Educational activities. Program of educational activities

This event will help to form the qualities on which the culture of behavior depends; reveal the concepts of “truthfulness”, “honesty”, “responsibility”, “responsiveness”, cultivate a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance. The path to kindness is not an easy, long path, on which a person expects ups and downs, descents and ascents, alternation of good and evil. Being truly kind is sometimes difficult. A person must learn to analyze his actions.

Target: Continue to acquaint students with universal human values, to form moral qualities personality of a junior school student


To form in students ethical ideas, knowledge about the categories of good and evil;

The ability to see beauty in the simple and ordinary;

The ability to give warmth and kindness;

Contribute to the development of children’s horizons, ability to think and reason;

To develop students’ aesthetic, spiritual and moral abilities;

To instill in children a sense of kindness, politeness, attention and friendship, and the ability to value loved ones.

Form of delivery: pedagogical workshop

Technology: The pedagogical workshop is interesting because it combines:

a) gaming (simulation modeling technologies). Characteristic feature This technology is the modeling of vital (practice-oriented) situations and the search for ways to solve them. Organizational forms can be business games, role-playing and story-based travel games, didactic game. Experimentation and modeling as teaching techniques;

b) communication and research technologies. Organization of the educational process in the community, work in groups, dialogue, discussion. Organizational form – joint search for a solution problem situations based active interaction all participants in the process.

The use of these technologies requires the implementation of a pedagogical model:

“I know, but not everything – I would like to know – I found out”


Search engines;


Gaming (simulation of vital situations in story game).



Good afternoon guys!

Good afternoon, ours Dear Parents, guests!

Today we will talk about something very important and eternal...

This word is serious

The main thing, the important thing,

What it means

Very necessary for everyone.

It contains care and affection,

Warmth and love.

There is aspiration in him

Come to the rescue again and again.

This is quality

Lives in the hearts of many

And about the pain of others

Doesn't let you forget.

And it's more important

Than facial beauty.

Can you guess what it is?

Hearts of kindness!

Kindness…. What does this word mean? (children's statement)

This is all good, kind, beautiful.

- “Kindness is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others”

What kind of person can be called kind? (children's statement)

A kind person is one who loves people and animals, who is ready to Hard time to help.

A kind person loves nature and takes care of it.

A kind person loves birds and animals, helps them survive in winter cold.

A kind person tries to be neat, polite and attentive when communicating with friends and adults.

Of course, kindness, mercy, joy and concern for other people create the basis of human happiness.

Teacher: Guys, do you know any proverbs about kindness?

Proverbs about kindness

In proverbs and sayings different nations there is confirmation of this.

    A kind person brings peace.

    If you do good, you will find good.

    It's better to be a kind freak than an evil handsome one.

    Good and the dog does not forget.

    A good horse does not get tired, a good person does not refuse help

    Kindness begets kindness.

    Learn good things - bad things will not come to mind.

    Speak boldly about a good deed.

    Life is given for good deeds

    It’s bad to live without a kind word.

    A good word heals, but an evil word cripples.

    A good man does good, perhaps, without knowing that this hurts the soul of the scoundrel.

    It is not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds.

    The evil one cries from envy, and the good one from joy.

    Kind words are more valuable than wealth.

    If there is no good in him, there is little truth in him.

    Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.

    Who loves good deeds, life is sweet to him.

    Managed to do something wrong, and managed to obey.

    An affectionate word that the sun is in bad weather.

    It’s bad for someone who doesn’t do good to anyone.

    A kind word also pleases the cat.

    Good deeds make a person beautiful.

It's warm in the sun, and good in mother's presence.

Well done! How many proverbs do you know about kindness?

Teacher: Learning to truly be kind is difficult. The path to kindness is not easy; ups and downs, evil and good await a person on it. Every person, big and small, has their own path to kindness.

Game "Compliment".

Now we will play simple game. I have a toy in my hands. I pass it to the person standing next to me. At the same time, I call him by name and tell him something pleasant; the next one should do the same.

Teacher: You see how nice it is when people call you by name and say something nice. You should always do this in life.

Along the roads of fairy tales...

Now, guys, let’s remember which fairy-tale characters did good deeds and brought joy to those around them. We need to guess who we are talking about.

1. This fairy-tale hero wore wide-brimmed hat. With a beautiful barrel organ, he walked around the cities, earning his living by singing and music. He saved the dolls from the evil Karabas-Barabas and opened a wonderful theater for them. (Papa Carlo)

2. Treated animals and birds, saved sick animals of Africa (Aibolit)

3. These were the favorite flowers of the girl who turned out to be stronger than the Snow Queen and saved her friend from captivity in the ice (Gerda)

4. This girl used the last petal to help a sick boy get better. (Zhenya from “ Seven-flowered flower» Kataeva)

5. This fairy-tale hero helped his master become a marquis, marry a princess and become the owner of a huge castle.

6. This dog was the inseparable friend of the girl who helped the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion find what they lacked in life.

What is the difference between these fabulous good cause, interfere with evil.

What hero would you like to be like? Why?

Song "If you are kind..."

Children read poetry.

    Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello and talk

Good morning! Sun and birds!

Good morning! - Smiling faces!

And everyone becomes kind and trusting
let Good morning lasts until the evening!

    Don't stand by indifferently.

When someone is in trouble.

Need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if it helps someone, someone

Your kindness, your smile,

Are you happy that the day was not lived in vain?

That you have not lived for years in vain!

    And how we need kind words!

We have convinced ourselves of this more than once,

Or maybe it’s not words – it’s deeds that are important?

Deeds are deeds, and words are words.

They live with each of us,

At the bottom of the soul are stored until time,

To pronounce them at that very hour,

When others need them.

M. Lisyansky.

Guys, you and I were participants in many useful and interesting things to do

Leading. A kind person always smiles and gives his smile to the people around him.

You smile like the sun splashes,

Leaving the gate in the morning,

You see, in everyone's life,

Enough troubles and worries...

Do we really love gloomy faces?

Or whose angry speech is it

And ignite a response spark.

    Busy with good deeds at home,

Kindness walks quietly

Good morning here

Good afternoon and good hour

Good evening,

Good night

It was good yesterday

And where do you ask

Is there so much kindness in the house?

Flowers are taking root

Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?

I'll answer you straight:

It's mom, mom, mom!

Teacher: It’s so good when there is a lot of kindness on your faces at home, at school, but if there is good and evil on our planet, then people can do both good and evil deeds. I would like to invite you to listen

poem by Fyodor Abramov “Puppy”.

Abandoned, he went to where the people were.

And sat down near the garage,

Small intermittent trembling

Shivering in the morning frost.

Wet frost stuck together my eyelashes,

A look of longing asked for participation,

Only everyone passing by

He took away some of the dog's hopes.

Why doesn't anyone notice?

Has he not eaten anything for a long time?

And now, for a slice of bread

He gave half his life

Life is for the hand that gave it!

Suddenly he jumped up...

And happiness and frost

Choked, whipped off my feet

Then someone whistled invitingly to him,

Good stranger!

Master of the future smells,

The dog runs straight through the snow

And... flies, thrown back by the heavy,

Forged tarpaulin boot.

The puppy howled from unbearable pain

(the football player, apparently, was a master...)

Get used to it, little cripple.

First meeting with a person

It often happens like this...

In conversation this same guy

He once said about a friend:

“Is he a man?

Dog, dog! I wouldn't call him anything else..."

How can you call this person's action? (children's statements)

What boy is this? (children's statement)

What is evil? (children's statement)

Of course, it is impossible to cause even the slightest suffering, not to one animal creature on our earth, not to people, not to animals. Those heartless people who abuse animals, who throw cats and dogs into the streets, dooming them to hunger and cold, are worthy of condemnation. Those people who humiliate and insult others do not respect elders who offend younger ones.

Who loves dogs or other animals

Serious kittens

And carefree puppies.

Who can love a goat and a donkey?

The one to people forever

Will do no harm

Teacher: Guys, you told me that a kind person should also be polite.

What kind of person can we call polite? (children's statement)

A polite words You know?

Game "Polite words".

If by word or deed

Did anyone help you?

Don't be shy loudly, boldly

Talk….(thank you)

If you meet an acquaintance,

Whether on the street or at home,

Don't be silent, don't be shy

And don't pretend to be dumb

Hurry up to say hello

Say it loudly... (hello)

If you ask for anything,

First of all, don't forget

Open your lips

And say...(please)

If you accidentally offended someone

Or you accidentally stepped on your foot.

Just don't be silent

Don’t wait too long, but tell me... (sorry)

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word... (thank you)

- The old stump will turn green,

When he hears... (good afternoon)

- Boy, polite and developed

He says, meeting... (hello)

-When we are scolded for pranks,

Let's talk... (sorry, please)

-Both in France and Denmark

In parting they say...(goodbye)

Game “Polite - impolite.”

I will ask questions, and you all together, in unison, will answer - politely or impolitely.

Say hello when we meet?

Pushing and not apologizing?

Help pick up a fallen item?

Don't take off your hat when you enter school?

Saying “Thank you” for a gift?

To talk loudly?

Say hello when we meet?

Interrupt during a conversation?

Call an offensive word neighbor?

Apologize for being late?

Leave and not say goodbye?

To help parents?

Don't give up your seat to elders on the bus?

Run through the corridors, knocking everyone down?

Two students appear on stage, read like a dialogue

poem by B. Zakhoder “We are friends.”

In appearance we are not very similar:
Petka is fat, I'm thin

We are not alike, but still
You can't splash us with water!
The point is that he and I -
Bosom friends!
We do everything together:
Even together... we are falling behind!
Friendship is friendship, however,
And we had a fight...
We fought honestly
As friends should:
- I'll knock!
- I'll crack!
How will he give it?
- How can I give it to you!
Briefcases soon came into use.
Books flew into the air.
In a word, I won’t be modest -
The fight went nowhere!
Just look - what kind of miracle is this?
Water flows from us like a stream!
This is Borka's sister
She doused us with a bucket!
And she still laughs:
- You are really friends!
You cannot be spilled with water!

Teacher: That's what friends are like! But what do you call such friendship, judge for yourself?

. Teacher: But not always only words have to be kind.

Actions should also be such that neither I, nor your parents, nor friends have to blush for them. It’s unpleasant to watch when friends quarrel, when a person praises himself and becomes arrogant.

Poem "Two Friends" (pre-prepared children read)

Gulyaev Kolya beat me:

Why did I throw a snowball?

But I didn’t cry at all,

I silently swallowed my tears.

I came home and slammed the doors.

He fell face down onto the bed.

I once believed in friendship!

But there can be no more friendship!

And we were going to share everything,

Like real friends!

To apply for one ship:

A sailor - you, a sailor - me!

We wanted to travel around the world together

Swim up and down...

Ah, Kolka. Kolka, what are you doing?

Didn’t you save such friendship?

You didn't save a good dream,

And now it’s all over!

But whose footsteps are in our hallway?

Who opened the door quietly?

Yes, this is Kolka - it’s not so bold

He entered with his head bowed:

Sorry! Are you angry? Get to work!

Trouble is, I'm so hot!

I go up to him to make peace

And I tell him: - Well then!

I'm not angry: why be angry?

I knew you would come!

Guys, what is friendship? (children's statement)

What is friendship?

This is a clear conscience

And the soul is open

This is what they have believed since ancient times.

What is friendship?

Friendship is equality

And friendship without equality

Nobody likes it.

What is friendship?

If things get tight

Then in everything, like on yourself,

Lean on a friend.

What is friendship?

Strong support

Together faithful friends

They can move mountains.

What is friendship?

This is happiness children

This sky is clear

Peace on the entire planet!

Teacher: Guys, look, good and evil are always nearby. But good always triumphs over evil, and now we will listen

poem "Let's be friends"

Let's be

Be friends with each other

Like birds with the sky,

Like a field with a plow

Like the wind and the sea,

Grass with rain

How the sun is friendly

With all of us!

Let's strive for that

So that they love us

Both the beast and the bird

And they trusted us everywhere

As the most faithful

To my friends!

Let's take care of the planet,

All over the universe

There is no similar one.

All alone in the whole universe,

What will she do without us?

What is good and what is bad"

If you study with "5"

Discipline too.

I can tell you:

It couldn't be better!

If you are a talker and a liar,

And a big rascal

I can tell you:

This is very bad!

If you shared it with a friend

You are your candies -

You did well, -

Everyone will say this!

You found out someone else's secret

And he smashed it right away,

This is bad, nothing worse.

It's even mean!

If you filed in front of everyone

Girl's coat

You are a cultured person

World boy!

If you are like a wild animal.

You immediately go to fight.

Believe me, you are not worthy

To be called a man!

If you warmed up the cat,

you feed the birds in the cold,

It's just beauty

That's the only way it's needed!

You hit dog eye,

Threw the cat into a puddle.

Rest assured - 40 times

You are worse than dogs!

Respect the people around you:

The older ones, the younger ones too.

And then you, my friend,

They'll call it good!

If you are among the guys,

Lonely as at sea

It's only your fault

In this bitter grief.

And now we will listen to ditties and think if there are any such guys among you.


About your childish affairs

We will sing to you in verse

We'll tell you everything without hiding,

You all exclaim: “Ah!”

The guys are fighting for me

How pugnacious the roosters are.

It would be better if you wrote to me

Heartfelt poems.

Aunt Sima asked

Get Vitya down into the attic.

Sorry Aunt Sima,

I'm not your farmhand at all.

The train includes three youths:

Wow, there are so many people here!

Take your seats guys

Otherwise the grandmothers will take over.

I'm a fighting girl

I made myself a friend.

I carry my school bag

His grandmother for now.

Petya deftly catches fish,

Can make boats

Just “Hello” and “Thank you”

Can't speak.

The lazy mother says:

Make your bed!

I would have removed my mother

Only I'm still small.

Oh, the ditties are good

We sing them with all our hearts.

But don't yawn either,

And feel free to sing along.

We sang to you from our hearts

School ditties.

We are not at all tired -

I feel sorry for your ears

Well, are there any such guys among you?

“Hurry to do good!”

All people need kindness

Let there be more good ones.

It’s not in vain that they say when we meet

“Good afternoon” and “Good evening.”

And it’s not for nothing that we have

Wishes "Good morning."

Kindness is from time immemorial

Human decoration...

Teacher: You are still children, but many glorious deeds await you ahead. You will make our planet beautiful. But first you must grow up to be real people. And this means: brave, responsive, polite, kind, hardworking. After all, doing good, doing good is great. And through life you must walk the Road of goodness.

Let's finish our extracurricular activity a song called:


And today I thank everyone for the warm conversation, for the kind thoughts, for the creative attitude to work.

Kind words are roots.

Good thoughts are flowers.

Good deeds are fruits.

kind hearts– gardens.

Take care of your garden and do not let it become overgrown with weeds, fill it with sunlight, kind words and good deeds.

Extracurricular activity

spiritually moral education

"Dear Kindness"

3rd grade


Human upbringing has always been challenging task. Even if a society develops stably, problems arise in such a society in educating the younger generation. Problem today in our country, makes the process of education even more difficult. In the formation and development of students’ personalities, I assign the leading role to spiritual and moral education, which contributes to the formation of socially significant values ​​in the younger generation.

But spirituality is never spontaneous, which means that systematic work is needed, which involves not only a personal, but also a systemic and activity-based approach, focused on the development of this personality. In this regard, in the program “Spiritual and moral education of junior schoolchildren,” a place has been identified for the event “On the Path of Good!”, aimed at developing the personality of a child who is developing spiritually and morally, possessing a culture of thinking, moral guidelines, and the ability for self-development.

1. Introduction

2. Main part.

3. Conclusion.

4. List of sources used.


The methodological development of extracurricular activities contains both theoretical and practical materials on the organization of educational activities.

Joint activities allow children to stimulate a wide variety of their creative activity, promotes development creativity, fostering a sense of self-confidence. And most importantly, it contributes to the formation of the child’s spiritual and moral qualities.

The purpose of this methodological development– introduce students to the concepts of “kindness”, “kindness”, “mercy”.

The main objectives of methodological development are:

    cultivate goodwill, the ability to see beauty in the simple, everyday and ordinary, the ability to give warmth, love, care and kindness;

    teach polite communication in the family and in the team, distinguish between good and evil;

    continue familiarization with polite words;

    encourage children to do good deeds, promote the development of responsibility for their actions in children, and instill in children a desire for self-education.

Carrying out of this event provides for the creation of conditions that ensure interaction between teachers, students, parents, teaching staff schools, organizing interesting joint leisure activities.

This development relevant, because at present the problem of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation is important for modern society.

Novelty of methodological development extracurricular activity is that it offers modern technologies that allow children to develop creative activity, spiritual and moral qualities, includes children and parents in joint activities that bring joy and pleasure.

Possible areas of application: this methodological development can be used in preparing and conducting educational activities in an institution additional education children (kindergarten), in a general educational institution for organizing leisure and extracurricular activities on artistic, aesthetic and moral upbringing and education of children.

Main part

Progress of the event

The main character Kindness appears against the background of lyrical music.


Good afternoon,

what does it mean?

So the day has started well,

it means you'll have a good day

and he will multiply happy Days!

It's here new hour, I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. And think: how good it is that we are all here together today. We are calm and kind, friendly and gentle in our approach to each other... And the most important thing is that we are all healthy. I invited you to visit me today. What do you guys think, WHY?

(guys' answers)

To find out what we will talk about today in class, we need to restore the proverbs from which the words were lost:

    Life is given for... deeds.

    The world is not without... people.

    ... if you wish - ... and do it.

    The true... is always simple.

    ... a word to a man is like rain in a drought.

You guessed it right.

- “Don’t look for beauty, but look for kindness” - this rule was developed by our ancestors. And at the same time they added “The world is not without good people"They were sure that kindness comes from love; love for a person and then kindness is directed towards the people around us; love for nature and then kindness is directed towards all living things that surround us.

Working on the meaning of a word

Guys, what is GOOD? KINDNESS? KIND?

Good is what is good, useful, pleasant.

Kindness – responsiveness, friendly disposition towards people.

Kind – ready to help people, responsive.

“Good is everything positive, good, useful” - this is how the meaning of this word is revealed in Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary.

What can kindness be compared to?

When everything is good in our class, in our family, in the world, what is everyone’s mood? (everyone is getting warmer)

So what does kindness look like? (in the sun)

Look at our board. Have you noticed the rays of our sun?

Read the proverb: “Kindness is like the sun.” How do you understand it? What does it mean?

(When the sun is shining, it’s good, and when everyone around is kind, it’s even better)

And on our journey the sun will also help us and show us the way. But the main thing on our journey today is to build a house of Kindness.


1. This word is serious,

The main thing, the important thing,

What it means

Very necessary for everyone.

2. It contains care and affection,

Warmth and love.

There is aspiration in him

Come to the rescue again and again.

3.It's quality

Lives in the hearts of many

And about the pain of others

Doesn't let you forget.

4.And it’s more important

Than facial beauty.

Can you guess what it is?

Hearts of kindness!

What else should you definitely take on the road? What's your mood? (smile)

What did Little Raccoon advise his friend?

Children sing the dog “From a Smile”

Today we will build a House of Kindness, we will learn to distinguish true kindness from false kindness.

We are laying the foundation of the House of Kindness - the first brick of kindness. The teacher asks the child to lay the first brick.

There are many kind words and expressions in the Russian language. Some of them begin with the word good.

When meeting guests, we say...; Seeing off guests...; In the morning…; In the evening... etc.

You need to be able to say a kind word on time. Why are kind words needed? Is it impossible to be kind without words?

The next building block of the House of Kindness is kind words.

Kindness and politeness are inseparable. I suggest you play the game “Say the Word.”

Even a block of ice will melt
From a warm word... (thank you)

The old stump is turning green,
When he hears... (Good afternoon)

The boy is polite and developed
He says, meeting... (hello)

When we are scolded for our pranks,
Let's talk... (excuse me, please)

I met Vitya, a neighbor...
The meeting was sad.
He's like a torpedo on me
Came from around the corner!
But - imagine! - in vain from Vitya
I was waiting for the word... (sorry)

Both in France and Denmark
In parting they say... (goodbye)
It's time to end the game.
And we hope that with her
You have become kinder and smarter.

Let's see how polite we are. Or maybe it could happen that we won’t be able to get to the Land of Good?

If polite, clap twice. If it's impolite, stomp.

Say hello when we meet?

Push without apologizing?

Help someone who has fallen get up?

Pick up a fallen item?

Don't stand up when addressing the teacher?

Buy a ticket on the bus?

Shouldn't you give up your seat on transport to your elder?

Don't notice your mom's displeasure?

The spoken word, like a seed, falls into a person’s heart. And from a good seed comes good fruit. It’s good if not only our lips, but also our thoughts and thoughts are in agreement with kind words.

The next building block of the House of Kindness is good thoughts.

What do you think kind words and kind thoughts can turn into?

The next building block of the House of Kindness is good deeds.

Work in pairs.

Listen carefully to each other and come to an agreement. Emphasize a single solution. Choose five good deeds

    Think about parents

    Comfort someone who is crying

    Rejoice at your neighbor's failure

    Give alms

    Strive to be a rich man

    Help others


    Make a bird feeder

Being kind is both easy and not at all easy. Unfortunately, we do not always treat each other with understanding. Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. I suggest you role-play situations that will be useful in life in order to remain kind, caring, polite, and attentive to the people around you.

On the tables are envelopes containing cards for each team (description of the situation). Children assign roles, role-play the situation (music plays, children get ready).

Acting out situations, discussing with other groups.

Situation 1: “The task is not about addition, but about respect.”

Two passers-by were walking down the street. One was 62 years old, the other was 10 years old. The first one had 5 items in his hands: a briefcase, 3 books and 1 large package. One of the books fell.

Your book fell! – the boy shouted, catching up with the passerby.

Really? – he was surprised.

Of course,” the boy explained. You had 3 books, plus one briefcase, plus one package - a total of five things, and now there are four left.

“I see that you know addition and subtraction well,” said the passer-by, with difficulty picking up the fallen book. “However, there are rules that you have not yet learned.

(Discussion of the situation)

Kindness: What rules did the boy not learn? What should he have done? (Children's answers)

Situation 2: “Bitter orange.”

Masha was sitting on a bench and looking around cheerfully, holding in her hands something that from a distance looked like a small melon. She plucked off the peel in pieces and threw it on the ground.

-What do you have? – asked Ilya who ran up.

- Don't you see? - Masha muttered.

- Mandarin! – Ilya was delighted. – My dad bought it for me too. I treated you too...

- But I didn’t guess right.

- What then?

- Orange! – and the pink slice disappeared in the mouth.

-Will you let me try?

- Yes, it is tasteless, bitter and sour.

- It’s okay, give me at least a slice.

“I’m telling you, he’s filthy,” and she jumped off the bench.

And at that very moment the orange slipped out of her hands and fell. The girl yelped and cried.

- Why are you crying? He's filthy!

(Discussion of the situation)

Kindness: Is Masha right? What did she forget? What did you do wrong? What would you do in her place? (Children's answers)

Situation 3: “Birthday”.

Getting ready for their classmate Yana's birthday, the guys prepared gifts. Natasha embroidered a napkin, Slavik took a book of fairy tales, and Yura took flowers. The guys have arrived. Yana opens the door and greets them.

– Hello, Yana, we congratulate you, we wish you...

- Stop! Take off your shoes immediately, we have varnished parquet. Where are the gifts?

Friends handed her gifts. I didn't want to talk.

- Gifts for me too! Yes, I have a whole shelf of fairy tales. And there are twenty napkins, and not homemade ones, but Chinese ones. Okay, come on in. Just don’t touch anything, don’t touch the walls - you’ll get it dirty.

The guys looked around and went back to the door.

- Wait! Where are you going?

But the guys left without listening to her.

(Discussion of the situation)

Bad actions always lead to sad consequences. Now in our country of Good there is a withered tree.

Please, write on a piece of paper from the Tree of Kindness what good deed you could do today. Children glue leaves with good deeds written on them to the Tree of Kindness.

Everyone is yours good deed, this is a particle of goodness invested in huge world kindness. It makes you feel warmer, brighter and more joyful.

Conclusion: Let's do good and not do bad.

Work in groups.

What qualities should a good person have? I offer you cards with words, choose the qualities that a friend should have.

- (Children work in groups. The words are written on the cards: modesty, goodwill, perseverance, sociability, responsiveness, envy, selfishness, indifference, boasting, anger, readiness to help at any moment).

What qualities did you choose? Why?

Why did they leave cards with the words: anger, boasting, indifference, selfishness?

Why do good relationships fall apart?

We add the following building blocks to the House of Kindness: integrity, kindness, good nature, good morals, goodwill.

So we built the House of Kindness. Would you like to live in it?

Let's imagine ourselves as residents of a House called “Kindness” and try to draw up rules for good relationships.

Rules of good relations:

    Give in.

    Do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you have offended a friend.

    Don't be rude. Don't get angry.

    Don't be greedy.

    Help your each other.

    To be honest.

    By following these rules of good relationships, you will never lose good friends.

Exercise: - Take the steamers in your hands and write your names. I know that you are all very kind (let's glue the steamboats to the river)

Look what we got at the end of the trip.

1 student:

Friends, a happy time will come,
Wonderful days will come:
The guys will be friendly with everyone,
They will pester you to be rude.
There will be no bad children
The golden years will come
And into the room in dirty shoes
They will never enter.

2nd student:

Children will not be rude
They won't bite their nails
And everyone will become in the world
Love such children.
A fresh wind will blow,
The violets will bloom
All the ignorant will disappear
They will be lost forever.

3rd student:
Let rudeness disappear forever
Let it be according to doctors' prescriptions
Appears in every pharmacy
Medicine for rude children.
The child was spinning in his chair
He made noise and pestered everyone,
He was prescribed pills -
He accepted and became polite.


Long live courage, excitement, speed,

Long live politeness and kindness!

Long live kind faces!

And let the one who is angry be ashamed!

Smile at each other, be always attentive and polite.

The song “Kindness is kinder and dearer to everyone in this world”

I wish you all the best to be treated kindly, and so that you are always open to goodness. Guys! Be kind to those around you. Do good things to people and, rest assured, they will thank you in kind. Remember that without good deeds there is no good name.


The joint activities of schoolchildren are of great importance, since it is at this time that the formation of personality occurs. During this period, children develop such spiritual and moral qualities as: cooperation, mutual assistance, responsiveness.

I have seen in practice that the development of spiritual and moral qualities, in turn, enriches the imagination, expands the knowledge, experience and interests of the child. I can say with confidence that the child experiences a whole range of positive emotions, both from the process of activity and from the result obtained.

Based on the data obtained, I came to the conclusion that joint activities to educate spiritual and moral qualities develops the child’s personality, helps him to assimilate moral and moral standards- distinguish between good and evil, compassion and hatred, courage and cowardice, etc. By creating works of creativity and analyzing situations, the child reflects his understanding in them. life values, his personal properties, comprehends them in a new way, imbued with their significance and depth.

List of sources used

1. Guryanova A. Raising a tolerant personality. - Education of schoolchildren, 2013, No. 2, pp. 25-29.

2. Spiritual and moral education of children and adolescents in the modern library environment / Author. compound. E.M.Zueva-M., 2014 - 336 pp./

3. The heart will open to goodness. - Shemshurina A.I. Ethical dialogues with primary school students. - M.: School - Press. 2012 - 96 p.

4. Lizinsky V.M. Happiness, joy, goodness. - Kl. leader, 2012, No. 2, p. 96-98.

5. Makarova B. Lessons of compassion. - Education of schoolchildren, 2013, No. 6, pp. 42-47.

6. Fomenko N.E. From morality to moral actions. - Kl. leader, 2013, No. 3, pp. 78-91.

"Childhood - the most important period human life,
not preparation for future life, but the real one,
bright, original, unique life.
And from how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in
childhood years that entered his mind and heart from
the surrounding world - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Block name

"Know Thyself" "Me and society" "I am a citizen! And I'm proud! "Nature is our home" "Our little brothers"

September - November Conversation with children on the topic: "Me and my name" ;

Creative work: drawing a portrait on the topic: “How do I see myself?” ;

Didactic games, for example, "Say a name" , « Magic ball» and etc.;

Together with parents: drawing up a family tree;

Conversation with children on the topic: “We are friends with the “magical” ones words";

A tour of the kindergarten and getting to know the people working there and their professions;

Making a collaborative collage “What can you do and what can’t you do?” ;

Printed board games, e.g. "Professions" , « Public transport» and etc..

Conversation with children on the topic: "The city where I live" ;

Tour the streets hometown (view presentation);

Looking at photographs of landmarks and memorable places cities;

"My walk around the city" .

Conversations: "Protect the environment"

Reading and learning poems about nature;

Guessing riddles on the topic.

Together with parents: organizing a crafts exhibition "Gifts of Nature" . Conversation on the topic: "My pet" ;

Reading works of art about animals;

"Little Family Members" .

December - February Conversation with children on the topic: "I and my family" ;

Writing a story on the topic: "our holidays at home" .

Making gifts for fathers and grandfathers;

Role-playing games: "Family" , "Mothers and Daughters" .

« Family holidays and traditions" . Conversation “What you don’t like in others, don’t do yourself” ;

Listening to songs about friendship, kindness and work.

Guessing riddles on the topic;

Making a collage "My Parents' Professions" ;

“To the holy places of my native city” (view presentation)

Listening to the Tambov anthem, conversation on the content;

Examination of the city's coat of arms.

Together with parents: creating an album "City Trip" . Conversations by topic "Nature is good and evil" , "Winter Nature"

View a presentation on a topic "Outdoor recreation in winter, winter fun" ;

Reading stories about nature by V. Bianki, K. Paustovsky. Conversations on topics: "Animals in Winter" ; “Why are there fewer birds in winter?” ;

Project “It’s difficult for birds to winter - we need to help the birds!” ;

Collective application "Birds at the Feeder" »;

Keeping a diary of observations of wintering birds;

Together with parents: competition "Feeder Parade" .

March - May Conversation with children on the topic: “How are we similar and how are we different?” ;

Children's stories about their family members;

Drawing on the topic: "My help is in the family" ;

Making gifts for beloved mothers and grandmothers.

A series of conversations about rules of conduct; in kindergarten, at a party, in transport and on the street;

Guessing riddles on the topic

“Patience and work will grind everything down...” (providing assistance in cleaning areas kindergarten) . "Symbols of Russia" , conversation on content;

Conversation on the topic "Russia is a multinational country!"

Conversation and viewing of photographs on the topic: Cosmonautics Day”;

View a presentation on the topic: "On the Roads of War" , listening to songs about war;

Together with parents: organizing an exhibition of drawings "So that there is no war..." .

Conversation on the topic “Why does every living thing need water and is it necessary to protect water bodies?”

View a presentation on the topic: “Sun, air and water are our faithful friends!”

Together with parents: organizing a photo exhibition "We are in nature" . Conversations on topics: “Don’t offend us and don’t pass us by” ; “We are responsible for those we have tamed” ;

View a presentation on the topic: "What to feed pets" ;

Guessing riddles about animals.

Methodological development on the topic “Spiritual and moral education in extracurricular activities”

Completed by: Urazgildina I.N., Yakimova O.P. - primary school teachers of MBOU “Secondary School No. 36”, Cheboksary

The most powerful and beautiful tree must have once been thin and fragile. But on its cut early age forever marked by the first thin ring - this is the core of the entire trunk. Childhood is the core part of every life. Therefore, everything that a child absorbs during these years is very important. It's hard to raise now healthy child, healthy both physically and mentally. Much depends on parents, but a lot also depends on us as teachers. First serious step children commit into the world when they cross the threshold of school. If spiritual education was previously conducted by parents, or was not conducted at all, now the teacher plays an important role in shaping the views of the child and spiritual education depends on him - moral personality child.

Among the most important problems education serious concern raise questions of spiritual and moral education of youth. What to teach and how to educate, how to teach a child to love the Fatherland, his national culture, identity and traditions of your people? Each of us has asked ourselves this question more than once. In the eternal search for the positive and the good, we, as a rule, come up with a brilliant example - universal human values ​​and ideals. An example is the legacy of V.A. Sukhomlinsky, who noted:"Special Sphere educational work– protecting children, teenagers, youth from one of the biggest troubles – emptiness of the soul, lack of spirituality... A real person begins where there are shrines of the soul..."

The purpose and objectives of the spiritual and moral development and education of students at the primary level general education

Spiritual and moral education – a pedagogically organized process of assimilation and acceptance by students of basic national values, mastering the system universal human values and cultural, spiritual and moral values multinational people Russian Federation.

Spiritual and moral development – carried out in the process of socialization, the consistent expansion and strengthening of the value-semantic sphere of the individual, the formation of a person’s ability to evaluate and consciously build on the basis of traditional moral standards And moral ideals attitudes towards oneself, other people, society, the state, the Fatherland, and the world as a whole.

Main pedagogical goal - education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, proactive and competent citizen of Russia.

In the Concept this ideal is justified and the highest goal of education is formulated -a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, accepting the fate of the Fatherland as his personal, aware of responsibility for the present and future of his country, rooted in spiritual and cultural traditions multinational people of the Russian Federation.

Objectives of spiritual and moral education defined as expected results in the logic of requirements for personal results of the general primary education and provide

formation of the ability for spiritual development, realization creative potential in educational-game, subject-productive, socially oriented activities based on moral principles and standards, continuous education, self-education and universal spiritual and moral competence - “becoming better”;

the formation of the foundations of morality - the need for certain behavior realized by the student, determined by the accepted ideas in society about good and evil, proper and unacceptable, strengthening the student’s positive moral self-esteem, self-respect and optimism in life;

formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

developing the ability to openly express and defend one’s morally justified position, to be critical of one’s own intentions, thoughts and actions;

formation of the ability for independent actions and actions performed on the basis of moral choice, to accept responsibility for their results;

development of hard work, the ability to overcome difficulties, determination and perseverance in achieving results;

students' awareness of the value of human life, the formation of the ability to resist, within their capabilities, actions and influences that pose a threat to life, physical and moral health, and spiritual security of the individual.

formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity;

fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s national language and culture;

formation of patriotism and civil solidarity;

strengthening trust in other people;

development of goodwill and emotional responsiveness, understanding and empathy for other people;

developing an attitude towards the family as the basis of Russian society;

formation in the student respectful attitude towards parents, a conscious, caring attitude towards elders and younger ones;

formation of ideas about family values, gender family roles and respect for them;

acquaintance of the student with the cultural, historical and ethnic traditions of the Russian family.

Implementation of work on spiritual and moral educationcarried out through the integration of subjects of the humanitarian and aesthetic cycle.Classes in primary school open the way for children to the moral and religious side of understanding the world around them. The world is beautiful in its harmony, and a little person’s understanding of it should also be harmonious. The concept of morality, the cultivation of emotional responsiveness, love for the world around us, and familiarization with spiritual culture form a personality with positive outlook to the world and contribute to the development of the child’s creative abilities.The implementation of these tasks is carried out through variousactivities:
- reading, drawing, artistic work;- listening to music and thinking about it, solo and choral singing;

A set of activities outside of school hours.

Our school uses a program for extracurricular activities spiritual and moral education "Hour of Morality".

Purpose of the program "Hour of Morality": harmonious spiritual development the student’s personality and instilling in him the fundamental principles of morality based on the Orthodox, patriotic, cultural and historical traditions of Russia.

Program objectives:

Help the child understand the nature of the world, the nature of interpersonal relationships, the nature environment, discover yourself in this world and find your place in it.

Prepare primary schoolchildren to enter society.

To form conscious volitional behavior in a primary school student.

Awaken independent logical thinking.

Develop general culture child.

Basic methods and forms of working with children.

Among the forms used within the course are confidential conversation, discussion of the problem, play life situations, modeling relationships between children in business and role-playing games, excursions, observations, exchange of impressions, testing. The core of all classes is the activity of the students themselves, their independent conclusions. The teacher only coordinates the search for a solution to the problem, following the general pedagogical principles of accessibility, scientificity, connection with life, and consciousness.

Expected results.

In the classes of this program, which are closely intertwined with lessons in literature, the Russian language, the outside world and even mathematics, primary schoolchildren learn such moral concepts as conscience, justice, good and evil, honesty, responsibility, decency, tact, greed, generosity and many other.

Junior schoolchildren learn to find the causes of a conflict situation and ways to resolve it, starting with the smallest quarrel in the class, family quarrel to disagreements between different sectors of society and wars between states.

During classes, children learn to empathize, not to be indifferent, they react sharply to problems that have arisen in the world. conflict situations

Regulatory universal educational activities: The graduate will learn: - accept and maintain a learning task; - take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material in collaboration with the teacher; - plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan; - adequately perceive suggestions and assessments of teachers, comrades, parents and other people.Cognitive : The graduate will learn to: - search for the necessary information to complete educational assignments using educational literature, encyclopedias, reference books (including electronic, digital), in the open information space, including the controlled space of the Internet; - construct messages verbally and writing; - carry out analysis of objects highlighting essential and non-essential features;Communicative universal educational activities: The graduate will learn: - to adequately use communicative, primarily speech, means to solve various communicative problems, construct a monologue statement, and master the dialogic form of communication; - allow for the possibility that people have different points of view, including those that do not coincide with his own, and focus on the partner’s position in communication and interaction; - take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation; - formulate your own opinion and position; - negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interests;

By the end of IV grade - this is creative person, which is characterized by the desire for constant enrichment inner world; the ability to show tolerance, the ability to get along with other people; with the need to protect and defend one’s health and all living things; owning communication skills And developed sense patriotism.

Educational and thematic plan

1 class


2nd grade


3rd grade


4th grade


We, teachers of MBOU “Secondary School No. 36”, Cheboksary Urazgildina I.N. and Yakimova O.P., we work in the 1st grade of this school. As a result of passing the program materialby the end of 1st gradestudents mustknow : 1. The difference between the concepts of “ethics” and “etiquette”. 2. Rules of politeness and beautiful manners. 3. Commandments and corresponding parables.Be able to : 1. Respect yourself, believe in your strengths and creative capabilities, recognizing this right for others. 2. Observe etiquette at the table, behave with dignity in in public places. 3. Adhere to the “golden rule” in communicating with others. 4. Be friendly. 5. Keep the commandments. 6. Have compassion for animals, do not offend them. 7. Stick to a daily routine, be able to organize your work at home. 8. Be neat, keep your workplace in order, keep your books and notebooks clean. 9. Do not forget at home school supplies, books, notebooks necessary for scheduled lessons. We present to your attention methodological development extracurricular event “World of Good Deeds”.

A world of good deeds.

Lesson objectives : using examples accessible to children’s perception, explain what meaning people attach to the concepts of “good” and “evil”, educate children positive traits character, promote team unity, motivate children to do good deeds, cultivate the ability to do good deeds for the benefit of other people, form cognitive, regulatory and communicative learning skills, teach children to navigate social roles And interpersonal relationships, promote emotional, aesthetic, spiritual, moral and intellectual development.

Cognitive universal learning activities provide the ability to understand the surrounding world: the readiness to carry out directed search, processing and use of information.

Regulatory universal learning activities aimed at

planning (in collaboration with teacher and classmates or independently) necessary actions, operations, actions according to plan; monitoring the process and results of children’s activities.TO communicative universal learning activities include: entering into an educational dialogue with the teacher, classmates, participating in a general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior; the ability to ask questions, listen and answer them, formulate your own thoughts, express and justify your point of view; construct short monologues.Equipment: pictures for the lesson, interactive whiteboard, musical accompaniment.

During the classes:1.Motivation (self-determination) for educational activities.- Dear guys, I have a request for you: please close your eyes for a minute, smile (necessarily from the heart), open your eyes, look: it has become brighter in our class. It was from your smiles that the sun shone, it warmed us with its warmth. When you smile, you have a happy and kind face. The song “On the Road of Good” is playing. The guys stand near their workplaces and sing along.-What is this song about, guys?2. Updating knowledge.-Kindness! Which ancient word! For many years people have been arguing about whether it is necessary or not? Is it useful or harmful? People argue, people suffer because there is not enough kindness in their lives!- Tell me, what do you think the word Kindness means? What immediately comes to your mind when you hear the word Kindness?
The children's answers are listened to.
- You see how differently we imagine this concept. And in order to better understand what real Kindness is, now we will go to unusual journey to the world of Kindness.- Guys, let’s imagine that a DOCTOR of good sciences came to our lesson. He does evil people kind, and the kind are even kinder! So he wants to find out from you where kindness lives? (children's answers)Now let’s listen to the student, maybe he can tell us about this? (The teacher recites the poem by heart)Busy with good deeds at homeKindness walks quietly around the apartment.Good morning here,Good afternoon and good hour,Good evening, good night,It was good yesterday.And where, you ask, is there so much kindness in the house?-So, where do we find kindness? (children's answers)- First of all, in our hearts, deeds, actions and our words!The first step to kindness is a kind word. That's whyDOCTOR of good sciencesinvites us to the city of politeness. Warm-up
- Even a block of ice will melt. From a warm word... (thank you)
- The old stump will turn green,
When he hears... (good afternoon)
- A boy, polite and developed. He says when meeting…. (Hello)When we are scolded for our pranks,
Let's talk... (sorry, please)
Both in France and in Denmark. At parting they say... (goodbye)
- Let's take care of our world, don't let it become overgrown with weeds, but let's fill it with sunshine, kind words and deeds.3.Building the project

Let us, together with our DOCTOR, now also do one common good deed. Let's put together a picture.

On a blank sheet of whatman paper, each child glues appliqué details prepared in advance from colored paper: a house, trees, figures of children, clouds, the sun, flowers, figures of birds and animals. It turns out to be a beautiful picture.

- What should we call this picture? ("How beautiful this world », « Good won evil »).

- What fairy-tale heroes will we invite to our good world?

Game: "Good - Evil."

I will name the fairy-tale hero, and you will answer whether he is good or evil. If you are kind, you joyfully clap your hands; if you are evil, you cover your face with your palms.

(Ivan Tsarevich, Koschey the Immortal, gold fish, Thumbelina, Karabas-Barabas, Little Red Riding Hood, Geese-Swans, Baba-Yaga, Cinderella, Morozko, Malvina,)

4.Implementation of the constructed project.

- What do you guys think, what is more on earth: good or evil? Maybe the words on the board will help us find out? We will put the words “evil” in the first column, and “kindness” in the second.

(Envy, greed, politeness, affectionate, war, lies, peace, rudeness, truth, beauty, joy, happiness, mutual understanding, etc.)

- Which column has more words? You see, guys, how you can defeat evil.

It’s the same in life: a drop of goodness, merging, turns into a stream, streams into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​goodness. It’s good when a person leaves a good mark behind him.

One wise man remarked: a person has not lived his life in vain if he built a house, grew a garden and raised a child.

5. Fastening.- Determine whether good or evil happened in one of V. Sukhomlinsky’s stories.Reading the story by the teacher: “Little Zoya was walking in the garden. She approached the acacia tree. The acacia grew like these flowers and sharp, sharp thorns. And a bright butterfly flies over the acacia tree.- Oh, how scared she is to fly! If he hits a thorn, what will happen then?Zoya went up to the acacia tree and broke one thorn, then another, and another. Mom saw and asked: “What are you doing, Zoya? Why are you breaking thorns?“So that the butterfly doesn’t prick itself,” answered Zoya.”
- How do you evaluate Zoya’s action?- Think about it, did Zoya bring good or evil to the acacia? Butterfly?- What would you do in this case?- What good deeds can a person do? Having done good, enjoy the fact that another person feels good and comfortable. Learn to give kindness from the bottom of your heart without expecting any benefit or response in return. If you learn to give kindness, you are a rich person!6. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson (lesson summary).

-What do you remember most from today’s lesson? What did you learn today? Where will this knowledge be useful to us? What will we do now in such cases? I want to give you some sunshine. This sun is kindness. You, your moms and dads, your grandparents, your friends, and just those around you need it. You are still children, but many glorious deeds await you ahead that will make our planet Earth even more beautiful. But first you must grow up to be real people. And this means that you must be brave, kind, hardworking. After all, doing good is great! Let's thank each other for a wonderful lesson! The children stand up and say “THANK YOU!”


    “How to design universal educational activities in elementary school: from action to thought: a manual for teachers” (A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Bumeranskaya, I.A. Volodarskaya, etc.): ed. A.G. Asmolova.- M.: Education, 2008.- 151 p. “The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen” - M.: Education, 2011. 25 p. Kozlov E., Petrova V., Khomyakova I. The ABC of Morality. / E. Kozlov, V. Petrova, I. Khomyakova // Education of schoolchildren. - 2004-2007. - No. 1-9.


Assignments for kindness lessons (grade 1)

1. Choose necessary answers andunderline his.Kindness is: a kind attitude towards others, a desire to help them; desire and desire to provide assistance only to close relatives or a friend; desire and desire to help any person; the ability to do nothing; unwillingness to be kind. 2. Finish offer. Friendly person Always __ . How can you call such a person who strives to do good and wishes good to others? _________________ .3. Remember fairy tales where there are characters (heroes) who wish good to others. Name a fairy tale. Name it good heroes. Name the unkind onesExplain why some can be called good and others unkind. We will show how children build their argument using the example of the fairy tale “Cinderella”. The fairy is kind. She pleased Cinderella with a trip to the ball. The stepmother and her two daughters are unkind. They(fill in the sentence) _______________ Make drawings for fairy tales.4. Tell an incident from your life: who did you good and how; how you helped someone else.5. What children's books do you know that talk about good deeds. Name and write down names of heroes.6. Cross it out extra: wish well sympathize empathize steal7. Paste missing letters in the boxes: d_br_desirable.8. Come up with it short story, in which Pinocchio is sad because he doesn’t know how to help Malvina, who is in trouble (she fell and stained her Nice dress, scratched my leg). Special attention should pay attention to the good deeds and words of Pinocchio: affectionate address with a desire to console, real help etc.9. Draw your favorite toy. Try to make her cheerful and kind.

Municipal educational institution

"Novodmitrievskaya Elementary School"

Extracurricular activity scenario

"Kindness Day"


primary school teacher

Salnikova Tatyana Nikolaevna

S. Novaya Dmitrievka

Extracurricular event on spiritual and moral education for students primary school on the theme “Kindness Day”

Goals: educate spiritually- moral qualities of the child’s personality;

    broadening one's horizons;

    promote the formation of kindness and mercy in children, expand knowledge about their role in the life of every person;

    cultivate a sense of kindness, sensitivity, compassion, goodwill; communication culture skills.

Equipment: multimedia projector, musical accompaniment, leaves with words: color, word, feeling, fairy-tale hero, deed; memo with the words of Sh.A. Amonashvili.

Progress of the event.

    Organizing time.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guys!Today is a very unusual day for us!A day filled with kindness, tenderness and affection, because we have Kindness Day!Very good tradition for many countries it has become annual celebration the 13th of November world day Kindness. For the first time, Kindness Day was held in our country in 2009 - then a flash mob took place in Moscow on Manezhnaya Square, in which everyone took part. Those who came to the square at exactly 11-00 o'clock held hands, forming a large circle, in the center of which was the Globe of the World Clock.(Slide show)- Let's also start our event with a good flash mob. (To the song “What is kindness?” Group “Barbariki”. Children repeat the movements after the teacher).

    Working with the concept. “What is kindness?”

Kindness…. What does this word mean? (children's statement)

This is all good, kind, beautiful.

- “Kindness is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.” Sergei Ozhegov gave this definition to this word and noted the qualities that define kindness: virtuous, good-natured, benevolent, good-natured, respectable, kind-hearted, conscientious.

What kind of person can be called kind? (children's statement)

A kind person is one who loves people and animals, who is ready to help in difficult times. A kind person loves nature and takes care of it. A kind person loves birds and animals and helps them survive in the winter cold. A kind person tries to be careful, polite and attentive in his interactions with friends and adults.

Of course, kindness, mercy, joy and concern for other people create the basis of human happiness.

    Monuments of Kindness.

Teacher: Guys, now I want to tell you a little about what kindness monuments exist in our world. (Show on slides).

- The famous modern sculptor and artist Grigory Pototsky decided to tell people: “Be kind!” And he created a symbol of kindness, established by him in different countries. The Dandelion monument was opened on October 20, 2007. in Tallinn. This is a symbol of Kindness, Love, Friendship, Unity. This is a delicate bronze flower, the cap of which is made up of many open children's palms.

- On February 17, 2010, a monument to kindness was unveiled in Neskuchny Garden, on St. Andrew's Bridge in Moscow. The organizers chose the dandelion as its symbol. The monument is surrounded by benches with engraved inscriptions “happiness”, “love”, “joy”, “dream”.

- On February 4, 2009, the monument “Good Angel of Peace” was inaugurated in Penza. The “Good Angel of Peace” monument is intended to protect the city; it personifies protection, kindness and love.

In Odessa, on Torgovy Street, there is a house with a wonderful sign “Kindness will save the world!” There are many more monuments to Devotion, Fidelity, and Friendship.

    Riddles about kindness.

Teacher: What word warms you up in the most severe frost? (Kind).

There is no need to boast about silver, but what you need to boast about is... (good).

When you feel sorry for something good, what should you do? (good).

What words are more valuable than riches? (kind).

What business doesn't like secrecy? (Kind).

Life is given for what things? (kind).

  1. Fairy tale - parable for children "Trumpet of Kindness".

The two friends worked hard and did a lot of good in their lives. When they got to Heaven, an angel flew up to them and said:
- Your goodness has opened the doors to the palace of heaven for you. The Lord has instructed me to hand over the trumpet of kindness to one of you. The music of this trumpet will enter the hearts of people living on earth and tell them about kindness.
The friends rejoiced and looked at each other. Which one of them will get the pipe?
- I have always been kind to my parents, children and wife. “I often helped neighbors without any payment and gave money to the poor,” said one.
“My friend has helped me out more than once,” confirmed his comrade. – Thank God, I was lucky to meet many kind people in my life. My mother was an angel of kindness, I simply had to return at least a particle of this goodness to people.
The angel stopped him with a gesture and handed him a huge shining trumpet.
- Why did you decide to hand the trumpet to my friend? – the first friend asked offendedly. I was richer and helped people more.
- Be like a trumpet when you talk about good received from another. “Be like a grave when you talk about the good you have done,” answered the angel.

Questions and tasks on the parable - fairy tale:

Why do people talk more often about their good deeds than about other people's affairs?
- How to learn to do good deeds and not boast to anyone about what you have done?
- Draw a pipe of kindness. (Children draw)
- Tell us about the kindest person in your life and his good deeds.

    Along the roads of fairy tales.

Now, guys, let’s remember which fairy-tale characters did good deeds and brought joy to those around them. You need to guess who we are talking about.

1. This fairy-tale hero wore a wide-brimmed hat. With a beautiful barrel organ, he walked around the cities, earning his living by singing and music. He saved the dolls from the evil Karabas-Barabas and opened a wonderful theater for them. (Papa Carlo)

2. Treated animals and birds, saved sick animals of Africa (Aibolit)

3. These were the favorite flowers of the girl who turned out to be stronger than the Snow Queen and saved her friend from captivity in the ice (Gerda)

4. This girl used the last petal to help a sick boy get better. (Zhenya from “Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik” by Kataev)

5. This fairy-tale hero helped his master become a marquis, marry a princess and become the owner of a huge castle. (Puss in Boots).

6. This dog was the inseparable friend of the girl who helped the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion find what they lacked in life. (Totoshka).

How do these fairy tales differ from good deeds and interfere with evil ones?

What hero would you like to be like? Why?

7 . Let's play"Associations" . In front of you on pieces of paper are the words:

Fairytale hero


Write what color, word, feeling, fairy-tale character, action you associate with kindness.

    Rules of kindness.

Teacher: Now let’s name the rules of kindness that all people must follow, and then there will always be peace, joy and gentle sunshine on earth.

1. Be friendly and polite.

2. Be attentive to people.

3. Do good deeds.

4. Do not return evil for evil.

5. Help the weak, the sick, the little ones, those in trouble.

6. Forgive the mistakes of others.

7. Don't be greedy.

8. Don't be jealous.

9. Feel sorry for others.

9. Summary class hour.

Doing good is not at all difficult. Let us say once again that doing good deeds is incredibly simple, goodness is not measured by money, sometimes it does not require much time and effort, the main thing is to start. Even just a kind smile to a stranger- is already capable of working miracles, including for the person himself who does this Good. After all, in addition to the fact that good deeds improve everyone’s mood, they also have the best possible effect on well-being, increase vitality. It’s so simple - smile at a passerby, hug your parents or friend, give flowers, call your friends and tell them how wonderful they are, take your grandmother across the road, make and hang a bird feeder on the street, feed a homeless kitten or puppy. And this list can go on for a long time. Every year on February 17th the world celebrates spontaneous manifestation kindness.

It's not easy to be kind.
Kindness does not depend on height.
Kindness does not depend on color,
Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.
Kindness brings people joy
And in return it does not require a reward.
Kindness does not age over the years,
Kindness will warm you from the cold.
If kindness shines like the sun,
Adults and children rejoice.

At the end of our class hour Kindness I want to read to you Great words famous teacher Shalva Aleksandrovich Amonashvili:

    Regardless of whether they expect good from you or not, do good.

    Regardless of whether your goodness is noticed or not noticed - Do good.

    Regardless of whether your goodness is accepted or rejected - Do goodness

    Regardless of how they will pay you for doing good: good or evil - Do good

    Do good and don't ask anyone for permission,

    For no one has power over your Good.

(Each student receives a memo with the words of Sh.A. Amonashvili)
