      To begin with, the skin should be moisturized with cream or makeup base. This will help the foundation to be evenly distributed in the future;

      Choose two shades of foundation. One should be similar to the natural complexion, and the second should be 1-2 shades darker. It is recommended to apply the cream with a brush, so it will lie smoother and will not give the effect of a mask.

      Using a foundation similar in color to your face shade, you need to draw an oval. Next, carefully blend the lines and apply the cream to the main part of the face. Areas of skin that remain untouched should be tinted with a darker color and shaded;

      If the nose stands out strongly in the general plan, it should be slightly shaded with a cream a shade darker. To do this, it is applied to the wings and thoroughly shaded. Apply powder and light-colored concealer on top;

      Correction of cheekbones and cheeks occurs with the help of blush. For this, only light-colored products are used. There is no need to shade them close to the lips, as this will accentuate the wide chin. The blush line should end at lip level;

      The forehead and chin are lightened with foundation, powder or light-colored concealer.

Once the face has acquired an attractive oval shape, you should move on to the next step.

  • Eyebrow correction:

      To begin with, the eyebrows should be given the correct shape. In this case, they should not be too thin or wide. Preference should be given to shortened eyebrows and a curved shape. They should not be made straight or round;

      It is not recommended to dye or line your hair black. Even if they themselves are black, there is no need to emphasize them again. The color of the eyebrow pencil should be chosen based on your hair color or a shade lighter.

  • Make up eyes:

      For girls with narrow or small eyes, arrows will be a real salvation. They need to be slightly raised up in the corners of the eyes. Black eyeliners are suitable for evening makeup, and gray or smoky eyeliners are suitable for daytime makeup;

      The shadow palette should be monochromatic. For close-set eyes, it is recommended to apply light shadows to the inner corners, and for far-set eyes, on the contrary, dark colors. The choice of eyeshadow shade depends on the type of makeup and the event;

      Don't forget about tinting your eyelashes. The upper hairs should be carefully painted with mascara in several layers. The lower ones should be covered only in the corners.

  • Lip Shape:

      Using a lip pencil you can increase or decrease their size. The color should be chosen close to the natural shade of the lips;

      A bright lipstick color is only appropriate for evening makeup. During the day, preference should be given to a neutral shade of gloss or lip balm.


Daytime makeup is distinguished by calm shades and careful preparation of the skin. Before applying cosmetics, it should be cleaned with a scrub, treated with toner and moisturized with cream or makeup base. This is followed by the application of flesh-colored foundation and cool-toned blush. All products are thoroughly shaded, and excess is removed with a napkin. The emphasis should be on only one detail of the face.

During the day it is better to highlight the eyes. For this purpose, several colors are selected from the same range. The palette should be in harmony with the eye color.

The boundaries between several shadows should be carefully shaded. A rich black mascara would be appropriate. For lips, choose nude colors of lipstick or gloss.


For evening makeup, it is also important to prepare the skin - cleanse with tonic or foam and apply a base. For the evening, the face should be adjusted according to all the rules. First, give it the correct oval, then construct the main part. Eyes or lips can be highlighted more brightly.

For lips, a scarlet or red lipstick is suitable. For the eyes - the “smoky eyes” technique. You can choose darker shades of shadows. Arrows would also be appropriate in this makeup. They can be of different lengths and thicknesses.

It is better to choose black eyeliner. Particular care must be taken to highlight both the upper and lower eyelashes.

How to do the right makeup for a square-shaped face - in the video below.
