Platinum group metals: overview, list, properties and applications. What is platinum and white gold

Platinum- a very ductile metal of a light grayish color with a metallic luster, which is one of the heaviest metals. Platinum is very similar in chemical properties to palladium. The difference is the great chemical stability of the first metal.

Platinum does not dissolve in acids or alkalis, only in hot aqua regia and bromine. This precious metal is also called "white gold". It has a high melting point, good electrical conductivity.

This noble metal is actively used in various industries: chemical, oil refining, medical, jewelry, automotive.

The name "platinum" comes from the Spanish word plata, which means silver, silver, silver. The metal is associated with the planet Neptune.

Legends of Platinum

Platinum until 1748 was mined only in America. In other countries, this noble metal was not even known. In those days, its price was two times lower than silver. Master jewelers very quickly discovered the fact that platinum creates alloys with gold very well. This allowed them to make fakes by adding platinum to gold jewelry. The Spanish king found out about this and issued a decree banning the import of this precious metal. After some time, the king canceled his order and in Spain they began to make gold coins with an admixture of platinum.

In the middle of the 16th century, a Spanish conquistador discovered a new metal in South America and gave it the name plata, since the metal was very similar to silver.

In some ancient Indian tribes, it was customary to worship platinum ingots. People believed that Neptune himself heard them through this metal.

Platinum, by its magical properties, is the purest and lightest metal. It is not able to store negative memory, unlike gold. It cannot be programmed, so protective amulets are not made of platinum. The only point is that platinum softens the effect of precious stones. Some stones can have a very strong effect on their owner. And to prevent this from happening, the stone must be inserted into a platinum frame.

Platinum helps those people who want to embark on the path of spiritual transformation, want to turn to religion or wise occult teachings. During prayer, meditation, magicians are advised to wear platinum rings on the index or ring fingers.

Platinum will become an ally only to calm people who are prone to contemplation. Metal cannot stand gossips and envious people, punishes thieves, hypocrites, traitors.

Another magical property of platinum is its durability. It is believed that if the newlyweds exchange platinum rings at the wedding, then the couple in love will be together forever, and nothing can separate them.

Platinum is the only "metal" antioxidant that actively fights free radicals. This noble metal removes excess active oxygen, thus preventing it from "capturing" electrons in healthy cells. Thus, platinum leads to the normalization of the antioxidant status of the human body.

Platinum also promotes skin regeneration. This metal has a beneficial effect on the skin, providing antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Platinum successfully treats acne, boils, removes pigmentation, reduces wrinkles.

The connection of platinum with the astrological signs of the zodiac

Since platinum correlates with the planet Neptune, this metal is shown to such zodiac signs as Cancer and Pisces. Representatives of these zodiac signs can wear platinum all the time.

It is one of the chemical elements. A metal of great value. Here is a concise answer to what platinum is. Under natural conditions, Pt occurs in the form of nuggets, it can be "pure" or with impurities.

If you plunge into history, it turns out that platinum got its name thanks to the Spanish conquistadors, at that time they conquered South America. Then they mined silver and discovered a metal resembling silver, which turned out to be refractory.

No one knew how to exploit this metal - the Spaniards did not come up with anything else but to simply throw away Pt.

For a long time, the use of metal was not known. The thing is that it is a refractory element. Antoine Lavoisier was the first to melt it down in 1782. To do this, he used a device he created for supplying burning oxygen, putting there a small part of Pt, which was in charcoal. The scientists were delighted.

The Academy of Sciences in Paris could personally observe this experiment, as it was repeated. It was not easy to do this, because the scientist's apparatus had to be transported, and this required money.

Many saw it. One of the lucky ones was Count Du Nord. But in fact it was Pavel 1 (son of Catherine the Great).


Russia also had its own platinum reserves, which were discovered in the Urals in 1819 near Yekaterinburg. Later, in 1854, deposits were found in the Nizhny Tagil district, and industrial production began. Russia has taken a leading position in the production of this metal throughout the world.

There was a great demand for Ural platinum from foreign firms. After the industry began to extract the "pure" metal, this trend only increased. Britain and France showed particular interest at first, and then Germany joined in, and the United States of America also joined.

A lot of metal was mined in the Urals, but not all of it could be exploited. That is why it was decided to create platinum coins in 1826. In addition, they began to produce other products of excellent quality. Now one coin of the 19th century can cost up to 5,000 US dollars. In Russia, they began to mint coins from the white element in 1828.

Pt stocks are currently available in the following countries:

  • Zimbabwe;
  • China;
  • Russia;
  • United States of America.

These 5 countries contain about 90% of the world's reserves.

It is interesting! Metal was actively exploited in ancient Egypt when creating various jewelry.


It is curious that the ancient Incas mined and exploited the metal. But the Old World knew nothing about Pt. In 1557, the first news about platinum appeared. But the scammers who counterfeited the money learned an interesting property of Pt - it is perfectly alloyed with gold.

This was followed by the incredible: the Spanish king in 1735 stopped the import of metal into the country. And all its reserves, by decision of the ruler, were to be drowned in the sea.

Not only counterfeiters tried to cheat, but also jewelers. They added an element to an alloy with gold, reducing the price of the item. This process was approached responsibly - it was almost impossible to detect fraud. Platinum contributed to the increase in weight, to somehow compensate for this, they added a little silver. Nevertheless, the fraud was discovered. Therefore, the import of platinum into Europe was banned for a certain period.

public properties

In the chemical table, platinum is named Pt, its autonomous number is 78. A simple chemical element is a heavy but soft metal, its atomic mass is 195.084 amu. e. m. The color of platinum has a silvery-white tint. This is a rare valuable item. The chemical properties of platinum are unique, it is an inert metal.

Platinum's physical properties are phenomenal. To melt platinum, you need to place it where the temperature will reach 1769 degrees Celsius. And for the metal to boil, you need 3800 degrees. It becomes clear that the element has low thermal conductivity.

Platinum nuggets have an external resemblance to silver. But only the properties of silver are lower: it is lighter, prone to damage, and dissolves in nitric acid. Masters, to create products similar to platinum, use alloys including iron, nickel, chromium.

Here are more precise specifications:

It is known that platinum does not occur absolutely without impurities. Therefore, it must be separated from other metals. For this, hydrochloric and nitric acid are useful. From the resulting metal, many products can be made:

  • jewelry;
  • ingots;
  • anode electrodes;
  • laboratory glassware;
  • chemical equipment.

Pt is used in many areas. This may be the chemical and electronic industries, as well as medicine. For example, oil refineries operate.

It is used to make laboratory glassware. Improved sensors, thermometers - all this cannot exist without platinum. And in medicine, platinum has earned a special calling. It is used in medicines aimed at combating cancer.

The main advantages of platinum:

  • has plasticity and malleability;
  • electrical conductivity;
  • high melting point;
  • surpasses gold and silver in several criteria (harder, heavier);
  • does not oxidize, does not react with other substances.

A good way to invest is platinum coins. At the moment, coins from this element are of particular value and uniqueness. Their face value is 12 rubles. The real price is much higher. These are coins of 1832, they are very rare and have a lot of weight.

They also attract investment in bullion. You can buy them at the Bank of Russia. The front side reflects the marking:

  • country of origin (“Russia” in an oval);
  • weight;
  • element name;
  • weight fraction / metric sample;
  • manufacturer's trademark.

Two technologies for applying the inscription are used: convex, depressed.

Platinum has won the hearts of many women and men. The great Louis-Francois Cartier, the founder of the famous Cartier company, contributed to the fact that many saw the metal. It was he who claimed that this element has no analogues and is very useful in jewelry, as it has many positive properties.

But François was not the only one who admired metal. Another of his admirers was Carl Faberge. The master created author's products. It is curious that many of the ideas of Louis Francois Cartier adopted from Faberge. These include floral arrangements and animal motifs.


The metal is of extraordinary beauty, so making jewelry from it is especially profitable. They are expensive and require careful care. Platinum is highly durable, so the fasteners made from it are practically invisible. A platinum thing can conquer a girl.

Jewelry 950 samples are made from "pure" metal, at least 95%. Care does not take much time, you only need to clean the products once a week. There are many detergents that allow you to clean metal. And if scratches appear, it is worth giving the product to the master so that he brings it to a new look (polishing).

Platinum candles for cars (Pt contacts) are popular. Metal is used as an electrical conductor. High temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and durability are the main advantages of these candles.

This metal even appeared in the famous film "Platinum Blonde". It was this film that lifted him to the peak of popularity.

Many liked the unpretentious light plot, as well as the original decorations. This film appeared in the 1930s in America. Many years have passed, but since then the popularity of metal has only increased.

The magical properties of platinum lie in its healing effects. It is believed that due to the most powerful energy, it has a positive effect on human health.

Preparations with this metal are used in medicine, since its molecules are capable of much. But not everyone can afford such drugs.

It becomes clear why Pt was able to win the love of people around the world. It's all about the specific characteristics. This metal can be used in production, or it can be used to decorate the hand of a beautiful girl. Investors also cannot resist platinum, because investing in it is the road to the future.

The most underrated of the trio known to all precious metal is platinum. There is nothing surprising in this: the platinum nugget is black and unsightly, and anyone who finds it will step over and move on.

In ores, platinum and gold often accompany each other. However, the gold miners of the past, when smelting gold, simply threw away pieces of nondescript metal. Together with gold and silver, platinum did not melt; under the hammer on the anvil it became harder; in appearance it slightly resembled silver - but dirty, worthless ...

In a word, an unnecessary impurity went to waste. And yes, there was quite a bit of it! So little that European noble metal casters did not even suspect the existence of platinum as a separate element of the Universe until the middle of the ΧVΙΙΙ century. Unlike the Incas...

The intricate history of the precious metal

Modern scientists know about the origin of platinum and platinum group metals from spectrographic observations of large-scale cosmic catastrophes. Heavy metals, including silver, gold, platinum and platinoids -, and - appear in interstellar space as a result of fusion reactions that accompany supernova explosions and collisions of massive old stars.

Atomized stellar substance condenses into dust. Gravitational fluctuations form more or less massive lumps of matter. In different ways, interstellar matter, some of which is noble metals, gets to the surface of the planets. Where it dissipates in the thickness of the crust ...

The processes of erosional destruction of the planet's bedrocks with the re-formation of sedimentary and metamorphic layers allow heavy metals to concentrate in deposits. Rare and not numerous - if we talk about platinum and platinum group metals.

Platinum and platinoids on Earth

There is little platinum in the earth's crust. Only 0.0000005% (five ten millionths of a percent) of the mass of the Earth. That does not prevent industrialists interested in platinum from extracting 200 tons of precious metal annually.

Explored reserves of platinum are estimated at 80,000 tons, with the main deposits located on the territory of five states. South Africa and Zimbabwe, Russia and China, and the United States contain about nine-tenths of the world's platinum reserves. Canada, South America and other countries own small deposits.

However, there are estimates that allow 90% of crude platinum to be attributed to South African mines. Which, of course, indicates not so much the exclusivity of South Africa, but the insufficiency of geological exploration of the bowels of the rest of the Earth.

Natural compounds of platinum

Pure platinum is rarely found in nature. Native platinum is usually a mixture of several metals with a predominance of platinum itself. The most typical of the compounds are defined as minerals.
Polyxene contains from 80 to 88% platinum and about 10% iron. Cuproplatin, in addition to the noble metal, contains up to 14% copper and about the same amount of iron. Nickel platinum (located in vein deposits mixed with iron, copper and nickel) is well known.

It happens that platinum combines with sulfur (the mineral cooperite), and with arsenic (sperrylite), and with antimony. However, much more often natural platinum is found in combination with palladium or iridium. Other metals of the platinum group are present in ores in insignificant, as a rule, concentrations.

Particularly large platinum nuggets have not been found in nature. Not very impressive in appearance, platinum nuggets weighing 5918 g and 7860 g are stored in the Diamond Background of Russia. They were found in the alluvial deposits of Konder (Khabarovsk Territory) and Isovsky mine (Urals).

History of the development of wealth

Encountered in placers since ancient times, platinum was not of interest to Europeans. The peoples of northern Asia acted most practically, using platinum grain as shot or buckshot. However, the South American Inca and Chibcha tribes, who mined a lot of gold and silver in the Andes, treated platinum with great reverence. Not knowing how to properly process the refractory metal, they kept platinum as a gift from the gods, and used it in cult rituals.

The Spaniards, who contemptuously called the new metal “silver”, figured out how to fake gold with the help of platinum. It is very profitable to take platinum at a bargain price (half the price of silver) and add it to a gold alloy. Mixed with gold in relatively small amounts, platinum does not change the color of the alloy. But it allows you to save expensive material!

That is why the Spanish authorities ordered to drown platinum: partly directly in Colombia, partly already in Spain. And they drowned until the Madrid court itself decided to earn extra money by counterfeiting. Looking at the tricks of those in power, naturalists became interested in the new metal, and, after conducting a series of research experiments, first in 1750, and again in 1803, they isolated pure platinum from scattered samples.

It took another 30 years for Julius Scaliger, a chemist from Italy, to provide irrefutable evidence: platinum is a chemical element, and not dirty gold or silver spoiled with impurities. However, Scaliger had predecessors who claimed the same thing 80 years before him - but the science of those years was not very hasty. In fact, recognition of platinum came only in the ΧΙΧ century.

The English engineer William Wollaston (discoverer of rhodium and palladium) suggested making vessels from platinum for the production of concentrated acids. The offer turned out to be sensible, and the demand for the metal increased.

Russia, which at that time had relatively rich deposits of platinum, began minting coins from it ten years after the start of mining the precious metal. There was no practical use for the precious metal in Russia for a long time, and all supplies (more than 16 tons of refined platinum) were sold to England in 1867.

As it happened both before and later, and not only with the Russian rulers, they simply did not consider the potential of their “titmouse in their hands”.

Physical and chemical properties of platinum

In appearance, platinum resembles silver, but is darker and dimmer than it. The color of platinum is characterized as grayish-white; in compounds, the purity of the color decreases. The melting point is high: 1768.3°C. Hardness does not exceed three and a half units according to Mohs. The crystal structure of platinum is cubic. In nature, platinum crystals are found in vein deposits and nuggets.

Platinum is chemically stable, but reacts with hot aqua regia. Dissolves in bromine. When heated, it reacts with a few metals and non-metals. Dissolves molecular hydrogen. Known as an active catalyst for the processes of oxidation and addition of hydrogen. In particular, spongy platinum is capable of provoking the ignition of a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen at low gas temperatures. Before the invention of matches, lighters using this principle were widely produced.

Application of platinum

In modern conditions, the demand for platinum is growing, and its use is intensifying. Until the middle of the last century, at least half of the mined platinum was consumed by jewelers, and a few percent by dental prosthetists and doctors.
Jewelry platinum (especially processed with rhodium) is an excellent material for creating frames for colorless and white stones, pearls, topazes, gems with a subtle color.

Until recently, Japan (now replaced by China) remained the main consumer of platinum jewelry: there, platinum rings are as common as gold jewelry. In China, up to 25 tons of jewelry made of platinum are sold annually.

Growth in demand for jewelry platinum and platinum group metals is also observed in Europe. However, platinum jewelry is not popular in Russia: only 0.1% of the world's platinum jewelry is sold in Russia.

The lion's share (at least 90%) of the mined metal goes into industry. Platinum is used to produce devices for the chemical industry: laboratory glassware and equipment, filters, electrodes. At least half of technical platinum is used for the production of all kinds of catalysts, including automotive ones.

Not without platinum and electrical engineering, and glass production. Platinum or platinum contacts are not afraid of discharge arcs. Platinum dies are used to make fiberglass.

The space industry without the stability of platinum as an electrically conductive, corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant material would hardly have reached today's heights. One of the mass standards is made of an alloy of platinum and iridium: it is a cylinder 39 mm high and also 39 mm in diameter.

Platinum is also used as a bank metal: the cost of platinum is consistently high, the price increase is constant; as an investment object, this noble metal is very profitable!

Unused in the past, today platinum is in demand more than ever. And if humanity either wants to or does not want to send space tractors for hypothetical golden asteroids, then an expedition will be equipped for a celestial body made of platinum without hesitation: the unique properties of the noble metal are so useful.

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The most valuable of metals

The history of the discovery of metal sends us back several thousand years. Opinions are divided about when platinum was discovered. Some scholars argue that this metal was known and actively used by such ancient civilizations as the Incas, Aztecs and Maya tribes. However, these civilizations existed so long ago that there is no reliable data on this.

The version of other researchers sounds more likely. Platinum was discovered by man in the 18th century in South America. At that time, people did not know its enormous value and treated platinum with disdain. Because of its resemblance to silver and because of the inability to melt it.

Today, the value of platinum is well known to man. According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the price of platinum is 1,743.75 rubles per gram.

The chemical composition of platinum

In its pure form, like other precious metals, platinum is rare. The most common are nuggets, in which most (80% -88%) is platinum, and the rest is iron. This variety is called polyxene. There are also varieties containing nickel (about 3% nickel), palladium (from 7% to 40% palladium), iridium, rhodium (up to 5% rhodium).

In the periodic table it is called Platina, has the designation Pt. Group - 10, period - 6, atomic number - 78, atomic mass - 195.084 g / mol. Platinum does not interact with most elements. However, under the influence of high temperatures, the reaction may occur.

Platinum reacts with:

  • "royal vodka" - dissolves in it at normal temperature;
  • sulfuric acid - dissolves in concentrate, at elevated temperatures;
  • liquid bromine - dissolves in concentrate, at elevated temperatures;

When exposed to high temperatures:

  • alkalis;
  • sodium peroxide;
  • halogens;
  • sulfur;
  • carbon (forms a solid solution);
  • selenium;
  • silicon (forms a solid solution);
  • oxygen (forms volatile oxides).

Metal is a good catalyst. As a catalyst, it is indispensable in industry.

Has a cubic face-centered crystal lattice

In the free state, the metal is a monatomic molecule

Physical Properties

In nature, it is most often found in the form of gray-white nuggets ranging in size from small grains to stones weighing 8 kg.

Main physical characteristics:

  • ρ = 21.09-21.45 g/cm3;
  • Melting point - 1768.3 ᵒС;
  • Boiling point - 3825 ᵒС;
  • Thermal conductivity - 71.6 W / m × K;
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale - 3.5.

Platinum without impurities is a diamagnet. However, more often in nature it occurs in the form of polyxene, which is magnetized. It has high electrical conductivity and ductility (ductility and ductility).

The metal is most actively used in the chemical industry. Due to its ductility and electrical conductivity, it is suitable for the manufacture of sulfuric acid, as well as laboratory chemical glassware, which is subjected to high temperatures.

The metal is widely used in the electrical industry, if necessary, plating, as a coating of various elements of electrical devices.

Platinum as a catalyst is indispensable in the oil refining industry.

In addition, the value of the metal is great in the automotive, glass, monetary industries, in jewelry, medicine (especially in dentistry).

Platinum mining

The championship in the extraction of the precious metal belongs to Russia, South Africa, Canada, the USA, Colombia. Annual production is 36 tons of metal.

The Americans were the first to mine platinum. Russia discovered platinum much later, in 1819 in the Urals. Subsequently, several more deposits of valuable metal were discovered. Already in 1828, production in Russia was 1.5 tons. That significantly exceeded the results of South America. At the end of the 19th century, Russia became the undisputed leader and received 40 times more valuable metal than all other countries.

The current leader is South Africa. Russia is in second place and produces about 25 tons per year. The world reserves of platinum today amount to approximately 80 thousand tons and are divided between South Africa, Russia and America.

artificial platinum

Platinum is considered a rare, precious metal. Its extraction and subsequent rather complicated and time-consuming process. Nevertheless, it is widely used in almost all areas of industry and human life. Its price is quite high and the decrease is not expected. The demand for the metal is growing, and its quantity in nature is only decreasing. In order to make the metal more accessible and somewhat reduce its cost, the World Investment Council decided to artificially synthesize this metal. The Russian scientific center "Synthestech" also takes an active part in this issue. For the production of artificial platinum, the cold transmutation method is used.

Gold and platinum the most expensive metals that have found their application not only in the creation of amazing jewelry, but also in banking.

From time immemorial, the consumer asks the question: what is better platinum or gold? What is the difference? What to choose?

The constant confrontation of these two metals in the economic market caused the price of gold to fluctuate relative to platinum. Within one month, the price could repeatedly change, either decreasing or increasing.

However, although platinum is an expensive metal, it was and remains in the shadow of gold, its value is less.

Price of gold and platinum:

  • The price of gold is currently $2960.96. per gram. find out here.
  • The current price of platinum is 1750.86 p. per gram.

What determines the price of gold and platinum?

The cost of metals is determined by their scope, technological characteristics and properties.

Properties and characteristics of metals:

  1. Platinum is much heavier in weight because it has a higher density.
  2. Gold is more susceptible to oxidation and heat than platinum. The "yellow metal" has less anti-corrosion properties, but platinum is much stronger than gold, it is almost impossible to scratch it.
  3. Platinum has a higher purity, therefore, unlike gold, it does not cause any allergic reactions.

Fundamentals of Platinum

The consumer often chooses platinum for their jewelry as a basis for investment.

Platinum has found wide application in almost all spheres of life and industry, it is especially often used in electronics. Therefore, the level of demand practically does not depend on the consumer of factors of the development of the world economy. This determines a more stable price for the metal.

History of platinum

The acquaintance of mankind with platinum happened in the distant 16th century, at the moment when gray grains of platinum were encountered during gold mining. For the first time it was mistaken for damaged parts of gold, therefore it was nicknamed "rotten gold" or "silver", which means spoiled, bad silver.

Taking platinum for a completely unnecessary metal, so that it does not spoil the purity of the minted coins of the Spaniards, they threw it away.

Although according to some sources, platinum was known to the ancient Egyptians, who used this beautiful, noble metal to decorate the throne of the pharaohs. During the time of King Louis XVI, it was platinum that was equated with the metal of kings.

Properties of platinum

Platinum is considered an expensive, noble metal that has a sulfur hue. In nature, platinum can be found as nuggets.

Exactly grayish platinum many people call it the queen of metals, due to how elegant it looks in jewelry.

Platinum is used as an alloy with gold, which is the most durable and expensive composition.

Elements that are found together with platinum during mining are classified into one group - platinoids, which have the same characteristics: high melting point, fire resistance.

These metals include: iridium, ruthenium, palladium, osmium. The entire group of platinoids is characterized by resistance to chemical reagents, wear resistance and strength.

Platinum mining

To date Platinum is one of the most expensive metals, it has been widely used in fields such as medicine, jewelry, accessories, chemical industry, etc.

Extraction of nuggets is carried out at the mines, with preliminary geological exploration, by the method of schlich sampling. For the first time, centralized mining of this grayish metal was organized in 1805 by the British in the mines of South America.

In the modern world, platinum is obtained using a concentrate of platinum metals.

Back in 1748, the famous platinum mines were located exclusively in the Old World in America. For the first time, Europeans did not appreciate the merits of this noble metal and put the cost below silver.

However, later the masters of jewelry realized that when platinum and gold are combined, the most durable composition is obtained, with low investment.

From that moment on, crafts and jewelry made of gold with the addition of platinum began to be produced in Europe. Because of this, representatives of the royal families ordered to drown platinum in the sea and stop its import to European countries.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Russia became the leader in mining, after huge placers of platinum were found in the Urals in 1824. Entire districts and regions for the extraction of platinum were created here. Once in the Urals, a nugget weighing more than 9 kg was found and subsequently melted down.

By the end of the 19th century, there were already extensive studies of platinum and experiments in its application. In 1828, Russia began issuing coins from platinum interspersed with silver, at first with a denomination of 3,6,12.

Although, 20 years later, an order was issued to stop the minting of coins from platinum, and all existing rubles were withdrawn. This was due to the fact that Europe at that moment already understood the true value of this metal and hastily raised its value.

In 1915, according to history, Russia mined almost 95% of the platinum in the whole world, 5% remained for Colombia. The first and second world wons slightly suspended the volume of the mined metal, and immediately after the end, the data on the platinum mining industry became secret.

At the moment, the following countries have taken the lead in the extraction of this noble metal:

  • South Africa - 110 tons;
  • Russia - 25 tons;
  • Zimbabwe - 11 tons;
  • Canada - 7.5 tons;
  • America - 3.5 tons.

At the moment, the leader in the extraction of platinum in Russia is the MMC Norilsk Nickel.

Application of platinum

Platinum and related platinum group metals such as rhodium, iridium, osmium, ruthenium are used in almost every area of ​​industry and human activity. This is due to the high density and strength of the materials, it is hardy and has good wear resistance.

From metals of the platinoids group, special heat-resistant dishes for ovens and microwave ovens are produced. Also, metals are used for the production of acid-resistant factory equipment used in industrial facilities in the chemical sector.

Platinum is directly used as a catalyst for the manufacture of high-octane gasoline, the noble metal is involved in the hydrogenation of aromatic amines, as well as in all chlorination processes.

Platinum is an important component for the hydrogenation of pharmacological products and is widely used in the production of:

  • Synthetic paints;
  • insecticides,
  • Pesticides;
  • Herbicides and similar fertilizers.

After lengthy research and experimentation, gray metal has been widely used in the field of medicine and pharmacology, for example:

  • For artificial heart devices and maintenance of cardio-muscular activity special platinum-iridium electrodes are used. Due to the fact that platinum price, which is quite affordable, does not oxidize, practically does not cause allergies.
  • For those patients who have been diagnosed with malignant neoplasms, a special platinum complex has been developed, which helps to reduce the development of tumors and metastases.
  • For the manufacture of metric standards, use the entire platinum group of metals: kilogram standards, platinum-iridium cylinders.
  • In the field of dental prosthetics platinum has become widespread. This metal is used to produce dentures, crowns, as well as specialized denture equipment, which contributes to the further development of new technologies in prosthetics and dentistry.

"Platinum mirrors", i.e. mirrors with a special coating of platinum crumbs, are widely used in police departments, secret services, etc. On the one hand, this is an ordinary mirror, on the other hand, it is a transparent glass, which is often used in gaming halls and casinos.

The range of use of this grayish, noble metal is huge, platinum is used in the aviation industry, it is indispensable in shipbuilding, in various areas of the chemical industry.

It is platinum that is taken as the basis in the areas of:

  • Automotive;
  • Production of mirrors, glasses;
  • In the field of electronics;
  • Electrical engineering;
  • In the development of fuses, contacts, etc.

Demand, both consumer and industrial, for platinum is huge all over the world.

Platinum in jewelry

And, of course, everyone knows that it is thanks to platinum that the most amazing jewelry is created: jewelry, accessories.

As far back as the end of the 18th century, jewelry craftsmen presented amazing platinum jewelry to sophisticated women. The use of this metal in products was considered a sign of family well-being and a high level of prosperity, because not everyone could afford it.

At the moment, leading jewelry manufacturers are increasingly offering platinum jewelry and accessories to the world market. Now it is also a sign of respectability and good taste.

Often, recently, it is platinum that is chosen as the main metal for wedding and engagement rings.

The platinum setting perfectly harmonizes with diamonds, the metal does not darken, does not change color, on the contrary, restraint and meekness only emphasize the splendor of diamonds.

Sometimes, platinum is used not for the main cut, but for fixing the stone, looking under the stone in a ring or pendant, you can see a point of a grayish alloy. The cost of a product with platinum is higher than that of gold jewelry, due to the fact that platinum will never wear out or deteriorate. The metal does not change its shape, so there is no possibility that the stone may fall out of the setting.

Platinum mining in Russia

Today, just like centuries ago, Russia ranks first in the world in platinum mining. It was for the first time that she used platinum as an exchange material.

After huge deposits of platinum were discovered in the Urals, a platinum rush began. Many residents of the northern regions, not knowing the cost of this noble element, used the metal to create shots in their guns.

For the first time, a platinum spoon was presented to the Tsar of All Rus' Alexander I, after which coins were issued - payniks. Much has changed, but now, just like a hundred years ago, platinum tableware is considered a sign of luxury.

Which metal is better to choose for investment?

The cost of platinum and gold has changed more than once, falling and rising relative to each other. Previously, due to its wide distribution, platinum was much more expensive than gold, but about 2-3 years ago the situation changed dramatically. Now in the ranking of the most expensive metals - gold is in the lead.

why is platinum more expensive than gold? The cost of platinum is due to the fact that it was added to monetary gold, after which a rush demand began for the metal.

However, the events of 2008, namely the economic crisis, led to a drop in the cost of platinum by almost 3 times, along with the fact that gold did not fall in price.

Demand for platinum is determined by the viability of the industry in which this material is consistently used.

Also, the price and stability of gold is explained by the fact that it is in gold that the gold and foreign exchange reserve is stored. And so far, no one is going to reform the current situation.

This is explained by the fact that today the investment trends of platinum investors are not too great. After all, the archetype of gold has firmly settled in the minds of people as a traditional metal for investments and an investment tool. Most people associate gold with power, wealth, and luxury.

Traditionally, especially for Asian countries, it is gold that is a symbol of abundance. This statement applies to countries such as China and India, where gold imports are actively developing, the price of which is dictated by world demand.

Therefore, at the moment it is better to invest in gold.
